Unione Mondiale per la Pace e i Diritti Fondamentali dell’Uomo e dei Popoli
World Union for Peace Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples

Unione Mondiale per la Pace e i Diritti Fondamentali dell’Uomo e dei Popoli | World Union for Peace Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples


(R)Evolution Let’s Change Now ! – http://www.leadrevolution.org
100X Development Foundation – http://www.100xdevelopment.com
123 gs
21st Century Frontiers – http://www.21st-century-frontiers.net
31st December Women’s Movement – http://www.31stdwm.org
350 Vermont – http://www.350vermont.org
3BL Associates – http://www.3blassociates.com
3D – Trade – Human Rights – Equitable Economy – http://www.3dthree.org
3D Revolving Fund Initiative
7 Star Ggs Tv Channel Broadcasting Association – http://www.ggsnews.com
7 star ggsnews tv channel – http://www.ggsnews.com
7 System – http://www.7-system.com
8th Day Center for Justice – http://www.8thdaycenter.org
A Better Community For All Sierra Leone – http://www.ABC4All.net/local/Sierra%20Leone/localabc4allsierraleone.htm
A Better Life International Development Agency
A Breeze of Hope Foundation – http://www.abreezeofhope.org
A Celebration of Women Foundation Inc. – http://www.acelebrationofwomen.org
A Foundation – http://www.a-01.net
A Juventude Pensa Verde
A la Vista! Communication Sociale – http://www.alavistatv.net
A Nu Foundation Trust – http://www.empirewashitaw.org
A P Human Rights Council – http://www.hrcindia.org
A Perfect Execution
A Rocha International – http://www.arocha.org
A Seed Japan – http://www.aseed.org/english/
A. Lachkepiani Georgian Association of Child Neurologists and Neurosurgeons – http://www.childneurology.ge
A3 Foundation nig – http://www.thea3foundation.org
Aarhus Information Centre
Abaawa Hagar Saah Memorial Foundation
Abant Izzet Baysal University – http://www.ibu.edu.tr
Abdul Momen Khan Memorial Foundation (Khan Foundation) – http://www.khan-foundation.org
ABI Humanitarian Foundation – http://www.abihumanitarian.org
Abibimman Foundation – http://www.abibimmanfoundation.org
ABILITY Awareness – http://www.abilityawareness.org/
Ability Focus
Abiodun Adebayo Welfare Foundation – http://www.abiodunadebayowelfare-foundation.org
Abo Mosa Al Ashary Social Charitable Association
Aboriginal Life in Vancouver Enhancement – http://www.alivesociety.ca
Aboriginal Medical Service Western Sydney – http://www.amsws.org.au
Aboriginal Moabite Nation
ABRELPE – http://www.abrelpe.org.br
Abuprodi Burundi – http://www.saemaul.com
Acacia Development Society
Acacia Fundación Ambiental A. C.
Academia de Letras do Brasil/Suíça – http://www.albswiss.blogspot.ch/
Academia Real Portuguesa de Ciências – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Academie Diplomatique Africaine
Académie Héraldique de Saint Paul
Académie St. John – http://www.academiestjohn.org/home.html
Academy for Advacement in environmental and occupational health sciences society
Academy for Future Science – http://www.affsafrica.org
Academy of Engineering self for training and development Network
Ação Ecológica Guaporé – Ecoporé – http://www.ecopore.org.br
Acao Voluntaria de Atitude dos Movimentos por Transparencia Social
Ação, Ética & Cidadania – http://www.aecidadania.org.br
Accademia del Dipartimento Internazionale per il Turismo Spettacolo e Comunicazioni Sociali IIRD – http://www.iird.org
Accademia del Dipartimento Internazionale per la Cultura e L’ istruzione IIRD – http://www.iird.org
Accademia Internazionale Di Alta Cultura Nicholas Roerich
Accademia Internazionale di Alti Studi Helena Petrovna Blavatsky ( Emanazionde dell’Istituto Internazionale per le Relazioni Diplomatiche-IIRD ) – http://www.iird.org
Accademia Internazionale di Alti Studi MOCTEZUMA – http://www.iird.org
ACCADEMIA INTERNAZIONALE DI ALTI STUDI ARALDICI “Giovanni Battista di Crollalanza Emanazione dell’Istituto Internazionale per le Relazioni Diplomatiche – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Accademia Internazionale Per Gli Alti Studi Di Mongolistica – http://www.iird.org
Accademia Internazionale per lo Studio dei Popoli Nomadi Tauranian – http://www.iird.org
Accademica di Diritto Internazionale e Diplomatico – http://www.iird.org
Access Bangladesh Foundation – http://www.accessbangladesh.org
Access Bank Plc
Access Tourism New Zealand – http://www.accesstourismnz.org.nz
Accion Ecologica – http://www.accionecologica.org
Acción Internacional por la Salud Bolivia – http://www.aisbol.org
ACCIÓN, Asociacion Chilena de ONG, – http://www.accionag.cl
ACDI/VOCA – http://www.acdivoca.org
ACHE Internacional – http://www.acheinternacional.org
Acid Survivors Foundation – http://www.acidsurvivorspakistan.org
Ações para Preservação dos Recursos Naturais e Desenvolvimento Economico Racional – APRENDER – http://www.aprender.org.br
Acropetal Lead Organization
ACT – Aliança de Controle do Tabagismo – http://www.actbr.org.br
ACT Alliance – Action by Churches Together – http://www.actalliance.org
Act of Grace 145 – http://www.actofgrace145.com
Action & Développement
Action 24 – http://www.action24zim.org
Action Against Climate Change – http://www.aaccliberia.blogspot.com
Action Against Global Warming
Action Canada for Population and Development – http://www.acpd.ca
Action Center For Rural Community Development
Action Centre for Rural Community Development
Action Communautaire de Solidarite et d’Intervention Sociale – http://www.acsishaiti.com
Action Communautaire Femme et Enfant – http://www.acfeong.org
Action des Chrétiens activistes des droits de l’homme à Shabunda – http://www.acadhosha.org
Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire – http://www.acdn.net
Action for Collective Tribal Improvement and Vocational Education – http://www.activeindia.org
Action for Collective Tribal Improvement and Vocational Education – ACTIVE – http://www.activeindia.org
Action for Green Earth – AGE India – http://www.ageglobal.org
Action for Humanitarian Development
Action for Integrated Rural and Tribal Development Social Service Society – http://www.airtds.org/
Action for Protection of Wild Animals – http://www.apowa.org.in
Action for Reconstruction and Reingrategration Services, Inc.
Action for Research and Development Programme
Action For Rural Development
Action for Social and Human Right Awareness
Action for Sustainable Development and Health Care
Action for Women and Child Concern – http://www.facebook.com/actionforwomenandchildconcern
Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration ETC Group – http://www.etcgroup.org
Action Humaine pour le Développement Intégré au Sénégal – http://www.ahdis.org
Action Institute for Environmental Development Communication – http://www.action.co.zw
Action Jeunesse pour le Développement
Action Nationale pour l’Education au Développement Durable
Action of Human Movement (AHM) – http://www.ahmngo.org
Action on Disability and Development – http://www.add.org.uk
Action on Disability and Development, Bangladesh – http://www.add.org.bd
Action on Disability and Youth empowerment (ADYD)
Action on Smoking and Health – http://www.ash.org
Action Oriented Minds – http://www.aomliberia.blogspot.com
Action pour la Protection en Afrique des Déplacés Internes et des Migrants Environnementaux – http://www.apadime.o
Action pour la Solidarité et le Développement – http://www.asodev.cd
Action pour le Developpement de l’Agriculture et de la Peche avec Protection Environnementale de Likende (ADAPEL) – http://www.adapel.org
Action pour un Developpement Equitable, Integre et Durable
Action pour une Gestion Rationelle de l’Environnement en Mauritaine
Action Sensibilisation sur les Nouvelles Technologies de L’Information et de la Communication – http://www.asntic.org
Action Sociale Internationale
Action Sociale pour la conservation de l’Environnement
Action Solidaire de la Jeunesse pour le Développement Communautaire
Action Volontaire pour la Lutte Contre les Changements Climatiques et les Effets Negatifs du Soufre du Diesel – http://www.avochaclisd.org
Action Works Nepal – http://www.actionworksnepal.org
Actions – Développement des Communes Rurales
Actions communautaires pour le développement integral – http://www.acdirdc.com
Actions de Développement Intègre et Durable
Actions des Tacherons pour le Développement Urbain et rural
Actions en Faveur de l’Homme et de la Nature
Actions et interventions pour le développement et l’encadrement social
Actions pour le Development Integre au Kivu
Actions Vitales pour le Développement durable
ACTIVE – Sobriety, Friendship and Peace – http://www.activeeurope.org
Active Help Organization
Active Remedy Ltd. – http://www.activeremedy.org.uk
Acton Institute – http://www.acton.org
Ad Hoc Conciliation Commission of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina
Ada Lovelace International – CSO – http://www.ada-lovelace.org
Adaleh Center for Human Rights Studies – http://www.adaleh-center.org
ADC International,Inc – http://www.adcint.org
Adéquations – http://www.adequations.org/
ADESCP-ACP(Association pour l’appui au développement, économique social et culturel des communautés pauvres d’Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique)
Adharshila – http://www.adharshilatrust.org/
Aditi Samaj Sewi Sanstha
Adivasi Chhatra Sangh
ADIVASI STUDENT & YOUTH DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY – http://www.adivasistudentyouthdevelopmentsociety.blogspot.com
Admiral Development Organization – http://www.admiral.dev.org.com
AdP Villes en Developpement – http://www.ville-developpement.org
ADRA Deutschland e.V. – http://www.adra.de
Adventist Development and Relief Agency – http://www.adra.org
Adventist Health International – http://www.adventisthealthinternational.org/
Advisory Commission of the Evangelical Church in Germany – http://www.ekd.de
Advisory Committee for the Protection of the Sea – http://www.acops.org
Advocacy for Health, Education, Agriculture and Development, Inc.
Advocacy Initiative for Development – http://www.aidsl.org
Advocacy Initiative for Development (AID) – http://www.advocacyinitiative.org
Advocacy Network for Small Scale Enterprises
Advocacy Through Filming and Screening Uganda
Advocates coalition for Development and Environment
Advocates for International Development
Advocates For Safe Parenthood: Improving Reproductive Equity-ASPIRE
Aequalia – http://www.aequalia.org
Affirmative Action on Gender Equality Network – http://www.aggen2011.blogspot.com/p/about.html
AFG Consultores – http://www.afgconsultores.com.br
Afghan Amputee Bicyclists for Rehabilitation And Recreation – http://www.aabrar.org.af
Afghan Development Foundation
Afghan Youth for Social Development
Afghanistan Islamic Medical Association
Afghanistan Youth Development Capacity Building Programs Association
AFIC ( Association des Femmes Ingénieures au Cameroun)
Africa Asia Scholars Global Network – http://www.aasgon.net
Africa Business Initiative Network
Africa Centre for Citizens Orientation – http://www.africacore.org
Africa Centre for HIV/Aids Management – http://www.aidscentre.sun.ac.za
Africa Challenge Foundation – http://www.africachallengefoundation.org
Africa Coalition on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health – http://www.africamnchcoalition.net
Africa Culture Internationale – http://www.africaculture.info
Africa Designs – http://www.africadesigns.org
Africa Development Studies Center
Africa Environmental Security Network
Africa Environmental Watch, Inc. – http://www.africaenvironmentalwatch.org
Africa Freedom of Information Centre – http://www.africafoicentre.org
Africa Friends Association – http://www.africaquerote.com
Africa Health Research Organization – http://www.afrihero.org
Africa Health, Human and Social Development (Afri-Dev) – http://www.afri-dev.net
Africa Heritage Foundation Inc. 501 C3 – http://www.africaheritagefoundation.org
Africa Hope Alive Initiative
Africa I Care
Africa Initiative for the Needy Uganda – http://www.ainuganda.viviti.com
Africa Institute of Organization Development – http://www.africainstituteod.com
Africa Justice Foundation – http://www.africajusticefoundation.org
Africa Legal Aid – http://www.africalegalaid.org/
Africa Millennium Development Network – http://www.afrinetdevelopment.org
Africa Muslim Federation – http://www.amfs.za.org
Africa Network for Animal Welfare – http://www.anaw.org
Africa Network for Social Change and Enviromental Protection
Africa Nihon Kyougi-Kai – http://www.ajf.gr.jp
Africa Partnership on Climate Change Coalition – http://www.envay.org/apccc
Africa Public Health Alliance & 15% Campaign – http://www.africapublichealth.org
Africa Safe Water Foundation
Africa Sustainable Investment Forum (AfricaSIF.org) – http://www.africasif.org
AFRICA TURK ASSOCIATON – http://www.afroturk.com
Africa Women Independent Forum
Africa Youth Association – Scientific & Cultural
Africa Youth Coalition Against Hunger Sierra Leone – http://www.aycahinternational.org
Africa Youth Development Center
Africa Youth for Peace and Development – http://www.aypad.com
Africa Youth Growth Foundation – http://www.aygf.org
Africa Youth United – http://www.facebook.com/pages/AYU/251663271629308
Africa Youths International Development Foundation – http://www.afyidef.org
AfricaBio – http://www.africabio.com
Africaclean Network – http://www.africaclean.net
Africalink – Africa Australia Association
African AIDS Fund Group – http://www.africanaidsfund.org
African Alliance for Health, Rural and Environmental Sustainability
African American Thinktank – http://www.AATHINKTANK.COM
African Artists for Development – http://www.aad-fund.org
African Arts Institute – http://www.afai.org.za
African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE) – http://www.africanremotesensing.org
African Ball & Community Development – http://www.abacode.org
African Business Roundtable – http://www.abrnetwork.org
African Centre for Advocacy and Human Development – http://www.african-advocacygrp.org
African Centre for Community and Development – http://www.africancentreforcommunity.com/
African Centre for ICTs in Education and Development – http://www.africicted.za.org
African Centre for Trade and Development – http://www.actade.org
African Child Care Foundation – http://www.africanchildcare.com
African Child Initiative
African Child Peace Initiative
African Citizens Development Foundation – http://www.acdfinternational.org
African Citizen’s Empowerment Foundation, Nigeria – http://www.acefnigeria.wordpress.com
African Climate Change Fellowship Programme
African Cocoa & Coffee Farmers’ Marketing Organization – http://www.accfmo.org
African Community Fund for Education – http://www.acfegroup.org
African Computer and Technology Literacy Awareness Program (ACTLAP) Inc. – http://www.actlap.org
African Conservation Tillage Network – http://www.ww.act-africa.org
African Consumer Protection Network – http://www.africa-cpn.org
African Council of AIDS Service Organizations – http://www.africaso.net
African Development Agriculture Environment Project Analysis Network Forum
African Development and Advocacy Centre – http://www.afridac.org
African Development Solutions (ADESO)
African Environmental Action Network. – http://www.Eanet-africa.org
African Forest Forum – http://www.afforum.org
African Forum for Rural Development, Inc. – http://www.affrdev.org
African Foundation for Development – http://www.afford-uk.org
African Foundation for Environment and Climate Change
African Green Foundation International – http://www.africangreenfoundation.org
African Heart Network – http://www.ahnetwork.org
African Heritage Foundation for Human Deevlopment
African Heritage Foundation Nigeria – http://www.africanheritageng.org
African Hope Committee Inc. – http://www.afriquehope.org
African Institute for Health and Development – http://www.aihdint.org
African Leadership Community link Advancement program
African Library Solution and Development – http://www.alisod.org
African Markets Initiative – http://www.ami-africa.org
African Monitor – http://www.africanmonitor.org
African Network for Policy Research and Advocacy for Sustainability – http://www.anpras.org
African Organisation for Research and Training in Cancer – http://www.aortic.org
African Palliative Care Association – http://www.apca.org.ug
African Peace Network – http://www.apnetngo.org
African Reformers Organisation
AFRICAN REFUG E – http://www.africanrefuge.org
African Rescue Committee – http://www.afrec.org
African Revolution Movement
African Rights Initiative International – http://www.ariint.org
African Roundtable on Sustainable Consumption and Production (ARSCP) – http://www.arscp.org
African Rural Community Development and Advancement Initiative – http://www.arcdinitative.org
African Scientific Institute – http://www.asi-org.net
African Sky – http://www.africansky.org
African Tobacco Control Alliance – http://www.atca-africa.org
African Underprivileged Children’s Foundation – http://www.aucf-ng.org
African Union of Conservationists (AUC) – http://www.afruc.org
African Views Organization a NJ Nonprofit Corporation – http://www.africanviews.org
African Wildlife Foundation – http://www.awf.org
African Women Leaders In Agriculture and Environment
African Women’s Active Nonviolence Initiatives for Social Change – http://www.awanich.org
African Women’s Alliance, Inc. – http://www.awa-connect.org
African Women’s Economic Policy Network – AWEPON – http://www.awepon.net
African Young Scientists Initiative on Climate Change and Indigenous Knowledge Systems – http://www.aysiccik.blog.com
African Youth Association of Non-Governmental Organization (AYANGO) – http://www.ayango.org
African Youth Development Foundation – Nigeria – http://www.inspireyouths.org
African Youth for Transparency (AYFT) – http://www.ayftafrica.ca
African Youth Movement – http://www.africanyouthmovement.org
African Youth Network
African Youth Network for Sustainable Development
African Youth Unite for Change Sierra Leone
african-brirish returnees international – http://www.afribritishreturnees.org
African-German Youth Arts Culture & Science Association – http://www.ayacsa.org
African-Union Chamber of Commerce – http://www.african-union.za.org
Afri-Carriat Energie
Africa’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Africa-USA Trade Center
Africavenir – http://www.africavenir-av.org
Afrigrowth Foundation – http://www.afrigrowth.org
Afrihealth Information Projects/Afrihealth Optonet Association
Afrika Initiati e e.V. Germany – http://www.afrikainitiative.de
Afrika Re Coopération – http://www.afrikarecooperation.org
Afrique Internationale pour le Developpement et l’Environnement au 21è Siècle – http://www.aide21.org
Afrique Paix et développement – http://www.afriquepaixetdeveloppement.wifeo.com
Afrique Profonde – http://www.afriqueprofonde.org
Afrique Youth Council and Education Network
Afro Global Alliance – http://www.afroglobal.org
Afrobizsense – http://www.afrobizsense.org
Afro-European Medical and Research Network – http://www.aemrnetwork.ch
Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance – http://www.akdn.org/akam
Agalean One Komyuniti (A1K) Development Association Inc – http://www.facebook.com/agaleankomyuniti
Agalliao Development Initiative – http://www.facbook.com/agalliaodevelopmentinitiative
Agar Vision Africa Initiative – http://www.avainitiative.org
AGE Platform Europe – http://www.age-platform.eu/
Ageing Research Foundation of India
Agence Consultative en Ethique de la Cooperation Internationale – ACECI – http://www.aceci.org
Agence d’aide a la cooperation technique et au developpement – http://www.acted.org
Agence de Developpement Durable de Cote d’Ivoire
Agence de l’Environnement et de Maîtrise de l’Energie – http://www.ademe.fr
Agence Djiboutienne de Développement Social
Agence Haitienne de Developpement Social Educatif et Environnemental – http://www.facebook.com/ahdseehaiti
Agence Internationale pour le Developpement – http://www.aide-federation.org
Agence pour le Développement Intégré au Congo
Agência Brasileira de Gerenciamento Costeiro – http://www.agenciacosteira.org.br
Agência de Desenvolvimento Regional do Extremo Oeste do Paraná – http://www.adeop.org.br
Agencia Latinoamericana de Informacion (ALAI)
Agencia Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico Social e Defesa Ambiental – http://www.andesa.org.br
Agência Nacional de Desenvolvimento Eco-Social – http://www.andesbrasil.org.br
Agência Paulista de Promoção de Investimentos e Competitividade – http://www.investesp.org.br
Agency for African Families in Distress – http://www.aafid.org
Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development (ACORD) – http://www.acordinternational.org
Agency for Cooperation, Education and Development – http://www.aced.ba
Agency for Health and Food Security
Agency for Human Development (AHD)
Agenda 21 Itapua – http://www.agenda21itapua.blogspot.com.br/
Agenda 21 Vacaria-RS-Brasil – http://www.agenda21vacaria.com
Agenda Ciudadana por el Desarrollo y la Corresponsabilidad Social A.C. – http://www.agendaciudadana-ac.org
Agenda Developers
Agenda Pública – Agência de Análise e Cooperação em Políticas Públicas – http://www.agendapublica.org.br
AGEN-USA Inc. – http://www.agentz.org/
Agenzia Nazionale Dell ‘ Immigazione – http://www.AGENZIANAZIONALEDELLIMMIGRAZIONE.ORG
AGFortunato Consulting
Aggrupation of Advocates for Environmental Protection (AGAP) Bulusan, Inc. – http://www.preservebvnp.net|http://www.agapbulusan.org
AGIP KCO – http://www.agipkco.com
Agirre Lehendakaria Center for Social and Political Studies – http://www.agirrecenter.com/
Agribusiness In Sustainable Natural African Plant Products – http://www.asnapp.org
Agribusiness Support Fund – http://www.asf.org.pk
Agricole Initiative – http://www.ia.cg
Agricultural Development Association – PARC – http://www.parc.ps
Agricultural Missions, Inc. – http://www.agriculturalmissions.org
Agriculture and Bio-Fuel Association
Agriculture and Forestry Association AC 1987
Agriculture Awareness for Sustainable Development (AASD Nepal)
AgriEnvironment and Health Development International
Agrisud International – http://www.agrisud.org
Agro Professional Care Foundation
AIBEX Asociación Internacional de ex – Becarios – http://www.aibex.eu
Aid and Service International Foundation – http://www.aidandservice.com
AID For The World
Aid for trade logistics – http://www.aidfortradelogistics.org
Aid Organization (AO) – http://www.aidorg.net
Aide aux Femmes et aux Enfants
Aide aux Femmes et Enfants
Aide Internationale pour L’enfance – http://www.aipe-cci.org/
Aide, Assistance et Développement Communautaire de Côte d’Ivoire
AIDE4Youth Concepts – http://www.aide4youth.webs.com
AIDS Foundation East-West – http://www.afew.org
AIEES – http://www.aiees.snu.ac.kr
Aiesec Cote D’ivoire – http://www.aiesec.org
AIESEC Macedonia
AIFER Asociacion Internacional Fundada para el Emprendimiento Responsable – http://www.aiferglobal.weebly.com
Aim In Life Foundation – http://www.aiminlife.com
AIMS Organization – http://www.aimspk.org
Air Transport Action Group – http://www.atag.org
AJ Foundation (Bangladesh) – http://www.aj-foundation.org
Ajans Techno – http://www.ajanstechno.com
AJAR Foundation – http://www.ajarfoundation.org
Ajemalebu Self Help – Cg
AJIZ – Union Of Development Concern – http://www.sites.google.com/site/ajizunionofdevelopmentconcern
AJVSME – http://www.ajvsme.asso-web.com
AK Khan Healthcare Trust
Akademsko Drustvo za Medunarodne Odnose
Akina Dada wa Africa – http://www.akidwa.ie
Akmena Public Association – http://www.akmena.org
Akruti Info-Tech
AKS Foundation – http://www.aksfoundation.webs.com
AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trust – http://www.akshaya-india.org
Akuaipa Waimakat Asociacion Para La Divulgacion, Promocion y Defensa De Los Derechos Humanos e Indigenas
AKUT Arama Kurtarma Dernegi – http://www.akut.org.tr
Al Afaag
Al Birr & Al Tawasul Organization – http://www.bto.org.sd
Al Muntada Al Islami Trust
Al Urdun Al Jadid Research Center – http://www.ujrc-jordan.net
Ala Plastica Foundation – http://www.alaplastica.org.ar
Alafia Actions 21
Alaknanda Ghaati Shilpi Federation
Alarth Alkhadraa and Environmental Protecton Org.
Alashanek Ya Balady Association for Sustainable Development – http://www.ayb-sd.org
Alaska Carbon Exchange – http://www.akcarbonexchange.com
Al-Awn Foundation for Development – http://www.alawn.org
Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation – http://www.laskerfoundation.org
Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Institute, Inc. – http://www.sabin.org
Albert Einstein College of Medicine Global Diabetes Initiative – http://www.einstein.yu.edu/globaldiabetesinitiative
ALCALDIA DE BUCARAMANGA COLOMBIA – http://www.bucaramanga.gov.co
Alcântara & Holstad International Consultancy – http://www.alcantaraholstad.com
Alcoa Aluminio SA – http://www.alcoa.com/brazil/pt/home.asp
Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation Ltd. (AERF) – http://www.aerf.com.au
Aldeota Global – http://www.aldeotaglobal.com
Alderman Environmental Services, Inc.
Aldet Centre-Saint Lucia
Aleanca Ekologjike Europiane Rinore – http://www.aleancaekologjike-al.com
Aleut International Association, The – http://www.aleut-international.org
Alex Ekwueme Foundation – http://www.alexekwueme.org
Alexandra Orphanage Child Care Center – http://www.isht.co.za
Alexis International Society
Alfa Consortium
ALFABETIZACAO SOLIDARIA (AlfaSol) – http://www.alfasol.org.br
Al-falah Health Organization – http://www.ahopak.org
Al-Farabi Foundation for Scientific Progress – http://www.alfarabi-iq.com
Alfattah Youth Development Academy – http://www.alfattahacademy.tripod.com
ALG Consulting Group – http://www.ALGCONSULTINGGROUP.COM
Al-Hakim Foundation – http://www.alhakimfd.org
Alhaya Erada for Sustainable Development – http://www.aidtoartisans-egypt.org
Aliance Africa
Alianza ONG – http://www.alianzaong.org.do
Alianza para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, la Ecología y el Medio Ambiente – http://www.asoprodem.org.ve
Alianza Para La Integración Comunitaria, Utopia.A.C.
Al-Imdaad Foundation – http://www.alimdaad.com
Alintilaq Organization for Development
Aliran Kesedaran Negara National Consciousness Movement
Alisogood Foundation
AlJawf Women Organization – http://www.csotwg.org
Al-Jawf Women Organization For Development – http://www.csotwg.org
Alkedo Onlus – http://www.percorsinatura.org
Al-Khair Foundation – http://www.alkhair.org
Al-khoei Foundation – http://www.alkhoei.org
All Africa Students Union – http://www.allafricastudentsunion.org
All Encompassed World Aid, Inc – http://www.AEWA.org
All Encompassed World Aid, Inc.
all inclined voulnteers association(AVIA)
All India Dhanak Organisation – http://www.dhanaksamaj.com
All India Disaster Mitigation Institute – http://www.aidmi.org
ALL INDIA HUMAN RIGHTS BUREAU – http://www.aihrb.org/
All India Movement for Seva – http://www.aimforseva.org
All India Shah Behram Baug Society (for Scientific and Educational Research) – http://www.indiayellowpages.com/zoroastrian
All India Women’s Conference – http://www.aiwc.org.in
All Karnataka Social Welfare & Youth Educational Development Society
all sindh huooq- e-insani welfare karachi
All Win Network – http://www.allwinnetwork.org
All Youth Development Organisation – http://www.ayd-org.blogspot.com
Allama Iqbal Community Center – http://www.allamaiqbalcommunitycenter.org
All-China Environment Federation
Alliance Cornerstone Positive Outreach Concepts
Alliance Creative Community Project – http://www.accpgh.org
Alliance for Africa Advancement Progress and Integrity – http://www.aaapi.org
Alliance for Africa Ltd/Gte – http://www.alliancesforafrica.org
Alliance for Children – http://www.allianceforchildren.net
Alliance for Development [Ghana] – http://www.alliancefordevelopment.net
Alliance for Development and Population Services (ADEPS) – http://www.adepskenya.kbo.co.ke
Alliance for Health Promotion – http://www.alliance4healthpromotion.org
Alliance for Refugees in South Africa – http://www.afrisa-org.net
Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy – http://www.arap.org/
Alliance for Social,Culture and Youth Advancement – http://www.mybrandcity.com
Alliance for the Environment – http://www.alifenvironment.org
Alliance for Water Stewardship – http://www.allianceforwaterstewardship.org
Alliance Globale contre les Mutilations Génitales Féminines – http://www.global-alliance-fgm.org
Alliance Internationale pour les Objectifs du Millénaire – http://www.aiodm2015.org
Alliance of Mediterranean Women Abroad
Alliance to End Childhood Lead Poisoning
Alliance Toward Harnessing Global Opportunities Corporation – http://www.athgo.org
Allibiya Assembly For Support The Rights Of Libyans Outside Libya – http://www.allibiya.org
Allliance for African Women Initiative – http://www.afawigh.org
All-Nigeria United Nations Students and Youth Association
All-Russian non-government organization «Russian Geographical society» – http://www.rgo.ru
All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH – http://www.network.org.ua
Alm Brazil International
Almadeena Foundation
Almagd Women’s Organization Development – http://www.almagd.cso.com
Almanar Voluntary Organization – http://www.almanargroup.org
Al-Maqdese for Society Development – http://www.al-maqdese.org
Al-Masoom Trust International – http://www.almasoomtrust.org.uk
Al-Mehran Research & Development Foundation – http://www.almehran.org
Almidan NGO – http://www.almidan.org
Alnakib Center for Training & Democracy Support – http://www.nctds.org
Al-Nashira Global Services
Al-noor welfare & development society kalat balochistan – http://www.noorbkorg
Alot-Lyrics Edutainment – http://www.alotlyricsedutainment.org
alpesandes.org – http://www.alpesandes.org
Alpha Fundación de Estudios Estratégicos
Alpha O. Centre for Malaria Prevention and Control
Alqasim Foundation – http://www.soonvalley.bravehost.com
Alsalam Foundation – http://www.salamf.org
Alternatif Politikalar Merkezi – http://www.politikamerkezi.org.tr
Alternativa de Desarrollo Amazonico – http://www.aldeaperu.blogspot.com
Alternative for Rural Movement – http://www.armngo.com
Alternatives Durables pour le Développement – http://www.alternativesdurables.org
Alternatives, reseau d’action et communication pour le développement international – http://www.alternatives.ca
Altruists Welfare Organization – http://www.altruistswelfare.org
Aman Welfare Health & Educational Society – http://www.amanwelfare.org
Aman Welfare Health and Educational Society – http://www.amanwelfare.org
Amana-Key – http://www.amana-key.com.br
Amani Global Works – http://www.amaniglobalworks.org
AMARCOR – http://www.amarcor.org
Amavex, Inc
Amazin Lethi Foundation – http://www.amazinlethifoundation.org
Amazon Charitable Trust – http://www.amazoncharitabletrust.org
Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization – http://www.otca.info
Amazon Environmental Research Institute – http://www.ipam.org.br
Ambedkar Center for Justice and Peace – http://www.acjpindia.org
Ambiens Sociedade Cooperativa – http://www.coopere.net/
Ambiental Pesquisas e Promoções Culturais Ltda. – http://www.ecoagenda21.com.br
American Association for the Advancement of Science – http://www.aaas.org
American Association of Russian Women – http://www.aarw.us.com
American Blue Cross Society – http://www.blue-cross.in
American Cancer Society
American Center for International Labor Solidarity – http://www.solidaritycenter.org
American Cleaning Institute
American Council for World Jewry, Inc.
American Delegation of the Order of Danilo I
American Heart Association, Inc. – http://www.heart.org
American Hope Charities, Corp. – http://www.americanhopecharities.org
American Indian Enterprise & Business Council – http://www.aiebc.org
American Indian Law Alliance – http://www.ailanyc.org
American International Chamber of Commerce – http://www.aiccus.org
American International Health Alliance – http://www.aiha.com
American International Research about Harvard U Foundation
American Life League Inc – http://www.all.org
American Medical College of Homeopathy – http://www.AMCofH.org
American Medical Student Association – http://www.amsa.org
American Planning Association
American Psychological Association – http://www.apa.org
American Public Health Association – http://www.apha.org
American Society for Nutrition – http://www.nutrition.org
American Society of International Law – http://www.asil.org
American Status; International Arbitrators
American University – http://www.american.edu
American University of Beirut- Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs – http://www.aub.edu.lb/ifi/Pages/index.aspx
America’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Americko-Srpska Alijansa
Amhara Development Association
Amicale des Etudiants et Stagiaires Etrangers de L’IAV Hassan II
Amigate con tu Espacio
Amigos de Iracambi – http://www.iracambi.com
Amigos do Protocolo de Kyoto
Amihan Federation of Peasant Women, Inc.
Amis du Peuple du Sahara Occidental – http://www.ap-so.blogspot.fr/
Amity Foundation – http://www.amityfoundation.org/
Amizade Ltd. – http://www.amizade.org
Amnesty usr Egyptian Human Rights – https://www.facebook.com/pages/%D8%AC%D9%85%D8%B9%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%…
Ampa Resource Organization
Amplify Impact
Amuta for NGO Responsibility – http://www.ngo-monitor.org
Amuwo Odofin Local Government
An Association for Awarness
An Organization for Socio-Economic Development – http://www.aosed.org
Anaassudan Organization – http://www.anaasudan.org
Anand yuva Vikas Society
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team – Foundation AMURT (Switzerland) – http://www.amurt.org
Anchalika Jana Seva Anusthan – http://www.ajsaodisha.in
Ancient and Mystical Ordo Rosae Crucis – http://www.amorc.org.br
Ancient Temple of Kemetian Science – http://www.ancienttempleofkemetianscience.weebly.com
Anderbrandt & Lundstrom AB – http://www.centralt.zoomshare.com/
Andrew Durnin
Anelise Sempionato
Ang Bagong Lahing Pilipino Development Foundation, Inc. – http://www.oocities.org/eastpafi/
ANGEL – http://www.angelvision.org
Angel of the Weak Foundation
Anhui Volunteer Association – http://www.ahyg.org
Aniban ng Manggagawa sa Agrikultura (AMA)
Animal Care Land
Aninpa Foundation – http://www.aninpa.org.br
Anjana Ghosh Memorial Social Welfare Trust – http://www.agmswt.webs.com
Anjoman Eghtesad Energy Iran – http://www.IRAEE.org
Ankush Welfare Society – http://www.ankushwelfaresociety.org
Anna Maria Owacha Foundation
Annapurna Khadi Gramouthan vikas sansthan
ANO Organization Vector of Friendship – http://www.vfunion.ru
Anomen Ventures – http://www.anomena.com
ANPUD-Asian Network of People who Use Drugs – http://www.anpud.org
Ansar Burney Trust International – http://www.ansarburney.org
Answer International
Antinea Foundation – http://www.antinea-foundation.org
Anti-Tribalism Movement – http://www.theatm.org
Antodaya – http://www.antodaya-kalahandi.org.in/
Anwaeltinnen Ohne Grenzen e.V. – http://www.anwaeltinnen-ohne-grenzen.de
Anwar Jannat Memorial Foundation – http://www.ajmfoundation.com
AO ???????????? ??????-?????????????? ??????? ???????
AO,Centrul Ecologic – Recuperare, Reciclare, Reintegrare – http://www.moderntech-ecogreen.com
Apex Concept International
Apex Development Foundation – http://www.Apexdevelopment.org
Apex Mission Nepal-AMIN – http://www.amin.org.np
APMM Company Limited – http://www.apmigrants.org
Apostoli – http://www.mkoapostoli.gr/
Apostolic Ministerial International Network (AMIN) – http://www.amininternational.webs.com
Apotheker Ohne Grenzen Deutschland e.V. – http://www.apotheker-ohne-grenzen.de
Appel à l’action Mondiale Contre la Pauvreté au Burkina Faso
Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem – http://www.arij.org
Appomense Hope For Africa Foundation – http://www.appomensehopeforafrica.org
Appui aux Femmes Démunies et Enfants Marginalisés en RD Congo – http://www.afedem.org
Appui aux Initiatives des Femmes – http://www.apife.tk
Appuis à l’autopromotion des groupements de base pour un développement durable
Äqua Angels NGO – http://www.aquaangelsngo.blogspot.com
AquaFed – International Federation of Private Water Operators – http://www.aquafed.org
Arab African American Womens’ Leadership Council Inc. – http://www.aaawomensleadership.org
Arab Center for Human Rights and Anti-terrorism-acha – https://www.facebook.com/pages/%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%B2-%D8%…
Arab Center for the Development of the Rule of Law and Integrity – http://www.arabruleoflaw.org
Arab Consultative Council Development Volunteering – http://www.accdv.net
Arab Council for Childhood and Development – http://www.arabccd.org
Arab Federation for Environment Protection – http://www.ausde.org
Arab Forum for Environment and Development – http://www.afedonline.org
Arab Importer Exporter Union – http://www.arabimexport.org
Arab Media Forum for Environment and Development – http://www.amfed-media.org
Arab Network for Environment and Development – http://www.raednetwork.org
Arab NGO Network for Development – http://www.annd.org
Arab Office of Youth and Environment – http://www.aoye.org
Arab Organization for Human Rights – http://www.aohr.net
Arab Organization International Peace – http://www.araborganizationpeace.org
Arab Planning Institute – http://www.arab-api.org/default.aspx
Arab Science and Foundation Technology – http://www.astf.net
Arab Union for Real Estate Development – http://www.aurd.org
Arab Union for Sustainable Development & Environment – http://www.ausde.org
Arab Urban Development Institute
Arab World Center for Democratic Development ( UNIHRD) – http://www.awcdd.or
Arai Te Uru Whare Hauora – http://www.araiteuru.co.nz
Aranya Agricultural Alternatives – http://www.permacultureindia.org
Arbeiter Samariter Bund Deutschland e.V. – http://www.asb.de
Arbor Hill Environmental Justice Corporation – http://www.w-haywoodburns.org/AHEJ/AHEJ_Home.htm
Arbores Ltd
Arc Finance, Ltd
Arcadis – http://www.arcadis.com
Archbishop E. Kataliko Actions for Africa KAF – http://www.kaf-africa.org
Archipelagos, Institute of Marine Conservation – http://www.archipelago.gr
Architects for Peace Inc. – http://www.architectsforpeace.org
Architects without Frontiers
Arci Cultura e Sviluppo – http://www.arciculturaesviluppo.it
ArcSpace Manchester – http://www.arcspacemanchester.org.uk
Arctic Athabaskan Council – http://www.arcticathabaskancouncil.com
Area Development Organization
Areco Rwanda Nziza – http://www.arecorwandanziza.org
Arengukoostöö Ümarlaud – http://www.terveilm.net
Argan Forest NGO
Aria do Brasil Consultoria e Desenvolvimento de Softwares Ltda. – http://www.ariadobrasil.com.br
Arid Lands Information Network – http://www.alin.net
Ariel Foundation International – http://www.arielfoundation.org
Arise India Foundation – http://www.ariseindiafoundation.org
Ark Zimbabwe Trust
Armenian International Women’s Association – http://www.aiwainternational.org
Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment – http://www.awhhe.am
Arogya World – http://www.arogyaworld.org
Art and Cultural Trust – http://www.actseveninternational.org
Art For a Better Africa
Art Illuminates Mankind – http://www.aimkarigarline.org
Art of Living Foundation – http://www.us.artofliving.org
ArtDialogue – http://www.artmill.eu
Artfully AWARE, Inc. – http://www.artfullyaware.org
Article 19 – International Centre Against Censorship, The – http://www.article19.org
Article 25 – http://www.join25.org
Articulação Pacari – http://www.pacari.org.br
Aryavarta Space Organization – http://www.aryavartaspace.org
AS Development Organization
As You Sow – http://www.asyousow.org
Asabe Shehu Yar Adua Foundation – http://www.asyarf.org
ASAMBLEA DE UNIDAD CANTONAL DE MONTUFAR – http://www.asambleamontufar.blogspot.com/
Asanteman Queen mothers Association
Asas for Islamic Research – http://www.asasforislamicresearch.org
Ascension Global Mission – http://www.ascension.org
ASDECA – http://www.asdeca-ong.org
Asdekaa ElKheir
Asesores en Conservacion y Desarrollo A.C. – http://www.acd.org.mx
Ashanti Warriors Foundation
Ashar Kiran
Ashiana Collective Development Council
Ashok Sansthan – http://www.ashoksansthan.org
Ashridge Business School – http://www.ashridge.org.uk
Asia America Initiative – http://www.asiaamerica.org
Asia Art Funds Incorporated – http://www.asiaartfunds.com/en/index.html
Asia Cultural Artists Association – http://www.yzhcfgjl.cn
Asia Europe Foundation – http://www.asef.org
ASIA FOUNDATION, THE – http://www.asiafound.org
Asia Pacific Basin for Energy Strategies Association, Inc. – http://www.asiapacificbasin.org
Asia Pacific Council for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business – http://www.AFACT.org
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development – http://www.apwld.org
Asia Pacific Mountain Network – http://www.icimod.org
Asia Pacific Network for Food Sovereignty – http://www.apnfs.net
Asia Pacific Research Network – http://www.aprnet.org
Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation – http://www.assistasia.org/
Asian Consultancy on Tobacco Control Limited
Asian Disaster Reduction and Response Network – http://www.adrrn.net
Asian Energy Institute – http://www.aeinetwork.org
Asian Green Megacities Association – http://www.asiangreenmegacities.fi
Asian Human Rights Society
Asian Liver Center at Stanford University – http://www.liver.stanford.edu
Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis – http://www.populationasia.org/
Asian Pacific Youth Forum, The (APYF)
Asian Partnership for the Development of Human Resources in Rural Asia (AsiaDHRRA) – http://www.asiadhrra.org
Asian Women’s Network on Gender and Development
Asia-Pacific Connection for Environmental Sociologists
Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research – http://www.apn-gcr.org
Asia’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Asili Community Development Initiaves
ASKS – http://www.asksmfibd.org
Asociacio Catalana D’enginyeries I Consultories Mediambientals – http://www.acecma.es
Asociacion Ambiente y Sociedad – http://www.ambienteysociedad.org.co
Asociacion Amigos de la Amazonia – http://www.amigosamazonia.org
Asociación Argentina de Abogados Ambientalistas de la Patagonia – http://www.aaaap.org.ar
Asociacion Central de Funcionarios Publicos y Docentes Publicos Jubilados del Paraguay – http://www.asocentraldejubilados.com.py
Asociación Centro Indígena para el Desarrollo Sostenible – CINDES – http://www.cindesperu.blogspot.com
Asociacion Centroamericana para la Economia, la Salud y el Ambiente – http://www.acepesa.org
ASOCIACION CINDES – http://www.cindesperu.blogspot.com
Asociación Civil Generación Par – http://www.generacionpar.org.ar
Asociación Civil ONGD Educación, Ambiente y Territorio – http://www.eatnea.org
Asociación Civil Red Ambiental – http://www.ecopibes.com
Asociación Civil Transito Danza Integrativa
Asociacion Civil Wounmain Waneesia – http://www.festivalcineindigena.blogspot.com/
Asociacion Colombiana de Organizaciones no Gubernamentales para la Comunicacion Via Correo Electronico – http://www.colnodo.apc.org
Asociación Comunera Distrital de Comités de Desarrolo y Control Social de los Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios y Vocales de control Ascom D.C – http://www.ascomdc.org
Asociación Comunicando y Capacitando a mujeres trans con VIH en El Salvador.
Asociación Comunitaria para la Educación y el Trabajo – http://www.acete.org
Asociacion Cubana de las Naciones Unidas (Cuban United Nations Association) – http://www.acnu.org.cu
Asociación Cubana de Producción Animal
Asociación de Caballeros de Nuestra Señora Santa María de Buenos Aires – http://www.asociaciondecaballeros.es.tl
Asociacion de Estudiantes Extracomunitarios de la Universidad de Alcala – http://www.aexmundo.blogspot.com/2006_09_01_archive.html
Asociacion de Ingenieria y Consultoria Dominicana ASICDOM – http://www.asicdom.org
Asociacion de Lucha para el Desarme Civil – http://www.aludec.org.uy
Asociación de Médicos por los Derechos Humanos
Asociacion de Mujeres Indigenas del Pueblo Chibuleo
Asociación de Mujeres Inmigrantes en Castellón – http://www.amuinca.com
Asociación de Mujeres Progresistas Victoria Kent – http://www.ampvictoriakent.org
Asociación de No Asalariados y Ciudadanos Unidos por el Bienestar Social A.C.
Asociación de Scouts de México, A.C. – http://www.scouts.org.mx
Asociacion de Trabajadores Agricolas De Columbe Mushuj Aillu
Asociación Dominicana de las Naciones Unidas ANU-RD – http://www.unadr.org.do
Asociación Ecológica Colombiana – http://www.asoeco.org
Asociación Española para el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos AEDIDH – http://www.aedidh.org
Asociacion Gestion Salud Poblacion
Asociacion Gilberto AC
Asociación Habitat Pro – http://www.habitatpro.org
Asociación Indígena Ambiental
Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente – http://www.aida-americas.org
Asociacion Internacional Maestra Suprema Ching Hai A.C.
Asociacion Kunas Unidos por Nabguana
Asociación Mutual Siglo XXI
Asociación Nacional de Estudiantes de ingenierías Industrial, Administrativa y de Producción – http://www.aneiap.co
Asociacion Naciones Unidas Colombia Anucol
Asociacion Nicaraguense de la Sociedad Civil – http://www.an-sc.org
Asociación Nuevo Diálogo
Asociación Panameña de Corredores y Promotores de Bienes Raices – http://www.acobir.com
Asociación para el Desarrollo Foro Rural Mundial – http://www.ruralforum.net
Asociación para el Desarrollo Económico en Latinoamérica – http://www.apedela.org
Asociación para la Justicia Ambiental – http://www.aja-ambiental.org
Asociación para la Promoción de la Libertad y el Desarrollo Sostenible
Asociación para la recuperación e inclusión de la persona con discapacidad – http://www.aridsanjuan.org.ar
Asociación Pro Integración Centroamericana y República Dominicana – http://www.proica-rd.org
Asociación Prodefensa de la Naturaleza – http://www.prodena.org
Asociación Proteger
Asociación Regional Centroamericana para el Agua y el Ambiente – http://www.arca.co.cr
Asociacion Regional de Empresas de Petroleo y Gas Natural en Latinoamerica y el Caribe – http://www.arpel.org
Asociacion regional de Mujeres Ingenieras
Asociación Respuesta para la Paz – http://www.respuestaparalapaz.org.ar
Asociación The Natural Step
Asociatia Fondul International de Cooperare si Parteneriat al Marii Negre si Marii Caspice – http://www.bscsif.org
Asociatia BISMUN – http://www.bismun.ro
Asociatia Nationala pentru Protectia Consumatorilor si Promovarea Programelor si Strategiilor din Romania-Infocons – http://www.consumers-protection.ro
Asociatia Pakiv Romania – http://www.pakiv.ro
Asociatia pentru Dezvoltarea Practicilor Alternative de Reintegrare si Educatie – http://www.adpare.ro
Asociatia Regionala pentru Dezvoltare Rurala – http://www.ardr.ro
Asociatia SOS Viitroul Bacau
Asociatia Start Focus
Aspafrique-Jics – http://www.aspafrique.com
Aspen International Mountain Foundation – http://www.aimf.org
Assaciation des des Enfants en Diffuculte Du Burundi
Assemblée des Arméniens d’Arménie Occidentale – http://www.western-armenia.eu/
Assemblee Parlementaire des Jeunes Congolais
Assembly of First Nations – National Indian Brotherhood – http://www.afn.ca
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Inc. – http://www.manitobachiefs.com
Assembly of Social Mobilization – http://www.asm-srilanka.org
Assiciation of Forest and Land Users of the Republic of Tajikistan – http://www.ecoturism.tj
Assistant for Social Organization and Development – http://www.asod-bd.org
Assistive Technology Development Organization – http://www.normanet.ne.jp/~atdo/
Assoc. Civil Instituto Baraeté – http://www.institutobaraete.org
Assocation Rikab pour le Developement
Associação Adianto de Promoção Social – http://www.adianto.org.br
Associaçao Amazonia – http://www.amazoniabr.org
Associação Amigos do Projeto Guri – http://www.projetoguri.org.br
Associação Arte-Saber de Comunidade Indígena Kariri
Associação Brasileira da Industria Eletrica e Eletronica – http://www.abinee.org.br
Associação Brasileira das Entidades Estaduais de Meio Ambiente – http://www.abema.org.br
Associação Brasileira das Indústrias de Óleos Vegetais – http://www.abiove.com.br
Associação Brasileira de Cimento Portland
Associacao Brasileira de Defesa do Consumidor – http://www.proteste.org.br
Associação Brasileira de Integração e Desenvolvimento Sustentável – http://www.abides.org.br
Associação Brasileira de Mulheres da Carreira Jurídica – Piauí – http://www.wirnalves.blogspot.com/
Associação Brasileira de Observadores de Aves – http://www.aboaves.org
Associação Brasileira de Recursos Humanos – http://www.abrhnacional.org.br/
Associação Brasileira do Alumínio – http://www.abal.org.br
Associação Brasileira dos Organizadores de Festivais de Folclore e Artes Populares – http://www.abrasoffa.org.br
Associação Brasileira dos Profissionais de Sustentabilidade – http://www.abraps.blogspot.com/
Associação Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento de Lideranças – http://www.abdl.org.br
Associação Brasileira para Sensibilização, Coleta e Reciclagem de Resíduo de Óleo Comestível – http://www.ecoleo.org.br
Associação Caatinga – http://www.acaatinga.org.br
Associacao Centro de Educacao Tecnologica do Estado da Bahia – http://www.ceteb.org.br
Associação Civil Alternativa Terrazul
Associacao Civil Projeto Hospitais Saudaveis – http://www.hospitaissaudaveis.org.br
Associação Comunitaria de Corpo de Bombeiro Civil Florestal Sem Fronteira
Associação Cultural Caminho de Vida – COMVIDA – http://www.caminhodevida.org.br
Associação Cultural Pela Valorização da Juventude
Associação das Artes para Integraçãio Global Cena Urbana – http://www.integraurbana.no.comunidades.net/
Associacao de Apoio ao Ser Humano e e Familia – http://www.abraceh.org
Associação de Cidadãos Auto-Mobilizados – http://www.aca-m.org
Associação de Ciencia Intuitiva Ananda Marga
Associacao de Desenvolvimento do Ecoturismo e Proteccao do meio Ambiente em Mocambique
Associação de Imprensa do Estado do Riode de Janeiro – http://www.aierj.org
Associação de Indústrias de Madeira de Manejo do Estado do Acre
Associação de Moradores do Bairro Cabo Luiz Quevedo – http://www.rodrigoconceicaodarosa.wordpress.com
Associação de Moradores e Amigos dos Postos 2, 3, 4 e 5 de Copacabana – http://www.ama2345decopacabana.wordpress.com
Associação de Mulheres Cantinho da Amazônia – http://www.carbonojuruena.org.br
Associação de Mulheres Empreendedoras – AME – http://www.amedf.org.br
Associação de Preservação do Meio Ambiente e da Vida – http://www.apremavi.org.br
Associação de Produtores de Palmito da Estrada Real
Associação de Proprietários de Reservas Particulares do Patrimônio Natural de Mato Grosso do Sul
Associação de Proteção a Ecossistemas Costeiros – http://www.aprec.org.br
Associacao Dominico Brasileira, ADB
Associação dos Engenheiros Agrônomos de Goiás – http://www.aeago.org.br
Associação dos produtores de Bioenergia de Mato Grosso do Sul – http://www.biosulms.com.br
Associação dos Produtores de Eucalipto do Extremo Sul da Bahia – http://www.aspexba.com.br
Associação dos Professores de Direito Ambiental do Brasil
Associação Eco Juréia
Associação Ecológica Amigos de Pindorama – http://www.amigosdepindorama.yolasite.com
Associacao Educacional Cultural e Assistencial Miesperanza – http://www.miesperanza.org.br
Associação Estrela Sports – http://www.estrelasports.com/
Associacao Horizontes – http://www.AH.ORG.BR
Associação In Loco – http://www.in-loco.pt
Associação Jaguamimbaba para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável
Associação Latinoamericana de Micro, Pequenas e Médias Empresas – http://www.alampymebr.org.br/
Associação Mineira de Defesa do Ambiente – http://www.amda.org.br
Associacao Nacional de Biosseguranca – http://www.ANBIO.ORG.BR
Associação Nacional de Órgãos Municipais de Meio Ambiente – http://www.anamma.com.br
Associação Novo Encanto de Desenvolvimento Ecológico – http://www.novoencanto.org.br
Associação para a Gestão Socioambiental do Triângulo Mineiro – http://www.anga.org.br
Associacao para Ajuda as Pessoas Portadora de Deficiencia
Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Agroecologia
Associaçao para o Desenvolvimento da Sociedade Civil Angolana
Associação para o Desenvolvimento pela Energia Solar
Associacao para Valorizacao e Promocao e Promocao de Excepcionais (AVAPE) – http://www.avape.org.br
Associação Paradigmação – http://www.paradigmacaopaps.com.br
Associação Portuguesa de Educação Ambiental – http://www.aspea.org
Associação PRIMO Primatas da Montanha – http://www.primo.org.br
Associação Protetora de Animais Silvestres – APASS – http://www.apasspan.org.br
Associação Rondonopolitana de Proteção Ambiental
Associação São Lázaro – Brasil – http://www.stlazarusbrasil.org
Associacao Terceira Via – http://www.terceiravia.org.br
Associação Vianei de Cooperação e Intercâmbio no Trabalho, Educação, Cultura e Saúde – http://www.vianei.org.br
Associação Xama – http://www.wix.com/juergenkobel/xamaearthcharter
Associación de Estudios y Actividades sobre Temàticas Globales y Gobernanza Democrática Munial – http://www.apgdm.org
Associaiation de Sauvegarde et Promotion de L’enfance
Associated Country Women of the World – http://www.acww.org.uk
Associated Medical Schools of New York – http://www.amsny.org
Association For Sustainable Human Development – http://www.users.freenet.am/~ashd
Association Action pour le Traitement des malades du Coeur – http://www.actcong.e-monsite.com
Association Africa 21 – http://www.africa21.org
Association Africaine de l’Eau – http://www.afwa-hq.org
Association Africaine de Solidarity et D’entraide
Association ALKHAYR pour le developpement en Mauritanie – http://www.ongalkhayr.org
Association APAF
Association Burkinabé pour la Survie de l’Enfance – http://www.abse.bf
Association Camerounaise de Développement Rural
Association Camerounaise Des Consommateurs Des Télécommunications et TIC – http://www.actic.over-blog.com
Association camerounaise pour la prise en charge de la personne agée (ACAMAGE) – http://www.acamage.id.st
Association Camerounaise pour le Développement, l’Entraide Sociale et la Protection de l’Environnement – http://www.social-acespe.over-blog.com
Association catholique internationale de services pour la jeunesse feminine – http://www.acisjf-int.org
association centrafricaine pour le developpement communautaire
Association Chaine D’union
Association Congolaise de Développement Rural – http://www.acdrongd.blogspot.com
Association Congolaise des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication – http://www.congo-ntic.org
Association Congolaise des verts et des actions de santé communautaire
Association Congolaise pour la Preservation de l’Environnement et le Developpement Communautaire
Association Congolaise pour le Développement Economique et Social
Association CORAIL VIVANT – http://www.corailvivant.org
Association Coup de Pousse Chaine de L’espoir Nord-Sud – http://www.lecoupdepousse.com
Association Culturelle Trait d’Union
Association d’Auditeurs d’Assistants et de Formateurs Coopératifs – https://sites.google.com/site/aafcoopcameroun
Association d’Appui au Developpement des Oasis
Association DARELOUAD – http://www.darelouad.org
Association de Développement de la Recherche en Médecine
Association de Développement des Capacités des Jeunes
Association de Femmes de Kabylie – http://www.timesdurar.blogvie.com
Association de Jeunes Visionnaires pour le Développement du Congo
Association de Jeunesse des Nations Unies du Cameroun (AJNUC)
Association de l’Education Environnementale pour les Futures Générations
Association de L’environnement et Developpement Durable a Zarat – http://www.ZARAT-ECOLOGIE.TN
Association de promotion,defense des droits humains et developpement democratique en sigle Toges Noires
Association de Solidarite Aide et Action Enfance Mali ASAA/EM Jigiya Ton
Association de Soutien au Développement des Activités de Population – http://www.asdap.org
Association de Zarzis pour le Développement Durable et la Coopération Internationale de Zarzis – http://www.addcizarzis.org/http://www.infomigration.org
Association DéPart – http://www.demarches-participatives.org
Association des Amis de la Ville de Douala
Association des Bacheliers pour l’Emploi et le Développement
Association des Badinga du Congo – ABADIC
Association des Citoyens pour le Progres du Centre
Association des Communautes Urbaines de France – http://www.communautes-urbaines.com
Association des Consommateurs de Télécommunication de Cote d´ivoire – http://www.acotelci.org
Association des consommateurs du Sénégal – http://www.ascosen.org
Association Des Etudiants Kabilistes
Association des Etudiants Tamoule de France
Association des Femmes Combattantes pour le Developpement
Association Des Femmes Des Logements Sociaux De Kati Sicoro
Association des Femmes du Ministere de L’agriculture, Peche et Elevage
Association des Femmes Educatrices du Mali
Association des Femmes Ingenieurs du Mali – http://www.afima.org
Association des Jeunes Franco-Maliens pour le Développement de l’Education au Mali – http://www.ajfmdem.over-blog.org
Association des Jeunes pour la lutte contre le Sida et la Pauvrete
Association des Jeunes pour la Protection et la Restauration de l’Environnement au Niger (AJPREN)
Association des Jeunes pour le Développement Durable au Burkina Faso
Association des jeunes pour le developpement humain et la protection de l’environnement – http://www.ajdhpecongo.e-monsite.com
association des journalistes de droits économiques du Cameroun
Association des Maires de France – http://www.amf.asso.fr
Association des Maires de Grandes Villes de France – http://www.grandesvilles.org/
Association des Maires des Communes Mauritaniennes Jumelées aux Communes Françaises de San de Senart
Association des Nations Unies du Togo – http://www.unatogo.org
Association des ONG de l’environnement (A.O.E.)
Association des Populations des Montagnes du Monde – http://www.mountainpeople.org
Association des Professionnels Devoues pour les Nippes
Association des Relais Communautaires d’Oshwé
Association des scouts du Niger
Association des Volontaires du Développement Durable (AVD) – http://www.africanewdeal.org
Association des Volontaires du Developpement Durable en RDC/AVD RDCONGO – http://www.africanewdeal.org
Association des Volontaires Pour L´Assistance au Developpement En Guinee – http://www.avadeg.org
Association des Volontaires pour l’Environnement Sain – http://www.aves-togo.org
Association Diogenis, Drug Policy Dialogue in South East Europe – http://www.diogenis.info
Association Droits et Citoyenneté – http://www.adctata.blogspot.com
Association du Master Relations Internationales Paris Assas-Sorbonne Universités – http://www.amri-assas-sorbonne.eu
Association Dunenyo – http://www.dunenyo.org
Association Écologique de Boumerdès (Algérie)
Association EL FIDA pour le Développement et la Solidarité Sociale – http://www.sites.google/site/afdessmaroc
Association Environnement Ecologie Organabo Guyane
Association Esofe-Suisse – http://www.esofe-swiss.org
Association Espoir pour les Jeunes Batwa – http://youthbatwa.blogspot.com/
Association Faso EnviProtek
Association Federale pour le Progres des Minorites Visible – http://www.faavm-canada.org
Association Fédération des Agences urbaines – http://www.majal.ma
Association for a Better Society
Association For Asian Research – http://www.asianresearch.org
Association for Awareness Against Anti-Social Behaviour
Association for Citizen’s Tolerance and Cooperation – http://www.agtis.org.mk
Association for Community Development
Association for Computing Machinery – http://www.acm.org
Association for Democratic Initiatives – http://www.adi.org.mk
Association for Development and Research of Sustainable Habitats – http://www.grihaindia.org
Association for Development in Akkar – http://www.ada-leb.org
Association for Development, Advancement and Promotion of Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and Environment Protection
Association for Farmers Rights Defense – http://www.eco-web.org
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education – http://www.aghe.org
Association for Human Rights and Solidarity with Oppressed People – http://www.mazlumder.org
Association for Humanity Development – http://www.ahdpk.org
Association for Indo-Georgian Economic and Cultural Cooperation – http://www.indo-georgia.com
Association for Integrated Development-Comilla (AID-COMILLA) – http://www.aidcomilla.or+C1302
Association for Local Rural Development – http://www.zlrr.org.mk
Association for Promotion Sustainable Development
Association for Protection of Child Labourers – http://www.apcl.org.ir
Association for Protection of Environment and Culture – http://www.geocities.ws/ngo_apec/apec1.html
Association for Protection of Refugee and Internal Displaced Women and Children – http://www.hamiorg.org
Association for Research and Development
Association for Rural Advancement in Bangladesh – http://www.arab-bd.org
Association for Rural Area Social Modification, Improvement and Nestling. – http://www.arasmin.org
Association for Sanitation and Economic Development
Association for Self Help Actions
Association for Social and Environmental Development – http://www.asedkol.org
Association for Social and Health Advancement – http://www.ashaodisha.org
Association for Sustainable Development – http://www.asdpak.org
Association for Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection
Association For Sustainable Human Development
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, Inc. – http://www.aashe.org
Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offfenders (ACRO), Ghana – http://www.acroghana.co
Association For Water Applied Education & Renewable Energy – http://www.aware.org.pk
Association for Welfare, Social Action & Research – India – http://www.awsarindia.org
Association for Women with Disabilities – http://www.awwdindia.org
Association for Women’s Career Development in Hungary – http://www.womenscareer.org
Association Gabonaise pour les Nations Unies – http://www.anugabon.org
Association GAF – Groupe Artistique Frieden
Association générale des intervenants retraités pour des actions bénévoles de coopération et de développement – http://www.agirabcd.org
Association Génération pour de Développement de Mokrisset
Association Genre Environnement et Developpement au Togo
Association Graines de Paix – http://www.graines-de-paix.org/en
Association Heinrich Klose – http://www.fondation-heinrich-klose.org
Association HIBA pour le Développement et le Service Volontaire – https://www.facebook.com/AssociationHiba
Association Humanitaire Action Plus
Association Humanitaire Men’s Club
Association Indigenous Center for the development sustainable – http://www.de.geocities.com/cindesperu
Association Internationale de Lutte Contre la Pauvrete et pour le Developpement (AIPED) – http://www.aiped.org
Association internationale des droits de l’enfant en difficulté et dans la souffrance – http://www.aideds.org
Association Isir de Lutte Contre la Pauvrete et la Delinquence Juvenile
Association Jeunes Science de Tunisie – http://www.jeunescience.org.tn
Association Jeunesse Emploi et Développement (JED) – http://www.jed-ouaga.org
Association Jeunesse Espoir du Cameroun
Association Jeunesse et Progres
Association Jeunesse Levons-nous et batissons
Association Jeunesse pour la Solidarite et le Developpement des Parcelles Assainies
Association Jeunesse verte du Cameroun – http://www.jeunessevertecameroun.org
Association Kabylia pour L’environnement
Association Karama de Kinésithérapie et de Soutien des Personnes Ayant des Besoins Spéciaux Casablanca
Association Lalla Salma de lutte contre le Cancer – http://www.contrelecancer.ma
Association Malienne pour la Sauvegarde du Bien-être Familial (AMASBIF)
Association Malienne pour le Developpement, la Protection de l’Environnement et la lutte contre la Desertification
Association Marocaine Chantiers-Ecoles pour le Développement – http://www.chantiers-ecoles.org/
Association Maroco-Suisse pour l’environement et le développement – http://www.amsed.org
Association Mauritanienne pour la promotion du droit – http://www.amaprod.mr
Association Mbongso pour le Developpement – http://www.mbongso.org
Association Mobadara pour le Développement Durable et le Tourisme – http://www.mobadara.net
Association Mondiale de Psychanalyse du Champ Freudien AMP – http://www.wapol.org/
Association Mouvement Alternatives Citoyenne – http://www.mouvementalternatives.org
Association mouvement pour la défense de l’humanité et abolition de la torture (MDHAT) – http://www.mdhat.teria.org
Association Nationale Al Hidn – A.N.H. – http://www.alhidn.org.ma
Association nationale de coopération pour le developpement du cameroun (ANACODECAM)
Association nationale des étudiants camérounais
Association Nationale des Handicapés Moteurs du Sénégal – http://www.anhms.org
Association Nationale des Specialistes en Population et Developpement
Association Nationale pour le Développement Economique et Social (ANDES)
Association Nationale pour L’évaluation Environnmentale
Association Nigerieene des Agriculteurs, Pecheurs et Eleveurs
Association Noolhar – http://www.noolhar.org.br
Association of African Entrepreneurs – http://www.aaeafrica.org
Association of American Geographers – http://www.aag.org
Association of Citizens’ Solidarity for Campaign Against Famine In Ethiopia (CS-CAFE)
Association of Development for Economic & Social Help-ADESH – http://www.adeshbd.org
Association of Emergency and Disaster Medicine – http://www.acilafet.org
Association of European Manufacturers of Sporting Ammunition – http://www.afems.org
Association of European Parliamentarians for Africa – http://www.awepa.org
Association of Families and Women in Rural Areas – http://www.afammer.es
Association of Farmers Educators and Traders
Association of Former United Nations Interns (AFUNI) Azerbaijan
Association of Grand-Anselais for the Development of Education – http://www.agape-haiti.org
Association of Prevention and Harm Reduction Programs Australia (Anex)
Association of Promotion Human Rights and Socio-Economic Development
Association of Protected Areas of Ukraine
Association of Science-Technology Centers
Association of Social Consasness and Transfer
Association of Social Entrepreneurs in Vihiga
Association of Space Explorers U.S.A
Association of the Bar of the City of New York, The – http://www.nycbar.org
Association of the Borrowers of the Municipality and the Region of
Association of the Representatives of the Kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara, worldwide (ARKBK) CLBG – http://www.arkbk-clbg.org
Association of Volunteers for Sustainable Development – http://www.africanewdeal.org
Association of Waste Management and Remediation of Environment
Association of Women for Action and Research – http://www.aware.org.sg/
Association of women for economic development and social integrity
Association of World Citizens – http://www.worldcitizensunited.org
Association of World Reindeer Herders – http://www.reindeerportal.org
Association of Young Environmental Lawyers and Economists NGO – http://www.freenet.am/~bitea/
Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON) – http://www.ayon.org
Association Plage Blanche Pour Le Developpement Et L’environnement – http://www.assoplageblanche.com
Association pour la Défense des Droits de la Femme et de l’Enfant (ADDFE) – http://www.cyberforum/ong/addfe.mr
Association pour la défense des droits et diversités culturelles des personnes appartenant à des minorités
Association pour la Promotion de la Lutte Contre les Violences faites aux Femmes et la Participation au Développement de la Femme africaine – http://www.femmelucovifa.blogspot.com
Association pour la Promotion de la Métrologie et la Normalisation en RD Congo – http://www.apromenrdc.com
Association pour la Promotion de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable
Association pour la Promotion de l’Informatique (ou Internet) en Afrique – http://www.ong-appia.org
Association pour la Promotion des Droits de la Femme, des Jeunes et du Citoyen – http://www.aspromod.org
Association pour la Promotion des Droits Humains et le Développement Socio-Économique
Association pour la promotion du droit international
Association pour la Promotion du Genre et Développement Humain et Durable – http://www.couragecameroun.over-blog.com
Association pour la Recherche et le Devellopement de l’Entraide Culturelle Humanitaire et Ecologique
Association pour la santé et la prévention des maladies tropicales
Association pour la taxation des transactions financières et pour l’action citoyenne – http://www.france.attac.org
Association pour l’action sociale et le développement – http://www.everyoneweb.com/http://www.asd.com
Association pour L’Activisme de la Personne Handicapee du Congo
Association pour l’Agriculture et le Développement Durable – http://www.a2dbenin.org
Association pour le Bien-Etre Familial et le Developpement durable – http://www.mmaurifemme.mr/Ong/ABEFDD.html
Association pour le Developement de la Pêche, du Tourisme et de l’Environnement
Association pour le Développement de la Société Civile Angolaise – ADSCA
Association pour le Développement du Millénaire
Association pour le developpement du village Ngbada
Association pour le développement durable
Association pour le développement économique, social, environnemental du nord
Association pour le Développement et de la Promotion des Droits Humains
Association pour le Developpement et D’echanges au Togoculturels – http://www.adectogo-tg.org
Association pour le Développement et la Promotion de la Femme
Association pour le Developpement et la Promotion du Genre
Association pour le Développement Intégral et les Echanges Culturels – http://www.adiectogo.org
Association pour le Soutien de la Femme et l’Adolescent au Bénin-ONG
Association Pour l’Environnement et Développement de la Jeunesse – http://www.apedj-congobzv.populus.org
Association pour les Victimes Du Monde
Association pour l’Intégration et le Développement Durable au Burundi – http://www.aidb-burundi.puzl.com
Association Québécoise de Lutte Contre la Pollution Atmosphérique
Association Rights and Citizenships – https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/257176517710913/
Association Savoir et Développement
Association Sénégalaise pour la promotion des énergies renouvelables KokkiEnergie
Association Shifa des Maladies NeuroMusculaires – http://www.shifadz.wix.com/asso
Association sitar culturelle pour le théâtre, la télévision et le cinéma de la wilaya de jijel – http://www.goo.gl/maps/soLV7
Association Sociale Humanitaire Kabylie & Solidarite Algerie
Association Soeur Teresa pour les Demunis(ASTD) – http://www.astd1990.org
Association Solidarité Internationale pour l’Afrique (SIA) – http://www.sia-mali.org
Association Sos Penitencier
association TAGHRMA
Association Tagmat pour la Culture et L’art
Association Tawada Pour Le Dvpt Et La Cooperation
Association Tayaffout
Association Terre et Vie pour le Developpement Durable
Association Tiwizi pour la Culture et l’Action Humanitaire
Association Tizi Ozemour pour l’Environnement et le Développement
Association Togolaise d’Etude de Recherche et d’Appui au Développement Humain Durable (AS.T.E.R.A.D.H.D.) – http://www.asteradhd.org
Association Tondji International de Developpement – http://www.tidahumaniste.fr.gd
Association Tosalisana Ba Mamans
Association Trait d’Union des Jeunes Burkinabé – http://www.atujb.org
Association Tunisienne des Techniciens Forestiers
Association Tunisienne du Cinema D’animation – http://www.atca-tunisia.org
Association tunisienne pour l’auto-developpement et la solidarite – http://www.assoc-atlas.org.tn
Association Tunisienne Santé-Environnement
Association Volontaire de Développement Durable Djibouti
Associazione Comunita Papa Giovanni XXIII – http://www.en.apg23.org/en/
Associazione Milmun – http://www.milmun.org
Associazione Nazionale Famiglie Emigrati – http://www.anfe.it
Associazione per la Solidarietà e la Pace – http://www.aspitaly.org
Associazione TDM 2000 International – http://www.tdm2000international.org
Associqtion Malienne pour l’Integration Regionale Africaine
ASSRA Welfare Foundation
ASTIR S.c.s. – http://www.astir.it
Athencottasan Muthamizh Kazhagam – http://www.amkcentre.org
Athencottasan Muthamizh Kazhagam-AMK – http://www.amkcentre.zoomshare.com
Atikha Overseas Workers and Communities Initiatives Inc – http://www.atikha.org
Ativismo – Grupo e Mìdia pela libertação Animal – http://www.ativismo.com
Atjeh International Development
Atkepp Ltd
Atlantic Association of Guineans from Basse Cote Inc – http://www.bassecoteusa.org
Atlantic States Legal Foundation, Inc – http://www.aslf.org
Atlas Service Corps Inc. – http://www.atlascorps.org/index.php
Attac Gabon – http://www.gattac.org
Attitude Change International – http://www.attitude.org.in
Atulya Viikash – http://www.atulyavikash.co
ATYX Perú – Acción, Trasformación y diversidad – https://www.facebook.com/pages/ATYX-Per%C3%BA/503667286342224?fref=ts
Ausenco – http://www.ausenco.com/
Australasian Campuses Towards Sustainability – http://www.acts.asn.au
Australian Association of Yoga in Daily Life – http://www.yogaindailylife.org.au
Australian Association of Yoga in Daily Life, The and the International Fellowship of Yoga in Daily Life – http://www.yogaindailylife.org.au
Australian Conservation Foundation – http://www.acfonline.org.au
Australian Deafblind Council
Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations
Australian Medical Association – http://www.ama.com.au
Australian National University – http://www.archanth.anu.edu.au/
Australian Red Cross – http://www.redcross.org.au
Australian Reproductive Health Alliance
Australian Sustainable Development Fund – http://www.asdfngo.com
Australian Youth Climate Coalition – http://www.aycc.org.au
Australia’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Austria Ghana Technic (Agenda 50) – http://www.ag-tech.org
Autarquia Municipal de Meio Ambiente – AMMA – http://www.sobral.ce.gov.br
Autism Speaks Inc – http://www.autismspeaks.org
Autonomous noncommercial (NGO) organization, Our Caucasus – http://www.alazan.su/
autour de l’enfant – http://www.autourdelenfant.org
Autre Vie – http://www.ongautrevie.org
Auxilium Familiam Financial Support – http://www.auxfin.cm
Avaaz.org – http://www.avaaz.org
Avalon Foundation – http://www.avalon.nl
Avancemos, Ashoka Emprendedores Sociales México y Centroamerica, A.C. – http://www.ashoka.org.mx
Avanzi. Sostenibilità Per Azioni – http://www.avanzi.org
avard educational trust – http://www.avardtrust.org
AVM Faculdade Integrada – http://www.avm.edu.br
AVOCATS VERTS — Advocats Africains pour la Protection de l’Environnement & LA Defens de Droits Communautaires
Avoid Earth Extinction Association – www.aeea.info
Awake Society of India
Aware Girls – http://www.awaregirls.webs.com
Awareness Knowledge Education Society
Awaz Centre for Development Services – http://www.awazcds.org.pk
AWTAD – http://www.awtad-egypt.org
Ayady al Khair Society for Relief and Charity Work – http://www.ayady.ly.co
Ayurvarta – http://www.AAROGYADHAM.CO.IN
Ayurvedic University, Inc. – http://www.gdpau.org
Azad Charitable and Educational Foundation
Azad Foundation – http://www.azadfoundation.org
azad hind sewa sangathan
Azad Hind Welfare Society
Azad India Foundation – http://www.azadindia.org
Azat Foundation-Balochistan
Azerbaijan Health Communication Association – http://www.ahca.az
Azerbaijan Republican Committee of Independent Trade Unions of Employees of Educational Institutions – http://www.atiahi.org
Azerbaijan Turkey Business Association – http://www.atib.az
Azerbaijani Students and Alumni International Forum – http://www.asaif.org/site/
Azerbaycan Könüllüler Ictimai Birliyi
AZI International – http://www.azi-international.com
Azmon Nimrod Consulting – http://www.azmonnimrod.co.za
Baara Nyuman
Baba Garia Mission – http://www.babagariamission.org
BAB-UL-ILM Welfare Education Society
Back To Life
Backward Society Education, Nepal – http://www.nepalbase.org
Badir for Biotechnologt – http://www.badirbio.com
Baffo Memorial Foundation – http://www.bafmo.com
Baggio Rossi Consultores Ltda
Baha’i International Community – http://www.bic.org
Bahamas Urban Youth Development Center – http://www.bahamasurbanyouth.org
Bahara Sidapara Adibasi Mahila Samity – http://www.baharango.org
Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society – http://www.bhrws.org
Bahrain Jurists Society
Bahrain Society for Women’s Development
Bahrain Women Society – http://www.bahrainws.org
Baidarie – http://www.baidarie.com
Bakhtar Development Network Switzerland BDN Swiss – http://www.bdnglobal.org
Bala Atibala Samaj Sevi Sanstha – http://www.balaatibala.blogspot.in
Balance Promoción para el Desarrollo y Juventud AC – http://www.redbalance.org
BALIFOKUS Foundation – http://www.balifokus.asia
Balkan Agency for Sustainable Development – http://www.balkanagency.org
Balkan Ekonomik ve Kültürel Isbirligi Dernegi – http://www.bekid.org
Ball Bharati Ekta Welfare Association
Ballsbridge University – http://www.acedu.org
Balochistan Boy Scouts Association – http://www.bbsapk.org
Balochistan Development Intiatives
Balochistan Foundation for Development
Bambino Welfare Project – http://www.bambinonigeria.org
Banco do Nordeste do Brasil S/A
Banco Itaú Unibanco – http://www.itau.com.br
Banco Santander – http://www.santander.com
Bandenawaz Vividoddesh Kalyan Sangh
Bangladersh Rural Development Organization – http://www.ruraldevelopmentbd.org
Bangladesh First People’s Forum
Bangladesh Friendship Education Society – http://www.bfes.net
Bangladesh Human Rights and Resources Development Society – http://www.bhrrds.org
Bangladesh Indigenous Peoples Network on Climate Change and Biodiversity
Bangladesh Integrated Social Advancement Programme – http://www.bisapbd.org
Bangladesh Jumma Buddhist Foundation Srilanka – http://www.sambodhiviharaya.org
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication – http://www.bnnrc.net
Bangladesh Resource centre for Indigenous Knowledge) – http://www.barcik-bd.org
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee – http://www.brac.net
Bangladesh Rural Improvement Foundation (BRIF) – http://www.brif.org
Bangladesh Sassasabi Sangoton Federation
Bangladesh Supreme Court Bar Association – http://www.bangladeshsupremecourtbar.com
Bangladesh Trade Union Center
Bangladesh Tribal Bhikkhu Sangha Srilanka
Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad (BUP) – http://www.bup-bd.org
Bangladesh Women in Technology – http://www.bwit-bd.com
Bangladeshi Friends of U.S.A.
Bankmecu – http://www.bankmecu.com.au
Banlieues du monde Mauritanie – http://www.bdm-m.blogspot.com
Banque Agricole Gabonaise – http://www.labag.org
Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement – http://www.boad.org
Baptist World Alliance – http://www.bwanet.org
Bapuji Center for AIDS Research & Education, (B’Care) – http://www.bcareindia.org
Baradrone Social Welfare Institute – http://www.baradrone.org
Barangay Sang Virgen Youth Movement National Center – http://www.worldprelaunch.com/esergovsBARcehcorg
Barbados Association of Non Governmental Organisations – http://www.bango.org.bb
Bareebo: Tuk, Aha, Sahmahtupeeup
Barefoot Urban Planners – http://www.barefooturbanplanner.com
Bariq21 « pour le promotion des énergies renouvelables et le développement durable » – http://www.bariq21.overblog.com
Barnabas Trust International
Barovita Vivekananda Bidyapith
Basesix Foundation International
BASF – http://www.basf.com.br
Bashiran Munshi Founation (Bmf) – http://www.bmf4d.org
Basic Health Foundation for Wellness and Fitness Education – http://www.basichealthfoundation.org
Basic Human Rights – http://www.basichumanrights.org.uk
Basti Vikas Samiti
Basura Cero Bahía Blanca – http://www.basuracerobahia.org
Batey Relief Alliance Inc B R A – http://www.bateyrelief.org
Batool Welfare Trust – http://www.batoolwelfaretrust.org
Batticaloa District Chamber of Commerce, Industry & Agriculture – http://www.necbp.com
Baveeko Basome – http://www.baveekobasome.org
Bawaneh and Marwan
BAYAN Iran Association – http://www.bayan.org.ir
Bayasgalan Seseer Consulting
Be the Change Ancademy – Kenya
Beacon of Hope Uganda – http://www.beaconofhopeuganda.webs.com
Bead For Life – http://www.beadforlife.org/index.html
Beam Foundation – http://www.beamindia.org
Beanibazar Youth Society for Eradication of Poverty
Beautiful Eves of Africa Organisation
Beautiful Life Development Plan – http://www.uneschaf.org
Beautiful Taiwan Foundation – http://www.blog.sina.com.tw/chubean
Beekeeping Extension Society – http://www.biye.beekeepers.8m.net
BEFA (Beauty for Ashes) Women & Child Care Foundation
Befa Women and Child Care Foundation – http://www.befafoundation.org
Behar Al Sindh Foundation – http://www.beharalsindh.org
Behinderung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit e.V – http://www.bezev.de
Beijing Emissions Trading Association
Beijing NGO Association for International Exchanges – http://www.beijingngo.org.cn
Beijing Zhicheng Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid and Research Center – http://www.zgnmg.org
Belarusian Helsinki Committee – http://www.belhelcom.org
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs – http://www.belfercenter.org
Benevolent Association for the Protection of the Environment and the Socially Underprivileged – http://www.bapesu.org
Benevolent Community Education and Rural Development Society (BERDS CO) – http://www.berdsco.org
Benfam Institute for Natural Living
Bengal Rural Welfare Service – http://www.brws.org
Benin Environment and Education Society – http://www.bees-ong.o
Berlin Civil Society Center – convening-capacity building-research gGmbH – http://www.berlin-civil-society-center.org
Bethel McFidel Foundation – http://www.bethelmcFidel.org
Bethel Youth Aid Foundation
Bethesda Project Uganda – http://www.bethesdaprojectuganda.org
Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation
Betio Fishermen Association Inc – http://www.bfa.org.ki
Beulah Baruch Ministries – http://www.beulahbaruch.org.uk/
Bey-Isra’el Royal Family Foundation
Bhadrakali Social Welfare Society
Bhagal Shiksha Samiti – http://www.klinkindia.in
Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti Jaipur – http://www.jaipurfoot.org
Bharat Integrated Social Welfare Agency – http://www.biswa.org
Bharatiya Mahila Vikas Sanstha – http://www.bmvsindia.org
Bhartiya Jansangharsh Shakti – http://www.bjshakti.org
Bhartiya Manavadhikar Association – http://www.hrai.co.in
Bhartiya yuva chalchitra sansthan – http://www.yuvachalchitra.org
Bhaskar Rural Education and Agriculture Development Society – http://www.breadsindia.org
Bhayia Ram Munda Foundation
Bhittai Social Watch and Advocacy – http://www.bswa.org.pk
Bhopal Yuwa Paryavaran Shikshan & Samajik (BYPASS) Sansthan
Bhujel Empowerment Campaign, Nepal – http://www.bhujelinfo.com/becnepal
Bhupati Development Trust
BHUPATI International Trust
Bhutan Association Of Women Entrepreneurs – http://www.baowe.org
Biafra Liberation in Exile (BILIE) – http://www.bilie.org
Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation – http://www.biancajagger.com
Bibartan – http://www.bibartan.org
Bibliothèques Sans Frontières – http://www.bibliosansfrontieres.org
Big Mountain Dineh Nation – http://www.blackmesawatercoalition.org
Bihar Youth Social Service Association – http://www.byssa.webs.com
Bikeko Mpe Bonkoko Ya Congo
Bildungswerk BUND e.V. – http://www.dgb-bildungswerk.de
Bilie Human Rights Initiative
Binaytara Foundation – http://www.binayfoundation.org
Binodia Social Services Society – BSSS
Bioanalítica Serviços Ambientais
BioCórima, A. C. – http://www.biocorima.org
Biodiversity Action Journalists – Gambia
‘Biodiversity in Good Company’ Initiative – http://www.business-and-biodiversity.de
Biofutura A.C. – https://www.facebook.com/biofutura.ac
Biopolitics International Organisation
BioRegional Development Group – http://www.bioregional.com
Bioresource Research Centre, Pakistan – http://www.pbrc.edu.pk
Biota Initiatives International
BiotechCity – http://www.biotech-city.com
Biotope – http://www.biotope.fr
Bioversity International – http://www.bioversity.org
Biovision Stiftung für ökologische Entwicklung – http://www.biovision.ch
Bird Explorers – http://www.birdexplorers.com
BirdLife International – http://www.birdlife.org
Birdlife South Africa – http://www.birdlife.org.za
Birthing Kit Foundation (Australia) – http://www.birthingkitfoundation.org.au
BJD Reinsurance Consulting, LLC – http://www.bjd-react.com
Black African Reorientation and Development Organization – http://www.barado.org
Black Girls Ignite Africa, Inc. – http://www.blackgirlsigniteafrica.com
Blacksmith Institute – http://www.blacksmithinstitute.org
Blackwood Consulting and UN CRPD Article 12 Enforcement – http://www.stopobamacarenow.webs.com
BLAIR J.A.K. MALEYKO Administrative Division
Blessed Tansi Centre for Street kids
Bloechliger Foundation – http://www.profiles.tigweb.org/Timothy-Titus
Blog A Critica – http://www.blogdoluizrodrigues.blogspot.com.br/
Blood Drive Initiative – http://www.bdi.org.ng
Blue Design & Green Protect
Blue Planet Project, Inc. – http://www.blueplanetproject.net/
Blue Rose Compass – http://www.bluerosecompass.org
BlueBuck Network – http://www.bluebucknetwork.org
Body Shop Foundation, The – http://www.thebodyshopfoundation.org
Bokma Multilink
Bolivia Inti – Sud Soleil – http://www.boliviainti-sudsoleil.org
Bolivian Climate Change Platform – http://www.cambioclimatico.org.bo/
Boma Development Initiatives.
Bonafide Consultancy P.L.C
Bongkisheri Nso Belgium
Bonne Génération du Burundi – http://www.reseau-rafal.org/siteweb/dev.asp?N=simple&O=317
Bonsucro – http://www.bonsucro.com
Bonyad Emdad-e-Jahan – http://www.iwrf.org
Boompajuhan – http://www.boompajuhan.ir
Boost Educational Cultural and Research Organization – http://www.becro.org
Boots for Africa Ghana
Border Environment Cooperation Commission – http://www.cocef.org
Border Welfare Society – http://www.facebook.com/borderwelfaresociety
Borosa Foundation for Peace, Democracy and Human Rights
BOSAFWE Foundation Initiative
Bosco Seva Kendra – http://www.boscosevakendra.org
Bosconian International Chamber of Commerce Cebu Chapter
Boss Friendship Club in Nigeria – http://www.bossfriendshipclub.org
Bowling Green State University – http://www.bgsu.edu
Boy With a Ball Ministries – http://www.boywithaball.com
BRAC – http://www.brac.net
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) – http://www.un.brahmakumaris.org
Brain builders nternational
Brainpower Organisation
Brandeis University Gender Working Group
Brasil Mata Viva – http://www.brasilmataviva.com.br
Brasil pela Dignidade
Brave Faith Foundation – http://www.bravefaithfoundation.org
BraveHeart Initiative for Youth & Women – http://www.braveheartinitiative.org
Brazil Foundation – http://www.brazilfoundation.org
Breastfeeding Promotion Network of India – http://www.bpni.org
Bridges of Hope Project, Inc.
Bright Educational Society
Bright Future Social Ewlfare Organization Badin Sindh Pakistan
Bright Generation Community Foundation – http://www.brightgeneration.org
Brighter Future Nepal – http://www.josephbrady.org
Brighter Green – http://www.brightergreen.org
Brighter Needy Vision – http://www.bnvghana.yolasite.com
Brilliace Ladies Club
British Blue Cross – http://www.blue-cross.in
British Columbia Environmental Network
Bromand Research Educational and Development Organization – http://www.bredo.org.af
Broomes Consulting – http://www.broomesconsulting.co.uk
Brotee Samaj Kallyan Sagstha – http://www.brotee.org
Brotherhood of St Laurence – http://www.bsl.org.au
Brunei Environment Youth Envoy
Bucharest International Student Model United Nations Association – http://www.bismun.ro
Buddha Faundation
Buddha’s Light International Association – http://www.bliango.org
Buddhist Cultural Progressive Association & Welfare – http://www.bcpaw.wordpress.com/
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation – http://www.us.tzuchi.org
Buena Venture Group
Buganda Blue Cross
Build Eden – http://www.buildedenafrica.jimbo.com
Building Africa, Inc. – http://www.buildingafrica.org
Building Green Futures – http://www.buildingreenfutures.org
Bundesverband Ethik e.V. – http://www.bv-ethik.de
Bunyad Literacy Community Council – http://www.bunyad.org.pk
Bunyoro Blue Cross
Bureau d’Électrification Rurale Décentralisée
Bureau de Formations et de Recherches pour un Développement Intégré, BUFORDI
Bureau de normalisation du Québec – http://www.bnq21000.qc.ca
Bureau de Traduction
Bureau Executif de E.A.P. – http://www.eapong.new.fr
Bureau of Informations, Training and Ressearch for Developpement
Bureau of Public Safety – http://www.publichealthbureau.com
Bursa Kent Konseyi – http://www.bursakentkonseyi.org.tr
Burundian Youth for Peace Building and young refugees Integration
Bus 2 Production – http://www.bus2production.com.br
Business and Professional Women Ankara Club – http://www.bpw-turkey.org/
Business and Professional Women Voluntary Organization – Sudan
Business Council for Sustainable Energy – http://www.bcse.org
Business for Social Responsibility – http://www.bsr.org
Business Innovation Research Development – http://www.gsradjou.comalso
Business Partnership Association Kiev-Beijing – http://www.kiev-beijing.org
Business Women Entrepreneurs and Enhancement Association – http://www.angikad.org.tr
Bustan Association for Child Development (known previously as Bustan Assoication for Children’s Media & Culture) – http://www.bacma.org
Butakoola Village Associtaion for Development – http://www.buvad.org/
Byka Group – http://www.gregmars3.wix.com/byka
C&P Global Partners – http://www.cpglobalpartners.com
C3 Collaborating for Health – http://www.c3health.org
C40 Climate Leadership Group – http://www.c40cities.org
CAB International – http://www.cabi.org
Cadif – http://www.cadifkenya.interconnection.org
Cadre Burundais de L’audit Social – http://www.cbas-burundi.org
CAFSO-WRAG for Development – http://www.cafso.org
Cafus Obed Foundation – http://www.cafusobedfoundation.com
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies – http://www.cihrs.org
Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion – http://www.cdg.ma
Caisse des Depôts et Consignations – http://www.caissedesdepots.fr/en/home.html
California Institute of Public Affairs
CAlifornians for Renewable Energy, Inc. – http://www.calfree.com
Calvert Investments – http://www.calvert.com
Camara Brasileira da Industria da Construcao – http://www.cbic.org.br
Camara Brasileira de Arbitragem – http://www.camaramundial.org
Camara Education – http://www.camara.ie
Camara Latino Americana de Mediacao e Arbitragem – http://www.camaramundial.org
Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights – http://www.licadho-cambodia.org
Cameroon Agenda for Sustainable Development – http://www.casdcam.blogspot.com
Cameroon Association of Volunteers for Youth Promotion and Humanitarian Actions (CAVYPHA)
Cameroon Health and Education Project, Inc. – http://www.camhep.org
Cameroon League for Development
Cameroon Vision Trust
Cameroon Youth Solidarity Association
Cameroun Assistance Sanitaire – http://www.cameroun-assistance.com
Cameroun Terre Nouvelle – http://www.camerounterrenouvelle.org
Camfed – http://www.camfed.org
Camp Hope Leadership Development for Girls – http://www.camphopeafrica.com
Campaign for Good Governanace – http://www.supro.org
Campaign for Human Rights & Development Sierra Leone – http://www.chrdsierraleone.org
Campaign for People’s Goals for Sustainable Development – http://www.peoplesgoals.org
Campaign for the Earth Foundation – http://www.campaignfortheearth.se
Campaign Life Coalition – http://www.campaignlifecoalition.com
CAMPO – Centro de Assessoria ao Movimento Popular – http://www.campo.org.br
Canadian Ape Alliance
Canadian Bar Association – http://www.cba.org
Canadian Council of Churches – http://www.councilofchurches.ca
Canadian Environmental Network – http://www.rcen.ca
Canadian Federation of Agriculture – http://www.cfa-fca.ca
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network – http://www.aidslaw.ca
CANADIAN HUNGER FOUNDATION – http://www.chf-partners.ca
Canadian Institute of Forestry
Canadian Institute of Tourism And Sustainable Livelihoods – http://www.citsl.org
Canadian Patient Coalition – http://www.putpatientsfirst.com
Canadian Shooting Sports Association – http://www.cdnshootingsports.org/index.html
Canadian University Students Overseas
Cancer Aid Society – http://www.canceraidsocietyindia.org
Canterbury Business Association Incorporated – http://www.canterburybusiness.org.nz
Canterio International for Sustainable Development – http://www.canteriointernational.org
Capacity Building Centre for Africa
Capacity Building International Network – http://www.capacitybuilding.edu.np
Cape York Institute – http://www.cyi.org.au
Capital Link World Corp. – http://www.capitallinkworldcorp.com
capital new era education and development society
Capstone Ministries
Captian Serwer Shaheed Welfare Association Khalana – http://www.csswak.110mb.com
Caputo Children’s Fund – http://www.caputo-children-fund.org/
Caraga Youth Leaders’ Network Inc. – http://www.caragayouthleadersnetworkinc.blogspot.com
Caravane d’Animation Culturelle pour le Développement Durable – http://www.caracrdcongo.wordpress.com
Carbon Disclosure Project – http://www.cdproject.net
Carbon Neutral Antarctica
Carbon War Room Corporation – http://www.carbonwarroom.com
Carbone Guinée – http://www.carboneguinee.org
CarbonSink Development Initiatives – http://www.carbonsink-ng.org
Cardet – http://www.cardet.org
Care Continuum Alliance, Inc. – http://www.carecontinuum.org
Care for Health Education and Social Interaction of Indonesia – http://www.chesiflat.wordpress.com
Care for Health International
Care for Youth Future Initiative – http://www.careforyouth.org
Care International – http://www.care-international.org
CARE NET GHANA – http://www.carenetghana.org
CareQueen & King Foundation Global Family NetWork.Inc – http://www.carequeen.org
Cari – http://www.cariassociation.org
Caribbean Association for Youth Development
Caribbean Conservation Association
Caribbean Development Activists & Women’s Network
Caribbean Farmers Network – http://www.caribbeanfarmers.org
Caribbean Institute of Sustainability – http://www.cisaction.org
Caribbean Natural Resources Institute – http://www.canari.org
Caribbean Network for Integrated Rural Development
Caribbean Policy Development Centre (CPDC)
Caribbean Science Foundation – http://www.caribbeanscience.org
Caribbean Youth Environment Network – http://www.cyen.org
Caring & Living as Neighbours – http://www.whatisclan.org
Caring Environment and Society in Nepal – http://www.censonepal.org.np
Caring for Cambodia – http://www.caringforcambodia.org
Caring Moses Orphanage
Caritas Mpika – http://www.diompika.org
Caritas Sweden – http://www.caritas.se
Carmelite Community of the Word Hands & Hearts Haiti Mission Program – http://www.ccwsisters.org
Carpathian Convention – http://www.carpathianconvention.org
Carpels Crew Foundation – http://www.facebook.com/carpelsf
Carre Geo & Environnement – http://www.carregeoenvironnement.jimdo.com
Carrefour International des Femmes et Familles
Casa do Caminho Brasil – http://www.casadocaminhobrasil.org/
Casa do Futuro.com Tecnologia Ltda – http://www.casadofuturo.com
Casa Generalizia della Societa’ del Sacro Cuore – http://www.sacredheartattheun.org;sacrecoeuralonu.org;sagradocorazonenla…
Casa Real de Portugal – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.orghttp://www.reifazdeconta.comhttp://ww…
Cascade Climate Network – http://www.cascadeclimate.org
Catalytic Communities – http://www.catcomm.org
Catalytic Limited – http://www.catalytic.co.nz
Catholic Fund for Overseas Development – http://www.cafod.org.uk/
Catholic Medical Mission Board, Inc. – http://www.cmmb.org
Catholic Near East Welfare Association – http://www.cnewa.org
Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir Córdoba – http://www.catolicas.com.ar
Caucasus Environmental NGO Network – http://www.cenn.org
Caucus de Femmes élues Locales du Mali
Caucus for Women’s Leadership – http://www.kwpcaucus.org
Cause Première – http://www.causepremiere.org
CBM Australia – http://www.cbm.org.au
CCO Integrated Services Ltd
Cecodhas Housing Europe – http://www.housingeurope.eu
CEEweb for Biodiversity – http://www.ceeweb.org
CEFC Shanghai
Ceforec International Network
Celebes Insan Mandiri
Cell of Alternative Youth Activities – http://www.kean.gr
Celtic League – http://www.celticleague.net
CEMA S.A., Centre per a l’Empresa i el Medi Ambient
CENACOLI MARIANI NO PROFIT ORGANIZATION – http://www.childrensfoundation.it
Centa for Organisational Development Ltd/Gte – http://www.codnigeria.org
Center for a New American Dream – http://www.newdream.org
Center for Advocacy & Development in Africa Nigeria
Center for Africa Development and Progress
Center for African Progress and Collaborative Research – http://www.africaprogresscentre.com.gh
Center for Change and Community Development – http://www.centerforchangenigeria.org
Center for Clean Air Policy – http://www.ccap.org
Center for Computer Logistics People Association Worldwide – http://www.cclpworldwideng.org
Center for Conflict Resolution – http://www.cecore.net
center for contemporary issues and policy studies abuja nigeria siute 31 b maitama shopping complex abuja fct
Center for Creative Initiatives in Health and Population – http://www.ccihp.org
Center for Democratic Empowerment
Center for Detention Studies – http://www.cds.or.id
Center for Development of Civil Society – http://www.cdcs.am
Center for Development of Economic and Economic Resources
Center for Development of Sustainable Peace- Iran – http://www.cdspiran.org
Center for Development Policy Research Solutions
Center for Development Programs in the Cordillera (CDPC) – http://www.cdpc.kordilyera.org
Center for Development Support Initiatives(CEDSI Nigeria) – http://www.cedsi-nigeria.org
Center for Economic and Social Development – http://www.cesd.az
Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD), Azerbaijan – http://www.cesd.az
Center for Economic and Social Rights, The – http://www.cesr.org
Center for Ecozoic Societies – http://www.ecozoicstudies.org
Center for Energy & Environmental Policy Research – http://www.ceep.net.cn/en
Center for Energy Efficiency – http://www.rertc.net
Center for Energy, Environment and Economy, Ozyegin University – http://www.ozyegin.edu.tr/energy
Center for Environment and Economic Development – http://www.ceedasia.org
Center for Environment and Population (CEP) – http://www.cepnet.org
Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services – http://www.cegisbd.com
Center for Environmental and Sustainability Education at Florida Gulf Coast University – http://www.fgcu.edu/cese
Center for Environmental Policy and Culture – http://www.ecologyandculture.ru
Center for Environmental Science and Policy, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University – http://www.cesp.stanford.edu
Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion – http://www.Centerforfinancialinclusion.org
Center for Gender and Development in Africa – http://www.gadafrica.org
Center for Global Community and World Law – http://www.centerglobalcommunitylaw.org
Center for Global Nonkilling – http://www.nonkilling.org
Center for Health Research& Disease Prevention – http://www.chrdp.org/index2.html
Center for Human Development & Management
Center for Human Rights & Peace, Bhartiy Vedic Vigyan Academy – https://groups.google.com/group/bhartiyvedicvigyan?hl=en
Center for Independent Social Research
Center for Intercultural Dialogue – http://www.cid.mk
Center for International Climate and Environmental Research – http://www.cicero.uio.no
Center for International Earth Science Information Network – http://www.ciesin.columbia.edu
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Center for International Human Rights – http://www.law.northwestern.edu/humanrights
Center for International Law and Justice
Center for International Policy – http://www.ciponline.org
Center for International Stabilization and Recovery – http://www.cisr.jmu.edu
Center for International Virtual Schooling (C4IVS)
Center for Inter-Religious Relations in Africa – http://www.cira-africa.org
Center for Legal Research and Resource Development – http://www.celrrd.org
Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines – http://www.centerformigrantadvocacy.com
Center for Monitoring Democracy and Human Rights
Center for Nonproliferation and Export Control – http://www.cnecorg.page.tl/Home.htm
Center for Organisation Research and Education – http://www.coremanipur.org
Center for Participatory Research and Development – http://www.cprdbd.org
Center for Peace and Development Effectiveness – http://www.cepdeliberia.org
Center for Peace and Environmental Justice – http://www.cepejng.com
Center for Peace Building and Democracy, inc
Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology – http://www.omnicenter.org/
Center for Political Ecology – http://www.centerforpoliticalecology.org
Center for Poverty Reduction and Community Development. – http://www.cporcdevnig.org
Center for Public Health – http://www.centerpublichealth.org
Center for Public Health and Environmental Development
Center For Public Policy Studies – http://www.cpps.ut.ac.ir/
Center for Regional Policy Research and Cooperation Studiorum – http://www.studiorum.org.mk/
Center for Religion and Diplomacy, Inc. – http://www.icrd.org
Center for Research and Policy Making – http://www.crpm.org.mk
Center for Rural Research and Community Development – http://www.crrcdindia.org
Center for Russian Environmental Policy – http://www.ecopolicy.ru
Center for Sami Studies, University of Tromsoe – http://www.sami.uit.no
Center For Social Development and Educational Initiative
Center for Studies on Turkey – http://www.zfti.de
Center for Sustainability Studies
Center for Sustainable Economy – http://www.sustainable-economy.org
Center for the Economics of Liberty & Personal Sovereignty
Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry – http://www.chrusp.org
Center for the Right to Health – http://www.crhonline.org
Center for the Study of Development Economics – http://www.csdecons.org
Center for Women and Development – http://www.cwd.vn
Center International des Artistes pour l’Aide au Développement
Center of Expertise for Sustainable Development in Africa
Center of Investment and Financial Analysts – http://www.cifa.uz
Center of Research and Development in Upland Area
Central American Indeginous and Peasant Coordinator of Communal Agroforestry, ACICAFOC
Central Bank of Nigeria, Abuja. – http://www.cbn.gov.ng
Central European University – http://www.ceu.hu
Central Tibetan Women’s Association – http://www.tibetanwomen.org/http://www.tibet3rdpole.org
Centre Africain D’echange Culturel
Centre Amdou Hampâté Bâ – http://www.centre-cahba-bamako.org
centre congolais pour le developpement durable
Centre D’accompagnement des Filles Desoeuvrees
Centre d’Accueil et de Volontariat pour Orphelins, Abandonnés et Handicapés du Cameroun (CAVOAH-CAM) – http://www.cavoahcam.org
Centre d’Actions pour le Developpent Social
Centre d’analyse et de recherche en droits de l’homme (CARDH-H)
Centre d’Appui aux Organisations de Femmes du Gabon
Centre de Developpement Agro-Pastoral de Djolu
Centre de Développement Socioculturel – http://www.cads.ch
Centre de documentation, de recherches et de formation indianocéanique
Centre de droit international – http://www.cdi.lyon3.free.fr
Centre de Formation et de Recherche pour le Développement (CFRD)
Centre de Formation Etudes et Recherches pour le Developpement
Centre de Partenariat et d’Expertise pour le Développement Durable – http://www.cepedbenin.org
Centre de rcehrche en langues et Culture Africaines de Kinsangani
Centre de Recherche des Voies pour L’epanouissement dt L’autonomie – http://www.asblcerveau.doomby.com
Centre de Recherche et d’Education pour le Developpement (CREPD)
Centre de Recherche et d’Information pour le Developpement (CRID) – http://www.crid.asso.fr
Centre de Recherches et de Promotion pour la Sauvegarde des Sites et Monuments Historiques en Afrique – http://www.centrededakar.org
Centre de Tunis pour la Démocratie et le Développement
Centre des dames mourides
Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants d’entreprise – http://www.cjd.net
Centre d’Etude et d’Animation MultiMédia
Centre d’Etudes du Développement Durable – http://www.igeat.ulb.ac.be/fr/unites-de-recherche/details/unit/centre-de…
Centre d’Etudes et de Recherche pour une Population Dynamique (CERPD)
Centre d’études et de Recherches en Sciences Sociales – http://www.cerss-ma.org
Centre d’information et de coopération décentralisée
Centre d’Initiatives pour le Développement Intégral (CIDI) – http://www.cidirdc.org
Centre Européen de Recherche et de Prospective Politique – http://www.cereppol.eu
Centre Femme, Citoyennete et Paix, Centre FECPA – http://www.fecpa.org
Centre for Adivasee Studies & Peace – http://www.adivasee.org
Centre For Advocacy Against Corrupt Practices – http://www.cacorp.or
Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology – http://www.cawst.org
Centre for African Israeli Friendship – http://www.caifglobal.org
Centre for African Settlement Studies and Development (CASSAD) – http://www.cassadnigeria.org
Centre for Agricultural Resources and International Development – http://www.cefard.org
Centre for Applied Sociology – http://www.casoc.in
Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations
Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability – http://www.cbgaindia.org/index.php
Centre For Charity And Development Foundation – http://www.cechadef.org
Centre for Civil Society
Centre For Climate Change & Environmental Study – http://www.center4climatechange.com
Centre for Community Economics & Development, Consultants Society – http://www.cecoedecon.org.in
Centre for Community Regeneration and Development – http://www.ccreadcameroon.org
Centre for Democratic Assignment
Centre for Development Action and Community Research
Centre for Development and Population Activities, India
Centre for Development Communication – http://www.cdcindia.org
Centre for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance in Sri Lanka
Centre for Discipline & Peace Initiative – http://www.disciplinecorpsng.com
Centre For Drug Universal Researches , Approaches & Studies – http://www.cudras.ir
Centre for Eco-cultural Studies – http://www.cessrilanka.org
Centre for Economic & Libertarian Affairs – http://www.celak.org
Centre for Economic Problems Research
Centre for Education and Communication – http://www.cec-india.org
Centre for Education and Youth Development
Centre for Energy and Environment
Centre for Environment & Development – http://www.thehavids.global-arina.org
Centre for Environment and Development – http://www.centreforenvironmentdevelopment.blogspot.com/
Centre for Environmental Rights
Centre for Equality – http://www.centreforequality.org
Centre for Ethics and Value Inquiry – http://www.cevi-globalethics.ugent.be/
Centre for Girls and Interaction – http://www.centreforgirlsandinteraction.weebly.com/
Centre for Governance and Economic Policy Research – http://www.cgeprghana.org
Centre for Grassroots and Environmental Concerns
Centre for Green Growth and Green Technology – http://www.cgggepk.com
Centre for Health and Population Studies, Pakistan
Centre for Health and Social Justice – http://www.chsj.org
Centre for Health Policy and Innovation – http://www.centreforglobalhealth.org
Centre for Himalayan Integrated Development and Social Welfare ( CHIDSW )
Centre for Himalayan Integrated Development and Social Welfare ( CHIDSW ).
Centre for Hospital and Health Services Improvement
Centre for Human Ecology – http://www.che.ac.uk
Centre for Human Resource Development
Centre For Human Rights and Climate Change Research
Centre for Human Rights and Institute for National Social Initiatives – http://www.chinansifoundation.org
Centre for Human Rights Empowerment and Development
Centre for Humanitarian Affairs and Community Development
Centre for Humanitarian Enhancement
Centre for Integrated Rural Development
Centre for International Sustainable Development Law – http://www.cisdl.org
Centre for Learning on Sustainable Agriculture – http://www.agriculturesnetwork.org
Centre for Legal Aid Assistance and Settlement – http://www.claasfamily.com
Centre for Low Carbon Futures – http://www.lowcarbonfutures.org
Centre for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies – http://www.cres.edu.vn
Centre for Pakistan and Gulf Studies – http://www.cpakgulf.org/
Centre for Palliative Care, BSMMU – http://www.palliatvecarebd.org
Centre for Peace, Culture and Environmental Studies – http://www.centreforpeace.org
Centre for Policy and Development – http://www.poldec.org
Centre for Poverty Analysis – http://www.cepa.lk
Centre for Renewable Energy and Action on Climate Change
Centre for Research and Advocacy Manipur
Centre for Research Education and Social Transformation
Centre for Research in Environment Kenya – http://www.creek-kenya.org
Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development – http://www.crrid.res.in
Centre for Research on Women’s Issues
CENTRE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT – http://www.crdev.org
Centre for Rural Education and Development – http://www.credindia.org
Centre for Rural Employment, Awareness, Training and Education – http://www.createngo.org
Centre for Science and Environment
Centre for Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and Other Developing Countries
Centre for Social Impact Studies – http://www.cesisghana.org
Centre for Social Reconditioning and Development
Centre for Social Transformation & Human Dev. Ltd/Gte – http://www.protectourfuture.org
Centre for Sustainable Development – http://www.sustainabledevelopmentcentre
Centre for Sustainable Development and Research – http://www.csdr.info
Centre for Sustainable Development of Cities – http://www.c4sdc.org
Centre for Sustainable Rural Development and Research Studies – http://www.vit.ac.in
Centre for the Defence of Human Rights & Vocational Training in Africa – http://www.cdhrvta.org
Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed – http://www.crp-bangladesh.org
Centre for the Study of Society, Technology and Development
Centre for Trade, Globalisation & Development – http://www.cetglad.org
Centre for Transparency and Community Development
Centre for Water and Environment Development (CWED) – http://www.cwedng.org
Centre for Women and Children and Children Development – http://www.cwcdnigeria.org
Centre for Women Empowerment and Community Development
Centre for Women the Earth the Divine, The – http://www.cwed.org
Centre for Youth Development Aquisition Skill
Centre for Youth Interest, Dignity and Development
Centre International des Artistes pour l’Aide au Développement
Centre International des Arts Plastque
Centre International des Formations en Droits Humains
Centre National d’Appui aux Organisations de Femmes du Gabon – http://www.cenaf.org/ga
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique – http://www.cnrs.fr
Centre On Convention For Democratic Integrity – http://www.rmg.com.ng
Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions – http://www.cohre.org/
Centre per a l.Empresa i el Medi Ambient
Centre Polyvalent de Formation – http://www.cpfmbouocmr.org
Centre pour la Promotion Sociale et Communautaire
Centre pour les Droits Civils et Politiques – Centre CCPR – http://www.ccprcentre.org
Centre Social pour la Protection des Démunis – http://www.observateurs-elections.blogspot.com
centre solidarité de santé et développement
Centre Zagros pour les Droits de l’Homme – http://www.zagros-centre.org
Centro Acadêmico da Engenharia de Energias Renováveis da Unila
Centro Acadêmico Visconde de Cairu – http://www.cavc.com.br
Centro Academico XI de Agosto
Centro Brasileiro de Assistencia Juridica
Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais – http://www.cebri.org.br
CENTRO C.B. ERUCE – OPERATORI EMERGENZA RADIO – http://www.centrocberuce.it
Centro Cultural Techantit
Centro de Ação Cultural – http://www.centrac.org.br
Centro de Apoio Sócio Ambiental – http://www.casa.org.br
Centro de Arbitragem das Americas – http://www.camaramundial.org
Centro de Ayuda a Pacientes con Enfermedades Cronico Degenerativas – https://www.facebook.com/capec.cancun
Centro de Capacitação e Aperfeiçoamento Profissional em Turismo
Centro de Capacitacion Mujeres indigena Sumu-Mayangna Rigoberta Menchu
Centro de Derecho Ambiental y de los Recursos Naturales – http://www.cedarena.org
Centro de Derechos Humanos y Medio Ambiente (CEDHA)
Centro De Desarrollo Integral de la Niñez y la Adolesencia¨Rikchari¨ CDI EC=407
Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável – http://www.unbcds.pro.br/pub/
Centro de Ecologia Integral – http://www.ecologiaintegral.org.br
Centro de Educacion y Capacitacion para el Desarrollo Sustentable – http://www.semarnat.gob.mx/educacionambiental/Paginas/inicio.aspx
Centro de Estudio y Formacion Integral de la Mujer – http://www.cefim.org.mx/
Centro de Estudios de Derecho Ambiental de Tarragona – http://www.cedat.cat
Centro de Estudios sobre Ciencia, Desarrollo y Educación Superior – http://www.centroredes.org.ar
Centro de Estudos Avançados de Promoçao Social/Projeto Saude e Alegria – http://www.saudeealegria.org.br
Centro de Estudos Casa Curta-SE – http://www.casacurtase.org.br
Centro de Estudos em Direito Ambiental da Amazonia – http://www.cedamamazonia.blogspot.com/
Centro de Estudos em Direito do Ordenamento, do Urbanismo e do Ambiente da Universidade de Coimbra – http://www.cedoua.fd.uc.pt/
Centro de Estudos Sociais – Universidade de Coimbra – http://www.ces.uc.pt
Centro de Formaçao Profissional Alzira de Aleluia – http://www.seralziradealeluia.com.br
Centro de Formación para la Integración Regional
Centro de Gestão e Estudos Estratégicos – http://www.cgee.org.br
Centro de Información y Comunicación Ambiental de Norte América
Centro de Investigacion Educacion Y Servicios – http://www.cies.org.bo
Centro de Investigación para el Desarrollo y Defensa del Medio Ambiente – http://www.cidmaperu.org
Centro de Investigación Social Avanzada – http://www.cisav.mx
Centro de Investigacion y Capacitacion Cultural de los Indigena Mayangna DITALYANG – http://www.redindigena.net
Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Diseño Industrial del Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Industrial – http://www.inti.gob.ar/diseno
Centro de Investigaciones Rurales – http://www.espol.edu.ec
Centro de Investigaciones y Servicios en Teledeteccion – Universidad Mayor de San Simon
Centro de la Mujer Panamena – http://www.fotolog.com/cemp_panama
Centro de Logística e Apoio a Natureza – http://www.clean.org.br
Centro de Mujeres Aymaras Candelaria, Bolivia
Centro de Pesquisa e Estudos Agrários e Ambientais – Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Centro de Pesquisas Ambientais do Nordeste – http://www.cepan.org.br
Centro de Referência e Integração em Sustentabilidade – http://www.cris.org.br
Centro de Referência em Educação Ambiental Fundação Escola Bosque Professor Eidorfe Moreira
Centro de Tecnologias Alternativas da Zona da Mata – http://www.ctazm.org.br
Centro de Transporte Sustentable de México – http://www.ctsmexico.org
Centro de Treinamento e Desenvolvimento – http://www.cetrede.com.br
Centro Ecológico y de Servicios Cereus Mexico S.C. – http://www.cereusmexico.com.mx
Centro Ecuatoriano de Derecho Ambiental – http://www.ceda.org.ec
Centro Educativo y Desarrollo Integral del Altiplano
Centro Estratégico para el Desarrollo Sostenible – http://www.codesosursinergias.org
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici
Centro Integrado de Estudos e Programas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável – http://www.cieds.org.br/
Centro Interdisciplinar de Desenvolvimento e Gestão Social – http://www.gestaosocial.org.br
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical – http://www.ciat.cgiar.org
Centro Internacional de Fisica – http://www.cif.org.co
Centro Internacional de Investigación, Demostración, Capacitación y Servicio en Aprovechamiento en Agua de Lluvia A. C. – http://www.colpos.mx/cidecalli
Centro Internactional de Mejoramiento Maize Y Trigo – http://www.cimmyt.org
Centro Internazionale per le Ricerche e gli Studi Interculturali – http://www.cirsi.net
Centro Latinoamericano de Investigacion Cientifica – http://www.celinbolivia.org
Centro Mexicano de Análisis Estratégico y Negociaciones Internacionales – http://www.caeni.org.mx
Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental A.C. – http://www.cemda.org.mx
Centro Mocovi Lalek Lav’a
Centro para a Competitividade e Inovacao do Cone Leste Paulista – http://www.CECOMPI.ORG.BR
Centro para la Investigacion de la Epidemia del Tabaquismo – http://www.cieturuguay.org
Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo – http://www.cesie.eu
Centro Studi Europeo Sicurezza Stradale Onlus – http://www.centrosicurezzastradale.it
Centro Tecnologico Social de Torreões
Centro UNESCO di Firenze – http://www.centrounescofi.it
Centro Universitário Franciscano – http://www.unifra.br
Centro Vivo da Memoria Contemporanea – http://www.centro-memoria.blogspot.com
Centrul de Consultanta Ecologica Cahul
Centrum Promocji Ekorozwoju
Century’s Awake
Cercle de Promotion des Forêts et des Initiatives locales de Développement – http://www.cepfild.o
Cercle de Recherche sur les Droits et les Devoirs de la Personne Humaine – http://www.pnad.ch
Cercle des amis de la foret pour le 21e siecle – http://www.cafor21.org
Cercle des Filles et Femmes Actives pour l’Amélioration des Conditions Socioéconomiques et Culturelles des Femmes et des Filles
CERCLE DES OUVRIERS HUMANISTES DU BENIN – http://www.ouvriers-humanistes.org
Cercle des Volontaires pour le Developpement-TOGO – http://www.cervod-togo.webobo.com
Cercle d’initiative commune pour la recherche, l’environnement et la qualité – http://www.cicreq.cfsites.org
Cercle Social pour la Protection des Defavorises
CESAM – http://www.cesam-sahar.org
Cesvi Fondazione – http://www.cesvi.org
CGBD – http://www.cgbd.org
Chaine de L espoir RDC
Chaire Desjardins en Gestion du Développement Durable, Université de Sherbrooke
Chaithanya Samskarika Vedi Chennayangaloor P.O. – http://www.chaithanyanorthcmr.com
Chakma Raj Bihar
Challenge your Disability Initiative – http://www.cydionline.com
Chamber of Computer Logistics People Worldwide – http://www.cclpworldwide.com
Chanan Development Association – http://www.cdapak.org
Change Life
Change Mob – http://www.change-mob.org
Change Planet Partners Climate Innovation Foundation
Change thru Empowerment – http://www.cte.org.pk
Changemaker Norway – http://www.changemaker.no
Changemakers-Sierra Leone
Changement Social Bénin
Changing Mentalities And Empowering Groups
Chant du Guépard dans le Désert – http://www.cchbio.com
Chaplain Ambassadors and Theological Ministry – http://www.chaplainambassadors.org.ng
Chapman University – http://www.chapman.edu
Charity Aid Educational Foundation – http://www.charityaef.org
Charity Medical Team
Charity: Water – http://www.charitywater.org
Charmers Media and Communication Consults
Charter of Union of legal persons in the form of Association Internet Association of Kazakhstan – http://www.iak.kz
Chartered-Certified Institution of Architect-Engineers – http://www.123architectengineer.blog.com
Cha-Ta-Ra Clan Interim Government Council
Chautauqua Learn and Serve ARC – http://www.chautauqua-learn-serve.com
CHEMARIMS FEDERATION (RADTAP) – http://www.radtap-charitable.com
Chenab Development Foundation – http://www.cdf.org.pk
Chetanalaya – http://www.chetanalaya.org.in
Chibuzor Human Resource Development Organisation – http://www.chiddo.org
Chibuzor Human Resource Development Organization
Chickaloon Village, Arctic Council Indigenous Peoples Secretariat, and Arctic Athabascan Council – http://www.chickaloon.org
Chiezedimma Edward Foundation for Human Rights – http://www.chiezedimmaedwardfoundation.gnbo.com.ng
Chikka Federation of India – http://www.chikkafederation.org
Child Aid Development Foundation International (CADFIN)
Child Care Consortium
Child Family Health International – http://www.cfhi.org
Child Life-Line Organisation
Child Rehabilitation Centre – http://www.crcsrilanka.org
Child Rights Information & Documentation Centre – http://www.cridoc.net
ChildHelp Sierra Leone – http://www.childhelpsl.org
Childhood Cancer Foundation – http://www.childhoodcancerfound.org
Childolescent and Family Survival organization – http://www.cafso.org
Children Alliance for Environmental Protection, CAEP, The
Children and Community Initiative for Development – http://www.caidgambia.org
Children and Women in Social Service and Human Rights – http://www.cwish.org.np
Children Education and Social Welfare Society – http://www.cews-pak.blogspot.com
Children for Green New Nepal – http://www.cgnn.org.np
Children Foundation and Peace Development Ghana
Children Fund for Education and Scholarship Trust
Children International – http://www.children.org
Children of a Better Time
Children of Light
Children of the Earth – http://www.coeworld.org
Children’s HeartLink – http://www.childrensheartlink.org
Children’s Human Rights Centre of Albania – http://www.crca.org.al/
Children’s Rights Advocacy and Lobby Mission – Africa (CALM-Africa) – http://www.calmafrica-ug.org
Children’s Rights Network
Children’s World
ChildVoice International – http://www.childvoiceintl.org
China Association for Non-Profit Organization
China Association of Women Entrepreneurs – http://www.cawe.org.cn
China Brazil Center for Climate Change and Energy Technology Innovation – http://www.centrochinabrasil.coppe.ufrj.br/en/
China Educational Channels – http://www.cetv.cn
China Energy Fund Committee – http://www.chinaenergyfund.org
China Family Planning Association – http://www.chinafpa.org.cn
China Foundation for Peace and Development – http://www.cfpd.org.cn
China Freedom and Peace League
China Institute for Reform and Development – http://www.cird.cn/
China International Council for the Promotion of Multinational Corporations – http://www.cicpmc.org
China Population and Development Research Center – http://www.cpdrc.org.cn
China Society for Promotion of the Guangcai Programme – http://www.cspgp.org.cn/
China Soong Ching Ling Foundation – http://www.sclf.o
China Undeveloped Area Investment Fund, Ltd. (CUAIF)
China Youth Climate Action Network
Chinese Alliance to Save Energy
Chinese Association on Tobacco Control
Chinyere Onuogu Foundation – http://www.cofng.org
Chips Nepal
CHIRAPAQ – Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú – http://www.chirapaq.org.pe
Chitral Association for Mountain Area Tourism – http://www.grassrootsjourneys.com/explore/asia/pakistan/camat/
Chittagon Indigenous Buddhist Student’s Association in SriLanka
Chittagong Hill Tract Jumma Refugee’s Welfare Association – http://www.updfcht.org
Chittagong Social Development Forum – http://www.gadalliance.net/csdf
Christ Cares for the Needy Foundation
Christelik Maatskaplike Raad Humansdorp
Christian Adolescent Foundation Inc. – http://www.chrisadolfoundation.org
Christian Aid – http://www.christian-aid.org.uk
Christian Aid-Ethiopia – http://www.christianaid.org
Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament – Kenya – http://www.cndkenya.org
Christian Collectivity to Reach Others’ Needs
Christian Communication Centre – http://www.cccug.org
Christian Development Foundation
Christian Fellowship and Care Foundation – http://www.chrifacafinc.org
Christian Partners Development Agency – http://www.cpda.or.ke
Christian Volunteer Service International – http://www.cvsighana.com
Christine Cares, Inc. – http://www.chriscares.org
Chronic Care Foundation – http://www.chroniccareindia.org
Church World Service – http://www.churchworldservice.org
Ciclo Sustainable – http://www.ciclo.org
Cicoa Aging & In-Home Solutions – http://www.cicoa.org
Cidade Criativa Transformacoes Culturais – http://www.cidadecriativa.org
CIDSE – http://www.cidse.org
Cie International Education – http://www.cieinternational.in
CIMMYT – http://www.cimmyt.org
Circulo de Mujeres con Discapacidad
Círculo Latinoamericano de Estudios Internacionales – http://www.claei.org.mx
Circulo Operário Leopoldense – http://www.col.org.br
CIRID (Centre Independent de Recherches et d’Iniatives pour le Dialogue) – http://www.cirid.ch
CISA, Tierras para la Conservación, A.C.
CISRI – Collaborative Intergovernmental Scientific Research Institute – http://www.cisri.org
CISV International – http://www.cisv.org
Cities Network Campaign (The Sustainable Environment Resource Institute) – http://www.citiesnetworkcampaign.org
Citigroup, Inc.
Citizen Mission for Development – http://www.citizenmissionfordevelopment.com
Citizen Voice – http://www.citizenvoice.org.pk
Citizens’ Alliance for Consumer Protection of Korea
Citizens Centre for Integrated Development and Social Rights – http://www.ccidesor.org
Citizens’ Constitutional Forum Limited – http://www.ccf.org.fj
Citizens’ Movement for Peace and Harmony
Citizens Network for Sustainable Development – http://www.citnet.org/
Citizens United for Growth Initiative – http://www.transformationwatch.wordpress.com
Citizens United to Promote Peace and Democracy in Liberia – http://www.cuppadl.ushahidi.com
City Lounge Magazine – http://www.citylounge.com.ng
City Montessori School – http://www.cmseducation.org
City of Austin – http://www.austintexas.gov/
City of Marseilles – http://www.mairie-marseille.fr
City University of New York, College of Staten Island
City2000 Youth Action International
Ciudadanxs Contra la Corrupción (C3) – http://www.ciudadanosc3.com
Civic Act-up
Civic Alliance of Kazakhstan – http://www.civilsociety.kz
Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation – http://www.oprf.ru
Civic Development and Partnership Foundation – http://www.cdpf.am
Civic Duties Awareness Initiative – http://www.cidaingr.org
Civic Environmental Foundation UNISON – http://www.unison.kg
Civic Exchange
CIVICUS – World Alliance for Citizen Participation – http://www.civicus.org
Civil Association for Human Rights United Migrant and Refugee Women in Argentina – http://www.amumra.org.ar
Civil Centre for Peace, Justice and Development
Civil Coalition for Human Rights – http://www.cchr.ucoz.com/
Civil Societe Initiative
Civil Society Action Coalition on Education for All – http://www.csacefa.org
Civil Society Bahamas
Civil Society Biofuels Forum – http://www.biofuelsforumzambia.com
Civil Society Human and Institutional Development Programme – http://www.chip-pk.org
Civil Society Initiative – http://www.csingo.org
Civil Society Movement – Sierra Leone
Civil Society Organisations’ Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment in East Africa – http://www.cisonet.org
civil society organization network for development
Civil Society Platform For Social Protection – http://www.cspsl.org
Civil Society Safety and Development Organization
Civil Society Support Programme (CSSP) – http://www.cssp.org.pk
CIVILSCAPE – http://www.civilscape.eu
Classic Live for The United Nations – http://www.classiclive-un-org
Claytonet.net – http://www.sdcx.com.br
Clean Air Foundation
Clean Air Initiative for Asian Cities (CAI-Asia) Center, Inc. – http://www.cleanairinitiative.org/portal/index.php
Clean Energy and Safe Environment Initiative – http://www.ceasei.org
Clean Energy Council Limited – http://www.cleanenergycouncil.org.au
Clean Energy Nepal – http://www.cen.org.np
Clean Energy Promoting Citizen’s Forum – http://www.noksekenergy.org
Clean Green Forum – http://www.cleangreenforum.com
Clean Up Australia Ltd – http://www.cleanup.org.auandhttp://www.cleanuptheworld.org
ClearWater Initiative – http://www.clearwaterinitiative.com
Clefsdufutur.org-ONG-CDF.org-Groupe G6 – http://www.clefsdufutur.org
Clifford Global Education Initiative – http://www.cliffinitiative.org
Climate Action Network Association e.V. – http://www.climatenetwork.org
Climate Action Network Canada – http://www.climateactionnetwork.ca
Climate Action Network Europe asbl – http://www.caneurope.org
Climate Advisers – http://www.climateadvisers.com
Climate Alliance
Climate and Health Limited – http://www.climateandhealth.org
Climate Caucus Network – http://www.climatecaucus.net
Climate Change Adaptation Research Group, McGill University – http://www.ccadapt.ca
Climate Change Center – http://www.climatechangecenter.kr
Climate Change Development Forum Bangladesh
Climate Change Network Nigeria – http://www.ccnnigeria.org
Climate Change Resilience Centre
Climate Emergency Institute – http://www.climateemergencyinstitute.com
Climate Institute – http://www.climate.org
Climate Leaders India Network – http://www.cleain.in
Climate Parliament – http://www.climateparl.net
Climate Policy Initiative – http://www.climatepolicyinitiative.org
Climate Wise Women – http://www.climatewisewomen.org
ClimateChange-Center – http://www.climatechange-center.org
Clinics For All – http://www.clinics4all.org
Clinton Senior Center – http://www.orgsites.com/ma/clintonseniorc/
Close the Gap – http://www.close-the-gap.org
Club Alpino Italiano Sicilia – http://www.caisicilia.it
Club Botánico Ambiental – http://www.clubbotanicoambiental.blosgpot.com
Club des Jeunes Aveugles Réhabilités du Cameroun – http://www.cjarc-cameroun.org
Club Internazionale Della Pace IIRD – http://www.iird.org
Club of Rome Capitulo Brasileiro
Club Union Africaine/ Congo Brazza
CMG Empowerment Ghana
CNC Watch New S/L
CNDCEC – http://www.commercialisti.it
Coal Briquettes for Neighbors in Korea – http://www.lovecoal.org
Coalición internacional de Activistas en Tratamientos CIAT – ITPC – Latinoamérica – http://www.latinciat.net
Coalición Latinoamérica Saludable – http://www.coalicionlatinoamericasaludable.org
Coalition for Community Participation in Governance (CCPG)
Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies (CERES)
Coalition of Mindanao Indigenous Peoples for Peace Advocacy
Coalition of Ogaden Civil Societies
Coalition on the Rights and Responsibilities of Youth
Coalition pour la protection du Patrimoine Génétique Africain – http://www.inadesfo.net
COAST – http://www.coastbd.org
Coastal & Marine Union (EUCC) – http://www.eucc.net
Coastal and Marine Study Group
Coastal Association for Social Transformation (COAST) Trust – http://www.coastbd.org
Coastal Development Partnership – http://www.cdpbd.org
Cobaty International – http://www.cobaty.org
Çocuk Haklari Zirvesi ve Kalkinma Dernegi – http://www.cocukzirvesi.org
Codata-Germany – http://www.codata-germany.org
Codethic SA – http://www.codethic.com
Codewit Gloabl Network – http://www.codewit.info
Cogilent Solutions – http://www.brightspyre.com
Cognisci Information Systems and Technologies for Development Foundation – http://www.cogniscifoundation.corg
Co-Habiter – http://www.co-habiter.ch
Coherence Rio + 20 – http://www.coherence.rio20.net
Cohort for Research on Environment, Urban Management and Human Settlements
Coletivo de Assessoria e Documentacao – http://www.parawa.org.br
CoLink – http://www.colinkonline.org
Collaborative Development Foundation
Collectif Alpha Ujuvi – http://www.alphaujuvi.org
Collectif Avenir sans Frontieres
Collectif de création artistique LeS dOiGtS bLeUs – http://www.lesdoigtsbleus.com
Collectif de femmes du printemps noir
COLLECTIF DES FEMMES CONGOLAISES POUR LA PAIX ET LA JUSTICE – https://sites.google.com/site/collectiffcp/
Collectif des ONG pour la Securite Alimentaire et le Developpement Rural – http://www.cosader.net
Collectif Multisectoriel pour le Développement Intégral
Collectif Pour la Défense du Droit à l’Energie – http://www.coddae.org
Collectif pour la Promotion des Droits des Personnes en Situation de Handicap – http://www.chdm.org
Collectif Senegalais des Africaines pour la Promotion de l’Education Relative a l’Environnement
Collective for Research and Training on Development Action – http://www.crtda.org.lb
Collège des Directeurs du Développement Durable – http://www.cddd.fr
College Icesp – http://www.icesp.br
College of Australasia
College of the Atlantic – http://www.coa.edu/index.htm
Colombian Confederation of NGOs – http://www.ccong.org.co
Colombo Americanos Unidos – http://www.fundacioncolomboamericanosunidos.org
COL’OR Onlus – http://www.colorngo.org
Colorado Haiti Project – http://www.coloradohaitiproject.org
Columbia Earth Institute – http://www.earth.columbia.edu
Comisión Centroamericana de Ambiente y Desarrollo – http://www.sica.int/ccad/
Comision de Derecho Indígena Arica Parinacota
Comision de Desarrollo Regional Sustentable del Parlamento del Mercosur – http://www.parlamentodelmercosur.org
Comision de Region Amazonica Tierra, Territorio, Agua, Recursos Naturales y Medio Ambiente – Camara de Diputados del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia
Comision Interdisciplinaria de Medio Ambiente – http://www.cima.org.ar
Comision Juridica para el Autodesarrollo de los Pueblos Originarios Andinos – Capaj – http://www.capaj.org
Comitato- Ev-K2 -CNR – http://www.evk2cnr.org/cms/en/
Comite Aldeia Brasil
Comitê Catarinense para a Rio+20 – http://www.riomais20sc.wordpress.com/
Comite Civico Pro Desarrollo de Puerto Estrella
Comité d’Animation Sociale et Culturelle du SDIS du RHONE Section APPUI – http://www.cascappui.org
Comité de Lutte Contre les Pandémies pour le Développement Durable au Cameroun (CLPC) – http://www.clpc.org
Comité de Pilotage des Initiatives de Developpement – http://www.cpid.asso-web.com
Comite de Secours aux Personnes Démunies
Comité des Droits de L’homme et Développement
Comité d’Intervention pour le Développement en Côte d’Ivoire
Comité Français pour le Développement Durable – http://www.comite21.org
Commenda Cavalieri del Tempio San Giovanni Battista – Terra del Salento Italia – http://www.commendasangiovannibattista.it
Commission africaine des promoteurs de la santé et des droits de l’homme – http://www.capsdh.org
Commission des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale – http://www.comifac.org
Commission Nationale des Femmes Entrepreneurs ( CNFE/FEC)
Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches – http://www.oikoumene.org
Commission on Voluntary Service and Action Inc. – http://www.cvsa-investyourself.org
Commissione Internatzionale IIRD Per I Diritti Dell’Uomo – http://www.iird.org
Commissione Internazionale per i Diritti Dell’uomo e per i Problemi Della Giustizia – http://www.iird.org
Commissioni de Dipartimenti Internazionali IIRD – http://www.iird.org
Commitment For Native Development Program Foundation
Committed Communities Development Trust – http://www.ccdtrust.org
Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow
Committee for Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Sciences
Committee for Rehabilitation Aid to Afghanistan – http://www.craausa.org
Committee for the Defence of Human Rights Nigeria – http://www.cdhrnigeria.org
Common Era, LLC – http://www.futurespace.me
Common Initiative Developement
Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy – http://www.casleconferences.co.uk
Commonwealth Braodcasting Association – http://www.cba.org.uk
Commonwealth Dietitians and Nutritionist Association
Commonwealth Policy Studies Unit – http://www.cpsu.org.uk
Communauté du Magnificat
Communautés: Nouvelles Technologies – Santé – Développement – http://www.ong.paleba.org/
Communication and Development Institute – http://www.lasociedadcivil.org
Communication et Développement Intégral – http://www.cditogo.wordpress.com
COMMUNICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT CENTRE – http://www.africadevelopment.org
Communities Forestry and Social Development Organization
Community Action Against Injustice
Community Agricultural Development Project
Community Ailment Redressal Establishment
Community and Environmental Servicies Association – http://www.saintkatherinecenter.blogspot.com/
Community Awareness Raising Advocacy Ven: Arround Needs (CARAVAN)
Community Based Rehabilitation Aliance – http://www.combra.org
Community Biodiversity Action Network – http://www.cbansl.org
Community Centred Conservation (C3) – http://www.c-3.org.uk
Community Conservation and Development Initiatives – http://www.ccdinigeria.org
Community Development & Entrepreneurship Foundation
Community Development Action Group
Community Development Alliance (CDA)
Community Development And Conservation Agency (CODECA) – http://www.codecauganda.org
Community Development Centre
Community Development Initiative West Africa
Community Development Initiatives
Community Development Organization Trust
Community Development Programme (SDP) – http://www.cdpdir.webs.com/
Community Development Programme Agency
Community Education Services (CES) Canada – http://www.cescan.ca
Community Emergency Response Initiative
Community Empowering Society, Taiwan – http://www.peopo.org/cesroc
COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT AND DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION – http://www.orgsites.com/dc/ceda/index.html
Community Empowerment For Peace and Health Initiative – http://www.cepinig.org
Community Empowerment Forum, Nepal (CEF-NEPAL) – http://www.cefnepal.com.np
Community Engineering Programme – http://www.comengip.org
Community Environmental Social Welfare Rehabilitation Proramme
Community Health Information Education Forum – http://www.chiefngo.org
community Humanitarian Advocacy and Develpment Organization
Community Initiative for Peace Education and Development – http://www.molgl.gov.gm
Community Initiatives and Social Support Organization
Community Life Project – http://www.reclaimnaija.net
Community Motivation and Developement Organization – http://www.cmdo.org
Community of Potters in Rwanda (COPORWA)
Community Outreach Programme – http://www.copepk.org
Community peace and development foundation – http://www.copedef.org
Community Production & Development Centre
Community Recovery Foundation
Community Research and Development Center
Community Research and Development Centre – http://www.credcentre.org
Community Rights and Sustainable Development Initiatives – http://www.communityrightsnigeria.org
Community Service for Environmental Protecetion – http://sites.google.com/sites/cosepcam
Community Service Foundation
Community Social Humanitarian Project
Community Technology Development Trust (CTDT) – http://www.ctdt.co.zw
Community Transformation Foundation Network (COTFONE) – http://www.cotfone.org
Community Translation Organization
Community United Against Ills of Society
Community Youth Network Program – CYNP – http://www.one.org/c/international/hottopic/3797/http://www.facebook.com…
Compagnons D’action pour le Développement Familial – http://www.cadf-ongd.populus.ch
Compasionate Hands Charity Initiative
Compassion Africa Aged Foundation – http://www.compassionafricaaged.org
Competency Centre for Human Rights of the University of Zurich (UZHR) – http://www.menschenrechte.uzh.ch
Complete Business Information Services – http://www.cbiset.com
Complexo do Alemao Sustentavel – http://www.paieai.com.br
Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT) – http://www.ccbrt.or.tz
Compromisso Empresarial para Reciclagem – http://www.cempre.org.br
Comunicação, Educação, Informação e Adaptação – http://www.cemina.org.br
Comunicas – http://www.comunicas.org
Comunidad Campesina de PUÑACHIZAK
Comunidad y Familia de Chihuahua AC
Comunidade Semeando o Futuro – http://www.comsef.wordpress.com(Blog)
Concern for Environmental Development And Research – http://www.nocorruptionbd.org
Concern Health Education Project – http://www.concernhealthghana.webs.com
Concern Health Education Project NGO – http://www.concernhealthghana.org
Concern Nimba Citizens for the Promotion of Health and Development
Concern Universal – http://www.concern-universal.org
Concerned About Universal Social Empowerment – http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000950704708&sk=info
Concerned Women Against the Spread of HIV & AIDS, Inc.
Concerned Youth in Development
Concerns for Millennium Development Goals – http://www.concernsformdgs.com
Conciencia y Educacion Ambiental A.C. – http://www.ceaambiental.org
Concile Mondial de Congres Diplomatiques des Aumoniers pour la Paix Universelle des Droits Humains et Juridiques
Concord Sverige – http://www.concord.se
Confederação Nacional do Transporte – http://www.cnt.org.br
Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura – http://www.contag.org.br
Confederación de Estudiantes de Ciencias Ambientales de la Educación Superior – http://www.cecades.cl
Confederación de Prosumidores Agro Ecológicos
Confederacion General Económica de la Ciudad de Bs.As. y del Conurbano Bonaerense – http://www.cgemetropolitana.com.ar
Confederacion Indigena Tayrona
Confederación Internacional de Organizaciones de Productores Familiares Campesinos y Indígenas del Mercosur Ampliado – http://www.coprofam.org
Confederación Latinoamericana de Estudiantes de Economía – http://www.laclee.org
Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Community of Oregon – http://www.grandronde.org
Confédération des organisations familiales de l’Union européenne – http://www.coface-eu.org/en/
Confédération Européenne des Cadres CEC – http://www.cec-managers.org
Confederation of Asia Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry – http://www.cacci.org.tw
Confederation of European Maritime Technology Societies – http://www.cemt.eu
Confederation of NGOs of Rural India – http://www.cnri.in
Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro – General Italian Confederation of Labour – http://www.cgil.it
Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori C.I.S.L. – http://www.cisl.it
Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO) – http://www.ngocongo.org
Congo Grainier Mondial (CGM)
Congo Nord Sud
Congolese Community of North Carolina/Raleigh – http://www.cocomnc.com
Congregation de Notre Dame of Montreal – http://www.cnd-m.org/en/development/index.php
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd – http://www.buonpastoreint.org/jp
Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel – Carmelite NGO – http://www.carmelitengo.org
Congregations of St. Joseph – http://www.CSJ-UNNGO.org
Congrès Mondial Amazigh
Congress of Black Women of Canada, The
Connect Lanka – http://www.connectsl.org
ConnectiGroup International – http://www.connectingroup.com
Connecting Gender for Development
Connections for Afghanistan Research & Prosperity Organization – http://www.karpogroup.net/carpo.karpogroup.net
Conseil Mondial de l’Artisanat – http://www.worldcraftscouncil.org
Conseil National de la Jeunesse congolaise
Conseil National de la Jeunesse du Sénégal – http://www.cnjsenegal.com
Conseil pour la Défense Environnementale par la Légalité et la Traçabilité – http://www.codelt.org
Conseil Rural pour le Développement de l’Agriculture et la Pêche
Consejo de Educacion Ambiental del Estado Aragua
Consejo de la Juventud de España – http://www.cje.org
Consejo Departamental de Planeación del Guaviare
Consejo Empresario Argentino para el Desarrollo Sostenible – http://www.ceads.org.ar
Conselho Ambiental Comunitario Administrativo Gama Distrito Federal – http://www.gamanews.com.br
Conselho de Politica E Gestao do Meio Ambiente – http://www.conpam.ce.gov.br
Conselho Empresarial Brasileiro para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável – http://www.cebds.org/
Conselho Federal de Engenharia e Agronomia – http://www.confea.org.br
Conselho Municipa de Meio Ambiente de Petrópolis/RJ – COMDEMA
Conselho Nacional da Juventude de Moçambique
Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Agronomia do Estado do Ceara
Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Agronomia do Rio de Janeiro – http://www.crea-rj.org.br
CONSEPT Sri Lanka – http://www.consept.lk
Conservação Ambiental
Conservacion del Territorio Insular Mexicano, A.C. – http://www.isla.org.mx
Conservación, biodiversidad y Transferencia Tecnológica para las Comunidades, AC
Conservation Council of Nations – http://www.councilofnations.org
Conservation Council of Western Australia – http://www.ccwa.org.au
Conservation International Foundation – http://www.conservation.org
Conservation of Flora and Fauna COFF – http://www.2conserve.org
Conserve Africa Foundation – http://www.conserveafrica.org.uk/
Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e Degli Esperti Contabili – http://www.commercialisti.it
Consiglio Supremo della Sicurezza IIRD per le Questioni Africane, Americane, Asiatiche, Europee, Indiane e Mediorientali – http://www.iird.org
Consiliul National al Tineretului din Moldova – http://www.cntm.md
Consorcio Boliviano de Juventudes – Casa de la Juventud – http://www.conbojuv.codigosur.net
Consórcio Intermunicipal das Bacias dos Rios Piracicaba, Capivari e Jundiaí – http://www.agua.org.br
Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregion Andina – http://www.condesan.org
Consorcio para el Dialogo Parlamentario y la Equidad, AC – http://www.consorcio.org.mx
Consortium Congo Development – http://www.consortiumcongodev.org
Consortium d’appui aux actions pour la promotion et le développement de l’Afrique (CAPDA) – http://www.capda.net
Consortium for the Advancement of People’s Participation through Sustainable Integrated Area Development, Inc. – http://www.capp-siad.org
Consortium for the Development of Western Mindanao Communities, Inc. – http://www.cdwmci.blogspot.com
Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies (Gte) Ltd – http://www.humanitarian-srilanka.org
Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers
Consortium of Youth Development Organizations in Ethiopia
Consorzio Risteco – http://www.risteco.it
Construction, Forestry, Mining & Energy Union – http://www.cfmeu.asn.au
Construisons Ensemble Le Monde
Construyendo Puentes
Consultative status to prepare international arbitrators – http://www.ccastatus.net
Consultores Ambientales C.A – http://www.arborea.com.ve
Consultoria Biotecnologica Mesoamericana SC – http://www.bioglobal.org.mx
Consultoria de los Pueblos Indigenas en el Norte de México
Consumer Alliance of Zambia
Consumer Unity & Trust Society
Consumer Unity and Trust Society – http://www.cuts-international.org
Consumers Empowerment Organisation of Nigeria
Consumers Health Forum of Australia – http://www.chf.org.au
Consumers International – http://www.consumersinternational.org/
Consures – Findes – http://www.sistemafindes.org.br
Contact Base – http://www.banglanatak.com
Contemporary International Law and Sustainable Development
Contraloría Ciudadana para la Rendición de Cuentas, A.C. – http://www.contraloriaciudadana.org.mx
Cooch Behar Ashar Alo
Cooch Behar Kharimala Khagrabari Rural Backward &Social Welfare Samity
Coochbehar Khagrabari Relief Service
Coope SoliDar R.L. – http://www.coopesolidar.org
Cooperation and Participation in Overseas NGOs – http://www.copion.or.kr/english
Cooperation for Development – http://www.cdpt.tj
Cooperation For Human Development South Africa
Cooperation for Peace and Development – http://www.cpdo.blog.af
Cooperativa Autogestionaria de Servicios Profesionales para la Solidaridad Social R.L. – http://www.coopesolidar.org
Cooperativa de Proteção a Fauna
Cooperativa dos Agricultores do Vale do Amanhecer – http://www.carbonojuruena.org.br
Cooperativa dos Profissionais do Poder Marítimo – http://www.coomar-rj.coop.br
Cooperativa Mista União dos Produtores do Cassange
Cooperativa Santa Maria Magdalena Ltda 219 – http://www.coopsantamaria.com.pe/
Cooperativa Sueno de los Pobres
Coopérative de Développement Agricole – http://www.club.quomodo.com/cdatogo
Cooperative des Agriculteurs et Eleveurs du Congo – http://www.facebook.com/coopagel
Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti – http://www.cospe.org
Coordinadora de Animación Socio Cultural – http://www.casco.org.do
Coordinadora de Organizaciones de Agricultores y Ganaderos – http://www.coag.org
Coordinadora de Organizaciones Indigenas Campesinas y Comunidades Interculturales de Bolivia – http://www.coincabol.org
Coordination Chanvre & Libertés – http://www.chanvre-libertes.org/
COPERNICUS Alliance – European Network on Higher Education for Sustainable Development – http://www.copernicus-alliance.org
Co-PLAN, Institute for Habitat Development – http://www.co-plan.org
Coral Cay Conservation – http://www.coralcay.org
Cordillera Youth Center – http://www.facebook.com/cordillerayouthcenter
CORE (Care for Orphans Rehabilitation and Eduational society)
Cork Forest Conservation Alliance – http://www.corkforest.org
Corp Watch/Tides Center
Corporación Ágora
Corporación Ágora Conglomerante Social
Corporación Amahuañuy
Corporacion Ambiental – http://www.sieambiental.org
Corporación Centro de Estudios de Derecho Justicia y Sociedad – http://www.dejusticia.org
Corporación Centro Para Jóvenes C2PJ – http://www.nukantifoundation.org
Corporación Colectivo Transdisciplinario Ricardo Villa Salcedo – http://www.ciudadcaotica.blogspot.com
Corporacion Estrategias Sustentables ONG – http://www.corpoesus.org
Corporación Excelencia en la Justicia – http://www.cej.org.co
Corporacion Green Team – http://www.corporacióngreenteam.com
Corporación Palenque 5 – http://www.palenque5.org.co
Corporación para la Investigación, el Desarrollo Sostenible y la Promoción Social CORPROGRESO – http://www.corprogresocol.org/
Corporacion Prosperar de Colombia – http://www.corprosperar.org
Corporación Pulso Verde – http://www.pulsoverde.com.co
Corporación Red Local Pacto Global Colombia – http://www.pactoglobal-colombia.org
Corporación Red Nacional de Mujeres Comunales, Comunitarias, Indígenas y Campesinas de la República de Colombia
Corporacion Rvs
Corporación Soberanía y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional para la Población Colombiana – http://www.corposan.org
Corporación Universitaria del Caribe – http://www.cecar.edu.co
Corporate Accountability International – http://www.stopcorporateabuse.org
Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness and Advancement Initiative – http://www.csr-in-action.org
Corporativa de Fundaciones AC – http://www.vivirparacompartir.org
Corps des Partenaires Entrepreneurs Volontaires
CorpsAfrica – http://www.corpsafrica.org
Corriente Revolucionaria Bolívar Y Zamora – http://www.crbz.org/2.0/
Corte Internacional de Justica Arbitral – http://www.camaramundial.org
Corte Internazionale di Ecologia – http://www.iird.org
COSI (Community Self Improvement) Foundation – http://www.cosi.org.lk/
Cosmo Foundation – http://www.cosmofoundation.com
Cote D’ivoire Alphabetisation
Couleurs Afrique – http://www.couleursafrique.org
Council Anti Poverty Action & Rurla Volunteers
Council for a Community of Democracies – http://www.ccd21.org
Council for Exceptional Children – http://www.cec.sped.org
Council for International Development – http://www.cid.org.nz
Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)
Council of European Foresters – http://www.ormuh.org.tr
Council of Yukaghirs Elders
Council on UN Global Affairs – a division of Committee of Friends of Michael Chan – http://www.mwchan.us
Country Women Association of Nigeria
Coup de Pouce Ongd
Cousteau Society – http://www.cousteau.org
Covenant God Glory People Empowerment Organisation
Covenant International University and Seminary Inc
Craft Services AS – http://www.eurowaveenergy.com
Creating Possibilities Nepal – http://www.cpn.org.np
Creative Approaches for Development
Creative Arts and Educational Development Association
Creative Concept for Youth Development
Creative Develoment Organization Pakistan
Creative Educators International Network – https://ceinwiki.wikispaces.com/
Creative Spirit Welfare Organization – http://www.cswo.com.pk
Creative Technology for Development Initiative – http://www.ctdi.org.ng
Credit Suisse Group – https://www.credit-suisse.com
Credo-Action – http://www.credo-action.org
Cree Nation of Canada
Crescent Shikhsan Prasarak Mandal Chandrapur – http://www.informs.co.in
Crescent University – http://www.crescentversity.ude.ng
Cri de L’Enfant
Criminologists Without Borders Inc – http://www.criminologists-without-borders.org
Crisis Management Initiative – http://www.cmi.fi
Croatia Nostra
Croatian Economic Association – http://www.hde.hr
CropLife International – http://www.croplife.org
Crops for the Future – http://www.cropsforthefuture.org
Crowley Children’s Fund
Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana – http://www.cruzroja.org.ec
Cruz Verde – http://www.cruzverde.org
Cruz Vermelha Brasileira – Orgão Central
Cruz Vermelha Brasileira Filial Nova Iguaçu – http://www.cruzvermelhani.org.br
CSI Forensic Experts – http://www.scienzecriminali.it
CSIR- National Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources
CSYM HUDUMA The Christian Spiritual Youth Ministry Tanzania – http://www.siayifacebook.com
Cubraiti, Inc. – http://www.cubraiti.orghttp://www.cubraiti.com
Cultura Ecologica – http://www.culturaecologica.org.mx
Cultural Society of Iraq Youth – http://www.csiyfngo.blogspot.com
Cultural Survival
Cultural Waves Uganda
Cultural, Educational & Enivormental Organisation – http://www.ceeongo.org
Culture Fund of Zimbabwe Trust – http://www.culturefund.co.zw
Culture of Afroindigenous Solidarity
Current Evangelism Ministries Outreach Sierra Leone
Curucutu Parques Ambientais – http://www.curucutu.org.br/en-summary
Cuso International – http://www.cusointernational.org
Cuttack Diabetes Research Foundation
Czech Blue Cross – http://www.ceskymodrykriz.webs.com/
D Change International Foundation – http://www.dchange.org
Daesoonjinrihoe – http://www.idaesoon.or.kr
Daffodil International University
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation – http://www.dhf.se
Dahua Century Low Carbon Research Institute in Beijing of China – http://www.dahualci.org.cn
Daikurisia Corporacion – http://www.daikurisia.org
Dalit Association for Social and Human Rights Awareness – http://www.dashra.org
Dalit Foundation – Ahmedabad – http://www.dalitfoundation.org
Dalit Mhaila Shaga – http://www.fedonepal.org
Dalit Panther Of India A Social Movement For Human Rights – http://www.dalitpanther.org&http://www.dalitpanther.com
Dalit Welfare Association – http://www.dwa.org.np
DaMeheux International Development Cooperative – http://www.DIDC.coop
Dana Meadows Sustainability Institute – http://www.sustainer.org
Danfoss A/S – http://www.danfoss.com
Daniel Asekhame Foundation – http://www.danielasekhamefoundation.org
Daniel John Memorial Welfare & Education Society – http://www.djmwes.com
Danish 92 Group, The – http://www.92grp.dk
Danish Agriculture and Food Council
Darfur International Socio Development Agency
Darfur Rehabilitation Project, Inc. – http://www.darfurrehab.org
Darfur Women Action Group – http://www.darfurwomenaction.org
Daryeel Foundation
Daughters of Virtue and Empowerment Initiative
David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies – http://www.kennedy.byu.edu/
David Oyedepo Foundation – http://www.davidoyedepoministries.org
Daya Pertiwi Foundation – http://www.dayapertiwi.org
Dayemi Foundation
Daystar Leadership Academy – http://www.dlaonline.org
De La Salle Health Sciences Institute College of Rehabilitation Sciences – http://www.dlshsi.edu.ph
De Paul Extension Services – http://www.depaul.edu.in
De Young Aid Ghana – http://www.deyoung-aidghana.blogspot.com
Deaf Aid – http://www.kenya.deafaid.org
Deaf and Dumb Association of Ouled Djellal Province, The (DDAODP)
Deaprtment of Elementary Education, State Government of Himachal Pradesh, India – http://www.hp.gov.in
Debate And Development Resource Center – http://www.dedercnigeria.blogspot.com
Deborah Amoi Foundation – http://www.dafinternational.org
Decade of Human Right Education
Decapole Association Humanitaire – http://www.ashumade.org
Deekshe Integrated Rural Development Organization
Deep South Center for Environmental Justice – http://www.dscej.org
Deerghayu Foundation – http://www.deerghayu.org
Defence Against AIDS, Poverty and Underdevelopment
Defend International – http://www.defendinternational.org/
Defender and Reconciliation Project Center
Defensores PROCDN – http://www.defensores.org
Defesa da Natureza e dos Animais
Delightsome Oaks Mission – http://www.delightsomeoaks.org
Delta Electronics Foundation – http://www.delta-foundation.org.tw/
Deltawomen Foundation – http://www.deltawomen.org
Democracia Global
Democracy Development Centre – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Democracy-Development-Center/3179806349889…
Democracywatch – http://www.dwatch-bd.org
Demokratik Islahatç? G?ncl?r I.ctimai Birliyi – http://www.yrdu.az
Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet – http://www.dukrk.pl
Deniz Feneri Yardimlasma ve Dayanisma Dernegi – http://www.denizfeneri.org.tr
Dennis-Meek International Care [NGO] – http://www.UnderConstruction.
Dental Care International Foundation – http://www.dentalcareinternational.com
Department of Development at Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in Syria – http://www.antiochdev.org
Department of Social work, University of Ibadan – http://www.ui.edu.ng
Department of Sociology, San Jose State University – http://www.sjsu.edu/sociology/
Department of Sociology, University of Essex – http://www.essex.ac.uk
Dept. Environmental Sciences Policy and Management, UCB – http://www.ourenvironment.berkeley.edu/graduate-program/
Derecho Ambiente y Recursos Naturales – http://www.dar.org.pe
Derechos Humanos e Intervencion Policial y Militar – http://www.DERECHOSHUMANOSIPM.ORG
Des Racines et des Hommes – http://www.desracinesetdeshommes.fr
Desafio Solar Brasil – http://www.desafiosolar.wordpress.com
Desarrollo Social Y Ecologico Laguna De Bustillos A.C.
Desertec Foundation – http://www.desertec.org
DesertNet International – http://www.desertnet-international.org
Design Bangladesh – http://www.DesignBangladesh.com
Design Systems Association – http://www.Undergoingrenew.org
Desis Rising Up & Moving – http://www.drumnyc.org
Destinee Charity Foundation – http://www.destineecharity.org
Destiny Africa
Destiny Ladies Initiative
Detainees and Indigents Help Center – http://www.dhcnigeria.org
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision – http://www.dgsv.de
Deutsche Model United Nations e.V. – http://www.dmun.de
Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission – http://www.unesco.de
Deutsche Welle Youth Club International Ghana – http://www.DWYCIG.
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe – http://www.welthungerhilfe.de
Deutscher Hausärzteverband e.V. – http://www.hausaerzteverband.de
Deutscher Naturschutzring – DNR – http://www.dnr.de
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik – http://www.die-gdi.de
Deutsch-Marokkanischen Kompetenznetzwerkes e.V. – http://www.dmk-online.org
DevCon-An Association for Rural Development – http://www.devconpk.org
Developing Innovations in Navajo Education Inc. – http://www.navajofarms.org
Development & Institutionalization Support Center (DISC) – http://www.discenter.com
Development & Integrity Intervention Goal
Development &Research Organisation for Nature, Arts & Heritage – http://www.dronah.org
Development Action Network – http://www.dan.org
Development Alternatives – http://www.devalt.org
Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era – http://www.dawnnet.org
Development and Environment
Development and Environmental Law Center – http://www.delc-madagascar.org
Development and Relief Foundation – http://www.drfcharity.org
Development Authority
Development Education and Advocacy Resources Initiative for Africa
Development Gateway – http://www.developmentgateway.org
Development Generation Africa International (DGAI) – http://www.dgai.webs.com
Development Initiative for Community Enhancement (DICE)
Development Initiatives Network – http://www.din.org.ng
Development Khmer Kid Prosperity
Development Organization for Social Transformation – http://www.dost.org.pk
Development Organization for Social Transformation( DOST) Balochistan
Development Organization of Coastal Area’s People
Development Organization of Socio-Economic, Health and Environmental Research
Development Promotion Group – http://www.dpgsulo.org
Development Reality Institute – http://www.driafrica.org
Development Research For Empowerment and Participation – http://www.drepmw.org
Development Service Exchange
Development Shepherd – NGO
Development Solutions – http://www.dsmongolia.org
Development Support Care and Empowerment Foundation NGO – http://www.devsfoundation.org.ng
Development Without Borders Institution DWBI – http://www.dwbi-iraq.org
Development Workshop – http://www.devworks.org
Development Workshop France – http://www.dwf.org
Development-2006 Social Support Public Association – http://www.development2006.org
Developmental Association for Human Advancement
Developmental Association for Renewable Energies – http://www.dareworld.org
Developmental Intervention and Welfare Organization – http://www.diwo.org
Developmental Media, Inc. – http://www.devmedialiberia.webs.com
Developoment for all NGO
Développement Humanitaire en Afrique – ONG Internationale
Développement pour un Mieux Etre
Developpement sans Frontiers
Développement, Environnement et Santé Sans Frontières – http://www.dessafcameroun.rg
DEWA Trust – http://www.dewatrust.org
Dewan Pemerhati Kehutanan dan Lingkungan Tatar Sunda – http://www.facebook.com/dpklts
Dexcom Solutions
Dhanusha UNESCO Association, Nepal
Diabetes & Hypertension Help Society – http://www.dhs-ng.org
Diabetes South Africa – http://www.diabetessa.co.za
Diabetic Education and Research Foundation
Diakonisches Werk der EKD e.V.
Dialogo 2000 – http://www.dialogo2000.blogspot.com
Dialogue & Démocratie Suisse – http://www.deds.ch
Dialogue Association for Culture and Creativity
Dianova International – http://www.dianova.org
Diaspora Connection – http://www.diasporationconnection.org
Diaspora for African Development – http://www.dfad.org.uk
Dierrepi Consulting – http://www.dierrepi.com
Diganta Samaj Kalyan Samity
Digital Energy Solutions Campaign – http://www.digitalenergysolutions.org/
Digitalis s.r.l. – http://www.sistemaambiente.net
Dignity International – http://www.dignityinternational.org
Diligent Rural Development and Sustainable Agricultural Research Centre
Dine Policy Institute
Dipartimento di Scienze Antropologiche – Università di Genova – Italia
DiploFoundation – http://www.diplomacy.edu
Diplomatic Mission Peace And Prosperity – http://www.diplomaticmission.wordpress.com/
Diplomatic Passport end Diplomatic Representatives Iird – http://www.iird.org
Diplomatic Passport, Diplomatic Representatives and Diplomatic and Constitutional Charges Royal House of Portugal – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Diplomatic Society of St Gabriel – http://www.diplomaticsociety.org/
Dir Rural Development Organization
Direccion de Ecologia y Ambiente – Gobernacion del Estado Miranda – http://www.miranda.gob.ve
Direct Aid – http://www.direct-aid.org
Direction Des Relations Avec La Societe Civile/Cdhahrsc
Disability and Human Right Committee – http://www.anambrausa.org
Disability Empowerment Solution – http://www.desnigeria.org
Disability Policy Advocacy Initiative – http://www.disabilitypolicyadvocacy.org
Disability Rights Fund – http://www.disabilityrightsfund.org
Disability Rights Promotion International – http://www.yorku.ca/drpi
Disabled Rehabilitation Foundation – http://www.drfafrica.org
Disarm Education Fund Inc. – http://www.disarm.org
Disaster and Environmental Management Organisation
Disaster Recovery International Foundation – http://www.driif.org
Disaster Volunteers of Ghana – http://www.divog.org
Discovery Africa – http://www.discoveryafrica.wordpress.com
DISCOVERY BOYS ARTS, SPORTS AND CULTURAL CLUB – http://www.velmoc.com/ngo/discoveryboys
Disease Management Association of India – http://www.dmai.org.in
Distinct Dynamic Resources – http://www.united2gether.org
Diverse Youth Movement
Divertigranja A.C. – http://www.divertigranja.org
Divine Women Projects
Divulgacion Dinamica – http://www.divulgaciondinamica.es
Divya Jyoi Mahila Vikash – http://www.djmv.cfsites.org
Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan – http://www.Djjs.org
Djenne Initiative, Inc., The – http://www.djenneinitiative.org
Djenuwandi – http://www.djenuwandi.com
Djimo Foundation
DMW – Diplomaten für internationale Verbindungen von Mensch & Wirtschaft e.V. – http://www.diplomaten.eu
DMW Enterprises LLC
Do It Yourself Non Governmental Organisation – http://www.diyngo.org
Do Something International Campaign – http://www.cadosin.org
Do Your Bit
Doctors For Humanity International -Medecins Pour L’humanite International
Doctors for Humankind Foundation
Doctors Worldwide Ltd – http://www.doctorsworldwide.org
Doga Koruma Merkezi – http://www.dkm.org.tr
Doktoranden-Netzwerk Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften – http://www.doktoranden-netzwerk.de/
DOLLY FOUNDATION – http://www.dollyfoundationghana.webs.com
Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America – http://www.episcopalchurch.org
Dominican Leadership Conference – http://www.domlife.org/dlc/
Dominion Breed
Dones per la Llibertat i Democràcia – http://www.doneslid.org
Donne in Rete contro la Violenza – ONLUS
Dosti Welfare Organization – http://www.globaleducationcampaign.org
Dr. Reddy’s Foundation – http://www.drreddysfoundation.org
Dr.Ambedkar Trustworthy for Education and Rehabilitation
Dr.Morteza Chaman ara – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Drammeh Institute, Inc
Dravas Research Facility
Dream Achievers Youth Organization – http://www.dreamachieverskenya.org
Dream Africa Volunteer Service – http://www.davsghana.org
Dream Weaver Organization
Droit a l’energie sos futur – http://www.energiesosfutur.org
Du Pain Pour Chaque Enfant
Dudalina – http://www.dudalina.com.br
Due Process of Law Foundation – http://www.dplf.org/
Duke University – http://www.sanford.duke.edu/dcid
Duke-UNC Rotary Center for International Studies in Peace and Conflict Resolution – http://www.rotarypeacecenternc.org/
Durban Chamber Foundation – http://www.durbanchamber.co.za
Dutch Council for Refugees / VluchtelingenWerk Nederland – http://www.vluchtelingenwerk.nl
Dutch Cycling Embassy – http://www.dutchcycling.nl
Dutch National Youth Council – http://www.njr.nl
Dynamic Action Groups – http://www.dynamicactiongroup.org
Dynamic Youth Development Organisation
Dynamique Africaine
Dynamique des Groupes des Peuples Autochtones (DGPA) – http://www.dgpa.cd
Dynamique Intégrale de la Femme Congolaise pour le développement
e 8 – http://www.e8.org
E Haumana Aloha Aina
e^2: Equitable Energhy – http://www.getesquared.org
E3 – Ecologia, Economia y Etica – http://www.e3asesorias.com
Eagle & Condor Indigenous Peoples Alliance
eagle cadet organization for human welfare and emergency rescue mission
Eagle Eyes Association for Afghan Displaced Youth – http://www.eagleeyesngo.org
Eagle Hand International Foundation
Eakok Attomanobik Unnayan Sangstha – http://www.eakok.org
Earth Charter Associates Ltd. – http://www.earthcharterinaction.org
Earth Charter Communities Network – http://www.earthchartercommunities.org
Earth Child Institute, Inc. – http://www.earthchildinstitute.org
Earth Community Trust – http://www.thisisecocide.com/
Earth Day Network, Inc. – http://www.earthday.net
Earth Endeavors
Earth Focus Foundation – http://www.earthfocus.org
Earth Forever
Earth Guardians
Earth Institute Asia, Inc.
Earth Island Institute – http://www.earthisland.org
Earth Law Center – http://www.earthlawcenter.org
Earth Summit 2012 Japan – http://www.earthsummit2012.jp
Earth System Governance Project – http://www.earthsystemgovernance.org
EarthAction Santiago or Accion por la Tierra
EarthGame – http://www.1earthgame.com
Earthlife Africa – http://www.earthlife.org.za
Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative
EARTHWATCH RESEARCH INSTITUTE – http://www.earthwatchnigeria.org
East African Forum for Payment for Ecosystem Services – http://www.eafpes.org
East Eagle Foundation – http://www.facebook.com/eefoundation.ong
East European Educational and Cultural Center – http://www.eeecc.org
Eastern Africa Diaspora Business Council – http://www.eadiaspora.org/index.html
Eastern Africa Farmers’ Federation – http://www.eaffu.org
Eastern African Sub-Regional Support Initiative for the Advencement of Women, The – http://www.eassi.org
Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport – http://www.easst.co.uk
Eastern Cape Schools and Youth Development Programme
Ebasco Trading Establishment
ECA Leadership Foundation – http://www.s309361848.websitehome.co.uk/
ECA Watch Austria
ECCO2 Corp – http://www.ecco2corp.org
Echekwu Damian Foundation – http://www.edfoundations.org
Echoing Steppe web site – http://www.cy.ngo.cn
ECO BRAZIL – http://www.ecobrazil.biz
Eco Check Systems
Eco Conscious Developments
Eco Friends Society
Eco Needs Foundation – http://www.econeeds.org
Eco-Accord – Center for Environment and Sustainable Development – http://www.ecoaccord.org
Ecoagriculture International, Inc. – http://www.ecoagriculture.org
Ecocity Builders – http://www.ecocitybuilders.org
Ecoconstruct Brazil Consultoria e Empreendimentos Ltda – http://www.ecoconstruct.com.br
Ecocosm Dynamics, Ltd. – http://www.ecocosmdynamics.org
ECODATA- Agência Brasileira de Meio Ambiente e Tecnologia da Informação – http://www.ecodata.org.br
EcoEarth Alliance UN Partnership Initiative – http://www.ecovillage.org/ecoearth
ECO-ECOLO – http://www.ecoecolo.org
Ecoethno Center – http://www.ecoethno.com
Eco-Forum Global – http://www.efglobal.com/
Ecoforum of NGOs of Uzbekistan
EcoGreens Soluções Sustentáveis
Ecolabs – http://www.ecolabs.org
Ecole de la Paix – http://www.ecoledelapaix.org/
Ecole Instrument de Paix Bénin – http://www.portail-eip.org
EcoLogic Development Fund – http://www.ecologic.org
Ecological Alert and Recovery – Thailand – http://www.ecoalert-thailand.org/
Ecological Development Union International – http://www.green-edui.org
Ecological Friendly Society
Ecological Fund Office, The Presidency, Abuja
Ecological Restorations
Ecological Society DRIN-Tim
Ecological Waste Coalition of the Philippines – http://www.ecowastecoalition.org/http://www.ecowastecoalition@blogspot.com
Ecologistas en Accion – http://www.ecologistasenaccion.org
Ecologists Without Borders – http://www.ecowb.org
Ecology and Life Journal – http://www.ecolife.ru
Ecompatible – http://www.ecompatible.org
Economic and Social Empowerment Of Rural Communities – http://www.eserc.org
Economic and Urban Policy Analysts – http://www.eupa.com
Economic Justice Network of the Fellowship of Christian Councils in Southern Africa – http://www.ejn.org.za
Economic Research Center – http://www.erc.az
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights-Asia,Inc. – http://www.hrba2j.asia
Economical Cooperation Development & Technical-Engineering Services Center of Middle East Countries – http://www.itcir.com
Econsciente – Inteligencia em Sustentabilidade – http://www.econsciente.eng.br
Ecopeace Middle East Environmental NGO Forum – http://www.foeme.org
ECOTECHSY- Pôle Suisse de compétences en Eco-technologie, développement durable et génération d’emploi – http://www.ecotechsy.ch
Ecoterra International – http://www.ecoterra-international.org
Ecotrust – http://www.ecotrust.org
eco-union – http://www.eco-union.org
Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance – http://www.e-alliance.ch
Ecumenical Alliance for Human Rights and Development – http://www.eahrd.org
Ecumenical Association for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development – http://www.ecasard.org
Ecumenical Commission For Human Development – http://www.echd.org.pk
Ecumenical Women Association of Liberia, Inc – http://www.ewaliberia.org
ED101 – http://www.ed101.org
Eden Foundation – http://www.edenfoundation.org.nz
Edenic Light Humanitarian Institute for Integrative, Pastoral & Natural Medicine – http://www.edenic-light.comhttp://www.pastoral-medicine.us
Edo Change Network
EDU – http://www.edu.int
Educació per a l’Acció Crítica (EPAC) – http://www.edpac.cat
EduCare India – http://www.educare.in
Educate Africa
Education Aid – http://www.education-aid.org
Education and Development Society – http://www.ngo.india.gov.in/view_ngo_details.php?ngo_id=eds09_edu&ngo_bl…
Education as a Vaccine – http://www.evanigeria.org
Education Centre For Helpless Children
Education Development Center, Inc. – http://www.main.edc.org
Education for all Cameroon
Education for All in Africa – http://www.educaf-cm.org
Education For Employment Foundation (THE) – http://www.efefoundation.org
Education for Growth and Development – http://www.egdcmr.org
Education International – http://www.ei-ie.org
Educational Association for Universities and Colleges – http://www.eauc.org.uk
EDUCON – http://www.educon.in
Eelaw Medio Ambiente y Energía – http://www.eelaw.cl
Eesti Naisteühenduste Ümarlaua Sihtasutus – http://www.enu.ee
EG Justice – http://www.egjustice.org
Ege Uluslararasi Saglik Federasyonu – http://www.esafed.org
Egyesült Nagy Priorátusok Jerizsálemi Szent Lázár Kórházi Lovagrend Magyarországi Alapítvány – http://www.saintlazarus.hu
Egypt Foundation for Youth and Development – http://www.egyptfoundation.org
Egyptain Association for Cities development – http://www.underconstructioncityonlineinfo.net
Egyptian AIDS Society – http://www.egyaids.org
Egyptian Association For Community Participation Enhancement – http://www.mosharka.org
Egyptian Association for Educational Resources – http://www.egypt-era.org
Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency – http://www.mpcpegypt.org
Egyptian Family Planning Association – http://www.efpa-eg.net
Egyptian Organization for Human Rights – http://www.eohr.org
Egyptian Youth Association for Health Development – http://www.gycaegypt.org
Ehsaas Foundation – http://www.ehsaasfoundation.com
Ehsaas Trust – http://www.ehsaastrust.org
Eikosphere Foundation – http://www.eikosphere.org
Ekap Achi Foundation – http://www.ekapachifoundation.org
Eko Real Llc
Ekoloji Tarazliq – http://www.ekot.az
Ekolosko Drustvo Endemit – http://www.endemit.org.rs
Ekooptimist – http://www.ekooptimist.hr
Ekta Welfare Society – http://www.ekta-welfare.qapacity.com
El Poder del Consumidor A.C. – http://www.elpoderdelconsumidor.org
El-Amel Association for social development
ElderCare Buddy – http://www.eldercarebuddy.com
Eleanor Roosevelt Leadership Center at Val-Kill – http://www.erleadership.org
Electronic Frontier Foundation – https://www.eff.org
Elgon Project Management – http://www.elgonpm.com
ELI AFRICA – http://www.eli-africa.org/
Eliezah Foundation Initiative Uganda – http://www.eliezahfoundation.org.org
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation – http://www.pedaids.org
Elizka Relief Foundation – http://www.elizka.org
Elongo Elonga Ongd – http://www.elongoelonga.solidairesdumonde.org
Elyon Trust – http://www.elyon-trust.org
Emace Foundation – http://www.emacesrilanka.com
Emerge For Africa Ltd – http://www.emergeforafrica.org
Emflora Empreendimentos Florestais LTDA – http://www.emflora.com.br
Emirates Diving Association – http://www.emiratesdiving.com
Emirates Environmental Group – http://www.eeg-uae.org
Emission Trading Association of Australia Ltd
Emmanuel Development Association (EDA) – http://www.edaethiopia.org
Emmaus International Trust
EMPOWER – http://www.empowerindia.org
Empower Limited (Malawi) – http://www.empowerprojects.org
Empowerment Enterprises of Africa – http://www.empowermentafrica.org
Empowerment Iniative Ghana – http://www.empighana.org
Empowerment Initiative Ghana
Empresas Publicas de Medellin E.S.P – http://www.epm.com.co
EMUNI University – http://www.emuni.si/en
Encadrement des enfants de la rue et orphelins fondation du monde verte
End Water Poverty – http://www.endwaterpoverty.org
Enemies of Non Biodegradable and Toxic Waste
ENERGETICA – http://www.energetica.org.bo
Energia Solar Ocidental-Asfour – http://www.eso-a.org.br/
Energie und Umweltagentur Niederösterreich – http://www.enu.at/
Energies 2050 – http://www.energies2050.org
Energy and Climate Policy Institute for Just Transition – http://www.enerpol.net/
Energy and Environment Programme, Royal Institute of International Affairs – http://www.chathamhouse.org.uk
Energy Crossroads – http://www.energycrossroads.org
Energy Environment and Development Society
Energy For One World – http://www.energyforoneworld.com
Energy Globe Foundation
Energypact Foundation – http://www.energypact.org
Eneris Environment Energy Consultants – http://www.enerisconsultants.com
Enfant Foot Développement/ RDC
Enfants et Action – http://www.enfantsetaction.e-monsite.com
Engage Now Africa – http://www.engagenowafrica.org
Engagement Publique
Engenharia do Processo Ltda – http://www.epengenharia.com.br
Engineering Staff College of India – http://www.escihyd.org
Engineers Australia – http://www.engineersaustralia.org.au
Engineers Without Borders – International
Engineers Without Borders UK – http://www.ewb-uk.org
Engineers Without Borders USA – http://www.ewb-usa.org
English World Wide Translators
Eni – http://www.eni.com/en_IT/company/company.shtml
Enkusero Sampu Conservancy
ENO Programme Association – http://www.enoprogramme.org
Enosi Metaston Ellados – http://www.eme.org.gr
Enterprise for Sutainable Wrold – http://www.e4sw.org
Enterprising Nigeria Project – http://www.enterprisingnigeria.com
Entidade Ecologica dos Surfistas – http://www.ecosurfi.org
Entraide et Developement Economique – http://www.entraide-developpement.ch
Entrepreneurial Development Initiative – http://www.endip.org
Entreprenurship Development and Support Initiative
Entreprises pour l’Environnement – http://www.epe-asso.org
Entwicklungspolitisches Bildungs- und Informationszentrum EPIZ e.V. – http://www.epiz-berlin.de
Enviro Challenge New Zealand – http://www.envirochallenge.org.nz
Enviroconsult – http://www.enviroconsult.fr
Environic Foundation International – http://www.environicfoundation.org
Environment Action Association – http://www.ecolink.or.kr
Environment and Social Development Organization – http://www.esdo.org
Environment and Sustainability Study Group
Environment Europe – http://www.environmenteurope.org
Environment Liaison Centre International – http://www.elci.org/
Environment Networks in Cities
Environment Park
Environment Society of Oman – http://www.eso.org.om
Environmental Aid,Nigeria
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development – http://www.ambassadors-env.com
Environmental Audit Committee – http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-sele…
Environmental Camps for Conservation Awareness – http://www.ecca.org.np
Environmental Challenge Organisation (Singapore) – http://www.eco-singapore.org
Environmental Compliance office and Sustainable Development – http://www.eco-fei.net
Environmental Concerns Action Network of Salomon Islands
Environmental Development Action in the Third World (ENDA)
Environmental Education Center of Guarulhos
Environmental Education, Research and Management Program
Environmental Justice Ghana
Environmental Justice Network Forum
Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities and Trade
Environmental Law and Management Initiative – http://www.elma-ng.cfsites.org
Environmental Law Centre (Alberta) – http://www.elc.ab.ca
Environmental Law Research Institute – http://www.elri-ng.org
Environmental Law Section of the Barcelona Bar Association-College of Lawyers – http://www.icab.es
Environmental Management and Law Association
Environmental Management Association of Nigeria
Environmental Management for Livelihood Improvement – Bwaise Facility – http://www.bwaisefacility.org
Environmental Monitoring Group – http://www.emg.org.za/
Environmental Organization – Rhodope – http://www.rhodope.eu
Environmental Parliament
Environmental Partnership Council
Environmental Policy Observatory – http://www.observatoriopoliticaambiental.org
Environmental Protection and Conservation Organisation – http://www.epcoweb.org
Environmental Protection and Development Association
Environmental Protection and Public Care Organization
Environmental Quality Protection Foundation – http://www.eqpf.org/home.aspx
Environmental Relief service ERS. – http://www.ers.org.pk
Environmental Research Institute of Michigan – http://www.altarum.org
Environmental Watch on North Caucasus – http://www.ewnc.org
Environmentalist Foundation of India
Environnement en Ligne – TOGO – http://www.enoprogramme.org
Environnement Jeunesse
EnviroSynergy Incorporated – http://www.envirosynergy.org
Enyiwaauzor Foundation – http://www.enyiwaauzorfoundation.org
EOTO World – http://www.eotoworld.com
Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities International, Inc
EquallyAble Foundation – http://www.equallyable.org
Equipe de Articulação e Assessoria das Comunidades Negras do Vale do Ribeira
Equipe de Conservação da Amazônia – http://www.equipe.org.br/index.php
Equit Institute – http://www.equit.org.brandhttp://www.igtn.org
Equiterre – http://www.equiterre.org
Erymanthos – http://www.erymanthos.gr
Escena ambiental. Espacio audiovisual sobre medio ambiente
Esco Água e Energia Ltda – http://www.escoenergy.com.br
Escola de Administração de Empresas de São Paulo – http://www.eaesp.fgvsp.br
Escola Parque – http://www.escolaparque.g12.br
Escola Superior de Guerra – Associação dos Diplomados – http://www.adesgto.org.br
Escuela Agrícola Panamericana, El Zamorano. – http://www.zamorano.edu/
Escuelas Sustentables A.C. – http://www.escuelas-sustentables.org.mx
Esense Iniciativas em Sustentabilidade – http://www.ww.wesense.blogspot.com
Esiloyia welfare & Development Initiative – http://www.ihcenter.org/groups/ewadi-
Espacio de Vinculacion, Asociacion Civil (EVAC) – http://www.espacio.com.mx
Espoir Plus
Espoir pour Tous – http://www.espoirpourtous.midiblogs.com
Estcon Consultoria e Projetos Ltda – http://www.estcon.com.br
Esteria Woods International Outreach Foundation – http://www.ewiof.org
ETC Foundation – http://www.etc-international.org
Eth Bioenergia – http://www.eth.com
Ethanol Industry Association – http://www.sindalcool.com.br
Ethical Encounters – http://www.ethicaltravel.weebly.com
Ethiopia Change and Development Association
Ethiopian Civil Cervices University Department of Urban Environment & Climate Change Management – http://www.ecsu.edu.et/
Ethiopian Earth Charter Youth Group
Ethiopian Interfaith Forum for development Dialogue & Action – http://www.eifdda.org.et
Ethiopian Youth Climate Coalition
Ethnic Community Development Organization – http://www.ecdo-bd.org
Ethnic Minority Foundation – http://www.ethnicminorityfoundation.org.uk
Ethnocultural Association Elleyada, Autonomy Noncommercial Organization – http://www.elleyada-fest.ru
Euclid Network – http://www.euclidnetwork.eu
Eunice Foundation – http://www.eunicefoundation.org
Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia – http://www.ef-ca.org
Eurasia Solutions, L.L.C. – http://www.eurasiasolutions.org
Eureko B.V. – http://www.eureko.com/http://www.achmea.nl
Euro-Arab Environment Organization – http://www.beae.net
Euro-Asian Centre for Environment and Education – http://www.eacee.org
Eurochild – http://www.eurochild.org/
EuroGeographics – http://www.eurogeographics.org
Eurometaux – http://www.eurometaux.org
Europaeischer Interessenverband Handel-Gewerbe-Industrie – http://www.interessenverband.at
European Aluminium Association AISBL – http://www.aluminium.org
European Association for Human Development Via Culture & TV – http://www.eahdctv.org
European Association for the Advancement of Social Sciences
European Association of Metal Mining, Industrial Minerals and other extractive Industries – http://www.euromines.org
European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities – http://www.easpd.eu
European Bioethanol Fuels Association
European Broadcasting Union International – http://www.ebu.ch/
European Center for Peace and Development – http://www.ecpd.org.rs
European Climate Foundation
European Confederation of Healing and Healing Organisations eV – http://www.healing-echo.eu
European Council of Young Farmers – http://www.ceja.eu/
European Council on Refugees and Exiles – http://www.ecre.org
European Environmental Bureau – http://www.eeb.org
European Environmental Citizens Organisation for Standardisation – http://www.ecostandard.org
European Federation for Transport and Environment – http://www.transportenvironment.org
European Federation of Agencies and Regions for Energy and the Environment – http://www.fedarene.org
European Federation of Retired and Older People – http://www.ferpa.etuc.org/
European Health Psychology Society – http://www.ehps.net
European Healthcare Fraud and Corruption Network – http://www.ehfcn.org
European Institute of Health and Social Welfare
European Law Students’ Association, The (ELSA) – http://www.elsa.org
European Medical Students’ Association – http://www.emsa-europe.org/
European Network Green Seniors – http://www.greenseniors.eu
European Partners for the Environment – http://www.epe.be
European Solidarity Towards Equal Participation of People
European Union – North Africa Waterways Endeavour
European Union Association in the United States – http://www.euun.org
European Union of Public Relations – http://www.eupri.com
European Women’s Lobby – http://www.womenlobby.org
European Youth Forum – http://www.youthforum.org/
European-Turkish Business Confederation – http://www.unitee.eu/
Europe’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
EUROSOLAR Turkey – http://www.eurosolar.org.tr
Evangelical Association for Sustainable Development
Evangelical Fellwoship of Zambia – http://www.efzsecretaraiat.org
Evangelical Social Action Forum – http://www.esafindia.org
Evangelischer Entwicklungsdientst – http://www.eed.de
Evangelização Geral de Ajuda aos Necessitados
Evelyn Douglin Center for Serving People In Need, Inc. – http://www.EDCSPIN.org
EVER BRIGHT FOUNDATION (EBF) – http://www.everbrightbd.org
Evergreen Center for Sustainable Development – http://www.evergreen.org.cn
Evergreen Club of Ghana
Evergreen Habitat Organization – http://www.evergreenhabitat.org
Evergreen Society – http://www.evergreenbd.org
Every Child Matters – Sierra Leone
eVillage Co-op
Evolving Planet Corporation – http://www.evolvingplanet.ning.com
Excellent Leaders Development Initiative – http://www.eldisolutions.org
Exchange and Cooperation Centre for Latin America (Centre d’Exchanges et Cooperation pour l’Amerique Latine) – http://www.cecal.net
Exp Services Inc. – http://www.exp.com
Expansion Nepal
Explore Kenya Inclusive Organisation – http://www.explorekenya.org
Extensive Rural Poor Development Organisation
Extensive Training Academy – http://www.s3t3.com
F N Forbundet – http://www.fnforbundet.dk
F.A.J.H.SA – http://www.fajhsa.org
Faanoos Magazine – http://www.faanoos.af
Face Africa – http://www.faceafrica.org
Face of Charity Foundation – http://www.faceofcharity.com
Face The World Youth Foundation
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas UNA – http://www.eco.una.py
Facultad de Minas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Fahari Yetu Foundation – http://www.fahariyetu.or.tz
Fair International Human Rights – http://www.fair-int.org
Fair River International Association for Develpment – http://www.fairriver.net
Fairbridge Project International Inc. – http://www.fairbridgeproject.org
Fairfood International – http://www.fairfood.org
Faith Foundation – http://www.ffindia.org
Faith Regen Foundation – http://www.thefrf.org/
Families are Nations – http://www.familiesrnations.org
Famille Debout – http://www.familledebout.org/
Family & Children – http://www.famien.org
Family Centered Initiative for Challenged Persons – http://www.facicp.org
Family Friends Organization
Family Health Development Organization – http://www.fhdo.webs.com
Family Health International – http://www.fhi360.org
Family Health Ministries (FHM) – http://www.familyhm.org/
Family of the Americas – http://www.familyplanning.net
Family Planning Association of India – http://www.fpaindia.org
Family Planning Association of Nepal – http://www.fpan.org
Family Planning Association, I.R.Iran – http://www.fha.org.ir
Faqih Foundation for Development – http://www.humanitarianforum.org/pages/en/organisation-profile-faqih-fou…
Fare Ambiente – Movimento Ecologista Europeo – http://www.fareambiente.it
Farias e Valchi Advogados – http://www.fariasevalchiadvogados.com.br
Farm Africa – http://www.farmafrica.org
Farmers Development Organization – http://www.fdopk.org
Farmers Educational & Cooperative Union of America – http://www.nfu.org
Farmers Water Management Committees Association – http://www.fwmca.org
Farming and Animal Husbandry Project – http://www.fahpcm.org
Farz Association of Rehabilitation and Develop[ment – http://www.farz.co.cc
Farz Organization for Sustainable Development – http://www.fosd.org
FAWE Madagascar – http://www.fawe.org
Fazaldad Human Rights Institute – http://www.fazaldad.com.pk
Fazil Rural Development Organization Fazil
Fazilia Trust Pakistan – http://www.faziliatrust.org
FDI World Dental Federation – http://www.fdiworldental.org
Fedaration of Indigenous Community of Kenya
Federação Brasileira de Plantio Direto na Palha – http://www.febrapdp.org.br
Federação da Agricultura e Pecuária do Estado de Mato Grosso – http://www.sistemafamato.org.br
Federação das Associações de Moradores e Movimentos Populares do Espírito Santo – http://www.famopes.org
Federação das Associações e Entidades Comunitárias de Alagoas – http://www.famecal.blogspot.com
Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo – http://www.fiesp.org.br
Federación Agraria Argentina – Mujeres Federadas Argentinas – http://www.faa.com.ar
Federacion Argentina de la Magistratura – http://www.fam.org.ar/
Federacion de Clubes Michoacanos en Illinois – http://www.fedecmiusa.com
Federacion de Clubes Zacatecanos del Sur de California – http://www.federacionzacatecana.org
Federación de Comuninades Nativas Yaneshas FECONAYA – http://www.feconaya.org
Federacion Espanola de Bancos de Alimentos – http://www.fesbal.org
Federación Española de Ingeniería Sin Fronteras – http://www.isf.es
Federación Internacional de Fe y Alegría – http://www.feyalegria.org
Federacion Zacatecana Asociacion Civil – http://www.fedzac.mx
Federal Association for the Advancement of Visible Minorities – FAAVM – http://www.faavm-canada.org
Federal College of Agriculture Along Obaile Road Akure Ondo State Nigeria – http://www.feca.edu.ng
Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri Imo State Nigeria – http://www.federalpolynekede.net
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – http://www.ufrj.br
Federatie Platform Afrikaans Gemeenschappen – http://www.afrikaansplatform.be
Federation de Droit de Femmes
Federation des Associations de Migrants
Fédération des Associations Franco-Africaines de Développement – http://www.fafrad.org
Fédération des Collectives d’Organisations Féminines du Mali – http://www.fenacof.org
Federation Europeenne des Femmes Actives au Foyer – http://www.fefaf.be
Federation for Peace and Conciliation – http://www.ifpc.ru
Federation Guineenne des Reseaux des Femmes pour la Paix et le Developpement
Federation Internationale des communautés de l’Arche – http://www.larche.org
Federation Internationale des Organisations des Donneurs de Sang – http://www.fiods.org
Federation Laique des Francais de Sensibilite Musulmane – http://www.federationmosaic.com
Fédération Léo Lagrange – http://www.leolagrange.org
Federation Nationale des Associations des Femmes du Mali
Fédération Nationale des Jeunes Ruraux du Mali
Federation of African Medical Students’ Associations – http://www.famsanet.org
Federation of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia
Federation of Gay Games – http://www.gaygames.org
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry – http://www.ficci.com
Federation of Indigenous Communities of Kenya
Federation of Indigenous People of Nepal in America (FIPNA) – http://www.fipna.net
Federation of Indigenous Women of Nepal in America
Federation of Islamic Medical Associations – http://www.fimaweb.net
Federation of Liberia Youth
Federation of NGOs Interested in the Field of Environment
Federation of Rickshaw Pullers Association – http://www.forpi.org
Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, Inc. – http://www.fsin.com
Federation of Young European Greens – http://www.fyeg.org
Feed One and Feed a Family Initiative – http://www.amenhoward.org
Feed The Children Inc – http://www.feedthechildren.org
Feed the Nation-Uganda – http://www.feedthenationuganda.org
Feel and Fill Initiative
Felix Varela Center – http://www.cfv.org.cu
Femeile in dezvoltarea durabila a Moldovei
Feminenza Kenya – http://www.feminenza.org
Feminist Task Force – http://www.feministtaskforce.org
FemLINKPACIFIC – http://www.femlinkpacific.org.fj
Femme Action Sociale Et Developpement
Femme et Justice Economique
Femmen Environment Assaintment
Femmes Artisanes de la Paix
Femmes Autochtones du Quebec, Inc./ Quebec Native Women, Inc. – http://www.faq-qnw.org
Femmes Education Culture Santé et Développement en Afrique – http://www.fecsda.org
Femmes Enfants en Détresse Niger
Femmes Enfants et Environnement
Femmes et Contributions au Développement – http://www.fecodev.com
Femmes et Villes International – http://www.womenincities.org
Fend Youth Initiative – http://www.fendyouth.com
Ferdous International Foundation – http://www.ferdous.ch
Fermerta Uflebebis Dacvis Asociaci – http://www.eco-web.org
Fertility Education and Medical Management – http://www.femmhealth.org/
FESTAC-USA (Festival of African Arts and Culture)
FIA Foundation for the Automobile and Society – http://www.fiafoundation.org
Fiesta Christian Foundation
Fight against Poverty & Ignorance – http://www.fapi.org.pk
Fight for the Poor – http://www.f4tp.com
Fighting HIV-AIDS & Abuse – http://www.spectrango.weebly.com
Fiji Health – http://www.FijiHealth.org
Fiji Native & Tribal Congress – http://www.fijinativetribalcongress.com
Filipina Women’s Network – http://www.FilipinaWomensNetwork.org
Finance Alliance for Sustainable Trade – http://www.fastinternational.org
Findhorn Foundation
Fiorello H. LaGuardia Foundation, Inc. – http://www.laguardiafoundation.org
Fire Disaster Prevention and Safety – http://www.firedisasterprevention.net
Fire Rescue Development Program – http://www.frdp.org/
First Lady’s Save our Youths Campaign – http://www.saveouryouthsandfamilies.ning.com
First People of the Kalahari – http://www.iwant2gohome.org
First Peoples Worldwide – http://www.firstpeoples.org
First Step Action for Children Initiative
Firstaidfoundation – http://www.firstaidfoundation.org
Fisheries Networking in Africa – http://www.fishnetafrica.org
Fit for School Philippines – http://www.fitforschool.ph
Flickers of Hope Foundation – http://www.fohfoundation.blogspot.org
FLO-CERT GmbH – http://www.flo-cert.net
FLOGEN – http://www.flogen.com
Flow for Water – http://www.flowforwater.org
Fly America Aboriginal Society
FM Jeery
Focus on Human Developmet
Focus, društvo za sonaraven razvoj – http://www.focus.si
Folk Culture Research Centre of North East India – http://www.fcrcnortheastindia.blogspot.com
Fondaion Objectif Devellopement et Lutte Contre la Pauvreté
Fondasyon Ti Moun Yo
Fondasyon Vwa Timoun yo – http://www.childrensvoicefoundation.og/
Fondaterra – http://www.fondaterra.com
Fondation Africaine (Farmapu-inter & cecotrap-rcogl) – http://www.farmapu.org
Fondation Alain Muzinga Sasa Asbl
Fondation Artisans de la Paix et du Developpement au Rwanda – http://www.fapdr.bplaced.com
Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer pour le Progrès de l’Homme – http://www.fph.ch
Fondation Charles Mbutamutu
Fondation Cheick Aorema
Fondation De La Progeniture Denis Lomela Ifangwa
Fondation d’Entreprise Sanofi Espoir – http://www.fondation-sanofi-espoir.com/en/index.php
Fondation des Emigres Senegalais – http://www.la-fes.orgethttp://www.codesfes.org
Fondation des jeunes pour un développement durable – http://www.fjdd.org
Fondation des Jeunes Volontaires Actifs et Dynamiques du Cameroun – http://www.fjevad-ngo.tk
Fondation des Oeuvres pour la Solidarité et le Bien Etre Social – FOSBES ONG
Fondation Déserts du Monde – http://www.desertsdumonde.com
Fondation Eco Kyoto Guinee – http://www.fondationecokyoto-gn.org
Fondation Eve la Vie – http://www.evelavie.ch
Fondation Femme Plus ASBL
Fondation Haitienne du Crédit Agricole
Fondation haitienne pour l’habitat et l’integration des sans-abris – http://www.fondhabisa.org
Fondation Humanus / Humanus International – http://www.humanus-international.org
Fondation Institut de recherche pour le développement durable et les relations internationales
Fondation joseph The Worker/Structure Lazarienne
Fondation Josias Live – http://www.josiaslive.org
Fondation Kuyula pour le Progrès Social et Communautaire – http://www.fokuprosoc.blogspot.com
Fondation La Paix Et Developement Pour Enfants
Fondation Marocaine pour la Jeunesse, L’Initiative et le Développement – http://www.fmjid.ma
Fondation Medicale pour le Developpement – http://www.fomedev.org
Fondation Mohammed VI pour la Protection de l’Environnement – http://www.fm6e.org
Fondation Nalsya pour le Développement, Environnement et Action Sociale
Fondation Nature & Vie – http://www.fondation-naturevie.org
Fondation pour la Protection de la Biodiversite Marine – http://www.foprobim.org
Fondation pour le Developpement Humain – http://www.fonddh.unblog.fr
Fondation pour l’éradication du travail des enfants dans la culture du tabac – http://www.eclt.org
Fondation pour les Aires Protégées et la Biodiversité de Madagascar – http://www.madagascarbiodiversityfund.org
Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International – http://www.ferdi.fr
Fondation pour les Femmes Africaines
Fondation pour l’étude des relations internationales et du développement – http://www.graduateinstitute.ch
Fondation pour un Centre pour le Développement Socio-Eco-Nomique – http://www.csend.org
Fondation pour une Terre Humaine
fondation pro equity
Fondation Ressources et Nature – http://www.forena.jimdo.com
Fondation Rocher des Enfants
Fondation Soleil Leve non gouvernementale ONG – http://www.fondationsoleilleveong.e-monsite.com
Fondation SPLAR, Côte d’Ivoire – http://www.fondationsplarci.org
Fondation Suisse Maroc pour le développement durable – http://www.fsmd.ch
Fondation WWF France – http://www.wwf.fr
Fondation Yves Rocher – http://www.yves-rocher-fondation.org/fr/fr/
Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi – Onlus – http://www.ong.dongnocchi.it;http://www.dongnocchi.it
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei – http://www.feem.it
Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II per il dialogo, la cooperazione e lo sviluppo – Onlus – http://www.fondazionegiovannipaolo.org
Fondazione Lombardia per l’Ambiente – http://www.flanet.org
Fondazione Rita Levi-Montalcini Onlus – http://www.ritalevimontalcini.org
Fondazione S.A.V.E. (Scienza, Allenza, Vita, Ambiente) – http://www.horn-horn.de
Fondazione Willy Brandt – http://www.fondationbrandt.org
Fondo para la Acción Ambiental y la Niñez- Fondo Acción – http://www.accionambiental.org
Fonds de Gouvernance Mondiale – http://www.fondsdegouvernancemandiale.org
Fonds pour le développement énergétique durable
Fonds Tara – http://www.taraexpeditions.org
Fontaine ISOKO pour la Bonne Gouvernance et le Développement Intégré
Food First Information and Action Network (FIAN) Nepal – http://www.fiannepal.org
Food for All Foundation for Sustainable Agricultural Development
Food For The Poor, Inc. – http://www.foodforthepoor.org
Food, Agriculture Natural Resources Policy Analysis Network – http://www.fanrpan.org
Foodfirst Information and Action Network (FIAN) – http://www.fian.org
Foramat 2000
Force de Femmes pour la Promotion et la Protection des Ressources Naturelles de la R.D.C
Force Economique Des Mamans Congolaises
Foreign Investment Promotion Council
Forest Alliance of British Columbia
Forest Preservation Society – http://www.forestpreservationsociety.com
Forest Stewardship Council AC – http://www.fsc.org
Forestry and Environmental Develoment Network
FORIM – http://www.forim.net
Formosan Society for Indigenous Sustainability
Foro Ciudadano de Participacion por la Justicia y los Derechos Humanos – Instituto para la Participación y el Desarrollo – http://www.inpade.org.ar
Foro Ciudades para la Vida – http://www.ciudad.org.pe
Foro Soria 21 Para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Fortium Centro Educacional – http://www.fortium.com.br
Forum Africain de la Promotion des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication ”Connect my Community” – http://www.fap-ntic.org
Forum Africain pour la Promotion des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication – http://www.fap-ntic.org
Forum Amazigh de Culture et Développement – http://www.forumamazigh.c.la
Forum Azzahrae pour la Femme Marocaine – http://www.fz.ma
Fórum da Agenda 21 Local de Imbituba e Garopaba – http://www.preserva.org.br
Forum da Agenda 21 Local Sobral/Ceará/Brasil – http://www.sobral.ce.gov.br/splam
Forum d’Action et d’Intervention pour les Droits de l’Homme en Afrique
Forum Damascene House – http://www.damascenehouse.org
Fórum de Juventude da CPLP – http://www.fjcplp.wordpress.com
Fórum de Meio Ambiente do Setor Elétrico – http://www.fmase.com.br
Forum dei Giovani della Repubblica di San Marino – http://www.forumgiovani.sm
Forum des Etrangères et Etrangers de Lausanne – http://www.forumetrangers.ch
Forum des Jeunes du Gabon – http://www.fojega.blogspot.com
Forum des Producteurs d’anacarde en Côte d’Ivoire
Fórum DLIS – Agenda 21 de Paraty
Forum for Awareness and Youth Activity Nepal – http://www.fayanepal.org.np/
Forum for Culture and Human Development – http://www.fchdbd.org
Forum for Environment
Forum for Former African Heads of State and Government, Africa Forum – http://www.africaforum.org
Forum for Nature Protection – http://www.fnp.org.np
Forum for Reforms Entrepreneurship and Sustainability – http://www.fores.se
Forum for the 21st Century Leaders
Forum for the Development of Young People
Forum for the Future – http://www.forumforthefuture.org
Forum Governamental de Responsabilidade Social
Forum Inter-Regional des Femmes Congolaises pour le Developpement International – http://www.FIREFEC.be
Forum Jeunes & Objectif du Millénaire pour le Développement
Forum Jeunes et OMDs
Forum Marocain de la Surdité – http://www.fmsourds.org
Forum Mineiro de Mudancas Climaticas
Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities and Towns – http://www.adriatic-ionian.net
Forum of Consortium, Network and Independent Civil Society Organization
Forum of Culture and Arts of Uzbekistan – http://www.fundforum.uz
Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories – http://www.fehrl.org
Forum of Nigerian Women in Politics
Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft – http://www.foes.de
Forum Permanente da Agenda 21 de Contagem, MG, Brasil
Forum Permanente da Agenda 21 Local de Sao Goncalo – http://www.agenda21saogoncalo.com.br
Forum Permanente da Amazonia – http://www.revistaecoturismo.com.br
Forum Permanente do Litoral Norte de Sao Paulo – http://www.revistaecoturismo.com.br
Forum Umwelt und Entwicklung – http://www.forumue.de
Forum-Eine-Welt Bonn
Forumi I Pavarur I Gruas Shqiptare – http://www.ifaw.al
Foundation Bigmamma – Taking Care – http://www.bigmamma.net
Foundation Caucasus Environment
Foundation des Nations Unies pour L’emploi de la Jeunesse Africaine
Foundation Educational Severino Sombra – http://www.uss.br
Foundation for Community Development – http://www.fdc.org.mz
Foundation for Community Development for Social and Behavioural Change
Foundation for Democracy and Sustainable Development – http://www.fdsd.org
Foundation For Empowerment and Human Rights Promotion – http://www.fehrpafrica.org
Foundation for Environmental Education
Foundation for Environmental Stewardship – http://www.FESplanet.org
Foundation For Future Science – http://www.foundationforfuturescience.org
Foundation for GAIA – http://www.foundation-for-gaia.org
Foundation for Global Governance and Sustainability
Foundation for Indigenous Americans of Anasazi Heritage – http://www.fiaah.org
Foundation for Integrated Education and Development – http://www.funedesin.org
Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development (FIELD) – http://www.field.org.uk
Foundation for Responsible Media – http://www.formedia.org.in
Foundation for Rural Education, Wildlife and Environment – http://www.forewengam.org
Foundation for Small and Medium Busnesses – http://www.fsmb.am
Foundation for the International Network of Museums for Peace – http://www.inmp.net
Foundation for Tolerance International – http://www.fti.org.kg
Foundation for Victims Of Child Abuse – http://www.vcafng.org
Foundation for Women – http://www.foundationforwomen.org
Foundation for Youth Development
Foundation Martin Luther Jules, Inc. – http://www.fmlj.org/usa
Foundation of European Nurses in Diabetes – http://www.fend.org
Foundation of Healthcare Technologies Society – http://www.fhts.ac.in
Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific International , The
foundation of United for relief and Abidding Development – http://www.fuad-iraq.org
Foundation Orestina Oreste for Development – http://www.foodhaiti.org
Foundation Sife Leiden – http://www.sifeleiden.nl
Foz do Brasil – http://www.fozdobrasil.com.br
Framework Convention Alliance for Tobacco Control – http://www.fctc.org
Francis of Assisi Academy for the Protection of Earth – http://www.faape.org
Franciscans International – http://www.franciscansinternational.org
Franco da Rocha News – http://www.francodarochanews.jex.com.br
Frankfurt School of Finance and Management gemeinnutzige GmbH – http://www.fs-unep-centre.org/
Franklyn Town Community Development Project
Fraternite Solidarite Jeunesse Cote D’ivoire
Frathekk Foundation Common Initiative Group (FRA.FO-CIG) – http://www.frathekkfoundation.org
Frauen ohne Grenzen – Women without Borders
Freann Financial Services Limited – http://www.ffslghana.com
Free Africa Foundation Ghana
Free World Foundation (FWF) – http://www.freeworldfoundation.org
freedom & peace foundation international
Freedom Camp International – http://www.nic-net.gm
Freedom Forum Palestine
Freedom Forum, Nepal
Freedom From Fistula Foundation – http://www.freedomfromfistula.com
Freeland Foundation – http://www.freeland.org
Freeworld Initiative Foundation
Freeworld International
Fresh & Young Brains Development Initiative – http://www.fbi-nigeria.org
Fridtjof Nansen Institute – http://www.fni.no
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung – http://www.fes-globalization.org
Friends in Need Empowerment Initiative – http://www.projectfriendship.org
Friends Of Christ Revival Ministries – http://www.focrevministries.org
Friends of ISTAR – http://www.istarpenn.org
Friends of Lake Turkana – http://www.friendsoflaketurkana.org
Friends of Lake Victoria
Friends of Literacy and Mass Education – http://www.allforflame.net
Friends of Luk & Rita – http://www.friendsoflukandrita.org
Friends of the Earth – England, Wales and Northern Ireland – http://www.foe.co.uk
Friends of the Earth – Hong Kong
Friends of the Earth International – http://www.foei.org
Friends of the Environment Centre Qatar
Friends of the Global Fund Africa Ltd/Gte – http://www.friends-africa.org
Friends of the Global Fund Latin America and the Caribbean
Friends of the Irish Environment – http://www.friendsoftheirishenvironment.net/
Friends of the Seven Lakes Foundation – www.freewebs.com/fslforhttp://friends7lakes.multiply.com
Friends of the United Nations Australia – http://www.foun.org.au
Friends of Uth for Service, Empowerment and Development
Frontier Reconstruction Welfare Agency – http://www.esango.un.org/civilsociety
Frontier Reconstruction, Welfare Agency
Fulfillment for the young foundatio
Fund Energy of Atom in XXI Century
Fundação Academica Diplomatica do Direito Internacional “Casa Real de Portugal – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Fundação Amazonas Sustentável
Fundação Antonio Meneghetti – http://www.fundacaoantoniomeneghetti.com.br
Fundação Araraporã
Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado – http://www.faap.br
Fundação Bernardo Feitosa – http://www.fbfeitosa.org
Fundacao Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento Sustentavel – http://www.fbds.org.br
Fundação de Apoio a Pesquisa Agricola – Fundag – http://www.fundag.br
Fundacao de Assistencia Medica Internacional – http://www.ami.org.pt
Fundação Getúlio Vargas
Fundação Grupo Boticário de Proteção à Natureza
Fundação Guairá – http://www.fundacaoguaira.org.br
Fundação Internacional dos Estudos Legais para a Institucionalização da Casa Real Portuguesa – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Fundação Interuniversitária de Estudos e Pesquisas Sobre o Trabalho – http://www.unitrabalho.org.br
Fundação Joaquim Nabuco
Fundação Osvaldo Cruz
Fundação Pedra Azul
Fundação Roberto Marinho – http://www.frm.org.br
Fundaçao Vitória Amazônica
Fundació privada Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau – http://www.santpaubarcelona.org
Fundación AGRECOL Andes – http://www.web.agrecolandes.org/
Fundación Agreste (Ecología y Medio Ambiente) – http://www.fundacionagreste.org.ar
Fundacion Alma – http://www.fundacionalma.org.ar
Fundación Alun Co Internacional – http://www.aluncointernacional.org
Fundación Amazonía Fundamaz
Fundación Ambiental para la Cultura la Investigación y el Desarrollo Social Alternativo CRISALIDA
Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales – http://www.farn.org.ar
Fundación América Indígena – http://www.fundacionamericaindigena.webs.com
Fundación Amigos de la Naturaleza – http://www.fan-bo.org
Fundacion Amparo Cabrera, Fundacion – http://www.foundation-amparo.org
Fundación Antonio Núñez Jiménez de la Naturaleza y el Hombre – http://www.fanj.org/
Fundación Argentina a las Naciones Camino a la Verdad – http://www.fancv.org.ar
Fundación Argentina de Etoecología – http://www.etoecologia.org.ar/
Fundación Armocultura
Fundacion Avina – http://www.avina.net
Fundación Azimuth – http://www.fundaazimuth.blogspot.com
Fundacion Biosfera – http://www.biosfera.org
Fundacion Caleidoscopio
Fundación Cambio Democrático – http://www.cambiodemocratico.org
Fundación Centro de Gestión Tecnológica e Informática Industrial – http://www.cegesti.org
Fundación CEPSIGER para el Desarrollo Humano – http://www.fundacioncepsiger.org
Fundación Cimab
Fundación Ciudad de La Plata – http://www.fundciudaddelaplata.org.ar/
Fundacion Ciudad Limpia Chaco
Fundación Compromiso – http://www.compromiso.org
Fundación Conama – http://www.conama.org
Fundación Crecimiento Joven – http://www.facebook.com/CrecimientoJoven
Fundación Crisálida – http://www.glasswing.org
Fundación DARA Internacional – http://www.daraint.org
Fundacion de Artes Musicales de Baja California AC – http://www.obc.org.mx/http://www.cam-bc.org
Fundación de Asistencia Técnica para el Desarrollo – http://www.fundatedguatemala.org
Fundacion de Deportes La Rioja – http://www.fundelar.com.ar
Fundación de Desarrollo Social y Ambiental
Fundacion de Iniciativas de Cambio Climatico de Honduras (Fundacion MDL de Honduras) – http://www.fundacioncambioclimatico.hn
Fundacion de Mujeres por el Desarrollo del Este Inc.
Fundacion de Naciones Unidas Americanas para Centros de Excelencia y Fomento
Fundación Desarrollo Sustentable A.C. – http://www.fds.org.mx
Fundacion Dialogo Mujer
Fundación Directorio Legislativo – http://www.directoriolegislativo.org
Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo – http://www.ecodes.org
Fundacion Ecosistemas Altoandinos
Fundacion Ecoturismo Ayamtai – http://www.riocorrientes.gov.ec
Fundacion el Sol – http://www.actiweb.es/wwwfundacionelsol/
FUNDACION EMAUS – http://www.fundaemaus.blogspot.com
Fundación Empresarios por la Educación – http://www.fundacionexe.org.co
Fundación Energía sin Fronteras – http://www.energiasinfronteras.org
Fundación Enlaces para el Desarrollo Sustentable – http://www.fundacion-enlaces.org
Fundacion Esquel
Fundacion Etnica Integral – http://www.fundacionetnicaintegral.org.do
Fundacion Eudes – http://www.eudes.org.mx
Fundación Federación Iberoamericana de Jóvenes Científicos – http://www.fibejoci.ning.com
Fundacion Futuro Latino-Americano – http://www.ffla.net
Fundacion Gaia Pacha – http://www.gaiapacha.org
Fundación Galápagos Ecuador – http://www.galapagosfoundation.org
Fundación Generación Bio – http://www.generacionbio.com
Fundacion Geosocial – http://www.fundaciongeosocial.org
Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo – http://www.funglode.org
Fundación Grandes Transformaciones
Fundación Grupo Internacional de Paz y Desarrollo – http://www.gipcolombia.org
Fundacion Habitat Verde – http://www.fundacinhbitatverde.blogspot.com/
Fundacion Henry Dunant América Latina – http://www.fundacionhenrydunant.org
Fundación Hogares Libres de Violencia Sagrada Familia
Fundacion Honduras Support
Fundación Iberoamericana de Altos Estudios Profesionales – http://www.fiaep.org.ve
Fundación Instituto de Política Ambiental – http://www.ipa.cr
Fundacion Instituto de Promocion y Apoyo al Desarrollo-Ipade – http://www.fundacion-ipade.org
Fundacion Interamericana del Corazon Argentina – http://www.ficargentina.org
Fundación Internacional Ambiental para la Innovación Responsable y el Transporte Sostenible – http://www.ecofitsos.com
Fundacion Internacional Maria Luisa De Moreno – http://www.fundacionmarialuisa.org/
Fundacion Intiwasi
Fundación ITINERIS – http://www.itineris.org.ar
Fundación Jóvenes por los Derechos Humanos – http://www.jdh.org.ar
Fundacion Karolus – http://www.fundacionkarolus.org
Fundación Latinoamericana de Apoyo al Saber y la Economía Popular
Fundacion Latinoamericana de Innovacion Social – http://www.elinnovadorsocial.org
Fundaciòn Latinoamericana Por Los Derchos Humanos Y El Desarrolllo Social – http://www.fundalatin.org
Fundación Let’s Advance Together – http://www.fundacionlat.blogspot.com/
Fundacion Libelulas de CostaRica
Fundacion LOGyCA – http://www.logyca.org
Fundación Lonxanet para la Pesca Sostenible – http://www.fundacionlonxanet.org
Fundacion Mahatma Gandhi – http://www.edugandhi.org
Fundación Mama Antula.
Fundacion Manodiversa – http://www.manodiversa.supersitio.net
Fundación Merced Querétaro, A.C. – http://www.fundacionmerced.org
Fundación Mexicana para el Desarrollo Rural – http://www.fmdr.org.mx/
Fundación Nacional Círculo Balear – http://www.circulobalear.com
Fundacion Niños Invisibles – http://www.funinvisibles.com
Fundación Norte Sustentable
FUNDACION ONG TEOPAL-teatro experimental obrero de Palmira – http://www.46664voluntarios.es/organizations/fundacion-ong-teopal-teatro…
Fundación Pachamama – http://www.pachamama.org.ec
Fundacion para el Analisis y la Reflexion de Argentina – http://www.fundara.org.ar
Fundación para el Avance de las Reformas y las Oportunidades – http://www.grupofaro.org
Fundacion para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias la Sociedad y el Estado
fundación para el desarrolo y dignificacion del indigena
Fundación para la Investigación Universitaria e Industrial en Santander
Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa – http://www.flip.org.co
Fundación Pensar. Planeta, Política, Persona – http://www.fundacionpensar.org.mx
Fundacion PRISMA – http://www.prisma.org.sv/
Fundacion Pro bono Perú – http://www.probono.org.pe
Fundacion Pro Humanae Vitae – http://www.fphv.org
Fundación Proacceso ECO, Asociación Civil – http://www.proacceso.org.mx
Fundación Profomento de las Vocaciones – http://www.lospomos.org/home.html
Fundación Proyecto Solidario por la Infancia – http://www.proyectosolidario.org
Fundacion Reciclar – http://www.irecycle.com.ar
Fundacion Recycling Planet A. C.
Fundación Revel – http://www.fundacionrevel.net
Fundacion Salvadorena Para el Desarrollo Economico y social – http://www.fusades.org
Fundación Social AMEAC – http://www.fundacionameac.org
Fundacion Social Ciudad Alegria
Fundacion Social Para el Desarrollo Empresarial, Poblacion Desplazada y Vulnerable
Fundación SOL JURÍDICO DE COLOMBIA – http://www.onginfo.com/fundaciónsoljuridico
Fundación Solón
Fundacion Sugamuxi Tú y Yo
Fundacion Sur Futuro – http://www.surfuturo.org
Fundación TierraVida – http://www.tierravida.org.ar
Fundación Un Litro De Luz Colombia – http://www.unlitrodeluzcolombia.org
Fundacion Vida – Grupo Ecologico Verde – http://www.documentalistas.org/proyectos/nosolos.php
Fundacion Wayuunaiki – http://www.wayuunaiki.org.ve/
Fundacion Women Extreme – http://www.almagedon.webs.com
Fundación Xochitla A.C. – http://www.xochitla.org.mx
Fundación Zícaro – http://www.zicaro.org
Fundacja Forum Inicjatyw Rozwojowych – http://www.fir.org.pl
Fundacja Otwarty Dialog – http://www.odfoundation.eu
Fundamental Human Rights & Rural Development Association – http://www.fhrrda.org
Fundamental Human Rights & Rural Development Association FHRRDA
Fundamental Rights League Int’l
Fundatia Dinu Patriciu – https://www.fundatiadinupatriciu.ro/en/home
fundatia scheherazade – http://www.fundatiascheherazade.ro
Fundation Chirac – http://www.fondationchirac.eu
Fundecooperacion para el Desarrollo Sostenible – http://www.fundecooperacion.org
Funders Network on Transforming the Global Economy – http://www.fntg.org
Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade – http://www.funbio.org.br
Fundo Vale para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável – http://www.fundovale.org
Fundo Verde – http://www.fundoverde.com.br
FUSION Foundation – http://www.thefusionfoundation.org
Future Association for Culture and Development – http://www.future.org.ps
Future by Design – http://www.futurebydesign.org
Future Centre Trust – http://www.futurecentretrust.org
Future Hope Foundation of Nigeria
Future Leaders Global Initiative
Futuro Desenvolvimento do Projecto Territorial Principado de Bragança Real Casa de Portugal – http://www.principadodebraganca.org
FXB India Suraksha – http://www.fxbsuraksha.in
G M Shah Foundation – http://www.gmshahfoundation.info/
G V D Afrique
G(irls)20 Summit – http://www.girls20summit.com
G.H. Raisono Law School – http://www.ghrlawschool.raisoni.net
Gaafu Alif Villingili Council Office
Gabon pour Jesus
Gacci Magazine
Gachij Nej Yuma an, Asociacion Civil
Ga-Dangme students Association of the University of Ghana,legon
Gaddafi International Cgharity and Development Foundation – http://www.gdf.org.ly
gaea21 Association pour la mise en œuvre du Développement Durable et de l’Agenda 21 – http://www.gaea21.org
Gaia Education
Gaia Mater
GAiN International – http://www.gainusa.org
Gandhi Bhavan International Trust – http://www.gandhibhavan.org
Gandhi Research Foundation – http://www.gandhifoundation.net
Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute – http://www.gandhiforchildren.org
Gandhian Unit for Integrated Development Education – http://www.guideindia.org.in
Gangamata Care and Hospic Nepal
Ganja Agribusiness Association – http://www.gaba.az
Gansu Green Camel Bell Environment and Development Center – http://www.gcb.ngo.cn
Gargar Foundation for Development – http://www.gargarfoundationfordevelopment.org
Gaurav Samajik Vikas Evam Shaishanik Sanstha
GAVI Alliance – http://www.gavialliance.org
Gazeteciler ve Yazarlar Vakfi – http://www.gyv.org.tr
GBD Public Diplomacy & Culture Exchange Center – http://www.cpdcea.com
G-Comex Óleo & Gás Ltda – http://www.gcomex.com.br
Gedaref Digital City Organization – http://www.gedaref.com/
Genc Ongoru Association – http://www.gencongoru.org
Gender Action – http://www.genderaction.org
Gender Alliance for Development Center – http://www.gadc-al.org
Gender and Development Intiative in Myanmar
Gender and Energy Network, Ghana – http://www.geda-ghana.tripod.com
Gender and Water Alliance – http://www.genderandwater.org
Gender Association ”Symmetry”
Gender Centru – http://www.gender-centru.md
Gender Concerns International – http://www.genderconcerns.org
Gender Development Initiative – http://www.gendiwomen.org
Gender Empowerment Foundation
Gender Files, Inc – http://www.genderfilesinc.org
Gender Progress Consortium & Foundation – http://www.genderprogress.org
Gender Studies and Training Centre
General Assembly Entrepreneurs of United National – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
General Forum of the Arabic and African Non-Governmental Organizations – http://www.fongaf.org
Génération Congo Afrique 2015
Génération Femmes du Troisième Millénaire – http://www.onggfem3.org
Genesis Facility Foundation
Geneva Social Observatory – http://www.gsogeneva.ch
Geneva Student Unity – http://www.gsubd.webs.com
Genève pour les droits de l’homme : formation internationale – http://www.gdh-ghr.org
Genre en Action – http://www.genreenaction.net
Gente de Soluciones – http://www.gentedesoluciones.org
Gentechnikfreies Europa – http://www.gentechnikfreies-europa.eu
Geo Expertise – http://www.geoexpertise.org
Geography Teachers’ Association of Victoria – http://www.gtav.asn.au
George Mason University
GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY (GMU) – http://www.gmu.edu
Georges Malaika Foundation – http://www.gmfafrica.org
Georgia Blue Cross Society – http://www.blue-cross.in
Georgian Association of University Women – http://www.ifuw.org
Georgian Diaspora Foundation – http://www.geo-diaspora.nl
Georgian Welfare Foundation – http://www.welfarefoundation.org.ge
Geosocial Consultoria em Sustentabilidade – http://www.consultoriageosocial.com
Geospatial Database Consulting
Geotechnology, Environmental Assessment and Disaster Risk Reduction (GEADIRR)
Geriatrics Care Foundation of Pakistan – http://www.iaed.org/gcfk
German Advisory Council on Global Change – http://www.wbgu.de
German-Russian Institute of Biomagnetic Cybernetic and Nanotechnology – http://www.bimk.eu
GESCRS – http://www.gescrs.org
Gestão Ambiental Universidade de Brasília – http://www.fupgam.blogspot.com/
Gestion Ambiental Estrategica – http://www.gestionambientalestrategica.com
Gestos – http://www.gestos.org
Getting Out By Going In – http://www.gettingoutbygoingin.org
Ghana Leadership Council International – http://www.ghanaleaders.org
Ghana Muslim Mission
Ghana National NGOs Coalition for Youth
Ghana Nkwanta Project – http://www.adelewomen.tripod.com/
Ghana Regional Appropriate Technology Industrial Service Foundation – http://www.gratis-ghana.com
Ghana Xchange International – http://www.ghanaxchange.com
Ghana-Denmark Friendship Association – http://www.gadafansc.org
Ghoghardiha Prakhand Swarajya Vikas Sangh – http://www.gpsvs.org.in
Gibh Varta Manch – http://www.vartamanch.blog.com
Gic Cadire – http://www.barreaulittoral.org/devcadire/
Gic Sainte Francoise de Charite
Gic Technologies Nouvelles au Cameroun – http://www.technologies-nouvelles.8k.com
Giral viveiro de projetos – http://www.giral.com.br
Girisimci Gencler Dernegi – http://www.giged.org.tr
Girl Child Network Sierra Leone – https://sites.google.com/site/girlchildnetworksierraleone/
Girl Scouts of the United States of America – http://www.girlscouts.org
Girls To Mothers’ Initiative
Give Them Hope, Inc. – http://www.givethem-hope.org
Give to Colombia – http://www.givetocolombia.org
GlaxoSmithKline Emerging Markets – http://www.gsk.com/
GlboalHunt Foundation – http://www.globalhuntfoundation.org
Global 2000 (2010) International
Global Academy Institute of Technology Foundation, Inc. – http://www.gaitf.com
Global Action for Africa’s Development – http://www.glafad.org
Global Action to Prevent War – http://www.globalactionpw.org
Global Agenda for Total Emancipation – http://www.gateng.org
Global Aid Network – http://www.globalaid.net
Global AIDS Alliance – http://www.globalaidsalliance.org
Global Alcohol Policy Alliance – http://www.globalgapa.org
Global Alert for Defence of Youth and the Less Privileged
Global Alliance for a Sustainable Iraq
Global Alliance for Development Foundation – http://www.gadef.org
Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) Philippines, Inc.
Global Alliance for Responsible Business / Sustainability
Global Alliance for Women’s Health – http://www.gawh.org/
Global Alliance of Community Forestry – http://www.gacfonline.com
Global Arts and Development Centre – http://www.gadec.org
Global Association for Environmental Investments and Sustainability of Economic, Social and Environmental Spheres – http://www.gafeias.at
Global Autism Project – http://www.globalautismproject.org
Global Awareness Network NGO Accredited Observer to the UNFCCC – http://www.vatraxosvrastos.gr/
Global Biodiversity Information Facility – http://www.gbif.org
Global Business of Biodiversity – http://www.gbob.co
Global Call to Action Against Poverty Global Foundation – http://www.whiteband.org
Global Campaign Against Poverty and Hunger in Liberia
Global Campaign for Climate Action – http://www.tcktcktck.org
Global Canopy Programme – http://www.globalcanopy.org
Global Childcare and Poverty Eradication Initiative – http://www.gcpei.com
Global Citizens for Sustainable Development – http://www.globalcitizens.org.in
Global Civic Sharing – http://www.adaleh-center.org
Global Civil Initiatives, Inc. – http://www.globalcivin.org
Global Classroom Program on Sustainable Development (Kazakhstan)
Global Community Health Foundation – http://www.globalcommunityhealthfoundation.org
Global Compact Local Network Paraguay – http://www.pactoglobal.org.py
Global Compact Network Bulgaria Association – http://www.unglobalcompact.bg
Global Compact Network Italy
Global Compact Network Ukraine – http://www.globalcompact.org.ua
Global Compassion – http://www.glopassion.com
Global Connections for Women Foundation (GC4W) – http://www.gc4women.org
Global Development Program
Global Disability Movement – http://www.globdismov.com/
Global Ecolabelling Network – http://www.globalecolabelling.net
Global Eco-Village Network, The – http://www.gen.ecovillage.org
Global Edge Research
Global Education Associates – http://www.g-e-a.org
Global Education Mission Society – http://www.imaher.edu.in
Global Education Motivators – http://www.gem-ngo.org
Global Empowerment Initiative – http://www.geiafrica.org
Global Environment & Technology Foundation – http://www.getf.org
Global Environment Friendship Group
Global Environmental Management Education Center – http://www.gem.uwsp.edu
Global Footprint Network Inc – http://www.footprintnetwork.org
Global Forum for Health Research – http://www.globalforumhealth.org
Global Forum For Peace, Justice and Human Rights – http://www.gfpjhr.org
Global Forum Foundation – http://www.globalforumfoundation.org
Global Forum on Human Settlements – http://www.gfhsforum.org
Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, Inc. – http://www.globalfoundationdd.org
Global Fuel Economy Initiative – http://www.globalfueleconomy.org
Global Futures Network – http://www.gfn.org.in
Global Gender and Climate Alliance – http://www.gender-climate.org
Global Green Forum
Global Greengrants Fund – http://www.greengrants.org
Global Health And Awareness Research Foundation (GAF) – http://www.gharf-nigeria.org
Global Health Diplomacy Program – http://www.ghdp.utoronto.ca
Global Health International Institute – http://www.gh2i.org
Global Health Partners – http://www.ghpartners.org
Global Hepatitis Initiative – http://www.ghi.org
Global Hope Mobilization
Global Hope Network International – http://www.globalhopenetwork.org
Global Impact Development – http://www.ww.globalimpactdevelopment.org
GLOBAL INFORMATION NETWORK – http://www.africaninfonetwork.net
Global Infrastructure Fund Research Foundation Japan – http://www.ecdc.net.cn/partners/gif.htm
Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – http://www.globalinitiative-escr.org/
Global Initiative for Positive Change – http://www.globalinitiativeforpositivechange.org
Global Institute for Water, Environment and Health – http://www.giweh.ch
Global Islands Network – http://www.globalislands.net
Global Land Project – http://www.globallandproject.org/
Global Literacy Project, Inc. – http://www.glpinc.org/
Global Mass Community (Welfare Organization) – http://www.gmcwelfare.org
Global Mercy Mission Project
Global Migration Policy Associates – http://www.globalmigrationpolicy.org
Global Millennium International NGO – http://www.GlobalMillennium.org
Global Movement For Change And Project Colourful – http://www.globalmovementforchange.com
Global Nations – http://www.Global-nations.org
Global Network for Human Development
Global Network for Sustainable Environment
Global Ocean Commission
Global Oceans – http://www.global-oceans.org
Global Organization for Human Empowerment and Rights – http://www.goher.org
Global Partnership for Afghanistan – http://www.gpfa.org
Global Partnership for Disability and Development
Global Partnership for Local Action
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict – http://www.gppac.net
Global Partnerships Forum
Global Peace Development – http://www.globalpeacedev.org
Global Peace Initiative of Women – http://www.gpiw.org
Global Political Trends Center – http://www.gpotcenter.org
Global Poverty Project
Global Protection Network – http://www.globalprotectionnetwork.com
Global Renewable Fuels Alliance – http://www.globalrfa.org
Global Resistance – http://www.IndiaResource.org
Global Resource Action Center for the Environment – http://www.gracelinks.org
Global Rights – http://www.globalrights.org
Global Risk Forum GRF Davos – http://www.grforum.org
Global Romanian Students and Young Professionals Society (GRSPSociety) – http://www.grspsociety.org
Global South Initiative – http://www.gsi.org.np
Global South Watch – http://www.globalsouthwatch.org
Global Stewards Institute – http://www.globalstewardsinstitute.org
Global Stewardship for Sustainable Agricultural, Forestry and Water Development
Global Sustainable Electricity Partnership – http://www.globalelectricity.org
Global Unification the Gambia – http://www.globalunificationthegambia.org/
Global University Network for Innovation – http://www.guninetwork.org
Global Urban Development – http://www.globalurban.org
Global Values Research Foundation – http://www.gvrfindia.com
Global View Sustainability Services – http://www.gv-ss.com
Global Village of Beijing – http://www.gvbchina.org
Global Vision – http://www.global-vision.org
Global Vision Awake Africa for Development
Global Voices – http://www.globalvoices.org.au
Global Volunteer Network Foundation – http://www.gvnfoundation.org
GLobal Water for Sustainability – Florida International University
Global Water Partnership – http://www.gwp.org
Global Welfare Association – http://www.glowacameroon.org
Global Welfare Association – GLOWA Cameroon
Global Wind Energy Council – http://www.gwec.net
Global Young Greens – http://www.globalyounggreens.org/wordpress/
Global Youth Action Network – http://www.youthlink.org
Global Youth Action Network Ghana
Global Youth in HIV/AIDS Advocacy & Positive Prevention
Global Youth Innovation Network – http://www.gyin.org
Global Youth Movement
Global Youth Movement-Guyana
Global Youth Network for Peace & Development
Global Youth Organization – https://www.facebook.com/GlobalYouthOrganization
Global Youth Union Foundation – http://www.gyuf.org
GlobalPartnersUnited LLC – http://www.global-partners-united.com
GlobalSphere Int’l Corporation
Globe International – http://www.globeinternational.org
Globe Vert – http://www.globevert.org
Globethics.net Foundation – http://www.globethics.net
Globle Human Rights & S.D. Society – http://www.ggsict.org
Globlr Human Rights & Sociqal Service Association India – http://www.ggsnetwork.com
Glorious Generation Covenant Schools
Glory Village for Elders & Youth – http://www.gloryvillage.pledgepage.org
GMSL Foundation – http://www.gmsllegalservices.co.uk/Foundation
gobierno autonomo municipal de la paz – http://www.lapaz.bo
Gobierno de la Provincia de Corrientes – http://www.corrientes.gob.ar
God’s Graces School – http://www.godgraces.org
Gods Own Charitable Trust
Gods Trust – http://www.godstrust.co.in
Godwin Osung International Foundation, Inc. (The African Project) – http://www.theafricanproject.weebly.com/http://www.africanproject.ws
Gold Coast Permaculture
Gold Mercury International Limited – http://www.goldmercury.org
Gold Minds Initiative
Goldcoast Development Foundation – http://www.goldcoast.org.ng
Golden Bangladesh Foundation
Golden Heart Foundation
Goldman Environmental Prize – http://www.goldmanprize.org
Good Governance Club District Coordination Committee – http://www.ggcdccd.blog.com
Good Governance for Social Development and the Environment Foundation – http://www.gsei.or.th
Good Hands – http://www.goodhands.or.kr
Good Neighbours Development Foundation
Good Samaritan Fellowship Internation Inc.
Goodplanet Foundation
GOODWILL SOCIAL WORK CENTRE – http://www.goodwillsocialworkcentre.org
Gospel Assembly – Queens – http://www.gospelassemblyqueens.org
Goutomi Shishu Sadan
Gouvernement de la République Maohi – http://www.republique-maohi.fr/Constitution_de_la_REPUBLIQUE_MAOHI.H.htm…
Governo do Estado de Rondonia – http://www.rondonia.ro.gov.br
Governo do Estado de Sao Paulo – http://www.sp.gov.br
Governo do Estado do Acre – http://www.ac.gov.br
Governo do Estado do Espírito Santo – http://www.meioambiente.es.gov.br
Grace Mission Foundation
Grace Oviawe Foundation for Educational and Social Development – http://www.foundgrace.org
Grace Peter Charitable Trust – http://www.gracepetertrust.org
Graceland Foundation
Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town – http://www.gsb.uct.ac.za
Grail Knight Foundation – http://www.grailknightfoundation.com
Grail, The – http://www.thegrail.org
Graine/Afrisolar – http://www.wcre.org
Gram Vikas – http://www.gramvikas.org
Gram Vikas Seva Sansthan – http://www.gvssjodhpur.com
Grameen Foundation Australia Ltd – http://www.grameen.org.au
Grameen Shakti – http://www.gshakti.org
Gramin Mahila Vikash Nidhi – http://www.karmayog.org/ngo/GMVN/
Gramkalp Foundation
Grand Duché de Volinie
Grand Duchy of Carpathia
Grand Duchy of Ruthenia
Grand Health Initiative International
Grand Triangle, Inc. – http://www.grandtriangle.org
Grand-Duchy of St.Angel and St.Michael
Grand-Duchy of Varelia
Grassroot Development Assistance Program
Grass-root indigenous women’s group
Grass-root Organization for Human Development – http://www.godh.org.pk
Grassroots Empowerment Initiative – http://www.gei.org.za
Grassroots Organisations Operating Together in Sisterhood – http://www.groots.org
Gravity Dynamic, LLC
Great 1 Foundation
Great Harry Charity Foundation – http://www.greatharrycharityfoundation.org
Great Lakes Center for Culture, Peace and Development
Greater Good Community Development Initiative
Greek Forum of Migrants – http://www.youthforum.gr
Green & Zen Bubbles
Green Africa
Green Alliance
Green Ambassadors Foundation
Green and Rural development Nepal,GARDEN
Green Asia Network – http://www.simin.org
Green Banking – http://www.facebook.com/pages/GREEN-BANKING-en-Méditerranée/299944776694024
Green Building Council Brasil – http://www.gbcbrasil.org.br
Green Cameroon – http://www.greencameroon.org
Green Club – http://www.greenclub.bc.ca
Green Computing Initiative – http://www.greenci.org
Green Concern for Development – http://www.greencodeng.webs.com
Green Concerns – http://www.greenconcerns.org
Green Cross Bangladesh
Green Cross Burkina Faso
Green Cross International – http://www.gci.ch/
Green Development Initiatives Zimbabwe
Green Earth Foundation
Green Earth Organization
Green Energy Efficiency Foundation
Green European Foundation – http://www.gef.eu
Green For All – http://www.greenforall.org
Green Front of Iran – http://www.greenfront.org
Green Generation – http://www.greenobjectif.blogspot.com
Green Horizon
Green Impact International
Green Impressario
GREEN INDIA TRUST – http://www.gitrust.orghttp://www.greenindiatrust.org
Green Life Style – http://www.greenlifestyle.wozaonline.co.za
Green Line – http://www.greenline.org.lb
Green Mind Foundation – http://www.greenmind_foundation.org
Green Mobilisation Initiative
Green Odisha
Green Pilots Madagascar – http://www.greenpilots.org
Green Planet – http://www.greenplanets.org
Green Project Management – http://www.greenprojectmanagement.org
Green Shadow GS – http://www.greenshadowbd.org
Green State Resources Ltd
Green the Gene – http://www.greenthegene.co.nr
Green Village Plan Development – http://www.greenvillagedev.org
Green Wood Organization | Uganda
Green Youth Generation – http://www.greenyouthgeneration.co.nr
Green Zionist Alliance – http://www.greenzionism.org
GreenEarthCitizen – http://www.greenearthcitizen.org/
Greener Environmental Conservation Foundation
Greener Ethiopia – http://www.greener-ethiopia.org
Greener Impact International
Green-Give Foundation
Greening Australia
GreenLife Sri Lanka – http://www.greenlifelanka.org
Greenomic & Biopreneurs Consulting
Greenpeace International – http://www.greenpeace.org
Greenriver Environmental Protection Association of Sichuan – http://www.green-river.org
GreenStart Network – http://www.greenstart.kr
Greenwatch Initiative – http://www.greenwatchinitiative.org
GREENWISE International – http://www.greenwiseint.org
Grêmio Estudantil Voz Ativa do Instituto de Educação Professor Manuel Marinho – http://www.vozativanarede.blogspot.com
Grenada Human Rights Organisation Inc
Gret – http://www.gret.org
Griffith School of Environment, Griffith University – http://www.griffith.edu.au/environment-planning-architecture/griffith-sc…
GRIP the Norwegian Centre For Sustainable Production and Consumption
Gröna Kvinnor – http://www.gronakvinnor.se
Gropo Puma de Radiocomucicaçao – COMSET – http://www.comset.xpg.com.br
Grounds for Health – http://www.groundsforhealth.org
Groundwork Environmental Initiatives – http://www.groundworkei.org
groundWork, Friends of the Earth South Africa – http://www.groundwork.org.za
Group for Environmental Monitoring – http://www.gem.org.za
Groupe Concertation de Femmes Victimes
Groupe d’Action International pour le Développement Durable au Bénin – http://www.gai2dbenin.wordpress.com
Groupe d’Action pour la Protection et la Promotion de la Flore et la Faune
Groupe d’Action pour le Developpement Durable
Groupe d’Action, de Paix et de Formation pour la Transformation – http://www.ong-gapafot.org
Groupe de Recherche – Action pour le Développement Intégral
Groupe de Recherche et d’Action pour la Promotion de l’Agriculture et du Développement
Groupe de Recherches et d’Actions pour le Développement et l’Environnement
Groupe de Recherches et de Services en Appui au Developpement Durable (GRESADD)
Groupe d’économie solidaire du Québec
Groupe des Jeunes Agronomes Actifs pour le Developpement Integre au Cameroon
Groupe d’Initiative Commune des Agriculteurs Professionnels du Cameroun (GIC AGRIPO) – http://www.tayab.org
Groupe d’Initiative Commune des Agriculteurs Reunis
Groupe Inter Nos, Asbl – http://www.grinos.org
Groupe sud Visions
Groupement de Promotion Integrale
Grupo Ambiental para el Desarrollo – http://www.gade.org.ar
Grupo de Aplicação Interdisciplinar a Aprendizagem – http://www.gaiasocial.org.br
Grupo de Apoio aos povos kaiowa – http://www.ajindo.org.br
Grupo de Defesa Ecologica – http://www.grude.org.br
Grupo de Discussão Sobre Mudanças Climáticas do CEUNES
Grupo de Estudo e Pesquisa em Negociações Internacionais – http://www.uesc.
Grupo de Mujeres de la Argentina – Foro de VIH, mujeres y familia – http://www.grupodemujeres.org.ar
Grupo de Pesquisa dos Profs Glauber Anunciação e Guilherme Behm – http://www.geofatos.blogspot.com/
Grupo de Pesquisa Meio Ambiente Urbano – http://www.dgp.cnpq.br/diretorioc/fontes/detalhegrupo.jsp?grupo=0071601C…
Grupo de Trabajo Cambio Climático y Justicia – http://www.ccjusticiabolivia.org
Grupo Ecológico Maitan
Grupo Ecologico Sierra Gorda I.A.P. – http://www.sierragorda.net
Grupo Nacional de Trabajo para la Participación – http://www.gntp.org
Grupo Pró-Ambiental – http://www.ecogpa.org
Grupo Transdiciplinar de Estudos Ambientais Maricá – http://www.vhecologia.blogspot.com
Gtec Consult – http://www.gtecconsult.com.br
Guardian Care,Inc – http://www.guardiancare-inc.blogspot.com
GUARDS OF THE EARTH AND THE VULNERABLE – http://www.gevghana.org
GuDeF (Gulguba Development Foundation)
Guerrand Hermes Foundation for Peace – http://www.ghfp.org
Guerreiros da Paz – http://www.paieai.com.br
Guiana Shield Facility – http://www.guianashield.org
Gujarat National Law University – http://www.gnlu.ac.in
Gulf Research Center – http://www.grc.net
Gulf Research Center Foundation – http://www.grc.net
Gusenghwe Inc. – http://www.gusenghwe.com
Guu Foundation Community Based Rehabiliatation
Guyana National Council on Public Policy – http://www.GNCPP.ORG
Guyana Sex Work Coalition
Gv Food Coop
Gwalior Hospital and Education Charitable Trust – http://www.helpchildrenofindia.org
Gwb Healthcare Limited
Gwoup Lespwa ak Lavi (GLL)
Gyan Raksha Shiksha Samiti – http://www.gyanraksha.com
Habib Physiotherapy Complex – http://www.hpcpk.org
Habitat for Humanity Int’l – http://www.habitat.org
Habitat International Coalition – http://www.hic-net.org
Habitatcare and Protection Initiative – http://www.habitatcare.wordpress.com/
HACEY’s Health Initiative
Haciendo lo Necesario A.C – http://www.haciendolonecesario.org
Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Inc – http://www.hadassah.org
Haiti Mission – http://www.haitimissioninc.com
Haitian Memorial Foundation – http://www.HaitianMemorialFoundation.org
Haki Network – http://www.hakinetwork.org
Haki Water – http://www.hakiwater.org
Hallmark Education Foundation – http://www.hefeducation.com
Hallmark Media (Commonwealth Africa Journal)
Hammond Redevelopment Commission – http://www.gohammond.com/web/index.php?id=205
Hamro Parbidhi: Ramro Nepal – http://www.hprnepal.org.np
Handikappförbundens samarbetsorgan – http://www.hso.se
HANDS – http://www.hands.org.pk
Hands of Love Group System Inc.
Hangu Rehabilitation & Development Organization – http://www.pk.linkedin.com/pub/hidayat-ullah-orakzia/21/a15/84b
Haqq & Adalet Association – http://www.haqq-adalet.com
Harijans Development Society
Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development – http://www.hariri-foundation.org
Harm Reduction Coalition
Harmony 23 – http://www.harmony23.com
Harvard Global Equity Initiatvie – http://www.hgei.harvard.edu
Harvard Humanitarian Initiative – http://www.hhi.harvard.edu
Harvard School of Public Health Center for Health Communication – http://www.hsph.harvard.edu
Harvard University Center for the Environment
Haryana Forest Department
Hasaan Foundation – http://www.hasaanfoundation.org
Haskoli Íslands – http://www.hi.is/
Hats Community Empowerment Programme – http://www.hacep2008.blogspot.com
HAUT COMMISSARIAT D’INTERVENTION GENERALE – http://www.hacig.centerblog.net
HavServe Volunteer Service Network – http://www.havserve.org
Hayat Center For Civil Society Development – http://www.hayatcenter.ps
Hayi le Mbila [NPO 034-660]
Haz Building Ltd
Hazara United Movement – http://www.hazaraunitedmovement.wordpress.com
Heafa International – http://www.heafai.org/http://www.askafrica.org/http://www.onemillioncomp…
Healing Heart Ministry (Foundation)
Healing Wings Therapeutic Community Centre – http://www.hwtcc.co.za
Health & Education Association for Development, Inc.
Health Alert Organisation of India
Health and Education for Less advanced People
Health and Environment Alliance – http://www.env-health.org/
Health Australia & Tanzania (HAT) – http://www.hat.org.au
Health Care Without Harm – http://www.noharm.org/
Health Connections International – http://www.healthconnections.info
Health Education and Literacy Program
Health Empowerment Africa
Health for All – http://www.healthforall.in/
Health For Life Foundation
Health Integrated development Agency
Health Link Development Center
Health Project – http://www.healthproject.8k.com
HealthBridge Foundation of Canada – http://www.healthbridge.ca
HealthRight International – http://www.healthright.org
Healthy Caribbean Coalition – http://www.healthycaribbean.org
Healthy Earth
Healthy Environment Organization in Kurdistan – Iraq
HEALTHY INDIA FOUNDATION – http://www.healthyindiafoundation.co.in
Healthy Options Project Skopje – http://www.hops.org.mk
Healthy Solutions – http://www.healthtysolutionsgroup.org
Heap Eradicate AIDS and Poverty
Heartbeat International Foundation Inc – http://www.heartbeatsaveslives.com
Hearts to the Future International – http://www.infotyto.org
Heavenly Shower of Peace Church of God
Heavenly Treasures Charity Foundation – http://www.htcf.org
Hecho por Nosotros – http://www.hechoxnosotros.com
Heidelberger Forum für Politik und Wissenschaft – http://www.forum-hd.de
Heifer Project International (HPI) – http://www.heifer.org
Heinrich Boell Foundation – http://www.boell.org
Helen Keller International, Inc – http://www.hki.org
Helena Chellamani Charity Foundation (HCCF)
Helena Kaushik Education Foundation – http://www.KAUSHIKFOUNDATION.ORG
Helenfred Initiative for Youth Education – http://www.helenfredinitiative.com.ng
HELIO International – http://www.helio-international.org
Hellenic Center for Intercultural Psychiatry and Care Kostis Ballas – http://www.kii.gr
Hellenic Chambers Transport Association – http://www.eesym.gr/
Hellenic Research and Educational Institute Panos Mylonas for the Road Safety and the Prevention/Reduction of Traffic Accidents – http://www.ioas.gr
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ – http://www.ufz.de/
HELP – http://www.helpngo.org
Help A Child Africa – http://www.helpachild.org.uk
Help Age Gunjur – http://www.genvironment.co.uk
Help Age India – http://www.helpageindia.org
Help and Development Organization
Help and Development Organization (HDO)
Help Beyond Borders
Help Earth
Help for the Andes Foundation – http://www.helpfortheandes.org
HELP Foundation – http://www.helpfoundation.in
Help Heal Kenya – http://www.helphealkenya.org
Help In Need – http://www.helpinneed.org
Help International – http://www.help-international.org
Help International Foundation/ Fundacion Ayuda International – http://www.helpinternationalfoundation.com
HelpAge International – http://www.helpage.org
HelpAge Sri Lanka – http://www.helpagesl.org
HelPeople Foundation no profit – http://www.helpeople.it
Helper Development Organization Pakistan (HDO) – http://www.heperdo.blogspot.com
Helping Children – http://www.helpingchildrensl.org
Helping Hand Social and Welfare Society
HELPING HANDS AND HEARTS INC. – http://www.hhahj.jpn.org
Helping Hands For The Needy – http://www.helpinghandsworldwide.com
Helping Hands Trust – http://www.helpinghandstrust.net
Helping Hans for Service, Nepal
Helping Needy Children
HelpMeSee, Inc. – http://www.helpmesee.org
Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of Macedonia – http://www.mhc.org.mk
HELSINKI ESPAÑA – HUMAN DIMENSION – http://www.humandimension.net
Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation – http://www.helvetas.org
Hennes & Mauritz AB – http://www.hm.com
Heritage and Ethnobotanical Society of Zambia
Heritage Ethnico Organization Inc.
Heritage of National Environment Yeilding
HES Cepemar – http://www.cepemar.com
Heungsadahn, A Corporation – http://www.yka.or.kr
HFC “Hope for Children”– UNCRC Policy Center – http://www.uncrcpc.org
Higaonon Ha Migsabuwa Ta Lanao Inc. – http://www.rogongonhhmtlfinc2007cyberspace.wetpaint.com/
Higa-Onon Migsabuwa Ta Lanao Inc. – http://www.higaonontribe.webs.com
High Atlas Foundation – http://www.highatlasfoundation.org/
High Hope Network
High Security Newplate Limited – http://www.signcomantigua.com
High-Level Task Force for the International Conference on Population and Development – http://www.icpdtaskforce.org
Hillary Institute of International Leadership – http://www.hillaryinstitute.com
Himachal Children and Development Organisation – http://www.himachalchildren.org
Himalaya Conservation & Development Association, Nepal – http://www.hcdakarnali.org
Himalaya Conservation and Development Association – http://www.hcdakarnali.org
Himalayan Alliance for Climate Change – http://www.himcca.org
Himalayan Consensus Institute Limited – http://www.himalayanconsensus.org
Himalayan Grassroots Women’s Natural Resource Management Association (HIMAWANTI) Nepal – http://www.nhimawanti.org.np
Himalayan Health & Environmental Services Solukhumbu – http://www.hhessolu.org
Himalayan Jyoti Samiti – http://www.himalayanjyotisamiti.org
Himalayan Research and Cultural Foundation – http://www.himalayanresearch.org
Hindu Council of New Zealand Incorporated – http://www.hinducouncil.org.nz
Hiria Smart Lab
History Maker Networks – http://www.historymakernetworks.com
HIV Young Leaders Fund – http://www.hivyoungleadersfund.org
HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee – http://www.hacccambodia.org
HIV/AIDS Education & Development Center – http://www.boriaidsprogram.org
Hizmet Relief, Inc. – http://www.embracerelief.org
Hobby Farms
Hod Pesquisa Desenvolvimento e Participacoes Sa
Hogar de Paralisis Cerebral Roberto Callejas Montalvo – HOPAC – http://www.hopac.org
Hokkaido University – http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/en
HOLA – http://www.HolaVB.com
Holistic approach for People’s Empowerment – http://www.vrhope.org
Holograma Comunicación – http://www.hologramacomunicacion.com
Holy State University of the International Church of Eternal Revival – http://www.churchofrevival.org/Holy_State_University2.htm
Home School Legal Defense Association – http://www.hslda.org/
Hong Kong Climate Change Forum – http://www.hkccf.org/index.php
Hong Kong Federation of Women’s Centres – http://www.womencentre.org.hk
Hong Kong Press Association
Hong Kong Women Foundation Ltd.
Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association – http://www.hkwpea.org
Hope Africa – http://www.hopecareservice.com/africa
Hope and Happiness Foundation
Hope Care Foundation – http://www.hopecarefoundation.webs.com
Hope Creator Foundation – http://www.hocref.org
Hope for a child In Christ
Hope for Africa Network
Hope for Change – http://www.hfc-india.org
Hope for Family Development Initiative – http://www.hffdi.org
Hope For Life Organization – http://www.hfl.org.pk
Hope for the Young Generation (HYG) Uganda
Hope For Them Foundation – http://www.hopeforthemfoundation.org
Hope Foundation (Regd) – http://www.hopefoundationpak.org
Hope Foundation NGO
Hope Makers Club for Youth and Sport – http://www.youthhopemakers.com
HOPE Serve to Humanity – http://www.hope4serve.com
Hope to the Future
Hope to the Future Congo Assistance
Hope worldwide
Hope Worldwide Nigeria
Hope’87 Burundi – http://www.hope87.at
Horizon Charite Humaine pour un Developpement Durable
Horizon Communications
Horizon d’Echange et de Lutte Contre la Pauvreté
Horizon Foundation – http://www.myhorizonfoundation.org
Horizon Social Assistance Development Organization – http://www.horizonngo.org
Horn of Africa Aid and Rehabilitation Action Network – http://www.haaranusa.org
Horn of Africa Regional Environment Center and Network – http://www.hoarec.org
Horn of Africa Voluntary Youth Committee (HAVOYOCO) – http://www.havoyoco.org
Hosabelaku – Sunrise – http://www.surnriseindia.org
Hosain’s Information Technology Society – https://sites.google.com/site/chalanbilsociety
House of Jacobs International – http://www.houseofjacobsint.org
Housing Africa Initiative – http://www.housingafrica.org.za
Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society – http://www.worldcongress.org
Howrah Protect Environment & Nature – http://www.pen.page4.me
HRH Camad M. Ali of the Sultanate of Baloi
HRIDAY (Health Related Information Dissemination Amongst Youth) – http://www.hriday-shan.org
HTI Alumni Association – http://www.facebook.com/HTIAlumni
Huairou Commission: Women, Homes and Community – http://www.huairou.org/
HUJRA, Village Support Organization – http://www.hujra.org
Human Action for Rural Development
Human Affect Ad Hoc Unit International Charitable Trust – http://www.humanaffect.com
Human Aid UK – http://www.human-aid.eu
Human Appeal Organization Jaffarabad – http://www.humanappealorg.webs.com
Human Care Association of Nigeria
Human Development and Reproductive Health, Right NGO Network of Mongolia
Human Development Center Tree of Life – http://www.treelife.org.kg
Human Development Foundation HDF
Human Development Initiative Pakistan – http://www.hdipakistan.org
Human Development Society – http://www.hdsindia.org
Human Development Society India
Human Development Society Pakistan – http://www.hdspakistan.org
Human Dignity Society, Balochistan – http://www.hds.org.pk
Human Effort for Love and Peace Foundation J & K – http://www.helpfoundation.co
Human Empowerment and Liberty Program
Human Environmental Association for Development
Human Friends Citizen Community Board, Thul
Human Health Aid – http://www.humanahealthaid.org
Human Impacts Institute – http://www.HumanImpactsInstitute.org
Human in Love – http://www.hil.or.kr/main/main.php
Human Initiative Network
Human Life International, Inc. – http://www.hli.org/
HUMAN Network INDIA – http://www.humanindia.org
Human Relief Foundation – http://www.hrf.org.uk
Human Resource and Material Development Foundation (HURMAD) – http://www.facebook.com/hurmad
Human Resource Development Society – http://www.hrdsociety.org
Human Rights & Legit Group
Human Rights Advocates Inc. – http://www.humanrightsadvocates.org
Human Rights and Development Trust of Southern Africa
Human Rights Association for Community Development in Assiut – http://www.assuithumanrights.org
Human Rights Center – http://www.hridc.orghttp://www.humanrights.gehttp://www.caucasusnetwork.org
Human Rights Commission for Monorities,Bangladesh
Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM) – http://www.hrcbm.org
Human Rights Council Of India – http://www.hrcofindia.org
Human Rights Defenders Solidarity Network – Uganda
Human Rights Development International – http://www.justicegroup.us
Human Rights Education Centre – South Africa – http://www.umphakatsi.co.za
Human Rights Focus Pakistan – http://www.hrfngo.org
Human Rights’ Forum – http://www.hrfpakistan.org
Human Rights Information Network (HuRINet) – http://www.hurinetnigeria.org
Human Rights International Organization – http://www.facebook.com/humanrightsis1st
Human Rights Lawyers’ Society
Human Rights Organization (An International Organization) – http://www.hrointernational.info
Human Rights Research & Development Center
Human Rights Society Pakistan – http://www.hrpk.org
Human Rights Teaching International
Human Rights Voice For Minorities – http://www.hrvm.org
Human Rights Working Group Indonesia – http://www.hrwg.org
Human Rithts Organization – http://www.humanrightsorganization.asia
Human Sciences Research Council – http://www.hsrc.ac.za
Human Security Initiative Organization – http://www.humansecuritysud.org
Human Shield – http://www.humanshieldpk.org
Human Shield Trust – http://www.humanshieldpk.org
Human Support Services
Human Touch India
Human Trafficking Awareness Council – http://www.htacouncil.org
Human Welfare And Development Trust
Humane Society of the United States – http://www.hsus.org
Humanio Development Organization – http://www.humanio.or
Humanisme sans Frontieres – http://www.jefaismapart.org
Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries – http://www.hivos.nl
Humanitaire Plus
Humanitarian Aid & Development – http://www.hadhq.org-hadye.org-http://www.hadcon.org
Humanitarian Aid and Development – http://www.hadhq.org
Humanitarian Assistance Trust of Zimbabwe
Humanitarian Care and Relief Organization
Humanitarian Care Uganda – http://www.hcareuganda.org
Humanitarian Emergency Logistics & Preparedness Inc. – http://www.disasterlogistics.org
Humanitarian Law Agency
Humanitarian Organisation of Pskov’s Region Happy Childhood – http://www.hchil.org
Humanitarian Resource Institute – http://www.humanitarian.net
Humanitarian Welfare Foundation
Humanitarians in Action – http://www.ha-cameroon.asso-web.com
HUMANITERRA INTERNATIONAL – http://www.humani-terra.org
Humanity Family Foundation for Peace and Development – http://www.huffped.org
Humanity First
Humanity for Orphans, Youth and Widows Initiatives Kenya – http://www.hoywikafrica.org
Humanity Foundation
Humanity Healing International – http://www.humanityhealing.org
Humanity Helping Sudan Project – http://www.humanityhelpingsudanproject.org
humanitywatch – http://www.humanity-bd.blogspot.com
Humanos con Recursos – http://www.humanosconrecursos.com
Human’s Health Institute
HUMINT – http://www.humint.org.uk
Hunch Welfare Foundation – http://www.hunchngo.org
Hunger Free World – http://www.leadfrancophoneafrica.org/
Hunger Project, The – http://www.thp.org
Hunt Alternatives Fund – http://www.huntalternatives.org;http://www.inclusivesecurity.org
Hussaini Foundation – http://www.hussainifoundation.org
Hussaini Organization for Local Development HOLD
Hutan group – http://www.hutang.jimdo.com/
Hydra Project
HYDROAID Water for Development Institute – http://www.hydroaid.it
Hynniewtrep Integrated Rural Development Organisation
I Cavalieri Della Croce Azzurra
I.C.H.R. Arbitration, Politics and Strategic Studies – http://www.ichaps.org
I.D.E.A.L. International Initiative D’Entraide Aux Libertés – http://www.ideal-international.org
I.R?LI. I.CTI.MAI. BI.RLI.YI. – http://www.ireli.az
IABPR – http://www.iabpr.org.br
IADDIC Shelters LLC – http://www.iaddicshelters.com
IAMMA (Institute of Agricultural Marketing,Management & administration) – http://www.iamma.8m.com
Iansa Women Network Nigeria
i-Bangla – http://www.i-bangla.com
IBC – International Blue Crescent Humanitarian Relief and Development Foundation
Ibero-American Network of Life Cycle Assessment – http://www.rediberoamericanadeciclodevida.wordpress.com/eventos/
IBFAN Brasil – http://www.ibfan.org.br
IBIS København
Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine and Sciences – http://www.ibnsinaacademy.org
IBON.International Foundation Inc. – http://www.iboninternational.org
IBREA Foundation – http://www.ibreaus.org
Ibsa Inc. – http://www.ibsa-inc.org
ICCA Consortium – http://www.iccaconsortium.org/
ICE Coalition
Ice Foundation – http://www.icefoundation.co.in
Icebo Youth Trust
ICG Youth Initiative – http://www.icgyouth.org
Icirore C’amahoro – http://www.icirore-camahoro.org
ICLEI Africa – http://www.iclei.org/africa
ICLEI-Gobiernos Locales por la Sustentabilidad. Secretariado para México, Centroamérica y el Caribe – http://www.iclei.org.mx
ICNA Relief USA – http://www.icnarelief.org
ICO Green Dossier – http://www.dossier.org.ua
Icod Action Network – http://www.icoduganda.org
ICON PHILANTHROPIC FOUNDATION – http://www.icon-foundation.org
ICONE – Instituto de Estudos do Comércio e Negociações Internacionais – http://www.iconebrasil.org.br
ICT for Peace Foundation – http://www.ict4peace.org
ICVolunteers – http://www.icvolunteers.org
ICW Zambia International Community of Women Living with HIV in Zambia
ID Nepal
IDA – Initiative for the Development of Africa – http://www.idainternational.org/
I-Dare for Sustainable Development – http://www.i-dare.org
IDEA – http://www.idea.org.py
IDEA (International Dialogue for Environmental Action) public association – http://www.ideacampaign.org
Ideal World Foundation
Ideas Centre – http://www.ideascentre.ch
IDEAS for US – http://www.IDEASforUs.org
IDP Foundation, Inc. – http://www.idpfoundation.org
IFAAR e.V. – http://www.ifaar.org
IFRTK Trust – http://www.ifrtk.org
Igarape Institute
Igbo Youth Congress
Igorota Foundation Inc.
Igrow Global Commerce Summit – http://www.igrowsummit.org
Igtiba – http://www.igtiba.org.br
Iguassu ITEREI Centro de Referência do Movimento da Cidadania pelas Águas Florestas e Montanhas – http://www.s.lourencinho.sites.uol.com.br
IIDA Women’s Development Organization – http://www.iidaonline.net
Ikatan Pemuda Gayo
IKERRE Youth Forum
Ikhwezi Women’s Support Centre
Ikosi/Ejinrin Local Council Development Area
Ilitha Labantu – http://www.ilithalabantu.org.za
Ilngwesi Afya Program – http://www.ilngwesi.com
Ilyas Afandiyev International Foundation – http://www.ilyasafandiyev.com
IMAGE Development & Welfare Organization – http://www.imagehyderabad.blogspot.com/
Imagem Sistemas de Informacoes Ltda – http://www.img.com.br
Imagination x Inspiration x Innovation Foundation
Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation – http://www.emdad.ir
Imazon – Instituto do Homem e Meio Ambiente da Amazônia – http://www.imazon.org.br
Immigration Développement Démocratie – http://www.idd-reseau.org
Impact Foundation, The Gambia
Impact Nigeria
Impacto Asociación Civil – http://www.ongimpacto.org
Imperial College Energy Society – http://www.ic-energy.org/
Improve Families Health Consortium (IFACO) – http://www.ifaconetwork.org
Impulse NGO Network – http://www.impulseasia.org/
Incad Foundations
IncentivaRSE – http://www.incentivarse.com
Inclusive Democratic Initiative
Inclusive Student Society – http://www.iss-ucp.com/
Incomindios Schweiz – http://www.incomindios.ch
Incorporation Trustees Of Osita Nwajide Rural Folks Foundation – http://www.itonfoundation.org
Incredible Indians
Indalo Yethu South Africa’s Environemntal Agency – http://www.indaloyethu.org
Independent Advocacy Project LTDGTE – http://www.iap-nigeria.org
independent communication strategies
Independent Living For People with Disabilities – http://www.ilpd.org
India 800 Foundation – http://www.india800.org
India Media Centre
India Water Foundation – http://www.indiawaterfoundation.org
Indian Astrobiology Research Centre – http://www.astrobiology.co.in
Indian Committee of Youth Organizations (ICYO) – http://www.icyo.in
Indian Confederation of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples North East Zone – http://www.icitp-nez.org
Indian Environmental Society – http://www.iesglobal.org
Indian Media Centre For Journalists – http://www.imcfj.org.in
Indian Muslim Council – USA – http://www.imc-usa.org
Indian Science Communication Society – http://www.iscos.org
Indian Social Institute – http://www.isidelhi.org.in
Indian Social Institute – Bangalore – http://www.isiblr.org
Indian Youth Climate Network – http://www.iycn.in
Indie Energy Brasil – http://www.indieenergy.com
Indigenous & Disability People’s Association
Indigenous and Peasant Coordinator of Communal Agroforestry (CICAFOC) – http://www.acicafoc.org
Indigenous Enviromental Network – http://www.ienearth.org
Indigenous Information Network – http://www.indigenous-info-kenya.net
Indigenous Knowledge and Peoples Foundation – http://www.ikap-mmsea.org
Indigenous People of Africa Coordinating Committee – http://www.ipacc.org.za/eng/default.asp
Indigenous People of Biafra – http://www.indigenouspeopleofbiafra.org
Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism
Indigenous Peoples Development Foundation – http://www.indigenousdevelopment.wordpress.com
Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education – http://www.tebtebba.org/
Indigenous Peoples Links – http://www.piplinks.org
Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC) – http://www.ipacc.org.za
Indigenous Peoples of Yamassee Nation – http://www.yamasseenation.com
Indigenous Peoples Organization – http://www.jumchab.org
Indigenous People’s Welfare Society
Indira Gandhi Integral Education Centre – http://www.igiec.freewebpages.org
Indira Gandhi National Foundation – http://www.indiragandhifoundation.org
Indo-Global Social Service Society – http://www.igsss.org
Indonesian Child Welfare Foundation, The
Indonesian Civil Society Forum for Climate Justice – http://www.csoforum.net
Indra Nagar Ambedkar Seva Sanga
Indraprastha Public Affairs Centre – http://www.ipacindia.org
Indus Development Society – http://www.indusdevsoc.org
Indus Resource Centre – http://www.irc-pakisatn.com
Indus Welfare Association – http://www.induswelfare.org
Industrial Ecology Institute – http://www.industrialecology.or.ke(underre-construction)
IndyACT – http://www.indyact.org
Information Resource Center Common Home
Information Vehicle in Sub Sahara and International Organizations and Networks – http://www.ivission.net
Inga Foundation – http://www.ingafoundation.org
Iniciativa Latino-Americana para o Transporte Sustentável
Iniciativa Social Para la Democracia – http://www.isd.org.sv
Iniciativa Verde – http://www.iniciativaverde.org.br/
Iniciativa YURTA-ADENYT – http://www.iniciativa-yurta.org
Iniciativas y Estrategias para el Desarrollo Humano Sustentable – http://www.iniciativasyestrategias.org
Iniskoy for Peace and Development Organization – http://www.INISKOY.ORG
Initiatieve pour le Developpement de Centrafrique or IDC
Initiative for Care and Empowerment Support
Initiative For Community Development – http://www.icdngo.org
Initiative for Environment, Health and Social Development
Initiative for Environmental Education
Initiative for Equality
Initiative for Grassroots Development Centre
Initiative for Peace, Empowerment & Tolerance
Initiative for the Promotion of Equitable Environmental Practice
Initiative Nationale d’Encadrement par des Actions Sociales
Initiative Nepal – http://www.initiativenepal.org
Initiative pour un Développement Durable en Afrique
Initiator Human Development Foundation – http://www.initiator.org
Innovando el Futuro : Fundación Perú – http://www.fundacionperu.org
Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation – http://www.icet.org.cn
Innovation I+D+I – http://www.innovationguatemala.com
Innovation: Africa – http://www.innoafrica.org
Innovations, Competitiveness and Sustainable Development Caucasus Institute – http://www.eco-web.com/reg/02797.html
Inochi – http://www.inochi.us/
Insaan Welfare Organization
Insamlingsstiftelsen Vi planterar träd – http://www.viskogen.se/
Insan Dost Association – http://www.idapk.org
Insan Foundation Trust – http://www.insan.org.pk
Insan Organization for Community Development
Insan Welfare Foundation Pakistan – http://www.iwfp.org
Insani Destek Dernegi – https://www.facebook.com/groups/buildhuman
Insani Müdafa ve Kardeslik Dernegi – http://www.imkander.org.tr/en/
Insituto Plante uma Árvore – http://www.planteumaarvore.org
Inspire Nigeria – http://www.inspiringnigeria.net
Inspiring Educators
Instituicao de Tradicoes e Cultura Afro-Brasileira Sao Judas Tadeu
Institut Arapoty – http://www.arapoty.net
Institut Català Internacional per la Pau – http://www.icip.cat
Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature
Institut de la Responsabilité Sociétale de Tunisie
Institut de recherche pour le développement – http://www.ird.fr
Institut des Technologies de L’information et de la Communication pour le Developpement – http://www.intic4dev.org
Institut Europeen des Armes de Chasse et de Sport – http://www.ieacs.eu
Institut für interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit und Dialog – http://www.dialog-institut.ch
Institut Hydro-Québec en environnement, développement et société, Université Laval – http://www.ihqeds.ulaval.ca
Institut international pour la paix, la justice et les droits de l’Homme- IIPJDH – http://www.iipjhr.com
Institut International pour la Promotion des Idées sur la Paix Dynamique – http://www.peacehopes.org
Institut Libanais de Développement Économique et Social – http://www.ildeslebanon.org
Institut Panafricain pour le Développement – http://www.paidafrica.org
Institut pour les Droits Fondamentaux et la Justice Sociale
Institut Supérieur de Technologie et de Gestion d’Afrique Centrale – http://www.istg-ac.sitego.fr
Institut Veolia Environnement
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS) – http://www.iass-potsdam.de
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy – http://www.iatp.org
Institute for Child Witness Research and Training – http://www.childwitness.net
Institute for Communication & Development Action – http://www.icda.org.in
Institute for Decentralized Alternative Awareness – http://www.idaagte.lk-underconstruction
Institute for Development Exchange – http://www.index.org.in
Institute for Economic Research on Innovation – http://www.ieri.org.za
Institute for Economics and Peace Limited – http://www.economicsandpeace.org
Institute for Environmental Research and Development-Ota, Nigeria
Institute for Future
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies – http://www.iges.or.jp
Institute for Gulf Affairs – http://www.gulfinstitute.org
Institute for Integrated Rural Development
Institute for International Urban Development – http://www.i2ud.org/
Institute for Justice and Reconciliation – http://www.ijr.org.za
Institute for Law and Environmental Governance – http://www.ilegkenya.org
Institute for Multitrack Diplomacy – http://www.imtd.org
Institute for Planetary Synthesis – http://www.ipsgeneva.com
Institute for Policy Studies – http://www.tni.org
Institute for Population Studies – http://www.howmany.org
Institute for Practical Idealism – http://www.legacyintl.org
Institute for Security Studies – http://www.issafrica.org
Institute for Sustainable Development and Research (ISDR) – http://www.isdronline.com
Institute for the Development in Education, Arts and Leisure – http://www.idealsociety.org
Institute for the Study of International Development, McGill University – http://www.mcgill.ca/isid
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) – http://www.itdp.org
Institute International pour les relations Diplomatiques – http://www.iird.org
Institute of Asian Culture & Development – http://www.iacd.or.kr/
Institute of Caribbean Studies – http://www.icsdc.org
Institute Of Democratic And Business Development
Institute of Developing Economies – JETRO – http://www.ide.go.jp/English/index.html
Institute of Development Support Services – http://www.idssngo.webs.com
Institute of Development Support Services – LSKFOPF[;DF – http://www.idssngo.webs.com
Institute of Economic Affairs Gambia.
Institute of Education Training and Development – http://www.ietdindia.org
Institute of Environment and Recreation Management – http://www.ierm.org.za
Institute of Environment and Resources – http://www.ier.org.tw
Institute of Hazrat Mohammad – http://www.ihmsaw.org
Institute of Hazrat Mohammad (SAW)
Institute of Human Nutrition – http://www.cumc.columbia.edu/ihn/
Institute of Human Virology, Nigeria – http://www.ihvnigeria.org
Institute of Inter-Balkan Relations – http://www.balkan-institute.gr/istoriko_idryshs.htm
Institute of International Education, Inc. (IIE) – http://www.iie.org
Institute of International Social Development – http://www.iisd-ngo.org
Institute of International Trade – http://www.iitrade.ac.in
Institute of Population, Health and Development – http://www.phad.org
Institute of Professional Research – http://www.ipr.net.in
Institute of Research & Social Development – http://www.irsd.org.pk
Institute of Sustainable Development – http://www.isdngo.org
Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (IBVM) – http://www.ibvm.orghttp://www.ibvmunngo.org
Institute Reciclar-T3 – http://www.reciclar-t3.org.br
Institute Time is Life – http://www.itev.org.br
Instituti i Studimeve per Camerine – http://www.cameriainstitute.org
Instituti SEDA
Institution World Heritage Institute in Central Asia
Institution of Foresters Kerala
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
Instituto O Direito por Um Planeta Verde – http://www.planetaverde.org
Instituto Acende Brasil – http://www.acendebrasil.com.br
Instituto Aço Brasil – http://www.acobrasil.org.br
Instituto Advb de Responsabilidade Socioambiental – http://www.institutoadvb.org.br
Instituto Aguas da Terra – http://www.aguasdaterra.org.br
Instituto Akatu – http://www.akatu.org.br
Instituto Alana – http://www.alana.org.br
Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós-Gradução e Pesquisa de Engenharia – http://www.coppe.ufrj.br
Instituto Amazônia – http://www.iamazonia.org.br
Instituto Amazônia Livre – http://www.amazonialivre.org
Instituto Ambiente em Foco – http://www.institutoaf.org.br
Instituto Ambiente em Movimento – http://www.iam.net.br/english
Instituto Amigos da Reserva da Biosfera da Mata Atlântica – http://www.rbma.org.br
Instituto Arapyaú de Educação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável – http://www.arapyau.org.br/
Instituto Árvore da Vida – http://www.ongiav.blogspot.com
Instituto Augusto Carneiro
Instituto Baleia Jubarte – http://www.baleiajubarte.org.br
Instituto Banco do Empreendedor – http://www.bemcred.com.br
Instituto Bem Estar Brasil – http://www.bemestarbrasil.org.br
Instituto Binacioal de las Fronteras/AMASDA
Instituto BioAtlântica
Instituto Brasileiro de Defesa do Consumidor – http://www.idec.org.br
Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Ambiental – http://www.ibda.org.br
Instituto Brasileiro de Educação para a Vida – http://www.ibev.org
Instituto Brasileiro de Estudos Ambientais – http://www.ibeas.org.br
Instituto Brasileiro de Mineração – http://www.ibram.org.br
Instituto Brasileiro de Opinião Pública e Estatística – http://www.ibope.com.br
Instituto Brasileiro de Petroleo, Gás e Biocombustiveis – http://www.ibp.org.br
Instituto Brasileiro de Proteção e Amparo aos Moradores de Rua Ocultos na Rua – http://www.proamor.org/
Instituto Brasileiro de Reciclagem – http://www.ibr.org.br
Instituto Brasileiro do Cobre – http://www.procobre.org
Instituto Brookfield – http://www.blog.institutobrookfield.com.br/
Instituto Caá Oby – http://www.caaoby.org.br
Instituto Cabruca – http://www.cabruca.org.br
Instituto Centro de Vida
Instituto Chapéu de Couro
Instituto da Criança – http://www.institutodacrianca.org.br
Instituto de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento e a Preservação da Natureza – http://www.inan.org.br
Instituto de Artes Aurimar Monteiro de Araújo – http://www.institutoama.org.br
Instituto de Conservação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Amazonas – http://www.idesam.org.br
Instituto de Derecho Ambiental y de la Sustentabilidad
Instituto de Derecho y Economia Ambiental – http://www.idea.org.py
Instituto de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Socioambiental – http://www.idesabrasil.org.br
Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável – http://www.idest.org.br
Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Amazônia – http://www.idesa.wordpress.com
Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável de Franca – http://www.institutoidesufran.com
Instituto de Ecologia Politica – http://www.iepe.org
Instituto de Eletrotecnica e Energia da Universidade de Sao Paulo – http://www.iee.usp.br
Instituto de Energia e Meio Ambiente – http://www.energiaeambiente.org.br
Instituto de Ensenanza para el Desarrollo Sostinible – http://www.iepades.org
Instituto de Estudios Estratégicos y Políticas Públicas – http://www.ieepp.org
Instituto de Estudios Internacionales – http://www.ideibo.org
Instituto de Estudios Politicos y Juridicos Internacionales – http://www.idepji.org
Instituto de Estudos Ambientais do Paraná
Instituto de Estudos Avançados – Universidade de São Paulo – http://www.iea.usp.br
Instituto de Estudos da Religião – http://www.iser.org.br
Instituto de Estudos Socio-Ambientais
Instituto de Ingenieros de Chile
Instituto de Liderazgo de Las Segovias – http://www.illsegovias.org
Instituto de Manejo e Certificação Florestal e Agrícola – http://www.imaflora.org
Instituto de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento do Movimento
Instituto de Pesquisas e Educacao para o Desenvolvimento Sustentavel – IPEDS (Research and Education for Sustainable Development Institute) – http://www.ipeds.org.br
Instituto de Pesquisas Ecológicas – http://www.ipe.org.br
Instituto de Pesquisas em Ecologia Humana – http://www.ipeh.org.br
Instituto de Pesquisas Especiais para a Sociedade – IPES – http://www.ipes.cemib.unicamp.br/ipes/index.php
Instituto de Sustentabilidade Social – http://www.institutodesustentabilidadesocial-org.blogspot.com
Instituto Ditakotená – http://www.ditakotena.org.br
Instituto do Cuidar – http://www.institutodocuidar.com.br
instituto dos arquitetos do brasil Paraná – http://www.iabpr.com.br
Instituto EcoBrasil – http://www.ecobrasil.org.br
Instituto Ecologia Interior – http://www.ecologiainterior.org.br
Instituto Ecos do Cerrado Brasil – http://www.iecosbrasil.org
Instituto Ecosapiencia
Instituto Educacional Rompendo em Fé – http://www.isbrf.org
Instituto Ekos Brasil – http://www.ekosbrasil.org
Instituto Embratel 21 – http://www.institutoembratel21.org.br/
Instituto Estadual do Ambiente – http://www.inea.rj.gov.br
Instituto Estre de Responsabiligade Socioambiental – http://www.institutoestre.org.br
Instituto Ethos de Empresas e Responsabilidade Social – http://www.ethos.org.br
Instituto Eventos Ambientais – http://www.ieva.org.br
Instituto Federal de Alagoas
Instituto Federal de Educacao, Ciencia e Tecnologia do Ceara – http://www.ifce.edu.br
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Sudeste de Minas Gerais – http://www.ifsudestemg.edu.br
Instituto Gama da Silveira – http://www.institutogamadasilveira.org.br/
Instituto Gênesis 1.28 – http://www.ig128.org.br
Instituto Global Attitude – http://www.globalattitude.org.br
Instituto Global para la Sostenibilidad – http://www.igs.org.mx
Instituto Harmonia na Terra – http://www.harmonianaterra.org.br
Instituto Homem Pantaneiro – http://www.institutohomempantaneiro.org.br
Instituto HSBC Solidariedade – http://www.hsbc.com.br/sustentabilidade|http://www.hsbc.com.br/sustentabilidade/investimento-social/instituto-hsbc
Instituto Humanitare – http://www.humanitare.org
Instituto I.S de Desenvolvimento e Sustentabilidade Humana – http://www.is.org.br
Instituto Internacional de Ciencias Politicas – IICP – IISP – http://www.politicas-e.net
Instituto Internacional de las Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones para el Desarrollo – http://www.facebook.com/EnergiassRenovables
Instituto Internacional Inteligencia Corp. – http://www.inteligenciacorporativa.amawebs.com
Instituto Ipanema – http://www.institutoipanema.net
Instituto Itapoty – http://www.itapoty.org.br
Instituto Kaluana Upiara – KUp Conservação e Gestão Ambiental – http://www.kaluanaupiara.org
Instituto Lagrange – http://www.lagrange-ac.org.br
Instituto Life – http://www.institutolife.org
Instituto Lixo Zero Brasil
Instituto Lojas Renner
Instituto Mão Pra Toda Obra – http://www.maopratodaobra.org
Instituto MAPAA – Meio Ambiente e Proteção Animal – http://www.mapaa.org.br
Instituto Marina Silva
Instituto Melhores Práticas de Gestão – http://www.impg.org.br
Instituto Missão da Paz – http://www.missaodapaz.com
Instituto Nacional de Formacion Productiva y Tecnologica AC.
Instituto Natureza do Estado do Tocantins – http://www.naturatins.to.gov.br
Instituto Natureza do Tocantins – http://www.naturatins.to.gov.br
Instituto Novo Brasil Pelo Carimbo Solidario – http://www.6rtd-rj.com.br/novo/eng/carimbo/
Instituto Nupef – http://www.nupef.org.br
Instituto Oksigeno – http://www.oksigeno.org.br/wp_oks/
Instituto Pacto Amazônico
Instituto Para la Participación y el Desarrollo-INPADE-Asociación Civil – http://www.foco.org.ar
Instituto para o Desenvolvimento de Energias Alternativas na América Latina – http://www.institutoideal.org
Instituto para Promocao da Educacao, Pesquisa, Preservacao, Conservacao e Recuperacao do Meio Ambiente – http://www.INSTITUTONATUREZA.COM.BR
Instituto Precisa – http://www.pprecisa.blogspot.com/
Instituto Pró Juventude
Instituto Regional da Pequena Agropecuária Apropriada – http://www.irpaa.org
Instituto Reinventar Ambiental – http://www.institutoreinventar.com.br
Instituto Salvia de Soluções Socioambientais – http://www.institutosalvia.blogspot.com
Instituto Sapiens para Desenvolvimento de Tecnologias Sociais
Instituto Sauver – http://www.isauver.org
Instituto Sentinelas Socio-Ecoambientais da Amazonia-Isseamazon – http://www.isseamazon.blogspot.com
Instituto Sindical Interamericano Pela Igualdade Racial – http://www.inspir.cjb.net
Instituto Slow Food São Paulo
Instituto Social Recicla Zona Rural
Instituto Supereco
Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo – http://www.intec.edu.do
Instituto Terra – http://www.institutoterra.org
Instituto Terra de Preservação Ambiental – http://www.itpa.org.br
Instituto Trata Brasil – http://www.tratabrasil.org.br
Instituto Vale das Garcas – http://www.ivg.org.br
Instituto Walden – Tempo, Homem e Natureza
Institututo El Derecho por un Planeta Verde Argentina de la Fundacion Justicia para Todos
Int. Convention to Ban the Practice of Experiments on Animals – http://www.internationalconvention.org
Integrated Anti-Human Trafficking and Community Development Initiative
Integrated Community Education and Development Association – http://www.iceda.org.et
Integrated Consulting Resources Ltd
Integrated Development Initiatives IDI – http://www.idichtorg.blog.com
Integrated Development Services (I.D.S.) – http://www.idsnig.blogspot.com
Integrated Pastoral Development Initiative
Integrated Regional Support Programme – http://www.irsp.org.pk
Integrated Rural Development Centre
Integrated Rural Development Foundation of the Philippines
Integrated Rural Uplift Programe
Integrated Social Development Effort(ISDE) Bangladesh – http://www.isdebangladesh.org
Integrated Women Development Institute – http://www.iwdi.org
Integratio Mediação Social e Sustentabilidade – http://www.integratio.com.br
Integrative Sustainable Solutions
Integreted Tribal Development Society
Integrity and Transparency Promotion Initiative
Integrujace Stowarzyszenie Jeden Swiat imienia profesor Zbigniew Religa – http://www.jedenswiat.org
Inteligencia de Negocios Cap, A.C. – http://www.sites.google.com/site/freecubator/
Intellect Business and Training Consultants – http://www.ibtc.webs.com/
Intellect Initiatives for Economic Empowerment and Development – http://www.iieed.webs.com
Intellectual Consortium
Inter African Committee In Norway
InterAcademy Panel on International Issues
Inter-Action Globale(I.A.G)
Inter-agency Standing Committee for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Interaid Uganda LTD – http://www.interaiduganda.org
Interaktivna mreza za obrazovanie i resursi – http://www.imor.org.mk
InterAmerican Heart Foundation – http://www.interamericanheart.org
Inter-American Housing Union – http://www.uniapravi.org
Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research – http://www.iai.int
Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy – http://www.ripess.org
Intercultural Network for Development and Peace – http://www.indp.org.in
Intercultural Open University Foundation – http://www.ioufoundation.org/index.php
Inter-Faith Action for Peace in Africa – http://www.ifapa-africa.org
Interfaith Forum of Muslim and Christian Women’s Association (a.k.a. Women Interfaith Council, WIC) – http://www.womeninterfaithcouncil.org
Interfaith Ghana – http://www.interfaithghana.ning.com
Intergovernmental Organization for Educational Development – http://www.ioed.org
Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization – http://www.ireoigo.org
Interights Advocates – http://www.interightsadvocates.org
Intermedia Consulting – http://www.intermediaconsulting.org
InterMedia Survey Institute – http://www.intermedia.org
Intermon – http://www.IntermonOxfam.org
Internacional de Trabajadores de la Construccion y Madera – http://www.bwint.org
Internacional Juvenil – http://www.internacionaljuvenil.org
Internacional Museum of the Royal House of Portugal – http://www.museum-rhp.org
Internation Project
International Academy of Alternative Psycholgy and Therapy
International Academy of Art – http://www.mai-spb.ru/
International Academy of Sobriety – http://www.intacso.com
International Accountability Mechanisms
International Action Network on Small Arms – http://www.iansa.org
International Administrative Science Association – http://www.un-iasa.org
International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness – http://www.iapb.org/http://www.VISION2020.org
International Agency of Public Security – http://www.aiaps.ch
International AIDS Society (IAS) – http://www.iasociety.org
International Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture – http://www.allianceforsustainability.net
International Alliance of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples fo the Tropical Forest – http://www.international-alliance.org
International Alliance of Inhabitants – http://www.habitants.org
International Alliance of Women – http://www.womenalliance.org
International Alternative Energy Coalition – http://www.int-aec.com
International Aluminium Institute
International Arbitration Court of Cassation and Heraldry and Nobility “IIRD” – http://www.iird.org
International Architects Designers Planners for Social Responsibility – http://www.arcpeace.org/new/
International Art & Technology Cooperation Organization – http://www.artech.or.jp/english/envedu/intex.html
International Arts Alliance, Inc. – http://www.rootsinternational.net/
International Assembly For Human Rights
International Assistance for Community Development
International Association Znanie – http://www.malitikov.ru
International Association for Advancement of Space Safety
International Association for Community Development – http://www.iacdglobal.org
International Association for Ecology and Health – http://www.ecohealth.net
International Association for Human Values – http://www.iahv.org
International Association for Human Values Association Internationale des Valeurs Humaines
International Association for Public Participation – http://www.iap2.org
International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) – http://www.glocha.info
International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience – http://www.iaeste.org
International Association for the Study of Obesity – http://www.iaso.org
International Association of Airline Trainer Managers and Directors
International Association of Consumer Food Organizations – http://www.iacfo.org
International Association of Educators for World Peace – http://www.iaewp.org
International Association of Financial Management – http://www.interfima.org
International Association of Genocide Scholars, Inc., The – http://www.genocidescholars.org/
International Association of Hydrological Sciences – http://www.cig.ensmp.fr/~iahs/
International Association of Nature Conservators
International Association of Schools of Social Work – http://www.iassw-aiets.org
International Association of World Peace Advocates – http://www.worldpeaceadvocates.com
International Association to Promote Organic Farmings
International Blue Cross & Blue Crescent – http://www.blue-cross.in
International Blue Cross Organisation – http://www.health4humanity.org.in
International Buddhist Organization for Culture Education and Social Development – http://www.onlinebuddhism.org&http://www.phatphaptrenmang.com
International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) – http://www.ibe-epilepsy.org
International Bureau of Public Safety – http://www.bureauofpublicsafety.org
International Business Leaders Forum – http://www.iblf.org
International Campaign for Freedom and Peace
International Career Support Association – http://www.ngoicsa.or.jp/
International Cartographic Association – http://www.icaci.org
International Catholic Child Bureau – http://www.bice.org
International Caucasus Foundation on MInority Issues (ICFMI) – http://www.icfmi.narod.ru
International Center for Alcohol Policies – http://www.icap.org
International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet (ICDRI), The – http://www.icdri.org
International Center for Environmental Research – http://www.icfer.org
International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service – http://www.iceers.org
International Center for New Media – http://www.icnm.net
International Center for Work and Family – http://www.iese.edu/en/faculty-research/research-centers/icwf/
International Centre for Geopolitical Studies (ICGS)
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development – http://www.icimod.org
International Centre for Research in Sustainable Development. – http://www.the-icrsd.org
International Centre for Responsible Tourism – http://www.icrtourism.org
International Centre for Social Research and Policy Analysis – http://www.icsrpa.org.ge
International Centre for the Prevention of Crime – http://www.crime-prevention-intl.org/
International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development – http://www.ictsd.ch
International Centre For Women Empowerment and child Development
International Challenge Nepal – http://www.internationalchallenge.org.np
International Chamber of Commerce – http://www.iccwbo.org
International Charitable Organization United Planet – http://www.unitedplanetfound.org
International Charity Non-Government Organization
International Child Rights Center – http://www.incrc.org
International Church of Eternal Revival – http://www.churchofrevival.org
International Circle of Faith Chaplaincy Corps Ltd/Gte – http://www.icofccafrica.org
International Civil Organization Institute Ukrainiki – http://www.ukrainica.org.ua/
International Civil Society Support – http://www.icssupport.org
International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation (ICPF) – http://www.icpfweb.org/
International Climate Change Partnership – http://www.iccp.net
International Coastal and Ocean Organization
International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) – http://www.icsf.net
International Commission for Dalit Rights – http://www.icdrforum.org
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage – http://www.icid.org/
International Commission on Occupational Health – http://www.icohweb.org/
International Community Empowerment & Pastoralist Education Program – http://www.ICEPEP.ORG
International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) – http://www.theicapp.org
International Congo Aid – Smile African Children – http://www.icasacngo.webs.com
International Conservation Caucus Foundation – http://www.iccfoundation.us
International Consortium on Landslides – http://www.icl.iplhq.org/andhttp://www.iplhq.org/
International Cooperative Alliance – http://www.ica.coop
International Copper Association – http://www.copperinfo.com
International Corn Foundation – http://www.icf.or.kr/
International Council For Caring Communities, Inc. – http://www.international-iccc.org
International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB) – http://www.cibworld.nl
International Council for the Day of Vesak (ICDV) – http://www.icdv.org
International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences, Inc. (CAETS) – http://www.caets.org
International Council of Chemical Associations – http://www.icca-chem.org
International Council of Environmental Law – http://www.i-c-e-l.org
International Council of Scientific Unions – http://www.icsu.org
International Council of Women / Conseil International des Femmes – http://www.icw-cif.com
International Council on Clean Transportation Inc. – http://www.theicct.org
International Council on Management of Population Programmes – http://www.icomp.org.my
International Council on Mining and Metals – http://www.icmm.com
International Court of Environmental Arbitration and Conciliation (ICEAC) – http://www.iceac.sarenet.es/
International Criminal Defense Attorneys Association – http://www.aiad-icdaa.org
International Crusader World Army Foundation, Inc.
International Cultural Youth Exchange (ICYE) – http://www.icye.org
International Culture University – http://www.icu-edu.org
International Development of Persia co – http://www.idopc.blogfa.com
International Development Research Centre
International Development Students Society – http://www.africa-idss.org
International Diabetes Federation – http://www.idf.org
International Diabetes Federation – African Region
International Diabetes Federation – European Region
International Diabetes Federation – Middle East and North Africa
International Diabetes Federation – South American and Caribbean Region
International Diabetes Federation – South East Asia Region
International Diabetes Federation – Western Pacific Region
International Ecological Safety Cooperative Organization – http://www.iesco-iesco.org
International Education and Leadership Development Academy – http://www.internleadershipacademy.org/
International Environment Forum – IEF – (WITHDRAWN 04/01/05) – http://www.iefworld.org
International Eurasia Press Fund – http://www.iepf-ngo.org
International Falcon Movement – Socialist Educational International – http://www.ifm-sei.org
International Family Forestry Alliance, Inc.
International Federation for Family Development – http://www.iffd.org
International Federation for Fighting International Crimes and Money Laundering – http://www.ifficml.com
International Federation for the Elite of the United Nations – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
International Federation of Business and Professional Women – http://www.bpw-international.org
International Federation of Central Diplomacy – http://www.centraldiplomacy.org
International Federation of Family Associations of Missing Persons from Armed Conflicts – http://www.iffampac.org
International Federation of Freight Forwarders’ Associations – http://www.fiata.com
International Federation of Inventors of the United Nations – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions – http://www.ifla.org
International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations
International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres – http://www.ifsnetwork.org
International Federation of Surveyors – http://www.fig.net
International Federation of the Idea of Creative Visionaries of the United Nations – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
International Federation of Training and Development Organisations, Ltd. – http://www.iftdo.net
International Fertilizer Industry Association – http://www.fertilizer.org
International First Aid Society
International Food Information Council Foundation – http://www.foodinsight.org
International Food Security Network – http://www.ifsn-actionaid.net
International Forestry Students’ Association – http://www.ifsa.net
International Forum for Legal Aid and Research – (Human Rights NGO)
International Forum For the Rights of Black People Inc. – http://www.ifrbp.com
International Forum for West Papua
International Foundation for Dharma Nature Time (Dharma Nature Time)
International Foundation for Performance Development
International Foundation for Sustainable Development – http://www.ifsdindia.com
International Fund for Animal Welfare – http://www.ifaw.org
International Fund for Indigenous and Ethnic Minorities – http://www.saklyamirov.narod.ru
International Fund of Ecology and Health ECOSAN
International Gas Union – http://www.igu.org
International Geographical Union – http://www.igu-net.org/
International Geothermal Association Incorporated – http://www.geothermal-energy.org
International Green Economy Association – http://www.igea-un.org
International Green Purchasing Network – http://www.igpn.org/
International Habitat Santé Sécurité Environnment et Solidarité
International Health Council – http://www.ihcun.org
International Heritage
International Holistic Tourism Education Centre – http://www.ihtec.org
International Hospital Federation (IHF) – http://www.ihf-fih.org
International Hotel and Restaurant Association – http://www.ih-ra.com
International Human Right Association Asia – http://www.ihraa.org
International Human Right Association Asia Ihraa – http://www.ihraa.com
International Human Rights Association – http://www.ihra.in
International Human Rights Association (IHRA) – http://www.ihra.co.in
International Human Rights Commission Relief Fund Trust – http://www.ihrchq.org/IHRC%20Rft/home.html
International Human Rights Law Institute – http://www.ihrli.org
International Human Rights Observatory
International Human Rights Observer (IHRO) Pakistan – http://www.ihro.org.pk
International Human Rights Organisation (SA)
International Human Rights Organization – http://www.ihroworld.org
International Human Rights Organization (IHRO) – http://www.ihro.com.pk
International Human Rights Protection Commission – http://www.ihrpc.org.in
International Human Rights Protector’s Group – http://www.ihrpg.org
International HumanRights Council (ihrc.org.in) – http://www.ihrc.org.in
International Humanrights Organization – http://www.ihro.com.pk
International Hydropower Association
International Indian Treaty Council – http://www.treatycouncil.org
International Information USA – http://www.ifdc-un.org
International Initiative for a Sustainable Built Environment – http://www.iisbe.org
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis – http://www.iiasa.ac.at
International Institute for Energy Conservation – http://www.iiec.org
International Institute for Environment and Development – http://www.iied.org
International Institute for Justice and Development (IIJD) – http://www.iijd.org
International Institute for Sustainable Development – http://www.iisd.org
International Institute for the Development of Citizenship (IIDAC) / Instituto Internacional para o Desenvolvimento da Cidadania – http://www.iidac.org
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) – http://www.iirr.org
International Integrated Reporting Council
International Investment Center – http://www.uniic.ru.gg
International Islamic Relief Organization – http://www.iirosa.org
International Islamic Youth League – http://www.iiyl.org
International Jagriti Foundation (Trust) – http://www.ijfindia.com
International Kolping Society – http://www.kolping.net
International kurdistan Center for Strengthening Administrative and Mangerial Abilities /IKCSAMA – http://www.kc-sama.org
International Labour Foundation for Sustainable Development – http://www.sustainlabour.org/
International Labour Office
International Lake Environment Committee Foundation
International Latin America Foundation (ILAF)
International Livestock Research Institute
International Mahavira Jain Mission – http://www.imjm.org
International Mediation Institute Stichting
International Migration Research Centre
International Million Woman Movement – http://www.blogtalkradio.com/empresschi
International Miners’ Organization
International Multiracial Shared Cultural Organization – http://www.imscoglobal.org
International Muslim Women’s Union – http://www.muslimaunion.org
International National Trusts Organisation – http://www.internationaltrusts.org
International Network for Environmental Compliance and Enforcement – http://www.inece.org
International Network for Sustainable Energy – http://www.inforse.org
International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions – http://www.inafi.org
International Network of Basin Organizations / Reseau International des Organismes de Basin – http://www.riob.organdhttp://www.inbo-news.org
International Network of Street Papers, The – http://www.street-papers.org
International Noble Initiative Club
International Non-Olympic University – http://www.inou-edu.org
International Ocean Institute – http://www.ioinst.org
International Ontopsychology Association – http://www.ontopsicologia.org
International Order Knights of the Thunderbolt
International Order of Human Rights – http://www.iohr.org
International Organisation for Human Right Entitlements
International Organization for Democracy and Human Rights – IODHR
International Organization for Economic Development – http://www.ioedf.org
International Organization for Human RIights Protection – http://www.iohrp.org
International Organization for Sustainable Development, Nigeria – http://www.iosd.org
International Organization for Victim Assistance – http://www.iovahelp.org
International Organization of Indigenous Resource Development
International Parliament for Safety and Peace
International Partners in Mission – http://www.ipmconnect.org
International Partnerschaft Saubere Energie und Umweltschutz e.V. – http://www.clean-energy-bonn.org
International Peace and Development Organization
International Peace Commission
International Pediatric Association – http://www.ipa-world.org
International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association – http://www.ipieca.org
International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War – http://www.ippnw.org
International Planned Parenthood Federation – http://www.ippf.org
International Planned Parenthood Federation (South Asia Region Office) SPECIAL, 2000 – http://www.ippf.org
International Pole and Line Foundation – http://www.ipnlf.org/
International Police Center – http://www.interpolice.org
International Police Commission Philippine Command Association Inc – https://www.facebook.com/pages/International-Police-Commission-Philippin…
International police Commission-Iraq-Ukraine
International Police Corporation of Public Security – http://www.worldpublicsecurity.org
International POPs Elimination Network (IPEN) – http://www.ipen.org
International Possibilities Unlimited (IPU) – http://www.ipunlimited.org
International Preschool Curriculum – http://www.internationalpreschoolcurriculum.com
International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary – http://www.internationalpresentationassociation.org/
International Primary Care Respiratory Group – http://www.theipcrg.org
International Programme on the State of the Ocean – http://www.stateoftheocean.org
International Public Organization “Public council on interaction with economic and financial structures”
International Pure Bhakti Yoga Society – http://www.gauravani.com.br
International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance – http://www.irha-h2o.org/
International Real Estate Federation – http://www.fiabci.org
International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims – http://www.irct.org
International Reigning and Sovereign Houses Organization
International Relief Friendship Foundation – http://www.irff-asia.org/nepal
International Reproductive Rights Research Action Group – http://www.irrragnigeria.org
International Research & Scientific Unit of Kian – http://www.kiuun.blogfa.com/
International Research and Consultancy
International Research Foundation for Development – http://www.irfd.org
International Research Institute
International Risk Governance Council (IRGC) – http://www.irgc.org
International Rivers – http://www.internationalrivers.org
International Road Federation
International Road Transport Union – http://www.iru.org
International Samaritan – http://www.intsamaritan.org/
International Seafood Sustainability Foundation, Inc. – http://www.iss-foundation.org
International Security and Safety Protection Professional Association
International Senior Prosperity and Revitalization Foundation – http://www.ispar.org
International Services Association – http://www.theinsaindia.org
International Services Trade Information Agency – http://www.servicestrade.org
International Social Science Council – http://www.worldsocialscience.org
International Society for Human Rights – http://www.ishr.org
International Society for Industrial Ecology – http://www.is4ie.org
International Society for Mobile Youth Work – http://www.ismo-online.de
International Society for Small and Medium Enterprises – http://www.issme.org
International Society of Doctors for the Environment – http://www.isde.org/
International Society of Sustainability Professionals – http://www.sustainabilityprofessionals.org
International Society of Sustainability Professionals Indonesia Chapter
International Society of Tropical Foresters – http://www.istf-bethesda.org/
International Solar Energy Research Center Konstanz e.V. – http://www.isc-konstanz.de/en/isc/development-cooperation.html
International Solar Energy Society – http://www.ises.org
International Solar Healing Association
International Space University – http://www.isunet.edu
International Steering Committee for Global Mapping
International Studies Association – http://www.isanet.org
International Sustainable Community Assistance
International Sustainable Development Network
International Thai Foundation Ltd – http://www.thai-charity.org
International Touring Alliance – http://www.aitgva.ch
International Trade Development Centre
International Trade Union Confederation – http://www.ituc-csi.org/
International Trade Union Confederation – Africa – http://www.ituc-africa.org
International Training and Development Center – http://www.GLOBALDEVELOPMENTAFRICA.COM
International Tribal Alliance for Community Development and Environmental Restoration
International Union for Health Education – http://www.iuhpe.org
International Union for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade – http://www.theiu.org
International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences – http://www.glocol.osaka-u.ac.jp/iuaes/
International Union of Architects – http://www.uia-architectes.org
International Union of Food Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers Associations – http://www.iuf.org/www/en
International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) – http://www.iugs.org
International Union of Parents and Teachers
International Union of Public Transport – http://www.uitp.org
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry – http://www.iupac.org
International Union of Railways (UIC) – http://www.uic.org
International Union of Socialist Youth – http://www.iusy.org
International Union of Vehicles Owners
International United Human Rights Association – http://www.iuhra.co.in
International Voice of Justice – http://www.ivoj.org
International Water Association (IWA) – http://www.iwahq.org
International Water Management Institute – http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/
International We Love U Foundation – http://www.eng.weloveu.or.kr/intro/welcome01.asp
International West Africa Asylum Seeker Foundation – http://www.iwaaf.org
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs – http://www.iwgia.org
International Year of Planet Earth – http://www.yearofplanetearth.org
International Young Leaders Dialog Center – http://www.iyldc.net
International Young Professionals Foundation – http://www.iypf.org
International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations
International Youth Association for Training and Inter-employment Programs – http://www.tip.ge
International Youth Council (IYC)-DU Chapter – http://www.internationalyouthcouncil.com
International Youth Council of Kenya – http://www.internationalyouthcouncil.com
International Youth Council of Pakistan
International Youth Council-Bangladesh Chapter – http://www.internationalyouthcouncil.com/group/bangladesh
International Youth Council-Nigeria Chapter. – http://www.internationalyouthcouncil.com
International Youth of West Africa
International Youth Organization
International-Curricula Educators Association – http://www.icea-egy.org
Internationale Gemeinschaft für die Unterstützung von Kriegsopfern – http://www.isawv.de
Internationale Organisation Für Volkskunst (IOV) – http://www.iov-world.com
Internationale Touarègue – http://www.internationale-touaregue.org
Internationales Zentrum für Nachhaltige Entwicklung – http://www.izne.org
International-Lawyers.Org – http://www.International-Lawyers.Org
Internations Fellowship Program Uganda Alumni Association – http://www.ahead.or.ug
Internews Network – http://www.internews.org
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) – http://www.ipu.org
Interregional Charity Organization Era of Unity for spiritual development – http://www.era-of-unity.com;congress.advayta.org
Interregional Non-Governmental Environmental Foundation «ISAR – Siberia» – http://www.ecodelo.org
Interregional non-governmental organization Centre for Support of Indigenous Peoples of the North (CSIPN) – http://www.csipn.ru
Interregional People’s Movement “Komi Voityr”
Inter-United-Universal-Organization the Peace World – http://www.whitehousepres.blogspot.com
Intervention for Development Foundation
Inti Raymi Fund – http://www.intiraymifund.org
Intishar Tourist Services
Int’l Centre For Women Empowerment & Child Dev. – http://www.icwecd.org
Inusev – http://www.inusev.org.ve
Invasive Species Research Institute – http://www.isri.ca/
Inventors and innovators society of Iran – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Iny Mahadu Coordenação
Iowa United Nations Association
IPC – SPMUDA (Joint Venture Project of International Police Commission and SPMUDA International Organization for Peace and Development)
Iqra Foundation – http://www.iqraafoundation.org
IQSL Instituto Quezia dos Santos Leopoldo Escola Brasileira do Futebol Arte – http://www.iqslinstitutocultura.no.comunidades.net
Iranian Business Council – http://www.ibc.ae
Iranian Culture and Translation Association – http://www.icta.org
Iranian Elite Research Center – http://www.irecngo.com
Iranian elites – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Iranian Entrepreneurs – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Iranian Inventors – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Iranian Vegetable Oil Industries Association – http://www.ivoi.ir
Iraq 2020 Assembly – http://www.irq2020.org
Iraq Foundation for Development & Human Rights – http://www.ifdhr.org/
Iraqi Al-Mortaqa Foundation for Human Development – http://www.almortaqa.org
Iraqi Charities Forum – http://www.iraqicharities.org
Iraqi Daralsalam Center – http://www.idsc.info
Iraqi Green Peace Organization
Iraqi Institute for Economic Reform – http://www.iier.org
Iraqi Kurdistan NGO’s Network – IKNN – http://www.iknn.com
IRESC International Radio Emergency Support Coalition – http://www.irescintl.com
Irish Mental Patients’ Educational and Representative Organisation – http://www.imperodotorg.wordpress.com
IRSP Pakistan – http://www.irsp.org.pk
Iseal Alliance – http://www.isealalliance.org
Isiziba Community Based Organisations of South Africa
Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch – http://www.kiau.ac.ir
Islamic Chamber Research and Information Center – http://www.icric.org
Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization – http://www.isesco.org.ma/
Islamic Federation of Standards and Quality – http://www.isqs.ir
Islamic Help U.K. – http://www.islamichelp.org.uk
Islamic Medical Association of North America, Inc. – http://www.imana.org
Islamic Peace and Security Council of Ghana – http://www.ipasec.org
Islamic Relief Australia – http://www.islamic-relief.com.au
Islamic Relief Humanitäre Organsiation in Deutschland – http://www.islamicrelief.de
Islamic Relief USA – http://www.irusa.org
Islamic Republic of Iran Meteorological Organization – http://www.weather.irandirimo.ir
Islamic World Peace Forum – http://www.iwpeace.com
Island Child Charitable Trust NZ
Island Resources Foundaton – http://www.irf.org
Island Sustainability Alliance Cis Inc
Islands (ISIDSMS) – http://www.economy.ioconline.org/islands.html
Islands First, Inc.
Isolux Corsan Brasil – Isolux Energia e Participações SA – http://www.isoluxcorsan.com
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions – http://www.icahd.org
Israeli Disarmament Movement (RPM) – http://www.disarmament.org.il
Istituto Diplomatico Internazionale – http://www.idi-international.org
Istituto Europeo Pegaso Onlus – http://www.istitutopegaso.eu
Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice delle Salesiane di Don Bosco – http://www.cgfmanet.org
IUCN Academy of Environmental Law – http://www.iucnael.org/
IUS Gentium Conimbrigae Human Rights Centre – http://www.fd.uc.pt/hrc/hrc_home_uk.html
IUS PRIMI VIRI International Association
iuventum e.V. – http://www.iuventum.org
Ivoire Developpement Durable

Jackeline Ferreira de Souza
Jacob Soetendorp Institute for Human Values – http://www.soetendorpinstitute.org
JAD Foundation – http://www.blessitt.com/Crosswalk_Stories_Photos/Nations/Nations_A_D_Fil…
Jafria Disaster management cell – http://www.jdcwelfare.org
Jagaran Nepal – http://www.jagarannepal.org
Jagruthi Kiran Foundation
Jahanara Foundation
Jaintapur Green Society
Jalisco Como Vamos – http://www.jaliscocomovamos.org
Jamaa Resource Initiatives – http://www.jamaaresourceinitiatives.org
Jamaica Entertainment Tours & Sedans
Jamaica Environment Trust – http://www.jamentrust.org
Jamaica Sustainable Development Network – http://www.jsdn.org.jm
Jamaicans for Justice Limited – http://www.jamaicansforjustice.org
Jambo Africa Child Hope – http://www.jamboafricachildhope.org
James Madison University – http://www.jmu.edu/
Jammu and Kashmir Council for Human Rights (JKCHR) – http://www.jkchr.com&http://www.jkchr.org
Jammu Kashmir Rural Education Society
Jan Jagran Sansthan
Jan Seva Trust
Janakalyan Pratisthan – http://www.jkpodisha.org
Jandorsy, A. C. – http://www.jandorsy.org
Janseva Pratisthan, Vita Tal. Khanapur, Dist. Sangli
Janvi Charitable Trust – http://www.janvitrust.org
Janyoday Vikash Parishad – http://www.janyodayvikasparishad.org
Japan Business Initiative for Biodiversity – http://www.jbib.org/en/
Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society – http://www.jacses.org/en/index.html
Japan Civil Network for the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity – http://www.jcnundb.org
Japan Council on the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD-J) – http://www.esd-j.org
Japan Environmental Education Forum – http://www.jeef.or.jp/english/index.html
Japan Federation of Bar Associations – http://www.nichibenren.or.jp/en/
Japan International Cooperation Agency – http://www.jica.go.jp/english/index.html
Japan Society of Humanistic Anthropology Association – http://www.ningengakkai.or.jp
Japan Water Forum – http://www.waterforum.jp/
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Foundation – http://www.joofoundation.org
Jaringan Komunitas Masyarakat Adat Pase
Jasmine Foundation for Research and Communication – http://www.jasmine-foundation.org/en
Java Foundation – http://www.javafoundationinc.blogspot.com
Java Learning Center – http://www.javlec.org
Jawad Nazir Trust – http://www.jawadnazir.org
JaYeonHwanGyeongGukMinSinTak – http://www.nnt.or.kr
JEC Strategic Advisors, LLC – http://www.JECStrategicAdv.com
Jefferson School of Population Health – http://www.jefferson.edu/population_health/
Jerusalem Development Society – http://www.jdspak.org
Jesus Restoration Mission NGO
JESUSKRO, The New Jerusalem International Church – http://www.jesuskro.net
Jeta-e-Re-Albanian-American-Community-Organization – http://www.NewlifeAACO.org
Jeugd & Vrede – http://www.jeugdenvrede.be
Jeunes Acteurs pour le Développement Intégral et de la promotion de la Santé
Jeunes Contre la Criminalite en Guinee
Jeunes Leaders Africains pour Accelerer L’atteinte des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Developpement/Horizon 2015
Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environment – Nepal – http://www.jvenepal.org.np
Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environnement – http://www.jve-international.org
Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environnement au cameroun – http://www.jvecameroun.blogspot.com/
Jeuness Environnement Democratie Developpement
Jeunesse Actions Développement Economique et Social
Jeunesse Canada Monde – http://www.cwy-jcm.org
Jeunesse Constructive – http://www.jeunesse-constructive.blog4ever.com
Jeunesse en Action pour le Développement
Jeunesse Femme Developpement Durable
Jeunesse femme environnement et developpement
Jeunesse Horizon – http://www.jeunesse-horizon.org
Jeunesse Pionnière – http://www.jeunessepionniere.org
Jeunesse Sans Frontières – Tunisie – https://www.facebook.com/JSF.TUNISIE
Jeunesse Technologie Développement – http://www.ong-jtdev.org
Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemeth Le Israel) Inc. – http://www.jnf.org
Jewish Voice Ministries International – http://www.jewishvoice.org
Jitambue Empowering Organization
Jnews – http://www.jnews.eu
Jobs Creating Development Society
Johan Schotte Foundation
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation – http://www.macfound.org
John Dau Foundation – http://www.johndaufoundation.org
Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs – http://www.jhuccp.org
Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies – http://www.sais-jhu.edu
Johnson Matthey South America – http://www.matthey.com
Johnson Orgnization Fund Inc USA
Joint Article Management Promotion-consortium – http://www.jamp-info.com/english
Joint Organisation for Social Help
Jordan Career Education Foundation – http://www.jcef.jo
Jordan Environment Society – http://www.jes.org.jo
Jordan River Foundation – http://www.jordanriver.jo
Journal of Environment and Development – www.journalenvdev.com/
Journal of Management and Science – http://www.jms.nonolympictimes.org
Journalists Union of Russia – http://www.ruj.ru
Jóvenes Compasión
Joy English School–Fengjia Branch
Joy for Children Uganda – http://www.joyforchildren.org
JP Foundation INC
Jude Ifesemen Foundation
Jugend-Umwelt-Plattform – http://www.jugendumweltplattform.at
Jumchab Metta Foundation – http://www.jumchab.org
Jumma Indigenous student Association of Thailand
Jummai Aduda Organisation – http://www.jummaiaduda.org
Junior achievement Togo – http://www.jainafrica.org
Junior Chamber International – http://www.jci.cc
Junior Chamber International – Melbourne Chapter – http://www.mjcc.org.au
Junior Chamber International Oluyole, Nigeria
JurisConsulte Club
Just Forest – http://www.justforests.org
Just Peace International – http://www.justpeaceint.org
Just Projects International – http://www.projectak47.com
Justice Group of Nigeria
Justice Unit Team of Empowerment
Justice Without Frontiers – http://www.jwf.org.lb
Justo y Sustentable – http://www.justoysustentable.org
JustWorld International Inc. – http://www.justworldinternational.org
Juvenile Dignitaries Organization – http://www.jdignitaries.org
Juventud Mexicana Frente Cambio Climático
Juventude Desenvolvimento e Advocacia Ambiental
Juventude Ecológica Angolana – http://www.jea.angoladigital.net/
Juventudes de la ONU Mexico, Asociacion Civil – http://www.juventudesdelaonumexico.blogspot.com
JVE-Sénégal – http://www.ong-jve.org.info
Jyothi Welfare Society – http://www.jyothiwelfaresociety.org
K.Nationl Traders – http://www.k-nationaltraders.com
Ka Joog Nonprofit Organization – http://www.kajoog.org
Ka Pae Pae Loa O Hawaii Loa – http://www.kohawaiipaeaina.net.KHPAGovtregistry.com
Kabataang Gabay sa Positibong Pamumuhay – http://www.facebook.com/peersforpositiveliving
Kabul Center for Strategic Studies – http://www.kabulcenter.org
Kachere Development Program
KADOS (Friends of Science, Culture and Art Association) – http://www.kados.org.tr
Kagoma Community Based Organisation – http://www.kacoba.org
Kahata Society
KAKNOCK foundation Child Youth grassroot Center – http://www.kaknockfoundation.webs.com/
Kalaimagal Education and Social Integration Trust – http://www.kesit.org
Kalinago Council
Kaliss Foundation International
Kallis Foundation
Kalpavriksh – http://www.kalpavriksh.org
Kalyani – http://www.kalyaniindia.co.in
Kalyani Central Welfair Society – http://www.kcwsociety.org
Kamalni Nilmani Charitable Trust – http://www.human-hope.org
Kamarajar Jaundice Liver Hospital and Research Centre
Kampala Capital City Authority
Kamukunji Paralegal Trust
Kandhamal Zilla Sabuja Vaidya Sangathan – http://www.kzsvs
Kansas Coalition for Equity and Access to Transition Services – http://www.eslminiconf.net/advocacy/kceats/
Kanuri Development Association – http://www.unodc.org/ngo/showSingleDetailed.do?req_org_uid=16999
Kapaeeng Foundation
Kapo Seba Sangha (KSS} – http://www.kaposebasanghakss.blogspot.com
Kaporion Community Peacenet – http://www.kaporionpeacenet.org
Karachi Metropolitan Corporation
Karachi Rural – Urban Development Initiative
Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights – http://www.karamah.org
Karanehas Wellness Cafe – www.klinkindia.in
Karibu Foundation – http://www.karibu.no
Kariobangi South Welafare & Slums Housing Association (KASWESHA Housing Cooperative Society Ltd) – http://www.kaswesha.8m.net
Karita Research – http://www.karita.se
Karlen Communications – http://www.karlencommunications.com
Karnataka Civil Society
Karvir Multipurpose Foundation – http://www.sya.com
Kashmir Institute of National Development
Kasubi Disabled Youth and Parents’ Association
Kaswa Foundation
KASWESHA Housing Cooperative Society LTD. – http://www.kaswesha.8m.net
Katchi International – http://www.katchi.org
KATE BEE FOUNDATION – Promoting Gender Sensitive Development – http://www.katebeefoundation.org
kathak academy bangladesh(KAB) – http://www.kabbd.orgundertheprosses
Kazakhstan Criminological Association – http://www.kazcrim.com
Kazakhstan Medical Students’ Association
Kazakhstan Network of Women HIV
KBL International Co. – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Kebetkache Women Development and Resiyrce Centre – http://www.kebetkachewomen.org
Kebulun Alliance in America
Keedia-La Réponse Africaine
Keewatin Tribal Council – http://www.Ktc.ca
Kehkashan Development Organization, Bahawalpur – http://www.kehkashan.urdunama.org
Keirere Green Africa Movement – http://www.gamovement.com
Kelab Belia Subang Jaya – http://www.mysjyc.org
Kemitraan – http://www.kemitraan.or.id
Kenana Group
Kent Environment and Community Network – http://www.kecn.org.uk/
Kenya Diaspora Development Collaborative Inc. – http://www.kenyadiasporadev.org
Kenya Disabled Development Society – http://www.interconnection.org/kdds
Kenya Disables Information Advisory Centre – http://www.kediac.org
Kenya Healthcare Federation
Kenya Model United Nations
Kenya Restoration International
Kenya Women Fellowship Association (KEWFA)
Kenya Women Land Access Trust – http://www.kewlat.org
Kenya Young Greens – http://www.kenyayounggreens.org
Kenya Youth Education and Development Association
Kenya Youth Network for Rio+20 and Beyond – http://www.kenyayouthnetwork.org
Kenyan Indigenous Youth for Change – http://www.notyetbutweareworkingonit.
Kenyan Paraplegic Organization – http://www.kenyanparaplegic.or.ke
Kepa Ry – http://www.kepa.fi
Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund – http://www.kkl.org.il/eng
Kéroul – http://www.keroul.qc.ca
Ketchum – http://www.ketchum.com.br
Kevoy Community Development Institute
Keystone Human Services International – http://www.keystonehumanservices.org
Keystone Human Services International Moldova Association – http://www.keystonehumanservices.org
Khadarlis for Sierra Leone – http://www.khadarlis.org
Khashi Indigenous Peoples Welfare Society
Khawhish Zeest
Kherwadi Social Welfare Association – http://www.yuvaparivartan.org
Khmer Youth Association – http://www.kya-cambodia.org
Khushal Awareness & Development Organization – http://www.kadopk.org
Khushal Awareness & Development Organization (KADO) – http://www.kadopk.org
Khuwendo Kor – http://www.khwendokor.org.pk
KIAN General Hospital
Kichesipirini Algonquin First Nation
KickLoans – http://www.kickloans.org
Kidney Health Australia
Kids & Teens Resource Centre – http://www.kidsnteensconcerns.org
Kids Against Pollution (KAP)
Kidsparliament – http://www.kidsparliament.org
Kijani Kenya – http://www.kijanikenya.blogspot.com
Kikandwa Environmental Association – http://www.kea.looper.hu
Kikandwa Rural Communities Development Organization (KIRUCODO) – http://www.krcdevorg.weebly.com
Kiki Faith Early Learning & Preschool
Kilele Junior Foundation – http://www.kilelejuniorschool.yolasite.com
Kimse Yok Mu – http://www.kimseyokmu.org.tr
kind hearts initiative – http://www.kindheartsnetwork.org
Kinder in Kenia – http://www.kinderinkenia.org
KinderEnergy Inc. – http://www.kinderenergy.org
King Hussein Cancer Foundation – http://www.khcf.jo
King of Kings International – http://www.kingofkingsinternational.com
Kings Club International(NGO) – http://www.kingsinternationalle.com
Kirkuk Center for Torture Victims – http://www.kirkuk-center.org
Kissito Healthcare International – http://www.kissitointernational.org
Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women (KFAW) – http://www.kfaw.or.jp/index.html.en
Kitakyushu Institute on Sustainability – https://sites.google.com/site/npoksks/
KITEGA COMMUNITY CENTRE – http://www.kitegacc.org
Kiyana Karaj Group – http://www.kiyanango.ir
Klima-Buendnis/Alianza del Clima e.V
KLJB – http://www.kljb.org
KLUB MNOHODETNÝCH RODÍN – http://www.kmr.sk
Knights of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent – http://www.blue-cross.in
Know Your Constitution Initiative – http://www.kycinitiative.org
Knowledge and Policy Management Initiative – http://www.kapomi.org
Knowledge Ecology International – http://www.keionline.org
Knowledge Itrust – http://www.knowledgeitrust.org
Knowledge Mill International Foundation
Knowledge Mill International Inc. – http://www.kmiinc.org
Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia untuk keadilan dan Demokrasi – http://www.koalisiperempuan.or.id
Koalisi Rakyat Untuk Hak Atas AIr – http://www.kruha.org
Københavns Universitet – http://www.ku.dk/
Kofan organization for human rights and democracy – http://www.kofan.org
Kohsar Welfare & Educational Society(KWES) – http://www.kohsar.org
Kolkata Mozoomder-Foundation – http://www.mozoomderfoundationindia.webs.com/
Kome el Dabie Village Community Development Association
KONGOLESE EN ANGOLESE STICHTING TALENTUEUX – http://www.kast-international.com
KONPHALINDO: National Consortium for Forest and Nature Conservation in Indonesia
Konsorsium Pengembangan Masyarakat Madani – http://www.kpmm.or.id
Konstantinus Suuren ja Pyhän Helenan Perinneritarikunta ry. – http://www.ritarikunta.fi
KONTOUR – http://www.kontour-ks.com
Koperasi Aliansi Tani Nasional – http://www.coop2.coop
Koperasi Pelancongan Mukim Batu Puteh Kinabatangan Bhd – http://www.mescot.org
Koperasi Usahawan Muda Pulau Pinang Bhd – http://www.kumuda.org
KOPS Foundation
Koraput Development Foundation – http://www.explorekdf.org.in
Korea Freedom Federation – http://www.Koreaff.or.kr
Korea Green Foundation – http://www.greenfund.org/greenfund_eng/
Korea LOHAS Association – http://www.lohaskorea.or.kr
Korea NGO Council for Overseas Development Cooperation – http://www.ngokcoc.or.kr
Korean Assembly for Reunion of Ten-million Separated Families – http://www.karts.co.kr
Korean Association for Green Campus Initiative – http://www.kagci.org
Korean Association for supporting UN SDGs – http://www.asdun.org
Korean Bar Association – http://www.koreanbar.or.kr
Korean Federation for Environmental Movement – http://www.english.kfem.or.kr
Korean Foundation for World Aid
Korean Friendship Association – Brazilian Branch – http://www.korea-dpr.com
Korean National Commission for UNECO – http://www.unesco.or.kr
Környezeti Management és Jog Egyesület – http://www.emla.hu
Koshish Foundation
KOSHISH, National Mental Health Self-Help Organization – http://www.koshishnepal.org
Kosho Net – http://www.ses.usp.ac.jp/2001biwa/
Kosmopolitica – http://www.kosmopolitica.org
Kottayam Social Service Society – http://www.ksss.in
kownayn foundation
Kprj Krupamaya Educational Society
Kreatív Zöld Kör Egyesület – http://www.alu-go.com
Kreativna pedagogija – http://www.kreativna-pedagogija.org.rs
Kreftforeningen – http://www.kreftforeningen.no
Krishi Gyan
Krityanand UNESCO Club Jamshedpur – http://www.karmayog.org/ngo/KNUC/
Kromantse Development Foundation
KRU-aid Nigeria
Krucial Aid Nigeria
KSF Consult
Kudirat Initiative for Democracy – http://www.kind.org
Kulturverein – IDEA Society – http://www.idea-society.org/
Kumasi Institute of Technology,Energy and Environment – http://www.kiteonline.net
Kumud Foundation
Kurdistan Reconstruction and Development Society – http://www.kurds-dohuk.org
Kuru Family of Organisations – http://www.kuru.co.bw
Kütahya Egitim Gönüllüleri Dernegi – http://www.kutahyaegder.org.tr
Kuwait Mediation & International Arbitration Chamber – http://www.kmiac.com
Kuzeydogu Anadolu Kalkinma Ajansi – http://www.kudaka.org.tr
Kvindernes U-Landsudvalg – http://www.kulu.dk;http://www.givenpigeret.dk
KVK Foundation – http://www.kvkenergy.com/sustainability_kf.html
Kweatornor Development and Relief Organization
Kwetu Training Centre For Sustainable Development
Kyte Research Associates – http://www.kracro.com
La Brique – http://www.labrique.populus.ch
La Commission Internationale des Droits de L’homme – http://www.ihrchq.org
La Fondation Internationale pour la Formation et le Developpement – http://www.iftd.org
La Iniciativa de la Carta de la Tierra – http://www.cartadelatierra.org/
La Leche League International, Inc. (LLLI) – http://www.llli.org
La Legendaria Tierra del Anahuac, A.C.
La Palabre Sénégal
la terre verte
La Trobe University – http://www.latrobe.edu.au/sustainability
La Via Campesina – http://www.viacampesina.org
La Vida en Bici – http://www.lavidaenbici.com
La Vie en Vert – http://www.lavieenvert.org
Laar Humanitarian and Development Programme – http://www.lhdpsindh.org
Labor/Community Strategy Center – http://www.thestrategycenter.org
Laboratório de Ciência do Sistema Terrestre, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista – http://www.rc.unesp.br/labterra
Labour Resource Center (LRC)
Labour, Health and Human Rights Development Centre
Lady Fatemah (as) Trust – http://www.ladyfatemahtrust.org
Lagos Grassroots Legacy Foundation
Lakayta Township Resettlement Union
Lal Bahadur Shastri Public School Shiksha Samiti
Laleh International Hotel – http://www.lalehhotel.com/
Land and Human to Advocate Progress – http://www.environment.gov.jo/Lhap.htm
Land is Life, Inc. – http://www.landislife.org
Land of Upper Egypt Association for Development and Human Rights
Landsradet for Sveriges Ungdomsorganisationer – http://www.lsu.se
Lanka Evangelical Alliance Development Service – http://www.leads.lk
Lanka Organic Agriculture Movement – http://www.loamsrilanka.org
L’arche Internationale – http://www.larche.org
Larrygold Foundation
L’association UNIE pour l’Encadrement des Enfants & des Jeunes – http://www.asueej.org
L’Association Vague d’éspoir – https://www.facebook.com/AVEmaroc/info
Last Hope International
Latin American Chaplains Association Inc. – http://www.elcapellan.com
Latin American Mining Monitoring Programme – http://www.lammp.org
Latinomics – http://www.latinomics.org
LATITUD SUR – http://www.latitudsur.org/DEVELOPPEMENT/FR/Developpement.html
Latter-Day Saint Charities – http://www.ldscharities.org
Law & Society Trust – http://www.lawandsocietytrust.org
LawLex Education and Research Trust – http://www.lawlex.org
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – http://www.lbl.gov
Lawyers Association Arab Muslim European
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law – http://www.lawyerscommittee.org
Lawyers’ Environmental Action Team
Laya – http://www.laya.org.in
Lazarus Project of Northmead Assembly of God – http://www.northmeadassembly.org
Le Collectif La Paix au Sri Lanka
Le Conseil des Jeunes Congolais de l’Etranger (CJCE) – http://www.cjce73.wix.com/cjce
Le Syndicat des Commercants des Produits Organiques et Industriels
LEAD International Inc. (Leadership for Environment & Development) – http://www.lead.org
Lead Pakistan – http://www.lead.org.pk
Leadent National Organization – http://www.made-in-nigeria.com.ng
Leadership Initiative for Transformation & Empowerment – http://www.lite-africa.org
Leadership Media – http://www.leadersmag.com/issues/current_issue.html
Leadership through Education and Action Foundation Society – LEAF Society – http://www.leafsociety.in
Leadership Watch – http://www.leadershipwatch.org
Leading Light International – http://www.leadinglightintl.org
league of arab states
League of Women Voters of the United States – http://www.lwv.org
League of Women-Lawyers of Tajikistan
Learning and Development – Kenya
Lebanese Development Network – http://www.ldn-lb.org
Lebanese Information Technology Information
Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union – http://www.lphu.com
Leéiyen – http://www.leeiyen.com
Leela Usha Mahila Utkarsh Trust – http://www.lumut.in
Legal Aid Service Council – http://www.lascofindia.com
Legal Foundation for Family Assistance & Human Rights
Legal Initiative for Forest and Environment – http://www.ercindia.org
Legal Resources Centre – http://www.lrc.org.za
Legalizar Consultoria Ambiental Ltda – http://www.legalizarconsultoria.com.br
Legambiente – http://www.legambiente.it
Legends Society – http://www.legendsociety.org
Legion Against Adversities of Society – http://www.laas.org.pk
LEHIGH UNIVERSITY – http://www.lehigh.edu/~inunited
Lelewal Foundation
Lembaga Kontrol Sosial Ekonomi Indonesia
Lembaga Pemberdayaan Perempuan Indonesia – http://www.iweindonesia.com
Lenient Foundation for Humanity and Togetherness
Leo Marga Ashram
Lepra India – http://www.leprasociety.org
Les Amis de la Terre-Togo – http://www.amiterre.tg
Les Ateliers de la Terre – http://www.planetworkshops.org
Les Mariannes Agro-Mechanical Cooperative Society Ltd
Les rencontres du Mont-Blanc – Forum international de l’économie sociale / The Mont-Blanc Meetings – International Forum of the social economy – http://www.rencontres-montblanc.coop
Les Volontaires pour l’Environnement et le Developpement Rural Durables
LESCOLCHE-ASIE – http://www.lescolche-asie.fr
Let Us Save Uganda – http://www.saveuganda.org/
Let’s go Africa Foundation – http://www.letsgoafrika.org
Lexmark International – http://www.Lexmark.com
LG Electronics
Liason Unit of Non-Governmental Organizations of seychelles (LUNGOS) – http://www.civilsociety.sc
Liberal Association for Movement of People – http://www.lamp-ngo-india.org/
Liberia Agency for Community Development
Liberia Civil Rights Mediators
Liberia Democratic Institute – http://www.ldi.org
Liberia Empowerment Initiatives
Liberia Network of Aids Service Organization
Liberia Urban and Rural Women in Development
Liberian United Youth for Community Safety and Development
Liberian Youths For Procress And For Capacity Building – http://www.facebook.com/LYPCB
Liberian-America Friendship Organization – http://www.liafo.org
Liberians United to Expose Hidden Weapons
Liberty Institute – http://www.libertyindia.org
Libmanan Pulantuna Planters Federation, Inc. – http://www.libpul.org
Libyan Association for Immigration and Immigrant’s Affairs Studies
Libyan Association for Planning and Sustainable Development – http://www.lapsd.wordpress.com/
Libyan Forum for Knowledge
Libyan Society for Tourism Activation – http://www.lsta.org.ly
Libyan Transparency Association – http://www.transparency-libya.org
LICHT FÜR DIE WELT – Christoffel Entwicklungszusammenarbeit – http://www.light-for-the-world.org
Lid India Faundation
Lider Qadinlar Ictimai Birliyi
Life Academy of Vocational Studies – http://www.lavsorissa.org
Life Aid
Life and Environment – The Israeli Union of Environmental NGOs – http://www.sviva.net
Life Bridge US – http://www.thelifebridge.us
Life Candle Association for the Care of Persons with Disabilities in Upper Egypt
Life Care Society
Life Ethics Educational Association
Life For a Child – http://www.lifeforachild.org
Life for All
Life Foundation for Sustainable Development
Life Foundation Network
Life Foundation.
Life Watch – http://www.liwat.blogspot.in
Life, Health & Media development organization – http://www.lhmd.org
Lifebox Foundation – http://www.lifebox.org
LifeFilta Foundation – http://www.lifefilta.org
Lifemax Foundation, Inc. – http://www.lifemaxfoundation.org
Lifeseed Economic Empowerment and Poverty Reduction Initiative – http://www.leepri.com
Lift up Care Foundation – http://www.liftupcare.org
Liga de ONGs em Mocambique – http://www.joint.org.mz
LIGA GUAKIA TAINA-KE, INC – http://www.tainakepr.blogspot.com/
LIGHT Africa – http://www.lightafrica.net
Light House – http://www.lighthousebd.org
Light Trust
Ligue Camerounaise des Droits de l’Homme, la Democratie et la Gouvernance – http://www.licamdh.org/http://www.licamdh.onlc.be
Ligue de l’enseignement – http://www.laligue.org
Ligue des Jeunes des Grands Lacs
Ligue des Peuples Arabes
Ligue Nationale des Associations Autochtones Pygmées du Congo
LIMBO Ambientalistas Comprometidos, A.C. – http://www.limboac.blogspot.com
Linking the World – http://www.linkingtheworld.org
Links Centre for Sustainable Development
Lions Club of St.Andrew’s Grenada
Lions Clubs International Gesamtdistrikt 114 – Österreich – http://www.lions.at
Lipan Apache Band of Texas – http://www.lipanapachebandoftexas.com
Lipan Apache Women Defense – http://www.lipancommunitydefense.wordpress.com/
Literary Academy for Dalit of Nepal (LAD-Nepal)
Literate Masses – http://www.LiterateMasses.org
Litshani Vhana-Vha-de Foundation
Little Children Inc. – http://www.littlechildren.net
LitWorld International, Inc
Live Healthy Organisation
Livelihood Christian Ministries International – http://www.lcministries.piczo.com
Livelihood NGO – http://www.livelihoodngo.cfsites.org
Livelihood Trust for Sustainable Social Advancement
Livestock, Education & Agriculture Development Society – http://www.leads.org.pk
Livestrong (Lance Armstrong Foundation)
Living Oceans Society – http://www.livingoceans.org
Living the Redeemed Life Ministries, Inc. – http://www.women-4-life.org
Liyan Union of Sme’s Leaders
Local Action Organization – http://www.local-action.org
Local Area Development Society
Local Community Development Association – http://www.localcommunityda.org
Local Development Foundation – http://www.ldinet.org
Local Environment Development and Agricultural Research Society – http://www.ledars.org
Local Governance Network – http://www.lgnet.in
Local Government New Zealand
Local Governments for Sustainability – http://www.iclei.org
Local Initiative for Environmental Sustainability – http://www.sustaininglifes.org/
Local Initiatives Development Agency
Local Research and Action Network – http://www.lorannigeria.org
Local Youth Assembly of Nigeria – http://www.lyan.org.ng
Lok Chetna Vikas Samiti – http://www.karmayog.org/ngo/lcvs
Lokkal Yanjansabha – http://www.lokkalyanjansabha.com
Lokmat Pratishtan – http://www.lkmt.org
London Business School Alumni Carbon Club – http://www.lbscarbonclub.org
London Focus Sickle Cell Africa – http://www.londonfocussicklecellafrica.org
Longhouse Treaty Nations – http://www.longhousetreatynations.webs.com
Loo Niva Child Concern Group – http://www.looniva.org.np
Loretto Community (Sisters of Loretto) – http://www.lorettocommunity.org
L’organisation d’Appui Solidaire pour le Renforcement de l’Aide au Développement (ASRAD) – http://www.asrad.sup.fr/
Los Angeles Community Action Network – http://www.cangress.org/
Los dos Mexicos,a.c. – http://www.losdosmexicos.org
Lotus World – http://www.lotusworld.or.kr
Lotusbanc Foundation – http://www.lbflp.com
LOVE AND CARE INDIA TRUST – http://www.lacitindia.org
Love for Israel Relief Fund – The Fund for Advancing Social Projects (RA) – http://www.love4israel.org
Love Forum Foundation – http://www.loveforum.getafricaonline.com
Love Planet Organization – http://www.loveplanet.8m.net
Love Thy Neighbour
Love Without Borders – http://www.Love-international.org
Luciana Lima Consultoria Juurídica
Luke International (LIN) – http://www.lukeinternational.no/
Lulu Community Empowerment Project – http://www.tsc.go.ke
Lumos Foundation – http://www.wearelumos.org
Lungujja Community Health Caring Organisation – http://www.lucoheco.org
Luso – American Development Foundation
Lutheran World Federation – http://www.lutheranworld.org/
LVA Empreendimentos – http://www.lvaempreendimentos.com.br
Lwart Lubrificantes Ltda – http://www.lwart.com.br
Lyceum of the Americas
Lydia Care for Women International
M A JINNAH Foundation – http://www.newlifehospitalpk.com
Maala – Business for Social Responsibility – http://www.maala.org.il/en
Maarij Foundation for Peace and Development – http://www.maarij.org
MAASAI Integrated Community Development Program – http://www.maasaidevproject.com
Machara Miracle Network – http://www.machara.org
Mada Association – http://www.mada.org.lb
Made in Forest Inc – http://www.madeinforest.com
Madhabkunda Human Rights Society
Madison Street Music Group
Madre Acqua – http://www.MadreAcqua.org
Madre Tierra Atabey – http://www.facebook.com/MadreTierraATABEY
Madre, Inc. – http://www.madre.org
Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organization – http://www.mywokenya.org
Maestros sin Fronteras – http://www.maestrossinfronteras.org
Magar Janajagaran
Magra Women Development Centre
Magyar Országos Jóga Unió – http://www.joga-unio.hu/
Maharshi Dayanand Foundation
Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialisation – http://www.mgiri.org
Mahdul Muslimat Educational Trust
Mahila Jagaran Sangh – http://www.mjsilam.org
Mahila Vikash Kendra
Maids Club of Nigeria [MAIDS] – http://www.maidsng.webs.com
Maidunama Sickle Cell Foundation
Main dans la Main
Mairie De Sikasso
Major Groups and Stakeholders Advisory Group on International Environmental Governance – http://www.environmentalgovernance.org/reform/cs/ag
Make It Right Foundation – http://www.makeitrightnola.org/
Make Poverty History, Nigeria – http://www.makepovertyhistoryng.org
Make Roads Safe – http://www.makeroadssafe.org/longshortwalk/Pages/homepage.aspx
Makiese Family Foundation
Makran Resource Center (MRC) Balochistan Pakistan
Malabar Social Service Society – http://www.masss.in
Malakand Welfare Foundation
Malankara Social Service Society – http://www.msss.org
Malaysian Assocation of Standards Users – http://www.standardsusers.org
Malaysian Association of Natural Medicine Practitioners – http://www.manmp.org.my
Malaysian Foreigners Welfare And Concered Society
Malaysian Palm Oil Council – http://www.mpoc.org.my
Malaysian Relief Agency Foundation – http://www.mra.my
Mali Rising Foundation
Malika Kambe Umfazi Sorority, Inc. – http://www.malikakambeumfazi.org
mamam =(mother+ mati soil+ momota).Japan & Bangladesh. mamam feel,no help cooperate poor.Poor need WORK not Rileaf food. – http://www.unworld.info
Maman Lemba Developpement
MANA Foundation for Grassroot Development – http://www.manafoundation.org.ng
Management and Organizational Development for Empowerment – http://www.mode.org
Management System
Managing Committee of Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences – http://www.kiss.ac.in
Manav Pragati Sansthan ,Rajgarh
Manav Seva Sansthan – http://www.mssseva.org
Manava Vikas Society – http://www.ngo.india.gov.in
Manavata – http://www.manavata.org
Manger Care Centre – http://www.mangercare.co.za
Mangrove Action Project – http://www.mangroveactionproject.org
Mani Tese ’76 – http://www.manitese.it
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak, Inc. – http://www.mkonorth.com
Mankind Survival Initiative
Mankind Welfare Organization – http://www.mankindwelfare.org
Manna Resource Development Center
Manpower Management Centre – http://www.mmcindia.org.in
Mansoura UNESCO Club – http://www.mans.edu.eg
Many Hands International – http://www.manyhands.org.au
Maoi Community Integrated Development Programme
Maonah Association for Human Rights and Migration – http://www.maonah.org
Maple Shiksha Samiti – http://www.mapleeducationsociety.com
Mapmob – http://www.mapmob.org
Marevivo – http://www.marevivo.it
Margdarshak Seva Sansthan
Marginalized Communities in Africa/Minority Community Advocates
Maria and Liberdade Foundation – http://www.mlfau.org
Maria Mother of Charity Relief Home International, Ltd. – http://www.nabuur.com/en/village/kasama
Mariana Lopes
Marie Stopes International Australia – http://www.mariestopes.org.au
Marin Experimental Teaching, Training and Advising Center – http://www.mettacenter.org
Marine Sciences For Society – http://www.marine-sciences-for-society.org
Marinet – http://www.Marinet.org.uk
Markedchaser Youth Development Trust, Inc
Markets4Development – http://www.markets4development.co.uk
Marte Consulting
Martial Arts Academy – http://www.fabriceacademy.wix.com/martialartsacademy
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Foundation – http://www.lukmefcameroon.org
Martin und Gerda Essl Sozialpreis gemeinnützige Privatstiftung – http://www.esslsozialpreis.at/en/essl-foundation/
Martina Centre for Sustainable Dev
MARUAH (Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism, Singapore) – http://www.maruah.sg
Maruboomi Anusandhan Evam Vikas Samiti – http://www.mbavs.org
Mary Anne Charity Trust (MACT) – http://www.mactindia.org
Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice – http://www.mrfcj.org
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers – http://www.maryknoll.org
Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc. – http://www.maryknoll.org
Maryland Department of Natural Resources – http://www.dnr.state.md.us
Masianday Foundation – http://www.orgsites.com/ny/masianday
Masilahi International Foundation Trust – http://www.masilahifoundation.org
Mass Action Service Society
Massachusetts Institute of Technology – http://www.web.mit.edu/
Master Services
Mater GreenGlobe Foundation – http://www.matergreenglobe.org
MaterCare International – http://www.matercare.org
Matibabu Foundation – http://www.matibabukenya.org
Matrec – http://www.matrec.it
Maudesco – Council for Development, Environmental Studies and Conservation
Mauritanienne de Droits de l’Homme et de la Lute Contre la Pauvrete
Mauritian Wildlife Foundation (MWF) – http://www.mauritian-wildlife.org
Mauritius Council of Social Service – http://www.macoss.intnet.mu
Maximum Development Organization – http://www.mdo.20m.com
Maya Vision
Mayama, Asociación Civil
Mayur Rural Develop Society – http://www.mrdsbarmer.in/
Mazzetti Nash Lipsey Burch – http://www.mazzetti.com
Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association – http://www.mboscuda.org
MBUTU AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY – http://www.mastz.org
McDraw Solutions
McGill World Platform for Health and Economic Convergence – http://www.mcgill.ca/mwp
md company
Media Development of India – http://www.mediadevelopmentofindia.com
Media Network on Child Rights and Development
Media Trust – http://www.mediatrust.org
Médiateur pour la Démocratie et les Droits de l’Homme – http://www.mediateurddh.org.ma
Mediators Beyond Borders – http://www.mediatorsbeyondborders.org/
Medical Action Group – http://www.magph.org
Medical and Health Workers’ Union of Nigeria – http://www.mhwunigeria.org
Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia) – http://www.mapw.org.au
Medical Emergency Relief International – http://www.merlin.org.uk/
Medical Teams International – http://www.medicalteams.org
MEDICI Framework of Cooperation – http://www.medicif.org
Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development – http://www.mio-ecsde.org
Mediterranean Protected Areas Network – http://www.medpan.org
Mediterranean Resources Network – http://www.mernet.org
Mediterranean Women’s Studies Centre – http://www.kegme.org.gr
Medtronic International Trading Sàrl
Meghalaya Environment and Wildlife Society
Mehergarh: A center for Learning – http://www.mehergarh.org
Mehfooz Baitulmal Welfare Society
Mehran Forum – http://www.mehranforum.org.pk
Mekong Migration Network
Mekorot – http://www.mekorot.co.il
Menedzserek Országos Szövetsége – http://www.manager.org.hu
Mennonite Central Committee – http://www.mcc.org
Mental Health Families and Friends Association of Serres – http://www.sofpsi-ser.gr
Mental Health Foundation-Nigeria – http://www.mentalhealthnigeria.org
Mental Health Initiative for Africans in Crisis – http://www.mhiinternational.org
Mental Retardation Support Association – http://www.NGO-ZEHNI.COM
MENV Group
Mercado Real.Com.Br Com. E Serv. Na Internet Ltda – http://www.minicomputador.com.br
Merciful Assistance Foundation – http://www.mercifulassistancefoundation.org
Mercy Corps – http://www.mercycorps.org
Mercy Uganda Healing Across Borders – http://www.mercyugandaworldmission.org
Mercy-USA for Aid and Development, Inc – http://www.mercyusa.org
Meridian Institute – http://www.merid.org
Message Welfare Society Rawalpindi Pakistan – http://www.messagewelfaresociety.com
Metanóia Planeta Sustentável Mudança Profunda de Mentalidade
Metsovion Interdisciplinary Research Center – http://www.ntua.gr/MIRC/
Mettalaya Foundation
Mewat Educational & Social Awakening Society – http://www.mesasnuh.org
México Unido Pro Derechos Humanos, A.C. – http://www.mexicounidodh.org
Micah Challenge – http://www.micahchallenge.org
Micahelle Foundation – http://www.micahellefoundation.org
Midaye Somali Development Network – http://www.midaye.org.uk
Middle East Children’s Institute, Inc – http://www.mecinstitute.org
Middle East North Africa Businesswomen’s Network – http://www.menabwn.org
Mie;dzynarodowa Fundacja Communitas
Mifalot Hinuch – http://www.mifalot.co.il/Mifalot/Language/English/
Migrant Forum Lanka
Migrant Health Association in Korea We Friends – http://www.wefriends.org
Migrant Rights Centre Ireland – http://www.mrci.ie
Migrant Workers Support Organisation
Mikmaq Association for Cultural Studies – http://www.mikmaq-assoc.ca
Mi’kmaq Association of Cultural Studies
Milestone Foundation
Miljöstyrningsrådet – http://www.msr.se
Millennium Institute – http://www.millennium-institute.org
Millinnium Enviribnebtak Organization of Nigeria – http://www.facebook.com/meonnigeria
Mine Labour Protection Campaign – http://www.mlpc.in
Mineral Policy Center – http://www.mineralpolicy.org/
Minesurec – http://www.minesu.gouv.cd
Minister of Education – Peru – http://www.minedu.gob.pe
Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development – http://www.smaas.campeche.gob.mx/
Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva – Argentina – http://www.mincyt.gob.ar
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales – http://www.ambiente.gob.do
Ministerio Internacional Grupo Sion Ongd
Ministerio Publico de Santa Catarina – http://www.mp.sc.gov.br
Ministry of Lands, Mines & Energy, Inspectorate Department, Bureau of Mines
Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism – http://www.mne.mn
Ministry of Primary, Secondary and Professional Education
Ministry of Strategic Planning, National Development and Statistics – http://www.planning.gov.fj
Ministry of the Environment of Campeche – http://www.smaas.campeche.gob.mx/smaas/
Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life Inc. Education Fund – http://www.mccl.org
Minority Rights Group – http://www.minorityrights.org
Minshu Chugoku Jinsen Nihon Shibu – http://www.fdc89.jp
Mir Khalil ur Rahman Foundation – http://www.mkrf.org
Miracle Corners of the World – http://www.mcwglobal.org
Miracle Trees Foundation – http://www.miracletrees.org
Miral Welfare Foundation International – http://www.miral.org
Miramed Institute – http://www.miramed.org
MIRANTAO Peer-Leader-International – http://www.peer-leader-international.org
MIROSLAVA International Alliance – http://www.miroslava.civicua.org
MIS Technologist Corporation – http://www.mistechnologist.com
Miscarea Ecologista din Moldova – http://www.mem.md
Mision Celac
Mision Christ Aide Les Detenus
Misioneros y Misioneras del Amor Sacramentado – http://www.mmasgeneralhouse.org
Misiones Del Agua Internacional – http://www.misionesdelaguainternacional.blogspot.com
Misr Baladna Association for Civil Society Development – http://www.misrbaladna.com
Missao em Fronteiras Para Cristo em Angola/Mifroca
Mission Anti Crime and Human Rights, (ICAAHR), NSDA. INDIA
Mission d’Etude pour l’Aménagement de l’Océan
Mission Impowerment Through Right Ownership
Mission MDI -CI
Mission Sans Frontieres – http://www.missionsansfrontiere.asso-web.com
Mission Sourire d’Afrique et Bon Accueil (SAMBAT FOR AFRICA) – http://www.sambat-msa.org
Missions3G-Gauri – http://www.missions3g-gauri.org
MiStatus – http://www.mistatus.org
MIT Center for Collective Intelligence – http://www.cci.mit.edu
Miti Mingi Conservation Center
Mitsubishi Research Insitute, Inc – http://www.mri.co.jp
Mittetulundusühing Fenno-Ugria Asutus – http://www.fennougria.ee
Miyagi Environmental Life Out-reach Network – http://www.melon.or.jp/melon/
MKC Trust Roko Cancer Campaign – http://www.rokocancer.org
Moana Nui Action Alliance – http://www.mnaa.org
Mobadart Ta’lam
MobilizeU Venezuela – http://www.facebook.com/pages/MobilizeU-Venezuela/325695137482932?ref=tn…
Mobin – http://www.mobin.com.br
MOCHITHA WOMEN STUDY CENTRE – http://www.gsgsk.org
Modern Advocacy, Humanitarian, Social and Rehabilitation Association – http://www.mahsra.org
modern middle east and unity
Modern Organisation for Humanitarian Aid
modern youth society – http://www.mys-yemen.org
Moerk Water Solutions – http://www.moerwater.com
Mohawk Workers of the Ouse / Grand River – http://www.mohawkworkers.wordpress.com
Mohila Welfare Society
Moms Club International Nigeria
Monarch Surveyors & Engineering Consultnat Pvt. Ltd. – http://www.monarchpune.com
monde sans guerres et sans violences rdcongo
Mongolian Culture Centre – http://www.mongolianculturecentre.co.uk
Mongolian Environmental Civil Council NGO – http://www.mecc.mn
Mongolian National Cooperator’s Association – http://www.mongolia.coop
Mongolian Youth Federation – http://www.myf.mn
Monitoring Mechanism Towards an Arms Trade Treaty – http://www.mauricifor.wordpress.com/2010/07/01/monitoring-mechanism-towa…
MONT ALEDJO INTERNATIONAL – http://www.montaledjointernational.blogspot.com/
Montage Initiative, Inc. – http://www.MontageInitiative.org
Montagnard Human Rights Organization – http://www.mhro.org
Montala – http://www.montala.org
Montclair State University – http://www.montclair.edu/chss/political-science-law/
Montessori Model United Nations – http://www.montessori-mun.org
Montfort Social Institute (Centre for Human Rights, Sustainable Development and Good Governance) – http://www.montfortsocialinstitute.org
Monthly Human Rights Watch – http://www.humanrightswatchpk.blogspot.com
Moore Sustainable Consulting
Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World 19
MoPoTsyo Patient Information Centre – http://www.mopotsyo.org
More and Better – http://www.moreandbetter.org
Moroccan Association of Character Education
Moroccan Centre for Human Development and Investment – http://www.cemagi-maroc.ifrance.com/
Moroccan Institute for corporate and social responsibility
Mosaic – http://www.mosaicinternational.org
Mother Helpage (UK) – http://www.motherhelpage.com
Mother Teresa Memorial Trust – http://www.motherteresatrust.org
Mother Teresa Welfare Trust
Mothers Legacy Project – http://www.motherslegacy.org
Mother’s Union – http://www.themothersunion.org
Motirõ Sociedade Cooperativa – http://www.motiro.org
Motivational Power Project
Motive Development Group – http://www.motivedevelopmentgroup.com
Motorola, Inc. – http://www.motorola.com
Mount Horeb Glory Ministries – http://www.mhgministries.tripod.com
Mountain Environment Protection Society
Mountain Forum – http://www.mtnforum.org
Mountain Institute for Educational Development – http://www.mied.org
Mountain Institute, The – http://www.mountain.org
Mountain Partnership Secretariat – http://www.mountainpartnership.org
Mountain Women Development Organization (MWDO)
Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l’amitié entre les peuples – http://www.mrap.fr
Mouvement d’Action pour le Renouveau Social – http://www.marsong.org
Mouvement de Soutien pour le Devellopement de la Jeunesse Gabonaise
Mouvement des entreprises de taille humaine industrielles et commerciales – http://www.ethic.fr
Mouvement des Jeunes pour le Réveil et le Développement
Mouvement des Mères pour la Paix, la Solidarité et le Développement
Mouvement Humanitaire des Bâtisseurs Sans Frontières MHBSF
Mouvement International de la Jeunesse agricole et rurale catholique – http://www.mijarc.net
Mouvement International pour les Reparations
Mouvement National des Jeunes Patriotes du Mali – http://www.monajep-mali.org
Mouvement pour l’Autodetermination de la Kabylie
Mouvement pour l’Autosuffisance Alimentaire
Mouvement Pour une Jounesse Conciente et Active.
Mouvement Utopia – http://www.mouvementutopia.org
Movement Against Poverty-Sierra Leone – http://www.mapsl.interconnection.org
Movement for Democracy, Development and Transparency – http://www.mddtcameroon.org
Movement for Peace, Disarmament and Liberty (MPDL) – Movimiento por La Paz, El Desarme Y La Libertad – http://www.mpdl.org
Movement for the Protection of African Child (MOPOTAC) – http://www.crin.org/organizations/vieworg.asp?ID=2620
Movement For The Survival Of The Ogoni People – http://www.mosop.net/
movement for valencia progress young adult sector (MVP-YAS)
Movement for youth and Children’s Rights – http://www.hopesierraleone.wordpress.com
Movimento Brasileiro em Defesa da Vida
Movimento Civico da Democracia
Movimento Municipalista – http://www.movimentomunicipalista.wordpress.com
Movimento Nacional de Direitos Humanos – http://www.mndh.org.br
Movimento Pardo-Mestiço Brasileiro – Nação Mestiça – http://www.nacaomestica.org
Movimento Pelas Serras e Águas de Minas
Movimento Sócio-Ambiental Caminho das Águas – http://www.caminhodasaguas.org.br
Movimiento Indigena Tawantinsuyo – http://www.mitperu.org
MOVIMIENTO MUNDIAL DE MADRES – http://www.mouvement-mondial-des-meres.org
Movimiento por la Defensa de los Territorios y Ecosistemas del Archipielago de Bocas del Toro
Movimiento Socio Cultural para los Trabajadores Haitianos – http://www.mosctha.org
Movimientos Indigenas Asociados – http://www.movimientoindigena.com
Mpule Kwelagobe Foundation
Mu Rwacu Youth Organisation
Mubadiroon Organization for Prevention of Disaster and War Impacts – http://www.mubadiroon.org
Muhammad Akram & Sons Trading & Investment
Muhammadiyah Association – http://www.muhammadiyah.or.id
Mujeres por un Futuro
Mujtaba Welfare Foundation – http://www.facebook.com/mujtabawelfarefoundation
Mukti Nari -O- Shishu Unnayan Sangstha – http://www.mukti.org
Mulher, Genero e Desenvolvimento – http://www.mugede.org.mz
Mulnivasi Mukti Manch – http://www.mulnivasi.org
Multiculutre Council For Ontario Seniors
Multimedia University of Kenya – http://www.mmu.ac.ke
Multinational Development of Women in Technology – http://www.mdwit.org
Multinational Exchange for Sustainable Agriculture – http://www.mesaprogram.org
Mumbai Grahak Panchayat – http://www.mgpanchayt.co.in
Munasinghe Institute for Development – http://www.mindlanka.org
Munich Re
Municipal Health Government
Municipalidad de Campana – http://www.campana.gov.ar
Munshiganj Sustainable Development and Human Rights Society
Mur-Africa Universel
Murali Krishna Trust – http://www.mktrust.org
Musa Goth Social Welfare Assocation Karachi Sindh Pakistan
Museo de La Salle Bogotá – Universidad de La Salle – http://www.museo.lasalle.edu.co
Mushin Local Government
Mushtaq Development Foundation
Music For Relief – http://www.musicforrelief.org
Music Mayday Ethiopia – http://www.ethiomm.org
Muslim Aid – http://www.muslimaid.org
Muslim Business Council of India – http://www.mbcoi.com
Muslim Hands – http://www.muslimhands.org.uk
Musoromuchena Skills for Life
Muthaa Community Development Foundation – http://www.muthaafoundation.org
Mutuelle des Lettres et des Diplomes ourR L’dmploi
Muzaffarabad Poverty Alleviation Programme – http://www.mpapmzd.org
Mwino Group
My Chosen Vessels – http://www.mychosenvessels.com
My Drop in the Oceans
MyRight (Empowers people with disabilities) – http://www.myright.se
MyRight (Empowers persons with disabilities) – http://www.myright.se
Mzumbe University Dar Es Salaam Campus College – http://www.dbs.mzumbe.ac.tz/
Mzungu Volunteers – http://www.mzunguvolunteers.org
NABU – Knowledge Transfer Beyond Boundaries
NACE International – http://www.nace.org
Nacion Originaria Suyu Jach’a Karangas
Nada Foundation
Nafitha Ila Bi’aa
Nahade Mardomi – http://www.thenewiran.com
Nai Qala Association – http://www.nai-qala.org
Nai Umeed Development Organization – http://www.naiumeed.yolasite.com
Naihati New Life Society
Naija Worldwide Charities – http://www.naijacharities.org
Najaat Welfare Foundation (R)
Nakapiripirit Civil Society Forum
Nakuru County Youth Environment Consortium
Namati – http://www.namati.org
Namelok Eishoi Integrated Organisation
Namu Nigeria Development Foundation
Narcotics Anonymous World Services – http://www.na.org
Nari Gunjan
Narikantho Foundation
Nascentes – Associação para Preservação, Recuperação e Manejo dos Recursos Hídricos e Florestais – http://www.nascentes.org.br
Naseem welfare trust
Nasma Development Organization – http://www.nasma-sd.org
Natforce-Importers Association of Nigeria – http://www.iman-ng.org
Nation Builders Organisation – www.nationbuildersonline.org-https://www.facebook.com/NationBuildersOrganisationTwitter:https://twitt…
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Womens Alliance Australia – http://www.natsiwa.org.au
National Agency for Family care
National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NaYORA) – http://www.nayora.az
National Assistance and Information Centre for NGOs in Moldova – http://www.contact.md
National Association of Environmental Law Societies – http://www.naels.org
National Association of Home Builders of the United States – http://www.nahb.org
National Association of Nigerian Nurses in North America – http://www.nannna.org
National Association of PLHA in Nepal – http://www.napn.org.np
National Association of Seadogs – http://www.nas-int.org
National Association of Talented Youth
National Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Azerbaijan
National Australia Bank Limited – http://www.nab.com.au
National Cancer Society
National Center for State Courts
National Center for Youth Development
National Centre for Human Rights and Destitute Children
National Centre for Human Settlements and Environment – http://www.nchse.org
National College – http://www.nct.ac.in
National Committee for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development – http://www.ncdo.nl
National Congress of Neighborhood Women
National Coordinating Organization of Farmers Associations – The Gambia
National Council for Gender Equality of Macedonia
National Council for Voluntary Organisations – http://www.ncvo-vol.org.uk/
National Council of Child Rights Advocates, Nigeria: South West Zone – http://www.naccransw.com.ng
National Council of Family Affairs – http://www.ncfa.org.jo
National Council of Farmer Cooperatives – http://www.ncfc.org
National Council of German Women’s Organizations
National Council of Women of the United States Inc. – http://www.ncwus.org
National Council of YMCAs of Korea
National Development Agency – http://www.nda.org.za
National Development Youth Club, Jaran Wali Gali Poonch
National Ecology and Environment Foundation Trust – http://www.neef.in
National Effort for Education & Health Development – http://www.neehd.org
National Ethical Service – http://www.nationalserviceaeu.org
National Fishworkers’ Forum (NFF)
National Forum Alternatives, Practice, Initiatives – http://www.ipcp.eu
National Forum for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention – http://www.nationalforum.org
National Gender and Equality Commission – http://www.ngeckenya.org
National Heart Forum – http://www.heartforum.org.uk
National Human Rights And Consumers Commission – http://www.nhrcc.net
National Human Rights Committee
National Human Rights Committee (2)
National Human Rights Mission – http://www.facebook.com/NHRM.ORG
National ICT Development Authority – http://www.nida.gov.kh
National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) – http://www.nies.go.jp
National Instrument for Democracy and Economic Development (NIDE)
National Integrated and Development Association – http://www.nidapakistan.org
national meteorology agency,Addis Abeba
National Native Title Council
National Network of Retrenchees for Social & Economic Justice-Kenya
National Pollution Prevention Roundtable
National Relief for All Association
National Relief Foundation Sindh
National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy – http://www.nrtee-trnee.ca
National Rural Development Program (NRDP) – http://www.nrdp.org.pk
National Rural Development Society – http://www.palahi.org
National Rural Women’s Coalition – http://www.nrwc.com.auhttp://www.nrwn.org.au
National Science and Technology Forum
National Secular Society – http://www.secularism.org.uk
National Social Welfare Foundation – http://www.nswf.org
National Society for the Aged, Inc
National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States – http://www.bahai.us/
National Students Welfare Association Jammu and Kashmir – http://www.jknswa.com
National Toxics Network Inc. – http://www.ntn.org.au
National Union of Jurists of Cuba, The
National Union of Magistrates – http://www.snmalgerie.com
National United Christian Restoration Organization
National University of Rwanda Agribusiness Association
National Water and Sewerage Corporation – http://www.nwsc.co.ug
National Waterfront Preservation Society
National Welfare Social Service & Development Forum – http://www.forum.org.za
National Wildlife Federation – http://www.nwf.org
National Women’s Welfare Society Darwha, Distt. Yavatmal – http://www.hufurdurahulmarathided.org
National Women’s Studies and Information Center Partnership for Development – http://www.progen.md;http://www.alegeriprogen.md
National Young People’s Network on HIV and AIDS
National Youth Council of Uganda – http://www.nycuganda.org
National Youth Federation Nepal – http://www.nyfn.org.np
National Youth Foundation – http://www.nyfindia.org
National Youth Network, Youth Transforming This – http://www.mundodejuventud.blogpot.com
National Youth Parliament of The Gambia – http://www.nypgambia.org
National Youth Peace and Empowerment Project (Delta Chapter)
National Youth Project – http://www.nypindia.org
Nations Social Development Organization – http://www.nsdo.org.pk
native american church of the ghostdancers – http://www.ghostdancers.org
Native Women’s Association of Canada – http://www.nwac.ca
Natural Doctors International – http://www.ndimed.org
Natural Educational Environmental Agricultural Development Society – http://www.neeadsngo.org
Natural Heritage Institute – http://www.n-h-i.org
Natural Initiative for Voluntary Blood Donors
Natural Justice – http://www.naturaljustice.org
Natural Reserve Consultores – http://www.equiponare.wordpress.com
Natural Resources & Wildlife Organization – http://www.nrwl.org
Natural Resources Defence Council, Inc. – http://www.nrdc.org
Natural treasure Indemnity Group
Nature Capital Foundation Worldwide
Nature Club of Mirpur
Nature Conservancy, The – http://www.nature.org
Nature Harness Initiatives – http://www.natureharness.or.ug
Nature Labs – http://www.naturelabs.org
Nature Seychelles – http://www.natureseychelles.org/
Nature Today – http://www.africanconservation.org/component/option
NatureRights – http://www.naturerights.com
NatureUganda – The East Africa Natural History Society – http://www.natureuganda.org
Nav Kiran Jankalyan Sanstha
Nava Jyothi – http://www.navajyothi.org
Navodaya Foundation
Nawabshah Disability Forum – http://www.ndfpakistan.org
NB Institute For Rural Technology – http://www.arkaneer.com
NCCI (NGO Coordination Committee for Iraq) – http://www.ncciraq.org
Ndingicam Equity
Nederlandse Vrouwen Raad – http://www.nederlandsevrouwenraad.nl
Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie – http://www.nvao.net
Need Manobik Unnayan Kandra
Negemlelaken HIV Positive Women Support Orgniztaion (NLK)
Negucci Women in Construction and Technology – http://www.negucci.org
Nehru Foundation for Development – Centre for Environment Education Society – http://www.ceeindia.org
Neighbour Organization Nepal (NEO-Nepal) – http://www.neonepal.org
Neighbourhood Environment Watch Foundation – http://www.newfoundationng.org
Nekommercheskoe partnerstvo “Nazionalniy obschestvenniy comitet “Rossiyskaiya semiya” – http://www.nok.rgsu.net/
Nektarina, Udurga Za Pomoc Pri Obrazovanju
Nelson Mandela Bay Transition Network – http://www.nmbtransitionnetwork.wordpress.com/
Nemenhah Indigenous Traditional Organization – http://www.nemenhah.org
Neothomism P.C. – http://www.neothomism.com
Neo-Vine Foundation
NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency – http://www.nepad.org
Nepal Development Initiative – http://www.nedi.org.np
Nepal in Justice (Nyayik Nepal) – http://www.nij.org.np
Nepal Indigenous Nationalities Preservation Association
Nepal Lhomi Society(NELHOS) – http://www.nelhos.org.np
Nepal NGO Society – http://www.nepalngo.org
Nepal UNESCO Centre – http://www.facebook.com/nepalunescocentre
Nepalese Youth for Climate Action – http://www.nyca.net.np
Nepoyo Tribal Nation – http://www.nepoyotribalnation.org
Netherlands Centre for Indigenous Peoples (NCIV) – http://www.indigenouspeoples.nl
Network Earth Village – http://www.earthvillage.jp
Network for Environment and Sustainable Development in Africa (NESDA), The
Network for Information and Computer Technology – http://www.nict.co.in
Network Movement for Youth Empowerment and Participation in Sierra Leibe
Network of African Women Ministers and Parliamentarians – Uganda Chapter – http://www.parliament.go.ug
Network of European Active Citizens – http://www.neac2.eu
Network of International Diplomacy of International Law and Human Rights – http://www.ndlh.org
Network of Rural Women Producers Trinidad and Tobago – http://www.nrwptt.net
Network of the Indigenous Peoples-Solomons
Network of Women in Higher Education and Academic
Networking for Holistic Development
NeuroCare Ethiopia – http://www.NeuroCare.bbnow.org
Neuvaction – http://www.neuvaction.com
New Earth – http://www.newearth.info
New Economics Institute
New Emerging Development Organization – http://www.nedopk.webs.com
New Era Educational and Charitable Support Initiative – http://www.needcsi.org
New Hope Cambodia – http://www.newhopecambodia.com
New Hope Foundation Zimbabwe – http://www.newhopefoundationzimbabwe.yolasite.com/
New Hope Network for Human Development
New Horizons International Youth Development and Empowerment Organisation
New Human Right Organization of Global Minorite – http://www.NHROGM.org
New Humanity – http://www.new-humanity.org
New Integrated Collective Initiative For Poverty Alleviatoin – http://www.nicolipa.org
New International Horizon
New Jerusalem University – http://www.eabicbahamas.ning.com
New Life Charity Society – http://www.nelics.blogspot.com
New Lin Social Organization – http://www.khatenow.af
New Nepal Foundation
New Partnership for Africa’s Development Council – http://www.nepadcouncil.org
New Progressive Alliance – http://www.newprogs.org/
New Reality International – http://www.newrealityinternational.org
New Swansea Bay – http://www.newswanseabay.co.uk
New Venture Fund
New Vision International – NVI – http://www.nvi.populus.ch
NEW VISION INTERNTIONAL – http://www.nvint.org
New World Building Containers
New Zealand Centre of Environmental Law – http://www.nzcel.auckland.ac.nz
New Zealand Family Planning Association, Inc. – http://www.familyplanning.org.nz
New Zealand National Institute of Higher Education
Newah Bidhyarthi Daboo – http://www.deydaboo.org
Newport University CED (Center for Educational Development) – http://www.newportuniversity.eu
News Network – http://www.newsnetwork-bd.org
Next Generation Group – http://www.nextgenerationgroup.webs.com
Nexus-Carbon for Development
Nga Kaitiaki O Nga Iwi Katoa Charitable Trust
Ngamiland Council of Non-Governmental Organisations
Ngangambi International Fondation
Ngapuhi – http://www.ngapuhi.iwi.nz
Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated
Ngcono International
Ngen Cultural Development Association
NGO Future for Everyone – http://www.grow.clicr.ru
NGO Independent Ecological Expertise – http://www.eco-expertise.org
NGO Women For Development – http://www.wfd.am
NGO Youth of new century – http://www.ngoyonc.org/
NGO “Education Plus”
NGO Development Centre – http://www.ngodevcentre.org
NGO ESE-Bénin – http://www.esebenin.africa-web.org
NGO Fontana – http://www.ngofontana.org
NGO Forum for Health – http://www.ngo-forum-health.ch
NGO Forum for Public Health – http://www.ngof.org
NGO Forum on Cambodia – http://www.ngoforum.org.kh
NGO Green Heart – http://www.ngo-greenheart.jp/
NGO Gromads’ka Syla – http://www.gromsyla.org.ua
NGO Platform Bonaire – http://www.ngobonaire.org/
NGO SUPPORT CENTRE – http://www.ngo-sc.org
NGO Sustainability, Inc. – http://www.unngosustainability.org/index.htm
NGO. Nawassey-Elkhier.Org
NGOs’ coalition against FGM
NGOs Computer Literacy Shelter Welfare, Rawalpindi Cantt. – http://www.nclsw.net
Nguruka Development Agency – http://www.ngurukadevelopmentagency.org
Nice Foundation – http://www.nicefoundation.org.in
Nice Social Organisation
NIDAN – http://www.nidan.in
Nido di Speranza – http://www.nidodisperanza.org
Niger Delta Improvement Programe
Niger Delta Professionals for Development – http://www.nidprodev.org/
Nigeria & Africa Renaissance Initiative Inc. – http://www.nigeriaandafricarenaissanceinitiative.blogspot.com/2011/02/in…
Nigeria Blue Cross
Nigeria Golden Foundation
Nigeria Model United Nations Society – http://www.nigmuns.org
Nigeria Unite For Road Safety
Nigeria Youth Climate Coalition – http://www.nigycc.org
Nigeria Youth Habitat Network
nigeria youth movement for africa growth – http://www.facebook.com/nymag2014
Nigeria Youth Redemption Group
Nigeria Youth Volunteers – http://www.nyv.org.ng
Nigerian Cancer Society – http://www.cancernigeria.com/
Nigerian Conservation Foundation
Nigerian Diaspora Youths Movement for Peace and Development International Organization
Nigerian Health Care Foundation, Inc. – http://www.nhfinc.org
Nigerian Women Agro Allied Farmers Association – http://www.niwaafa.com.ng
Nigerian Youth Aassembly
Nigerian Youth Climate Coalition – http://www.nigycc.org
Nigerian Youth Cooperative Network – http://www.youthincoops.coop
Nigerians United Against Corruption International – http://www.notocorruption.org
Nihon Kokusai Volunteer Center – http://www.ngo-jvc.net/
Nijera Shikhi – http://www.nijerashikhi.org.uk
Niketon Seba Sangstha (NSS)
Nile Hope Develoment Forum – http://www.nilehope.org
Nilgiri Documentation Centre – http://www.sullivanmemorial.org
NIMAR International
Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute – http://www.nariphaltan.org
Ninikom Cooperative Union Ltd
NIRDHAN NGO, an NGO for Poverty Reduction in Nepal – http://www.nirdhanngo.org
Nirman Bahuddheshiya Sansthan Nagpur – http://www.nirmaan.org
Nishat Welfare Organization – http://www.nishatwelfare.org
Nishnawbe Aski Nation – http://www.nan.on.ca
Noa Sustentable – http://www.noasustentable.blogspot.com/
Noakhali Rural Development Society – http://www.nrdsbd.org
Noble Financial Consultants – http://www.noblefinancialconsultants.com
Noble Institution for Environmental Peace Inc. – http://www.niep.ca
Nobojibon – http://www.nobojibon.org
NOK Concepts – http://www.nokconcepts.org
NOMADEIS – http://www.nomadeis.com
Nomotechnical Center Belgrade – https://nomcentar.com
Non Goverment Organization Madina
Non Resident Nepali Association, Spain – http://www.nrnspain.org
Non-commercial Partnership The Commonwealth of Indigeonous Peoples’ Communities of the Russian North, Siberia and Far East – http://www.severnaya-obschina.ru
Non-Commercial Partnership on Assistance in Promoting Social Programs in the Healthcare Area Equal Right to Life – http://www.ravnoepravo.ru
Non-Commercial Partnership on Joining of Creditors “World Organization of Creditors” – http://www.woc-org.com
Non-Government Organization “Center for Democratic Development” – http://www.civicua.org/orgs/view.html?1722569
Non-governmental foundation “Center for Chemical Safety “ECOMIR”
Non-Governmental Organization Federation of Nepal – http://www.ngofederation.org
Non-Sudanese Students Welfare Organization – http://www.alwafden.org/
Non-Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme for South and Southeast Asia – http://www.ntfp.org
Nord-Sud XXI – North-South XXI – https://sites.google.com/site/nordsudxxi/
North American Insulation Manufactures Association – http://www.naima.org
North Indian Educational Trust – http://www.niettrust.com
North Rupununi District Development Board – http://www.nrddb.org
North South University – http://www.northsouth.edu
North-East Indian Indigenous Peoples Council
Northern Alberta Alliance on Race Relations Society – http://www.cfrac.com
Northern Alliance for Sustainability (ANPED) – http://www.anped.org/
Northern CCB – http://www.nccbtrust.com
Northern Forum (The) – http://www.northernforum.org
Northern Ghana Aid – http://www.nogaidghana.org
NORTH-SOUTH INSTITUTE, THE – http://www.nsi-ins.ca
Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition – http://www.northwestbronx.org
Norway’s Contact Committee for Immigrants and the Authorities
Norwegian Federaton of Organisations of Disabled People
Norwegian Forum for Environment and Development – http://www.forumfor.no
NOT REVIEWED–Skyian Welfare Organization – http://www.skyian.org
Notre Dame Institute of Education – http://www.ndie.edu.pk/ndie_home.aspx
Nottingham Trent University – http://www.ntu.ac.uk/research/groups_centres/adbe/sustainable_consumptio…
Nouvel Espace pour le Partenariat au Développement de Centrafrique – http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=126019274100433
Nova Scotia Blue Cross – http://www.blue-cross.in/
Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development – http://www.novartisfoundation.org
Novelty Intervention (K)
Novi NGO – http://www.noviafrica.org
Novinari za prava na zeni i deca i zastit na zivotnata sredina na Makedonija – http://www.detstvo.org.mk
NOVISSI – Fraternité Association
NPO?? ???????????????? – http://www.genki-net.jp/
nrg4SD Network of Regional Governments for Sustainable Development – http://www.nrg4sd.org
Ntchisi Integrated Development Organisation
Nubian Heritage Organization
Nubian Sons for Community Services
Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Ambientais – Universidade Estadual de Campinas – http://www.nepam.unicamp.br/nepam/
Núcleo de Estudos em Direito e Desenvolvimento – http://www.desenvolvimentoedireito.blogspot.com
Núcleo de Gerenciamento do Programa Pará Rural – http://www.pa.gov.br
Nucleo de Inclusao Social – http://www.projetonis.com/
Nurses Across the Borders – http://www.nursesacrosstheborders.org
Nyame Adom Foundation of America – http://www.nafofa.org
O Instituto Ambiental – http://www.oia.org.br
O XXII° Duque de Bragança Sar Dom Rosario – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Oak Foundation – http://www.oakfnd.org
Oasis Entertainment – http://www.oasisentertainment.org
Oasis Science and Technology Development Beijing Co., Ltd.
Objectif Environement et Developpement Durable
Objectif Sciences International – http://www.objectif-sciences-international.org
Objectif Zéro Pauvre en Afrique
Obra Social del Personal de Los Organismos de Control – http://www.ospoce.com.ar
Observatoire congolais des droits de l’Homme (OCDH) – http://www.Blog.ocdh.org
Observatoire de l Ecopolitique internationale de l Institut des sciences de l environnement, Universite du Quebec a Montreal – http://www.er.uqam.ca/nobel/oei/
Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel – http://www.oss-online.org
Observatoire pour la Défense des Droits des Femmes et des Enfants – http://www.oddfea.ch
Observatorio de Cultivos Declarados Ilicitos
Observatorio de Governança, Biodiversidade, Áreas Protegidas e Inclusão Social/IP&IE/UFRJ – http://www.gapis.psicologia.ufrj.br/
Observatório de Participação Social nas Organizações Internacionais – http://www.opsi.gid-ufs.org/
Observatorio de Politica ambiental – http://www.observatoriopoliticaambiental.org
Observatorio de Problemas Indigenas de Bolivia
Observatorio Mexicano de Derechos Humanos AC – http://www.derechoshumanosmexico.org
Observatorio Mexicano de la Crisis, Asociación Civil – http://www.obmexcrisis.org
Observatório Urbano Estado do Rio de Janeiro – OUERJ – http://www.uerj.br/index.php
Occupy Earth Summit
Ocean Recovery Alliance – http://www.oceanrecov.org
OceanCare – http://www.oceancare.org
Oceans Blue Foundation/La Fondation Oceans Bleus
Océans sans plastiques
Odeio Rodeio! – http://www.odeiorodeio.com
Oeko-Institut (Institute for applied ecology) – http://www.oeko.de
Oeuvre Social pour les Amis Chretiens
Oeuvre Sociale Medico Ophtalmologique
Oeuvres Sociales pour les Biens Etre ONG-Asbl
OFFICE – Projetos Sócio-Econômicos e Comunicação Ltda – http://www.officeprojetos.com.br
Office Franco-Québécois pour la Jeunesse – http://www.ofqj.org
Office of Social Justice, CRCNA – http://www.crcjustice.org
Office of the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) – http://www.cao-ombudsman.org
Oikos – Stiftung für Oekonomie und Oekologie – http://www.oikos-international.org
Oikos Sylhet – http://www.sylhet.oikos-international.org/
Oikos Tbilisi – http://www.oikos-tbilisi.org
Oil Change International – http://www.priceofoil.org
OIPA – Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali – http://www.oipa.org
OISCA International, South India Chapter – http://www.oiscaindia.org
Ojus Foundation Trust – http://www.ojusfoundation.in
Okuolu International Ltd
olaolaola – http://www.un.org
Old Hood Welfare Organization
Oldenburg Agenda 21 – http://www.oldenburg.de/agenda21
OLMEC.XI. YAMASSEE GANSUL ADVANCE NUTRITION – http://ximuursgansul.myicourse.com/menu/menu/9729
Olmeut Sky, Incorporated – http://www.olmeutsky.webs.com
OLTIM – http://www.oltim.org
Olukunle Oluwole Foundation – http://www.oluwolevision.webs.com
Omassape-Ong – http://www.omassapeong.webs.com
Ome Gompote Kiwigimoni Huaorani
OMSOHAM CHARITABLE TRUST – http://www.omsoham.org
Oncology Consulting International, LLC
Onda Verde – http://www.ondaverdeong.org.br/
ONE – http://www.one.org
One Drop – http://www.onedrop.org
One Earth Enterprises (Private) Limited – http://www.one-earth.com.pk
One Earth Initiative Society – http://www.oneearthweb.org
One Global Economy – http://www.oneglobaleconomy.org/
One Health Organisation (OHO) – http://www.onehealthorganisation.org
One In Christ Ministries – http://www.oneinchristministries.com
One Love Community Development and Promotion of Peace Initiative
one sky international – http://www.oneskyinternational.org/
One World One Ocean – http://www.oneworldoneocean.org
One World, One Word – http://www.oneworldoneword.org
ONF International
ONG Rayouwan-Mata – Organisation pour la Promotion et l’Epanouissement de la Femme Nigerienne (OPEFN)
ONG Ache Internacional – http://www.acheinternacional.org
ONG Actions
ONG Adapan – http://www.adapan.org
ONG Association de l’Arbre – http://www.fecebook.com/ong.arbre
ONG Association Ile de Développement – http://www.ongaidetogo.1s.fr
ONG Association pour le Développement de la Population – http://www.adeprdc.populus.org
Ong Bem Me Quer – http://www.ongbemmequer.blogspot.com
ONG Carbone Guinée
ONG Casa del Pueblo – http://www.casadelpueblo.arredemo.org
Ong Centro de Capacitacion y Desarrollo Cec – http://www.CORPORACIONCEC.CL
ONG Cercle D’amour
ONG Consciência Limpa – http://www.consciencialimpa.org.br
ONG Coordination D’actions Multisectorielles pour un Developpement Durable
ONG Croissance Saine Environnement – http://www.croissancesaine.org
Ong De Desarrollo Bioscorpore
ONG Développement Pour Tous
ONG Domino
ONG Droit a la Vie
ONG Emmanuel – http://www.click-a.info
ONG Entraide Nord Sud ( E N S ) – http://www.entraidenordsud.yolasite.com
ONG Environnement Propre
ONG Falala Niger
ONG Floraison
ONG Gasseme – http://www.gassemeniger.e-monsite.com
Ong Globe
ONG Gouvernance Democratie et Sante Environnementales
ONG Goye (Travail)
ONG Hikimat Tout Pour Un Developpement En Milieu Rural
ONG Hope International – http://www.onghope.org
ONG International
ONG Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environnement Niger – http://www.ong-jve.org
ONG Jeunesse Femme Developpement
ONG La Voix Verte
ONG Le TONUS – http://www.letonusmali.org
ONG Libertas – http://www.mobilizacaosocial.com.br/profile/marcoaureliodoamralalsantos
ONG Maison d’Abraham
ONG Moulin Rouge – http://www.ongmoulinrouge.tg
Ong por um Mundo Melhor – http://www.porummundomelhor.blogspot.com
ONG SECOURSNET – http://www.secoursnet.mr
ONG Social Development Cooperative
ONG Social Education Support
ONG Un Monde Avenir – http://www.unmondeavenir.org
ONG Verdenovo Rio das Velhas
ONG Vidas Recicladas – http://www.vidasrecicladas.org
ONG Volontariat Pour l’Environnement
ONGD Centre pour la Promotion de la Photographie
ONGD Educar para Vivir – http://www.educarparavivir.com
Ong-Gadd Benin – http://www.gaddbenin.com
Onkod Relief and Development Organization – http://www.ordosom.org
Online Universal
Onna Charity Organization – http://www.onnaorg.webs.com
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto – http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/hsssje/index.html
Ontario International Development Agency – http://www.ontariointernational.org
Open City International Foundation, Inc. – http://www.opencityfound.org
Open Mind Spectrum Albania
Open Oceans Global – http://www.openoceans.org
Open Space Centre – http://www.openspaceuganda.wordpress.com
Open University of Tanzania – http://www.out.ac.tz
Opening Village Doors Foundation
OpenSENEGAL – http://www.opsn.org
Operation ASHA – http://www.opasha.org
Operation Mercy – http://www.mercy.se
Operation Save Nigerian – http://www.westernniger.com
Ophan Support Africa – http://www.orphansupportafrica.org
Oppressed Empowerment & Youth Organisation, Nepal – http://www.dnfnepal.org
Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil Conselho Federal – http://www.oab.org.br
Ordem Dos Advogados do Brasil Secao de Mato Grosso – http://www.oabmt.org.br
Ordem dos Pastores do Brasil – http://www.ordemdospastoresdobrasil.org
Order of Discalced Carmelites – http://www.carmelitaniscalzi.com
Order of Prince Daniel of Kholm – http://www.sovereignorderofcravant.org
Order of St. Augustine, Canadian Augustinian Centre for Social Justice – http://www.cacsj.ca
Order of the Holy Grace – Ordine della Grazia Sacra
Order of The Holy Knights of Jerusalem
Ordo Militaris Navigantis Portugaliae Templum – Fraternidade Ecuménica Universal Cultural e Humanitária, (ONG-D) CRL – http://www.OMNPT-FEUCH.org
Ordo Militiae Jesu Christi (ONGD) – http://www.ordochristi.org
Oree – http://www.oree.org
Org. for the Sustainance of the Nig. Environment
Organisasi Pribumi Papua Barat (OPPB) – http://www.oppb.webs.com
Organisation Africaine pour le Développment Social
Organisation arabe de la famille – http://www.arabfamilyorganization.ae/
Organisation camerounaise pour la protection de l’arbre
Organisation Contre la Pauvrete
Organisation d’appui à la promotion d’initiatives locales
Organisation de defense de l’environnement au Burundi
Organisation De Developpement Durable
Organisation de Développement et des Droits de l’Homme au Cameroun – http://www.gicarcam.org
Organisation des Droits de L’Homme et de la protection de l’Environnement – http://www.odhpe.org
Organisation Des Femmes Actives de Cote d’Ivoire – http://www.ofaci.org
Organisation des Hommes demunis et enfants orphelins pour le developpement – http://www.ohdeod.org
organisation des jeunes comoriens pour la culture et le développement (OJCCD) – http://www.jeunescom.fr
Organisation des Jeunes pour le Monde d’Avenir – http://www.ojma-rdc.org
Organisation des Jeunes pour l’Éducation et le Développement
Organisation des Jeunes Volontaire pour le Développement OJVD
Organisation des Laics Engagés du Sacré-Coeur pour le Développement de Kimbondo
Organisation des Performances de l’Ecole Nigérienne – http://www.facebook.com/openniger
Organisation des Régions Unies – http://www.regionsunies-fogar.org
Organisation des Volontaires du Developpement
Organisation des Volontaires pour le Developpement des Peuples Africains
Organisation for Gender, Civic Engagement & Youth Development (OGCEYOD) – http://www.ogceyodcameroon.webs.com
Organisation for Research and Community Development in Zimbabwe – http://www.orcdzimbabwe.org/andhttp://www.orcd.org.zw
Organisation for Social & Economic Development – http://www.osed.org.pk
Organisation for Sustainable Development
Organisation for Youth Advancement
Organisation Indigene Maohi
Organisation Internationale de Developpement et de Promotion Humaine
Organisation Internationale pour la Sécurité des Transactions Electroniques OISTE – http://www.oiste.org
Organisation Internationale pour le Développement Intégral de la Femme – http://www.oidif.org
Organisation Mauritanienne des Droits de l’Homme et l’Excercice de la Transparence
Organisation Mondiale des Yachts-Clubs et Ports Ecologiques – http://www.omyp.org
Organisation Mondiale du Yachting et des Ports Ecologiques – http://www.omyp.org
Organisation Non Gouvernementale Tassa
Organisation of African Youth – http://www.oayouth.org
Organisation of African Youth for Development and Peace – http://www.oaydp.org
Organisation pour la Defence des Droits de L’homme
Organisation pour la Femme Et le Developpement (O.F.E.D.), Inc. – http://www.ofedinternational.org
Organisation pour la Protection et le Développement de l’Humanité (OPDH -BENIN) – http://www.oprodevh.org
Organisation pour la Rénovation Environnante du Sud d’Haiti (RESH) – http://www.orgresh.page.tl
Organização Bio-Bras – http://www.biobras.org.br/renove
Organização Cultural Remanescentes de Tia Ciata – http://www.remanescentestiaciata.blogspot.com
Organização das Cooperativas do Estado MG – http://www.minasgerais.coop.br
Organização das Famílias da Ásia e do Pacífico – http://www.ofapmacau.org
Organizacao de Centro de Atendimento e Desenvolvimento, Assistencial, Educacional, Cultural, Comunitario do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – http://www.oderj.org
Organização dos Povos da Floresta sobre Mudanças Climáticas
Organização Não Governamental para o Meio Ambiente
Organização Não Governamental Verde Horizonte – http://www.redeecobairros.com.br
Organização Nova Consciência – http://www.novaconsciencia.com.br
Organização Patrimonial, Turística e Ambiental – http://www.opta.org.br
Organização pela Preservação Ambiental – http://www.ccbm.org.br
Organização Sócio Ambiental para Biodiversidade MiraTerra – OMT – http://www.orgmiraterra.blogspot.com
Organizacion Argentinna de Jovenes para Naciones Unidas – http://www.oajnu.org
Organización de Desarrollo Étnico Comunitario – http://www.odecohn.blogspot.com
Organización de Entidades Mutuales de las Américas, ODEMA, Asociación Civil – http://www.odema.org
Organizacion Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Onaldep Miembros de la Sociedad Civil (OSC)(OEA) – http://www.actiweb.es/onaldep/
organización no gubernamental de desarrollo para la investigación, formación y estudios sobre la mujer -Isfem – http://www.isfem.cl
Organizacion Venezolana de Jóvenes para Naciones Unidas – http://www.jovenesnacionesunidas.net
Organization for Defending Victims of Violence – http://www.odvv.org
Organization for Development and Peace – http://www.odpmpak.org
Organization for Human Development – http://www.ohd.org.pk
Organization for Human Development Program
Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement – International (OISCA) – http://www.oisca.org/e/
Organization for Liberation of Rural Daliths – http://www.olordindia.org
Organization For Peace & Welfare – http://www.pwngo.org
Organization for Peace and Welfare – http://www.ofpaw.com.pk
Organization for Poverty Alleviation and Development (OPAD) – SWEDEN – http://www.opad.eu
Organization for Public Interest – http://www.opi.org.pk
Organization for Research and Community Development – http://www.orcd.org.af
Organization for Research and Community Development – Pakistan
Organization for Social Rights – http://www.osrlegal.org
Organization for Sustainable Development Afghanistan – http://www.osda-af.org
Organization for Sustainable Development and Advocacy
Organization for the Solidarity of the Peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America
Organization of Fast Relief and Development – http://www.ofrd-af.org
Organization of Industrial Cultural Advancement
Organization of Islamic Cooperation – http://www.oic-oci.org
Organization of Nigerian Chaplains
Organization of Retired Persons Wisdom Ripening – http://www.moigoda.wordpress.com
Organizaton of United Nations Volunteer Nigeria
Oriental Danology Institute
Oriental Women Organization – http://www.owopakistan.org
Orion Amanar
OrphanAid Africa – http://www.oafrica.org
Orphans, Widows and Disabled Persons Organisation
Orphélins, Déplacés et Incarcérés – Côte D’Ivoire
Orquidário Maricaense – http://www.orquidariomaricaense.com
Osei Abobono Foundation
Osmani Nagar Gram Unnayan Shangstha – ONGUS
Österreichische Vereinigung für Supervision – http://www.oevs.or.at
Oui pour une Enfance Noble Mali – http://www.enfancenoble.fr
Our Right Our Life Youth Empowerment Initiative – http://www.orolyep.org
Our Voice (society for the special persons) – http://www.ourvoiceajk.org
OurSay – http://www.oursay.org
Overcomers Association
Overseas Development Institute – http://www.odi.org.uk
Oxfam GB – http://www.oxfam.org.uk
Oxfam International Youth Parliament – http://www.oiyp.oxfam.org
Öz orman Is Sendikasi – http://www.ozorman-is.org.tr
Oziveni, o.s. – http://www.oziveni.cz
P.R.O. 14646 GLOBAL FOUNDATION / FUND e.V. – http://www.horn-horn.de
P.S.S.Educational Development Society – http://www.karmayog.org/ngo/pssedsociety
P2TP2A Kabupaten Sukabumi – http://www.p2tp2akabupatensukabumi.blogspot.com
P3 Foundation – http://www.p3foundation.org
Pace Center for Environmental Legal Education – http://www.law.pace.edu
Pace Law School Center for Environmental Legal Studies
Pace University – http://www.pace.edu
PACE-NetPlus – http://www.pacenet.eu/
Pacesetters Empowerment Initiative
Pachamama Alliance – http://www.pachamama.org/
Pachamama Romania – http://www.fouryearsgo.ro
Pacific Aquaculture Cooperatives International – http://www.pacinternational.org
Pacific Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development – http://www.usp.ac.fj/pace
Pacific Concerns Resource Centre Inc.
Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat – http://www.forumsec.org
Pacific Network for Peace and Disarmament
Pacific Network on Globalisation – http://www.pang.org.fj
Pacific Organic and Ethical Trade Community
Pacific Region Indigenous Doctors’ Congress – http://www.pridoc.org
Pacific Research and Policy Centre, Massey University – http://www.massey.ac.nz/prpc
Pacific Water and Wastes Association – http://www.pwwa.ws
Pacific Women’s Watch (New Zealand) – http://www.pacificwomenswatch.org.nz
Pact – http://www.pactworld.org
Padei Bu Rdco Rwa Promotion et Appui pour le Developpement Integré au Burundi, Rdcongo et Rwanda – http://www.Padeibu.Ciraj12.12.84.com
Padrao Águias da Aventura Objetiva – http://www.aventureirosaguia.ning.com
PAGTINABANGAY FOUNDATION – http://www.ammado.com/nonprofit/pagtinabangayfoundation
Painted Children UK Limited – http://www.paintedchildren.co.uk
Pak Building and Development Organization
Pak Education Society/Pakistan Development Network – http://www.pakedu.org
Pak Women – http://www.pakwomen.org
Pakistan Community Peace Foundation – http://www.pcpfi.org
Pakistan Council For Human Rights – http://www.pakistancouncilforhumanrights.blogspot.com
Pakistan Education Society (PES)
Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum – http://www.pff.org.pk
Pakistan International Model United Nations Association – http://www.pakimun.org
Pakistan International Peace & Human Rights Organization – http://www.piphro.org
Pakistan Labour Federation – http://www.plfpk.com
Pakistan Lions Youth Council – http://www.plycngo.org
Pakistan Progressive Youth Forum – http://www.ppyf.org.pk
Pakistan Relief Foundation – http://www.pakistanrelieffoundation.com
Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organization – http://www.prwswo.org
Pakistan Rural Worker’s Social Welfare Organizations (PRWSWO) – http://www.prwswo.org
Pakistan Youth Organization – http://www.pyopk.org
Pakistani Youth – http://www.pakistaniyouth
Palakkad District Consumers´ Association – http://www.consumersindia.org
Palestine Wildlife Society – http://www.wildlife-pal.org
Palestinensische Gemeinde Österreich – http://www.filastin.at
Palestinian – Qatari Friendship Association – http://www.pqfa.ps
Palestinian Cinema Arts Associatin – http://www.pscaa.wordpress.com
Pallium India – http://www.palliumindia.org
Palm Drive Hospital Health Care Foundation
Palms Solutions aka African Francophone Diaspora for Global Initiative – http://www.PALMSSOLUTIONS.ORG/WWW
Palpung Munishasan Dharmachakra Sangh – http://www.palpung.org
Pan African Development Education & Advocacy Programme – http://www.padeap.net
Pan African Network in Defense of Migrants Rights – http://www.panidmr.org
Pan African Organisation for Research and Protection of Violence on Women and Children – http://www.idealist.org/if/i/en/av/Org/190146-324/c
Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women’s Association – http://www.ppseawa.org
Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women’s Association of Thailand
Pan Rural Water and Community Development Project
Pan-African Women’s Empowerment and Liberation Organization (PAWLO) – http://www.pawlogermany.blogspot.com
Panorama de Cenima et Culture – http://www.cenima1.fr.gd
PAODES – http://www.paodes-universite
Paramount Young Women Initiative
Parangello Players – http://www.dotconnecting.comhttp://www.elycemonet.com
Parbattya Bhikkhu Council
Parbatya Bouddha Sangha, Bangladesh
Parent Leadership and Advocacy Network
Paribartan Nepal, Non Governmental Organization – http://www.pnepal.org.np
Parishkaran – http://www.parishkaran.org
Parlamento Amazónico Venezolano – http://www.parlamentoamazonico.gob.ve
Parlamento del Mediterraneo (Unione Mediterranea)
Parlamento Mundial de Segurança e Paz – http://www.parlamentworld.org
Parlement Africain de la Societe Civile – http://www.parlementafricain.com
Parlement des Jeunes de Cote d’ivoire – http://www.pjci.info
Parliamentarians Commission for Human Rights, Pakistan – http://www.pchr.org.pk
Parliamentarians for Global Action – http://www.pgaction.org/
Participatory Community Developement
Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI) – http://www.pdi.org.pk
Participatory Efforts for Healthy Environment – http://www.pehesindh.org
Participatory Human Rights Advancement Society – http://www.phrasbd.page4.me
Participatory Research & Action Network- PRAN – http://www.pran-bd.org
Participatory Rural Development Society (PRDS) – http://www.prdspak.org
Participatory Support Centre
Partido Verde Ecologista de Mexico – http://www.partidoverde.org.mx/pvem/
Partner Vision – http://www.paviscameroon.org
Partner Vision Cameroon
Partners in Community Research And Development
Partners in Health a Nonprofit Corporation – http://www.pih.org
Partners in Social Sector Managment Research Training & Development
Partnership Africa Canada – http://www.pacweb.org
Partnership Center for Development and Democracy
Partnership for Child Development – http://www.imperial.ac.uk/pcd
Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living – http://www.perlprojects.org
Partnership for Global Justice – http://www.partnershipforglobaljustice.com
Partnership for Rural Women Development – http://www.PARTNERSHIP4RURALWOMENDEVNG.ORG
Paruware Trust – http://www.paruwaretrust.webs.com
Parwarish welfare foundationPWF
Paryavaran Manav Utthan Sanstha (PARMARTH)
Paryavaran Pratham – http://www.paryavaranpratham.org
ParyavaranMitra – http://www.paryavaranmitra.orgin
Pasa Human Development Foundation
Pasban Youth Organization – http://www.pasbanyouth.org
Paschimbanga Vigyan Mancha
Passaporti Diplomatici, Rappresentanze Diplomatiche e Incarichi Statutari Dell’iird – Istituto Internazionale per le Relazioni Diplomatiche – Internazionalmente Validi – http://www.iird.org
Passaporti Diplomatici, Rappresentanze Diplomatiche ed Incarichi Costituzionali Della Real Casa di Portogallo – Validi Internazionalmente – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Passion Charity – http://www.passioncharity.com
Passion for Mission
Pastoral and Environmental Network in the Horn of Africa – http://www.penhanetwork.org
PAT ECOSMAR – http://www.patecosmar.org.br
PathFounder Org
Pathways to Peace – http://www.pathwaystopeace.org
Patients’ Helping Hands
Patim – http://www.patim.org
Patricia Precoma Pellanda – http://www.lattes.cnpq.br/9429658344203607
Pauline and Wilson Foundation – http://www.paulineandwilsonfoundation.org
Pawansut Servangin Vikas Kendra – http://www.psvk.org.in
Pax Romana (International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs and International Movement of Catholic Students) – http://www.icmica-miic.org
Paz y Cooperacion – http://www.peaceandcooperation.org
Pazifik-Netzwerk e.V. – http://www.pazifik-infostelle.org
PC4Peace – http://www.pc4peace.org
Peabud int’l NGO – http://www.peabud.org
Peabud Ry – http://www.peabud.org
Peace Accord in Nigeria
Peace and Comfort for Need Women
Peace and Development Brigade
Peace and Development Brigade Center
peace and friendship – http://www.pf4all.com/
Peace and Happy Home Organization
Peace and Hope International – http://www.peaceandhopeinternational.org
Peace and Life Enhancement Initiative International – http://www.pleii.org
Peace and Social Initiatives Centre
Peace Boat – http://www.peaceboat.org
Peace by Youth
Peace Child International – http://www.peacechild.org
Peace Corps of Nigeria
Peace Development Fund – http://www.peacefund.org
Peace Family and Media Association – http://www.pfmaethio.org
Peace for People & People of Peace – http://www.people-of-peace.co.uk
Peace Mission – http://www.peacemissionorg.com
Peace on Earth Advocacy Center
Peace Parks Foundation – http://www.peaceparks.org
Peace Village Network Association, Inc. – http://www.pvnw.org
Peace Without Limits ( PWL ) International Organization – http://www.peacewithoutlimits.org
Peace Worldwide – http://www.pww.org.pk
Peacebuilding and Humanitarian Initiative
Peacebuilding Solutions – http://www.solvepeace.org
Peaceful Action Network for the ex Combatants Integreted Development of all in Burundi – http://www.reseau-rafal.org/node/178
Peaceful People Human Rights Consortium
PeaceNexus Foundation – http://www.peacenexus.org
PeaceTech Inc. – http://www.peacetech.net
PeaceWomen Across the Globe – http://www.1000peacewomen.org
peaceworldwide173 – http://www.pww173.org.pk
PedalEco Cycling for Better Environments
Pediatric AIDS Treatment for Africa – http://www.teampata.org
Peduli Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Sosial Interaksi – http://www.flatmultimedia.webs.com
Peer Consultants, P.C. – http://www.peercpc.com
Peer Education Program of Cameroon – http://www.pepcameroon.org
Pelican Web – http://www.pelicanweb.org
Pennsylvania Consortium for Interdisciplinary Environmental Policy – http://www.paconsortium.state.pa.us
Penta International – http://www.pentainternational.co.uk
People Action for Community Empowerment
People Against I.Ndifference
People and Development – http://www.pad.org.np
People Empowering People (PEP) Africa – http://www.pepafrica.org(stillunderconstruction)
People to People International-Togo
People Trust God for Elimination and Eradication of Poverty and Disease
People-Centered Development Forum
Peoples Action For Development
People’s Action to Win Life All-Round
People’s All India Anti Corruption And Crime Prevention Society – http://www.paiacacps.org
Peoples’ Alliance for Animal Rights and Ecological Justice
People’s Council For Social welfare – http://www.pcswindia.org
PEOPLE’S CULTURAL CENTRE – http://www.pecuc.org
People’s Harmonious Development Society – http://www.phds.ge
Peoples Multipurpose Service Organization – http://www.pmsomdu.in
People’s Organization for Peace and Education – http://www.pope.org.pk
Peoples Sustainable Development Programmes – http://www.psdp.co.uk
People’s Welfare and Development – http://www.pwdreach.org
Pepsip Foundation
Per Ankh, Inc. – http://www.perankhu.org
Perana (the first organization by & for People living with HIV in Nepal) – http://www.preranaktm.org.np
Perfect Union – http://www.perfectunion.fr
Perigeo International People Community – http://www.perigeo.org
Permanet Secretariat of the Alpine Convention – http://www.alpconv.org
Perpetual Succour for Women & Children Initiative – http://www.peswac.com
Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Alami Malaysia – http://www.manmp.org.my
Personhood Education – http://www.personhoodeducation.org/
Persons with Disability Initiative Nigeria
Petaling Jaya City Council – http://www.mbpj.gov.my
Petaling Jaya Residents Association
Petarian Foundation – http://www.petarianfoundation.org
Pew Center for Global Climate Change – http://www.pewclimate.org
PFI Foundation – http://www.pfifound.org
Pfizer Inc
PHE Ethiopia Consortium – http://www.phe-ethiopia.org
Phelps Stokes – http://www.phelpsstokes.org
Philanthropists Foundation
Philippine Nurses Association of America – http://www.mypnaa.org
Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement’ – http://www.prrm.org
Philippine Social Enterprise Network – http://www.philsocialenterprisenetwork.com
Philippine Women’s Network in Politics and Governance
Philippines Women’s University/Women’s Asia-Pacific Environmental Network – http://www.pwu.edu.ph
Philips Healthcare North America
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Inc. – http://www.pcrm.org
Physicians for Social Responsibility – http://www.psr.org
Pidarc HealthProject – http://www.pidarchealthproject.org
Pietrunti Tourism Consulting – http://www.pietrunti-tourism.com
Pineda Foundation for Youth – http://www.pinedafoundation.org
Piracicaba 2010 Realizando o Futuro – http://www.pira21.org.br
Pitirim Sorokin – Nikolai Kondratieff International Institute – http://www.misk.newparadigm.ru
PK Mahanandia – http://www.pkmahanandia.com
Plan d’Intégration de l’Humain pour le Développement Social
Plan International Region of Eastern & Southern Africa – http://www.plan-international.org
Plan Life – http://www.planlifegh.org
Plan Suomi Säätio – http://www.plan.fi
Plan Sweden
Planck Engenharia Holística Ltda. – http://www.planck-e.com
Planet Aid
PlaNet Finance Brasil – http://www.planetfinance.org/brasil/
Planeta Tierra Universo ONG
Planet’airport AIR association d’interet régional – http://www.planetaiport.com
Planetary Association for Clean Energy – http://www.pacenet.homestead.com
Planetary Boundaries Initiative – http://www.planetaryboundariesinitiative.org
Planetary Foundation – http://www.planetaryfoundation.org
Planned Parenthood Federation of America – http://www.plannedparenthood.org
Plant and Live Society – http://www.plantnlivesociety.org
Plant-for-the-Planet Foundation – http://www.plant-for-the-planet.org/
Plataforma Integral de Desarrollo Sustentable – http://www.bypides.org
Plataforma Montanhas, Vales, Vida e Cidadania Pela Sustentabilidade em Tempos Cambios Climaticos – http://www.plataforma-montanhas.rio20.net/category/propostas/
Plataforma per la fFmilia Catalunya-ONU 2014
Plateforme Citoyenne
Plate-forme des Coordinations des Associations Djiboutiennes
Plateforme pour le Developpement Durable des Caraibes (PLAC 21) – http://www.ongplac21.net
Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research
Pleaders of Children and Elderly People at risk – http://www.pepaorganization.org
Plight of the Child International – http://www.plightofthechild.org
PLUS Organization Pakistan
Plymouth Marine Laboratory – http://www.pml.ac.uk
PNM Abroad – http://www.pnmabroad.org
Pokret za slobodu – http://www.pokret.net
Pôle Universitaire Euclide – http://www.euclid.int
Policy Management Consultancy Services (a.k.a) Policy Consult – http://www.policyconsultng.com
Policy Research
Policy Research Ltd/Gte
Pólis Instituto de Estudos, Formação e Assessoria em Políticas Públicas – http://www.polis.org.br
POLIS Project on Ecological Governance – Water Sustainability Project – http://www.polisproject.org/
Political and Ethical Knowledge on Economic Activities – http://www.pekea-fr.org
Polli Paribesh Unnayan Sangstha
Polynesian Kingdom of Atooi/Hawaiian Kingdom – http://www.atooination.com
Pontificia Universidade Católica de São Paulo – http://www.pucsp.br/
Population and Sustainability Network – http://www.populationandsustainability.org
Population Connection – http://www.populationconnection.org
Population Education Resource Centre (PERC), Department of Continuing and Adult Education and Extension Work, S. N. D. T. Women’s University, Mumbai
Population Matters – http://www.populationmatters.org
Population Media Center, Inc. – http://www.populationmedia.org
Population Reference Bureau – http://www.prb.org
Population Services International – http://www.psi.org
Por la Tierra A.C. – http://xlatierra.blogspot.mx/
Por siempre Azul y Verde Asociación Civil
Porque Tu Lo Haces Posible – http://www.tulohacesposible.sitiosprodigy.mx/
Portafolio Verde – http://www.portafolioverde.com
Pos Keadilan Peduli Ummat
Positive Action for Treatment Access
Positive awareness service society
Positive Change for Marine Life – http://www.positivechangeformarinelife.org
Positive Life Association of Nigeria (PLAN)
Positive Runway – http://www.positiverunway.org
Potential Youth and Leaders Development Centre-PYLDEC – http://www.pyldecnigeria.com
Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy (PODA) – http://www.poda.org.pk
Potter’s Gallery Initiative – http://www.pottersgalleryng.blogspot.com
Pour la Terre – http://www.pourlaterre.org
Poverty and Associated Maladies Alleviation Initiative – http://www.pamai.org.ng
Poverty Elimination and Community Education Foundation – http://www.peace-fund.org
Poverty Reduction And Strategic Foundation
Power to the People Nepal – http://www.powertopeople.org.np
Practical Action – http://www.practicalaction.org/
Practical Environmental Alternative Jamaica and Company – http://www.facebook.com/pages/PracticalEnvironmentalAlternativesJAMAICA/
Pragya – http://www.pragya.org
Prahar – http://www.prahar.org
Praise Chapel (Living Church) Communion
Prana Filmes – http://www.pranafilmes.com.br
PRANTIK Manobik Unnoyan Kendra – http://www.prantikbd.org
prasol foundation – http://www.prasol.org
Práticas em Desenvolvimento Sustentável/UFRRJ – http://www.ufrrj.br/posgrad/ppgpds
Prava Foundation Ushering Light
Praxis – Institute for Participatory Practices – http://www.praxisindia.org
Praxis UK – http://www.praxis-uk.org
Pré Consultants
Pre-Adult Affairs Organisation – http://www.pre-adultaffairs.org
Precision Development Research & Advocacy Consultants
Prefeitura de Manaus – http://www.manaus.am.gov.br
Prefeitura Municipal de Areal – http://www.areal.rj.gov.br
Prefeitura Municipal de Magda
Prefeitura Municipal de Reriutaba/ Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Turismo/Ceará/Brasil
Prefeitura Municipal de Ribeirao Preto
Prefeitura Municipal de Sobral/ Secretaria de Planejamento, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Meio Ambiente/Educação Ambiental/ Educadora – http://www.sobral.ce.gov.br
Prefeitura Municipal de Sobral/CEARÁ/BRASIL – http://www.sobral.ce.gov.br/splam
Prefeitura Municipal de Sobral/Secretaria de Planejamento, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Meio Ambiente/Educação Ambiental/Sobral/Ceará/Brasil – http://www.sobral.ce.gov.br/splam
Prelude – http://www.PRELUDE-INTERNATIONAL.org
Presbyterian Church (USA) – http://www.pcusa.org
Presencia Taina inc – http://www.bohioatabei.blogspot.com
PRESS – Save the Children Youth – http://www.press.no/
Prevention Association of Social Harms (PASH)
Prime Care Network Volunteers – http://www.pcnvolunteers.org
Prime Educational and Social Trust – http://www.primetrust.org
Prime Intercontinental Traders – http://www.PrimeInTraders.ca
Primeira Brigada Nacional Guarda Ambiental Instituto de Proteção e Preservação
PrimeZmart – http://www.primezmart.com
Prince Henry of The Sultanate of Baloi
Prince of Wales’ International Sustainability Unit – http://www.pcfisu.org
Prince Sultan Bin Abdulaziz International Prize for Water – http://www.psipw.org/
Princess AlAnood bint Abdulaziz bin Mosaed Al Saud Foundation – http://www.alanood.org.sa/
Princeton Environmental Institute, – http://www.web.princeton.edu/sites/pei
Princeton University
Principado de Bragança – http://www.principadodebraganca.org
Principado Ilhéu da Pontinha – http://www.principadoilheudapontinha.com
PRINCIPALITY OF NEW UTOPIA – http://www.principalityofnewutopia.com
Principality of St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael
Priorité Environnement
Priority One Coalition
PRIP Trust – http://www.priptrust.org
Prison Fellowship Cameroon
Private the Company R.V.C – http://www.ukz.com.ua
Priyadarshani Gramin and Adivasi Sevabhavi Sanstha – http://www.pgassngo.com
Prizm Foundation – http://www.prizm.org
PRO.ME.TRA. International – http://www.prometra.org
ProAct Network – http://www.proactnetwork.org
Pro-Afrikaans Action Group – http://www.praag.org
Pro-Biodiversity Conservationists in Uganda Limited – www.Website::www.probiodivesity.org
Proceso de Comunidades Negras en Colombia – http://www.renacientes.org;http://www.afrocolombians.com
Prodefensa del Nazas A.C.
Pró-Diversitas Brasil – http://www.pro-diversitas.org.br
Proeducación IAP – http://www.proeducacion.org.mx
Professional Alliance for Technology & Habitat – http://www.P-A-T-H.in
Professional Insight
Professionals for Humanity (PROFOH) – http://www.profohmed.org
Professionals Redeploment Programme – http://www.prpafrica.org
Progati Socio-Economic Development Society
Progetto Di Integrazione Nella Comunita’ Srl-GmbH – http://www.prointecom.com
Progetto Leonardo
Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH)
Program for Society and the Environment, University of Maryland – http://www.cse.umd.edu/index.html
Programa Accion Comunitaria Por El Medio Ambiente – http://www.fundacionpacma.com
Programa de Coordinacion en Salud Integral – http://www.procosi.org.bo
Programa de Doutorado em Desenvolvimento e Meio Ambiente – Universidade Federal do Piauí – http://www.ufpi.br/doutambiente/
Programa de Pós Graduação em Urbanismo da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – http://www.fau.ufrj.br/prourb/
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Rural – http://www.cca.ufscar.br
Programa Ecoa
Programa em Direito e Meio Ambiente – http://www.direitorio.fgv.br/pdma
Programa Preservando Para o Futuro
Programa Restauracion de Tortugas Marinas – http://www.pretoma.org
Programa Social Gotas de Flor com Amor – http://www.gotasdeflor.org.br
Programme de Renforcement des Capacités des Organisations de la Société Civile dans la Prévention et la Gestion des Conflits en Afrique Centrale – http://www.pregesco.org
Programme d’Evacuation des Produits Agro Pastoraux sur la Rivière Inzia
Programme for the Study of Global Migration, Graduate Institute, Geneva – http://www.graduateinstitute.ch/globalmigration
Programme Iturien pour la Rehabilitation et le Developpement durable – http://www.ngo-pird.org/
Programme of Action for Health & Rural Development
Programme on Women’s Economic Social and Cultural Rights – http://www.pwescr.org
Progreso Panamericano
Progressive Assembly Welfare Association – http://www.pawakenya.or.ke
Progressive Youth Alliance – Zimbabwe – http://www.progressiveyouthalliance-zimbabwe.blogspot.com
Progressive Youths Development Initiative – http://www.progressiveyouths.gnbo.ng.com
Project 1948 Foundation – http://www.nineteen48.org
Project Friends – http://www.projectfriends.org
Project Gaia, Inc.
Project HOPE – http://www.projecthope.org
Project Mala Charitable Trust – http://www.projectmala.org.uk
Project Survival Pacific
Projecto de Reforestacion Las Mercedes – http://www.nicaraguareforestationproject.org
Projet des Jeunes Erudits pour le Developpement d’Haiti
Projet Integre pour L’auto Developpement – http://www.pipad-cm.org
Projeto Gerando Vida
Projeto Hospitais Saudáveis – http://www.hospitaissaudaveis.org.br
Projeto Semente – http://www.projetosemente.org.br
PROJuventud – http://www.projuventud.org
Promotion of Sustainability in Postgraduate Education and Research Network – http://www.ias.unu.edu/prospernet
Promotion pour le Developpement – http://www.promodev.ht
Pro-Poor Oriented Foundation
Protect and Save The Children Association of Selangor and Kualalumpur – http://www.psthechildren.org.my
Protection Campaign Nepal – http://www.ngoprocan.blogspot.com/
Protection de l’environnement et de l’écosystème (PEECO)
Protection Remote Agency Guaranteed Action for Tribal Improvement – http://www.pragatingo.org
Protectrice des grands singes de la Moukalaba
Protysha Anti Drug Club – http://www.pratyasha.cabanova.com
Proutista Universal – http://www.moverjuntos.org
Providential Aid Organization – http://www.pao-gh.org
Provincia di Potenza – http://www.provincia.potenza.it
Proyecto de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, A.C. – http://www.prodesc.org.mx
Proyecto Paz y Amor – http://www.proyectopazyamor.org
Psoriasis,Pain,& Problems.
Psychology Beyond Borders – http://www.psychologybeyondborders.org
Puantani (Organisasi Perempuan Tani dan Wanita Pedesaan Indonesia) – http://www.puantani.wordpress.com
Public Advocacy Initiatives for Rights & Values in India – PAIRVI – http://www.pairvi.org
Public Affiliation Center for Coordination and Information on Environmental Education EcoObraz
Public Aid Organizaition – http://www.pao-org.com
Public Association ECOM
Public Democratic Forum – http://www.pdfpak.org
Public Enlightenment Projects – http://www.pepnigeria.webs.com
Public Fund Medialife
Public Health Association – http://www.phabul.eu
Public Health Institute – http://www.phi.org
Public Health Training Institute – Deepak Foundation – http://www.deepakfoundation.org
public opinions – http://www.pubopinions.org
Public Organization Youth Development Center
Public Reform Development Consortium – http://www.prdcngo.org
Public Research and Regulation Initiative – http://www.pubresreg.org
Public Service Institue, University of Oklahoma
Public Services International – http://www.world-psi.org/
Public Trust – Emun Hatzibur – http://www.emun.org
Public Unity Youth Society
Public Welfare Organization
Publication and Coordination Centre of Islamic Ideology and Sufi-ism – http://www.chistypcciis.org
Publicis Consultants
Pukar Foundation – http://www.pukarfoundation.org
Punarjagaran Samaj Nepal – http://www.renaissance.org.np
Pure Body Awareness Temple
Pusat Informasi Hukum
Pyramide XXI – http://www.pyramide21.com
QADER for Community Development – http://www.qader.org
Qatar Charitable Society – http://www.qcharity.com/a/
Qendra Aleanca Gjinore per Zhvillim – http://www.gadc.org.al
Qendra Ndryshimi – http://www.change-albania.com
Qplus Certifications and Compliance Council – http://www.qpluscertifications.com
Quaker Earthcare Witness – http://www.quakerearthcare.org
Quawell Ventures
QUBA ISLAMIC AND EDUCATION CENTRE – http://www.qubacentre.com
Quebec-Labrador Foundation Inc./Atlantic Center for the Environment – http://www.qlf.org
Quercus – Associação Nacional de Conservação da Natureza – http://www.quercus.pt
R & D Consultancy
R.O.L.E. – http://www.rolefoundation.org
R21 Latinoamerica Sustentable – http://www.r21.la
Rad Environmental Activities
RAD Environmental and Climatic Protection Foundation
Radanar Ayar Association for the Rural Development – http://www.radanarayar.org
RadhaKrishna Info Business Services In – http://www.22505.in.all.biz
Radin Institute for Family Health Education and Promotion (RIFHEP) –
Radion International – http://www.radion-international.org
RAHUL GANDHI FOUNDATION – http://www.allindiasoniagandhivicharmanch
Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation – http://www.newsletter.com.bd
Rainbow Youth and Charity Organisation
Rainforest Alliance
Rainforest Foundation – http://www.rainforestfoundationuk.org/
Rainforest Partnership – http://www.rainforestpartnership.org
Raising The Village – http://www.raisingthevillage.org
Rajiv Gandhi Indian Institute of Management – http://www.iimshillong.in
Rajpalkani power solutions pvt ltd – http://www.rajpalkani.com
Rajputana Society of Natural History – http://www.rsnh.org
RajvediI’s School
Raleigh Ghana – http://www.raleighghana.org
Ralph Global Foundation for Development – http://www.rgfd.org.ng
Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini – http://www.rmponweb.org
Ramfah(Rehomfa) – http://www.profiles.tigweb.org/omerfarooq
Ramparva Samajik Shaikshanik Sava Samiti Junna
Ramsar Convention or Convention on Wetlands – http://www.ramsar.org/
Raphael Adewoye Foundation for Sustainable Earth Environmental Development for Women and Youth
Rare – http://www.rare.org
Rare Breeds International
Rashtra Santh Shri Tukdoji Maharaj Krishi Vidnyan Mandal & Seva Bhavi Sanstha – http://www.feel.org.in
Rashtriya Seva Samithi – http://www.rassngo.org
Rassemblement des frères unis pour le développement socio-culturel (RAFUDESC – BENIN) – http://www.RAFUDESCBENIN.ORG
Rastafari Council of Britain – http://www.councilofbritan.org
Rasur Foundation International – http://www.rasurinternational.org
Rato-Ghar Foundation – http://www.ratoghar.org
Ravian Forensic Society – http://www.gcu.edu.pk/R.ForSoci.htm
Raxb’e Desarrollo
Rayaan Foundation – http://www.rayaan.org
RCE Greater Dhaka – http://www.iubat.edu
RDS- Rural Development Society
Reach Out (REO) N.G.O. – http://www.reachoutcameroon.org
Reach The Youth Uganda – http://www.reachtheyouthuganda.org
REAJE- Sagrado Coração de Maria – http://www.rscmb.com.br
Real Medicine Foundation – http://www.realmedicinefoundation.org
Real Ordem de Santa Isabel – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem Militar da Torre e Espada – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem militar de Nossa Senhora da Conceiçao de Vila Viçosa – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem Militar de Sao Bento de Aviz- Fundado em 1162 – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem Militar de Sao Tiago da Espada – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem Militar do Nosso Senhor Jesus Christo – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Reality of Aid Africa Network – http://www.roaafrica.org
realone group
Reasearch and Documentation Center on Human Rights Inc.
Recicleiros Desenvolvimento de Projetos Socioambientais – http://www.recicleiros.com.br
Recreacion Y Desarrollo Sustentable – http://www.tlaltikpaktli.mex.tl
RED 21 (Red Iberoamericana de Expertos en Gestion Local)
Red ACTIVAS – http://www.redactivas.org
Red Activas – TO BE DELETED – http://www.redactivas.org
Red Agricultura Urbana. Chile
Red Argentina de RSE – http://www.rarse.org
Red Colombiana Para la Defenda de los Derechos Humanos, el Medio Ambiente y la Paz
Red de Cooperacion Amazonica
Red de Desarrollo Sostenible de Nicaragua
Red de Educacion Popular Entre Mujeres (REPEM) – http://www.repem.org
Red de Fondo Ambientales de Latinoamércia y el Caribe – http://www.redlac.org
Red de ONGs del Mercosur – http://www.red-mercosur.blogspot.com/
Red de Organizaciones Ambientalistas de Venezuela – http://www.red-ara-venezuela.blogspot.com
Red de Turismo Indígena de México – http://www.rita.com.mx
Red del Pacto Global de Ecuador – http://www.pactoglobal.ec/
Red Detectives sin Fronteras Org. – http://www.detectivessinfronteras.blogspot.com
Red Dominicana de Pacto Global de ONU – http://www.unglobalcompactrd.org
Red een Kind – http://www.redeenkind.nl
Red Iberoamericana de Expertos en Gestion Local – http://www.redexpertoslocales.eu
Red Juvenil Interreligiosa, capítulo Peru – http://www.jovenesporlapaz.org/
Red Madres de Hijos con Discapacidad, personas con discapacidad y profesionales – https://www.facebook.com/redmadresdiscapacidad.mendoza
Red Mexicana de Accion Ecologica A.C.
Red Mexicana de Lideres y Organizaciones Migrantes – http://www.redmexicanamigrante.org
Red Mujeres, Desarrollo, Justicia Y Paz AC – http://www.unimoss.org
Red Nacional de Jóvenes de Ambiente – Colombia – http://www.minambiente.gov.co/
Red Pacto Global Chile
Red Para la Sustentabilidad Social
Red Regional de Organizaciones Civiles para las Migraciones
Redd Forests – http://www.reddforests.com
Rede Brasil AVC – http://www.brazilianstrokenetwork.org.br
Rede Brasileira de Agendas 21 Locais – http://www.rebal21.ning.com
Rede Brasileira de Educação Ambiental – http://www.rebea.org.br
Rede Brasileira de Pesquisas em Nanotecnologia, Sociedade e Meio Ambiente – Renanosoma – http://www.nanotecnologiadoavesso.org
Rede Cidadã – http://www.redecidada.org.br/
Rede da Juventude pelo Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade
Rede de Educação Ambiental do Rio de Janeiro – http://www.rearj.com
Rede de Educadores Ambientais da Baixada de Jacarepaguá – http://www.reabj.blogspot.com/
Rede de Sementes do Cerrado – http://www.rededesementesdocerrado.com.br
Rede do Tratado Internacional de Educacao Ambiental Para Sociedades Sustentaveis e Responsabilidade Global – http://www.tratadodeeducacaoambiental.net
REDE MANDACARU RN – http://www.mandacarurn.blogspot.com/
Rede Nacional de Organizações da Sociedade Civil para as Energias Renováveis – http://www.renove.org.br
Rede Teia de Educacao Ambiental
Redeem Africa Foundation
Redemption Research for Health and Educational Development Society (RRHEDS) – http://www.rrheds.org
Redes de Desenvolvimento da Maré – http://www.redesdamare.org.br
RedMontañas – http://www.redmontanas.org
Redox Carisa Development Initiative
REDUC – Rede Brasileira de Reducao de Danos e Direitos Humanos – http://www.reduc.org.br
Reef Check
Refleksione Association – http://www.stopdhunes.com
Reforestamos México, A.C. – http://www.reforestamosmexico.org
Réformistes & Solidaires – http://www.re-so.net
Refugee Law Project, Faculty of Law, Makerere University, Kampala – Uganda – http://www.refugeelawproject.org
Regenerate india
Regional Centre for Development Cooperation(RCDC) – http://www.rcdcindia.org
Regional Development Agency – South – http://www.rda-south.org
Regional Development Foundation – http://www.regio.bg
Regional Education and Development Centre Primus Fortissimus – http://www.PrimusFortissimus.hr
Regional Environment Organisation – http://www.zeroregional.com
Regional Environmental Center for Central Asia – http://www.carecnet.org
Regional Environmental Centre Moldova – http://www.rec.md
Regional Export Promotion Trust – http://www.repa.co.zw
Regional Institute of Health, Medicine & Research
Regional Organization for Conversation of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden – http://www.persga.org
Regional Public Charitable Organization Drug Abuse Prevention Centre – http://www.eegyn.comhttp://www.funlife.su
Regional Resource Center for Asia and the Pacific – http://www.rrcap.unep.org
Regional Sustainable Energy Center of Excellence – http://www.energy.gov.ng
Regione Abruzzo – http://www.regione.abruzzo.it
Regions of Climate Action – http://www.regions20.org
Rehbar Welfare Organization
REHLAS – http://www.rehlas.org
Reims University Sustainability Science Research Center – http://www.sustainability-studies.org
Reinforcing the Pacific-Europe Network for Science, Technology and Innovation (PACE-Net Plus) – http://www.pacenet.eu/
Rekindle hope in Africa – http://www.rekindlehope.org
Relevant Actions for Community Engagement and Development – http://www.relevantactions.org.ng
Relief Africa Organization – http://www.reliefafrica.org
Relief Lanka Foundation
Relief, Peace and Development Initiative
Religiosas do Sagrado Coração de Maria – http://www.rscmb.com.br
Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary – http://www.rscm-gen.org
Remnants of the Association of Quilombo do Carmo
Renacer Westside Community Network, Inc. – http://www.renacerwestside.com
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership – http://www.reeep.org
Renewable Energy Development Organization (REDO) – http://www.redo-org.org
Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century – http://www.ren21.net
Representative Council of Ghanaian Organisations in the Netherlands – http://www.recogin.org
Reproductive Health and Rights Association – http://www.rhra-ngo.org
Resau Algerien des Jeunes et des Etudians
Rescate 1 de Querétaro I.A.P. – http://www.rescate1.org
Rescue and Hope RAH
Rescue Arms Network-Ranet – http://www.ranet.8m.net
Rescue Committee for the people of Japan Empire – http://www.rcje.org
Rescue Trust
RESDAL Red de Seguridad y Defensa de América Latina Asociación Civil – http://www.resdal.org
Research and Development Centre, Nepal – http://www.rdcnepal.org.np
Research and Development Foundation – http://www.rdfoundation.org.pk
Research Center of Imam Mahdi – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Research Center of Sustainable Development of Shandong Province
Research For Rural Movement – India – http://www.reformindia.org.in
Research Group on Sami and Indigenous Peoples’ Law
Researchers of International Agreements
Reseau 2 Congo Genre et Developpement – http://www.r2congo.unblog.fr
Réseau Africain Pour le Droit à l’Alimentation (RAPDA) – http://www.rapda.org
Réseau amazigh pour la cityanneté – http://www.reseauamazigh.org
réseau camerounais des organisations des droits de l’homme – http://www.recodh.org
Réseau Centrafricain au Leadership des Jeunes Femmes en Afrique Francophone/ Partenariat des OSC pour l’Efficacité de Développement
Réseau d’Action sur les Armes Légères au Togo – http://www.rasalt.org/http://www.waansa.org
Réseau d’Actions du Genre et de Développement Social – http://www.ragds.org
Réseau d’Actions Paisibles des Anciens Combattants pour le Développement Intégré de tous au Burundi – http://www.grip.org/rafalroot/siteweb/dev.asp?N=simple&O=453
Réseau de la Jeunesse Nigérienne sur les Changements Climatiques – http://www.ayicc.net
Réseau de Promotion de la Démocratie et des Droits Economiques et Sociaux
Réseau des Femmes Actrices de Développement
Réseau des Femmes Africaines Ministres et Parlementaire Niger
Reseau des Femmes Conseilleres Municipales du Mali
Réseau des Femmes pour le Développement Durable en Afrique – http://www.refdaf.org
Réseau des Jeunes pour les OMDs
Réseau des Organisations des Jeunes Leaders Africains des Nations Unies pour l’atteinte des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le Développement section Burkina Faso – http://www.rojalnu.org
Réseau des Organisations du Secteur Educatif du Niger (ROSEN) – http://www.rosen.niger.ifrance.com
Reseau des Organisations Feminines de Developpement Duraable
Reseau des Organisations Nationales de Lutte Contre le SIDA – http://www.yahoo.com
Réseau des Organismes de Bassins de la République Democratique du Congo ROBRDC
Réseau des plates-formes d’ONG d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre (REPAOC) – http://www.repaoc.org
Réseau Environnement Santé – http://www.reseau-environnement-sante.fr/
Réseau Environnement Sante Communautaire D’afrique
Réseau Féministe Ruptures – http://www.reseau-feministe-ruptures.org
Reseau Femmes Africaines pour le Developpement Durable, Antenne de la Republique Democratique du Congo
Réseau Français des Étudiants pour le Développement Durable – http://www.refedd.org/
Réseau Guinéen pour le Développement de L’Agriculture et de l’Elevage
Reseau International des Organismes de Bassin – http://www.inbo-news.org/
Réseau International pour l’Elimination Progressive de la Pauvreté
Reseau Ivoirien du Tourisme et de L’agro Ecotourisme
Réseau Marocain Transnational Migration & Développement – https://www.facebook.com/rmtmd.migrationdeveloppement
Réseau National de la Jeunesse de Côte d’Ivoire (RNJ-CI)
Réseau National de la Jeunesse de Côte d’Ivoire en Population et Developpement
Réseau national des ONGs des droits de l’homme – http://www.renadhoc.org
Réseau Océan Mondial – http://www.worldoceannetwork.org
Réseau Okoumé
Reseau pour la Sauvegarde de L’environnement
Reseau pour l’Environnement et le Développement Durable en Afrique – Network for Environment and Sustainable Development in Africa – http://www.redda-nesda.org
RESEAU RESSOURCES NATURELLES – http://www.rrnrdc.org
Réseau Santé Développement et Education
Réseau Sortir du Nucléaire
Réserve Mondiale de la Biosphère Manicouagan-Uapishka – http://www.rmbmu.com
Residential adivasi Upper Primary School – http://www.yes-tribal.org
RESO-Femmes – http://www.reso-femmes.org
Resource Development Centre – http://www.rdcindia.org
Resources for Development Center
Respect Network Europe – http://www.respectnetworkeu.org
Responding To Climate Change Limited – http://www.rtcc.org
Response – http://www.response.org.nz
Responsible Business Initiative – http://www.RBIpk.org
Responsible Business Institute – http://www.iob.org.pl
Responsible Ecosystems Sourcing Platform
Responsible Energy Development Advocates
Responsible Travel World
Restauracion de Ecosistemas A. C.
Restless Development – http://www.restlessdevelopment.org
Restoration World Outreach Ministries
Restored – http://www.restoredrelationships.org
Restroom Association of Singapore – http://www.toilet.org.sg
Results Educational Fund, Inc. – http://www.results.org
Rete NoElettrosmog Italia – http://www.retenoelettrosmogitalia.it
Reteaua Europeana Pentru Promovarea Unei Economii Responsabile, Secolul XXI – http://www.societal.ro
Revista Ecoturismo – http://www.revistaecoturismo.com.br
Revolutionary Accelerated Collaboration Environment – http://www.collaborace.org
Ricapec International – http://www.ricapec.com
Ricerca e Cooperazione Lebanon – http://www.ongrc.org
Riders for Health – http://www.riders.org
RIELA – Red Interamericana de Especialistas en Legislacion Ambiental
Right for Women’s Network
Right To Ride – http://www.righttoride.co.uk
Rights Foundation – http://www.rightsfoundation.in
Rights Monitoring Group – http://www.rmg.com.ng
Rina S.P.A.
Rio Sustentável – http://www.riosustentavel.org
Rio+20 and Biodiversity Japan – http://www.rio20biodiversity.jimdo.com/
Rio+twenties – http://www.rioplustwenties.org
Rio20 Academics
Rio20 Business
Rio20 Farmers
Rio20 Local Authorities
Rio20 Unions
RISI World Foundations – http://www.risifoundations.org
Rising Stars Social Welfare Society – http://www.risingstars.co.in
Risk Global – http://www.riskglobal.org
Risk Reduction Foundation
RITS – Rede de informações para o terceiro setor
Rivers State Economic Advisory Council – http://www.rseac.gov.ng
Rivers State Ministry of Environment – http://www.dexcomsolutions.com
Rizwan Child And Women Development Organisation – http://www.rcwdo.org
Road Safety Awareness and Education Initiative – http://www.roadsafetyawarenessinitiative.blogspot.com
ROCK International – http://www.rockintl.org
Rogers Network for Youths Development
Roma Center for Health Policies – http://www.sastipen.ro
Romans International University and Seminary Inc.
Roots for Equity
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung – Gesellschaftsanalyse und Politische Bildung e.V. – http://www.rosalux.de/
Rotary Club São Paulo Ponte Estaiada
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil – http://www.rspo.org
Royal Aid Giving – http://www.royalaid.webs.com
Royal Chivalric Order of Baloi
Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health – http://www.rcpch.ac.uk
Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind
Royal Heritage Health Foundation – http://www.rhhfoundation.com
Royal House of Portugal – Constitucional Line – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Royal House of Rajasethuramavarma – http://www.in.linkedin.com/pub/royal-house-of-rajasethuramavarma/4a/9ab/921
Royal Initiative To Combat AIDS and Hunger
Royal Principality of Baloi, Mindanao
Royal Society for Protection of Nature – http://www.rspnbhutan.org
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds – http://www.rspb.org.uk
Royal Society of International Consultants
Rozaria Memorial Trust – http://www.rozariamemorialtrust.org
RRN (Réseau Ressources Naturelles)
RU Green – http://www.ru.ac.za/rugreen
RUAF Foundation – http://www.ruaf.org
Ruhel Chisty FRACI CChem A, MRSC CChem – http://www.academicjournals.org/journal/IJPDS/editors
Ruliv – http://www.ruliv.org.za
Rumah Zakat – http://www.rumahzakat.org
Rural Advancement Foundation International – http://www.rafiusa.org
Rural Agency for Social and Technological Development – http://www.rastaindia.org
Rural Community Development Centre
Rural Community Development Organization U/C Topi
Rural Community Development Program
Rural Community Development Society – http://www.rcdspk.org
Rural Community Relief Organization
Rural Development Association
Rural Development Centre
Rural Development Centre (RUDEC) – http://www.rudec.org
Rural Development Institute – http://www.landesa.org
Rural Development Media and Communication – http://www.rudmec.org
Rural Development Network Foundation
Rural Development Organization – http://www.rdokp.org.pk
Rural Development Programme – RDP
Rural Development Through Action
Rural Education and Development Global – http://www.readglobal.org
Rural Health Care Foundation – http://www.ruralhealthcarefoundation.com
Rural ICT Development Forum – http://www.ridfuganda.org
Rural Infrastructure Development Association
Rural Initiatives for Self Empowerment-Ghana – http://www.riseghana.org
Rural Initiatives in Sustainability and Empowerment – http://www.risepk.webs.com
Rural Integrated Development Organization – http://www.ridocrc.org.in
Rural Integrated Relief Service-Ghana – http://www.rirsgh.webs.com
Rural Investment Support Center NGO – http://www.risc.org.mn
Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra – http://www.rlek.org
RURAL MISSIONARIES OF THE PHILIPPINES-Northern Mindanao Sub-Region – http://www.rmp-nmr.org
Rural Organization for Betterment of Agropastoralist – http://www.robaethiopia.org
Rural Organization For Social Elevation And Education Rose
Rural Peoples Sangham – http://www.rpsngo.org
Rural Reconstruction Nepal – http://www.rrn.org.np
Rural Resource Development Centre [RRDC NGO] – http://www.karmayog.org/ngo/rrdcngo/
Rural Uplift Centre – http://www.ruralupliftcentre.org
Rural Voluntary Organization
Rural Women Advancement Center – http://www.ruralwomenadvancement.webs.com
Rural Women Center for Education and Development – https://www.facebook.com/RuWCED
Rural Women Development Center – http://www.ruwdec.org
Rural_Urban WOmen And Children Development Agency (RUWACDA) – http://www.ruwacda.blogspot.com
RURal-Urban Women And Children Development Agency – http://www.ruwacda.blogspot.com
RUROWA LAUE TATHANG – http://www.rltorg.webs.com&http://www.rltbd.org
Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
Russian Diabetes Federation – http://www.rda.org.ru
Rwanda beekeeper cooperative
Rwanda Beekeper Cooperative
Rwanda Environmental Conservation Organisation – http://www.rwandaenvironment.org
Rwanda Organization for Agribusiness Promotion
Rwanda-East Blue Cross
Ryerson University
S L V Goshala Trust & Research Centre – http://www.slvgoshalatrust.org
S. M. Sehgal Foundation (India) – http://www.smsfoundation.org
S.A.V.E Foundation – http://www.horn-horn.de
S.O.S – Crianca e Desenvolvimento Integral de Angola
S.O.S. Natureza do Brasil – http://www.sosnatureza.org.br
S.P. Jain Institute of Management & Research – http://www.spjimr.org
S.R. Institute of Development – http://www.sridkashmir.org
Saami Council – http://www.saamicouncil.net
Saaransh Sansthan – http://www.velmoc.com/ngo/saaransh
SAATHI – http://www.saathi.org.np
Sabawoon for Peace & Sustainable Development – http://www.spsd.org.pk
Sabiedriskas Izmeklešanas Birojs – http://www.sib.org.lv
SABMiller plc – http://www.sabmiller.com
Sacred Earth Trust – http://www.sacredearthtrust.org
Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio – http://www.ordinecostantiniano.it
Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan – http://www.vihangamyoga.org
Safcei – http://www.safcei.org
Safe Organization – http://www.safe-organization.co.cc
Safe Society
Safe the Community Common Initiative Group
Safe Water Network – http://www.safewaternetwork.org
Safehaven Fields Consultancy Services
Safehaven International
SafeMinds – http://www.safeminds.org
SaferRwanda – http://www.saferrwanda.org
Safety Foundation for Development – http://www.safety-foundation.org
Sahabat Alam Malaysia – http://www.surforever.com/sam/
SAHAJ – An Organization For Women’s Development – http://www.sahajindia.org
Sahaj Sansthan
Sahana Benevolent Voluntary Youth Organization
Sahara Nepal – http://www.supportnepal.org
Sahara Tarakiati Tanzeem for Women
Saharo Welfare Organization – http://www.saharo-pk.com
Sahel National Organization for Development and Awarness of Youth A
Sahkar Social Welfare Association – http://www.sahkar.orghttp://www.sahkar.webs.com
Sai Educational Rural & Urban Development Society – http://www.serudsindia.org
Saiber Foundation
Saint Boniface Haiti Foundation – http://www.haitihealth.org
Saint Judes Army Organization – http://www.saintjudesarmy.com
Sairam Population Research Trust – http://www.sprtindia.org
Sajjan Helps Organization
Sakimay First Nations
SALAM Center
sallam centre for the protection and integration of people with special needs, the elderly and abandoned children
Sam Kader Memorial Fund – http://www.samkadermemorialfoundation.com
SAMADANA/M (Centre for Promoting Non Violence, Non Violent Conflict Resolution and Confict Handling) – http://www.samadana.org
Samadeepa Samaja Kendraya – Inc. – http://www.samadeepa.lk
Samagra Anusuchit Jaati Anusuchit Janjaati Mahasangh
Samanvay Resource Center – http://www.samanvayrc.org
Samaritans Welfare & Development Organization – http://www.samaritans-ngo.org
Samarpan Care Awareness and Rehabilitation Centre – http://www.samarpanindia.org
Samarpan Charitable Trust – http://www.zerobeggarzone.com
Samarpan Samajik Vikas Parishad
Samarpita Samaj Sewa Society
Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled – http://www.samarthanam.org
Samata – http://www.samataindia.org
Sambhali Trust – http://www.sambhali-trust.org
Samdong International – http://www.sdi.or.kr/eng/
Sameera Samvedana Samiti – http://www.sameera.co.in
Samoa Cancer Society Inc. – http://www.samoacancer.com
Samopomich (Self-Help) – http://www.samopomich.org
Samruddh Bharat P Ratishthan
Sam’s Children of Hope Foundation – http://www.samschildren.org
Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Inc. – http://www.sdpconference.info
SAMVAAD – http://www.samvaadindia.org
SAN PABLO MISSION, INC – http://www.sanpablomission.com
Sanayee Development Organization (SDO) – http://www.sanayee.org.af
Sanctus Initiative For Human Development And Values Sustainability – http://www.stillinprogress.
Sandhan Foundation – http://www.sandhanfoundation.info
sanghar trust
Sanj Welfare Society
Sanjeevani Education and Welfare Foundation
Sankalp – http://www.sankalp.org
Sankalp Jyoti
Sankalpa Trust – http://www.sankalpacmfs.org/src/
Sano Sansar Initiative – http://www.sanosansar.org
sanofi aventis – http://www.en.sanofi-aventis.com/
Santa Catarina Association of Pig Farmers – http://www.accs.org.br
Santhigiri Ashram – http://www.santhigiriashram.org/
Santos Development Organisation
São Luís em seus 4 Séculos – http://www.projetouema-rio.webnode.com
Sao Sary Foundation – http://www.ssfcambodia.org
Sapienza, University of Rome, Department of Architecture Territory Environment – http://www.w3.uniroma1.it/data/index.php
Saptakoshi Sahara Kendra
Sapttaporni Mahavihara
Saritsa Foundation (Security Awareness and Readiness by Information, Training and Social Awakening) – http://www.saritsafoundation.in
Sarvodaya – http://www.sarvodaya.org
Sasse Old Boys Association Ireland
Satyanweshan (Search for Truth)- Center for Research and Aesthetic Practices – http://www.juniv.edu/govpoli/
Sau Gunabai Ukey Charitable Trust – http://www.sgucharitabletrust.org
Saude da Mulher Amamentando de Paraty
Sauvons L’environnement
Sauvons Notre Planète
Save Africa Concerts Foundation – http://www.sacaids.org
Save Africa Foundation – http://www.saveafricafoundation.org
Save America’s Forests – http://www.SaveAmericasForests.org
Save Bombay Committee – http://www.savebombaycommittee.org
Save Earth Foundation Trust
Save Human Foundation – http://www.savehumanfoundation.webs.com
Save Lamu
Save Matabeleland Coalition – http://www.savematabelelandcoalition.org
Save Nilgiris Campaign
Save Orphans and Disbaled African Children – http://www.saveorphans.tk
Save our Nature Foundation – http://www.saveournature.net
Save The African Child Initiative – http://www.stacinitiative.org
Save the Children Alliance Orphanage
Save the Children Japan
Save the Climat – http://www.facebook.com/sos.climat
Save the Climate Now
Save the Earth Cambodia – http://www.savetheearthcambodia.org
Save The Education and Health of The Child Foundation
Save the Environment Ethiopia
Save the Environment Organisation
Save The Family
Save The Global Masses Organisation – SAGLOMAS
Save the People
Save The Youths Action Group – http://www.syag.gm
Save Visions Africa
Save Western Niger (Civil War)
SAVERA SWAYAMSEVI SANGATHAN – http://www.saverass.co.in
Saving Lives Nigeria
Savoirs pour Reussir – http://www.spr13.info
Savory Institute – http://www.savoryinstitute.com
Saw aid Health Organization – http://www.sawaid.org
Sayna International Co.
Sazman Mardom Nahad – http://www.mardomnahad.org
SC Operation Military Kids – http://www.scomk.org
Scalabrini International Migration Network, Inc. – http://www.scalabrinimigration.org
Scandinavian Institute for Human Rights (SIHR) Norway, The – http://www.sihr.no
scandozinternational – http://scandozinternational.webs.com
Scholars at Risk Network – http://www.scholarsatrisk.nyu.edu/
School of Environment, Enterprise and Development, University of Waterloo – http://www.environment.uwaterloo.ca/seed/
School of Leadership – http://www.sol.edu.pk
School Sisters of Notre Dame – http://www.gerhardinger.org
Science and Technology Park of Cyrus – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Science and Technology Park of United Nations – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Science for Ecological Health and Livelihoods Network – http://www.shalinry.org
Science House Foundation – http://www.sciencehouse.org
Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Research Organization – http://www.stipro.or.tz
Scientific Association of Youth Political Scientists – http://www.eonepe.org
Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics – http://www.yorku.ca/scostep
Scienza per l’Amore
Scienza+20 – http://www.scienzainrete.it/topic/969
Scouts du Niger – http://www.scout-niger.org
Sean Devereux Human Right Organization – http://www.sedhuro.org
Seas at Risk
SeaTrust Institute – http://www.seatrustinstitute.org
Sebrae Nacional
Secretaria da Agricultura e Abastecimento do Estado de São Paulo – http://www.agricultura.sp.gov.br
Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León – http://www.uanl.mx/universidad/organigrama/sedesu.html
Secretaria de Energia – http://www.energia.sp.gov.br/
Secretaria de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Hidricos do Estado do Piauí – http://www.semar.pi.gov.br
Secretaria de Saneamento e Recursos Hidricos – http://www.saneamento.sp.gov.br/
Secretaria do Meio Ambiente do Estado de São Paulo – http://www.ambiente.sp.gov.br
Secretaria do Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Estado do Tocantins – http://www.semades.to.gov.br
Secretaria Estadual de Meio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais do Maranhão – SEMA – http://www.sema.ma.gov.br
Secretaria Municipal de Meio Ambiente – http://www.saovicente.sp.gov.br
Secretariat International de l Eau SIE/ International Secretariat for Water – http://www.i-s-w.org/
Secretariat international permanent Droits de l’Homme et gouvernements locaux – http://www.spidh.org
Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean – http://www.ufmsecretariat.org
Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium
SEE Foundation – http://www.see.org.cn
SEED Initiative – http://www.seedinit.org
Seed of Hope for African Development Initiative – http://www.sohadiafrica.org
Seeking Modern Applications For Real Transformation – http://www.smartngo.com
Seemorgh System – http://www.seemsys.com
Segregation, Conversion and Recycling Awareness Project – http://www.scrap.org.in
Sekretariat Kerjasama Pelestarian Hutan Indonesia (SKEPHI)
Self Employed Women’s Association Lucknow – http://www.sewalucknow.org
Self for Self Help Empowerment foundation
Self Help Africa – http://www.selfhelpafrica.org/selfhelp/Main/selfhelpafrica-org_Home.htm
Self-Help Association for Rural people through Education and Entrepreneurship (SHAREE) – http://www.sharee.org.bd
Self-Help Development Facilitators
Sem Fronteiras – http://www.elghana.com
Sendero de Vida NAMAC.A.C.
Senos Ayuda – http://www.senosayuda.org.ve
Sense International (India) – http://www.senseintindia.org
Sensitization Centre
Serat Misagh – http://www.smisagh.com
Serendipity Healthcare Foundation
Serene Secular Social Service Society – http://www.sssssdindigul.org
Servas Congo Brazzaville
Serve the Future – http://www.servethefuture.org
Serve Train Educate People’s Society – http://www.steps.org.in
Service d’appui aux initiatives locales développement (S.A.I.L.D.) – http://www.saild.org
Service for Peace Ghana
Servicio Paz y Justicia del Ecuador – http://www.serpaj.org.ec
Servicios Ecuménicos para Reconciliación y Reconstrucción – http://www.serrnetwork.org
Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas – http://www.sebrae.com.br
Servico Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial – Senac Minas – http://www.mg.senac.br
Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial – http://www.senai.br
Serviço Social da Indústria de Santa Catarina – http://www.sesisc.org.br
SERVITAS Cameroon – http://www.servitas.org
Sewa Development Trust Sindh – http://www.sewatrust.org
Sex og politikk – http://www.sexogpolitikk.no
Sexual Health & Family Planning Australia – http://www.shfpa.org.au
Shack/Slum Dwellers International – http://www.sdinet.org
SHADOWS – http://www.shadows-ngo.org
Shafquat Educational Society – http://www.shafquat.yolasite.com
Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Welfare Society
Shah Faisal Social Welfare Orgnization
Shaheed Abdul Hameed Education Society – http://www.sahes.org
Shahina Aftab Foundation – http://www.safglobal.org
shahzad khan special educational society – http://www.shahzadkhansociety.org
Shakkhor Environment and Education Development Society – http://www.shakkhor.org
Shakti Community Council Inc. – http://www.shakti.org.nz
Shalupe Foundation – http://www.shalupe.org
Shambavi Shahana Organization (Pvt.) Ltd. – http://www.ssolk.org
Shambhavi Social and Educational Organization – http://www.shambhavisocialservices.com
Shandong University at Weihai – http://www.wh.sdu.edu.cn
Shangri-la Institute for Sustainable Communities – http://www.shangrilainstitute.org
Shank Li International Foundation
Shanshui Conservation Center – http://www.shanshui.org
Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre – http://www.smrcorissa.org
Shantinibas Agrani Kalyan Samiti (SAKS) – http://www.saksbd.livecity.com
Shantir Alo Unnyan Sangastha
Shaping Destiny – http://www.shapingdestiny.org
SHARE – Society to Heal Aid Restore Educate – http://www.swadesfoundation.org
Sharif University of Technology – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Sharing Awareness – http://www.sharingawareness.org
sharv welfare society
Shatadal Kalyan Samity – http://www.skscht.org
SHATHASHRUNGA VIDYA SAMSTHE – http://www.saissvs.org
Shechashebi Artho-Samajik Unnayan-O-Manabik Kallan Sangstha – http://www.desha.org.bd
Sheikh Dr. Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu Education Trust Fund – http://www.sonsetfund.org
Sheikh Thani Bin Abdullah For Humanitarian Services – http://www.raf-thani.com
Sheikh Zayed Organization to take care of kindergartens
Shelter and Settlements Alternatives: Uganda Human Settlements Network
Shelter Centre – http://www.sheltercentre.org/
Shelter for the Poor – http://www.shelterforthepoor.org
shelter watch initiative – http://www.shelterwatchng.org
Shepherd – Social Welfare Organization
Sher Afzal Khan Welfare Foundation – http://www.sawf.pk
Sheridan Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning – http://www.sheridancollege.ca/
Shiksha Nepal – http://www.shikshanepal.com
Shiksha O Seva – http://www.shikshaoseva.org
Shining Stone Community Action – http://www.ssca.org.cn
Shining Sun
Shinji Shumeikai – http://www.shumei-international.org
Shirak Competitiveness Center
Shirika la Maendeleo, Mawasiliano na Kuondoa Umaskini Tanzania – http://www.envaya.org/shimmakuta
Shirley Ann Sullivan Educational Foundation – http://www.sasef.org
Shishu Koruna Sangha (SKS) – http://www.skskolkata.org
Shiv Pujan Shukla Smarak Samiti – http://www.spsssamiti.org
Shivi Development Society – http://www.shividevelopmentsociety.org
Shoqeria Shqiptare per te Gjitrha Moshat
Shouts of Joy Ministries Inc – http://www.shoutsofjoyministries.com
Shree Devi Ahilya Yuva Vikas Parishad – http://www.sdayvp.blogspot.in
Shree Education Society
Shree Swaminarayan Gadi Sansthan – http://www.swaminarayangadi.com/index.php
Shreeshvasudh Vikas Avam Kalyan Sansthan – http://www.shreeshvasudh.webs.com
Shrimati Pushpa Wati Loomba Memorial Foundation, The – http://www.theloombatrust.org
Shriyash Bahhuuddeshiya Sevabhavi Sastha Dhalgaon
Shrushti Seva Samiti
Shushilan – http://www.shushilan.org
Sibuyan Island Sentinels League for Environment Inc. – http://www.sibuyan.com
Sickle Cell Foundation Nigeria – http://www.sicklecellfoundation.com
Sicurezza e Cooperazione Diplomatica Internazionale – http://www.interdipco.it
Sierra Club – http://www.sierraclub.org/
Sierra eRiders – SL – http://www.sierraeriders.org
Sigma Theta Tau, National Honorary Society of Nursing, Inc. – http://www.nursingsociety.org
Sign of Hope Inc – http://www.signofhopeinc.org
Siharam Educational Charitable Trust – http://www.siharam.org
SIilverline Development Initiatives
Sikh Human Rights Group – http://www.shrg.net/
Sillamäe Lastekaitse Ühing – http://www.sscw.ee
Silviculture Magazine – http://www.silviculturemagazine.com
Sima Community based Organization – http://www.simacobaorg.ning.com
Simli AiD – http://www.simliaid.org
Simply Help, Inc. – http://www.simplyhelp.org
Simuka Africa Youth Association
Sindacato Famiglie Italiane Diverse Abilita – http://www.sindacatosfida.org
Sindh Awareness Organization for Literacy and Health
Sindh Community Foundation – http://www.scfngo.org
Sindh Desert Development Organization – http://www.sddo.org
Sindh Radiant Organization – http://www.sindhradiant.org
Sindh Rural Support Program – http://www.sindhrsp.org
Sindh Social Welfare Organization – http://www.sswo.page4.me
Sindhi Adhikar Manch Association
Sindicato da Indústria do Açúcar e do Álcool no Estado de Pernambuco – http://www.sindacucar.com.br
Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Água, Esgoto e Meio Ambiente no Estado da Bahia – http://www.sindae-ba.org.br
Sindicato dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias Metalúrgicas, Mecânicas e de Material Elétrico de Alumínio e Mairinque
Sindicato dos Trabalhadores nas Industrias Metalurgicas, Mecânicas e de material Elétrico de Alumínio e Mairinque-Força Sindical
Sindicato Nacional da Indústria do Cimento – http://www.snic.org.br
SIN-DO – http://www.ongsindo.africa-web.org
Singapore Institute of International Affairs – http://www.siiaonline.org
Single Mothers and Support Agency – http://www.smocsa.org
Sinixt Nation – http://www.sinixtnation.org
Sir William Beveridge Foundation – http://www.beveridgefoundation.org
Sirwota Despair Initiative – http://www.sirwotadespairinitiative.org
Sirwota Despire Initiative – http://www.sirwotadespairinitiative.org
Sishu Kalyan Swadhikar Kendra
Sistema de Informações Ambienatis para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável – http://www.fsp.usp.br/siades/site/
Sistema Fecomércio-RS/SESC/Senac
Sister Namibia
Sister Service Society, Nepal
Sisterhood Agenda – http://www.sisterhoodagenda.com
Sisterhood Is Global Institute – http://www.sigi.org
Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights – http://www.saf-yemen.org
Sisters of Charity Federation – http://www.sisters-of-charity-federation.org
Sisters of Mercy of the Americas – http://www.mercyworld.org
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur – http://www.sndden.org/
Sitawi – http://www.sitawi.net
Site for Community Services Project – http://www.scosp.org
Skaru?re?·? Kate?hnu·?aka Tuscarora Nation of Indians
SKG Sangha – http://www.skgsangha.org
Skillshare International (India) Trust – http://www.skillshare.org
Skyian Welfare Organization – http://www.skyian.org
Skyshine Empowerment and Leadership Foundation – http://www.selfnigeria.org
Slovak Governance Institute – http://www.governance.sk
Slow Food – http://www.slowfood.com
Slums actions in Delhi
Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneurship Fundamentals Foundation – http://www.goSolarAfrica.org
Small Arms Survey, Graduate Institute – http://www.smallarmssurvey.org
Small States Network for Economic Development – http://www.ssned.org
Smart Info-Tech Foundation – http://www.smartinfotechfoundation.blogspot.in
Smartsolutions Consultants Nigeria
Smile Foundation – http://www.smilefoundationindia.org
Smile of a Child – http://www.soac.org
Smiles Across Nations
Smiles Africa International
SmokeFree Foundation – http://www.smoke-freefoundation.org
Snow Leopard Foundation Pakistan – http://www.slf.org.pk
SNV Netherlands Development Organisation – http://www.snvworld.org
Soami santdas Ji Maharaj Ashram – http://www.gurumat.com
Social & Healthy Action for Rural Empowerment – http://www.shareorg.com;http://www.sharejharkhand.weebly.com
Social Action and Rehabilitation Centre
Social Action and Response
Social Action Bureau for Assistance in Welfare and Organizational Networking – http://www.sabawon.org
Social Benefits for Mass Trust – http://www.sbmtrustngoindia.org
Social Care Volunteer Group (SCVG) – http://www.socialcarevg.webs.com
Social Change through Education in the Middle East – http://www.sce-me.org
Social Development & Management Society
Social Development Center – http://www.sdc.org.qa
Social Development Cooperative
Social Development International (SDI) – http://www.sodeit.org
Social Development Network
Social Development Programme (SODEP) – http://www.sodepbd.org
Social Economic and Governance Promotion Centre – http://www.segpcentre.org
Social Economic Development Society
Social Education awareness and Development organization – http://www.seadpk.org
Social Empowerment & Voluntary Association
Social Entrepreneurs Agency – http://www.seagency.org
Social Evolution Organization – http://www.seo.org.pk
Social Movement for Integrated Development
Social Policy Connections – http://www.socialpolicyconnections.org.au
Social Relief International, Inc. – http://www.socialrelief.org
Social Responsibility Asia – http://www.sr-asia.org
Social Technologies Agency
Social Transformation Empowerment and Programs Centre
Social Watch & Welfare Development (SWWD)
Social Welfare Society Lakhanwal Khurd, Gujrat
Social Work Organisation
Social Youth Coordination Association – http://www.sycu.org
Social, Technological and Environmental Pathways to Sustainability Centre – http://www.steps-centre.org
Socialdemokraterna – http://www.socialdemokraterna.se
Social-Life and Agricultural Development Organisation – http://www.SADOSOMALIA.ORG
Sociedad Amigos del Viento Meteorología Ambiente Desarrollo – http://www.amigosdelviento.webs.com
Sociedad Antioqueña de Ingenieros y Arquitectos – http://www.sai.org.co
Sociedad Colombiana de Ingenieros – http://www.sci.org
Sociedad de Amigos en defensa de la gran sabana AMIGRANSA – http://www.amigransa.blogia.com/
Sociedad de Medicina Interna del Uruguay – http://www.medicinainterna.org.uy
Sociedad Mexicana de Criminología Capítulo Nuevo León A.C. – http://www.somecrimnl.es.tl
Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise Contemporânea – http://www.sobrapsico.org.br
Sociedade Brasileira de Recuperação de Áreas Degradadas – http://www.sobrade.com.br
Sociedade de Bioetica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Sociedade de Pesquisa em Vida Selvagem e Educacao Ambiental – http://www.spvs.org.br
Sociedade Global – http://www.jovensprofissionais.wordpress.com
Sociedade Nacional de Agricultura – http://www.sna.agr.br/
Sociedade Sinha Laurinha – http://www.sinhalaurinha.org
Sociedade Vegetariana Brasileira – http://www.svb.org.br
Societ of Critical Care Medicine – http://www.sccm.org
Società Geografica Italiana – http://www.societageografica.it
Societal Environmental and Economic Development Trust – http://www.seedtrustzimbabwe.wordpress.com
Societe d’Action pour le Développement Social et Communautaire en Afrique
Société d’Appui à la Mise en Oeuvre du Droit International
Société des Agriculteurs de France – http://www.agriculteursdefrance.com
Society for Adolescents & Youth Int’l
Society for Advancement of Health, Education & Research – http://www.saherpk.org
Society for Africa on Law & Development – http://www.societyforafrica.org
Society for Ailing Mankind And Justice – http://www.eduaid.ning.com/
SOCIETY FOR ALL ROUND DEVELOPMENT (SARD) – http://www.sardindia.org
Society for Application Research and Consultancy
Society for Appraisal & Women Empowerment In Rural Areas – http://www.sawera.pk
Society for Care and Orientation of Population, Education and Environment (SCOPEE)
Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support – http://www.scwvs.org
Society for Citizen’s Developmet
Society for Comparative Legislation – http://www.legiscompare.com
Society for Conservation and Protection of Environment (SCOPE)
Society for Development and Community Empowerment – http://www.sdc-m.interconnection.org
Society for Development and Sustainability in Africa – http://www.sodsa.org
Society for Empowering Human Resource – http://www.seher.org.pk
Society for Environemntal Protection & Human Rights
Society for Environment & Development – http://www.sed.org.in
Society for Establish and Implement of Human Rights – http://www.seihr.com
Society for Health Education – http://www.she.org.mv
Society for Human advancement and Disadvantaged Empowerment (SHADE) – http://www.shade.org.pk
Society for Human Advancement for Outreach Resources – http://www.shaorpakistan.or
Society For Human Rights & Environment Protection.Regd – http://www.shepngo.jimdo.com
Society for Human Rights and Prisoners Aid – http://www.sharp-pakistan.org
Society for Indigenous Women Progress – http://www.siwp.org
Society for Integrated Rural & Urban Development
Society for International Development – http://www.sidint.net
SOCIETY FOR LIFE AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE – http://www.forceforachange.ning.com
Society for Networking, Empowerment & Holistic Action – http://www.sneha.ind.in
Society for Partners in Development, The – SPD – http://www.spd.org.np
Society for Peace building Research and Integration of Normative Gender – http://www.spring.btck.co.uk
Society for Peace Studies and Practice – http://www.spsp.org
Society for Promotion of Education and Development – http://www.spedng.org
Society for Promotion of Environmental Awareness in Kashmir
Society for Propagation of the Holy Quraan and Hadith – http://www.quraan-hadith.in
Society For Protection Of Working and Street Children – http://www.str-children.ir
Society for Reaching the Unreached – http://www.sru.net.in
Society for Rural upliftment & Socio Technological Initiative – http://www.ssrusti.org
Society for Social Services Madhya Bharat Chapter – http://www.sossmbc.com
Society for Sustainable Development Islamabad – http://www.ssd.com.pk
Society for the Advancement of Education through Visionary Academicians and Researchers for Peaceful Globe – http://www.savap.org.pk
Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues – http://www.spssi.org/
Society for the Widows and Orphans – http://www.sowiphans.wordpress.com
Society for Threatened Peoples – http://www.gfbv.de
Society for Upliftment of Masses, The
Society for Urban and Rural Empowerment
Society for Wildlife and Nature International – http://www.swan.org.tw/eng/index.htm
Society for Women Development and Empowerment of Nigeria – http://www.swodennigeria.org
Society for Women Empowerment and Rural Advancement
Society in Action Group
Society Integration Development Organization – http://www.sido-cvl.org
Society of American Foresters – http://www.safnet.org
Society of Catholic Medical Missionaries – http://www.medicalmissionsisters.org
Society of Collective Interests Orientation – http://www.oocities.com/SocioPak
Society of International Humanitarian Surgeons – http://www.humanitariansurgery.org
Society of Public Health Engineers, Nepal – http://www.sophen.org.np
Society of Tourism and Environment Journalist Nepal – http://www.stej.org
Society of Tribal Women for Development – http://www.stwfd.org
Society on Action Village Education Guiding Environment
Society Studies Centre (MADA ssc) – http://www.societystudies.org
Socio Economic Unit Foundation – http://www.seuf.org.in
Socio-eCO2NOmix-Global – http://www.socioeconomix.org/
Sociological Resource Centre – http://www.ukosrc.org
Sociology Community Forum – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Department-of-Sociology-International-Isla…
Soil Science Society of America – http://www.soils.org
Soka Gakkai International – http://www.sgi.org
SOL – Menschen für Solidarität, Ökologie und Lebensstil – http://www.nachhaltig.at
Solar Cookers International – http://www.solarcookers.org
Solar Euromed – http://www.solareuromed.com
Solidar – http://www.solidar.org
Solidaridad North America – http://www.solidaridadnetwork.org/
Solidaridad Suecia-América Latina – http://www.latinamerikagrupperna.se
Solidarité Active
Solidarité Agissante pour le Devéloppement Familial (SADF) – http://www.sadfong.123siteweb.fr
Solidarite Canada Sahel – http://www.iepf.org/docs_prog03/pol_envir03/0103_Synerg_marr/Bibliograph…
Solidarité Chrétienne pour le Développement Intégré
Solidarité Communautaire pour le Développement Intégrale et la Conservation de la Nature – http://www.socodicon.org
Solidarite pour le Developpement International – http://www.solideve.ca
Solidarité pour un Monde Meilleur
Solidarité Suisse-Guinée – http://www.solidaritesuisseguinee.org
Solidarity Farmers Association – https://sites.google.com/site/solidarityfarmersassociation/
solomon’s health And Development Of Weaker Societies – http://www.shadows-ngo.org
SOLURSO A.C. (Soluciones Urbanas Sostenibles) – http://www.solurso.org
Solutions Cameroun
Solutions for health and development
Solutions To Poverty Organization
Somali Community Access Network – http://www.somalican.org
Somali Formal Education Network
Somali Forum for Progress – http://www.somaliprogress.org
Somali Help-Age Association
Somali Human Rights Monitoring Committee (SHARMOC) – http://www.sharmocsom.blogspot.com
Somali National Development Program
Somali National Youth Union – http://www.snyu.org
Somali Relief Agency
Somali Women Civil War Survivors
Somali/land Youth Development and Voluntary Organization – http://www.soydavo.org
Somalilan Women Development Assocation (SOWDA)
Somaliland Humanitarain and Socail Care Organization
Somaliland Humanitarian Relief Association(SOHURA) – http://www.sohura.blogspot.com
Somaliland National Youth Organization – http://www.sonyoumbrella.org
Somaliland Youth Community Association – http://www.nayd.org/soyca.htm
Somalischer Treffpunkt -gemeinschaftlischer Kulturzentrum- e.V. – http://www.somalischer-treffpunkt.org
Somo – http://www.somo.nl
Somos Amigos Medical Missions – http://www.somosamigos.org
Sonaimuri Coastal Peoples Sustainable Development Society
SONT Welfare Organisation
Soroptimist International of Europe – http://www.soroptimisteurope.org/
SOS Clima Terra – http://www.sosclimaterra.org
SOS Éducation
SOS Madagascar – http://www.sos-madagascar.org/wp2/
Sostenibilidad y Gerencia Ambiental – http://www.sostenibilidadygerenciaambiental.org
Sought out Cameroon
Souls for Christ Outreach Ministry – http://www.sfcoutreachministry.org
SOUL-Save Our Urban Life
Sound Humanitarian Participatory and Organizational Uplift – http://www.shpoul.org
SoundThread – http://www.soundthread.org
Source de Lomako Ong
South African Business Resources Institute – http://www.sabri.co.za
South African Housing Cooperative Association
South African Justice Commission – http://www.justice-commission.za.org
South Asia Partnership International – http://www.sapint.org
South Asia Partnership Pakistan – http://www.sappk.org
South Asian Forum for Environment – http://www.safeinch.org
South Asian Health Foundation – http://www.sahf.org.uk
South Asian Institute for Development – http://www.southaid.org
South Asian Peace & Harmony Organisation – http://www.saph.org
South Asian Strategic Stability Institute – http://www.sassi.uk.com
South Caucasus office on Drugs and Crime – http://www.scodc.org
South East Asia Regional Institute for Community Education
South Karimganj Social Welfare Organisation
South Sudanese Women Christian Mission for Peace
South Vihar Welfare Society for Tribal – http://www.svwst.org
South West Livestock Farmers Common initiative Group
Southeast Indigenous Peoples’ Center
Southern Africa Human Rights NGO Network – Tanzania Chapter – http://www.sahringon.or.tz
Southern African AIDS Trust – http://www.satregional.org
Southern African Research and Documentation Centre – http://www.sardc.net
Southern Centre for Energy and Environment
Southern Diaspora Research and Development Center, Inc. The – http://www.southngocaucus.com
Southern Organizing Committee for Economic and Social Justice
Southern Philippines Muslim Unity & Development Association – http://www.spmuda.wix.com/home
Southern Philippines Muslim Unity Credit Cooperative – http://www.spmuda.wix.com/home
Southern Seafood Marketing Association
Southern Sudan Action Network on Small Arms – http://www.ssansa.org
South-South Global Assets and Technology Exchange – http://www.ss-gate.org
Sovereign Grand Duchy of Drakenberg (International Council of Princes within the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court)
Sovereign hindu vaisnava mandir – http://www.shinvam.org
Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan Inc. – http://www.royalhouseofghassan.org
Sozo Kenya
Spandan Pratishthan – http://www.divinespandan.org
Spanish Blue Cross – http://www.blue-cross.in/
Spanish-Nigerian Association for Commercial & Industrial Development – http://www.sncida.org
Sparse Foundation – http://www.sparsefoundation.org
SpeakOut Youth Alliance
Special Abilities Development Association (SADA)
Spectrum – Sustainable Development Knowledge Network
Speed Empowerment Foundation
SpeedTrust – http://www.speedtrust.org
Spinal Missions LLC – http://www.spinalmisions.org
Spire, Utviklingsfondets ungdomsorganisasjon
spirit leading church organization.
SPMUDA Human Rights International Advisory Council – http://www.spmuda.wix.com/home
SPMUDA International Chamber of Commerce & Industries – http://www.spmuda.wix.com/home
SPMUDA International Human Rights Commission – http://www.spmuda.wix.com/home
SPMUDA Women Empowerment & Embarkation on Transformation
Sports and Fitness Association of Pakistan – http://www.spofit.com
SR Consutants
Sree Lakshmi Jabbi Reddy Charitable Trust – http://www.ljr-trust.org
Sree Lakshmi Jabbireddy Charitable Trust – http://www.ljr-trust.org
Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College – http://www.stc.ac.in
Sree Trust – http://www.sreetrust.org
Sri Foundation India
Sri Lanka Nature Forum – http://www.slnf.net
Sri Lanka United Nations Friendship Organisation – http://www.sunfosrilanka.org
Sri Ramavarma Edusys – http://www.in.linkedin.com/pub/sri-rama-varma-edusys/55/773/219/
Sri Swami Madhavananda World Peace Council – http://www.worldpeacecouncil.net
Sri Venkateshwara Trust
Srimangal Foundation – http://www.srimangalfoundation
Srinivasa Heart Foundation
Srothas Malankara Social Service Society – http://www.msss.org
St John Ambulance Australia – http://www.stjohn.org.au
St Paul’s Community Development Trust – http://www.stpaulstrust.org.uk
St Sampson the Hospitable Mission – http://www.sampson-hospitable.org
St. Carries Center for Human Development – http://www.stcarriesclassroom.org
St. Louis Aquacenter Inc. – http://www.cfto.org
St. Michael Orthodox Christian Church – http://www.stmichaelorth.org
St. Peter Peace Building Network
St.Mary’s Educational Trust
Staat Romanessa
Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future
Stand Up For Your Rights – http://www.standupforyourrights.org
Standing Green – http://www.standing-green.org
Standing Tall
STAR Kampuchea – http://www.starkampuchea.org.kh
Star Level Entertainment Group LLC – http://www.starlevelentertainment.net
Staregister – http://www.staregister.org
Starofcity Paryavarna Sagrakshanh samiti – http://www.starofcity.com
Stars of Hope Society – http://www.starsofhope.org
Stat View International – http://www.statviewinternational.com
State Level Advisory Committee for Student and Youth Welfare Government of Assam India
State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry – http://www.esf.edu/
StateWide Small Farm Programs
Stat-View Association – http://www.statviewguinee.com
Stella Sung
STEP – http://www.step-pk.com
Stichting African Sky – http://www.africansky.nl
Stichting Ayni Bolivia Nederland – http://www.ayni.nl
Stichting Basug (Bangladesh Support Group) – http://www.basug.nl
Stichting Both ENDS – http://www.bothends.org
Stichting Coalition for Work with Psychotrauma and Peace – http://www.cwwpp.org
Stichting Feminenza Nederland – http://www.feminenza.org
Stichting Foundation Management EEAC – http://www.eeac.eu
Stichting Global Forest Coalition – http://www.globalforestcoalition.org
Stichting Global Human Rights Defence – http://www.ghrd.org/
Stichting Global March Against Child Labour – http://www.globalmarch.org
Stichting Global Reporting Initiative
Stichting Retour – http://www.retour.net
Stichting Soham Baba Mission – http://www.sjohambaabajimission.com
Stichting Spanda – http://www.spanda.org
Stichting Universal Education Foundation – http://www.learningforwellbeing.org
Stichting War Child – http://www.warchildholland.org
Stiftelsen Oslo Krisesenter – http://www.oslokrisesenter.no
Stiftelsen The Environmental Institute (EnvInst) – http://www.EnvInst.org
Stiftung BASE (Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy) – http://www.energy-base.org
Stiftung Brot fuer Alle – http://www.brotfueralle.ch
Stiftung Entwicklung und Frieden – http://www.sef-bonn.org
Stiftung Nachhaltiges Leben
Stiftung Soziale Gesellshaft – Nachhaltige Entwicklung – http://www.stiftung-soziale-gesellschaft.de
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik – http://www.swp-berlin.org
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit – http://www.swp-berlin.org
Stockholm Environment Institute – http://www.sei-international.org
Stockholm International Water Institute – http://www.siwi.org
Stop Kekkaku Partnership Japan – http://www.stoptb.jp
Stratégia Jornalismo – http://www.terrazul.org.br
Strategic Actions Society – http://www.sasbd.org
Strategic Consulting – http://www.rabiscoseconomicos.com
Strategic Humanitarian Services – http://www.shumas-cameroon.org
Stratego Communication International Corp – http://www.stratego.com.pa
streetfootballworld gGmbH
StreetNet International – http://www.streetnet.org.za
String Technologies Yunitskiy – http://www.yunitskiy.com/author/press_photo_en.htm
Strong Roots Congo
Structura Technologies International – http://www.structuratechintl.com
Student Business Organization for Sustainable Development – http://www.sbosdgh.org
Student Energy – http://www.studentenergy.org
Student Environmental Action Coalition (SEAC)
Student World Assembly,Ghana – http://www.studentsworldassembly.org
Student Youth Travel Org.
students association mehrpouya – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Students for Global Democracy Uganda – http://www.uganda.sfgd.org
Students for Rio
Students on Ice Alumni Delegation – http://www.soidelegation.com/
Students Partnership Worldwide
Students’ Patient Welfare Society – http://www.spwske.com
Students’ Relief Society – http://www.srsj.org
Studierende Initiative Greening the University e.V.Tübingen – http://www.greening-the-university.de
Studying of Economic Resources Public Union – http://www.ser-az.org
Style Welfare Foundation – http://www.style-foundation.com
Subhi Association for women with disabilities
Sub-Secretaria de Servicios Publicos y Relaciones de Consumo
Sucardif Association
Success Gate Christian Foundation – http://www.successgate.com.ng/
Success youth International
Sucomm – http://www.SUCOMM.ORG
Sudan National Discourse Forum
Sudan Peace and Education Development Programme
Sudanese Nation Development Organization
Sudanese Red Crescent society – http://www.srcs-sd.org
Sudanese Women Parliamentarians Caucus – http://www.parliament.gov.sd
Sudan’s Peace Building and Empowerment Inc
Suhni Dharti Welfare Organization – http://www.sdwo.webs.com
SUKAWALA – http://www.redindigena.net/sukawala
Sukh Life Association
Sulabh International – http://www.sulabhinternational.org/http://www.sulabhtoiletmuseum.org
Suma por la Educación – http://www.sumaporlaeducacion.org.mx
Sumati Foundation – http://www.sumatiindia.org
Summer Institute of Linguistics – http://www.sil.org
Summerhill School – http://www.summerhillschool.co.uk
Summit Foundation – http://www.summitglobal.org
Sun Socio-Economic Development & Environmental Protection Organization
Sunlight for Human Development Network – http://www.sunlighthdn.org
Sunray Meditation Society – http://www.sunray.org
Suntory Holdings Limited – http://www.suntory.co.jp/
Sunya Ward Education and Training – http://www.envaya.sweatdevelopmentprograme
Suomen luonnonsuojeluliitto ry – http://www.sll.fi/english/
Suomen YK-liitto Ry – http://www.ykliitto.fi
Superintendencia de Limpeza Urbana de Belo Horizonte – http://www.pbh.gov.br/slu
Support Cause Foundation
Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN)
Support Home of God (SuhoG) Project – http://www.suhogproject.org
Support Nepal – http://www.supportnepal.org
Support to Deprived Peoples (S.D.P) – http://www.pksdp.org
Suprabhat – Ek Naya Savera – http://www.suprabhat.org
Surfrider Foundation Europe – http://www.surfrider.eu/
Surgeons of Hope Foundation, Inc. (Chaîne de l’Espoir – CdE)
Surgiendo desde el Sur – http://www.surgiendodesdeelsur.org
Surjamukhi Sangstha
Surma Foundation – http://www.surmafoundation.org
Surmafoundation – http://www.surmafoundation.org
Survivor Corps – http://www.survivorcorps.org
Susila Dharma International Association – http://www.susiladharma.org
Sussex Centre for the Individual and Society
Sustainability 2030 – http://www.sustainability2030.com
Sustainability AFRICA
Sustainability Challenge Foundation – http://www.scfoundation.org
Sustainability for Seychelles – http://www.s4seychelles.com
SustainAbility Ltd. – http://www.sustainability.com
Sustainable Agriculture and Environment
Sustainable Assistance Welfare and Information Youth Group
Sustainable Business Australia – http://www.sba.asn.aui
Sustainable Consumption Research and Action Initiative – http://www.scorai.org
Sustainable Development and Human Rights Services Foundation – http://www.ssudahserfoundation.blogspot.com
Sustainable Development for All-Kenya – http://www.sdfa-kenya.org
Sustainable Development for Vulnerable Peoples in Bangladesh
Sustainable Development Foundation – http://www.fondazionesvilupposostenibile.org
Sustainable Development of Partnership of Outh Asia
Sustainable Development Partners
Sustainable Development Policy Institute – http://www.sdpi.org
Sustainable Development Program for Poor
Sustainable Development Solutions Center – http://www.sdcenter.org
Sustainable Energy Solutions
Sustainable Entrepreneurship Association
Sustainable Environment and Development Foundation – http://www.sedf.org.pk
Sustainable Environmental Development Watch
Sustainable Food Pavilion Inc – http://www.sfp2015.org
Sustainable Future Campaign – http://www.sustainablefuturecampaign.com
Sustainable Kidney Care Foundation – http://www.skcf.net
Sustainable Land Trust – http://www.sustainablelandtrust.org
Sustainable Lawrence – http://www.SustainableLawrence.org
sustainable participatory development programme – http://www.spdp.org.pk
Sustainable Peace and Development Organization – http://www.spado.org.pk
Sustainable Plans International – http://www.SUSTAINABLE-PLANS.COM
Sustainable Population Australia Inc. – http://www.population.org.au
Sustainable Research and Action for Environmental Development – http://www.sradev.org
Sustainable Rural Community Development Organisation (SURCOD) Limited – http://www.surcodmalawi.weebly.com
Sustainable Rural Growth and Development Initiative
Sustainable Sciences Institute – http://www.sustainablesciences.org
Sustainable Tourism Foundation Pakistan – http://www.stfp.org
Sustainable Upliftment Initiative Trust
Sustainalytics – http://www.sustainalytics.com
SustainUS, Inc. – http://www.sustainus.org
Sustentabilidade, Impacto e Gestao Ambiental – http://www.dgp.cnpq.br/buscaoperacional/detalhegrupo.jsp?grupo=0083601P1…
Suvarna Karnataka Integrated Rural Development Society (R) Skirds(R) – http://www.skirdsorg.in
Suzano Papel e Celulose
SVB-Rio – http://www.svbrio.blogspot.com
Svimed. Centro Euromediterraneo per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile Onlus – http://www.svimed.eu
Swami Hardas Foundation – http://www.siddhamarg.org
Swami Vivekanand Samaj Seva Samsthe – Sutagatti
Swapna Poribesh Unnayan Foundation
SWASTI – http://www.swasti.org
Swisscontact, Schweizerische Stiftung für technische Entwicklungs-zusammenarbeit – http://www.swisscontact.org
Swisstech Consolid Egypt – http://www.consolid.us
Sycamore Development Foundation – http://www.sycamore-foundation.org
Synergie Jeunesse et Developpement
Synergy Action
Synthesis Three – http://www.synthesisthree.com
Syria Blue Crescent – http://www.blue-cross.in/
Syrian Environment Protection Society (SEPS) – http://www.enviro-syria.org/http://www.seps-sy.org
Szabfoundation – http://www.szabfoundation.com

TA 40/4 Fao Partnership Program – Ifad, Wfp – http://www.FAO.ORG
Taas International
Tabernacle Worship and Prayer Min inc – http://www.tabernacleworshipandprayerinc.com
Tabitha Cumi Foundation – http://www.tabithacumi@yahoo.com
Tabitha Orphans Project Of Kenya – http://www.tabithaorphans.org
Tactical – http://www.tactical.co.ke
Tagore Academy of Lifelong Learning – http://www.talll.org
Tainan Community University – http://www.tncomu.tn.edu.tw/
Taiwan Ecological Stewardship Association – http://www.tesa.org.tw
Taiwan Environmental Information Association – http://www.e-info.org.tw/
Taiwan Environmental Protection Union – http://www.tepu.org.tw
Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy – http://www.taise.org.tw/
Taiwan Youth Climate Coalition – http://www.twycc.org.tw/
Tajik Social-and-Ecological Union – http://www.yagnob.org
Takatoul Association of Grand Tangier – http://www.takatoul.org
Takshila Education trust – http://www.takshilaeducation.org
Talent Youth Association – http://www.talentyouthassociation.org
TalentPlus Resources International – http://www.talentplusng.org
Tamanna Global Foundation
Tamat ONG – http://www.tamat.org
Tamboro Sustainable Systemic Solutions
Tamil Information Centre
Tamilnadu Assosciation for Peoples Developement
Tamkeen Development Foundation
Tamount n Tsnoult – http://www.tamount3.c.la
Tantri Arte
Tanzania Animals Protection Organization – http://www.tanzania-animals-protection-org.blogspot.com
Tanzania Assistance for Laws Awareness and Development Organisation
Tanzania Chambers of Commerce,Industries and Agriculture – http://www.tccia.com
Tanzania Civil Society Forum on Climate Change – http://www.forumcc.org
Tanzania Community Based Option for Protection and Empowerment Organsation – http://www.envaya.org/tacope
Tanzania Gender Networking Programme – http://www.tgnp.org
Tanzania Honey Council
Tanzania Peace Initiative Foundation
Tanzania Renewable Energy Association
Tanzyme Falah e Moashra – http://www.tfmliaquatpur.org
Taposya Social Welfare Organisation
Tarumitra – http://www.tarumitra.org
Tathagata Trust – http://www.tgtrust.com
Tawhid Social & Development Organization (TSDO)
Tazeez Sustainability Development Foundation – http://www.tazez.com
Tbilisi State University
TDM 2000 International – http://www.tdm2000international.org
Teachings of Entrepreneurship on Antipoverty Movement – http://www.teaminitiatives.org
Team for Nature and Wildlife – http://www.tnwnepal.org
Team Rubicon – http://www.teamrubiconusa.org
Tear Australia – http://www.tear.org.au
Tearfund – http://www.tearfund.org
TechAmerica Europe – http://www.techamerica.org/europe
Technical Centre for Fine Art and Computer Studies CIG – http://www.techcefacos.org
Technoport – http://www.technoport.no
Tecnologie per la Riduzione delle Emissioni Engineering S.r.l. – http://www.tre-eng.com/
Teens and Youth Enpowerment and Capacity Enhancement – http://www.teensandyouthngo.org
Teens Uganda – http://www.teensuganda.org
Teens4Oceans – http://www.teens4oceans.org
Tehran Milad Tower – http://www.tehranmiladtower.ir
Tehran University – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Tehzeeb Social Welfare Organization
Tejaswini Mahila Mandal,Mohone – http://www.tejaswiniindia.org
Telugu Association of London,UK – http://www.taluk.org
Temaikèn – http://www.temaiken.org.ar
TEMA-Stiftung für den Naturschutz – http://www.temastiftung.de
Tembea Youth Centre for Sustainable Development – http://www.tembeayouth.org
Temple of Understanding – http://www.templeofunderstanding.org
Ten Consult
tenmya21 – http://www.enviroassociations.org.tn
Tepiu-aui-Ra – http://www.tepiu-aui-ra.info
Teresian Association – http://www.teresian-association.org
Terra Curanda – http://www.terracuranda.org;http://www.onlineunesco.org
Terra Renaissance – http://www.terra-r.jp/
Terra Una – http://www.terrauna.org.br
Terra-1530 – http://www.terra1530.md
Terre de la Jeunesse Culturelle – http://www.a-tjc.fr.tc
Terre des Jeunes du Burundi-Transnational
Terre des Jeunes Rdc – http://www.reforestation.net/congo
Terre Nouvelle – http://www.terrenouvelle.kabissa.org
TERRE Policy Centre – http://www.terrepolicycentre.org
Territorio Sur
Tesi Environmental Awareness Movement – http://www.ecotibet.org
Teso Environmental Sanitation and Hygiene Improvement Initiative
Teton Sioux Nation Treaty Council – http://www.defendblackhills.org/joomla
TGIB Production
Thaipat Institute – http://www.thaipat.org
Thatta Youth Development Organization – http://www.tydothatta.weebly.com
The 3rd Goal: Gender Equality and Empowering Women, Inc. – http://www.the3rdgoal.org
The Adaquo Tellus Foundation
The ADM Capital Foundation – http://www.admcf.org
The African Heritage Initiative and Peace Movement – http://www.ahipm.org/
The African United Nations Youth Association – http://www.taunya.yolasite.com
The African Women’s Network for Community Management of Forests – http://www.refacof.org(inprogress)
The African Youth In Technology Organisation
The African Youth Organization – http://www.africanyouthsorg.8k.com
The Against Malaria Foundation – http://www.AgainstMalaria.com
The Agatha Foundation Inc. – http://www.theagathafoundation.org
The Akram Rajab Foundation
The Akshaya Patra Foundation – http://www.akshayapatra.org
The Antigua and Barbuda Diabetes Association
The Arab Group for Protection of Nature – http://www.apnature.org
The Asahi Glass Foundation – http://www.af-info.or.jp
The Asian Alliance of Appropriate Technology Practitioners, Inc. – http://www.approtech.org
The Aspen Institute – http://www.aspeninstitute.org
The Association for a New Africa
The Association for Trauma Outreach and Prevention Inc – http://www.meaningfulworld.com
The Association of European Cancer Leagues – http://www.europeancancerleagues.org
The Association of Non-Governmental Organisations – http://www.tango.gm
The Association of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Gambia – http://www.tango.gm
The Atlantic Greenway Project Ireland – http://www.theatlanticgreenwayproject.wordpress.com/
The Audubon Society of New York State, Inc., d/b/a Audubon International – http://www.auduboninternational.org
The Autonomous Nonprofit Organization Institute of Humanitarian and Economic Problems of Food Security
The Bangsa Adat Alifuru – http://www.siwalima.org
The BARKA Foundation, Inc. – http://www.barkafoundation.org
The Baum Foundation – http://www.thebaumfoundation.org
The Berkana Institute – http://www.berkana.org
The Beth Johnson Foundation – http://www.bjf.org.uk
The Better Tomorrow Development Initiative – http://www.btdiworld.org
The Bharath Abhyudaya Seva Samithi – http://www.bassindia.webs.com/
The Bible Hill Youth Club – http://www.biblehillyouthclub.blogspot.com
The Blue Ribbon Movement – http://www.brmworld.org
The Board Of Deputies Of British Jews – http://www.bod.org.uk
The Brotherhood Leaders
The Cameroon Franchise Association
The Carbon Philter Institute
The CARIBSAVE Partnership – http://www.caribsave.org
The Catholic Health Association of India – http://www.chai-india.org
The Ceasefire Campaign – http://www.ceasefire.ngo.za
The Center Cooperation for Sustainable Development
The Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief – http://www.wjr.org.uk
The Charcoal Project – http://www.charcoalproject.org
The Child Welfare Society of Eastern Equatoria
The Children’s Foundation
The Civic Alliance of Kazakhstan
The Climate Group – http://www.theclimategroup.org
The Club of Rome – http://www.clubofrome.org
The Coastal Resource Center
The Common Good party – http://www.thecommongood.info
The Congress of Diplomats – http://www.congressofdiplomats.org
The Conrad Foundation – http://www.conradawards.org
The Consultative Committee of Finno-Ugric Peoples – http://www.fucongress.org
The Consumer Goods Forum – http://www.theconsumergoodsforum.com/
The Council of Canadians – http://www.canadians.org
The Council of Natural Capitalism for Sustainable Development
The CRESCENT foundation – http://www.thecrescentfoundation.in
The Crest Foundation Ltd
The Crossing Land Education Center
The Daily Bhorer Kagoj – http://www.bhorerkagoj.net
THE DELEGATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS – http://www.thedhr.org
The Development Fund – http://www.utviklingsfondet.no
The Diabetic Association of Sri Lanka – http://www.diabetessrilanka.org
The Dounia Project Inc. – http://www.douniaproject.org
The Dove Foundation – http://www.thedoveindia.wix.com/dove
The Eagle Eye Behavioural Reorientation Initiative – http://www.theeagleeyebri.org
The Earth Association – http://www.yeryuzudernegi.org
The Earth Saviours Foundation – http://www.savearth.in
The Earth-Universal Society for Human Activities(The Earth-USHA)
The Empathy Project – http://www.educatingforgreatness.org
The Energy and Resources Institute, North America – http://www.teriin.org
The Enough Foundation – http://www.theenoughfoundation.org
The Enviromental Ameliorators
The Environmental & Consumer Protection Foundation – http://www.ecpfoglobal.org
The Environmental Law Institute – http://www.eli.org
The Family Planning association of Sri Lanka – http://www.fpasrilanka.org
The Federal Times – http://www.thefederaltimes.net
The Federation of Women Groups
The Finnish NGDO Platform to the EU Kehys – http://www.kehys.fi
The First Institute of Inventors & Researchers – http://www.inventor.ir
The Fishermen – www.thefishermenrelief.org;www.worldorphanrelief.wordpress.com;Facebook:…
The Flagship
The Ford Foundation – http://www.fordfoundation.org
The Forum of Asia Elites – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
The Foundation for Development Cooperation Ltd. – http://www.fdc.org.au
The foundation For Human Health Society – http://www.huheso-foundationorg.blogspot.com
The Francis Degaulle Njie Foundation – http://www.fdnf.gm
THE FREE WORLD REVIEW – http://www.freeworldreview.blogspot.com
The friends of Life NGO
The Geneva Consensus Foundation
The Geneva Institute for Democracy and Development – http://www.gidd.eu.org
The Georgian Union of Military Veterans Veterans for Peace» – http://www.geovets.ge
The Girls’ Friendly Society In The USA – http://www.gfs-usa.org
The Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils – http://www.thegfcc.org
The Global Marshall Plan Foundation – http://www.globalmarshallplan.org
The Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction – http://www.globalnetwork-dr.org
The Global Syndicate – http://www.theglobalsyndicate.org
The Gold Cross – http://www.goldcross.webs.com
The Graduate Committee for Research on Women/ Gender (CROW) – http://www.uakron.edu/groups/crow/index.php
The Graduate Committee for Research on Women/Gender (CROW) – https://www.uakron.edu/pages/groups/crow/index.php
The Great Mothers Foundation – http://www.tgmf.org
The Green Club – http://www.thegreen-club.org
The Green Economics Institute – http://www.greeneconomics.org.uk
The Green Foundation – http://www.greenfound.net
The Green Initiative – http://www.iniciativaverde.org.br
The Green Movement of Sri Lanka Inc. – http://www.greensl.net
The Greenlife Foundation
The Greens Movement of Georgia/Friends of the Earth-Georgia – http://www.greens.ge
The Gulen Institute – http://www.GULENINSTITUTE.ORG
The Hans Foundation – http://www.thehansfoundation.org
The Health Officers Council of British Columbia – http://www.healthofficerscouncil.net/contact/
The Home for Youth Development Organization
The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation – http://www.rehabsociety.org.hk
The Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute – http://www.hespi.org
The Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus, Grand Priory of the United States – http://www.saintlazarus.org
The House of Eternal Culture – http://www.javdan.org
The Imperial Order of Saint Stanislas – http://www.ststanislas.com
The Inernational Christian Charity Fund – http://www.sunnyworld.org.ua/
The Infotainment Movement
The InnerCity Mission of Christ Embassy – http://www.theinnercitymission.org
The Institute for Conscious Global Change, Inc. – http://www.consciousglobalchange.org
the Institute for Migrant Rights – http://www.imr.or.id
The Institute of Development Studies – http://www.ids.ac.uk
The Institute of Economic Affairs Gambia
The Institute of Economic Strategies – http://www.inesnet.ru
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. – http://www.ieee.org
The International Association of Lions Club of Colombo Serendib
The International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations (ILEP) – http://www.ilep.org.uk
The International Forum on Globalization – http://www.ifg.org
The International Legal Foundation, Ltd. – http://www.theilf.org
The Islamic Foundation – http://www.theislamicfoundationkenya.org
The Jack Brewer Foundation
The Jamaicans For Community Development
The Jordan Anti Drugs Society – http://www.tjads.org
The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development – http://www.johud.org.jo
The Kenya Climate Change Working Group – http://www.kccwg.org
The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry
The Kuki Organization For Human Rights Trust – http://www.kumhur.org
The Lawman Lynch Foundation
The Lawrence Anthony Earth Organization – http://www.earthorganization.org
The Lead Education and Abatement Design (LEAD) Group Incorporated
The Learning and Skills Council
The Legal Center for Women’s Initiatives Sana Sezim – http://www.sanasezim.org
The Legal delegates of the International Community – http://www.ldic.ucoz.com/
The Leprosy Mission International – http://www.leprosymission.org
The Lost TalentFoundation Ghana – http://www.losttalentfoundation.com
The Malaysian Safety and Peace Organization – http://www.malaysianpeace.org
The Management Centre of the Mediterranean – http://www.mc-med.eu
The Maria Nobrega Charitable Trust – http://www.nobregafoundation.org
The Masaybana Agricultural Development Association
The Mediterranean Policy Centre – http://www.medpc.org
The Microfinance Club of New York Inc. – http://www.mfcny.org
The Millennium Development Goals Collaboration Council – http://www.mdgcc.org
The Miller Worley Center for the Environment – http://www.mtholyoke.edu/mwce/
The Montagnard Foundation, Inc. – http://www.montagnard-foundation.org/
The Mother and Child Health and Education Trust – http://www.motherchildtrust.org
The Multipurpose Inter Parliamentary Union – http://www.tmipu.org
The National Association on Early Childhood Development and Education – http://www.karenecd.org
The National Bureau of Asian Research – http://www.nbr.org
The National Centre for Human Rights – http://www.nchr.org.jo
the National Institute of the Research of Global Security – http://www.niiglob.ru
The National Institute of Youth Affairs – http://www.facebook.com/nationalinstituteofyouthaffairsNIYA
The National Union for Developing the Poorest Groups
The National Union of Public Workers – http://www.nupwbarbados.com
The Natural Step International – http://www.thenaturalstep.org
The New Rationalists – http://www.facebook.com/newrationalists
The New Zealand Maori Council – http://www.maoricouncil.com
The Nigerian Economic Summit Group – http://www.nesgroup.org
The Nilgiris Education and Research Foundation – http://www.thenearfoundation.org
The Non-Profit Foundation for Preserving and Developing Eurasian Cultural, Scientific, Spiritual and Environmental Heritage – http://www.fundeh.org
The Ocean Foundation – http://www.oceanfdn.org
The ONE Campaign – http://www.one.org
The Partnership for Quality Medical Donations – http://www.pqmd.org
The Peacemaker Corps Foundation – http://www.peacemakercorps.org
The People of Champa Descent Parliament – http://www.peoplechampadescent.com
The Planet Earth Institute – http://www.planetearthinstituteworldwide.org
The Presidency Office National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) – http://www.napep.gov.ng
The Press Institute for Women in the Developing World – http://www.piwdw.org
The Prince Irakly Bagrationi Foundation
The Prostate Net – http://www.theprostatenet.org
The Public Interest Law Foundation
The Quivira Coalition – http://www.quiviracoalition.org
The Rabbani Foundation – http://www.therabbanifoundation.org
The Rainforest Fund, Inc. – http://www.rainforestfund.org
The Reformers
The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe – http://www.rec.org
The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia – http://www.carecnet.org
The Registered Trustees of the Friends of AIDS Support Trust – http://www.fastmalawi.org
The Resource Alliance Limited – http://www.resource-alliance.org
The Resource Renewal Institute – http://www.rri.org
The Right Livelihood Award Foundation – http://www.rightlivelihood.org/
The Road of Peace International Foundation – http://www.road1004.onmam.com/
The Rockefeller Foundation – http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org
The Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College – http://www.roosevelthouse.hunter.cuny.edu/
The Rose Foundation
The Royal Society of Chemistry – http://www.rsc.org
The S.A.F.E. Campaign
The Samira And Fredrick Scott Charitable Fund – http://www.sfscharityfund.org
The School of Environmental Studies Education Foundation – http://www.sesef.org
The Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States – http://www.acp.int/
The SEM Fund – http://www.sem-fund.org
The Seth Tawiah Foundation
The Sexto Sol Center for Community Action (Instituto Sexto Sol de Accion Comunitaria) – http://www.sextosol.org
The Small Earth Nepal – http://www.smallearth.org.np
The Smallholders Foundation – http://www.smallholdersfoundation.org
The Society For International Cooperation of Disabled People
The society for care of the handicapped – http://www.schgaza.ps
The Society for Restoring Ancient Wisdom – http://www.societyforRAW.com
The society for the care of the Handicapped – http://www.schgaza.ps
The So-Gen Project – https://www.facebook.com/So.Gen.Project
The Sound Essence Project – http://www.soundessenceproject.org
The Sovereign
The Style Welfare Foundation – http://www.style-foundation.com
The Sudanese Organization for Women and Child Development – http://www.swcosd.com
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. – http://www.komen.org
The Sustainable Development Institute – http://www.sd-institute.org
The Tandana Foundation Inc. – http://www.tandanafoundation.org
The Technoligical Center for Human Rights – http://www.tchr-eg.com
The Teros Foundation
The Trichy Don Bosco Society
The Trust For Sustainable Livelihoods – http://www.sustrust.org
The Tulip Foundation Pakistan – http://www.clsppakistan.org
The Uganda Reach the Aged Association – http://www.uraauganda.org
The United Nations Friendship Charitable Fund Foundation
The United Nations Friendship Pictorial Foundation – http://www.unfpf.com
The United Nations Youth Association of Tunisia-GABES – https://www.facebook.com/unitednationsyouthassociationsgabes
The University of the West Indies Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow-Vice Chancellors’ Student Ambassador Corps – http://www.alumnionline.uwi.edu/s/1058/home.aspx?sid=1058&gid=1&pgid=310
The Vance Center – http://www.vancecenter.org
The Vatsal Chaya Trust
The Village Net – http://www.thevilllagenet.org
The Virtual Society – https://sites.google.com/site/uvsit2010
The Vision of Tourism
The Wane Corporation
The Welfare Foundation of Peacemakers – http://www.peacemakers.kr
The Well Being Foundation – http://www.wbfafrica.org/
The Women’s Information Network – http://www.GlobalWomensSummits.com
The Woodmiles Forum – http://www.woodmiles.net/english/index.htm
The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG) – http://www.waag-azhar.com
The World Habitat Foundation
The World Justice Project – http://www.worldjusticeproject.org
The World Peace University – http://www.worldpeace-university.com
The Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance – http://www.thewpca.org
The Youth Peer Education Network Morocco – http://www.iceit.un.ma
The Youth with a Vision – http://www.youthinkenya.org
The Youthink Center
The Zoological Lighting Institute – http://www.zoolighting.org
TheAdvisors.com – http://www.TheAdvisors.com
Theocy Charity Foundation
There is no Limit Foundation – http://www.thereisnolimitfoundation.org
Thin and High – http://www.thinandhigh.org
Think Youth Independent Association
Third Generation Environmentalism – http://www.e3g.org
Third Millennium Africa Initiative – http://www.tmafrica.net
Third Planet – http://www.thethirdplanet.org
Third World Institute – Instituto del Tercer Mundo – http://www.item.org.uy
Third World Network – http://www.twnside.org.sg
Third World Network- Africa – http://www.twnafrica.org
Thirdway Human Rights and Development – http://www.third-way.org
Thomas V. Sobczak, Consultants – http://www.sobczaksays.org
Thrace – Nigeria Development Association
Thusanang Adventures – http://www.thusanangadventures.co.za
Tico Events
Tides Canada Society Iniatives – The Canadian Youth Climate Coalition – https://tidescanadainitiatives.org/
Time Center for Youth Awareness and Training
Tinada Youth Group – http://www.christianvolunteering.org/org/tinada-youth-group.jsp
Tineri Pentru Viitor 2006 – http://www.fondromaia.org
Tinker Institute on International Law and Organizations – http://www.tiilo.org
TIPU Foundation Pakistan
Tirupur District Sports Association For The Deaf
Tirupur School for the Deaf
Tiruvannamalai District federation for the Differently Abled – http://www.abilityfederation.blogspot.in
Titan America – http://www.titanamerica.com
Tiye International – http://www.tiye-international.org
TKL Welfare Organization – http://www.takal.org
To Love a Child, Inc. – http://www.toloveachild.org
To Love Children Educational Foundation International Inc.
Tobago Youth Council
Together for Peace – http://www.togetherforpeace.org.br
Tohum Otizm Vakfi – http://www.tohumotizm.org.tr
Toit & Joie
TOKACF Consul Cabinet Cameroon
Tokutei Hieiri Katudou Houjin Sekai Hibakushaten – http://www.no-more-hibakusha.net/
Tom Rennie Foundation
Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development – http://www.unep-iesd.tongji.edu.cn/
Tools for Humanity – http://www.tools4humanity.org
Tørrlandskoordinerings-Gruppen – http://www.drylands-group.org
TORT FOR TORTURE VICTIMS CENTRE – http://www.tortfortorturevictims.org
Torture Abolition and Survivor Support Coalition International – http://www.tassc.org
Totara – http://www.totara.nl
Tour Opération et Initiatives
Tourette Syndrome Association – http://www.tsa-usa.org/
Towarzystwo Komunikacji Miedzykulturowej – http://www.tkm.org.pl
Traditional Rulers of Mindanao Peace Agency
Traffina Foundation for Community Health
Training Research Education for Empowerment – http://www.treebd.org
TRAKYA KALKINMA DERNEGI – http://www.trakya.org.tr
Trans-Atlantic Environmental, Inc – http://www.taenvironmental.org
Transferring Ancient Culture, Skills and Knowledge Project – http://www.african-excursions.com/tracks.htm
Transformational Development Consortium, LLC – http://www.tdconsortium.com
Transformed Youth Initiative – http://www.tyighana.org
Transnational Education and Learning Society (TELS) – http://www.transnationaleducationsociety.org
Transnational Law Institute of Washington and Lee University School of Law
Transnational Migrant Platform – http://www.cfmw.org/transnational-migrant-platf/
TRANSNUT, WHO Collaborating Centre in nutrition changes and development
Transparency and Accountability Initiative
Transparency and Economic Development Initiatives – http://www.teding.org
Trash Recycling and Management Organization – http://www.tramoworld.org
Trauma Foundation, The – http://www.traumaf.org/
TravelTalkMEDIA – http://www.TravelTalkMEDIA
Treasureland Health Builders – http://www.treasurelandhealthbuilders.org
Treatment & Rehabiliation Center for Victims of Torture – http://www.trc-pal.org
Tree of Life Center – http://www.treeoflifecenter.net
Trees for Development – http://www.treesfordevelopment.blog.com
Tribal and Rural Welfare Awareness Trust – http://www.truwatrust.bbnow.org
Tribal Development Association – http://www.trida.org
Tribal Development Cooperative Society Ltd
Tribal Government of the Philippines – http://www.chronicleofthetribalgovernment.blogspot.com
Tribal Link Foundation, Inc – http://www.tribal-link.org
Tribal Rights Watch
Tribal Society International – http://www.ancientculture.webs.com
Tribals Integrated Efforts
Tribunal de Justica Arbitral do Mercosul – http://www.parlamentworld.org
Tribunal Internacional de Arbitragem da Real Casa de Portugal – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Trickle up Program – http://www.trickleup.org/
Trinamool Manobik Unnayan Sangstha
Trinity Care Foundation – http://www.trinitycarefoundation.org/
Tri-People Youth Cooperation Circle Incorporated – http://www.tripycc.blogspot.com
Tripura Foundation, Inc. – http://www.tripurafoundation.org
Tropenbos International – http://www.tropenbos.org
Trust for Sustainable Livelihoods
Trust in Development
Trustees of Boston University – http://www.bu.edu/pardee
Trustees of Tufts College – http://www.tufts.edu
Tsagaan Myandas National Alliance of Mobile Indigenous People
Tsaggan Myandas – http://www.tsagaanmyandas.org
Tunas Hijau
Tung Arts Malawi
Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation – http://www.tesev.org.tr
Turkish Family Health and Planning Foundation – http://www.tapv.org.tr/
Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV) – http://www.tudav.org
Turkiye Erozyonla Mucadele, Agaclandirma ve Dogal Varliklari Koruma Vakfi – http://www.tema.org.tr
Türkiye Teknik Elemanlar Vakfi – http://www.tutev.org.tr
Türkiye Üçüncü Sektör Vakfi – http://www.tusev.org.tr
Türkiye Yesilay Cemiyeti – http://www.yesilay.org.tr
Tuscarora Signatory Tribal Community – http://www.tuscarorasignatory.com
Twekembe Association Centre for Rural Systems and Development
Tyro Ville – http://www.tyroville.webs.com
TZU CHI FOUNDATION, U.S.A. – http://www.us.tzuchi.org
U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of International & Tribal Affairs – http://www.epa.gov
U.S Federation for Middle East Peace – http://www.usfmep.org
U.S. Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centers and Associations – http://www.unescousa.org
U.S. Green Building Council, Inc. – http://www.usgbc.org
UATI – http://www.uati.info
Ubuntu Community Development
UBUNTU-World Forum of Civil Society Networks – http://www.ubuntu.upc.edu
UC Revelle Program on Climate Science and Policy – http://www.scripps.ucsd.edu
UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability – http://www.environment.ucla.edu
UCPSARNET – http://www.ucpsarnet.iglooprojects.org
UCT International Culture Development – http://www.uctculture.org
Udruzenje PROI – http://www.ugproi.com
Udyama – http://www.udyama.org
Uganda Blue Cross
Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development – http://www.ugandacoalition.or.ug
Uganda Joint Christian Council – http://www.ujcc.org
Uganda Management Assistance Programme – http://www.mapug.org
Uganda National Association Of The Hard Of Hearing – Unahoh – https://sites.google.com/site/unahohuganda/home
Uganda National Health Users’/Consumers’ Organisation
Uganda National NGO forum – http://www.ngoforum.or.ug
Uganda Non Communicable Disease Alliance
Uganda Small Scale Industries Association – http://www.ussia.or.ug
Uganda Sustainable Agricultural Support Organization – http://www.usaso.com
Uganda Women’s Trust – http://www.uwt.or.ug
Uganda Youth Network – http://www.uyonet.or.org
Uganda Youth Voluntary Efforts in Advancement & Environment Protection – http://www.uyveaep.org
Ujala Sahar Organization – http://www.ujala.yolasite.com
Ujjwal Trust/Nyas
UK Consortium on AIDS and International Development – http://www.aidsconsortium.org.uk
Ukraine Partnership Bureau – http://www.uapb.eu
Ukrainian Independent Maritime Trade Union – http://www.uimtu.org
Ukrainian Institute of Public Strategies
Ukrainian Nataional Environmental NGO MAMA-86 – http://www.mama-86.org.ua
Ukrainian Public Organization of Invalids of Users of Psychiatric Help USER” – http://www.plp.in.ua/
Ukrainian Union of Patinets Orginizations National health – http://www.patient.in.ua
Uluslararas? Mavi Hilal I.nsani Yard?m ve Kalk?nma Vakf? – http://www.ibc.org.tr
Uluslararasi Genclik Forumu – http://www.iyfo.org
UMATI – http://www.umati.or.tz
Umcor ONG RDC – http://www.umcor.org
Umesh Nandkumar Empowerment Association
Umhlahlo Wesizwe SikaMthwakazi – http://www.umhlahlo.org
Ümid Humanitar v? Sosial Dayaq M?rk?zi – http://www.umid-hsdm.com
Umid Humanitarian and Social Support Centre – http://www.umid-hsdm.com
Umid Support to social development public union – http://www.umid-hsdm.com/
Ümidli G?l?c?k G?ncl?r T?s,kilat? – http://www.reliablefuture.org
Umphilo WaManzi
Umsimisi Community Project
Umuada Igbo Nigeria – http://www.umuadaigbonigeria.com
UN Culture and Arts Association
UN Development and Promotion Committee – http://www.undpc.org
UN Intl Public Space & Urban Design Asso Inc
UN Inventors – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Un Techo Para Mi País – http://www.techo.org
UN Women Canada – http://www.unwomencanada.org
UN Women for Peace Inc.
UN World Peace Forum – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
UN Youth of Pakistan – https://www.facebook.com/unyouthofpakistan
UNANIMA International – http://www.unanima-international.org/
Undergraduate Association for Policy Alternative, Srilanka
UNEP Tunza – http://www.unep.org/tunza/
UNEP/Wuppertal Institute Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production (CSCP) – http://www.scp-centre.org
Unesco and Youth Nepal
UNESCO Association, Guwahati
UNESCO Centre of Catalonia – http://www.unescocat.org
UNESCO Chair on sustainable development and environmental education. University of the Basque Country. Spain – http://www.ehu.es/cdsea
UNESCO Club Global City – http://www.unescoglobal.weebly.com
UNESCO club Tunisia
UNESCO Etxea (UNESCO Centre Basque Country) – http://www.unescoetxea.org
União Brasileira de Avicultura – http://www.ubabef.com.br
União Brasiliense de Educação e Cultura – http://www.unilestemg.br
União da Indústria de Cana-de-Açúcar – http://www.english.unica.com.br/
União da Juventude Socialista – http://www.ujs.org.br
Uniao das Associações Comunitarias do Interior de Canguçu – http://www.unaic.blogspot.com
União dos Vereadores do Estado de São Paulo – http://www.uvesp.com.br
União Estadual de Moradia de Goias
União Geral dos Trabalhadores – Brasil – http://www.ugt.org.br
União Nacional das Cooperativas da Agricultura Familiar e Economia Solidária – http://www.unicafes.org.br
União Nacional dos Sindicatos e Associações das Empresas de Reciclagem – http://www.unaser.org.br
União Norte-riograndense dos Estudantes de Direito Internacional – http://www.soi.org.br
União Planetária
UNI-BH University
Unimarsocial a Arca do Saber
Union de industriales para el saneamiento de las cuencas Matanza, Riachuelo y Reconquista – http://www.uiscumarr.org.ar/
Unión de Industriales para Saneamiento Cuencas Matanza- Riachuelo y Reconquista – http://www.uiscumarr.org.ar
Union de l’action féminine
Union des Amis Socio Culturels d’Action en Développement
Union des Industries Ferroviaires – http://www.unife.org
Union des Jeunes pour le Développement Durable de la Région de Tambacounda – http://www.ujdt2004.solidairesdumonde.org
Union des Municipalités du Québec – http://www.umq.qc.ca
Union des Victimes des Déchets Toxiques d’Abidjan et Banlieues – http://www.dechetstoxiques-ci.org
Union for Ethical BioTrade – http://www.ethicalbiotrade.org
Union for Sustainable Development – http://www.ecovision.ge
Union Interamericana para la Vivienda – http://www.uniapravi.org
Unión Internacional de Jóvenes por Colombia – http://www.uijc.blogspot.com/
Union Internationale de Promotion de la Santé et d’Education pour la Santé – http://www.iuhpe.org
Union Internationale des Avocats – International Union of Lawyers – http://www.uianet.org
Union Internationale des Voyageurs – http://www.UIVafriquevoyage.org(pagewillbesoonunderconstruction)
Union Migrant Indonesia – http://www.unimig.org
Union Nationale des Femmes Marocaines
Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) – http://www.tobb.org.tr
Union of Concerned Scientists – http://www.ucsusa.org
Union of Disabled People Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan – http://www.udpo.az
Union of Ibero American Capitals – Intermunicipal Financial and Economic Centre for Advice and Co Operation – http://www.madrid.es/ucci
Union of Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations – http://www.pngo.net
Union of Youth for Sustainable Human Development and Real
Union pour l’Etude et la Recherche sur la Population et le Développement
Union Syndicale des Agriculteurs (U.S.A.) – http://www.AGRI-Togo-Africa.org
Union Women’s Center – http://www.womancenter.org.ge
Unione Europea Degli Esuli e Degli Espulsi – http://www.eueep.eu
Unisfera International Centre – http://www.unisfera.org
Unitarian Universalist Association – http://www.uua.org
United Christian Society
United Christians Campaigning Against AIDS, Violence and Injustice
United Cities and Local Governments
United Communities Organization – http://www.unitedcommunitiesorganization.org
United Deeds (Actions concertées)
United Ethnic Nationalities Association
United Filipino Assistant Association – http://www.unitedfilipino.org
United Force for Development
United Gospel Mission – http://www.ugmission.org
United Hatzalah (NP) – http://www.unitedhatzalah.org
United International Corporation – http://www.united-corporation.eu
United Ladies Women Group Economic Network
United Medical Foundation
United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society – http://www.umc-gbcs.org
United Methodist Church – General Board of Global Ministries
United Nation Youth Federation of Sri Lanka – http://www.unyf.yolasite.com
United National University – http://www.TAWALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
United Nations Acation for Humanitarin Development Organization – http://www.un-ahdo.com
United Nations Association
United Nations Association Australia Qld Division – http://www.unaa.com
United Nations Association Konstanz
United Nations Association of Australia Victorian Division
United Nations Association of Colombia – http://www.unacolombia.org
United Nations Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UNA-UK) – http://www.una.org.uk
United Nations Association of Mauritius (MUNA) – www.unamauritius.20m.comandhttp://pages.intnet.mu/unamauritius
United Nations Association of Russia – http://www.una.ru
United Nations Association of Sweden – http://www.fn.se
United Nations Association of the Bahamas – http://www.unabahamas.org
United Nations Association of the United States of America – http://www.unausa.org
United Nations Chinese Friendship Association – http://www.uncfa.org
United Nations Coach Federation – http://www.wix.com/uncoachfederation/uncf
United Nations Educational,Scientific, Cultural and Hygeian Association
United Nations Environment Programme- Sustainable Buildings and Climate Initiative – http://www.unep.org/sbci
United Nations International Political VIP Friendship Alliance Inc.
United Nations Moslem Organization
United Nations Of Indians
United Nations World Government – http://www.worldgovernment.org/index.html?s=1
United Nations Youth and Student Association of Liberia
United Nations Youth and Students Association of Srilanka – http://www.unysa-sl.i8.com/
United Nations Youth Association Nigeria – http://www.facebook.com/unitednationsyouthassociationnigeria
United Nations Youth Association of Ghana
United Nations Youth Association, Nepal
United Planet Corporation – http://www.unitedplanet.org
United Religions Initiative – http://www.uri.org
United Sikhs – http://www.unitedsikhs.org
United Social Forum Pakistan – http://www.usfpak.wordpress.com
United State Somali Organazition – http://www.ussom.org
United States Burn Support Organization
United States Composting Council – http://www.compostingcouncil.org
United States Sustainable Development Corp – http://www.ussustainabledevelopmentcorp.com/
United Women’s Foundation, Inc. – http://www.unitedwomensfoundation.org
United World Against Diabetes
United World Chinese Association
United Youth for Peace and Development, Inc.
United Youth for Peace, Education, Transparency & Development in Liberia Inc.
UnitedHealth Chronic Disease Initiative
United-Muurish: Amurican-Aboriginal Republic – http://www.mururishgansul.com
Unity in Diversity Foundation – http://www.udf.or.tz
Universal Help for Humanity Foundation – http://www.uhhf.net
Universal Justice International Movement
Universal Ministries Thailand – http://www.western-cm.webs.com
Universal Project Analysts for Investment and Legal Consultancy – http://www.upacassociation.org.com
Universal Sensitization Against ills in Society
Universal Society @ IT – http://www.sites.google.com/site/uvsitbd6440
Universal Team for Social Action and Help – http://www.utsahassam.org
Universal Union For Consumer Protection and Civil Abuse UNUCOPCA NGO
Universal Versatile Society
Universe Charcoal Limited – http://www.universegroup.com.cn/
Universidad de Especialidades Turísticas – http://www.uct.edu.ec
Universidad del Magdalena
UNIVERSIDAD HISPALENSE û FACULTAD DE DERECHO – departamento de ciencias juridicas bßsicas ( SEVILLA) ESPA-A
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico – http://www.inter.edu
Universidad Isalud – http://www.isalud.edu.ar
Universidad La Salle
Universidad Nacional del Centro del Peru
Universidad para la Cooperación Internacional
Universidad Simon Bolivar – http://www.vua.grupos.usb.ve
Universidad Tecnológica Nacional – Centro Tecnológico para la Sustentabilidad
Universidade Catolica de Brasília – http://www.ucb.br
Universidade da Juventude – http://www.universidadedajuventude.org.br
Universidade de Brasília – http://www.unb.br
Universidade de São Paulo – http://www.usp.br
Universidade de Sorocaba – http://www.uniso.br
Universidade do Estado da Bahia – http://www.uneb.br
Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – http://www.uerj.br
Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – UNISINOS – http://www.unisinos.br
Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia – http://www.uesb.br/
Universidade Federal da Bahia – http://www.propci.ufba.br
Universidade Federal de São Carlos-UFSCar
Universidade Federal do Acre – http://www.ufac.br
Universidade Federal do Amapá – Curso de Bacharelado em Ciências Ambientais – http://www.unifap.br
Universidade Federal do Pará – http://www.ufpa.br
Universidade Federal do Pará – UFPA – http://www.ufpa.br
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro – Instituto de Biologia/Departamento de Ecologia – http://www.ppgeco.biologia.ufrj.br/
Università Bocconi – IEFE – Istituto di Economia e Politica dell’Energia e dell’Ambiente – http://www.iefe.unibocconi.it
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca – http://www.unimib.it
Università degli Studi di Trento – http://www.unitn.it/en
Université du Réseau ASP.net de l’Unesco – http://www.aspnet-ci-unesco.org
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3-Centre de Droit International – http://www.cdi.lyon3.free.fr
Université Laval-Institut EDS – http://www.ihqeds.ulaval.ca
University Community Partnership for Social Action Research – http://www.ucpsarnet.iglooprojects.org
University de La Punta – http://www.ulp.edu.ar
University of Antarcticland – http://www.antarcticland.org
University of Bradford Peace Studies/CICS – http://www.brad.ac.uk/peace
University of Bridgeport – http://www.bridgeport.edu
University of Cambridge Programme for Sustainability Leadership – http://www.cpsl.cam.ac.uk
University of Jaffna – http://www.jfn.ac.lk
University of Linköping – http://www.liu.se
University of Lyon 2 – http://www.univ-lyon2.fr/
University of Massachusetts Boston: School for Global Inclusion and Social Development – http://www.umb.edu/sgisd
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth – http://www.umassd.edu/sustainability
University of Moncton – http://www.umoncton.ca
University of Otago – http://www.otago.ac.nz/law
University of Oxford Environmental Change Institute – http://www.eci.ox.ac.uk
University of Southern California/Global Medicine, MS Group
University of the Netherlands Antilles – http://www.miguelgoede.com
University of the Virgin Islands – http://www.cgtc.uvi.edu
University of Worcester
University of York
University Oldenburg – http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/ecoeco
University Students’ Association of Ghana – http://www.usag.webs.com
Unnayan Onneshan
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation – http://www.unpo.org
UNRESCUE – http://www.unrescue.org
Up with People – http://www.upwithpeople.org/
Upendo Women and Child Care Organisation
Upliftment of Democratic and Village Improvement Scoiety – http://www.udavi.org
Uprising Movement for Education Employment & Development – http://www.alqalam.com.pk
UrbaMonde – http://www.urbamonde.org
Urban Projects Collaborative Inc – http://www.up-lab.org
Urban Research Centre – http://www.urbanresearchcentre.org
Urban Rural Development Organisation-Uganda
Urban Spaces Innovation
Urece Esporte e Cultura para Cegos – http://www.urece.org.br
Ururka Horumarinta iyo Nabadda ee Puntland
US Climate Action Network
US Human Rights Network Inc. – http://www.ushrnetwork.org
US Solidarity Economy Network – http://www.ussen.org
US/Canada Citizens Summit for Sustainable Development – http://www.citizenssummit.org
USA Mali Charitable Association of NYC – http://www.umaca.org
USA Refugees & Immigrants – http://www.USA-Refugees.com
US-Africa Synergy – http://www.usafricasynergy.org
USC Canada – http://www.usc-canada.org
US-Iraqi Youth Institute – http://www.usiy.org
Utah China Friendship Improvement Sharing Hands Development And Commerce Dba Utah China F.I.S.H. D & C
Utah Valley University
Utkal Youth Association for Social Development
Utthan Institute of Development & Studies – http://www.utthanynr.org
Utz Certified – http://www.utzcertified.org
Uyusturucu Madde Bagimliliklari ve Alkolizmle Mucadele Federasyonu – http://www.ubam.org.tr
V Sivaram Research Foundation – http://www.sivaramfoundation.org
V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation – http://www.vkrf.org
V?bor pre medzin?rodne vzt(ahy
VAAGDHARA(Voluntary Association for Agricultural General Development, Health and Reconstruction Alliance ) – http://www.vaagdhara.org
VACP INTERNATIONALE( village africain de culture et promotion internationale) – http://www.vacp-internationale.com
Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment – http://www.vcc.columbia.edu/
Vallalar Educational Trust
Valued Citizens Initiative – http://www.valuedcitizens.co.za
ValueSpread (Empowerment) Initiatives
VANARAI – http://www.vanarai.org
Vannycole Foundation – http://www.vannycolefoundation.org
Vasavya Mahila Mandali – http://www.vasavya.com
VBS Purvanchal University – http://www.vbspu.ac.in/
VDE Prüf- und Zertifizierungsinstitut GmbH – http://www.vde.com
Vechur Conservation Trust – http://www.vechur.org
Ved International Society
Vegetarianismo Ético Defesa dos Direitos Animais e Sociedade – http://www.veddas.org.br
Venativ Assessoria Ambiental e Comercial
VENCHE FOUNDATION – http://www.venchefoundation.org
Venerabilis Equester Ordo Sacri Principatus Sancti Sepulchri – http://www.veospss.it
Ventana Ambiental Desarrollo Sustentable A.C. – http://www.sites.google.com/site/ventanaambiental
Verband der deutschen hoehlen- und Karstforscher e.V. – http://www.vdhk.de
Verband zur Durchsetzung alkohol- und drogenpolitischer Interessen Jugendlicher und Verbraucher in Deutschland und Europa (Deutscher Jugendschutz-Verband) e.V. – http://www.deutscher-jugendschutz-verband.de
Verein zur Forderung der Volkerverstandigung – http://www.ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/display…
Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler VDW – http://www.vdw-ev.de
Vereniging Tropische Bossen – http://www.tropischebossen.nl
Vereniging Voor de Verenigde Naties – http://www.vvn.be
Vermillion Institute – http://www.vermillioninstitute.org
Vertical Inspirations – http://www.verticalinspirations.org
Vestas – http://www.vestas.com
Vewin – http://www.vewin.nl
Vibrant Kuria Self Help Group
Vicez Global Charities Inc – http://www.vglobalcharities.org
Vicony’s Global Success World
Victims of Crisis Aid Society – http://www.victimsofcrisis.org
Victorious Youths Movement
Vida Care for Women and Children Foundation
Videverde Compostagem – http://www.videverde.com.br
Vienna University of Economics and Business – http://www.sustainability.eu/?k=NAMA2013
Vier Pfoten International ”Four Paws” – http://www.vier-pfoten.org
Viesa Viande Export Import Sa
Vietnam Family Planning Association (VINAFPA)
Vietnam Peace and Development Foundation
Vietnam Union of Science and Technology Associations – http://www.vusta.vn
Vigilante Group of Nigeria
Vikas Samiti
Vikash – http://www.vikash.org
Vikrama Simhapuri Social Workers Association
VIKSAT – http://www.viksat.org
Villa Foundation – http://www.villafoundation.org
Village Health Works – http://www.villagehealthworks.org
Villages of Christ – http://www.villagesofchrist.org
Villes et Dignité – http://www.net1901.org/association/VILLES-ET-DIGNITE-POUR-UNE-GESTION-UR…
Vilole Images Pachibwanse – http://www.viloleimages.com
Vimbai and Shuvai Students Arts Organization
Vincentian Service Society Marymatha Province – http://www.depaul.edu.in
Viridis Institute – http://www.viridisedu.org
Virtual Activism Incorporated – http://www.virtualactivism.org
Virus Stopper Foundation – http://www.virusstopper.org
VISA Voluntary Sanstha – http://www.visavoluntary.org
Visakha Jilla Nava Nirmana Samithi – http://www.vjnns.org
Vishnu Dayal Shiksha Samiti
Vishnus Educational Society
Vishva Shanti Ekata PariSad – http://www.worldpeacecouncil.org.np
Vishwa Samadhi Voluntary Organization – https://www.facebook.com/pataka.kumarasinghe.1
VISION – http://www.karmayog/vision
Vision for Community Development – http://www.vicode.org
Vision India
Vision International 1
Vision Link
Visión para el Desarrollo
Visions for Nigeria Foundation – http://www.visionnigeria.org
Visual and Virtual Media
Vitae Civilis- Instituto para o Desenvolvimento, Meio Ambiente e Paz – http://www.vitaecivilis.org.br
Vitalis Institute of Support to Health and Technology / Vitalis Instituto de Apoio a Saude e Tecnologia
Vitalis, Asociación Civil – http://www.vitalis.net
Vitiligo Research Foundation – http://www.vrfoundation.org
Viva la Feminina – http://www.vivalafeminina.cm
Viva Rio – http://www.vivario.org.br
VIVAT International – http://www.vivatinternational.org/
Vivegam Godfrey – http://www.vivegamgodfrey.org
Vivek Educational Foundation of Canada – http://www.vivekcanada.org
Vivekananda Girijana Kalyana Kendra – http://www.vgkk.org
Vivekananda Innovations for Developing Youth Ambitions Foundations – http://www.vidyafoundations.com
Vivekananda Sevakendra-O-Sishu Uddyan – http://www.vssu.in
Vlaams Overleg Duurzame Ontwikkeling – http://www.vodo.be
Vlaamse Jeugdraad – http://www.vlaamsejeugdraad.be
Voces Mesoamericanas, Acción con Pueblos Migrantes, A.C. – http://www.vocesmesoamericanas.org
VODO (Vlaams Overleg Duurzame Ontwikkeling – Flemish Platform on Sustainable Development – http://www.vodo.be
VOICE FOR EARTH INC. – http://www.voiceforearth.org
Voice of Grace Foundation cameroon – http://www.voiceofgracefoundation.org
Voies Nouvelles – http://www.voiesnouvelles.org
Vojenský a špitální Rád svatého Lazara Jeruzalémského – Bohemia – http://www.oslj.cz
Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo – http://www.volint.it
Volta Educational Renaissance Foundation – http://www.verefghana.org
Voltalia S.A
Voluntary Activities for Social & Human Advancement Foundation – http://www.vashabd.org
Voluntary Integration for Education and Welfare of Society – http://www.viewsindia.org
Voluntary legal Organisation – http://www.legalorganisation.org
Voluntary Nature Conservators – http://www.vncindia.org
Voluntary Service Overseas – http://www.vsointernational.org
Volunteer Partnerships for West Africa – http://www.vpwa.org
Volunteer Platform – http://www.volunteer-platform.org/
Volunteer Service Abroad – http://www.vsa.org.nz
Volunteer Youth Leaders for Health – Philippines – http://www.sites.google.com/site/vylhphilippines/
Volunteers for Africa (VFA) – http://www.volunteersafrica.org
Volunteers for Sustainable Development – http://www.vsdafrica.blog.com/
Voss Foundation – http://www.thevossfoundation.org
Voz Juvenil AC – http://www.VOZJUVENILAC.NET
Vrienden van Congo – http://www.vriendenvancongo.be
Vrije Consumenten Vereniging – http://www.vrijeconsumenten.nl
VRN (We Are Neurons) – http://www.vrn.org.in|http://www.vrn.co.in
VRS Media
Vstar International
Vuka Afrika – http://www.vuka-afrika.org.za
Wabun Tribal Council – http://www.wabun.on.ca
Wahine Maori Queensland Inc. – http://www.wahine-maori.org.au/HomePage.htm
Wainwright House
Wake International – http://www.wakeinternational.com
Wakeb – http://www.wakeb.org
WAMTI – http://www.wahanatani.wordpress.com
War Against Drug Addicted
War Against Rape – http://www.war.org.pk
War Trauma Foundation – http://www.wartrauma.nl
War Widows Association – http://www.warwidowsindia.org
Warbe Development Foundation – http://www.warbe.org
Wareng Youth Initiative for Peace and Development
Washington and Lee University – http://www.wlu.edu
Washington Office on Latin America – http://www.wola.org/
Wasserpumpen für Peru – http://www.galeriegraf.com
Watan Development Organization
Water & Essential – http://www.waterandessential.org
Water Advocates – http://www.WASHadvocates.org
Water and Enegy Relief International – http://www.parmionova.blogspot.com
Water and Youth – http://www.aguayjuventud.org
Water and Youth International Movement Africa – http://www.waterandyouthafrica.org
water and youth organisation – http://www.waterandyouth.org
Water Collective – http://www.thewatercollective.org
Water Environment Federation – http://www.wef.org
Water Environment Resources Association
Water for Humans – http://www.WaterForHumans.Org
Water for Life Institute – http://www.waterforlife.org
Water For Needy Communities Initiative
Water Resources Department at University of Campinas
Water Safety Initiative Foundation – http://www.watersafetynigeria.org
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Network – Sierra Leone – http://www.wash-net.org
WaterAid – http://www.wateraid.org/uk/
Water-Culture Institute – http://www.waterculture.org
Waterkeeper Alliance, Inc. – http://www.waterkeeper.org
WaterLex – http://www.waterlex.org
Waterloo Global Science Initiative – http://www.wgsi.org
Waterlution – http://www.waterlution.org
Wave World Inc. – http://www.waveworld.ca
WCCR BioLab fundation
WE ACT for Environmental Jusitce – http://www.weact.org
We Are The One – Nepal – http://www.watonepal.org.np
We Care for Humanity – http://www.wecareforhumanity.org
WE Development Organization – http://www.wedosindh.org
We Love Sousse
We Make Change
We The Youth
We Yone Child Foundation-Sierra Leone – http://www.myownchildreninternationalsierraleone.webs.com
WEConnect International Inc
Weeramantry International Centre for Peace Education and Research – http://www.wicper.org
Welfare and Nature Club of Naikhyongchari
Welfare Association (WA)
Welfare of orphan and rural lead development trust ( WORLD) – http://www.world169.free.fr
Wellington Foundation
Welwitschia Development Trust
West Africa Action Network on Small Arms, Nigeria Chapter
West Africa Journalists Network for Security and Developpement
West Coast Region Youth Committee
West Coast University – http://www.westcoastuniversity.edu.pa
West End Eco-Fishing Camp Association – http://www.weefca.com
West Papua Indigenous Community – http://www.oppb.webs.com
West Sound Technology Association – http://www.westsoundtechnology.org
Western Australian Society for Peace, Unity & Rehabilitation in Sri Lanka (WASPUR) Inc
Westminster Business School (University of Westminster)
WestNat Development Foundation. PNG
What Next Forum
White Dove Society-Nepal – http://www.nepal.whitedovesociety.org
Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute, Washington University School of Law – http://www.law.wustl.edu/harris/index.aspx;law.wustl.edu/harris/crimesag…
Widevision et Droits de l’Homme – http://www.widevisiondh.org
Widows and Development Support Services
Wiidokage Inc. – http://www.wiidokage.com
Wildlife Alliance – http://www.wildlifealliance.org
Wildlife Conservation Society – http://www.wcs.org/
Wildlife Without Borders – http://www.wildlifesansfrontieres.org
Wilfrid Laurier University
Wilhelm’s Memorial Society – http://www.biycs-cam.webs.com;andelvispveranso.myblogsite.com
Wiljok Childaid and Health Foundation
Wincorp International
Winrock International Institute for Agricultural Development – http://www.winrock.org
WiserEarth – http://www.wiserearth.org
Wittenberg Center for Alternative Resources – http://www.wittenbergcenter.org
Woiyo Kondeye – http://www.worldpress.org
Women Advancement for Economic & Leadership Empowerment in Africa – http://www.waelearcelfa.org
Women Agriculture Development Organization – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Women-Agriculture-Development-Organizatio…
Women and a New Orientation
Women and Child Care Organization
Women and Child Support Organization
Women and Children Action for Human Rights – http://www.wicah.org
Women and Children Development Organization – http://www.beimpk.org
Women and Children First UK – http://www.wcf-uk.org
Women and Development Association in Alexandria – http://www.wda-egypt.net
Women and Society Assocation
Women and Youths Environmental Safety and Empowerment Organisation – http://www.empoweringwomenandyouths.org
Women Arise for Change Initiative – http://www.womenarise.org
Women Awareness Center Nepal – http://www.wacn.org.np
Women Care Association of Nigeria – http://www.wocan.8k.com
Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry – http://www.pwcci.org
Women Counseling and Gender Empowerment Centre
Women Creative Solutions Organizations – http://www.womencreative.org
Women Development and Service Program, Diocese of Raiwind – Church of Pakistan – http://www.dioceseofraiwind.org
Women Empowerment & Rural Development Organization
Women Empowerment Initiative – http://www.wein-ng.org
Women Empowerment Literacy and Development Organization (WELDO) – http://www.weldo.org
Women Energy in Productive Action Worldwide
Women Enterpreneours Association of Bangladesh – http://www.weab.org
Women Environmental Programme – http://www.wepnigeria.net
Women For Afghan Women – http://www.womenforafghanwomen.org
Women for Human Rights, single women group – http://www.whr.org.np
Women for Independence, Self Sufficiency and Economic Advancement
Women for Peace and Democracy – Nepal – http://www.wpdnepal.org.np
Women for Water Partnership – http://www.womenforwater.org
Women for Women, A Research & Study Group – http://www.womenforwomenrsd.org
Women for Women, Nepal
Women in Action – http://www.woaction.com
Women in Action for Progress
Women in Africa for Aids Initiative
women in agriculture and rural development in south africa (WARDSA) – http://www.wardsa.org.za
Women in Europe for a Common Future – http://www.wecf.eu/
Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing – http://www.wiego.org
Women in Law and Development in Africa – http://www.wildaf-ao.org
Women in Law and Development in Africa (K) – http://www.wildafkenya.org
Women Initiative In Business And Marketing Association
Women Liberal Democrats – http://www.womenlibdems.org.uk/en/
Women of Like Minds Empowerment Initiative
Women of the Contempory World Organisation
Women of Vision Association
Women Organizing for Change in Agriculture and Natural Resource Management – http://www.wocan.org
Women Protection Organization
Women Right and Development Centre – http://www.womenrightsdevelopment.org.ng
Women Society against Environmental Pollution – http://www.wsaep.ir
Women United for Economic Empowerment – http://www.wuee.org
Women Watch Afrika, Inc. – http://www.womenwatchafrika.org
Women Watch Bangladesh – http://www.wmnwatchbd.org
Women Youth and Childrens Upliftment Foundation
Women* Counselling* Gender* Empowerment *Centre
Women, Food and Agriculture Network – http://www.wfan.org
Women, Infants and Children Care Initiative
Women’s All Points Bulletin – https://www.facebook.com/wapb.org
Women’s Assistance and Business Association – http://www.wabainternational.org
Women’s Board Educational Cooperation Society – http://www.womensboard.org.ng
Women’s Campaign International
Women’s Centre for Peace and Development – http://www.womenscentreforpeace.ning.com
Women’s Collective – http://www.womenscollective.net
Women’s Division of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church – http://www.new.gbgm-umc.org/umw/
Women’s Empowerment Group – http://www.weg.org.pk
Women’s Environment and Development Organization – http://www.wedo.org/
Women’s Environment Network Australia – http://www.wena.org.au
Women’s Feature Service Philippines Inc. – http://www.wfsphil.com
Women’s Federation for World Peace International – http://www.wfwp.org
Women’s Initiative for Self-Actualization – http://www.wifsa.org(underupdate)
Women’s Initiatives for Society, Culture, and Environment (WISE) Inc. – http://www.wisewomen.ph
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom – http://www.wilpfinternational.org
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Philippine Section
Women’s IT Fabric – http://www.womensitfabric.org
Women’s League with Creative Initiative – http://www.deti.kz
Women’s Microfinance Initiative Corporation – http://www.wmionline.org
Women’s Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church – http://www.WMSAMEC.ORG
Women’s Network for a Sustainable Future
Women’s Optimum Development Foundation – http://www.wodef-ng.org(underreview)
Women’s Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC) Nepal – http://www.worecnepal.org
Women’s Right to Education Programme – http://www.wrepnig.org/
Women’s Welfare Centre – http://www.wwcpune.org
Women’s World Assembly – http://www.wwas.ru
Women’s World Summit Foundation – www.woman.chwww.white-ribbon.chwww.YouthEngage.comhttp://19days.woman.ch
Woodcraft Folk – http://www.woodcraft.org.uk
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars – http://www.wilsoncenter.org/
Woods & Wayside International, Inc
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution – http://www.whoi.edu
Woods Hole Research Center – http://www.whrc.org/
Word of Life Internationa, Inc. – http://www.wordolfifefornewyorkcity.org
Words of Life Global Ministries Inc. – http://www.davidakinlade.wix.com
Work for a Better Bangladesh – http://www.wbbtrust.org
Work Plus Development & Training – http://www.workplus.com.au
Workability International – http://www.workability-international.org
Workers Rights and Information Trust
Working Group on Climate Change Reed
Working Women’s Forum (India)
WorkLand M&E Institute, Inc.
World Academy of Leadership Sciences – http://www.w-a-l-s.org
World Academy of Logistics Sciences – http://www.w-als.org
World Academy of Longevity Sciences – http://www.waols.org
World Academy of Love Sciences – http://www.walms.org
World Action Against Poverty,Inc. – http://www.fightpovertynow.com
World Aging Council – http://www.dunyak.org
World Alliance for Decentralized Energy – http://www.localpower.org
World Alliance for Youth Empowerment – http://www.wayeonline.org
World Alliance of Young Men’s Christian Associations – http://www.ymca.int
World Aquarium – http://www.worldaquarium.org
World Assembly of Iran’s Elite – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
World Assembly of UN’s elite – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
World Assembly of Youth – http://www.way.org.my
World Association of Former United Nations Interns and Fellows – http://www.wafunif.org
World Association of the Major Metropolises – http://www.metropolis.org
World Business Council for Sustainable Development – http://www.wbcsd.org/home.aspx
World Care Council – http://www.worldcarecouncil.org
WORLD CARES CENTER (WCC) – http://www.worldcares.org
World Changers Foundation
World Chlorine Council – http://www.worldchlorine.com
World Circle of the Consensus:Self-sustaining People, Orgnizations and Communities (SPOC) – http://www.cmdc-spoc.org
World Cities Scientific Development Alliance – http://www.english.wcsdf.org/
World Citizen Initiative – http://www.wix.com/aemeyer14/worldcitizeninitiative
World Coal Association – http://www.worldcoal.org
World Congress for Justice and Human Rights
World Corrosion Organization (WCO) – http://www.corrosion.org
World Council for Curriculum and Instruction – http://www.wcci-international.org
World Council for the Cedar Revolution
World Council of Press – http://www.worldcouncilpress.net
World Culture and Arts Foundation
World Culture Link – http://www.worldculturelink.org
World Development Alliance – http://www.worlddevelopmentalliance.org
World Diabetes Foundation – http://www.worlddiabetesfoundation.org
World Economic Forum – http://www.weforum.org
World Energy Council – http://www.worldenergy.org
World Engagement Institute – http://www.weinstitute.org
World Envision – http://www.worldenvision.org
World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) – http://www.worldea.org
World Family Organization – http://www.worldfamilyorganization.org
World Farmers’ Organisation – http://www.wfo-oma.org
World Federalist Movement – http://www.wfm-igp.org
World Federalist National Association of Nepal
World Federation of Educational Institutions – http://www.wfei.org
World Federation of Engineering Organizations – http://www.wfeo.org/
World Federation of Khoja Shi´a Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities – http://www.world-federation.org
World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women – http://www.wfmucw.org
World Federation of Public Health Associations – http://www.wfpha.org
World Federation of the Sporting Goods Industry – http://www.wfsgi.org
World Federation of UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations – http://www.wfuca.org
World Federation of United Nations Associations – http://www.wfuna.org/
World Fisheries Trust – http://www.worldfish.org
World for World Organization – http://www.worldforworld.org
World Future Council Foundation – http://www.worldfuturecouncil.org
World Future Foundation – http://www.worldfuturefound.org/
World Futures Studies Federation – http://www.wfsf.org
WORLD GOODWILL – http://www.lucistrust.org/en/service_activities/world_goodwill__1
World Green Building Council – http://www.worldgbc.org
World Harmony Foundation
World Hepatitis Alliance
World Human Development Organization
World Human Dimension – http://www.whd.ru
World Hunger Year, Inc. – http://www.whyhunger.org
World Information Service on Energy – http://www.antenna.nl/wise
World Information Transfer – http://www.worldinfo.org
World Jurist Association of the World Peace Through Law Center – http://www.worldjurist.org
World Laya Yoga Community – http://www.advayta.rg
World Leisure Organization, Inc – http://www.worldleisure.org
World Links Arab Region
World Lung Foundation – http://www.worldlungfoundation.org/
World Mission Foundation – http://www.theworldmissionfoundation.org
World Mission Foundation (Crusaders Against HIV/AIDS) – http://www.worldmissionfoundation.org
World Nature Organization / Organisation mondiale pour la Nature (Preparatory Commission) – http://www.worldnature.org
World Nuclear Association – http://www.world-nuclear.org
World Ocean Council – http://www.oceancouncil.org
World of Hope International – http://www.wohi.org
World Organization for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) – http://www.worldomep.org
World Peace and Economic Development Organization – http://www.wpedo.org
World Peace and Health Organization – http://www.wpho.org
World Peace Embassy – http://www.wpe-cm.org/http://www.worldpeaceembassy.org
World Peace Mission – http://www.worldpeacemission.com.bd
World Pilot TV – http://www.worldpilottv.com
World Population Survey Monitor Control Foundation – http://www.wpsmcf.org
World Poverty and Human Rights Online – http://www.wphr.org
World Resources Forum Association – http://www.worldresourcesforum.org/
World Resources Institute – http://www.wri.org
World Rural Forum
World Shelter Organisation – http://www.worldshelter.org
World Society for the Protection of Animals – http://www.wspa-international.org
World Society of Ekistics – http://www.ekistics.org
World Sustainability Fund – http://www.worldweneed.org
World Sustainable Agriculture Association – http://www.bcca.org/services/lists/noble-creation/wsaa.html
World Team Now – http://www.worldteamnow.org
World Toilet Organisation Limited
World Tourism Union
World Trade Institute, University of Bern – http://www.wti.org
World Trade Point Federation – http://www.tradepoint.org
World Union for Progressive Judaism – http://www.wupj.org
World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises – http://www.wusme.org
World Virtual School – http://www.world-virtual-school.com
World Water Council – http://www.worldwatercouncil.org
World Water Forum Secretariat
World Welfare Association – http://www.ngowwa.com.pk
World Welfare Organization – http://www.wwango.org
World Wide Fund for Nature International – http://www.worldwildlife.org
World Wide Hearing Care for Developing Countries – http://www.wwhearing.org
World Without Genocide – http://www.worldwithoutgenocide.org
World Youth Alliance – http://www.wya.net
World Youth Bank – Asian Coordination Bureau – http://www.w-yb.net
World Youth Bank – South & South East Asian Coordination – http://www.w-yb.net
World Youth Bank Network – http://www.w-yb.net
World Youth Foundation – http://www.wyf.org.my
Worldview Impact Foundation – http://www.worldviewimpact.org
Worldview International Foundation – http://www.worldviewinternational
Worldview Mission – http://www.worldviewmission.org
Worldwatch Institute – http://www.worldwatch.org
Worldwide Coalition for Peace Inc – http://www.worldwidecoalitionforpeace.org
Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support – http://www.wingsweb.org
Worldwide Nepalese Students’ Organisation – http://www.wnso.org.np/
Worldwide Organization for Women – http://www.wowinfo.org
Wum Foundation for Community Development – http://www.focodev.org
Wuni Zaligu Development Association
WVP Kenya – http://www.wvpkenya.org.uk
WWF Brasil – http://www.wwf.org.br
WWF Madagascar & Western Indian Ocean – http://www.wwf.mg/
WWT (Wespak Welfare Trust) – http://www.wwtpk.org
www.Lightmillennium.org – http://www.lightmillennium.org
Xahaur Foundation – http://www.xahaurfoundation.co.in
Xanvil – http://www.xanvil.org
Xarunta Xalka Iyi Midnimada Soomaalyeed – http://www.cssoma.com
Xi- Anu Nation of Xi Amurru-ka de Dugdahmoundyah
Y- Peer Network – http://www.youthpeer.org
YA Projetos Culturais e Eventos – http://www.yaprojetos.com.br
Yaakah Enterprises – https://www.facebook.com/NepalDESEnterprise
Yachay Wasi, Inc. – http://www.yachaywasi-ngo.org/
Yadgar Welfare Society – http://www.yadgarwelfaresociety.info
Yahola Tribal Nation CSO – http://www.yaholanation.info
Yakkum – http://www.yakkum.or.id
Yakutia – Our Opinion – http://yakutian.nm.ru
Yale Center for Environmental Law & Policy – http://www.envirocenter.yale.edu
Yale Office of Sustainability – http://www.sustainability.yale.edu/
Yale Student Environmental Coalition
Yale University – School of Forestry and Environmental Studies
Yamasi People – http://www.Yamasi.org
YANADI EDUCATION SOCIETY – http://www.yes-tribal.org
Yasan Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Masyarakat Adat Sulawesi Tengah ( YPPMA-ST)
Yashsiddhi Education & Social Foundation
Yayasan Akar – http://www.akarfoundation.org
Yayasan Dana Mitra Lingkungan – http://www.dml.or.id
Yayasan Emong Lansia Indonesi – http://www.gerbanglansia.org
Yayasan Pembangunan Berkelanjutan – http://www.ypb.or.id
Yayasan Pemuda Mitra Masyarakat Desa – http://www.promangrove.blogspot.com
Yayasan Pendidikan Indonesia – www.icdlindonesia.comandhttp://ypi-foundation.org
Yayasan Pengembangan Hukum Lingkungan Indonesia – http://www.icel.or.id
Yayasan Pensa Global Agromandiri
Yayasan Pesantren Indonesia Al-Zaytun – http://ypialzaytun.wordpress.com/about/
Yayasan Wahana Lingkugan Hidup, Indonesia – http://www.walhi.or.id/
Ybura – http://www.ybura.org
Yemen Association for Reproductive Health
Yemen Family Care Association – http://www.yfca-ye.org
Yemen Organization for Combating Human Trafficking
yemene development network for NGOs – http://www.ydnorg.com
Yemeni Business Club – http://www.ybc-yemen.com
YES Kenya – http://www.yeskenya.org
YesBC (Youth for Environmental Stewardship) – http://www.yesbc.ca
Yhwh NetWorks – http://www.christiancommunicationcentre.com
YINTA Foundation
Yoga in Daily Life USA – http://www.yogaindailylifeus.org
Yogaathma Foundation – http://www.yogaathma.org
Yonge Nawe Environmental Action Group
Yorubawa Links , A Memeber of Yorubawa Group – http://www.yorubawalinks.com
Young Action for Mass, (YAM) India – http://www.yamindia.in
Young Adult Leaders Association
Young Africa – http://www.youngafrica.org
Young African Leaders Initiative – http://www.yaliafrica.org
Young Ambassadors Society – http://www.youngambassadorsociety.org/
Young Democratic Society Dhaka
Young Eco Club
Young Elite Foundation – http://www.youngelitefoundation.ning.com
Young Entrepreneurs – Palestine – http://www.yep.ps
Young Generational Thinkers – http://www.ygtsa.wordpress.com
Young Men’s Hebrew Association of the City of New York, The – http://www.92Y.org
Young Naturalist Network
Young Peace Brigades – Sierra Leone – http://www.youngpeacebrigades.org
Young People We Care – http://www.ypwc.org
Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) – http://www.ypsa.org
Young Professionals Forum – http://www.ypfinc.org
Young Professionals in Local Development – http://www.ypld.org
Young Sovereigntier Africa
Young Voice for Development
Young Volunteers for Environment – http://www.ong-jve.org
Young Volunteers for Environment (YVE) – http://www.ong-jve.org
Young Water Action Team – http://www.ywat.org
Young Women Emancipation Forum – http://www.yweforum.org
Young Women’s Christian Association
Young Women’s Christian Association of the United States of America – http://www.ywca.org
Youngstars Foundation International – http://www.youngstarsfoundation.org
Yourh Net and Counselling – http://www.yoneco.org
Youth & Student of UNESCO, Nepal
Youth Action for Change – http://www.youthactionforchange.org
Youth Action for Pakistan – http://www.yap.org.pk
Youth Action for Rural Development
Youth Action Forum for Networking, Ghana
Youth Action in Relief and Development
Youth Action International Inc – http://www.peaceforkids.org
Youth Action to Promote Health, Care and Development
Youth Actions for Development – http://www.youthactiondevelopment.webs.com
Youth Activites and Culture – http://www.UAEYOUTH.AE
Youth Advocacy Group of Global Education First Initiative – http://www.globaleducationfirst.org
Youth Advocacy Network (YAN) – http://www.yansrhr.org
Youth Against Violence Initiatives
Youth Aid Education, Health and Development
Youth Alive Development Foundation – http://www.youthalivefoundation.org
Youth Alliance
Youth Alliance Movement of Nigeria
Youth Alliance- The Gambia – http://www.youthalliancegambia.webs.com
Youth Ambassador
Youth and Environment Europe – http://www.yeenet.eu
Youth and Women Empowerment Centre
Youth Art Research and Training Association – http://www.youthart.org.tr
Youth Association for Culture and Development – http://www.yacdworld.org
Youth Association for Habitat and Agenda 21 – http://www.habitaticingenclik.org.tr
Youth Awareness and Guidance Organisation, Agbarha-Otor
Youth Awareness Environmental Forum
Youth Bridge Foundation – http://www.youthbridgefoundation.net
Youth Care and Community Prevention Programme
Youth Catalyst
Youth Challenge International – http://www.yci.org
Youth Coalition Plus on MDGs Achievement
Youth Consortium for Progress – http://www.consortiumforprogress.com
Youth Crime Watch of Liberia – http://www.ycwliberia.org
Youth Desk – Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO – http://www.unescoyouthdesk.org
Youth Development & Peace Network
Youth Development and Enlightenment Initiative
Youth Development Environmental Training and Protection Association
Youth Development Facility-Uganda – http://www.youthfacility.org
Youth Development Initiative Zimbabwe
Youth Development of Congo YOUDEC – http://www.youdec.unblog.fr
Youth Dividend – http://www.youthdividend.org
Youth Drive International – http://www.ydi.org.gh
Youth Ecological Movement- BIOM
Youth Educator Society Pakistan
Youth Employment and Sustainability of Iran – http://www.iranycn.org
Youth Empowerment Alliance, Inc. – http://www.yealliance.org
Youth Empowerment and ICT Foundation – http://www.youthempowerment.org.ng
youth empowerment inatiative (YEP!africa) – http://www.yepafrica.org
youth empowerment network-k
YOUTH EMPOWERMENT SOCIETY OF ASIA – http://www.yesasiaonline.com
Youth Empowerment Synergy – http://www.yesghana.org
Youth Entrepreneurship and Sustainability of the DR Congo – http://www.lesjeunesentrepreneurs.org
Youth Environment Network – Zambia – http://www.yenzambiablospot.com
Youth Environmental Network of Kyrgyzstan – http://www.cayen.org
Youth Federation for World Peace Kenya – http://www.yfwpkenya.org
Youth For Africa – http://www.yoa.or.tz
Youth for Change (YOCA) – Zambia
Youth for Future 2006 – http://www.fondromania.org
Youth For Intergenerational Justice and Sustainability – http://www.yois.org
Youth for Peace and Dialogue between Cultures
Youth For Public Transport – http://www.y4pt.org/
Youth For Seva – http://www.youthforseva.org
Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action – http://www.yuvaindia.org
Youth Foundation of Bangladesh – http://www.yfob.org
Youth Get United Uganda – http://www.youthgetunited.org
Youth Group on Portection of Environment – http://www.ygpe.tj
Youth Human Rights Watch Committee
Youth Impact Organisation of Nigeria
Youth in Action – http://www.ecyg.wikispaces.com/Youth+in+Action
Youth in Action Balochistan – http://www.yiab.org
Youth in Action Programme Cameroon – http://www.yiapcam.com
Youth Initiative for Human Rights – http://www.yihr.org
Youth Initiative for Sustainable Human Development in Africa
Youth Institute of Science and Technology – http://www.yist-africa.org
Youth Knowledgeable Chamber – http://www.youthkchamber.co.za
Youth Leadership & Development Organization – http://www.yldo.org
Youth Link Ghana
Youth movement MoveGreen – http://www.movegreen.kg
Youth Movement for Peace and Non-Violence
Youth Network for Human Right and Democracy
Youth Network for Millenium Development Goals
Youth Network for Peace Africa
Youth Network for Reform, Inc. – www.yonerliberiablogspot.com/facebook:YouthNetworkforReform
Youth Network Initiative – http://www.networkinitiative.org
Youth Network on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria – http://www.nynethaogun.com
Youth of the 21st Century – http://www.youth21.tj
Youth of Uganda
Youth of United Nations Association of Tanzania – http://www.yunatz.org
Youth Orientation for Development – http://www.yodng.org
Youth Outreach Programme Cameroon – http://www.yopcam.org
Youth Partnership Partnership for Peace and Development – http://www.yppdatwork.org
Youth Peer Education Network-Tunisia – http://www.youthpeer.org.tn
Youth Power in Society
Youth Progressive Peace & Justice Forum
Youth Public Movement – http://www.MyPartner.org.ua
Youth Reformation Foundation of Nigeria
Youth Resource Centre – http://www.yrc.org.pk
Youth Save Organization
Youth Service America – http://www.YSA.org
Youth Solidarity and Human Rights Institute
Youth Talk International
Youth Vision Alliance Network – http://www.youthvan.org
Youth Vision Zambia – http://www.yvz.org.zm
Youth Watch – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Youth-Watch/96885343916?ref=ts&__a=1#/page…
Youth Welfare Organization
Youths Animation Centre to Promote Development
Youths Empowerment Education Initiative – http://www.youthsempowermenteducationinitiative.org
Youths for Global Peace Inititive
Youths for the Child’s Welfare – http://www.ycwcameroon.org
Youth’s UNESCO Club
YPMMD West Celebes – http://ypmmd.blogspot.com
Yuva Rural Association – http://www.yraindia.org
Yuva Welfare Foundation – http://www.yuvawf.com
Yuvak Quami Ekta committee – http://www.chitranshcollege.com
YUVSATTA – http://www.yuvsatta.org/
YWCA of Canada – http://www.ywcacanada.ca
Zaffron Youth Society
Zahara Women Foundation – http://zaharawomen.com/
Zakat Foundation Of India – http://www.zakatindia.org
Zakiganj Civil Society- ZCS – NGO
Zala briviba – http://www.zb-zeme.lv
Zamani Foundation
Zambia Association on Employment for Persons with Disabilities – http://www.zaepd.com
Zambia Climate Change Network – http://www.zccn.org.zm
Zambia Institutte of Environmental Management
Zambian International Health Alliance – http://ziha.bbnow.org
Zanzibar Diaspora Link
Zanzibar Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals – http://www.envaya.org/zspcazanzibar
Zanzibar Youth Education, Environment and Development Support Association – http://www.zayedesa.com
Zarga Organization for Rural Development – http://www.alzarga.org
Zeitz Foundation – http://www.zeitzfoundation.org
Zeleni Osijek – http://www.zeleni-osijek.hr
Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland – Jews Go Green – http://www.jewsgogreen.de
Zentralrat der Serben in Deutschland – http://www.zentralrat-der-serben.de
Zenü Netwok
Zephyr Design – http://www.zephyrdesign.co.uk
Zerah Foundation
Zero Waste International Alliance – http://www.zwia.org
Zero Waste San Diego – http://www.zerowastesandiego.org
Zigen Fund – http://www.zigen.org
Zimbabwe Benefit Foundation – http://www.zbf.org.uk
Zimbabwe Christian Movement International Trust
Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association
Zimbabwe Muslim Youth Organisation – http://www.zmyo.org.zw
Zimbabwe Unemployed People’s Association – http://www.zupazim.org
Zimbabwe United Nations Association – http://www.wfuna.org/zimbabwe
ZIMNET – http://www.zambotimes.com
Zinnok Initiative for Women and Children
Zinthiya Ganeshpanchan Trust
Zo Indigenous Forum – http://www.zoindigenous.blogspot.com
Zo Reunification Organization – http://www.zoreunification.org
ZOA Vluchtelingenzorg – http://www.zoa-international.com
Zoï Environment Network – http://www.zoinet.org
Zomi Education Council – http://www.zec.zocia.org
Zomi Human Rights Organization – http://www.zhro.org
Zomi Innkuan USA Inc.
Zoological Society of London – http://www.zsl.org
Zulu Kemetic Muurs – http://www.zulukemeticmuurs.org
(R)Evolution Let’s Change Now ! – http://www.leadrevolution.org
“ Tribunal Internacional de Consciência ‘Casa Real de Portugal’ pela Defesa das Ordens Dinásticas e os Títulos Nobres “ – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
“Eurasia” International Relations and Research Public Association
“Supremo Tribunal Internacional de Justiça pela Protecção dos Direitos Humanos ‘Casa Real de Portugal’ “ – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
“Young Leaders” Education-Training and Development Public Union
<<Improve our Village>> Social Organization – https://sites.google.com/site/senacnenkmergyugehk/
1° Initiative – Nepal – http://www.1di.org
100X Development Foundation – http://100xdevelopment.com
123 gs
21st Century Frontiers – http://www.21st-century-frontiers.net
22 Four
31st December Women’s Movement – http://www.31stdwm.org
360 Global Impact Ltd. – http://www.360globalimpact.org
3BL Associates – http://www.3blassociates.com
3D – Trade – Human Rights – Equitable Economy – http://www.3dthree.org
50plus Employment Link – http://www.fiftylpusemploymentlink.org
7 Star Ggs Tv Channel Broadcasting Association – http://www.ggsnews.com
7 star ggsnews tv channel – http://www.ggsnews.com
7 System – http://www.7-system.com
8th Day Center for Justice – http://www.8thdaycenter.org
A Better Life International Development Agency
A Breeze of Hope Foundation – http://www.abreezeofhope.org
A Celebration of Women Foundation Inc. – http://www.acelebrationofwomen.org
A Foundation – http://www.a-01.net
A K Foundation – http://www.akfoundation.webs.com
A la Vista! Communication Sociale – http://www.alavistatv.net
A Monarquia Real Portuguesa Verdadeira e Legitima-Linha Oficial Constitucional de Sar Dom Rosario – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
A Monarquia Real Portuguesa Verdadeira e Legitima-Linha Oficial Constitucional de Sar Dom Rosario – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
A New World Altogether
A P Human Rights Council – http://www.hrcindia.org
A Perfect Execution
A Real Casa de Portugal Hoje No Final do XX° Século
A Real Casa de Portugal Hoje No Final do XX° Século
A Voz do Cidadão Instituto de Cultura de Cidadania – http://www.avozdocidadao.com.br
A.K. Munshi Yojana
A3 Foundation nig – http://www.thea3foundation.org
A4e Ltd – http://www.mya4e.com
Aadishakti Bahuuddeshiya Shaishanik & Samajik Vikas Sanstha
Aaghaz Foundation – http://www.aagazfoundation.org.pk
AARP – http://www.aarp.org
Abaawa Hagar Saah Memorial Foundation
Abant Izzet Baysal University – http://www.ibu.edu.tr
Abdul Momen Khan Memorial Foundation (Khan Foundation) – http://www.khan-foundation.org
ABI Humanitarian Foundation – http://www.abihumanitarian.org
Abibimman Foundation – http://www.abibimmanfoundation.org
Ability Focus
Ability Foundation – http://www.abilityfoundation.org
Abima Garo Youth Association – https://www.facebook.com/groups/agyadmb/
Abiodun Adebayo Welfare Foundation – http://www.abiodunadebayowelfare-foundation.org
ABMP – Associação Brasileira de Magistrados, Promotores de Justiça e Defensores Públicos da Infância e Juventude – http://www.abmp.org.br
Abo Mosa Al Ashary Social Charitable Association
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service (Victoria) – http://www.fvpls.org
Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia – http://www.als.org.au
Aboriginal Life in Vancouver Enhancement – http://www.alivesociety.ca
Aboriginal Medical Service Western Sydney – http://www.amsws.org.au
Aboriginal Moabite Nation
ABRAR – http://www.abrar-sd.org
Abuprodi Burundi – http://www.saemaul.com
Acacia Development Society
Academia de Capelães Evangélicos do Brasil
Academia de Juízes de Paz Eclesiásticos do Brasil
Academia de Letras do Brasil/Suíça – http://albswiss.blogspot.ch/
Academia de Peritos em Genealogia e Heráldica e Corte Arbitrtal Nobiliária
Academia de Teólogos Evangélicos do Brasil
Academia dos Cavaleiros de Cristóvão Colombo – http://www.accol.org
Academia Real Portuguesa de Ciências – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Academic Council on the United Nations System – http://www.acuns.org
Academie Diplomatique Africaine
Académie Héraldique de Saint Paul
Academy for Advacement in environmental and occupational health sciences society
Academy for Future Science – http://www.affsafrica.org
Academy for Mobilizing Rural-Urban Action through Education
Acamun – http://www.acamun.mex.tl
Acao Voluntaria de Atitude dos Movimentos por Transparencia Social
Ação, Ética & Cidadania – http://www.aecidadania.org.br
Accademia del Dipartimento Internazionale per il Turismo Spettacolo e Comunicazioni Sociali IIRD – http://www.iird.org
Accademia del Dipartimento Internazionale per la Cultura e L’ istruzione IIRD – http://www.iird.org
Accademia Internazionale Capitano Bartolomeo Colleoni – http://www.iird.org
Accademia Internazionale Di Alta Cultura Nicholas Roerich
Accademia Internazionale di Alti Studi Helena Petrovna Blavatsky ( Emanazionde dell’Istituto Internazionale per le Relazioni Diplomatiche-IIRD ) – http://www.iird.org
Accademia Internazionale di Alti Studi MOCTEZUMA – http://www.iird.org
ACCADEMIA INTERNAZIONALE DI ALTI STUDI ARALDICI “Giovanni Battista di Crollalanza Emanazione dell’Istituto Internazionale per le Relazioni Diplomatiche – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Accademia Internazionale Per Gli Alti Studi Di Mongolistica – http://www.iird.org
Accademia Internazionale per lo Studio dei Popoli Nomadi Tauranian – http://www.iird.org
Accademica di Diritto Internazionale e Diplomatico – http://www.iird.org
Access Bangladesh Foundation – http://www.accessbangladesh.org
Access Now – https://www.accessnow.org
Access Tourism New Zealand – http://www.accesstourismnz.org.nz
Accessibility Organization for Afghan Disabled – http://www.aoad-af.org/
Accessible Media Inc. – http://www.ami.ca
Acción Internacional por la Salud Bolivia – http://www.aisbol.org
Accurate Pattern GLobal Concept
ACHE Internacional – http://www.acheinternacional.org
Acid Survivors Foundation – http://www.acidsurvivorspakistan.org
Acropetal Lead Organization
ACT – Aliança de Controle do Tabagismo – http://www.actbr.org.br
ACT Alliance – Action by Churches Together – http://www.actalliance.org
Act of Grace 145 – http://www.actofgrace145.com
Acteurs dans le Developpement et le Droit a la Sante pour Tous
Action Against Global Warming
Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture
Action Canada for Population and Development – http://www.acpd.ca
Action Center For Rural Community Development
Action Communautaire de Solidarite et d’Intervention Sociale – http://www.acsishaiti.com
Action Communautaire Femme et Enfant – http://www.acfeong.org
Action des Chrétiens activistes des droits de l’homme à Shabunda – http://www.acadhosha.org
Action des Programmes de Développement en Milieu Rural
Action et Humanisme
Action for Children – http://www.actionforchildrengm.org
Action for Collective Tribal Improvement and Vocational Education – http://www.activeindia.org
Action for Collective Tribal Improvement and Vocational Education – ACTIVE – http://www.activeindia.org
Action for Community Development-Uganda – http://www.acodevuganda.org
Action for Humanitarian Development
Action for Reconstruction and Reingrategration Services, Inc.
Action for Research and Development Programme
Action for Social and Human Right Awareness
Action for Sustainable Development and Health Care
Action for the Empowerment and Care of the Girl Child
Action for Women and Child Concern – http://www.facebook.com/actionforwomenandchildconcern
action handicap – http://www.actionhandicap.dj/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&i…
Action Humaine pour le Développement Intégré au Sénégal – http://www.ahdis.org
Action Institute for Environmental Development Communication – http://www.action.co.zw
Action Jeunesse pour le Développement
Action Nationale pour l’Education au Développement Durable
Action Network for the Disabled – http://www.andy.or.ke
Action of Human Movement (AHM) – http://www.ahmngo.org
Action on Armed Violence – http://www.aoav.org.uk//http://www.landmineaction.org
Action on Disability and Development – http://www.add.org.uk
Action on Disability and Development, Bangladesh – http://www.add.org.bd
Action Oriented Minds – http://www.aomliberia.blogspot.com
Action pour la Solidarité et le Développement – http://www.asodev.cd
Action pour la Valorisation des Ressources Ivoiriennes ( AVRI)
Action pour le Développement Social et Culturel – http://www.ongadsc.fr.gd
Action pour une Gestion Rationelle de l’Environnement en Mauritaine
Action Sécurité Ethique Républicaines – http://www.armerdesarmer.fr
Action Sociale Internationale
Action Sociale pour la conservation de l’Environnement
Action Solidaire de la Jeunesse pour le Développement Communautaire
Action Solidaire pour un Développement Entretenu à la Base – http://www.asdeb.org
Action Works Nepal – http://www.actionworksnepal.org
Actions – Développement des Communes Rurales
Actions communautaires pour le développement integral – http://www.acdirdc.com
Actions de Développement Intègre et Durable
Actions des Tacherons pour le Développement Urbain et rural
Actions en Faveur de l’Homme et de la Nature
Actions et interventions pour le développement et l’encadrement social
Actions pour la Relance de l’Ecole Ivoirienne
Actions pour le Development Integre au Kivu
Actions Vitales pour le Développement durable
ACTIVE – Sobriety, Friendship and Peace – http://www.activeeurope.org
Active Help Organization
Active Living Alliance for Canadians with a Disability – http://www.ala.ca
Acton Institute
Ad Hoc Conciliation Commission of Ko Hawaii Pae Aina
Ada Lovelace International – CSO – http://www.ada-lovelace.org
Adaleh Center for Haumn Rights Studies – http://www.adaleh-center.org
Adaleh Center for Human Rights Studies – http://www.adaleh-center.org
Adam Welfare Trust – http://www.adamwelfaretrust.com
ADC International,Inc – http://www.adcint.org
Addameer Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association – http://www.addameer.org
Addu Womens Development Initiative
ADESCP-ACP(Association pour l’appui au développement, économique social et culturel des communautés pauvres d’Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique)
Adharshila – http://adharshilatrust.org/
Aditi Samaj Sewi Sanstha
Aditi Social and Technical Organization Jaipur, Kuchaman City, Rajasthan (india) – http://www.asto.org
ADIVASI STUDENT & YOUTH DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY – http://www.adivasistudentyouthdevelopmentsociety.blogspot.com
Adivasi Yuva Seva Sangh – http://www.adiyuva.in
Admiral Development Organization – http://www.admiral.dev.org.com
Adventist Development and Relief Agency – http://www.adra.org
Advocacy for Health, Education, Agriculture and Development, Inc.
Advocacy Initiative for Development – http://www.aidsl.org
Advocacy Initiative for Development (AID) – http://www.advocacyinitiative.org
Advocacy Network for Small Scale Enterprises
Advocate for Peace International
Advocates for International Development
Advocates For Safe Parenthood: Improving Reproductive Equity-ASPIRE
Advocates for Youth
Advocating the Rights of Orphan People Living with HIV/AIDS and Womens Rights
Adyghe Indigenous Organisation Inc
ADYNE – http://www.adyne.info
AEDE Association Espoir Des Enfants
AEEMCI – Assaciation des Elèves et Etudiants Musulmans de Cote d’Ivoire – http://www.aeemci.info
AFEL – http://www.afel-togo.org
Affirmative Action on Gender Equality Network – http://aggen2011.blogspot.com/p/about.html
Afghan Amputee Bicyclists for Rehabilitation And Recreation – http://www.aabrar.org.af
Afghan Boursiers du Gouvernement Français (BGF) Association – http://www.abgfa.fr
Afghan Development Foundation
Afghan Youth for Social Development
Afghanistan Information Management Services – http://www.aims.org.af
Afghanistan Islamic Medical Association
Afghanistan Youth Development Capacity Building Programs Association
AFIC ( Association des Femmes Ingénieures au Cameroun)
afrak masst
Africa Asia Scholars Global Network – http://aasgon.net
Africa Business Initiative Network
Africa Centre for Citizens Orientation – http://www.africacore.org
Africa Centre for HIV/Aids Management – http://www.aidscentre.sun.ac.za
Africa Challenge Foundation – http://www.africachallengefoundation.org
Africa Coalition on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health – http://www.africamnchcoalition.net
Africa Culture Internationale – http://www.africaculture.info
Africa Environmental Security Network
Africa Environmental Watch, Inc. – http://www.africaenvironmentalwatch.org
Africa Faith And Justice Network – http://www.afjn.org/
Africa Freedom of Information Centre – http://www.africafoicentre.org
Africa Friends Association – http://www.africaquerote.com
Africa Health, Human and Social Development (Afri-Dev) – http://www.afri-dev.net
Africa I Care
Africa Infrastructures Foundation
Africa Initiative for the Needy Uganda – http://www.ainuganda.viviti.com
Africa Institute of Organization Development – http://www.africainstituteod.com
Africa Millennium Development Network – http://www.afrinetdevelopment.org
Africa Muslim Federation – http://www.amfs.za.org
Africa Network for Animal Welfare – http://www.anaw.org
Africa Nihon Kyougi-Kai – http://www.ajf.gr.jp
Africa Peace Forum – http://www.amaniafrika.org
Africa Public Health Alliance & 15% Campaign – http://www.africapublichealth.org
Africa Safe Water Foundation
Africa Speaks – http://www.africaspeakshq.com
AFRICA TURK ASSOCIATON – http://www.afroturk.com
Africa Unite – http://www.africaunite.org.za
Africa Youth Association – Scientific & Cultural
Africa Youth for Peace and Development – http://www.aypad.com
Africa Youth Growth Foundation – http://www.aygf.org
Africa Youths International Development Foundation – http://www.afyidef.org
Africalink – Africa Australia Association
African Action on AIDS – http://www.africanactiononaids.org
African Aid Organization – http://www.afaid.org
African AIDS Fund Group – http://www.africanaidsfund.org
African American Centre for Governance and Development – http://www.africanamericancentre.8m.net
African American Islamic Institute – http://aaii.info/
African American Thinktank – http://www.AATHINKTANK.COM
African and Arab Youth Council – http://www.aayouthc.org
African Artists for Development – http://www.aad-fund.org
African Arts Institute – http://www.afai.org.za
African Association of Education for Development
African Association of Remote Sensing of the Environment (AARSE) – http://www.africanremotesensing.org
African Ball & Community Development – http://www.abacode.org
African Business Roundtable – http://www.abrnetwork.org
African Care – http://www.africancare.fi
African Centre for Advocacy and Human Development – http://www.african-advocacygrp.org
African Centre for Community and Development – http://www.africancentreforcommunity.com/
African Centre for ICTs in Education and Development – http://www.africicted.za.org
African Centre for Trade and Development – http://www.actade.org
African Charitable Society for Mother and Child Care – http://www.acsom-sd.org
African Child Care Foundation – http://www.africanchildcare.com
African Child Initiative
African Child Peace Initiative
African Citizens Development Foundation – http://www.acdfinternational.org
African Citizen’s Empowerment Foundation, Nigeria – http://www.acefnigeria.wordpress.com
African Civil Society for Information Society – http://www.acsis-africa.org
African Climate Change Fellowship Programme
African Cocoa & Coffee Farmers’ Marketing Organization – http://www.accfmo.org
African Community Fund for Education – http://www.acfegroup.org
African Computer and Technology Literacy Awareness Program (ACTLAP) Inc. – http://www.actlap.org
African Development Agriculture Environment Project Analysis Network Forum
African Development and Advocacy Centre – http://afridac.org
African Heritage Foundation for Human Deevlopment
African Heritage Foundation Nigeria – http://www.africanheritageng.org
African Holocaust Society – http://www.africanholocaust.net
African Hope Committee Inc. – http://www.afriquehope.org
African Institute for Health and Development – http://www.aihdint.org
African Leadership Community link Advancement program
African Leadership Community Link Advancement Programm – http://savefuture.org/ALCOMLAP/about/
African Library Solution and Development – http://www.alisod.org
African Migration and Development Policy Centre – http://www.amadpoc.org
African Monitor – http://www.africanmonitor.org
African Movement for Social Justice/Action Immigrante
African Network for Policy Research and Advocacy for Sustainability – http://www.anpras.org
African Peace Network – http://www.apnetngo.org
African Reformers Organisation
AFRICAN REFUG E – http://www.africanrefuge.org
African Rescue Committee – http://www.afrec.org
African Revolution Movement
African Rights Initiative International – http://www.ariint.org
African Services Committee, Inc.
African Sky – http://www.africansky.org
African Solutions to African Problems – http://www.africansolutions.org
African Tobacco Control Alliance – http://www.atca-africa.org
African Views Organization a NJ Nonprofit Corporation – http://www.africanviews.org
African Wildlife Foundation – http://www.awf.org
African Women’s Active Nonviolence Initiatives for Social Change – http://www.awanich.org
African Women’s Alliance, Inc. – http://www.awa-connect.org
African Women’s Development & Communication Network (FEMNET) – http://www.femnet.co
African Youth Development Foundation – Nigeria – http://www.inspireyouths.org
African Youth for Transparency (AYFT) – http://www.ayftafrica.ca
African Youth Movement – http://www.africanyouthmovement.org
African Youth Network for Sustainable Development
African Youth Panel – http://www.africanyouth.dk
African Youth Union
African Youth Volunteers for Peace – http://www.ayvp.jigsy.com
African Youth with Disabilities’ Network – http://www.aywdn.org
african-brirish returnees international – http://www.afribritishreturnees.org
African-Child Projects
African-German Youth Arts Culture & Science Association – http://www.ayacsa.org
African-Union Chamber of Commerce – http://www.african-union.za.org
Africare – http://www.africare.org
Afri-Carriat Energie
Africa’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Africa-USA Trade Center
Afrigrowth Foundation – http://www.afrigrowth.org
Afrihealth Information Projects/Afrihealth Optonet Association
Afrika Re Coopération – http://www.afrikarecooperation.org
Afrique Azimuts
Afrique Paix et développement – http://www.afriquepaixetdeveloppement.wifeo.com
Afrique Profonde – http://www.afriqueprofonde.org
Afrique Secours et Assistance – http://www.asa-ci.org
Afrique Youth Council and Education Network
Afro-Asian Peoples’ Solidarity Organization
Afrobizsense – http://www.afrobizsense.org
Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance – http://www.akdn.org/akam
Against Child Trafficking – http://againstchildtrafficking.org/
Agape International Spiritual Center of Truth
Agape Scholars International, Inc – http://www.agapescholars.org
Agape Training Centre
AGE CONCERN BRIGHTON HOVE & PORTSLADE – http://www.ageconcern-bhp.org.uk
Age NI – http://www.ageni.org
AGE Platform Europe – http://www.age-platform.eu/
Age UK
Age Well Senior Services, Inc. – http://www.AgeWellSeniorServices.org
Aged Care and Service Centre
Ageing – Nepal – http://www.ageingnepal.org.np
Ageing Research Foundation of India
Agence Consultative en Ethique de la Cooperation Internationale – ACECI – http://www.aceci.org
Agence Djiboutienne de Développement Social
Agence Haitienne de Developpement Social Educatif et Environnemental – http://www.facebook.com/ahdseehaiti
Agence Internationale pour le Developpement – http://www.aide-federation.org
Agence pour le Développement Intégré au Congo
Agencia Devolve – http://www.agenciadevolve.com.br
Agencia INOVA – Associação para a Cultura e a Criatividade – http://www.agenciainova.pt
Agencia Latinoamericana de Informacion (ALAI)
Agencia Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico Social e Defesa Ambiental – http://www.andesa.org.br
Agência Nacional de Desenvolvimento Eco-Social – http://www.andesbrasil.org.br
Agency for African Families in Distress – http://www.aafid.org
Agency for Cooperation and Research in Development (ACORD) – http://www.acordinternational.org
Agency for Cooperation, Education and Development – http://www.aced.ba
Agency for Human Development (AHD)
Agency for Refugee Education, Skills Training, and Advocacy – http://www.aresta.org.za
Agenda 21 Vacaria-RS-Brasil – http://www.agenda21vacaria.com
Agenda Ciudadana por el Desarrollo y la Corresponsabilidad Social A.C. – http://www.agendaciudadana-ac.org
Agenda Pública – Agência de Análise e Cooperação em Políticas Públicas – http://www.agendapublica.org.br
AGEN-USA Inc. – http://www.agentz.org/
Agewell Foundation – http://www.agewellfoundation.org
Aggrupation of Advocates for Environmental Protection (AGAP) Bulusan, Inc. – http://www.preservebvnp.net|http://www.agapbulusan.org
Aging Safely, Inc. – http://www.agingsafely.org
Agirre Lehendakaria Center for Social and Political Studies – http://www.agirrecenter.com/
Agricole Initiative – http://www.ia.cg
Agricultural Missions, Inc. – http://www.agriculturalmissions.org
Agriculture and Bio-Fuel Association
Agrupacion de Investigacion Juridica Equipo Juridico Humanistico – http://www.wix.com/equipo_juridico/ejuh
Agrupacion de Jubilados de la Policia, Transito y Bomberos del DF
AIBEX Asociación Internacional de ex – Becarios – http://www.aibex.eu
Aid for trade logistics – http://www.aidfortradelogistics.org
Aid Organization (AO) – http://www.aidorg.net
Aide aux Femmes et Enfants
Aide Internationale pour L’enfance – http://www.aipe-cci.org/
Aide sanitaire suisse aux Palestiniens – http://www.assp.ch
Aide, Assistance et Développement Communautaire de Côte d’Ivoire
AIDE4Youth Concepts – http://www.aide4youth.webs.com
Aides aux Mals Integres et Enfants Soupçonnes Sorciers
AIDS Accountability International – http://www.aidsaccountability.org
Aids Community and Orphan Trust – http://www.ACOTTZ.COM
AIDS Information Switzerland
AIEES – http://aiees.snu.ac.kr
Aiesec Cote D’ivoire – http://www.aiesec.org
AIESEC em Salvador
AIESEC in Joinville – http://aiesecjoinville.org.br/site/
AIESEC in Juiz de Fora – http://www.aiesec.org.br/site/escritorio/juizdefora
AIESEC Macedonia
AIESEC no Brasil – http://www.aiesec.org.br
AIFER Asociacion Internacional Fundada para el Emprendimiento Responsable – http://www.aiferglobal.weebly.com
Aim In Life Foundation – http://www.aiminlife.com
AIMS Organization – http://www.aimspk.org
Ain Shohayta Kendra Foundation – http://www.askbcrs.com
AIN SHOYTA KENDRA FOUNDATION – http://www.askbcrd.com
Ain Sohayta Kendro (ASOK) Foundation – http://www.newasok.com
Aina World – http://www.ainaworld.org
Aitemad Human Rights Organizaion
Aitemad Research & Development Organization – http://en.ardopak.org/
AJ Foundation (Bangladesh) – http://www.aj-foundation.org
Ajans Techno – http://www.ajanstechno.com
AJAR Foundation – http://www.ajarfoundation.org
Ajemalebu Self Help – Cg
Ajit Foundation India – http://www.ajitfoundation.com
AJIZ – Union Of Development Concern – http://sites.google.com/site/ajizunionofdevelopmentconcern
AJVSME – http://www.ajvsme.asso-web.com
AK Khan Healthcare Trust
AK Party Youth Branches – http://www.akgenclik.org.tr/
Akbar Abbas Ibraheem Welfare Society for Human Rights and Undocumented Migrents – http://wwwranaalitrader.webstarts.com.com/
Akbayan Youth – http://www.akbayanyouth.org
Akhil Bharatiya Sanskrutik Sangh – http://www.abssindia.orgorhttp://www.gcac.co
Akila Bharatha Mahila Seva Samaja
Akruti Info-Tech
AKS Foundation – http://www.aksfoundation.webs.com
AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trust – http://www.akshaya-india.org
Aku Cultural and Development Association
Akuaipa Waimakat Asociacion Para La Divulgacion, Promocion y Defensa De Los Derechos Humanos e Indigenas
Akwa Ibom State Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Welfare
Al Afaag
Al Birr & Al Tawasul Organization – http://www.bto.org.sd
Al Hanan Center for Children with Special Needs
Al Manarah – The Association for Arab Persons with Disabilities – http://www.almanarah.org/index.aspx
Al Masryeen Organization for Social Service and Human Rights
Al Tajdeed Cultural Social Society – http://www.tajdeed.org
Al Urdun Al Jadid Research Center – http://www.ujrc-jordan.net
Al Zubair Charitable Foundation – http://alzbaircharity.org/
ALACO – http://www.alacor.org
Alafia Actions 21
Alaknanda Ghaati Shilpi Federation
Alan Guttmacher Institute
Alarth Alkhadraa and Environmental Protecton Org.
Alashanek Ya Balady Association for Sustainable Development – http://www.ayb-sd.org
Alaska Carbon Exchange – http://www.akcarbonexchange.com
Al-Awn Foundation for Development – http://www.alawn.org
Al-Ayadi Al-Baidha’a Organization for community development
Alberge y Comedor Gratuitos Tambitos A.C.
Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation – http://www.laskerfoundation.org
Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Institute, Inc. – http://www.sabin.org
ALCALDIA DE BUCARAMANGA COLOMBIA – http://www.bucaramanga.gov.co
Alcohol Prevention Youth Initaitive, Nigeria – http://www.apyn.yolasite.com
Aldet Centre-Saint Lucia
Alexis International Society
ALFABETIZACAO SOLIDARIA (AlfaSol) – http://www.alfasol.org.br
Al-Farabi Foundation for Scientific Progress – http://www.alfarabi-iq.com
Alfarouq Society – http://www.alfarouqsociety.org
Alfattah Youth Development Academy – http://www.alfattahacademy.tripod.com
Al-Fidaa Foundation – http://www.alfidaa.co.za
Alfirdous Women Association
ALG Consulting Group – http://www.ALGCONSULTINGGROUP.COM
Algerian Red Crescent branch El Assafia
ALGhina Association – http://www.facebook.com/alghina002
Al-Hakim Foundation – http://www.alhakimfd.org
Alhaya Erada for Sustainable Development – http://www.aidtoartisans-egypt.org
Aliansi Masyarakat Adat Nusantara
Alianta Civica a Romilor din Romania – http://www.acrr.ro
Alianza Internacionales Inca Peru ONG – http://perualianzainca.galeon.com
Alianza ONG – http://www.alianzaong.org.do
Alianza Para La Integración Comunitaria, Utopia.A.C.
Alianza Solidaria para la Lucha Contra el VIH/SIDA – http://www.asolsida.org
Al-Imdaad Foundation – http://www.alimdaad.com
Alintilaq Organization for Development
AlJawf Women Organization – http://www.csotwg.org
Al-Jawf Women Organization For Development – http://www.csotwg.org
Al-khoei Foundation – http://www.alkhoei.org
All Africa Students Union – http://www.allafricastudentsunion.org
All Children Healthy Kidneys Foundation (ACHKA)
All China Women’s Federation
All Encompassed World Aid, Inc – http://www.AEWA.org
All Encompassed World Aid, Inc.
all inclined voulnteers association(AVIA)
ALL INDIA DEVELOPMENT TRUST – http://www.aidtindia.org
All India Dhanak Organisation – http://www.dhanaksamaj.com
All India Disaster Mitigation Institute – http://www.aidmi.org
All India Fishermen Front – http://www.aifmf.org
All India Kissan Mazdoor Morcha
All India Marwari Yuva Manch – http://www.aimym.com
All India Women’s Conference – http://www.aiwc.org.in
All Karnataka Social Welfare & Youth Educational Development Society
all sindh huooq- e-insani welfare karachi
All Students Welfare Organization – https://www.facebook.com/#!/AswoS
All Win Network – http://www.allwinnetwork.org
All Youth Development Organisation – http://www.ayd-org.blogspot.com
Allahbakashorganization – http://allahbakash.jimdo.com
Allama Iqbal Community Center – http://www.allamaiqbalcommunitycenter.org
All-China Environment Federation
Alliance Cornerstone Positive Outreach Concepts
Alliance Creative Community Project – http://www.accpgh.org
Alliance des Femmes Chretiennes pour le Developpement
Alliance des jeunes Chrétiens Evangelaires – http://www.ajce-evangelaire.org
Alliance for Africa Ltd/Gte – http://www.alliancesforafrica.org
Alliance for Children – http://www.allianceforchildren.net
Alliance for Cooperation and Legal Aid Bangladesh – http://www.aclab-bd.org
Alliance for Development and Population Services (ADEPS) – http://www.adepskenya.kbo.co.ke
Alliance for Health Promotion – http://www.alliance4healthpromotion.org
Alliance for Refugees in South Africa – http://www.afrisa-org.net
Alliance For Reproductive Health Rights – http://www.arhr.org.gh
Alliance for Social,Culture and Youth Advancement – http://www.mybrandcity.com
Alliance Globale contre les Mutilations Génitales Féminines – http://www.global-alliance-fgm.org
Alliance Internationale pour les Objectifs du Millénaire – http://www.aiodm2015.org
Alliance Nationale Contre le SIDA, Dakar – Sénégal – http://www.ancs.sn
Alliance of Mediterranean Women Abroad
Alliance of Progressive Labor – http://www.apl.org.ph
Alliance of Tribal Coalitions To End Violence
Alliance Toward Harnessing Global Opportunities Corporation – http://www.athgo.org
Allibiya Assembly For Support The Rights Of Libyans Outside Libya – http://www.allibiya.org
Allliance for African Women Initiative – http://www.afawigh.org
All-Nigeria United Nations Students and Youth Association
All-Russian non-government organization «Russian Geographical society» – http://www.rgo.ru
All-Russian Public Organization of Disabled People with Multiple Sclerosis – http://ms2002.ru/
All-Russian public organization ‘Russian Union of Youth’ – http://www.ruy.ru/
All-Ukrainian Association of Civil Organizations Union of Armenians of Ukraine – http://www.sau.net.ua
All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH – http://www.network.org.ua
All-Ukrainian NGO Ukrainian Assambly of Youth – http://www.youthassembly.com.ua(underconstruction
All-Ukrainian Union of Non-Government Organizations Confederation of Non-Government Organizations of People with Disabilities of Ukraine – http://www.vsgo.org.ua/
Almadeena Foundation
Almagd Women’s Organization Development – http://www.almagd.cso.com
Al-Mahdi Institute – http://www.almahdi.edu
Al-Maqdese for Society Development – http://www.al-maqdese.org
Al-Masoom Trust International – http://www.almasoomtrust.org.uk
Al-Mehran Research & Development Foundation – http://www.almehran.org
Almidan NGO – http://www.almidan.org
Almjales Alshamelah
Al-Mustafa Development Network – http://www.adn.org.pk
Al-noor welfare & development society kalat balochistan – http://www.noorbkorg
Alot-Lyrics Edutainment – http://www.alotlyricsedutainment.org
alpesandes.org – http://www.alpesandes.org
Alpha Fundación de Estudios Estratégicos
Alpha O. Centre for Malaria Prevention and Control
Alpha Omega Anti-Crime International Task Force – http://www.woma.usa
Alphabétisation, Pain et Salut Pour Tous
Alqara Alsamra Organization for Human Right & Charity – http://www.FACEBOOK.COM/HUMANRIGHT&CHARITY
Alqasim Foundation – http://www.soonvalley.bravehost.com
Alrahma Islamic Organization – http://www.alrahma-sd.org
Alsalam Foundation – http://www.salamf.org
Alsharg Charity for Development and Services
Alternatif Politikalar Merkezi – http://www.politikamerkezi.org.tr
Alternativa de Desarrollo Amazonico – http://www.aldeaperu.blogspot.com
Alternative for Rural Movement – http://www.armngo.com
Alternatives Durables pour le Développement – http://www.alternativesdurables.org
Alternatives, reseau d’action et communication pour le développement international – http://www.alternatives.ca
Altruists Welfare Organization – http://www.altruistswelfare.org
Alut- The Israeli Society for Autistic Children – http://www.alut.org.il
Alzheimer’s Research Foundation, Fisher Center – http://www.ALZinfo.org
Aman Welfare Foundation – https://www.facebook.com/sabir.shahzad1
Aman Welfare Health & Educational Society – http://www.amanwelfare.org
Aman Welfare Health and Educational Society – http://www.amanwelfare.org
Amani Communites Africa – http://www.acafrica.org
AMARCOR – http://www.amarcor.org
Amavex, Inc
Amazin Lethi Foundation – http://www.amazinlethifoundation.org
Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization – http://www.otca.info
Amazonlink.org – http://www.amazonlink.org
Ambassade Diplomatique des Enfants
Ambedkar Center for Justice and Peace – http://www.acjpindia.org
AMD Alliance International
American Association for Health Education (AAHE) – http://www.aaheinfo.org
American Association of Jurists
American Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators – http://www.aamva.org
American Association of Russian Women – http://www.aarw.us.com
American Blue Cross Society – http://www.blue-cross.in
American Center for International Labor Solidarity – http://www.solidaritycenter.org
American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists
American Council for World Jewry, Inc.
American Delegation of the Order of Danilo I
American Family Association of New York
American Federation for Aging Research
American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations
American Hope Charities, Corp. – http://www.americanhopecharities.org
American Indian Enterprise & Business Council – http://www.aiebc.org
American Indian Law Alliance – http://www.ailanyc.org
American Indian Movement of Colorado – http://www.coloradoaim.org/
American International Chamber of Commerce – http://www.aiccus.org
American International Health Alliance – http://www.aiha.com
American International Research about Harvard U Foundation
American Islamic Congress – http://www.aicongress.org
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc. – http://www.jdc.org
American Library Association – http://www.ala.org
American Medical Student Association – http://www.amsa.org
American Middle East Christians Congress – http://www.amecc.us
American Planning Association
American Psychiatric Association – http://www.psych.org
American Psychological Association – http://www.apa.org
American Public Health Association – http://www.apha.org
American Society of International Law – http://www.asil.org
American Status; International Arbitrators
American United Nations Youth Association – http://www.aunya.com
America’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Amical des Jeunes pour le Développement Intégré de Guinée (AJEDIG)
Amidraliin Hurd – http://www.heart.gift/mn
Amigos con Calor Humano – http://www.asociacionamigos.org
Amigos do Protocolo de Kyoto
Amis de la Canne Blanche ONG/D
Amis des Etrangers au Togo (A.D.E.T.)
Amis du Peuple du Sahara Occidental – http://ap-so.blogspot.fr/
Amitié sans frontières internationale
Amity Foundation – http://www.amityfoundation.org/
Amizade Ltd. – http://www.amizade.org
Amnesty International Australia – http://www.amnesty.org.au
Amnesty usr Egyptian Human Rights – https://www.facebook.com/pages/%D8%AC%D9%85%D8%B9%D9%8A%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%…
Amnistia Internacional Portugal – http://www.amnistia-internacional.pt
Amy Jacques Parenting Assocation
An Association for Awarness
An Organization for Socio-Economic Development – http://www.aosed.org
Ana Vander Woude
Anaassudan Organization – http://www.anaasudan.org
Analytical Center for Interethnic Cooperaiton and Consultations
Anamil Organization for Women and Children Care
Anand yuva Vikas Society
Ananda Marga Universal Relief Team – Foundation AMURT (Switzerland) – http://www.amurt.org
Anchalika Jana Seva Anusthan – http://www.ajsaodisha.in
Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. – http://www.aeraweb.org
Ancient Temple of Kemetian Science – http://ancienttempleofkemetianscience.weebly.com
ANGEL – http://www.angelvision.org
Angel of the Weak Foundation
Angels of Peace Academy Foundation
Angels Shine Foundation
Anglican Consultative Council – http://www.anglicancommunion.org
Anglican Rite Roman Catholic Church – http://www.anglicanritecatholicchurch.org
Anhui Volunteer Association – http://www.ahyg.org
Aniban ng Manggagawa sa Agrikultura (AMA)
Aninpa Foundation – http://www.aninpa.org.br
Anjana Ghosh Memorial Social Welfare Trust – http://www.agmswt.webs.com
Anjoman Eghtesad Energy Iran – http://www.IRAEE.org
Anjuman Foundation
Ankur Foundation Trust
Ankush Welfare Society – http://www.ankushwelfaresociety.org
Anna Maria Owacha Foundation
Annapurna Khadi Gramouthan vikas sansthan
ANO Organization Vector of Friendship – http://www.vfunion.ru
Ansar Burney Trust International – http://www.ansarburney.org
Answer International
Antalya Kültürlerarasi Diyalog Merkezi – http://www.akdim.org
Anti corruption society
Anti Crime & Research Council of Pakistan – http://www.anticrc.com
Anti Drug Abuse Association of Zimbabwe
Anti-Corruption Awareness Organization Nigeria – http://www.anticorruptionawareness.org.ng
Anti-Corruption Front (R) – http://www.anticorruptionfront.org
Anti-Counterfeiting And Piracy Initiative – http://www.acapiafrica.org.ng
Anti-Drug Association Of Somalia ( ADRASOM ) – http://www.adrasom.com
Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre and Sexual Assault Services Association – http://www.antigonishwomenscentre.com
Antinea Foundation – http://www.antinea-foundation.org
Anti-Tribalism Movement – http://www.theatm.org
Anwaeltinnen Ohne Grenzen e.V. – http://www.anwaeltinnen-ohne-grenzen.de
Anwar Jannat Memorial Foundation – http://www.ajmfoundation.com
AO,Centrul Ecologic – Recuperare, Reciclare, Reintegrare – http://www.moderntech-ecogreen.com
Aoma Agencies Limited – http://www.aomaagencies.com
Apang Jeevan Vikas Sanstha, Amravati, Maharashtra, India
Apathy is Boring – http://www.apathyisboring.com
APBE: Association pour la Promotion du Bien Etre
Apex Concept International
Apex Development Foundation – http://www.Apexdevelopment.org
Apex Mission Nepal-AMIN – http://www.amin.org.np
APMM Company Limited – http://www.apmigrants.org
Apne Aap Women’s Collective – http://www.aawc.in
Apostoli – http://www.mkoapostoli.gr/
Apostolic Ministerial International Network
Apostolic Ministerial International Network (AMIN) – http://amininternational.webs.com
Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem – http://www.arij.org
Appomense Hope For Africa Foundation – http://www.appomensehopeforafrica.org
Appui aux Femmes Démunies et Enfants Marginalisés en RD Congo – http://www.afedem.org
Appui aux Initiatives des Femmes – http://www.apife.tk
Appuis à l’autopromotion des groupements de base pour un développement durable
Aqua Foundation – http://www.aquafoundation.in
Arab academy for Training and strategic studies
Arab African American Womens’ Leadership Council Inc. – http://www.aaawomensleadership.org
Arab Center for Human Rights and Anti-terrorism-acha – https://www.facebook.com/pages/%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%B1%D9%83%D8%B2-%D8%…
Arab Center for the Development of the Rule of Law and Integrity – http://www.arabruleoflaw.org
Arab Consultative Council Development Volunteering – http://www.accdv.net
Arab Council for Childhood and Development – http://www.arabccd.org
Arab Federation for Environment Protection – http://www.ausde.org
Arab Importer Exporter Union – http://www.arabimexport.org
Arab NGO Network for Development – http://www.annd.org
Arab Organization for Human Rights – http://www.aohr.net
Arab Organization International Peace – http://www.araborganizationpeace.org
Arab Planning Institute – http://www.arab-api.org/default.aspx
Arab Science and Foundation Technology – http://www.astf.net
Arab Union for Sustainable Development & Environment – http://www.ausde.org
Arab Urban Development Institute
Arab World Center for Democratic Development ( UNIHRD) – http://www.awcdd.orghttp://www.unihrd.net
Arai Te Uru Whare Hauora – http://www.araiteuru.co.nz
Arbeiter Samariter Bund Deutschland e.V. – http://www.asb.de
Arbores Ltd
Arcangeles – http://www.arcangeles.org
Archbishop E. Kataliko Actions for Africa KAF – http://www.kaf-africa.org
Archipelagos, Institute of Marine Conservation – http://www.archipelago.gr
Architects for Peace Inc. – http://www.architectsforpeace.org
Architects without Frontiers
Arci Cultura e Sviluppo – http://www.arciculturaesviluppo.it
Arcigay – http://www.arcigay.it
ArcSpace Manchester – http://www.arcspacemanchester.org.uk
Arden Courts
Arengukoostöö Ümarlaud – http://www.terveilm.net
Ariel Foundation International – http://www.arielfoundation.org
Arise India Foundation – http://www.ariseindiafoundation.org
Arjun vidhya peeth
Ark Zimbabwe Trust
Armament Research Services – http://www.armamentresearch.com
Armenian Fund USA
Armenian Young Lawyers Association – http://www.ayla.am
Armes Nucléaires STOP – http://www.armesnucleairesstop.org
Arogya World – http://www.arogyaworld.org
Arrythmia Alliance Argentina
Arsenal Force Vive
Art and Cultural Trust – http://www.actseveninternational.org
Art For a Better Africa
Art For Humanity – http://www.afh.org.za
Art Illuminates Mankind – http://www.aimkarigarline.org
ArtDialogue – http://www.artmill.eu
Arte Vida Associação de Artesanato – http://www.pontodeculturaacucena.org.br
Artfully AWARE, Inc. – http://www.artfullyaware.org
Artistas Latinoamericanos LAOFIM A.C.
Arts Access Victoria – http://www.artsaccess.com.au
Arumai Illam
arunodaya shikshan samiti – http://www.arunodayango.com
Aryavarta Space Organization – http://www.aryavartaspace.org
AS Development Organization
Asabe Shehu Yar Adua Foundation – http://www.asyarf.org
ASAMBLEA DE UNIDAD CANTONAL DE MONTUFAR – http://www.asambleamontufar.blogspot.com/
Asar Grastonu Lagu vepar Udhyog Mahamandal
Asas for Islamic Research – http://www.asasforislamicresearch.org
Ascension Global Mission – http://www.ascension.org
ASDECA – http://www.asdeca-ong.org
Asdekaa ElKheir
Asesores en Conservacion y Desarrollo A.C. – http://www.acd.org.mx
Ashanti Warriors Foundation
Ashar Kiran
Ashiana Collective Development Council
Ashok Sansthan – http://www.ashoksansthan.org
Asia America Initiative – http://www.asiaamerica.org
Asia and Pacific Disability Forum (APDF)
Asia Art Funds Incorporated – http://www.asiaartfunds.com/en/index.html
Asia Journalist Association – http://www.ajanews.asia
Asia Pacific Basin for Energy Strategies Association, Inc. – http://www.asiapacificbasin.org
Asia Pacific Council for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business – http://www.AFACT.org
Asia Pacific Disability Forum
Asia Pacific Federation of the Hard of Hearing and Deafened
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development – http://www.apwld.org
Asia Pacific Mountain Network – http://www.icimod.org
Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation – http://assistasia.org/
Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD) – http://www.afppd.org
Asian Human Rights Society
Asian Liver Center at Stanford University – http://liver.stanford.edu
Asian MetaCentre for Population and Sustainable Development Analysis – http://www.populationasia.org/
Asian Pacific Youth Forum, The (APYF)
Asian People’s Disability Alliance – http://www.apda.org.uk
Asian Women’s Human Rights Council
Asian-Pacific Resource and Research Centre for Women (ARROW) – http://www.arrow.org
Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability Foundation – http://www.apcdfoundation.org
Asia’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Asili Community Development Initiaves
Asistance aux Femmes et Enfants en Difficulté
ASKS – http://www.asksmfibd.org
Asma Foundation Pakistan – http://www.asmapk.org
Asma Organisation for Innovation &Sustainable Development
Asociacao Pernambucana de Defesa da Natureza (ASPAN)
Asociaciation Mutual Israelita Argentina – http://www.amia.org.ar
Asociación Mundo Solidario de Huelva – http://www.asociacionmundosolidario.org/
ASOCIACION 50 A 60, para Jubilados, Pensionados y Mayores de 45 – http://www.asociacion50a60.org.ar
Asociacion Ambiente y Sociedad – http://www.ambienteysociedad.org.co
Asociacion Amigos con Calor Humano – http://www.asociacionamigos.org
Asociacion Amigos de la Amazonia – http://www.amigosamazonia.org
Asociación Artesanal Afro Apoyando La Vida
Asociacion Central de Funcionarios Publicos y Docentes Publicos Jubilados del Paraguay – http://www.asocentraldejubilados.com.py
Asociación Centro Indígena para el Desarrollo Sostenible – CINDES – http://cindesperu.blogspot.com
Asociacion Centroamericana para la Economia, la Salud y el Ambiente – http://www.acepesa.org
Asociacion Chilena de ONGs ACCION – http://www.accionag.cl
ASOCIACION CINDES – http://cindesperu.blogspot.com
Asociacion Civil Consorcio Desarrollo y Justicia – http://www.consorciojusticia.org.ve
Asociación Civil contra la Discriminación
Asociación Civil Democracia S.O.S. – http://www.asociacioncivildemocraciasos.com
Asociacion Civil ESPACIO SOCIAL – http://www.espaciosocial.org
Asociación Civil Generación Par – http://www.generacionpar.org.ar
Asociación Civil Mujer y Ciudadanía – http://www.mujeranalitica.com(aboveconstruction)
Asociación Civil Observatorio Social – http://www.observatoriosocial.org.ar
Asociación Civil ONGD Educación, Ambiente y Territorio – http://www.eatnea.org
Asociación Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia – http://www.acij.org.ar
Asociacion Civil Prosalud – http://www.prosalud.org.ve
Asociación Civil Transito Danza Integrativa
Asociacion Civil Wounmain Waneesia – http://festivalcineindigena.blogspot.com/
Asociacion Colombiana de Organizaciones no Gubernamentales para la Comunicacion Via Correo Electronico – http://www.colnodo.apc.org
Asociación Colombiana de Síndrome de Down – http://www.asdown.org
Asociación Comunera Distrital de Comités de Desarrolo y Control Social de los Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios y Vocales de control Ascom D.C – http://www.ascomdc.org
Asociación Comunicando y Capacitando a mujeres trans con VIH en El Salvador. – www.facebook:COMCAVISELSALVADOR
Asociación Comunitaria para la Educación y el Trabajo – http://www.acete.org
Asociacion Cubana de las Naciones Unidas (Cuban United Nations Association) – http://www.acnu.org.cu
Asociación Cubana de Producción Animal
Asociacion de Autoridades Indigenas del Guaviare
Asociación de Caballeros de Nuestra Señora Santa María de Buenos Aires – http://www.asociaciondecaballeros.es.tl
Asociación de Economistas de América Latina y el Caribe – http://www.aealc.cu/http://www.aealc.org
Asociación de Emprendimiento Tecnológico Inclusivo – http://www.adeticr.com
Asociacion de Estudiantes Extracomunitarios de la Universidad de Alcala – http://aexmundo.blogspot.com/2006_09_01_archive.html
Asociación de Impedidos Fisicos Motores – http://www.codetel.net.do
Asociacion de Ingenieria y Consultoria Dominicana ASICDOM – http://www.asicdom.org
Asociacion de Lucha para el Desarme Civil – http://www.aludec.org.uy
Asociación de Mujeres Afrocolombianas AMUAFROC – http://www.amuafroc.wordpress.com
Asociacion de Mujeres Indigenas del Pueblo Chibuleo
Asociación de Mujeres Progresistas Victoria Kent – http://www.ampvictoriakent.org
Asociación de No Asalariados y Ciudadanos Unidos por el Bienestar Social A.C.
Asociación de Scouts de México, A.C. – http://www.scouts.org.mx
Asociación de Técnicos Superiores y Peritos Judiciales de Andalucía – http://www.atsypja.org
Asociacion de Trabajadores Agricolas De Columbe Mushuj Aillu
Asociación Dominicana de las Naciones Unidas ANU-RD – http://www.unadr.org.do
Asociación Ecológica Colombiana – http://www.asoeco.org
Asociacion en Prevencion y Asistencia de la Violencia – http://www.asociacionapav.org
Asociación Española para el Derecho Internacional de los Derechos Humanos AEDIDH – http://www.aedidh.org
Asociacion Gestion Salud Poblacion
Asociacion Gilberto AC
Asociación Habitat Pro – http://www.habitatpro.org
Asociacion HazteOir.org – http://www.hazteoir.org
Asociación Interamericana para la Defensa del Ambiente – http://www.aida-americas.org
Asociacion Miraismo Internacional – http://www.miraismo.org
Asociación Mutual de los Agentes de los Organismos para la Tercera Edad
Asociacion Mutual Israelita Argentinaa – http://www.amia.org.ar
Asociación Mutual Siglo XXI
Asociacion Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia – http://www.andi.com.co
Asociación Nacional de Estudiantes de ingenierías Industrial, Administrativa y de Producción – http://www.aneiap.co
Asociacion Naciones Unidas Colombia Anucol
Asociacion Nicaraguense de la Sociedad Civil – http://www.an-sc.org
Asociación Nuevo Diálogo
Asociación para el Desarrollo Foro Rural Mundial – http://www.ruralforum.net
Asociación para el Desarrollo Económico en Latinoamérica – http://www.apedela.org
Asociacion para la Paz Y el Desarrollo Socio Educativo
Asociación para la Promoción de la Libertad y el Desarrollo Sostenible
Asociación para la recuperación e inclusión de la persona con discapacidad – http://www.aridsanjuan.org.ar
Asociacion Puente Latinoamericano
Asociacion Regional de Empresas de Petroleo y Gas Natural en Latinoamerica y el Caribe – http://www.arpel.org
Asociación Respuesta para la Paz – http://www.respuestaparalapaz.org.ar
Asociación Sociocultural y de Cooperación al Desarrollo por Colombia e Iberoamérica – http://www.aculco.org
Asociacion Trabajadores de la Seguridad
Asociacion Vay – Venzamos al Autismo Ya!
Asociatia Fondul International de Cooperare si Parteneriat al Marii Negre si Marii Caspice – http://www.bscsif.org
Asociatia BISMUN – http://www.bismun.ro
Asociatia Femeia pentru Societatea Contemporana – http://www.fscmd.org
Asociatia Nationala pentru Protectia Consumatorilor si Promovarea Programelor si Strategiilor din Romania-Infocons – http://www.consumers-protection.ro
Asociatia Pakiv Romania – http://www.pakiv.ro
Asociatia Pro Democratia – http://www.apd.ro/
Asociatia Regionala pentru Dezvoltare Rurala – http://www.ardr.ro
Asociatia SOS Viitroul Bacau
Asociatia Start Focus
Asociatia Worldteach – http://www.worldteach.ro
Asociatia Young Initiative – http://www.younginitiative.org
Asocición Espíritu Ancestral Antay
Asocijacija za Demokratsku Inicijativu – http://www.adi.org.ba
Aspafrique-Jics – http://www.aspafrique.com
Ass. Takatine
Assaciation des des Enfants en Diffuculte Du Burundi
Asscociation le Reseau des Jeunes pour le Savoir et le Leadership
Assemblée des Arméniens d’Arménie Occidentale – http://www.western-armenia.eu/
Assemblee Parlementaire de la Francophonie
Assemblee Parlementaire des Jeunes Congolais
Assemblées des Francophones Fonctionnaires des Organisations Internationales – http://www.affoi.org
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Inc. – http://www.manitobachiefs.com
Assembly of Social Mobilization – http://www.asm-srilanka.org
Assist Development Projects In Nepal
Assistance Action
Assistant for Social Organization and Development – http://www.asod-bd.org
Assistive Technology Development Organization – http://www.normanet.ne.jp/~atdo/
Assocation Rikab pour le Developement
Associação Academia de Letras do Brasil/SC Municipal Alfredo Wagner – http://www.albscaw.com.br
Associação Adianto de Promoção Social – http://www.adianto.org.br
Associação Amigos do Projeto Guri – http://www.projetoguri.org.br
Associacao Beneficente Projeto Elikya – http://projetoellikya.com.brouhttp://asbepe.blogspot.com
Associação Brasileira da Industria Eletrica e Eletronica – http://www.abinee.org.br
Associação Brasileira de Integração e Desenvolvimento Sustentável – http://www.abides.org.br
Associação Brasileira de Mulheres da Carreira Jurídica – Piauí – http://wirnalves.blogspot.com/
Associação Brasileira de Recursos Humanos – http://www.abrhnacional.org.br/
Associação Brasileira em Defesa da Mulher da Infância e do Adolescente – http://www.asbrad.org.br
Associacao Centro de Educacao Tecnologica do Estado da Bahia – http://www.ceteb.org.br
Associação Civil Alternativa Terrazul
Associação Comunitaria de Corpo de Bombeiro Civil Florestal Sem Fronteira
Associação Cultural Balaio Nordeste – http://www.balaionordeste.org.br
Associação Cultural Caminho de Vida – COMVIDA – http://www.caminhodevida.org.br
Associação Cultural Pela Valorização da Juventude
Associacao de Apoio ao Ser Humano e e Familia – http://www.abraceh.org
Associação de Beneficiência Cristã – Cristo o Eterno
Associação de Cidadãos Auto-Mobilizados – http://www.aca-m.org
Associação de Ciencia Intuitiva Ananda Marga
Associação De Desenvolvimento De Programas Sociais
Associacao de Desenvolvimento do Ecoturismo e Proteccao do meio Ambiente em Mocambique
Associacao de Educacao, Cultura, Defesa e Protecao do Consumidor, Contribuinte e Meio Ambiente do Brasil
Associação de Moradores do Bairro Cabo Luiz Quevedo – http://www.rodrigoconceicaodarosa.wordpress.com
Associação de Mulheres Cantinho da Amazônia – http://www.carbonojuruena.org.br
Associação de Promotores de Saude e Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Socio Cultural
Associacao Dominico Brasileira, ADB – http://www.Facebook-AssocDominicoBrasileira
Associacao dos Cegos e Ambliopes de Portugal – http://www.acapo.pt
Associação dos Engenheiros Agrônomos de Goiás – http://www.aeago.org.br
Associação dos Juizes Arbitrais e de Paz Eclesiásticos do Brasil – http://www.juizdepazeclesiastico.blogspot.com.br
Associacao Educacional Cultural e Assistencial Miesperanza – http://www.miesperanza.org.br
Associação Estrela Sports – http://estrelasports.com/
Associacao Faca Sua Parte – http://www.facasuaparte.org.br
Associação Filantrópica Comunitária Aflilac
Associação Gaucha de pais e amigos dos surdocegos e multideficientes – http://www.agapasm.com.br
Associacao Horizontes – http://www.AH.ORG.BR
Associação In Loco – http://www.in-loco.pt
Associação Latinoamericana de Micro, Pequenas e Médias Empresas – http://alampymebr.org.br/
Associacao Medica de Sao Vicente
Associação Moradia Digna nas Areas Centrais
Associacao Mundial Pela Vida
Associação Nacional de Carroceiros e Catadores de Materiais Recicláveis
Associacao Nacional Dos Deficientes De Angola – Anda
Associação Nacional dos Membros do Ministério Público de Defesa dos Direitos dos Idosos e Pessoas com Deficiência – http://www.ampid.org.br
Associação Novo Encanto de Desenvolvimento Ecológico – http://www.novoencanto.org.br
Associacao para Ajuda as Pessoas Portadora de Deficiencia
Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Agroecologia
Associaçao para o Desenvolvimento da Sociedade Civil Angolana
Associacao para Valorizacao e Promocao e Promocao de Excepcionais (AVAPE) – http://www.avape.org.br
Associação Paradigmação – http://www.paradigmacaopaps.com.br
Associação Pró Portadores de Epilepsia e Síndromes Convulsivas – http://www.appesc.org.br
Associação Protectora dos Diabéticos de Portugal – http://www.apdp.pt
Associação São Lázaro – Brasil – http://www.stlazarusbrasil.org
Associação STOP a Destruição do Mundo – http://www.stop.org.br
Associação Xama – http://www.wix.com/juergenkobel/xamaearthcharter
Associacion Argentina de Politicas Sociales – http://www.aaps.org.ar/dev/
Associación de Estudios y Actividades sobre Temàticas Globales y Gobernanza Democrática Munial – http://www.apgdm.org
Associaiation de Sauvegarde et Promotion de L’enfance
Associamed – http://www.associamed.org
Associated Country Women of the World – http://www.acww.org.uk
Association Espoir Sans Frontiere (ESF)
Association For Sustainable Human Development
Association Public Union Bemoni – http://www.bemonidrug.org.ge
Association Action pour le Traitement des malades du Coeur – http://www.actcong.e-monsite.com
Association Africa 21 – http://www.africa21.org
Association Africaine de l’Eau – http://www.afwa-hq.org
Association Africaine de Solidarity et D’entraide
Association Aide Moi a Etre Mere
association amarg developpement culture droit homme et creativite artistique – http://www.tamaynut.org
Association Angolaise pour les Activités Sociales
Association are free Libya charity – http://www.facebook.com/aflibya
Association Assalam pour le Developpement Social
Association Burkinabé pour la Survie de l’Enfance – http://www.abse.bf
Association Camerounaise de Développement Rural
Association Camerounaise Des Consommateurs Des Télécommunications et TIC – http://www.actic.over-blog.com
Association camerounaise pour la prise en charge de la personne agée (ACAMAGE) – http://www.acamage.id.st
Association Camerounaise pour le Développement, l’Entraide Sociale et la Protection de l’Environnement – http://www.social-acespe.over-blog.com
Association camerounaise pour le plein épanouissement de l’enfant
Association Caritative et Humanitaire des Ordres de Chevalerie
Association catholique internationale de services pour la jeunesse feminine – http://www.acisjf-int.org
Association Chaine D’union
Association Congolaise de Développement Rural – http://www.acdrongd.blogspot.com
Association Congolaise d’Education et de Prevention Contre des Maladies et la Drogue – http://ascg.e-monsite.com
Association Congolaise des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication – http://www.congo-ntic.org
Association Congolaise pour la Preservation de l’Environnement et le Developpement Communautaire
Association Congolaise pour le Développement Economique et Social
Association Coopération Humanitaire – http://www.achrun.fr
Association Couleurs Congolaises – http://www.facebook.com/AssCouleursCongolaises
Association Coup de Pousse Chaine de L’espoir Nord-Sud – http://www.lecoupdepousse.com
Association Culturelle Sportive Cousin
Association Culturelle Trait d’Union
Association d’Aides aux Handicapés d’Afrique – http://www.adaa-aaha.org
Association d’Aide à l’Education de l’Enfant Handicapé (AAEEH)
Association d’Appui au Developpement des Oasis
Association d’Assistance au Développement
Association de Développement des Capacités des Jeunes
Association de Femmes de Kabylie – http://www.timesdurar.blogvie.com
Association de Formation et d’Appui au Developpement
Association de Jeunes Visionnaires pour le Développement du Congo
Association de Jeunesse des Nations Unies du Cameroun (AJNUC)
Association de L’environnement et Developpement Durable a Zarat – http://www.ZARAT-ECOLOGIE.TN
Association de Lutte Contre la Dependance – http://www.alcd99.blogspot.com
Association de promotion,defense des droits humains et developpement democratique en sigle Toges Noires
Association de Solidarite Aide et Action Enfance Mali ASAA/EM Jigiya Ton
Association de Soutien au Développement des Activités de Population – http://www.asdap.org
Association des Amis de la Ville de Douala
Association Des Amis Solidaires Mero – http://www.aasmero.org(Inreconstruction)
Association des Chercheurs Iraniens – http://www.aciiran.com
Association des Citoyens pour le Progres du Centre
Association des Consommateurs de Télécommunication de Cote d´ivoire – http://www.acotelci.org
Association des consommateurs du Sénégal – http://www.ascosen.org
Association des Epouses des Militaires et des Policiers de la R.D.Congo
Association des Etats Generaux des Etudiants de l’Europe – http://www.aegee.org
Association Des Etudiants Kabilistes
Association des Etudiants Tamoule de France
Association des Femmes Chefs d’Entreprises du Maroc (AFEM)
Association des Femmes Combattantes pour le Developpement
Association Des Femmes D’Adjame, Inc. – http://www.Associationdesfemmesdadjame.org
Association Des Femmes Demunies de Sebenicoro
Association Des Femmes Des Logements Sociaux De Kati Sicoro
Association des Femmes Violentees d’Afrique
Association des Handicapés et leurs Amis de Bouzeguene
Association des Jeunes Engagés pour l’Action Humanitaire
Association des Jeunes Franco-Maliens pour le Développement de l’Education au Mali – http://www.ajfmdem.over-blog.org
Association des Jeunes pour la lutte contre le Sida et la Pauvrete
Association des Jeunes pour la Protection et la Restauration de l’Environnement au Niger (AJPREN)
Association des Jeunes pour l’Agriculture du Mali – http://www.ASJAM.ORG
Association des jeunes pour le developpement humain et la protection de l’environnement – http://ajdhpecongo.e-monsite.com
Association des Maires des Communes Mauritaniennes Jumelées aux Communes Françaises de San de Senart
Association des Nations Unies du Togo – http://www.unatogo.org
Association des Populations des Montagnes du Monde – http://www.mountainpeople.org
Association des Populations des Montganes du Monde – section Maroc – http://www.montgane-maroc.org
Association des Professionnels Devoues pour les Nippes
Association des Relais Communautaires d’Oshwé
Association des Ressortissants et Amis d’Eseka
Association des Scouts Catholiques de Cote D’ivoire
Association des Volontaires pour l’Environnement Sain – http://www.aves-togo.org
Association Dunenyo – http://www.dunenyo.org
Association d’unité et la solidarité sociale – http://association-elwahda-watadamon.hol.es
Association EL FIDA pour le Développement et la Solidarité Sociale – http://www.sites.google/site/afdessmaroc
Association El Nassim pour la Protection de L’environnement de la Wilaya de Chlef
Association Ennakhil – http://www.associationennakhil.org
Association Espoir pour les Jeunes Batwa – http://youthbatwa.blogspot.com/
Association Faso EnviProtek
Association Federale pour le Progres des Minorites Visible – http://www.faavm-canada.org
Association Fédération des Agences urbaines – http://www.majal.ma
Association Femmes Tunisiennes
Association for Applied Linguistics – http://www.aal.org.i8.com
Association for Awareness Against Anti-Social Behaviour
ASSOCIATION FOR CHILD HEALTH – http://www.achildhealth.interconnection.org
Association for Children in Crisis – http://www.associationforchildrenincrisis.org
Association for Community Development
Association for Community Development (ACD) – http://www.acdkpk.org.pk
Association for Computing Machinery – http://www.acm.org
Association for Coordinated Operations in Rural Development. – http://www.acordbd.org
Association for Cultural Relations With Turkey-Gyunesh – http://www.gunes-ruse.com
Association for Development, Advancement and Promotion of Ecological Agriculture, Tourism and Environment Protection
Association for economic research, economic advocacy and policymaking Finance Think – http://www.financethink.mk
Association for Farmers Rights Defense – http://www.eco-web.com/reg/02797.htmlhttp://www.eco-web.com/reg/02797.html
Association for Gerontology in Higher Education – http://www.aghe.org
Association for Human Rights and Solidarity with Oppressed People – http://www.mazlumder.org
Association for Humanity Development – http://www.ahdpk.org
Association for Indo-Georgian Economic and Cultural Cooperation – http://www.indo-georgia.com
Association for Integrated Development-Comilla (AID-COMILLA) – http://www.aidcomilla.organdhttp://www.aidcomilla.com
Association for Protection of Child Labourers – http://www.apcl.org.ir
Association for Protection of Environment and Culture – http://www.geocities.ws/ngo_apec/apec1.html
Association for Protection of Refugee and Internal Displaced Women and Children – http://www.hamiorg.org
Association for Realiazation of Basic Needs – http://www.arban-ngo.org
Association for Research and Development
Association for Rural Advancement in Bangladesh – http://www.arab-bd.org
Association for Rural Area Social Modification, Improvement and Nestling. – http://www.arasmin.org
Association for Self Help Actions
Association for Social and Environmental Development – http://www.asedkol.org
Association for Social and Health Advancement – http://www.ashaodisha.org
Association for Sustainable Development – http://www.asdpak.org
Association For Sustainable Human Development
Association for the Care and Rehabilitation of Offfenders (ACRO), Ghana – http://www.acroghana.co
Association for the Development of Friendship and Understanding – http://www.adfu-international.nl
Association For Water Applied Education & Renewable Energy – http://www.aware.org.pk
Association for Welfare, Social Action & Research – India – http://www.awsarindia.org
Association for Women with Disabilities – http://www.awwdindia.org
Association GAF – Groupe Artistique Frieden
Association Garaad
Association générale des handicapés du Rwanda (AGHR)
Association générale des intervenants retraités pour des actions bénévoles de coopération et de développement – http://www.agirabcd.org
Association Génération pour de Développement de Mokrisset
Association Genre Environnement et Developpement au Togo
Association Graines de Paix – http://www.graines-de-paix.org/en
Association Guinéenne pour la Promotion de la Formation et de l’Emploi des Personnes Handicapées
Association Guinéenne pour la Promotion des Aveugles
Association Heinrich Klose – http://www.fondation-heinrich-klose.org
Association HIBA pour le Développement et le Service Volontaire – https://www.facebook.com/AssociationHiba
Association Humanitaire Action Plus
Association Humanitaire Men’s Club
Association Humanitaire pour la Formation des Orphelins et Desherites
Association Ibn Sina pour le Traitement des Malades et Sinistrés – http://www.ibnsinapourmaldes.blogspot.com
Association INARA
Association Indigenous Center for the development sustainable – http://de.geocities.com/cindesperu
Association Indigenous People of the Taimyr
Association Internationa D’aide Medical
Association internationale des droits de l’enfant en difficulté et dans la souffrance – http://www.aideds.org
Association Internationale des Medecins pour la Promotion de l’Education et de la Santé en Afrique – http://www.aimes-afrique.org
Association Internationale des Régions Francophones (AIRF) – http://www.regions-francophones.com
Association Internationale pour L’integration des Immigres
Association Internationale Soufie Alawiyya – http://www.aisa-net.com
Association Isir de Lutte Contre la Pauvrete et la Delinquence Juvenile
Association Jeunes Science de Tunisie – http://www.jeunescience.org.tn
Association Jeunesse Action Developpement
Association Jeunesse Emploi et Développement (JED) – http://www.jed-ouaga.org
Association Jeunesse et Progres
Association Jeunesse Levons-nous et batissons
Association Jeunesse pour la Solidarite et le Developpement des Parcelles Assainies
Association Jeunesse verte du Cameroun – http://www.jeunessevertecameroun.org
Association Karama de Kinésithérapie et de Soutien des Personnes Ayant des Besoins Spéciaux Casablanca
Association la voix des jeunes
Association Lalla Salma de lutte contre le Cancer – http://www.contrelecancer.ma
Association le Devoir pour la Culture et le Developpement avec la Jeunesse
Association Maison de Tamil Eelam
Association Malienne des Femmes pour la Formation Ecologie et le Developpement
Association Marocaine Chantiers-Ecoles pour le Développement – http://www.chantiers-ecoles.org/
Association Marocaine de Planification Familiale
Association Maroco-Suisse pour l’environement et le développement – http://www.amsed.org
Association Mauritanienne pour la promotion du droit – http://www.amaprod.mr
Association Mauritanienne pour le développement et la protection de l’environnement
Association Mbongso pour le Developpement – http://www.mbongso.org
Association Media et Agriculture pour le Developpement Rural
Association Mobadara pour le Développement Durable et le Tourisme – http://www.mobadara.net
association mohammedia pour le développment humain – http://www.ampdh.webs.com
Association Mondiale de Psychanalyse du Champ Freudien AMP – http://www.wapol.org/
Association Mouvement Alternatives Citoyenne – http://www.mouvementalternatives.org
Association mouvement pour la défense de l’humanité et abolition de la torture (MDHAT) – http://mdhat.teria.org
Association Nationale Al Hidn – A.N.H. – http://www.alhidn.org.ma
Association nationale de coopération pour le developpement du cameroun (ANACODECAM)
Association Nationale des Echanges Entre Jeunes
Association nationale des étudiants camérounais
Association Nationale des Handicapés Moteurs du Sénégal – http://www.anhms.org
Association Nationale des Specialistes en Population et Developpement
Association Nationale pour L’évaluation Environnmentale
Association Nigerieene des Agriculteurs, Pecheurs et Eleveurs
Association Nigerienne des Scouts de l’Environnement (ANSEN)
Association of African Entrepreneurs – http://www.aaeafrica.org
Association of African Women for Research and Development
Association of Certified Commercial Diplomats
Association of Citizens’ Solidarity for Campaign Against Famine In Ethiopia (CS-CAFE)
Association of Development for Economic & Social Help-ADESH – http://www.adeshbd.org
association of disabled & ( p.o.w) rights
Association of Disabled Women and Mothers of Disabled Children
Association of Emergency and Disaster Medicine – http://www.acilafet.org
Association of European Parliamentarians for Africa – http://www.awepa.org
Association of Farmers Educators and Traders
Association of Former United Nations Interns (AFUNI) Azerbaijan
Association of Garbage Collectors for Community Development
Association of Grand-Anselais for the Development of Education – http://www.agape-haiti.org
Association of Pakhtoon Scholars FATA
Association of Presbyterian Women of Aoteaora, New Zealand
Association of Promotion Human Rights and Socio-Economic Development
Association of Science-Technology Centers
Association of Senior Societists Learning in Canadian Knowledge
Association of Social Consasness and Transfer
Association of Social Entrepreneurs in Vihiga
Association of the Bar of the City of New York, The – http://www.nycbar.org
Association of the Borrowers of the Municipality and the Region of
Association of the Representatives of the Kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara, worldwide (ARKBK) CLBG – http://www.arkbk-clbg.org
Association of Third World Studies (ATWS) – http://itc.gsw.edu/atws/
Association of United Families International – http://www.unitedfamilies.org
Association of University Centers on Disabilities – http://www.aucd.org
Association of Women for Action and Research – http://www.aware.org.sg/
Association of women for economic development and social integrity
Association of World Citizens – http://www.worldcitizensunited.org
Association of Youth Organizations Nepal (AYON) – http://www.ayon.org
Association Panafricaine contre la Pauvrete
Association Partenaires Pour la Paix – http://www.peace-partners.com
Association Plage Blanche Pour Le Developpement Et L’environnement – http://www.assoplageblanche.com
Association pour la Défense des Droits de la Femme et de l’Enfant (ADDFE) – http://www.cyberforum/ong/addfe.mr
Association pour la défense des droits et diversités culturelles des personnes appartenant à des minorités
Association pour la défense des intérêts des BayAka de Centrafrique
Association pour la Promotion de la Démocratie et l’Education Citoyenne
Association pour la Promotion de l’Agriculture et du Developement social au Togo
Association pour la Promotion de l’Informatique (ou Internet) en Afrique – http://www.ong-appia.org
Association pour la Promotion des Droits Humains et le Développement Socio-Économique
Association pour la Promotion du Centre de Sensibilisation et d’Information sur les Drogues Jacques CHIRAC de Thiaroye
Association pour la Promotion du Genre et Développement Humain et Durable – http://couragecameroun.over-blog.com
Association pour la Recherche et le Devellopement de l’Entraide Culturelle Humanitaire et Ecologique
Association pour la santé et la prévention des maladies tropicales
Association pour la Solidarité et l’Assistance Socio-Sanitaire – http://www.healthwelfarework.org
Association pour la taxation des transactions financières et pour l’action citoyenne – http://www.france.attac.org
Association pour l’action sociale et le développement – http://www.everyoneweb.com/http://www.asd.com
Association pour L’Activisme de la Personne Handicapee du Congo
Association pour l’Assainissement et le Développement Intégral
Association pour le Bien-Etre Familial et le Developpement durable – http://www.mmaurifemme.mr/Ong/ABEFDD.html
Association pour le Developement de la Pêche, du Tourisme et de l’Environnement
Association pour le Développement de la Société Civile Angolaise – ADSCA
Association pour le Développement des initiatives citoyennes et européennes – http://www.adice.asso.fr
Association pour le developpement du village Ngbada
Association pour le développement économique, social, environnemental du nord
Association pour le Développement et de la Promotion des Droits Humains
Association pour le Developpement et D’echanges au Togoculturels – http://www.adectogo-tg.org
Association pour le Développement et la Promotion de la Femme
Association pour le Developpement et la Promotion du Genre
Association pour le Dévéloppement Harmonieux de la Mere et de l’Enfant du Cameroun
Association pour le Développement Intégral et les Echanges Culturels – http://www.adiectogo.org
Association pour le Progrès Social de la Communauté Haïtienne(APROSCOH)
Association pour le Soutien de la Femme et l’Adolescent au Bénin-ONG
Association Pour l’Environnement et Développement de la Jeunesse – http://www.apedj-congobzv.populus.org
Association pour les Victimes Du Monde
Association pour l’Intégration et le Développement Durable au Burundi – http://www.aidb-burundi.puzl.com
Association Prevent – http://www.prevent.org.rs
association réveillez vous bons citoyens – http://www.bonscitoyens.e-monsite.fr
Association Rights and Citizenships – https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/257176517710913/
Association Sala Almostaqbal – http://www.sala-almoustaqbal.com
Association Santé Education Démocratie
Association Sante et Environnement
Association Savoir et Développement
Association Savoir et Développement Cameroun
Association Sénégalaise pour la promotion des énergies renouvelables KokkiEnergie
Association sitar culturelle pour le théâtre, la télévision et le cinéma de la wilaya de jijel – http://goo.gl/maps/soLV7
Association Sociale Humanitaire Kabylie & Solidarite Algerie
Association Soeur Teresa pour les Demunis(ASTD) – http://www.astd1990.org
Association Solidarité Internationale pour l’Afrique (SIA) – http://www.sia-mali.org
Association Sos Penitencier
Association Sud Migration & Développement
Association Swiss Morning Star – http://www.association-sms.com
association TAGHRMA
Association TAMAZGHA pour la Culture et le Développement – https://www.facebook.com/search/results.php?q=&init=quick&tas=0.37036733…
Association Tawada Pour Le Dvpt Et La Cooperation
Association Tawassol des Oeuvres Sociales des Fils des Anciens Resistants Bouanane
Association Tayaffout
Association Tierra Incógnita – http://www.tierra-incognita.ch
Association Tiwizi pour la Culture et l’Action Humanitaire
Association Tizi Ozemour pour l’Environnement et le Développement
Association Tondji International de Developpement – http://www.tidahumaniste.fr.gd
Association Tosalisana Ba Mamans
Association Trait d’Union des Jeunes Burkinabé – http://www.atujb.org
Association Tunisienne de Développement et Formation – https://www.facebook.com/atdef/info
Association tunisienne des femmes democratiques
Association Tunisienne des Techniciens Forestiers
Association Tunisienne du Planning Familial (ATPF)
Association Tunisienne pour la Protection de la Nature et de l’Environnement
Association tunisienne pour l’auto-developpement et la solidarite – http://www.assoc-atlas.org.tn
Association tunisienne pour les droits des personnes handicapées
Associazione Bnet – Peace Project Network – http://www.reteprogettopace.it
Associazione Comunita Papa Giovanni XXIII – http://www.en.apg23.org/en/
Associazione Giovani nel Mondo
Associazione IRENE – Initiatives, Researches, Experiences for a New Europe – http://www.irene.mi.it
Associazione Milmun – http://www.milmun.org
Associazione Nazionale Famiglie Emigrati – http://www.anfe.it
Associazione Nazionale Volontarie Telefono Rosa – http://www.telefonorosa.it
Associazione Paulicio Anafesto Onlus
Associazione per la Solidarietà e la Pace – http://www.aspitaly.org
Associazione Philoxenia Onlus – http://www.associazionephiloxenia.org
Associazione TDM 2000 International – http://www.tdm2000international.org
Associqtion Malienne pour l’Integration Regionale Africaine
Assosciation for Peoples Developement
ASSRA Welfare Foundation
Assyrian Universal Alliance – http://www.aua.net/
ASTIR S.c.s. – http://www.astir.it
Athencottasan Muthamizh Kazhagam – http://www.amkcentre.org
Athencottasan Muthamizh Kazhagam-AMK – http://www.amkcentre.zoomshare.com
Atikha Overseas Workers and Communities Initiatives Inc – http://www.atikha.org
Atjeh International Development
Atlantic Association of Guineans from Basse Cote Inc – http://www.bassecoteusa.org
Atlantic States Legal Foundation, Inc – http://www.aslf.org
Atlas Service Corps Inc. – http://www.atlascorps.org/index.php
Attac Gabon – http://www.gattac.org
Attitude Change International – http://www.attitude.org.in
Attiva-Mente – http://www.attiva-mente.org
Atulya Viikash – http://www.atulyavikash.comhttp://www.facebook.com/atulyvikash
ATYX Perú – Acción, Trasformación y diversidad – https://www.facebook.com/pages/ATYX-Per%C3%BA/503667286342224?fref=ts
Au Secours ONG
Au SecoursONG
AUA Americas Chapter Inc – http://www.aua.net/
Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand – http://www.aut.ac.nz/
AUFAD e.V. Germany – http://www.aufad.com
AustMyanmar Mission Association
Australasia Blue Cross – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Australasia-Blue-Cross/158936554191357
Australian Association of Gerontology – http://www.aag.asn.au/
Australian Deafblind Council
Australian Disability and Devlopment Consortium – http://www.addc.org.au
Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations
Australian Federation of Sri Lankan Associations NSW
Australian Medical Association – http://www.ama.com.au
Australian National University – http://archanth.anu.edu.au/
Australian Red Cross – http://www.redcross.org.au
Australian Reproductive Health Alliance
Australia’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Austria Ghana Technic (Agenda 50) – http://www.ag-tech.org
Autism Parent Care – http://www.Autismparentcare.com
Autism Speaks Inc – http://www.autismspeaks.org
Autism Trust Foundation – http://www.atfuae.com
Autisme Europe – http://www.autismeurope.org
Autistic Society of Trinidad and Tobago – http://www.autismtt.org
Auto Support et Reduction des Risques parmi les Usagers de Drogues
Autochthon Yamassee Native American Moors Mount Jerusalem Embassy – http://www.muurishgansul.com
Autonomia Eraiki
Autonomni Centar – http://actnow.hr/
Autonomous noncommercial (NGO) organization, Our Caucasus – http://alazan.su/
Autonomous Women’s Center – http://www.womenngo.org.rs/
Autre Vie – http://www.ongautrevie.org
Auxilium Familiam Financial Support – http://www.auxfin.comhttp://www.umva.org
Avaaz.org – http://www.avaaz.org
Avancemos, Ashoka Emprendedores Sociales México y Centroamerica, A.C. – http://www.ashoka.org.mx
avard educational trust – http://www.avardtrust.org
Averroes Litterature Education Sciences Culture Organization – http://www.culture-arabe.com
Aviation Sans Fronti?res France – http://www.asf-fr.org
AVM Faculdade Integrada – http://www.avm.edu.br
Avocats sans Frontières Maroc – http://avocatssansfrontieresmaroc.unblog.fr/
Avoid Earth Extinction Association – http://www.aeea.info
Awake Society of India
Awal’s Children of the Future – http://www.awalschildrenofthefuture.com
Awaz Centre for Development Services – http://www.awazcds.org.pk
Awesome Treasures Foundation – http://www.awesometreasuresfoundation.org
Ayder – Dreams Academy – http://www.duslerakademisi.org
Ayurvarta – http://www.AAROGYADHAM.CO.IN
Az?rbaycan T?l?b? G?ncl?r T?s,kilatlar? I.ttifaq? – http://www.atgti.az
Azaan Youth Social Welfare Organization – http://www.ayswo.com.pk
Azad Charitable and Educational Foundation
Azad Foundation – http://www.azadfoundation.org
azad hind sewa sangathan
Azad Hind Welfare Society
Azat Foundation-Balochistan
Azerbaijan Free LGBT – http://www.freelgbt.com
Azerbaijan Health Communication Association – http://www.ahca.az
Azerbaijan Student Youth Organizations Union – http://www.atgti.az
Azerbaijan Women and Development Center
Azerbaijani Students and Alumni International Forum – http://asaif.org/site/
Azerbaycan Könüllüler Ictimai Birliyi
Azrbaycan Grinin Avro-Atlantika Tkilat – http://www.agaat.az
B263229Africans Unite Against Child Abuse (AFRUCA) – http://www.afruca.org
Baara Nyuman
Baavar Association – http://www.baavarnew.ir
Baba Garia Mission – http://www.babagariamission.org
BAB-UL-ILM Welfare Education Society
Back To Life
Backward Society Education, Nepal – http://www.nepalbase.org
Bad Eagle Foundation – http://www.badeagle.com
BAFEL Academy Pvt. Ltd. – http://www.bafel.co.in
Baffo Memorial Foundation – http://www.bafmo.com
Baggio Rossi Consultores Ltda
Bahá’í Frauen Forum e.V.
Baha’i International Community – http://www.bic.org
Bahamas Urban Youth Development Center – http://www.bahamasurbanyouth.org
Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society – http://www.bhrws.org
Bahrain Jurists Society
Bahrain Society for Women’s Development
Bahrain Women Society – http://www.bahrainws.org
Baidarie – http://www.baidarie.com
Baitulmaal, Inc. – http://www.baitulmaal.org
Bala Atibala Samaj Sevi Sanstha – http://www.balaatibala.blogspot.in
Balance Promoción para el Desarrollo y Juventud AC – http://www.redbalance.org
Balkan Agency for Sustainable Development – http://www.balkanagency.org
Balkan Ekonomik ve Kültürel Isbirligi Dernegi – http://www.bekid.org
Ball Bharati Ekta Welfare Association
Balochistan Boy Scouts Association – http://www.bbsapk.org
Balochistan Development Intiatives
Balochistan Foundation for Development
Balochistan Sustainable Development Initiative (BSDI)
Bamba Children Organisation
Bambino Welfare Project – http://www.bambinonigeria.org
Banadiri Development Organization
Banco de Solidaridad Tenerife – http://www.bancodesolidaridad.org
Bandenawaz Vividoddesh Kalyan Sangh
Bangladersh Rural Development Organization – http://www.ruraldevelopmentbd.org
Bangladesh Adivashi Bouddha Kalyan Sangha
bangladesh bouddha kristi prachar sangha
bangladesh bouddha kristi prsachar sangha
bangladesh buddhist kaist pachar sngh
bangladesh buddhist kist pachar sngh
Bangladesh Construction and Wood Workers Federation
Bangladesh Consumer Rights Soceity
Bangladesh First People’s Forum
Bangladesh Friendship Education Society – http://www.bfes.net
Bangladesh Human Rights and Resources Development Society – http://www.bhrrds.org
Bangladesh Indigenous Jumma Buddhist Monk’s Association
Bangladesh Integrated Social Advancement Programme – http://www.bisapbd.org
Bangladesh Jumma Buddhist Forum – Thailand
Bangladesh Jumma Buddhist Foundation Sri Lanka
Bangladesh Jumma Buddhist Foundation Srilanka – http://www.sambodhiviharaya.org
Bangladesh Legal Aid & Services Trust – http://www.blast.org.bd
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication – http://www.bnnrc.net
Bangladesh Resource centre for Indigenous Knowledge) – http://www.barcik-bd.org
Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee – http://www.brac.net
Bangladesh Rural Improvement Foundation (BRIF) – http://www.brif.org
Bangladesh Sassasabi Sangoton Federation
Bangladesh Supreme Court Bar Association – http://www.bangladeshsupremecourtbar.com
Bangladesh Trade Union Center
Bangladesh Tribal Bhikkhu Sangha Srilanka
Bangladesh Women in Technology – http://www.bwit-bd.com
Bangladesh Youth Environmental Initiative – http://www.byei.org
Bangladeshi Friends of U.S.A.
Bangladeshi Ovibashi Mohila Sramik Association – http://www.bomsa.org.bd
Banlieues du monde Mauritanie – http://bdm-m.blogspot.com
Banque Agricole Gabonaise – http://www.labag.org
Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement – http://www.boad.org
Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service – http://www.bokss.org.hk
Baptist World Alliance – http://www.bwanet.org
Bapuji Center for AIDS Research & Education, (B’Care) – http://www.bcareindia.org
Baradrone Social Welfare Institute – http://www.baradrone.org
Barangay Sang Virgen Youth Movement National Center – http://www.worldprelaunch.com/esergovsBARcehcorg
Barbados Association of Non Governmental Organisations – http://www.bango.org.bb
Barefoot Urban Planners – http://www.barefooturbanplanner.com
Bargad-Organization for Youth Development – http://www.bargad.org.pk
Bariq21 « pour le promotion des énergies renouvelables et le développement durable » – http://www.bariq21.overblog.com
Barnaamijka Hormarinta Deegaanka
Barovita Vivekananda Bidyapith
Barra Angelopolitana de Abogadas, ac. – http://www.badaac.com
Barrackpore Elderly Care Society
Barwaqa Relief Organisation – http://www.barwaqarelief.org
Basesix Foundation International
Bashiran Munshi Founation (Bmf) – http://www.bmf4d.org
Basic Health Foundation for Wellness and Fitness Education – http://www.basichealthfoundation.org
Basic Human Rights – http://www.basichumanrights.org.uk
Basti Vikas Samiti
Basura Cero Bahía Blanca – http://www.basuracerobahia.org
Batey Relief Alliance Inc B R A – http://www.bateyrelief.org
Bathinda Young Club
Batissons l’Avenir – http://www.association-batissons-avenir.fr.gd
Batman Petrol Kenti Girisimci Kadin Dernegi
Batool Welfare Trust – http://www.batoolwelfaretrust.org
Baveeko Basome – http://www.baveekobasome.org
Bawaneh and Marwan
Be the Change Ancademy – Kenya
Beacon of Hope Uganda – http://www.beaconofhopeuganda.webs.com
Beanibazar Youth Society for Eradication of Poverty
Beautiful Eves of Africa Organisation
Beautiful Gate Foundation For The Disabled – http://www.beautifulgate.org.my
Beautiful Life Development Plan – http://www.uneschaf.org
Beautiful Taiwan Foundation – http://blog.sina.com.tw/chubean
Beekeeping Extension Society – http://www.biye.beekeepers.8m.net
BEFA (Beauty for Ashes) Women & Child Care Foundation
Befa Women and Child Care Foundation – http://www.befafoundation.org
Begegnungen – http://www.begegnungen-ev.net
Behafarin Farda – http://www.behafarin.org.ir
Behar Al Sindh Foundation – http://www.beharalsindh.org
Behinderung und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit e.V – http://www.bezev.de
Beijing Children’s Legal Aid and Research Center – http://www.chinachild.org
Beijing NGO Association for International Exchanges – http://www.beijingngo.org.cn
Beijing Zhicheng Migrant Workers’ Legal Aid and Research Center – http://www.zgnmg.org
Beirut Institute – http://www.beirutinstitute.org
Beit Issie Shapiro – Amutat Avi – http://www.beitissie.org.il
Belarusian Helsinki Committee – http://www.belhelcom.org
Belgian Disability Forum – http://bdf.belgium.be
Belgorodsky Universitet Kooperatsyi, Ekonomiki i Prava
Beloved Libya Women’s Forum
Bem TV – Educação e Comunicação – http://www.bemtv.org.br
Benelux Afro Center – http://www.bacmd.net
Benetas – http://www.benetas.com.au
Benevolent Community Education and Rural Development Society (BERDS CO) – http://www.berdsco.org
Bengal Rural Welfare Service – http://www.brws.org
Bethany Society – http://www.bethanysociety.in
Bethel Youth Aid Foundation
Betio Fishermen Association Inc – http://www.bfa.org.ki
Better Life – USA
Better World
Beyazay Gorme Engelliler Dernegi – http://www.beyazay@beyazay.org.tr
Bey-Isra’el Royal Family Foundation
Beyond War – http://www.beyondwar.org
Bhadrakali Social Welfare Society
Bhagal Shiksha Samiti – http://www.klinkindia.in
Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti Jaipur – http://www.jaipurfoot.org
Bharat Integrated Social Welfare Agency – http://www.biswa.org
Bharat Vikas Samiti – http://www.knowledgopedia.hpage.com
Bharathi Centre Culturel Franco Tamoule
Bharatiya Mahila Vikas Sanstha – http://www.bmvsindia.org
Bhartiya Jansangharsh Shakti – http://www.bjshakti.org
Bhartiya Manavadhikar Association – http://www.hrai.co.in
Bhartiya yuva chalchitra sansthan – http://www.yuvachalchitra.org
Bhaskar Rural Education and Agriculture Development Society – http://www.breadsindia.org
Bhayia Ram Munda Foundation
Bhittai Social Watch and Advocacy – http://www.bswa.org.pk
Bhopal Yuwa Paryavaran Shikshan & Samajik (BYPASS) Sansthan
Bhrivalayah Rehabilitation Centre
Bhujel Empowerment Campaign, Nepal – http://www.bhujelinfo.com/becnepal
BHUPATI International Trust
Bhutan Association Of Women Entrepreneurs – http://www.baowe.org
Bianca Jagger Human Rights Foundation – http://www.biancajagger.com
BIAS FREE Co-operative, Inc. – http://www.biasfree.org
Bibek Bikash – http://www.bibekbikash.com
BIBEK BIKASH SAMAJ KALYAN KENDRA – http://www.bibekbikash.com
Biblioteca Parque de Manguinhos
Bibliothèques Sans Frontières – http://www.bibliosansfrontieres.org
Biboc Asbl
Bien Aimer la Nature en s’Investissant
Bienfaisance et Developpement
Big Brother International – http://www.bigbrothergov.us
Big Mountain Dineh Nation – http://www.blackmesawatercoalition.org
Bihar Disabled Sports Academy – http://www.bihardisabledsportsacademy.org
Bihar Youth Social Service Association – http://www.byssa.webs.com
Bikeko Mpe Bonkoko Ya Congo
Biladi Foundation
Bildungswerk BUND e.V. – http://www.dgb-bildungswerk.de
Bilie Human Rights Initiative
Bilim Insanlari Dernegi – http://www.bilinder.org
Binodia Social Services Society – BSSS
Biodiversity Action Journalists – Gambia
Biofutura A.C. – https://www.facebook.com/biofutura.ac
BiotechCity – http://www.biotech-city.com
Bischöfliches Hilfswerk Misereor e.V. – http://www.misereor.org
BJD Reinsurance Consulting, LLC – http://www.bjd-react.com
Black African Reorientation and Development Organization – http://www.barado.org
Black Girls Ignite Africa, Inc. – http://www.blackgirlsigniteafrica.com
Black Womens Domestic Violence Newtork – http://www.angelou-centre.org.uk
Blackwood Consulting and UN CRPD Article 12 Enforcement – http://www.stopobamacarenow.webs.com
BLAIR J.A.K. MALEYKO Administrative Division
Blaze Youth Development Organization – http://www.facebook.com/BYDO.pk
Bloechliger Foundation – http://profiles.tigweb.org/Timothy-Titus
Blog A Critica – http://blogdoluizrodrigues.blogspot.com.br/
Blood Drive Initiative – http://www.bdi.org.ng
Blue Point Drug Counselling & Outpatient Centre – http://www.kekpont.hu
Blue Rose Compass – http://www.bluerosecompass.org
BlueBuck Network – http://www.bluebucknetwork.org
Board of Certified Safety Professionals – http://www.bcsp.org
Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha – http://www.swaminarayan.org
Bokma Multilink
Boma Development Initiatives.
Bombay Teen Challenge – http://www.setbeautifulfree.org
Bonafide Consultancy P.L.C
Bongkisheri Nso Belgium
Bonne Génération du Burundi – http://www.reseau-rafal.org/siteweb/dev.asp?N=simple&O=317
Bonyad Emdad-e-Jahan – http://www.iwrf.org
Boonya Sahai Foundation – http://www.boonyasahai.org
Boost Educational Cultural and Research Organization – http://www.becro.org
Boots for Africa Ghana
Border State Women Educational & Welfare Society
Border Welfare Society – http://www.facebook.com/borderwelfaresociety
BØRNEfonden – http://www.bornefonden.dk
Borneo Open International University LLC – http://www.borneo-edu.us
Borosa Foundation for Peace, Democracy and Human Rights
BOSAFWE Foundation Initiative
Bosco Seva Kendra – http://www.boscosevakendra.org
Bosconian International Chamber of Commerce Cebu Chapter
Bosh Samajik sanstha
Botines Solidarios – http://www.botines-solidarios.org.ar
Boutique des Droits de l’Homme
Boy With a Ball Ministries – http://www.boywithaball.com
BRAC – http://www.brac.net
Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU) – http://un.brahmakumaris.org
Brain builders nternational
Brainpower Organisation
Brandeis University Gender Working Group
Brasil Mata Viva – http://www.brasilmataviva.com.br
Brasil pela Dignidade
Brave Faith Foundation – http://www.bravefaithfoundation.org
BraveHeart Initiative for Youth & Women – http://www.braveheartinitiative.org
Brazil Foundation – http://www.brazilfoundation.org
Brazilian Foundation of America
Bridges Center for Social Development,Inc – http://www.bridgescsd.org
Bridges International
Bridges of Friendship – Institute of Social Solidarity – http://www.friendship.gr
Bridges of Hope Project, Inc.
Bright Educational Society
Bright Future Social Ewlfare Organization Badin Sindh Pakistan
Brighter Needy Vision – http://www.bnvghana.yolasite.com
British Blue Cross – http://www.blue-cross.in
British Columbia Civil Liberties Association – http://www.bccla.org
British Nuclear Test Veterans Association – http://www.bntva.com
British Tamils Forum – http://www.tamilsforum.com
British Youth Council – http://www.byc.org.uk
Bromand Research Educational and Development Organization – http://www.bredo.org.af
Brotee Samaj Kallyan Sagstha – http://www.brotee.org
Brotherhood of St Laurence – http://www.bsl.org.au
Bua Yeghe Community Policing Council
Bucharest International Student Model United Nations Association – http://www.bismun.ro
Buddha Faundation
Buddha’s Light International Association – http://www.bliango.org
Buddhist Cultural Progressive Association & Welfare – http://bcpaw.wordpress.com/
Buddhist Tzu Chi Foundation – http://www.us.tzuchi.org
Buena Venture Group – http://www.restructuringit-forthcoming
Buganda Blue Cross
Build Eden – http://www.buildedenafrica.jimbo.com
Build Jamaica Foundation – B.J.F.
Building Africa, Inc. – http://www.buildingafrica.org
Building In Knowledge Aattitute and Skills for Health (BIKASH) Nepal – http://www.bikashnepal.org.np
Building Understanding through International Links for Development – http://www.build-online.org.uk
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege – http://www.bagfw.de
Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Senioren-Organisationen – http://www.bagso.de
Bundesverband Ethik e.V. – http://www.bv-ethik.de
Bunyad Literacy Community Council – http://www.bunyad.org.pk
Bunyoro Blue Cross
Burabazar Jai Mata di Seva Welfare Society
Bureau de Traduction
Bureau d’études, de Recherche et de Consulting International
Bureau Executif de E.A.P. – http://www.eapong.new.fr
Bureau of Informations, Training and Ressearch for Developpement
Bureau of Public Safety – http://www.publichealthbureau.com
bureau provincial du croissant rouge marocain smara
Büro zur Umsetzung von Gleichbehandlung (BUG) e.V. – http://www.bug-ev.org
Bursa Kent Konseyi – http://www.bursakentkonseyi.org.tr
Burton Blatt Institute (BBI) of Syracuse University – http://bbi.syr.edu
Burundian Youth for Peace Building and young refugees Integration
Business and Professional Women Ankara Club – http://www.bpw-turkey.org/
Business Civic Leadership Center – http://bclc.uschamber.com/
Business Development Center – http://www.bdc.org.jo
Business Partnership Association Kiev-Beijing – http://www.kiev-beijing.org
Business Women Entrepreneurs and Enhancement Association – http://www.angikad.org.tr
Bustan Association for Child Development (known previously as Bustan Assoication for Children’s Media & Culture) – http://www.bacma.org
Butakoola Village Associtaion for Development – http://www.buvad.org/
Byka Group – http://gregmars3.wix.com/byka
C&P Global Partners – http://www.cpglobalpartners.com
Cadif – http://www.cadifkenya.interconnection.org
Cadre Burundais de L’audit Social – http://www.cbas-burundi.org
Cadre de concertation des Associations des veuves du Burundi
CAFSO-WRAG for Development – http://www.cafso.org
Cafus Obed Foundation – http://www.cafusobedfoundation.com
Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies – http://www.cihrs.org
Caja de Compensacion de Antioquia Comfama – http://www.comfama.com
California Institute of Public Affairs
Camara Brasileira da Industria da Construcao – http://www.cbic.org.br
Camara Brasileira de Arbitragem – http://www.camaramundial.org
Camara Latino Americana de Mediacao e Arbitragem – http://www.camaramundial.org
Camara Municipal de Bauru – http://www.camarabauru.sp.gov.br
Cambareri Giovanni
Cambodian Action Committee for Justice and Equity – http://www.cacje.net
Cambodian Defenders Project – http://www.cdpcambodia.org
Cameroon Association for the Defence of the Victims of Accident – http://www.safecameroonroadvictims.com
Cameroon Association of Volunteers for Youth Promotion and Humanitarian Actions (CAVYPHA)
Cameroon Education Foundation
Cameroon Health and Education Project, Inc. – http://www.camhep.org
Cameroon League for Development
Cameroon Youth Solidarity Association
Cameroun Assistance Sanitaire – http://www.cameroun-assistance.com
Cameroun Terre Nouvelle – http://www.camerounterrenouvelle.org
Camfed – http://www.camfed.org
Camp Hope Leadership Development for Girls – http://www.camphopeafrica.com
Campaign for Human Rights & Development Sierra Leone – http://www.chrdsierraleone.org
Campaign for tobacco-free kids – http://www.tobaccofreekids.org
Campaign Life Coalition – http://www.campaignlifecoalition.com
Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación – http://www.campanaderechoeducacion.org
CAMPO – Centro de Assessoria ao Movimento Popular – http://www.campo.org.br
Canadian AIDS Society
Canadian Council of Churches – http://www.councilofchurches.ca
Canadian Federation of University Women – http://www.cfuw.org
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network – http://www.aidslaw.ca
CANADIAN HUNGER FOUNDATION – http://www.chf-partners.ca
Canadian Institute of Tourism And Sustainable Livelihoods – http://www.citsl.org
Canadian Patient Coalition – http://www.putpatientsfirst.com
Canadian Race Relations Foundation
Canadian Roots Exchange – http://www.canadianroots.ca
Canadian Voice of Women for Peace – http://www.vowpeace.org
Canadian Working Group on HIV and Rehabilitation – http://www.HIVANDREHAB.CA
Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East – http://www.cjpme.org
Cancer Aid Society – http://www.canceraidsocietyindia.org
Canterbury Business Association Incorporated – http://www.canterburybusiness.org.nz
Capacity Building Centre for Africa
Cape Verde Jewish Heritage Project – http://www.capeverdejewishheritage.org
Cape York Institute – http://www.cyi.org.au
Capital Humano y Social Alternativo – http://www.chsalternativo.org
capital new era education and development society
Capitulo Perfeita União da Ordem DeMolay
Capstone Ministries
Capsulexel Foundation
Captian Serwer Shaheed Welfare Association Khalana – http://www.csswak.110mb.com
Caputo Children’s Fund – http://www.caputo-children-fund.org/
Caraga Youth Leaders’ Network Inc. – http://www.caragayouthleadersnetworkinc.blogspot.com
Caravane d’Animation Culturelle pour le Développement Durable – http://www.caracrdcongo.wordpress.com
Cardet – http://www.cardet.org
CARE (Christian Action Research and Education)
Care and Development Centre
Care Brasil – http://www.care.org.br
Care For All Trust India – http://www.cfatrust.com
Care for Health Education and Social Interaction of Indonesia – http://chesiflat.wordpress.com
Care for Youth Future Initiative – http://www.careforyouth.org
Care International – http://www.care-international.org
Care, Future and Life
Career Development Society Mananwala – http://www.cdsmananwala.blogspot.com
Caretakers of the Environment Tanzania – http://www.caretakerstz.org
CaretoHelp Foundation – http://www.caretohelpusa.org
Cari – http://www.cariassociation.org
Caribbean American Repertory Theatre Inc.
Caribbean Association for Youth Development
Caribbean Development Activists & Women’s Network
Caribbean Science Foundation – http://www.caribbeanscience.org
Caring & Living as Neighbours – http://www.whatisclan.org
Caring & Reaching Elders Rights
Caring for Cambodia – http://www.caringforcambodia.org
Caritas Internationalis (International Confederation of Catholic Charities) – http://www.caritas.org
Caritas Mpika – http://www.diompika.org
Caritas Secours Catholique – http://www.secours-catholique.org/
Caritas Sweden – http://www.caritas.se
Carmelite Community of the Word Hands & Hearts Haiti Mission Program – http://www.ccwsisters.org
Carmen Association – http://www.asociatiaumanitaracarmen.ortohost.co.cc
Carpe Diem
Carpels Crew Foundation – http://www.facebook.com/carpelsf
Carrefour International des Femmes et Familles
Casa do Caminho Brasil – http://www.casadocaminhobrasil.org/
Casa Generalizia della Societa’ del Sacro Cuore – http://www.sacredheartattheun.org;sacrecoeuralonu.org;sagradocorazonenla…
Casa Real de Portugal – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.orghttp://www.reifazdeconta.comhttp://ww…
Catalytic Communities – http://www.catcomm.org
Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, Inc.
Catholic Near East Welfare Association – http://www.cnewa.org
Catholic Women’s League Australia Incorporated (CWLA) – http://www.cwla.org.au
Catholics for Choice
Catolicas Por El Derecho A Decidir – http://www.catolicasmexico.org
Caucasus Environmental NGO Network – http://www.cenn.org
Caucus for Women’s Leadership – http://www.kwpcaucus.org
Causality Contemplation Community
CBM Australia – http://www.cbm.org.au
CBR Global Network – http://www.cbrglobal.org
CCO Integrated Services Ltd
Ceasefire Campaign – http://www.ceasefire.org.za
Cecodhas Housing Europe – http://www.housingeurope.eu
Cedeca Casa Renascer – http://www.cedecacasarenascer.org
CEFC Shanghai
Ceforec International Network
Celebes Insan Mandiri
Cell of Alternative Youth Activities – http://www.kean.gr
Celtic League – http://www.celticleague.net
CENACOLI MARIANI NO PROFIT ORGANIZATION – http://www.childrensfoundation.it
Cenacoli Mariani of the world – http://www.childrensfoundation.ithttp://www.childrenfoundation.us
Centa for Organisational Development Ltd/Gte – http://www.codnigeria.org
Centar za Samostalni Zivot Osoba sa Invaliditetom Srbije – http://www.cilsrbija.org
Centar za sigurnosne studije – http://www.css.ba
Center for a World in Balance – http://www.worldinbalance.net
Center for Addiction Research Therapy and Counselling
Center for Advocacy & Development in Africa Nigeria
Center for Africa Development and Progress
Center for African Progress and Collaborative Research – http://www.africaprogresscentre.com.gh
Center for Assistance to Human Right Protection
Center for Change and Community Development – http://www.centerforchangenigeria.org
Center for Computer Logistics People Association Worldwide – http://www.cclpworldwideng.org
Center for Conflict Resolution – http://www.cecore.net
Center for Creative Initiatives in Health and Population – http://ccihp.org
Center for Democratic Empowerment
Center for Development of Civil Society – http://www.cdcs.am
Center for Development of Sustainable Peace- Iran – http://www.cdspiran.org
Center for Economic and Social Development – http://www.cesd.az
Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD), Azerbaijan – http://www.cesd.az
Center for Economic and Social Rights, The – http://www.cesr.org
Center for Economic Development
Center for Energy Efficiency – http://www.rertc.net
Center for Environment and Economic Development – http://www.ceedasia.org
Center for Environmental Science and Policy, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, Stanford University – http://cesp.stanford.edu
Center for Financial Inclusion at Accion – http://www.Centerforfinancialinclusion.org
Center for Gender and Development in Africa – http://www.gadafrica.org
Center for Global Community and World Law – http://www.centerglobalcommunitylaw.org
Center for Global Nonkilling – http://www.nonkilling.org
Center for Human Development & Management
Center for Human Rights & Peace, Bhartiy Vedic Vigyan Academy – https://groups.google.com/group/bhartiyvedicvigyan?hl=en
Center for Intercultural Dialogue – http://www.cid.mk
Center for International Earth Science Information Network – http://www.ciesin.columbia.edu
Center for International Health and Cooperation
Center for International Stabilization and Recovery – http://cisr.jmu.edu
Center for International Virtual Schooling (C4IVS)
Center for Labour and Social Studies – http://www.classnepal.org.np
Center for Legal Research and Resource Development – http://www.celrrd.org
Center for Medicare Advocacy, Inc. – http://www.medicareadvocacy.org
Center for Migrant Advocacy Philippines – http://www.centerformigrantadvocacy.com
Center for Monitoring Democracy and Human Rights
Center for Nonproliferation and Export Control – http://cnecorg.page.tl/Home.htm
Center for Participatory Research and Development – http://www.cprdbd.org
Center for Peace and Development Effectiveness – http://www.cepdeliberia.org
Center for Peace and Environmental Justice – http://www.cepejng.com
Center for Peace Building and Democracy, inc
Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology – http://www.omnicenter.org/
Center for Political Ecology – http://www.centerforpoliticalecology.org
Center for Poverty Reduction and Community Development. – http://www.cporcdevnig.org
Center for Practice-Oriented Feminist Science (PROFS)
Center for Public Health – http://www.centerpublichealth.org
Center for Regional Policy Research and Cooperation Studiorum – http://www.studiorum.org.mk/
Center for Religion and Diplomacy, Inc. – http://www.icrd.org
Center for Reproductive Rights, Inc., The
Center for Research and Policy Making – http://www.crpm.org.mk
Center for research of social conflicts and political violence – http://www.crs-cpv.com
Center for Rural Research and Community Development – http://www.crrcdindia.org
Center for Sami Studies, University of Tromsoe – http://www.sami.uit.no
Center for Studies on Aging – http://www.csa.org.lb
Center for Studies on Turkey – http://www.zfti.de
Center for the Economics of Liberty & Personal Sovereignty
Center for the Human Rights of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry – http://www.chrusp.org
Center for the Right to Health – http://www.crhonline.org
Center for the Study of Development Economics – http://www.csdecons.org
Center for Transparency and Accountability in Liberia – http://www.cental.org
Center for Women and Development – http://cwd.vn
Center International des Artistes pour l’Aide au Développement
Center on Health Promotion Research for Persons with Disabilities, University of Illinois at Chicago – http://uic-chp.org/CHP_N1_01_About.html
Center on Migration and Human Rights
Central American Indeginous and Peasant Coordinator of Communal Agroforestry, ACICAFOC
Central Bank of Nigeria, Abuja. – http://www.cbn.gov.ng
Centre Africain de Recherche Industrielle (CARI)
Centre Africain D’echange Culturel
centre congolais pour le developpement durable – http://www.onbuilding
Centre d’appui Pour les Femmes Victimes d’abus Sexuels (CAFVAS)
Centre d’Information et de Promotion de l’Image d’une Nouvelle Afrique – http://www.cipina.org
Centre d’Accueil et de Volontariat pour Orphelins, Abandonnés et Handicapés du Cameroun (CAVOAH-CAM) – http://www.cavoahcam.org
Centre d’Actions pour le Developpent Social
Centre d’analyse et de recherche en droits de l’homme (CARDH-H)
Centre d’Appui aux Organisations de Femmes du Gabon
Centre de Conseils et D’appui pour les Jeunes en Matière de Droits de l’Homme – http://www.codap.org
Centre de Developpement Agro-Pastoral de Djolu
Centre de Developpement Socioculturel – http://www.cads.ch
Centre de Développement Socioculturel – http://www.cads.ch
Centre de Developpement, de Prevention des Conflits et de Secours Humanitaires
Centre de Formation Aroma
Centre de Formation et de Recherche pour le Développement (CFRD)
Centre de Formation Etudes et Recherches pour le Developpement
Centre de rcehrche en langues et Culture Africaines de Kinsangani
Centre de Recherches et de Promotion pour la Sauvegarde des Sites et Monuments Historiques en Afrique – http://www.centrededakar.org
Centre de Rehabilitation, Assosiation de Moun Handicape
Centre de vulgarisation de l’outil informatique (C.V.O.I)
Centre d’encadrement et développement des anciens combattants CEDAC – http://www.cedac.org.bi
Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants d’entreprise – http://www.cjd.net
Centre d’Etude et d’Animation MultiMédia
Centre D’études et de Mémoire des Migrations Subsahariennes – http://www.cemis.org
Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches Entreprendre
Centre d’études et de Recherches en Sciences Sociales – http://www.cerss-ma.org
Centre D’études Euro-Arabe/Paris – http://www.ceea.com
Centre Deux Rives pour le Développement Social et Culturel
Centre d’information et de coopération décentralisée
Centre d’Information et de Gestion des Migrations – http://www.cigem.org
Centre d’Initiatives pour le Développement Intégral (CIDI) – http://www.cidirdc.org
Centre Euro-Àrab de Catalunya – http://www.centre-euroarab.cat
Centre Europe – Tiers Monde – Europe-Third World Centre – http://www.cetim.ch
Centre Européen de Recherche et de Prospective Politique – http://www.cereppol.eu
Centre Féminin pour la Promotion du Développement (CEFEPROD) – http://www.cefeprod.org
Centre Femme, Citoyennete et Paix, Centre FECPA – http://www.fecpa.org
Centre for Adivasee Studies & Peace – http://www.adivasee.org
Centre for Affordable Water and Sanitation Technology – http://www.cawst.org
Centre for African Israeli Friendship – http://www.caifglobal.org
Centre for African Settlement Studies and Development (CASSAD) – http://www.cassadnigeria.org
Centre for Applied Sociology – http://www.casoc.in
Centre for Applied Studies in International Negotiations
Centre for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development-Cameroon
Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability – http://www.cbgaindia.org/index.php
Centre For Charity And Development Foundation – http://www.cechadef.org
Centre for Citizens with Disabilities
Centre for Community Economics & Development, Consultants Society – http://www.cecoedecon.org.in
Centre for Community Empowerment for Under Priveledges
Centre for Community Regeneration and Development – http://www.ccreadcameroon.org
Centre for Cyber Victim Counselling – http://www.cybervictims.org
Centre for Democratic Assignment
Centre for Development Action and Community Research
Centre for Development and Population Activities – http://www.cedpa.org
Centre for Development and Population Activities, India
Centre for Development Communication – http://www.cdcindia.org
Centre for Development Innovation – http://www.cdi.org.pk
Centre for Disability Studies – http://www.cds.mona.uwi.edu
Centre for Discipline & Peace Initiative – http://www.disciplinecorpsng.com
Centre For Drug Universal Researches , Approaches & Studies – http://www.cudras.ir
Centre for Economic & Libertarian Affairs – http://www.celak.org
Centre for Education and Communication – http://www.cec-india.org
Centre for Environment & Development – http://www.thehavids.global-arina.org
Centre for Environment and Development – http://centreforenvironmentdevelopment.blogspot.com/
Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development India
Centre for Environmental Rights
Centre for Equality – http://www.centreforequality.org
Centre for Equity Studies
Centre for Ethics and Value Inquiry – http://www.cevi-globalethics.ugent.be/
Centre for Gender Rights Protection
Centre for Gerontological Studies – http://www.cgsindia.org
Centre for Girls and Interaction – http://centreforgirlsandinteraction.weebly.com/
Centre for Governance and Economic Policy Research – http://www.cgeprghana.org
Centre for Health and Population Studies, Pakistan
Centre for Health Policy and Innovation – http://www.centreforglobalhealth.org
Centre for Health Sciences Training, Research and Development
Centre for Himalayan Integrated Development and Social Welfare ( CHIDSW )
Centre for Himalayan Integrated Development and Social Welfare ( CHIDSW ).
Centre for Human Ecology – http://www.che.ac.uk
Centre for Human Resource Development
Centre for Human Rights and Institute for National Social Initiatives – http://www.chinansifoundation.org
Centre for Human Rights Empowerment and Development – http://www.Workinprogress
Centre for Humanitarian Enhancement
Centre for Indian Migrant Studies
Centre for Integrated Rural Development
Centre for Internet and Society
Centre for Legal Aid Assistance & Settlement – CLAAS
Centre for Low Carbon Futures – http://www.lowcarbonfutures.org
Centre for Pakistan and Gulf Studies – http://cpakgulf.org/
Centre for Palliative Care, BSMMU – http://www.palliatvecarebd.org
Centre for Peace, Culture and Environmental Studies – http://www.centreforpeace.org
Centre for Poverty Analysis – http://www.cepa.lk
Centre for Research Education and Social Transformation
Centre for Research on Women’s Issues
CENTRE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT – http://www.crdev.org
Centre for Rural Education and Development – http://www.credindia.org
Centre for Rural Employment, Awareness, Training and Education – http://www.createngo.org
Centre for Services and Information on Disability – http://www.csid-bd.com
Centre for Social Reconditioning and Development
Centre for Social Transformation & Human Dev. Ltd/Gte – http://www.protectourfuture.org
Centre for Sustainable Development – http://www.sustainabledevelopmentcentre
Centre for Sustainable Development and Research – http://www.csdr.info
Centre for Sustainable Rural Development and Research Studies – http://www.vit.ac.in
Centre for the Rehabilitation of the Paralysed – http://www.crp-bangladesh.org
Centre for the Study of Society, Technology and Development
Centre for Trade Policy and Law – http://www.ctpl.ca
Centre for Trade, Globalisation & Development – http://www.cetglad.org
Centre for Transparency and Community Development
Centre for Women and Children and Children Development – http://www.cwcdnigeria.org
Centre for Women Empowerment and Community Development
Centre for Women the Earth the Divine, The – http://www.cwed.org
Centre For Youth Development – http://www.cyd.co.in
Centre for Youth Interest, Dignity and Development
Centre for Youths Integrated Development – http://www.cyid.org
Centre Gali
Centre Guide pour la Migration CGTM – http://www.cgtm.org
Centre International des Artistes pour l’Aide au Développement
Centre International des Arts Plastque
Centre International des Formations en Droits Humains
Centre National d’Appui aux Organisations de Femmes du Gabon – http://www.cenaf.org/ga
Centre Nutritionel et Professionel du Congo
Centre of Economic and Social Studies of the Third World – Centro de Estudios Economicos y Sociales Del Tercer Mundo A.C.
Centre PolitOn – http://www.politon.eu
Centre Polyvalent de Formation – http://www.cpfmbouocmr.org
Centre pour la Promotion Sociale et Communautaire
Centre Pour L’autopromotion De La Paysannerie Et Les Droits De L’homme
Centre pour les Droits Civils et Politiques – Centre CCPR – http://www.ccprcentre.org
Centre Régional d’Appui et de Développement des Initiatives Féminines – http://www.everyoneweb.fr/cradif
Centre Social pour la Protection des Démunis – http://www.observateurs-elections.blogspot.com
centre solidarité de santé et développement
Centre Zagros pour les Droits de l’Homme – http://www.zagros-centre.org
Centro Acadêmico Visconde de Cairu – http://www.cavc.com.br
Centro Academico XI de Agosto
Centro Brasileiro de Assistencia Juridica
Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais – http://www.cebri.org.br
CENTRO C.B. ERUCE – OPERATORI EMERGENZA RADIO – http://www.centrocberuce.it
Centro de Apoio ao Movimento Popular da Zona Oeste – http://www.campozo.org.br
Centro de Arbitragem das Americas – http://www.camaramundial.org
Centro de Capacitacion Mujeres indigena Sumu-Mayangna Rigoberta Menchu
Centro de Cultura Pueblo Nacion Mapuche Pelon Xaru
Centro De Desarrollo Integral de la Niñez y la Adolesencia¨Rikchari¨ CDI EC=407
Centro de Educación y Promoción Nosotros – http://www.centronosotros.or.cr
Centro de Estudios del Desarrollo Económico y Social, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla – http://www.cedes.buap.mx
Centro de Estudios para el Desarrollo Social CEDES – http://cedespanama.org/
Centro de Estudios sobre Ciencia, Desarrollo y Educación Superior – http://www.centroredes.org.ar
Centro de Estudos Avançados de Defesa dos Direitos Humanos – CEADDH – http://www.ceaddh185.blogspot.com
Centro de Estudos Avançados de Promoçao Social/Projeto Saude e Alegria – http://www.saudeealegria.org.br
Centro de Estudos Casa Curta-SE – http://www.casacurtase.org.br
Centro de Estudos em Direito Ambiental da Amazonia – http://cedamamazonia.blogspot.com/
Centro de Estudos Sociais – Universidade de Coimbra – http://www.ces.uc.pt
Centro de Formaçao Profissional Alzira de Aleluia – http://www.seralziradealeluia.com.br
Centro de Formação Profissionalizante Gamaliel
Centro de Formación para la Integración Regional
Centro de Gestão e Estudos Estratégicos – http://www.cgee.org.br
Centro de Humanos Especiales Multidiciplinarios A.C.
Centro de Implementación de Políticas Públicas para la Equidad y el Crecimiento – http://www.cippec.org
Centro de Integración Libre y Solidario de Argentina – http://www.cilsa.org
Centro de Investigacion Educacion Y Servicios – http://www.cies.org.bo
Centro de Investigación Filantrópica para el Desarrollo Integral de las Comunidades, A.C. – http://www.cifdic.org.mx
Centro de Investigación Social Avanzada – http://www.cisav.mx
Centro de Investigacion y Capacitacion Cultural de los Indigena Mayangna DITALYANG – http://www.redindigena.net
Centro de Investigaciones Rurales – http://www.espol.edu.ec
Centro de la Mujer Panamena – http://www.fotolog.com/cemp_panama
Centro de Logística e Apoio a Natureza – http://www.clean.org.br
Centro de Pesquisa e Estudos Agrários e Ambientais – Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP)
Centro de Recursos para el Analisis de Conflictos – http://www.cerac.org.co
Centro de Referência em Educação Ambiental Fundação Escola Bosque Professor Eidorfe Moreira
Centro Estratégico para el Desarrollo Sostenible – http://codesosursinergias.org
Centro Integrado de Estudos e Programas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável – http://www.cieds.org.br/
Centro Interdisciplinar de Desenvolvimento e Gestão Social – http://www.gestaosocial.org.br
Centro Interdisciplinar de Desenvolvimento e Gestão Social – Universidade Federal da Bahia – http://www.gestaosocial.org.br
Centro Internazionale per le Ricerche e gli Studi Interculturali – http://www.cirsi.net
Centro las Libres de Informacion en Salud Sexual Region Centro, Asociacion Civil – http://www.laslibres.org.mx
Centro Latinoamericano de Investigacion Cientifica – http://www.celinbolivia.org
Centro Mocovi Lalek Lav’a
Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos – http://www.cenidh.org
Centro Panafricano Kituo Cha Wanafrika – http://www.wanafrika.org
Centro para la defensa de los derechos indigenas
Centro para la Investigacion de la Epidemia del Tabaquismo – http://www.cieturuguay.org
Centro Proceso Social – http://www.derechospersonasmayores.org.pe
Centro Sarmathiano De Altos Estudos Filosóficos E Históricos
Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo – http://www.cesie.eu
Centro Studi Europeo Sicurezza Stradale Onlus – http://www.centrosicurezzastradale.it
Centro UNESCO di Firenze – http://www.centrounescofi.it
Centro Universitário Franciscano – http://www.unifra.br
Centro Vivo da Memoria Contemporanea – http://centro-memoria.blogspot.com
Centros de Integración Juvenil, A.C. – http://www.cij.gob.mx
Centrul de Asistenta Juridica pentru Persoane cu Dizabilitati – http://www.advocacy.md
Century’s Awake
CERAC-Conflict Analysis Resources Center – http://www.cerac.org.co
Cercle de Promotion des Forêts et des Initiatives locales de Développement – http://www.cepfild.org(enconstruction)
Cercle de Recherche sur les Droits et les Devoirs de la Personne Humaine – http://www.pnad.ch
Cercle des Amis du Cameroun
Cercle des Filles et Femmes Actives pour l’Amélioration des Conditions Socioéconomiques et Culturelles des Femmes et des Filles
CERCLE DES OUVRIERS HUMANISTES DU BENIN – http://www.ouvriers-humanistes.org
Cercle des Volontaires pour le Developpement-TOGO – http://www.cervod-togo.webobo.com
Cercle d’initiative commune pour la recherche, l’environnement et la qualité – http://cicreq.cfsites.org
Cercle Izran de Part le Monde – http://www.facebook.com/groups/Izran/
Cercle Social pour la Protection des Defavorises
Cesvi Fondazione – http://www.cesvi.org
Chacun pour Tous Association
Chaine de L espoir RDC
Chaithanya Samskarika Vedi Chennayangaloor P.O. – http://www.chaithanyanorthcmr.com
Chakma Raj Bihar
Challenge your Disability Initiative – http://www.cydionline.com
Challenged Children Charity Foundation – http://www.3cfinternational.org
Challenging Heights – http://www.challengingheights.org
Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Production of the Argentine Republic
Chanan Development Association – http://www.cdapak.org
Change Catalyst
Change Life
Change Mob – http://www.change-mob.org
Change we Need – https://www.facebook.com/ahmedachouro
Change-A-Life – http://www.changealifenigeria.org
Changemakers-Sierra Leone
Changement Social Bénin
Changing Mentalities And Empowering Groups
ChanTIERS DES JEUNES VOLONTAIRES – http://www.Comingsoon
Chapman University – http://www.chapman.edu
Charitable Centre of Social Protection of Children «Munis»
Charitable Foundation of Helping Armenian Children of Georgia Arevik – http://www.arevik.page.tl
Charity Aid Educational Foundation – http://www.charityaef.org
charity care network initiative
Charity Medical Team
Charles and Doosurgh Abaagu Foundation – http://www.abaagufoundation.net
Charter of Union of legal persons in the form of Association Internet Association of Kazakhstan – http://www.iak.kz
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators – http://www.ciarb.org
Chase Sidheequabad
Cha-Ta-Ra Clan Interim Government Council
Chattisgarh Heritage Society
Chau Tran Consulting
Chautauqua Learn and Serve ARC – http://www.chautauqua-learn-serve.com
Chelis Christopher Foundation
Chemical and Farmaceutical Industries Workers Federation from Sao Paulo – http://www.fequimfar.org.br
Chenab Development Foundation – http://www.cdf.org.pk
Chernobyl Union International
Chetanalaya – http://www.chetanalaya.org.in
Chibuzor Human Resource Development Organization
Chicago T.A.S.C. Inc. – http://www.tasc-il.org
Chickaloon Village, Arctic Council Indigenous Peoples Secretariat, and Arctic Athabascan Council – http://www.chickaloon.org
Chiduku Foundation
Chiezedimma Edward Foundation for Human Rights – http://www.chiezedimmaedwardfoundation.gnbo.com.ng
Chikka Federation of India – http://www.chikkafederation.org
Child Advocacy Centre – http://www.cactamale.org
Child Aid, Community-Care & Development Initiative – http://www.facebook.com/caccadev
Child and Promise Association – http://childandpronise.org
Child Care Consortium
Child Concern – http://www.childconcernindia.org
Child Development Foundation
Child Family Health International – http://www.cfhi.org
Child Guidance Centre
Child Life-Line Organisation
Child Rehabilitation Centre – http://www.crcsrilanka.org
Child Rights Information & Documentation Centre – http://www.cridoc.net
Child Trends – http://www.childtrends.org
ChildHelp Sierra Leone – http://www.childhelpsl.org
Childolescent and Family Survival organization – http://www.cafso.org
Children Alliance for Environmental Protection, CAEP, The
Children and Community Initiative for Development – http://www.caidgambia.org
Children and Women in Social Service and Human Rights – http://www.cwish.org.np
Children Education and Social Welfare Society – http://www.cews-pak.blogspot.com
Children Foundation and Peace Development Ghana
Children Homes of Africa Network
Children in Slavery – The 21st Century Campaign
Children in Wales – http://www.childreninwales.org.uk
Children of a Better Time
Children of Light
Children of Peru Foundation, Inc. – http://www.childrenofperu.org
Children of the Earth – http://www.coeworld.org
Children Sensory Integration Behavioral Approach and Language Enrichment, Inc,
Children/Youth as Peacebuilders – http://www.childrenyouthaspeacebuilders.ca
Children’s Human Rights Centre of Albania – http://www.crca.org.al/
Children’s Movement for Creative Education – http://www.childrensmovement.org
Children’s Rights Advocacy and Lobby Mission – Africa (CALM-Africa) – http://www.calmafrica-ug.org
Children’s Rights Network
ChildVoice International – http://www.childvoiceintl.org
Chilloe Cancer Foundation
China Association for Non-Profit Organization
China Association for Science and Technology – http://www.cast.org.cn
China Association of Non-Profit Organizations
China Association of Women Entrepreneurs – http://www.cawe.org.cn
China Disabled Person’s Federation – http://www.cdpf.org.cn
China Educational Channels – http://www.cetv.cn
China Ethnic Minorities’Association for External Exchanges
China Family Planning Association – http://www.chinafpa.org.cn
China Foundation for Peace and Development – http://www.cfpd.org.cn
China Freedom and Peace League
China Institute for Reform and Development – http://www.cird.cn/
China Soong Ching Ling Foundation – http://www.sclf.org(Chinese)/sclf.cri.cn(English)
Chinese Immigrants Services, Inc.
Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, The – http://www.cpaffc.org.cn
Chinese Society for Sustainable Development – http://www.kcxfz.org
Chinese Young Volunteers Association
Chips Nepal
CHIRAPAQ – Centro de Culturas Indígenas del Perú – http://www.chirapaq.org.pe
Chitral Association for Mountain Area Tourism – http://www.grassrootsjourneys.com/explore/asia/pakistan/camat/
Chittagon Indigenous Buddhist Student’s Association in SriLanka
Chittagong Hill Tract Jumma Refugee’s Welfare Association – http://www.updfcht.org
Chittagong Social Development Forum – http://www.gadalliance.net/csdf
CHOICE for youth and sexuality
Chotanagpur Rising Association – http://www.chotanagpurinus.org
Christ Cares for the Needy Foundation
Christelik Maatskaplike Raad Humansdorp
Christian Adolescent Foundation Inc. – http://www.chrisadolfoundation.org
Christian Alliance for Indian Child Welfare
Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament – Kenya – http://www.cndkenya.org
Christian Church Alfa and Omega – http://www.ministerioalfayomega.org
Christian Collectivity to Reach Others’ Needs
Christian Education and Development Organization – http://envaya.org/CEDO/News
Christian Fellowship and Care Foundation – http://www.chrifacafinc.org
Christian Volunteer Service International – http://www.cvsighana.com
Christian Youth Development Movement
Christianah Fate Foundation – http://www.christianahfatefoundation.org
Christine Cares, Inc. – http://www.chriscares.org
Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation – http://www.christopherreeve.org
Chronic Care Foundation – http://www.chroniccareindia.org
Church of the Brethren – http://www.brethren.org
Church World Service – http://www.churchworldservice.org
Cicoa Aging & In-Home Solutions – http://www.cicoa.org
Cidade Criativa Transformacoes Culturais – http://www.cidadecriativa.org
Cie International Education – http://www.cieinternational.in
Circulo de Mujeres con Discapacidad
Círculo Latinoamericano de Estudios Internacionales – http://www.claei.org.mx
Circulo Operário Leopoldense – http://www.col.org.br
CIRID (Centre Independent de Recherches et d’Iniatives pour le Dialogue) – http://www.cirid.ch
CISA, Tierras para la Conservación, A.C.
CISRI – Collaborative Intergovernmental Scientific Research Institute – http://www.cisri.org
CISV International – http://www.cisv.org
Cities Network Campaign (The Sustainable Environment Resource Institute) – http://www.citiesnetworkcampaign.org
Citizen Mission for Development – http://www.citizenmissionfordevelopment.com
Citizen Voice – http://www.citizenvoice.org.pk
Citizens’ Alliance for Consumer Protection of Korea
Citizens Centre for Integrated Development and Social Rights – http://www.ccidesor.org
Citizens Commission on Human Rights – http://www.cchr.org.nz
Citizens’ Constitutional Forum Limited – http://www.ccf.org.fj
Citizens’ Movement for Peace and Harmony
Citizens Network for Sustainable Development – http://www.citnet.org/
Citizens United for Growth Initiative – http://www.transformationwatch.wordpress.com
Citizens United to Promote Peace and Democracy in Liberia – http://www.cuppadl.ushahidi.com
Citoyen Des Rues International – http://www.citoyendesrues.org
City Lounge Magazine – http://www.citylounge.com.ng
City Montessori School – http://www.cmseducation.org
City Social Welfare Organization Pakistan – http://www.cswo.info
City University of New York, College of Staten Island
City2000 Youth Action International
Civic Act-up
Civic Alliance of Kazakhstan – http://www.civilsociety.kz
Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation – http://www.oprf.ru
Civic Development and Partnership Foundation – http://www.cdpf.am
Civic Duties Awareness Initiative – http://www.cidaingr.org
Civic Exchange
CIVICUS – World Alliance for Citizen Participation – http://www.civicus.org
Civil Aid Organization (CAO) – http://www.civicaid.org
Civil Association for Human Rights United Migrant and Refugee Women in Argentina – http://www.amumra.org.ar
Civil Coalition for Human Rights – http://cchr.ucoz.com/
Civil Development Organization – http://www.cdo-iraq.org
Civil Enlightment Movement
Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance – http://www.cspa.co.uk
Civil Societe Initiative
Civil Society Association of Pakistan – http://www.civilsocietypakistan.webnode.com
Civil Society Human and Institutional Development Programme – http://www.chip-pk.org
Civil Society Movement – Sierra Leone
Civil Society Organisations’ Network for Sustainable Agriculture and Environment in East Africa – http://www.cisonet.org
civil society organization network for development
Civil Society Platform For Social Protection – http://www.cspsl.org
Civil Society Safety and Development Organization
Civil Society Support Programme (CSSP) – http://www.cssp.org.pk
CIVILSCAPE – http://www.civilscape.eu
Classical Jurisconsults – http://www.cjuris.com
Claytonet.net – http://www.sdcx.com.br
Clean Energy and Safe Environment Initiative – http://www.ceasei.org
Clean Energy Nepal – http://www.cen.org.np
Clefsdufutur.org-ONG-CDF.org-Groupe G6 – http://www.clefsdufutur.org
Clifford Global Education Initiative – http://www.cliffinitiative.org
Climate Action Network Association e.V. – http://www.climatenetwork.org
Climate Alliance
Climate Change Center – http://www.climatechange-center.org
Climate Change Resilience Centre
Climate Leaders India Network – http://www.cleain.in
ClimateChange-Center – http://www.climatechange-center.org
Clinics For All – http://www.clinics4all.org
Clinton Senior Center – http://www.orgsites.com/ma/clintonseniorc/
Close the Gap – http://www.close-the-gap.org
Club advisors international arbitration
Club Culturel Syrien
Club des Jeunes Aveugles Réhabilités du Cameroun – http://www.cjarc-cameroun.org
Club Desarrollo Humano
Club Internazionale Della Pace IIRD – http://www.iird.org
Club Union Africaine/ Congo Brazza
CMG Empowerment Ghana
CN International Consultants
CNC Watch New S/L
Coal Briquettes for Neighbors in Korea – http://www.lovecoal.org
Coalición Latinoamérica Saludable – http://www.coalicionlatinoamericasaludable.org
Coalition for Community Participation in Governance (CCPG)
Coalition For The Children and Family – ISRAEL – http://www.ccfisrael.org
Coalition of Mindanao Indigenous Peoples for Peace Advocacy
Coalition of Ogaden Civil Societies
Coalition of Services of the Elderly,Inc – http://www.cosephil.org
Coalition on the Rights and Responsibilities of Youth
Coastal Association for Social Transformation (COAST) Trust – http://www.coastbd.org
Coastal Development Partnership – http://www.cdpbd.org
Cocody Cité de l’Espoir
Cocuk Film ve Sanat Dernegi – http://film-fest.net
Çocuk Haklari Zirvesi ve Kalkinma Dernegi – http://www.cocukzirvesi.org
çocuk ve sosyal hizmetler dernegi
Codata-Germany – http://www.codata-germany.org
Codewit Gloabl Network – http://www.codewit.info
Coeur du Monde/ Heart of World (HOW)
Cognisci Information Systems and Technologies for Development Foundation – http://www.cogniscifoundation.corg
Co-Habiter – http://www.co-habiter.ch
Colectivo de Análisis de la Seguridad con Democracia – http://www.seguridadcondemocracia.org/
Colegio De Ingenieros En Sistemas Computacionales Del Estado De Chiapas, A.C. – http://www.coiscech.org
Colegio Profesional de Licenciados en Cooperativismo del Peru-Colicoop – http://www.colicoop.com
Coletivo de Assessoria e Documentacao – http://www.parawa.org.br
CoLink – http://www.colinkonline.org
Collectif Alpha Ujuvi – http://www.alphaujuvi.org
Collectif Artisted Plasticiens – http://www.le-cap.ch
Collectif Avenir sans Frontieres
Collectif de création artistique LeS dOiGtS bLeUs – http://www.lesdoigtsbleus.com
Collectif de femmes du printemps noir
COLLECTIF DES FEMMES CONGOLAISES POUR LA PAIX ET LA JUSTICE – https://sites.google.com/site/collectiffcp/
Collectif des Organisations de Défense des Droits de l’Homme et de la Démocratie
Collectif des organisations des jeunes solidaires du Congo – http://www.cojeski.org
Collectif Handicaps de Nouvelle Caledonie – http://www.collectif-handicaps.nc
Collectif Multisectoriel pour le Développement Intégral
Collectif pour la Promotion des Droits des Personnes en Situation de Handicap – http://www.chdm.org
Collectif Senegalais des Africaines pour la Promotion de l’Education Relative a l’Environnement
Collectif Watanouna – http://www.watanouna.org
College Icesp – http://www.icesp.br
College of Australasia
College of the Atlantic – http://www.coa.edu/index.htm
Colombian Confederation of NGOs – http://www.ccong.org.co
Colombo Americanos Unidos – http://www.fundacioncolomboamericanosunidos.org
COL’OR Onlus – http://www.colorngo.org
Colorado Haiti Project – http://www.coloradohaitiproject.org
Colour of Poverty – Colour of Change – http://www.colourofpoverty.ca
Combatants for Peace – http://www.cfpeace.org
Comision de Derecho Indígena Arica Parinacota
Comision Juridica para el Autodesarrollo de los Pueblos Originarios Andinos – Capaj – http://www.capaj.org
Comisión Mexicana de Derechos Humanos – http://www.comexdh.org.mx
Comission for activing the civil society – http://www.facebook.com/groups-http://www.madaniate.blogspot.com-http://…
Comitato- Ev-K2 -CNR – http://www.evk2cnr.org/cms/en/
Comitato Italiano Città Unite – http://www.cittaunite.it
Comite Aldeia Brasil
Comité algérien des droits de l’homme et des peuples
Comité Catholique contre la Faim et pour le Déloppement – http://www.ccfd-terresolidaire.org
Comite Civico Pro Desarrollo de Puerto Estrella
Comité d’Appui au Travail Social de Rue, – http://parcequelarueexiste.skynetblogs.be/
Comité de Lutte Contre les Pandémies pour le Développement Durable au Cameroun (CLPC) – http://www.clpc.org
Comité de Pilotage des Initiatives de Developpement – http://cpid.asso-web.com
Comite de Secours aux Personnes Démunies
Comité de Soutien à la Scolarisation des Filles Rurales – http://www.comitessf.org
Comité des Droits de L’homme et Développement
Comité d’Intervention pour le Développement en Côte d’Ivoire
Comité Español de Representantes de Personas con Discapacidad – http://www.cermi.es
Comitê Internacional dos Boinas Azuis, Defensores da Paz – http://www.cibadep.blogspot.com.br/
Comite National d’Action pour les Droits de l’Enfant et de la Femme
Comite Sociale pour la Protection des Demunis
Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers – http://www.cfmw.org
Commission For Refugee – http://www.cfr.tmipu.org
Commission for the Defense of Human Rights in Central America
Commission of the Churches on International Affairs of the World Council of Churches – http://www.oikoumene.org
Commission on Voluntary Service and Action Inc. – http://www.cvsa-investyourself.org
Commissione Internatzionale IIRD Per I Diritti Dell’Uomo – http://www.iird.org
Commissione Internazionale per i Diritti Dell’uomo e per i Problemi Della Giustizia – http://www.iird.org
Commissioni de Dipartimenti Internazionali IIRD – http://www.iird.org
Commitment For Native Development Program Foundation
COMMITMENTS A Public Trust – http://www.commitmentsindia.org
Committed Communities Development Trust – http://www.ccdtrust.org
Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow
Committee for Nature Conservation Polish Academy of Sciences
Committee for the Defence of Human Rights Nigeria – http://www.cdhrnigeria.org
Commonwealth Braodcasting Association – http://www.cba.org.uk
Commonwealth Foundation – http://www.commonwealthfoundation.com
Commonwealth Medical Association
Commonwealth Youth Programme – http://www.yourcommonwealth.org/
Commonwealth Youth Programme Asia Centre – http://www.thecommonwealth.org
Communauté du Magnificat
Communautés: Nouvelles Technologies – Santé – Développement – http://www.ong.paleba.org/
Commune de Mboudé Souhéili
Communication and Development Institute – http://www.lasociedadcivil.org
Communication et Développement Intégral – http://www.cditogo.wordpress.com
COMMUNICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT CENTRE – http://www.africadevelopment.org
Communication for Development Foundation Uganda – http://www.cdfuug.co.ug
Communities Forestry and Social Development Organization
Community Action Against Injustice
Community Ailment Redressal Establishment
Community Alliance for the Ethical Treatment of Youth – http://www.cafety.org
Community and Environmental Servicies Association – http://saintkatherinecenter.blogspot.com/
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America – CADCA – http://www.cadca.org
Community Awareness Raising Advocacy Ven: Arround Needs (CARAVAN)
Community Based Rehabilitation Aliance – http://www.combra.org
Community Based Rehabilitation Network, Malaysia
Community Center for the Disabled – http://www.ccd.org.af
Community Development Action Group
Community Development Alliance (CDA)
Community Development And Conservation Agency (CODECA) – http://www.codecauganda.org
Community Development Initiative West Africa
Community Development Initiatives
Community Development Programme (SDP) – http://cdpdir.webs.com/
Community Emergency Response Initiative
Community Empowerment For Peace and Health Initiative – http://www.cepinig.org
Community Empowerment Forum, Nepal (CEF-NEPAL) – http://www.cefnepal.com.np
Community Empowerment Programme
Community Engineering Programme – http://www.comengip.org
Community Healer – http://www.communityhealer.com
Community Health Information Education Forum – http://www.chiefngo.org
community Humanitarian Advocacy and Develpment Organization
Community Initiative for Peace Education and Development – http://www.molgl.gov.gm
Community Justice Project of Florida Legal Services, Inc. – http://www.floridalegal.org/cjp
Community Life Advancement Project
Community Life Project – http://www.reclaimnaija.net
Community Motivation and Developement Organization – http://www.cmdo.org
Community Outreach Programme – http://www.copepk.org
Community peace and development foundation – http://www.copedef.org
Community Production & Development Centre
Community Radio Academy – http://www.cra.bnnrc.net
Community Recovery Foundation
Community Research and Development Center
Community Service Foundation
Community Social Humanitarian Project
Community Technology Development Trust (CTDT) – http://www.ctdt.co.zw
Community United Against Ills of Society
Community Youth Network Program – CYNP – http://www.one.org/c/international/hottopic/3797/http://www.facebook.com…
CompAfriCare Foundation, Inc. – http://www.compafricare.org
Compagnons D’action pour le Développement Familial – http://www.cadf-ongd.populus.ch
Compassion & Choices – http://www.compassionandchoices.org
Compassion Africa Aged Foundation – http://www.compassionafricaaged.org
Compassion Australia
Complete Business Information Services – http://www.cbiset.com
Complexo do Alemao Sustentavel – http://www.paieai.com.br
Comprehensive Community Based Rehabilitation in Tanzania (CCBRT) – http://www.ccbrt.or.tz
Comunicas – http://www.comunicas.org
Comunidad Campesina de PUÑACHIZAK
Comunidad Terapeutica Fuente de Vida AC – http://www.alasdelibertad.com.mx
Comunidad y Familia de Chihuahua AC
Comunidade Semeando o Futuro – http://www.comsef.wordpress.com(Blog)
Concern Ambassadors Foundation
Concern for Environmental Development And Research – http://www.nocorruptionbd.org
Concern Health Education Project – http://www.concernhealthghana.webs.com
Concern Health Education Project NGO – http://www.concernhealthghana.org
Concern Universal – http://www.concern-universal.org
Concerned About Universal Social Empowerment – http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000950704708&sk=info
Concerned Women Against the Spread of HIV & AIDS, Inc.
Concerned Women for America (CWA) – http://www.cwfa.org
Concerned Youth in Development
Concile Mondial de Congres Diplomatiques des Aumoniers pour la Paix Universelle des Droits Humains et Juridiques
Concordis International Trust – http://www.concordis-international.org
Confederação e Comitê Internacional dos Embaixadores da Paz – http://www.pazciep.blogspot.com.br
Confederação Nacional do Transporte – http://www.cnt.org.br
Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura – http://www.contag.org.br
Confederación de Prosumidores Agro Ecológicos
Confederacion de Trabajadores Rerum Novarum – http://www.rerumnovarum.or.cr
Confederacion Indigena Tayrona
Confederación Internacional de Organizaciones de Productores Familiares Campesinos y Indígenas del Mercosur Ampliado – http://www.coprofam.org
Confederación Latinoamericana de Estudiantes de Economía – http://www.laclee.org
Confédération des organisations familiales de l’Union européenne – http://www.coface-eu.org/en/
Confédération Européenne des Cadres CEC – http://www.cec-managers.org
Confederation of Asia Pacific Chambers of Commerce and Industry – http://www.cacci.org.tw
Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro – General Italian Confederation of Labour – http://www.cgil.it
Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori C.I.S.L. – http://www.cisl.it
Conference of European Churches
Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO) – http://www.ngocongo.org
Confetti and Coffee Coaching, LLC – http://www.confettiandcoffee.org
Congo Grainier Mondial (CGM)
Congo Network of Religious Leaders Living or Personnally Affected by HIV and AIDS
Congo Nord Sud
Congo Peace Fund – http://www.dcpf.co.uk
Congolese Community of North Carolina/Raleigh – http://www.cocomnc.com
Congregation de Notre Dame of Montreal – http://www.cnd-m.org/en/development/index.php
Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd – http://www.buonpastoreint.org/jp
Congregations of St. Joseph – http://www.CSJ-UNNGO.org
Congrès Mondial Amazigh
Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
Connect Lanka – http://www.connectsl.org
Connecting Gender for Development
Connections for Afghanistan Research & Prosperity Organization – http://www.karpogroup.net/carpo.karpogroup.net
Conoce Tu Tierra
Consciência, Liberdade, Atitude e Movimento – http://clam.sarava.org
Conseil Arabo Africaine de la Jeunesse – http://www.aayouthc.org
Conseil Canadien de la Coopération et de la Mutualité – http://www.cccm.coop
Conseil de jeunesse pluriculturelle (COJEP) – http://www.cojep.com
Conseil Eurepeen des Syndicats de Police – http://www.cesp.eu
Conseil International du Sport Militaire – CISM / International Military Sports Council
Conseil Local de la Jeunesse Yolo Nord I
Conseil Mondial de l’Artisanat – http://www.worldcraftscouncil.org
Conseil National de la Jeunesse congolaise
Conseil National de la Jeunesse du Sénégal – http://www.cnjsenegal.com
Conseil National pour les Droits des Peuples Autochtones des cinq Archipels Maohi du Royaume de Tahiti et ses dépendances
Conseil pour la Défense Environnementale par la Légalité et la Traçabilité – http://www.codelt.org
Conseil Régional des Organisations Non Gouvernementales de Développement/Equateur
Consejo de la Juventud de España – http://www.cje.org
Consejo de Todas Las Tierras Mapuche
Consejo Departamental de Planeación del Guaviare
Consejo Económico y Social del Estado de Jalisco para el Desarrollo y la Competitividad – http://www.cesjal.org
Consejo Matsiguenga del Rio Urubamba
Consejo Nacional de la Persona Envejeciente – http://www.conape.gob.do
Consejo para el Desarrollo Comunitario Ac – http://www.codeco-ojr.com;http://www.chavos-banda.jimdo.com
Consejo para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, A.C. – http://derechoshumanosong.com/Derechos_Humanos.htm
Consejo Regional de Autoridades Indígenas Zenu
Conselho Ambiental Comunitario Administrativo Gama Distrito Federal – http://www.gamanews.com.br
Conselho Brasileiro de Psicanálise – http://www.conbrapsi.org
Conselho Comunitário de Segurança Pública – Área Integrada de Segurança 23 – http://www.consepaisp23.blogspot.com
Conselho Federal de Engenharia e Agronomia – http://www.confea.org.br
Conselho Federal de Psicologia do Brasil – http://www.pol.org.br
Conselho Nacional da Juventude de Moçambique
Conselho Nacional de Direitos da Criança e do Adolescente
Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Agronomia do Estado do Ceara
CONSEPT Sri Lanka – http://www.consept.lk
Conservacion del Territorio Insular Mexicano, A.C. – http://www.isla.org.mx
Conservation International Foundation – http://www.conservation.org
Conservation of Flora and Fauna COFF – http://www.2conserve.org
Consiglio Supremo della Sicurezza IIRD per le Questioni Africane, Americane, Asiatiche, Europee, Indiane e Mediorientali – http://www.iird.org
Consiliul National al Tineretului din Moldova – http://www.cntm.md
Consommateurs Action Directe
Consorcio Boliviano de Juventudes – Casa de la Juventud – http://conbojuv.codigosur.net
Consorcio para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Ecorregion Andina – http://www.condesan.org
Consorcio para el Dialogo Parlamentario y la Equidad, AC – http://www.consorcio.org.mx
Consortium Congo Development – http://www.consortiumcongodev.org
Consortium for Street Children, The – http://www.streetchildren.org
Consortium for the Advancement of People’s Participation through Sustainable Integrated Area Development, Inc. – http://www.capp-siad.org
Consortium for the Development of Western Mindanao Communities, Inc. – http://www.cdwmci.blogspot.com
Consortium of Humanitarian Agencies (Gte) Ltd – http://www.humanitarian-srilanka.org
Consortium of Youth Development Organizations in Ethiopia
Construisons Ensemble Le Monde
Consultative status to prepare international arbitrators – http://www.ccastatus.net
Consultoria Ambiental y Orgánica
Consultoria de los Pueblos Indigenas en el Norte de México
Consumer Awareness and Support Society – http://www.cassadvanceonline.com
Consumer Guidance Society of India – http://www.cgsiindia.org
Consumers Empowerment Organisation of Nigeria
Consumers Health Forum of Australia – http://www.chf.org.au
Consures – Findes – http://www.sistemafindes.org.br
Contact Base – http://www.banglanatak.com
Contemporary International Law and Sustainable Development
Contraloría Ciudadana para la Rendición de Cuentas, A.C. – http://www.contraloriaciudadana.org.mx
Cooch Behar Ashar Alo
Cooch Behar Kharimala Khagrabari Rural Backward &Social Welfare Samity
Coochbehar Khagrabari Relief Service
Coolplanet Foundation – http://www.coolplanet.com
Coopdanza, Inc – http://www.coopdanzainc.org
Cooperation and Participation in Overseas NGOs – http://copion.or.kr/english
Coopération au Développement VILLAGES-SUD
Cooperation For Human Development South Africa
Cooperation for Peace and Development – http://www.cpdo.blog.af
Cooperativa Autogestionaria de Servicios Profesionales para la Solidaridad Social R.L. – http://www.coopesolidar.org
Cooperativa Mista União dos Produtores do Cassange
Cooperativa Santa Maria Magdalena Ltda 219 – http://www.coopsantamaria.com.pe/
Cooperativa Sueno de los Pobres
Coopérative de Développement Agricole – http://www.club.quomodo.com/cdatogo
Cooperative de Developpement Regional de Montreal-Laval – http://www.cdr.coop
Cooperative des Agriculteurs et Eleveurs du Congo – http://www.facebook.com/coopagel
Co-operative Federation of NSW Limited – http://www.coopsnsw.coop
Cooperative Society for Multipurpose Sustainable Development
Cooperazione Internazionale – http://www.coopi.org
Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti – http://www.cospe.org
Coordinadora de Animación Socio Cultural – http://www.casco.org.do
Coordinadora Politica Juvenil por la Equidad de Género – http://www.coordinadorajuvenilecuador.org
Coordination Chanvre & Libertés – http://www.chanvre-libertes.org/
Coordination Francaise du Lobby Europeen des Femmes
Coordination of Action Research on AIDS and Mobility – http://www.caramcambodia.org
COPERNICUS Alliance – European Network on Higher Education for Sustainable Development – http://www.copernicus-alliance.org
Copious Rain Group
CORAIL Coopération Réseau Action Internationale
Coral Cay Conservation – http://www.coralcay.org
Cordillera Youth Center – http://www.facebook.com/cordillerayouthcenter
CORE (Care for Orphans Rehabilitation and Eduational society)
Core Neighbourhood Youth Co-op – http://www.cnyc.ca
CORFAS-Corporacion Fondo de Apoyo de Empresas Asociativas – http://www.corfas.org
Corncob Ventures
Corporación Ágora
Corporación Ágora Conglomerante Social
Corporación Amahuañuy
Corporacion Ambiental – http://www.sieambiental.org
Corporación Centro de Estudios de Derecho Justicia y Sociedad – http://www.dejusticia.org
Corporación Centro Para Jóvenes C2PJ – http://www.nukantifoundation.org
Corporación Colectivo Transdisciplinario Ricardo Villa Salcedo – http://ciudadcaotica.blogspot.com
Corporacion Cristiana Buenas Nuevas
Corporación de Desarrollo Social, Cultural y Financiera América
Corporacion Eccos Contacto Colombia – http://www.eccos.org.co
Corporacion Estrategias Sustentables ONG – http://www.corpoesus.org
Corporación Excelencia en la Justicia – http://www.cej.org.co
Corporacion Makaia Asesoria Internacional – http://www.makaia.org
Corporacion Pakari Tambo
Corporación Palenque 5 – http://www.palenque5.org.co
Corporacion para la Integracion Social de Colombia – http://www.corpopais.com
Corporación para la Investigación, el Desarrollo Sostenible y la Promoción Social CORPROGRESO – http://www.corprogresocol.org/
Corporación Pulso Verde – http://www.pulsoverde.com.co
Corporacion Rvs
Corporación Soberanía y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional para la Población Colombiana – http://www.corposan.org
Corporacion Vida ONG – http://www.ongvida.com
Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness and Advancement Initiative – http://www.csr-in-action.org
Corporation Solar Alliance – http://solaralliance.com.ua/
Corporativa de Fundaciones AC – http://www.vivirparacompartir.org
Corps de Réflexion et de Planification pour l’Utilité Sociale (CORPUS) – http://www.ongcorpus.org
Corps des Partenaires Entrepreneurs Volontaires
CorpsAfrica – http://www.corpsafrica.org
Corte Internacional de Justica Arbitral – http://www.camaramundial.org
Corte Internazionale di Ecologia – http://www.iird.org
COSI (Community Self Improvement) Foundation – http://www.cosi.org.lk/
Cota Australia – http://www.cotaaustralia.org.au
Cote D’ivoire Alphabetisation
Côte d’Ivoire écologie
Couleurs Afrique – http://www.couleursafrique.org
Council Anti Poverty Action & Rurla Volunteers
Council for a Community of Democracies – http://www.ccd21.org
Council for a Parliament of the World’s Religions – http://www.parliamentofreligions.org
Council for Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa, The (CODESRIA)
Council for Exceptional Children – http://www.cec.sped.org
Council for International Development – http://www.cid.org.nz
Council of European Foresters – http://www.ormuh.org.tr
Council of Heirs International Missions – http://www.chimissions.com
Council of International Programs – http://www.cipusa.org
Council of Ministers of Education Canada – http://www.cmec.ca
Council on the Ageing (South Australia) Inc – http://www.seniorsvoice.org.au
Council on the Ageing Victoria – http://www.cotavic.org.au
Coup de Pouce Ongd
Courage Foundation International
Court 85 Ladies of Marshall – http://www.marshallan.org
Cousteau Society – http://www.cousteau.org
Covenant God Glory People Empowerment Organisation
Covenant International University and Seminary Inc
Creative Approaches for Development
Creative Arts and Educational Development Association
Creative Concept for Youth Development
Creative Develoment Organization Pakistan
Creative Educators International Network – https://ceinwiki.wikispaces.com/
Creative Spirit Welfare Organization – http://www.cswo.com.pk
Creative Technology for Development Initiative – http://www.ctdi.org.ng
Credo-Action – http://www.credo-action.org
Cree Nation of Canada
Crescent Shikhsan Prasarak Mandal Chandrapur – http://www.informs.co.in
Crescent University – http://www.crescentversity.ude.ng
Cri de L’Enfant
Criminologists Society of J&K
Criminologists Without Borders Inc – http://criminologists-without-borders.org
Crisis Management Initiative – http://www.cmi.fi
Croatia Nostra
Croatian Economic Association – http://www.hde.hr
CroMSIC/ Y-PEER Croatia
Crowley Children’s Fund
Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana – http://www.cruzroja.org.ec
Cruz Verde – http://www.cruzverde.org
Cruz Vermelha Brasileira Filial Nova Iguaçu – http://www.cruzvermelhani.org.br
Cubraiti, Inc. – http://www.cubraiti.orghttp://www.cubraiti.com
Cultural Campaign for Equality – http://www.cuceqnepal.org.np
Cultural Society of Iraq Youth – http://csiyfngo.blogspot.com
Cultural Students League – http://www.iraq-students.org
Cultural Survival
Cultural Waves Uganda
Cultural, Educational & Enivormental Organisation – http://www.ceeongo.org
Culture Fund of Zimbabwe Trust – http://www.culturefund.co.zw
Culture of Afroindigenous Solidarity
Current Evangelism Ministries Outreach Sierra Leone
Curucutu Parques Ambientais – http://www.curucutu.org.br/en-summary
Cutka Association Philippines Inc.
Cuttack Diabetes Research Foundation
Cyrenaica Regional Transitional Council – http://www.ctc-ly.org/
Czech Blue Cross – http://ceskymodrykriz.webs.com/

D Change International Foundation – http://www.dchange.org
Dacia Revival International Society Inc.
Daem Oservatory for Consultation and Training – http://www.Tamkeen-jo.org
Daesoonjinrihoe – http://idaesoon.or.kr
Daffodil International University
Daffy International
Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation – http://www.dhf.se
Dahua Century Low Carbon Research Institute in Beijing of China – http://www.dahualci.org.cn
Daikurisia Corporacion – http://www.daikurisia.org
Dainik Nepalgunj – http://www.dailynepalgunj.wordpress.com
dajan – http://www.nedi.org.np
Dakshin Dinajpur Pratik Rural and Urban Development Society – http://www.iohrp.org/Ngo.php
Dalit Association for Social and Human Rights Awareness – http://www.dashra.org
Dalit Foundation – Ahmedabad – http://www.dalitfoundation.org
Dalit Mhaila Shaga – http://www.fedonepal.org
Dalit NGO Coordination Committee
Dalit Panther of India – http://www.dalitpanther.com
Dalit Panther Of India A Social Movement For Human Rights – http://www.dalitpanther.org&http://www.dalitpanther.com
Dalit Welfare Association – http://www.dwa.org.np
Dalton Education Trust – http://www.daltoneducationtrust.com
DaMeheux International Development Cooperative – http://www.DIDC.coop
DaneAge – http://www.aeldresagen.dk
Daniel Asekhame Foundation – http://www.danielasekhamefoundation.org
Daniel John Memorial Welfare & Education Society – http://www.djmwes.com
Danilo Goulart – http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001094301370
Danish 92 Group, The – http://www.92grp.dk
Danishkadah – http://www.danishkadah.org.pk
Danske Handicaporganisationer – http://disability.dk/
Dar Al-Salam Organization – http://www.dasoyemen.org
Darai Indigenous Society, Nepal – http://daraisociety.hpage.com/
Daralsalam Development Association
Darfur International Socio Development Agency
Darfur Rehabilitation Project, Inc. – http://www.darfurrehab.org
Daryeel Foundation
Daughters of The Sacred Heart c/o St. Jude’s Foundling Home – https://www.facebook.com/stjudes.foundlinghome?fref=ts
Daughters of Virtue and Empowerment Initiative
David M. Kennedy Center for International Studies – http://www.kennedy.byu.edu/
David Oyedepo Foundation – http://www.davidoyedepoministries.org
Daya Pertiwi Foundation – http://www.dayapertiwi.org
Daystar Leadership Academy – http://www.dlaonline.org
De La Salle Health Sciences Institute College of Rehabilitation Sciences – http://www.dlshsi.edu.ph
De Paul Extension Services – http://www.depaul.edu.in
De Young Aid Ghana – http://www.deyoung-aidghana.blogspot.com
Deaf Aid – http://www.kenya.deafaid.org
Deaf and Dumb Association of Ouled Djellal Province, The (DDAODP)
Deb Adhikari Educational & Charitable Trust
Deborah Amoi Foundation – http://www.dafinternational.org
Decade of Human Right Education
Decapole Association Humanitaire – http://www.ashumade.org
Deekshe Integrated Rural Development Organization
Defence Against AIDS, Poverty and Underdevelopment
Defence of Child Laborers Rights
Defend International – http://www.defendinternational.org/
Defending Dissent Foundation – http://www.defendingdissent.org
Defensores PROCDN – http://www.defensores.org
Defensoria del Pueblo, Colombia – http://www.defensoria.org.co
Dejando Huellas
Delightsome Oaks Mission – http://www.delightsomeoaks.org
Delta Stem
Democracia Global
Democracy Development Centre – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Democracy-Development-Center/3179806349889…
Democracywatch – http://www.dwatch-bd.org
Democratic and Fair Georgia – http://www.gerontiashordia.livejournal.com
Democratische Vernieuwing & Ontwikkeling – http://www.dveno.org
Demokratik Islahatç? G?ncl?r I.ctimai Birliyi – http://www.yrdu.az
Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet – http://www.dukrk.pl
Demus Estudio Para la Defensa de los Derechos de la Mujer – http://www.demus.org.pe
Deniz Feneri Yardimlasma ve Dayanisma Dernegi – http://www.denizfeneri.org.tr
Dennis-Meek International Care [NGO]
Dental Care International Foundation – http://www.dentalcareinternational.com
Departamento de História UNESP ASSIS
Department of Development at Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in Syria – http://www.antiochdev.org
Department of Social work, University of Ibadan – http://www.ui.edu.ng
Department of Sociology, San Jose State University – http://www.sjsu.edu/sociology/
Department of Sociology, University of Essex – http://www.essex.ac.uk
Derechos Humanos e Intervencion Policial y Militar – http://www.DERECHOSHUMANOSIPM.ORG
Des Racines et des Hommes – http://www.desracinesetdeshommes.fr
Desafio Jovem Ebenezer – http://www.desafiojovemebenezer.com
Desafio Solar Brasil – http://www.desafiosolar.wordpress.com
Desarrollo Social Y Ecologico Laguna De Bustillos A.C.
Design Bangladesh – http://www.DesignBangladesh.com
Destitute and Handicapped Welfare Aassocition (DAHWA) – http://www.dahwa.org
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Supervision – http://www.dgsv.de
Deutsche Model United Nations e.V. – http://www.dmun.de
Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung – German Foundation for World Population
Deutsche Welle Youth Club International Ghana – http://www.DWYCIG.
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik – http://www.die-gdi.de
Deutsch-Marokkanischen Kompetenznetzwerkes e.V. – http://www.dmk-online.org
DevCon-An Association for Rural Development – http://www.devconpk.org
Developing Innovations in Navajo Education Inc. – http://www.navajofarms.org
Development & Institutionalization Support Center (DISC) – http://www.discenter.com
Development & Integrity Intervention Goal
Development &Research Organisation for Nature, Arts & Heritage – http://www.dronah.org
Development Action for Women Network – http://www.dawnphil.org
Development Action Network – http://www.dan.org
Development Alternatives – http://www.devalt.org
Development Alternatives with Women for a New Era – http://www.dawnnet.org
Development and Relief Foundation – http://www.drfcharity.org
Development Authority
Development Education and Advocacy Resources Initiative for Africa
Development Generation Africa International – http://www.dgai.webs.com
Development Initiative for Community Enhancement (DICE)
Development Initiatives – http://www.devinit.org
Development Innovations and Networks – http://www.ired.org
Development Khmer Kid Prosperity
Development of Institution & Youth Alliance – http://www.diyaalliance.org
Development Organization for Community DOC – http://www.facebook/doc.balochistan
Development Organization for Social Transformation – http://www.dost.org.pk
Development Organization for Social Transformation( DOST) Balochistan
Development Organization of Coastal Area’s People
Development Organization of Socio-Economic, Health and Environmental Research
Development Promotion Group – http://www.dpgsulo.org
Development Reality Institute – http://www.driafrica.org
Development Solutions – http://www.dsmongolia.org
Development Support Care and Empowerment Foundation NGO – http://www.devsfoundation.org.ng
Development Without Borders Institution DWBI – http://www.dwbi-iraq.org
Development Workshop – http://www.devworks.org
Development Workshop France – http://www.dwf.org
Development, Welfare & Research Foundation
Development-2006 Social Support Public Association – http://www.development2006.org
Developmental Association for Human Advancement
Developmental Intervention and Welfare Organization – http://www.diwo.org
Developmental Media, Inc. – http://www.devmedialiberia.webs.com
Développement Humanitaire en Afrique – ONG Internationale
Développement, Environnement et Santé Sans Frontières – http://www.dessafcameroun.org(enconstruction)
DEWA Trust – http://www.dewatrust.org
DHAN (Development of Humane Action) FOUNDATION – http://www.dhan.org
Dhanusha UNESCO Association, Nepal
Dharma Foundation of India – http://www.dharmafoundationofindia.org
Diabetes South Africa – http://www.diabetessa.co.za
Diabgroup Gambia Friends Bayern e. V. – http://www.diabgroup.de
Diakonisches Werk der EKD e.V.
Dialogue & Démocratie Suisse – http://www.deds.ch
Dialogue Interreligieux Monastique – http://www.dimmid.org
Dialogue of Cultures – United World International Public Charity Fund
Dialogue of Cultures – United World International Public Charity Fund
Dialogue on Diversity, Inc. – http://www.dialogueondiversity.org
Diaspora Connection – http://diasporationconnection.org
Diaspora for African Development – http://www.dfad.org.uk
Dierrepi Consulting – http://www.dierrepi.com
Digital Factory Foundation
Digital Respect – http://digitalrespect.org
Dignity International – http://www.dignityinternational.org
Dine Policy Institute
Diocesan Commission for Justice and Peace
Dipartimento di Scienze Antropologiche – Università di Genova – Italia
dipartimento europeo sicurezza informazioni – http://www.dipartimentodesi.altervista.org
DiploFoundation – http://www.diplomacy.edu
Diplomatic Mission Peace And Prosperity – http://diplomaticmission.wordpress.com/
Diplomatic Passport end Diplomatic Representatives Iird – http://www.iird.org
Diplomatic Passport, Diplomatic Representatives and Diplomatic and Constitutional Charges Royal House of Portugal – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Diplomatic Society – http://www.diplomaticsociety.org/
Diplomatic Society of St Gabriel – http://www.diplomaticsociety.org/
Dir Rural Development Organization
Direccion de Ecologia y Ambiente – Gobernacion del Estado Miranda – http://www.miranda.gob.ve
Direction Des Relations Avec La Societe Civile/Cdhahrsc
Diretório Central dos Estudantes da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro
Disability and Human Right Committee – http://anambrausa.org
Disability Council International – http://www.disabilitycouncilinternational.org
Disability Empowerment Solution – http://www.desnigeria.org
Disability Policy Advocacy Initiative – http://www.disabilitypolicyadvocacy.org
Disability Rights Fund – http://www.disabilityrightsfund.org
Disability Rights Promotion International – http://www.yorku.ca/drpi
Disability Working Group Timor-Leste
Disabled People’s Association in Somaliland
Disabled Peoples’ International – http://www.dpi.org
Disabled Peoples Organisation´s Denmark
Disabled Rehabilitation Foundation – http://www.drfafrica.org
Disabled Voters Of Kenya Alliance- DVA
Disarm Education Fund Inc. – http://www.disarm.org
Disaster Recovery International Foundation – http://www.driif.org
Disaster Volunteers of Ghana – http://www.divog.org
Discovery Africa – http://discoveryafrica.wordpress.com
DISCOVERY BOYS ARTS, SPORTS AND CULTURAL CLUB – http://www.velmoc.com/ngo/discoveryboys
Disease Management Association of India – http://www.dmai.org.in
Disha Sirsa
Distinct Dynamic Resources – http://www.united2gether.org
Diverse Youth Movement
Divertigranja A.C. – http://www.divertigranja.org
Divine Breakthrough Ministries, Inc – http://www.divinebreakthroughministries.org
Divine International Foundation – http://www.difgroup.in
Divine Women Projects
Divulgacion Dinamica – http://www.divulgaciondinamica.es
Divya Jyoi Mahila Vikash – http://www.djmv.cfsites.org
Divya Jyoti Jagrati Sansthan – http://www.Djjs.org
DIYAbility – http://www.diyability.org
Djenne Initiative, Inc., The – http://www.djenneinitiative.org
Djimo Foundation
DMW – Diplomaten für internationale Verbindungen von Mensch & Wirtschaft e.V. – http://www.diplomaten.eu
DMW Enterprises LLC
Do It Yourself Non Governmental Organisation – http://www.diyngo.org
Do Something International Campaign – http://www.cadosin.org
Do Your Bit
Dobbie Welfare Outreaches
Doctors For Humanity International -Medecins Pour L’humanite International
Doctors Worldwide Ltd – http://www.doctorsworldwide.org
DOLLY FOUNDATION – http://www.dollyfoundationghana.webs.com
Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America – http://www.episcopalchurch.org
Dominica Association of Persons with Disabilities Incorporated
Dominica National Down Syndrome Society Inc
Dominican Leadership Conference – http://www.domlife.org/dlc/
Donegal Friends of Georgia Foundation
Dones No Estàndards Association – http://www.donesnoestandards.cat
Dosti Welfare Organization – http://www.globaleducationcampaign.org
Down Syndrome Education International – http://www.dseinternational.org
Down Syndrome International – http://www.ds-int.org
Dr Ambedkar Social Computer Development Organisation – http://www.ambedkarsocialdevelopment.org
Dr. Govind Das Richhariya Foundation
Dr. Reddy’s Foundation – http://www.drreddysfoundation.org
Dr. Swami Hardas Glorious Globe and Brotherhood Organisation – http://www.shls.info
Dr.Ambedkar Trustworthy for Education and Rehabilitation
Dr.Morteza Chaman ara – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Drammeh Institute, Inc
Dravas Research Facility
Dream Achievers Youth Organization – http://www.dreamachieverskenya.org
Dream Africa Volunteer Service – http://ww.davsghana.org
Dream Defenders
Droit a l’energie sos futur – http://www.energiesosfutur.org
Drug Abuse Information Rehabilitation and Research Centre
Drug Free Nation Welfare Organization – http://www.drugfreenation.org
Drug Prevention Network of Canada
Du Pain Pour Chaque Enfant
Ducuum – http://www.ducuum.org
Dudalina – http://www.dudalina.com.br
Due Process of Law Foundation – http://www.dplf.org/
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award International Foundation, The – http://www.intaward.org
Duke University – http://www.sanford.duke.edu/dcid
Dunamis-Touch Christian Development Foundation – http://www.dunamis.dothouseghana.com
Dünya Engelliler Vakfi – http://www.whf.org.tr
Durban Declaration & Program of Action Watch Group – http://www.ddpa-watchgroup.org
Dutch National Youth Council – http://www.njr.nl
Duya Memorial Care Society
Dynamic Action Groups – http://www.dynamicactiongroup.org
Dynamic Youth Development Organisation
Dynamique Africaine
Dynamique Des Femmes De Tshikapa
Dynamique des Groupes des Peuples Autochtones (DGPA) – http://www.dgpa.cd
Dynamique Intégrale de la Femme Congolaise pour le développement
E Haumana Aloha Aina
eagle cadet organization for human welfare and emergency rescue mission
Eagle Eyes Association for Afghan Displaced Youth – http://www.eagleeyesngo.org
Eagle Hand International Foundation
Eakok Attomanobik Unnayan Sangstha – http://www.eakok.org
Earl Mountbatten of Burma Award
Earth Charter Communities Network – http://www.earthchartercommunities.org
Earth Child Institute, Inc. – http://www.earthchildinstitute.org
Earth Day Network, Inc. – http://www.earthday.net
Earth Endeavors
EarthCulture & Focus Network
EarthGame – http://www.1earthgame.com
Earthjustice – http://www.earthjustice.org
East African Forum for Payment for Ecosystem Services – http://www.eafpes.org
East European Educational and Cultural Center – http://www.eeecc.org
Easter Seals – http://www.easterseals.com
Easter Seals New York, Inc. – http://www.eastersealsny.org
Eastern Africa Diaspora Business Council – http://eadiaspora.org/index.html
Eastern Africa Farmers’ Federation – http://www.eaffu.org
Eastern Africa Federation of the Disabled – http://www.eafod.org
Eastern Africa National Networks of AIDS Service Organizations – http://www.eannaso.org
Eastern African Sub-Regional Support Initiative for the Advencement of Women, The – http://eassi.org
Eastern Cape Schools and Youth Development Programme
East-West Management Institute
ECAD, European Cities Against Drugs – http://www.ecad.net
ECCO2 Corp – http://www.ecco2corp.org
EccoSocial da Regiao Serrana – http://eccosocialdaregiaoserrana.blogspot.com/
Echekwu Damian Foundation – http://www.edfoundations.org
Eco Conscious Developments
Eco Needs Foundation – http://www.econeeds.org
Eco Society
ECODATA- Agência Brasileira de Meio Ambiente e Tecnologia da Informação – http://www.ecodata.org.br
Ecoforum of NGOs of Uzbekistan
Ecolabs – http://www.ecolabs.org
Ecole de la Paix – http://www.ecoledelapaix.org/
Ecole Instrument de Paix Bénin – http://www.portail-eip.org
Ecole Specialisee en Techniques d’Expression et de Loisirs – http://www.estelasso.org
Ecological Restorations
Economic and Social Empowerment Of Rural Communities – http://www.eserc.org
Economic and Urban Policy Analysts – http://www.eupa.com
Economic Initiative For Africa – http://www.eiafrica.org
Economic Justice Network of the Fellowship of Christian Councils in Southern Africa – http://www.ejn.org.za
Economic Research Center – http://www.erc.az
Economical Cooperation Development & Technical-Engineering Services Center of Middle East Countries – http://www.itcir.com
Economists for Peace and Security – http://www.epsusa.org
Eco-Social Development Organization – http://www.esdo-bangladesh.org
ECOTECHSY- Pôle Suisse de compétences en Eco-technologie, développement durable et génération d’emploi – http://www.ecotechsy.ch
Ecoterra International – http://www.ecoterra-international.org
Ecotrust – http://www.ecotrust.org
Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance – http://www.e-alliance.ch
Ecumenical Alliance for Human Rights and Development – http://www.eahrd.org
Ecumenical Commission For Human Development – http://www.echd.org.pk
Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network
Ecumenical Service for Socioeconomic Transformation – http://www.esset.or.za
Ecumenical Women Association of Liberia, Inc – http://www.ewaliberia.org
ED101 – http://www.ed101.org
Eden Foundation – http://www.edenfoundation.org.nz
Edo Youth Congress – http://www.edoyouthcongress.com
Educació per a l’Acció Crítica (EPAC) – http://www.edpac.cat
Educadores somos todos A.C. – http://www.educadoressinfronteras.mx
EduCare India – http://www.educare.in
Educate Africa
Educated Unemployed Welfare Society – http://www.euws.in
Education Aid – http://www.education-aid.org
Education and Development Society – http://ngo.india.gov.in/view_ngo_details.php?ngo_id=eds09_edu&ngo_black=…
Education as a Vaccine – http://www.evanigeria.org
Education Centre For Helpless Children
Education for all Cameroon
Education for All in Africa – http://www.educaf-cm.org
Education For Employment Foundation (THE) – http://www.efefoundation.org
Education for Growth and Development – http://www.egdcmr.org
Education International – http://www.ei-ie.org
Educational Center for Youth – http://www.ecy.az
Educational Development and Professional Accreditation Association – http://www.edparoma.webs.com
EDUCON – http://www.educon.in
EFIDH – http://www.efidh.com
EG Justice – http://egjustice.org
Egalité des Chances pour Tous
Ege Uluslararasi Saglik Federasyonu – http://www.esafed.org
Église ‘Américano-Haitienne’ Adventiste du Septième Jour Hébron
Egyesült Nagy Priorátusok Jerizsálemi Szent Lázár Kórházi Lovagrend Magyarországi Alapítvány – http://www.saintlazarus.hu
Egypt Foundation for Youth and Development – http://www.egyptfoundation.org
Egyptain Association for Cities development
Egyptian AIDS Society – http://www.egyaids.org
Egyptian Association For Community Participation Enhancement – http://www.mosharka.org
Egyptian Association for Educational Resources – http://www.egypt-era.org
Egyptian Association for the Advancement and Development – http://www.espd-eg.com
Egyptian Family Planning Association – http://www.efpa-eg.net
Egyptian Youth Association for Health Development – http://www.gycaegypt.org
Ehsaas Foundation – http://www.ehsaasfoundation.com
Ehsaas Trust – http://www.ehsaastrust.org
Eight Gardenias Charitable Trust – http://www.facebookpage
Ek Sangharsh – http://www.eksangharshindia.org
Ekam Seva Parivar
Ekonoh Foundation
EKTA – http://www.ektamadurai.org
Ekta Welfare Society – http://ekta-welfare.qapacity.com
El Poder del Consumidor A.C. – http://www.elpoderdelconsumidor.org
El Pueblo Indigena Bubi de la Isla de Bioko
El-Amel Association for social development
Elcena Jeffers Foundation
ElderCare Buddy – http://www.eldercarebuddy.com
Elderly Citizen Welfare Society
Eleanor Roosevelt Leadership Center at Val-Kill – http://www.erleadership.org
Electronic Youth Media
Elephants for Peace
ELI AFRICA – http://eli-africa.org/
Eliezah Foundation Initiative Uganda – http://eliezahfoundation.org.org
ELIGE Red de Jóvenes por los Derechos Sexuales y Reproductivos, A.C. – http://www.elige.net
Elimisha – http://www.elimishatz.org
Elizabeth Francina Fernandez LTD
Elizka Relief Foundation – http://www.elizka.org
Elongo Elonga Ongd – http://www.elongoelonga.solidairesdumonde.org
Emerald Entrepreneurs Club – http://www.eeclub.org
Emerging Youth Network Foundation – http://www.eynf.webs.com
Eminence – http://www.eminence-bd.org
Emirates Human Rights Association – http://www.ehrauae.ae
Emmanuel Development Association (EDA) – http://www.edaethiopia.org
Emmaus International Trust
Empaash Oloirienito Conservancy Trust – https://sites.google.com/site/empaashwildlifeandpeople/
Emperor Foundation – http://www.emperorfoundation.net
EMPOWER – http://www.empowerindia.org
Empower Your Environment Society India – http://www.eyesindia.org
Empowerment Enterprises of Africa – http://www.empowermentafrica.org
Empowerment Iniative Ghana – http://www.empighana.org
Empowerment Initiative Ghana
Empowerment Through Integration – http://www.eti-vision.org/
Empresa Brasil de Comunicação / TV Brasil – http://tvbrasil.ebc.com.br/internacional/
Enabling Unit
Encadrement des enfants de la rue et orphelins fondation du monde verte
End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes Guatemala – http://www.ecpatguatemala.com
End Hunger Committee Rio Claro
Endeavour Forum Inc. – http://www.endeavourforum.org.au
Energie Plus
Energies 2050 – http://www.energies2050.org
Energy and Climate Policy Institute for Just Transition – http://enerpol.net/
Energypact Foundation – http://www.energypact.org
Enfant Foot Développement/ RDC
Enfants et Action – http://enfantsetaction.e-monsite.com
Enfoque Familiar – http://www.Enfoque-Familiar.com
Engage Now Africa (USA) – http://engagenowafrica.org
Engagement Publique
EngenderHealth – http://www.engenderhealth.org
Engineers Without Borders – International
Engineers Without Borders UK – http://www.ewb-uk.org
English World Wide Translators
ENIL – European Network on Independent Living – http://www.enil.eu
Enkusero Sampu Conservancy
Enlightening Future-ENLIFT – http://www.enlift.org/
Enosi Metaston Ellados – http://www.eme.org.gr
ENRAISUR – http://www.enraisur.com.ar
Enterprising Nigeria Project – http://www.enterprisingnigeria.com
Enthinderungsselbsthilfe von Autisten für Autisten (und Angehörige) – http://www.autisten.enthinderung.de
Entraide et Developement Economique – http://www.entraide-developpement.ch
Entrepreneurial Development Initiative – http://www.endip.org
Entreprenurship Development and Support Initiative
Environic Foundation International – http://www.environicfoundation.org
Environment Council Bangladesh – http://www.ecbangladesh.org
Environment for life – http://www.stillinprocess
Environment Networks in Cities
Environmental Aid,Nigeria
Environmental Camps for Conservation Awareness – http://www.ecca.org.np
Environmental Development Action in the Third World (ENDA)
Environmental Disaster Risk Management Group of Sri Lanka
Environmental Education Center of Guarulhos
Environmental Law Research Institute – http://www.elri-ng.org
Environmental Parliament
Environmental Partnership Council
Environmental Relief service ERS. – http://www.ers.org.pk
Environmentalist Foundation of India
Environnement en Ligne – TOGO – http://www.enoprogramme.org
Enyiwaauzor Foundation – http://www.enyiwaauzorfoundation.org
EOTO World – http://www.eotoworld.com
Equal Access International – http://www.equalaccess.org
Equal Rights for Persons with Disabilities International, Inc
EquallyAble Foundation – http://www.equallyable.org
Equipe de Articulação e Assessoria das Comunidades Negras do Vale do Ribeira
Equipo de Sociología de las MIgraciones Internacionales – http://www.esomi.es
Erevna International Peace Center Inc. (EIPC)
Erymanthos – http://www.erymanthos.gr
Escola de Gente – Comunicação em Inclusão – http://www.escoladegente.org.br
Escola de Musicos Evangelicos do Brasil
Escola Parque – http://www.escolaparque.g12.br
Escuela Cultura de Paz – http://www.escuelaculturadepaz.org
Escuela Europea de Masajes AIFA-DEN – http://www.escuelademasaje.es
Esense Iniciativas em Sustentabilidade – http://www.esense.blogspot.com
Esiloyia welfare & Development Initiative – http://www.ihcenter.org/groups/ewadi-
Esnad International Center for Human Rights & Humanitarian Aid
Espacio Civil – http://www.espaciovivil.com
Espacio de Vinculacion, Asociacion Civil (EVAC) – http://www.espacio.com.mx
Espacio Iberoamericano de Juventud – http://www.juventudiberoamericana.org
Esperantra – http://www.esperantra.org
Espoir pour Tous – http://espoirpourtous.midiblogs.com
Espoir Tiers Monde – http://www.espoirtiersmonde.net
Espolea, A.C. – http://www.espolea.org
Esteria Woods International Outreach Foundation – http://www.ewiof.org
esther women & child welfare charitable trust
Estonian Institute of Human Rights – http://www.eihr.ee
Ethanol Industry Association – http://www.sindalcool.com.br
Ethiopian Earth Charter Youth Group
Ethiopian World Federation – http://ewfheadquarters.org
Ethiopian Youth Federation – http://www.ethiopianyouthfederation.org.net
Ethiopian Youth League
Ethnic Community Development Organization – http://www.ecdo-bd.org
Ethnic Minority Foundation – http://www.ethnicminorityfoundation.org.uk
Etno-ecological information centre Lach
Euclid Network – http://www.euclidnetwork.eu
Eunice Foundation – http://www.eunicefoundation.org
Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia – http://www.ef-ca.org
Eurasia Solutions, L.L.C. – http://www.eurasiasolutions.org
Eurasia” International Relations and Research Public Association
Eureko B.V. – http://www.eureko.com/http://www.achmea.nl
Euro-Arab Environment Organization – http://www.beae.net
Eurochild – http://www.eurochild.org/
EuroGeographics – http://www.eurogeographics.org
EUROMIL EV – http://www.euromil.org
European Anti Poverty Network – EAPN
European Association for Human Development Via Culture & TV – http://www.eahdctv.org
European Association for the Advancement of Social Sciences
European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities – http://www.easpd.eu
European Azerbaijanis for Democracy
European Broadcasting Union International – http://www.ebu.ch/
European Bureau for Conscientious Objection – http://www.ebco-beoc.eu
European Bureau for Lesser Used Languages (EBLUL)
European Cancer Patient Coalition – http://www.ecpc-online.org/
European Council of Young Farmers – http://ceja.eu/
European Dysmelia Reference Information Centre – http://www.dysnet.org
European Federation of National Organisations working with the Homeless (FEANTSA)
European Federation of Retired and Older People – http://ferpa.etuc.org/
European Health Psychology Society – http://www.ehps.net
European Institute of Health and Social Welfare
European Medical Students’ Association – http://www.emsa-europe.org/
European Muslims League – http://www.eml.fm
European Network Green Seniors – http://www.greenseniors.eu
European Network on Migration and Development – http://www.eunomad.org
European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises – http://www.euricse.eu
European Roma and Travellers Forum – http://www.ertf.org
European Social Network – http://www.esn-eu.org
European Solidarity Towards Equal Participation of People
European Students’ Union – http://www.esu-online.org
European Union Association in the United States – http://www.euun.org
European Union of Public Relations – http://www.eupri.com
European Youth Information and Counselling Agency asbl – http://www.eryica.org
European-Turkish Business Confederation – http://www.unitee.eu/
Europe’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition – http://www.epcc.ca
Evangelical Association for Sustainable Development
Evangelical Fellwoship of Zambia – http://www.efzsecretaraiat.org
Evangelical Social Action Forum – http://www.esafindia.org
Evangelischer Entwicklungsdientst – http://www.eed.de
Evangelização Geral de Ajuda aos Necessitados
Evelyn Douglin Center for Serving People In Need, Inc. – http://www.EDCSPIN.org
EVER BRIGHT FOUNDATION (EBF) – http://www.everbrightbd.org
Everbright Foundation (EBF) – http://www.everbrightbd.org
Evergreen Society – http://www.evergreenbd.org
Every Child Matters – Sierra Leone
EveryChild – http://www.everychild.org.uk
Evolving Planet Corporation – http://www.evolvingplanet.ning.com
EWSN Mobile Community inc. – http://m1388.kr
Exarchate of Europe and Russia Fedap-Spsjj *Knights of Malta* (U.S Priorate, NY) – Inc. – http://www.esarcatososj.org
Excellent Leaders Development Initiative – http://www.eldisolutions.org
Exchange and Cooperation Centre for Latin America (Centre d’Exchanges et Cooperation pour l’Amerique Latine) – http://www.cecal.net
Ex-fathers – http://www.ex-fathers.org
Exodus Reformed Universal Celestial Order of Service/Free-Society
Expansion Nepal
Explore Kenya Inclusive Organisation – http://www.explorekenya.org
Extensive Training Academy – http://www.s3t3.com
F.A.J.H.SA – http://www.fajhsa.org
Face Africa – http://www.faceafrica.org
Face of Charity Foundation – http://www.faceofcharity.com
Face The World Youth Foundation
Facilitation and Participation of Disadvantaged Groups
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas UNA – http://www.eco.una.py
Faculty of Law, Queen’s University – http://law.queensu.ca/index.html
Fahari Yetu Foundation – http://www.fahariyetu.or.tz
Fair & Welfare Committee – http://www.fwcindia.co.cc
Fair International Human Rights – http://www.fair-int.org
Faith Center Inc.
Faith Foundation – http://www.ffindia.org
Faith Matters – http://www.faith-matters.org
Faith Regen Foundation – http://www.thefrf.org/
Familia, Desarrollo, Población – http://fadep.org
Families are Nations – http://www.familiesrnations.org
Famille Debout – http://www.familledebout.org/
Family & Children – http://www.famien.org
Family Action Foundation / Accion Familiar – http://www.accionfamiliar.org
Family Africa – http://www.thefamilyafrica.com
Family and Life – http://www.familyandlife.org
Family Care International – http://www.familycareintl.org
Family Center Ukrainian family – http://www.ru-v.com
Family Centered Initiative for Challenged Persons – http://www.facicp.org
Family Educational Services Foundation – http://www.fesf.org.pk
Family Guidance Association of Ethiopia – http://www.fgaeet.org
Family Health Development Organization – http://www.fhdo.webs.com
Family Health International – http://www.fhi360.org
Family Peace Inc.
Family Planning Association of India – http://www.fpaindia.org
Family Planning Association of Nepal – http://www.fpan.org
Family Planning Association of Pakistan
Family Planning Association of Turkey
Family Protective Services, Corp. – http://www.familyprotectserv.org/
Family Research Council
Family Welfare Foundation of India – http://www.fwfindia.com
Family Welfare in Brazil Civil Society (BEMFAM) – http://www.bemfam.org.br
Faqih Foundation for Development – http://www.humanitarianforum.org/pages/en/organisation-profile-faqih-fou…
Farias e Valchi Advogados – http://www.fariasevalchiadvogados.com.br
Farmers Development Organization – http://www.fdopk.org
Farming and Animal Husbandry Project – http://www.fahpcm.org
Farz Organization for Sustainable Development – http://www.fosd.org
Fashoda Youth Forum – http://www.fashodayouthforum.org
Fast Rural Development Program – http://www.frdpsindh.org
Fastnetlinks GH – http://www.blogspot.com/fastnetlinks
Fat Ulu
Fate Foundation
Fazaldad Human Rights Institute – http://www.fazaldad.com.pk
Fazilia Trust Pakistan – http://www.faziliatrust.org
FDI World Dental Federation – http://www.fdiworldental.org
Fedaration of Indigenous Community of Kenya
Federação das Associações e Entidades Comunitárias de Alagoas – http://www.famecal.blogspot.com
Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo – http://www.fiesp.org.br
Federação das Industrias do Estado do rio Grande do Norte – http://www.fiern.org.br
Federação Nacional Civil De Capelania
Federacion Argentina de la Magistratura – http://www.fam.org.ar/
Federacion de Clubes Michoacanos en Illinois – http://www.fedecmiusa.com
Federacion de Clubes Zacatecanos del Sur de California – http://www.federacionzacatecana.org
Federación de Comuninades Nativas Yaneshas FECONAYA – http://www.feconaya.org
Federacion Espanola de Asociaciones Pro Vida
Federacion Espanola de Bancos de Alimentos – http://www.fesbal.org
Federación Española de Ingeniería Sin Fronteras – http://www.isf.es
Federacion Foro Social Panafricanista de Comunidades Negras de España – http://www.reparacionafricana.blogspot.com
Federación Internacional de Fe y Alegría – http://www.feyalegria.org
Federación Maranatha de Asociaciones Gitanas – http://www.gypsyworld.org
Federacion Mexicana de Tiro y Caza, A.C. – http://www.femeti.org.mx
Federacion Naciona de Padres y amigos de Personas con discapacida Inclusion Panama
Federacion Zacatecana Asociacion Civil – http://www.fedzac.mx
Federal Association for the Advancement of Visible Minorities – FAAVM – http://www.faavm-canada.org
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – http://www.ufrj.br
Federatie Platform Afrikaans Gemeenschappen – http://www.afrikaansplatform.be
Federation de Droit de Femmes
Federation des Amis de L’unesco de Cote D’ivoire
Federation des Associations de Migrants
Federation des Associations des Handicapes Moteur
Fédération des Associations Franco-Africaines de Développement – http://www.fafrad.org
Federation des Associations pour la Promotion Sociale des Handicapés de Côte d’Ivoire
Federation Europeenne des Femmes Actives au Foyer – http://www.fefaf.be
Federation for Peace and Conciliation – http://www.ifpc.ru
Federation Internationale des communautés de l’Arche – http://www.larche.org
Federation Internationale des Droits de la Personne Handicapee – http://federation-idph.org
Federation Internationale des Organisations des Donneurs de Sang – http://www.fiods.org
Federation Laique des Francais de Sensibilite Musulmane – http://www.federationmosaic.com
Fédération Nationale des Jeunes Ruraux du Mali
Federation of African Medical Students’ Associations – http://www.famsanet.org
Federation of Australian Buddhist Councils – http://buddhistcouncil.org.au/fed/xoops/modules/contact/
Federation of Cham Organizationa & Communities – http://www.peoplechampadescent.com
Federation of Cuban Women
Federation of Disability Organisations in Malawi
Federation of Drug Demand Reduction
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry – http://www.ficci.com
Federation of Indigenous Communities of Kenya
Federation of Indigenous People of Nepal in America (FIPNA) – http://www.fipna.net
Federation of Indigenous Women of Nepal in America
Federation of Nepali journalists – http://www.fnjnepal.org
Federation of NGOs Interested in the Field of Environment
Federation of Social Institutions of VileParle – http://www.parlefederation.org
Federation of Tamil Youth Linkage
Federation of UN Peace Ambassadors
FEDERITALIA – http://www.federitalia.it
Feel and Fill Initiative
Felix Varela Center – http://www.cfv.org.cu
Feminenza Kenya – http://www.feminenza.org
Feminists for Life of America
FemLINKPACIFIC – http://www.femlinkpacific.org.fj
Femme Aid – http://www.ongfemmeaid.mr
Femme et Justice Economique
Femmen Environment Assaintment
Femmes Artisanes de la Paix
Femmes Autochtones du Quebec, Inc./ Quebec Native Women, Inc. – http://www.faq-qnw.org
Femmes d’ailleurs Asbl
Femmes Education Culture Santé et Développement en Afrique – http://www.fecsda.org
femmes en action contre la pauvreté – http://www.facp-asso.org
Femmes Enfants en Détresse Niger
Femmes Enfants et Environnement
Femmes et Villes International – http://www.womenincities.org
Femmes Internationales Murs Brises – http://www.fimb-asso.fr
Fend Youth Initiative – http://www.fendyouth.com
Ferdous International Foundation – http://www.ferdous.ch
Fermerta Uflebebis Dacvis Asociaci – http://www.eco-web.org
Fertility Education and Medical Management – http://femmhealth.org/
FESTAC-USA (Festival of African Arts and Culture)
FIA Foundation for the Automobile and Society – http://www.fiafoundation.org
FIAN Brasil – http://www.fianbrasil.org.br
FID-Fighting Infectious Diseases-The Gambia – http://www.fidgambia.com
Fiesta Christian Foundation
Fight against Poverty & Ignorance – http://www.fapi.org.pk
Fight for the Poor – http://www.f4tp.com
FightAIDS Ghana – http://www.fightaidsghana.org
Fighting HIV-AIDS & Abuse – http://www.spectrango.weebly.com
Fiji Council of Social Service – http://www.fcoss.org(underreconstruction)
Fiji Health – http://www.FijiHealth.org
FiJi Melanesian Community Develpment
Filipina Women’s Network – http://www.FilipinaWomensNetwork.org
Filipino Community Center – http://www.filipinocc.org
Filmbooth – http://www.filmbooth.in
FIMCAP – International Federation of Catholic Parochial Youth Movements – http://www.fimcap.org
Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities – http://www.invalidiliitto.fi
Finnish Federation of University Women – http://www.akateemisetnaiset.fi
Firefallmedia – http://www.firefallmedia.com
FireStarter Zambia
First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada – http://www.fncaringsociety.com
First People of the Kalahari – http://www.iwant2gohome.org
First Peoples Disability Network (Australia) – http://www.fpdn.org.au
First Step Action for Children Initiative
First Step Georgia – http://www.firststepgeorgia.org
Firstaidfoundation – http://www.firstaidfoundation.org
Fit for School Philippines – http://www.fitforschool.ph
Fit2Live Sports – http://www.fit2live.org.uk
FKO foundation – http://www.fkofoundation.org
Flickers of Hope Foundation – http://www.fohfoundation.blogspot.org
FLO-CERT GmbH – http://www.flo-cert.net
Florida Theological Ministries, Inc – http://www.csiedu.org
Fly America Aboriginal Society
FM Jeery
FNV Bondgenoten – http://www.fnvbondgenoten.nl
Focal Point Global – http://www.focalpointglobal.org
Focus on Labour Exploitation – http://www.labourexploitation.org
Focus on the Family (Canada) Association – http://www.focusonthefamily.ca
Folk Culture Research Centre of North East India – http://www.fcrcnortheastindia.blogspot.com
Fondaion Objectif Devellopement et Lutte Contre la Pauvreté
Fondasyon Sove Timoun Lakay – http://www.fondasyonsovetimounlakay.com
Fondasyon Ti Moun Yo
Fondation AGIR – http://www.fondationagir.ch
Fondation Alain Muzinga Sasa Asbl
Fondation Artisans de la Paix et du Developpement au Rwanda – http://www.fapdr.bplaced.com
Fondation Batwa
Fondation Bilokos
Fondation Charles Mbutamutu
Fondation d’Auteuil – http://www.apprentis-auteuil.org
Fondation De La Progeniture Denis Lomela Ifangwa
Fondation des Emigres Senegalais – http://www.la-fes.orgethttp://www.codesfes.org
Fondation des Jeunes Volontaires Actifs et Dynamiques
Fondation des Jeunes Volontaires Actifs et Dynamiques du Cameroun – http://www.fjevad-ngo.tk
Fondation des Oeuvres pour la Solidarité et le Bien Etre Social – FOSBES ONG
Fondation Eco Kyoto Guinee – http://www.fondationecokyoto-gn.org
Fondation Eve la Vie – http://www.evelavie.ch
Fondation Femme Plus ASBL
Fondation Guilé
Fondation Haitienne du Crédit Agricole
Fondation haitienne pour l’habitat et l’integration des sans-abris – http://www.fondhabisa.org
Fondation Hirondelle – http://www.hirondelle.org
Fondation joseph The Worker/Structure Lazarienne
Fondation Josias Live – http://www.josiaslive.org
Fondation Kuyula pour le Progrès Social et Communautaire – http://www.fokuprosoc.blogspot.com
Fondation La Paix Et Developement Pour Enfants
Fondation Mariya Arafasha – http://www.mariya-arafasha.org
Fondation Marocaine de L’Education Pour L’Emploi – http://www.efefoundation.org/index.php?m=6
Fondation Medicale pour le Developpement – http://www.fomedev.org
Fondation Mpiana
Fondation Nehemie
Fondation Ngomo
Fondation Olangi Wosho – http://www.olangiwosho.org
Fondation pour la Démocratie et le Développement
Fondation pour le Developpement Humain – http://www.fonddh.unblog.fr
Fondation pour l’éradication du travail des enfants dans la culture du tabac – http://www.eclt.org
Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International – http://www.ferdi.fr
Fondation pour les Femmes Africaines
Fondation pour l’étude des relations internationales et du développement – http://www.graduateinstitute.ch
Fondation pour un Centre pour le Développement Socio-Eco-Nomique – http://www.csend.org
fondation pro equity
Fondation Ressources et Nature – http://www.forena.jimdo.com
Fondation Rocher des Enfants
Fondation SPLAR, Côte d’Ivoire – http://www.fondationsplarci.org
Fondation Suisse Maroc pour le développement durable – http://www.fsmd.ch
Fondation Toya – http://www.fondationtoya.org
Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi – Onlus – http://www.ong.dongnocchi.it;http://www.dongnocchi.it
Fondazione Giovanni Paolo II per il dialogo, la cooperazione e lo sviluppo – Onlus – http://www.fondazionegiovannipaolo.org
Fondazione Rita Levi-Montalcini Onlus – http://www.ritalevimontalcini.org
Fondazione Rosselli
Fondazione S.A.V.E. (Scienza, Allenza, Vita, Ambiente) – http://www.horn-horn.de
Fonds de Gouvernance Mondiale – http://www.fondsdegouvernancemandiale.org
Food First Information and Action Network (FIAN) Nepal – http://www.fiannepal.org
Food For The Poor, Inc. – http://www.foodforthepoor.org
FoodClique support Initiative – http://www.foodclique.org
Foodfirst Information and Action Network (FIAN) – http://www.fian.org
Fora do Eixo – http://www.facebook.com/foradoeixo
Foramat 2000
Force de Femmes pour la Promotion et la Protection des Ressources Naturelles de la R.D.C
Force Economique Des Mamans Congolaises
Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service
Foreign Investment Promotion Council
Foreign Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention of the United States of America – http://www.fmbnbc.org
Forest Stewardship Council AC – http://www.fsc.org
FORIM – http://www.forim.net
Former Political Prisoners for Human Rights – http://www.fpphr.org.ge
formvd (pour une mauritanie verte et democratique)
Foro Ciudadano de Participacion por la Justicia y los Derechos Humanos – Instituto para la Participación y el Desarrollo – http://www.inpade.org.ar
Foro Ciudades para la Vida – http://www.ciudad.org.pe
Foro de la Sociedad Civil en Salud – http://www.forosalud.org.pe
Fort Ord Environmental Justice Network, Inc. – http://www.foejn.org
Forum Africain de la Promotion des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication ”Connect my Community” – http://www.fap-ntic.org
Forum Africain pour la Promotion des Nouvelles Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication – http://www.fap-ntic.org
Forum Amazigh de Culture et Développement – http://www.forumamazigh.c.la
Forum Azzahrae pour la Femme Marocaine – http://www.fz.ma
Fórum da Agenda 21 Local de Imbituba e Garopaba – http://www.preserva.org.br
Forum d’Action et d’Intervention pour les Droits de l’Homme en Afrique
Forum Damascene House – http://www.damascenehouse.org
Fórum de Juventude da CPLP – http://www.fjcplp.wordpress.com
Forum dei Giovani della Repubblica di San Marino – http://www.forumgiovani.sm
Forum des Etrangères et Etrangers de Lausanne – http://www.forumetrangers.ch
Forum des Jeunes du Gabon – http://fojega.blogspot.com
Forum des Producteurs d’anacarde en Côte d’Ivoire
Forum Européen pour la Sécurité Urbaine – http://www.efus.eu
Forum Europejskie – http://www.forumeuropejskie.eu/new/
Forum for Awareness and Youth Activity Nepal – http://fayanepal.org.np/
Forum for Culture and Human Development – http://www.fchdbd.org
Forum for Culture of Peace – http://www.iflac.com
Forum for Democracy & Civic Education
Forum for Former African Heads of State and Government, Africa Forum – http://www.africaforum.org
Forum for Human Rights and Environment – http://www.fohren.com.np
Forum for Human Rights and Public Health-Nepal (Friendship-Nepal) – http://www.friendshipnepal.org.np
Forum for Language Initiatives – http://www.fli-online.org
Forum for Nature Protection – http://www.fnp.org.np
Forum for Social Justice & Development – http://www.fsjdallindia.wordpress.com
Forum for the 21st Century Leaders
Forum for the Development of Young People
Forum for Women and Development – FOKUS
Forum für interkulturellen dialog – http://www.fidev.org
Forum Governamental de Responsabilidade Social
Forum Inter-Regional des Femmes Congolaises pour le Developpement International – http://www.FIREFEC.be
Forum Jeunes et OMDs
Forum Marocain de la Surdité – http://www.fmsourds.org
Forum of Consortium, Network and Independent Civil Society Organization
Forum of Culture and Arts of Uzbekistan – http://www.fundforum.uz
Forum of Mozambican Associations of The Disabled People – http://www.famod.org
Forum of Nigerian Women in Politics
Forum pour d’Autres Indicateurs de Richesse
Forum Refugies-Cosi – http://www.forumrefugies.org
Forum TdGOnline .net – http://www.tdgonline.net
Forum-Eine-Welt Bonn
Forumi I Pavarur I Gruas Shqiptare – http://www.ifaw.al
Foundation Shtedrost – http://charitygenrous.org
Foundation des Nations Unies pour L’emploi de la Jeunesse Africaine
Foundation ECPAT International (End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking in Children for Sexual Purposes) – http://www.ecpat.net
Foundation for Autism Support and Training – http://www.myarchway.org
Foundation for Community Development for Social and Behavioural Change
Foundation For Empowerment and Human Rights Promotion – http://www.fehrpafrica.org
Foundation For Future Science – http://www.foundationforfuturescience.org
Foundation for GAIA – http://www.foundation-for-gaia.org
Foundation for Indigenous Americans of Anasazi Heritage – http://www.fiaah.org
Foundation for Integrated Education and Development – http://www.funedesin.org
Foundation for Leadership & Education Development (FLED) – http://www.fledgroup.org
Foundation for Older Persons’ Development
Foundation for Released Prisoners
Foundation for Research and Sustainable Development (FRSD) – http://www.frsd.webs.com
Foundation for Responsible Media – http://www.formedia.org.in
Foundation for Rural Education, Wildlife and Environment – http://forewengam.org
Foundation for Small and Medium Busnesses – http://www.fsmb.am
Foundation for the Health and Knowledge of Ethnic Labour – http://www.mapfoundationcm.org
Foundation for the International Network of Museums for Peace – http://www.inmp.net
Foundation for the protection of the constitutional rights protection of indigenous peoples of Russia – http://fondru.ru
Foundation for Tolerance International – http://www.fti.org.kg
Foundation for Victims Of Child Abuse – http://www.vcafng.org
Foundation for Women – http://www.foundationforwomen.org
Foundation for Youth Development
Foundation Martin Luther Jules, Inc. – http://www.fmlj.org/usa
Foundation of Healthcare Technologies Society – http://www.fhts.ac.in
Foundation of the Peoples of the South Pacific International , The
foundation of United for relief and Abidding Development – http://www.fuad-iraq.org
Foundation Orestina Oreste for Development – http://www.foodhaiti.org
Foundation Projekta for Women and Development Services / Stichting Projekta
Foundation Saidito Congo
Foundation Sife Leiden – http://www.sifeleiden.nl
Fountain House, Inc. – http://www.fountainhouse.org
France Volontaires – http://www.france-volontaires.org
Franciscans International – http://www.franciscansinternational.org
Franco da Rocha News – http://www.francodarochanews.jex.com.br
François-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and Human Rights
Franklyn Town Community Development Project
Fraternite Notre Dame, Inc.
Fraternite Solidarite Jeunesse Cote D’ivoire
Frathekk Foundation Common Initiative Group (FRA.FO-CIG) – http://www.frathekkfoundation.org
Frauen ohne Grenzen – Women without Borders
Free World Institute – http://www.mundolibre.org.pe
freedom & peace foundation international
Freedom Camp International – http://www.nic-net.gm
Freedom Forum Palestine
Freedom Foundation – http://www.freedomfoundationng.org
Freedom From Fistula Foundation – http://www.freedomfromfistula.com
Freedom Of Opinion
Freeworld Initiative Foundation
Freeworld International
Fresh & Young Brains Development Initiative – http://www.fbi-nigeria.org
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung – http://www.fes-globalization.org
Friends and Members of The Order of Knight Templar’s – http://knightstemplars.ning.com/
Friends in Need Empowerment Initiative – http://www.projectfriendship.org
Friends Of Christ Revival Ministries – http://www.focrevministries.org
Friends of Destitute Foundation
Friends of Environment and Humanity Foundation
Friends of Lake Turkana – http://www.friendsoflaketurkana.org
Friends of Literacy and Mass Education – http://www.allforflame.net
Friends of the Global Fund Latin America and the Caribbean
Friends of the United Nations Asia-Pacific – http://www.founap.org
Friends of the United Nations Australia – http://www.foun.org.au
Friends of Uth for Service, Empowerment and Development
Friends Welfare Association Pakistan – http://www.friendswa.org
Friendship Ambassadors Foundation – http://www.faf.org
Front Aid International – http://www.frontaid.org
Frontier Reconstruction Welfare Agency – http://esango.un.org/civilsociety
Frontier Reconstruction, Welfare Agency
Fruitful Leaders Foundation
Fulfillment for the young foundatio
Fundação Academica Diplomatica do Direito Internacional “Casa Real de Portugal – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Fundação Antonio Meneghetti – http://www.fundacaoantoniomeneghetti.com.br
Fundacao de Assistencia Medica Internacional – http://www.ami.org.pt
Fundação Ernesto Roma – http://www.fundacaoernestoroma.org
Fundação Getúlio Vargas
Fundação Internacional dos Estudos Legais para a Institucionalização da Casa Real Portuguesa – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Fundação Interuniversitária de Estudos e Pesquisas Sobre o Trabalho – http://www.unitrabalho.org.br
Fundação Joaquim Chissano – http://www.fjchissano.org.mz
Fundação Joaquim Nabuco
Fundação Nacional da Qualidade – http://www.fnq.org.br
Fundação Pedra Azul
Fundação Roberto Marinho – http://www.frm.org.br
Fundacion Accion Social Internacional – http://www.fasi.org.ar
Fundación Agreste (Ecología y Medio Ambiente) – http://www.fundacionagreste.org.ar
Fundación Alia2 – http://www.alia2.org
Fundación Alisos – http://www.alisos.net
Fundación Alun Co Internacional – http://www.aluncointernacional.org
Fundación Ambiental para la Cultura la Investigación y el Desarrollo Social Alternativo CRISALIDA
Fundación América Indígena – http://fundacionamericaindigena.webs.com
Fundacion Amparo Cabrera, Fundacion – http://www.foundation-amparo.org
Fundación Argentina a las Naciones Camino a la Verdad – http://www.fancv.org.ar
Fundación Armocultura
Fundación Azimuth – http://fundaazimuth.blogspot.com
Fundación CADAL (Centro para la Apertura y el Desarrollo de América Latina) – http://www.cadal.org
Fundacion Calicanto – http://www.fundacioncalicanto.org
Fundación Cambio Democrático – http://www.cambiodemocratico.org
Fundación Centro de Gestión Tecnológica e Informática Industrial – http://www.cegesti.org
Fundación Centro Latinoamericano de Derechos Humanos – http://www.cladh.org
Fundación CEPSIGER para el Desarrollo Humano – http://www.fundacioncepsiger.org
Fundación Cibervoluntarios – http://www.cibervoluntarios.org
Fundación Ciencia Joven – http://www.cienciajoven.cl
Fundación Cimab
Fundación Cimientos – http://www.cimientos.org/
Fundación Ciudad de La Plata – http://www.fundciudaddelaplata.org.ar/
Fundación Coanil
Fundación Compromiso – http://www.compromiso.org
Fundación Cooperadora de la Nutrición Infantil (C.O.N.I.N.) – http://www.conin.org.ar
Fundación Crecimiento Joven – http://www.facebook.com/CrecimientoJoven
Fundación Crisálida – http://www.glasswing.org
Fundacion Cultural Baur, A.C. – http://www.fundacionculturalbaur.org
Fundación DARA Internacional – http://www.daraint.org
Fundacion de Artes Musicales de Baja California AC – http://www.obc.org.mx/http://www.cam-bc.org
Fundación de Asistencia Técnica para el Desarrollo – http://www.fundatedguatemala.org
Fundacion de Ayuda y Promocion de las Culturas Indigenas Rosa Collelldevall
Fundacion de Beneficiencia Hogar de Cristo
Fundacion de Deportes La Rioja – http://www.fundelar.com.ar
Fundacion de Desarrollo Social Dr. Manuel Naula Sagnay
Fundación de Desarrollo Social y Ambiental
Fundacion de Desarrollo Tecnologico y Capacitacion
Fundación de Mujeres Luna Creciente
Fundacion de Mujeres por el Desarrollo del Este Inc.
Fundacion de Naciones Unidas Americanas para Centros de Excelencia y Fomento
Fundacion Democratica Italo-Americana
Fundación Desarrollo Sustentable A.C. – http://www.fds.org.mx
Fundacion Desarrollo y Paz – http://www.fundepaz.org
Fundacion Desiderio Arias – http://www.fundarias.org
Fundacion Dialogo Mujer
Fundacion Ecologica Suasie Yewae
Fundacion Ecoturismo Ayamtai – http://www.riocorrientes.gov.ec
Fundación Éforo – http://www.eforo.org.ar
Fundacion el Sol – http://www.actiweb.es/wwwfundacionelsol/
FUNDACION EMAUS – http://fundaemaus.blogspot.com
Fundación Energía sin Fronteras – http://www.energiasinfronteras.org
Fundacion Esquel
Fundacion Etnica Integral – http://www.fundacionetnicaintegral.org.do
Fundación Familias Monoparentales Isadora Duncan – http://www.isadoraduncan.es
Fundación Federación Iberoamericana de Jóvenes Científicos – http://www.fibejoci.ning.com
Fundacion Fuente De Integracion Por Un Vivir Mejor – http://www.fundacionfinvimeblogspot.com
Fundacion Geosocial – http://www.fundaciongeosocial.org
Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo – http://www.funglode.org
Fundación Grandes Transformaciones
Fundación Grupo Internacional de Paz y Desarrollo – http://www.gipcolombia.org
Fundacion Henry Dunant América Latina – http://www.fundacionhenrydunant.org
Fundacion Hernandiana
Fundación Hogares Libres de Violencia Sagrada Familia
Fundacion Honduras Support
Fundación Insieme – http://www.insieme.cl
Fundación Instituto de Cultura del Sur – http://www.fundacionics.org
Fundación Interamericana para el Desarrollo de la Gestión Social – http://www.figsocial.org
Fundacion Intercultural Wayunka
Fundación Internacional Ambiental para la Innovación Responsable y el Transporte Sostenible – http://www.ecofitsos.com
Fundacion Internacional de Derechos Humanos Proayuda Grupos Vulnerables Jam A.C.
Fundacion Internacional Maria Luisa De Moreno – http://www.fundacionmarialuisa.org/
Fundacion Internacional Oasis A.C. – http://www.fundacioninternacionaloasis.com
Fundacion Intiwasi
Fundacion Isha Educando Para La Paz – http://www.whywalkwhenyoucanfly.com
Fundación ITINERIS – http://www.itineris.org.ar
Fundación Jóvenes por los Derechos Humanos – http://www.jdh.org.ar
Fundacion Khalil
Fundación La Red Internacional Para El Fomente Y Restablecimiento De Los Derechos Humanos En Colombia
Fundación Latiendo por México – http://www.latiendoxmexico.org.mx
Fundación Latinoamericana de Apoyo al Saber y la Economía Popular
Fundacion Latinoamericana de Innovacion Social – http://www.elinnovadorsocial.org
Fundaciòn Latinoamericana Por Los Derchos Humanos Y El Desarrolllo Social – http://www.fundalatin.org
Fundación Let’s Advance Together – http://fundacionlat.blogspot.com/
Fundacion Libelulas de CostaRica
Fundacion Mahatma Gandhi – http://www.edugandhi.org
Fundación Mama Antula.
Fundación Manantiales – http://www.manantiales.org
Fundacion Manodiversa – http://www.manodiversa.supersitio.net
Fundación Merced Querétaro, A.C. – http://www.fundacionmerced.org
Fundación Mexicana para el Desarrollo Rural – http://www.fmdr.org.mx/
Fundación Nacional Círculo Balear – http://www.circulobalear.com
Fundacion Niños Invisibles – http://www.funinvisibles.com
Fundación Norte Sustentable
Fundación Nosotros los Jóvenes, A.C. – http://www.nosotroslosjovenes.com
Fundación Oficios
Fundacion Once – http://www.fundaciononce.es
FUNDACION ONG TEOPAL-teatro experimental obrero de Palmira – http://www.46664voluntarios.es/organizations/fundacion-ong-teopal-teatro…
Fundacion Opcion Colombia Fundacol
Fundación Pachamama – http://www.pachamama.org.ec
Fundacion para el Analisis y la Reflexion de Argentina – http://www.fundara.org.ar
Fundación para el Avance de las Reformas y las Oportunidades – http://www.grupofaro.org
Fundacion para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias la Sociedad y el Estado
fundación para el desarrolo y dignificacion del indigena
Fundacion para la Defensa del Ambiente (FUNAM)
Fundacion para la Educacion de los Trabajadores Constructores – http://www.fundacion.uocra.org
fundación para la innovación social FUNISOC – http://funisoc.blogspot.com/
Fundación para la Libertad de Prensa – http://www.flip.org.co
Fundacion para la Ruralidad la Educacion y el Desarrollo
Fundacion Paraguay para Todos
Fundacion Parque Cibernético de Santo Domingo
Fundacion PRISMA – http://www.prisma.org.sv/
Fundacion Pro Humanae Vitae – http://www.fphv.org
Fundación Proacceso ECO, Asociación Civil – http://www.proacceso.org.mx
Fundación ProEmpleo Productivo, AC – http://www.proempleo.org.mx/
Fundación Profomento de las Vocaciones – http://www.lospomos.org/home.html
Fundacion Prosurgir – http://www.prosurgir.org
Fundación Proyecto Solidario por la Infancia – http://www.proyectosolidario.org
Fundación Red de Sobrevivientes y Personas con Discapacidad – http://www.reddesobrevivientes.org
Fundación Revel – http://www.fundacionrevel.net
Fundación Saldarriaga Concha – http://www.saldarriagaconcha.org
Fundacion SIDA y Drogas
Fundación Síndrome de Down del Caribe – http://www.fundowncaribe.org
Fundación Social AMEAC – http://www.fundacionameac.org
Fundacion Social Ciudad Alegria
Fundacion Social Para el Desarrollo Empresarial, Poblacion Desplazada y Vulnerable
Fundación SOL JURÍDICO DE COLOMBIA – http://www.onginfo.com/fundaciónsoljuridico
Fundacion Sugamuxi Tú y Yo
Fundacion Sur Futuro – http://www.surfuturo.org
Fundación Tecnológica para Ciegos Luis Braille
Fundación Un Litro De Luz Colombia – http://www.unlitrodeluzcolombia.org
Fundacion Vida – Grupo Ecologico Verde – http://www.documentalistas.org/proyectos/nosolos.php
Fundacion Wayuunaiki – http://www.wayuunaiki.org.ve/
Fundación Zícaro – http://www.zicaro.org
Fundacja Forum Inicjatyw Rozwojowych – http://www.fir.org.pl
Fundacja ITAKA – Centrum Poszukiwan Ludzi Zaginionych – http://www.zaginieni.pl
Fundacja Otwarty Dialog – http://www.odfoundation.eu
Fundamental Human Rights & Rural Development Association – http://www.fhrrda.org
Fundamental Human Rights & Rural Development Association FHRRDA
Fundamental Rights League Int’l
Fundar, Centro de Analisis e Investigación – http://www.fundar.org.mx
Fundashon Nos Grandinan
Fundatia Motivation Romania – http://www.motivation.ro
fundatia scheherazade – http://www.fundatiascheherazade.ro
Fundecooperacion para el Desarrollo Sostenible – http://www.fundecooperacion.org
Funders Network on Transforming the Global Economy – http://www.fntg.org
FUSION Foundation – http://thefusionfoundation.org
Fútbol por la Vida
Future Association for Culture and Development – http://www.future.org.ps
Future by Design – http://www.futurebydesign.org
Future China Society – http://www.futurechina.com.cn
Future Culture – http://www.futureculture.co.uk
Future Development Welfare Society
Future Dreams Foundation
Future Hope Foundation of Nigeria
Future Hope International – http://www.futurehopegh.org
Future Protectors Association – https://www.facebook.com/Future.Protectors/info
Futuro Desenvolvimento do Projecto Territorial Principado de Bragança Real Casa de Portugal – http://www.principadodebraganca.org
FXB India Suraksha – http://www.fxbsuraksha.in
G M Shah Foundation – http://gmshahfoundation.info/
G(irls)20 Summit – http://www.girls20summit.com
G.H. Raisono Law School – http://www.ghrlawschool.raisoni.net
Gaafu Alif Villingili Council Office
Gabasawa Women and Children Empowerment Initiative – http://www.gabasawainitiatives.org
Gabon pour Jesus
Gacci Magazine
Gachij Nej Yuma an, Asociacion Civil
Ga-Dangme students Association of the University of Ghana,legon
Gaddafi International Cgharity and Development Foundation – http://www.gdf.org.ly
gaea21 Association pour la mise en œuvre du Développement Durable et de l’Agenda 21 – http://www.gaea21.org
Gaia Education
Gaia Mater
GAiN International – http://www.gainusa.org
galbhaye sabz – http://www.greenhearts.ir
Gallaudet University – http://www.gallaudet.edu
Gandhi Bhavan International Trust – http://www.gandhibhavan.org
Gandhi Research Foundation – http://www.gandhifoundation.net
Gandhi Worldwide Education Institute – http://www.gandhiforchildren.org
Gandhian Unit for Integrated Development Education – http://www.guideindia.org.in
Gansu Green Camel Bell Environment and Development Center – http://www.gcb.ngo.cn
Gap Intercessors Movement International – http://www.gapintercessors.net
Gargar Foundation for Development – http://www.gargarfoundationfordevelopment.org
Garuda 23 Team Officer
Gatacine – http://www.gatacine.com
Gaurav Samajik Vikas Evam Shaishanik Sanstha
Gautam Buddha Jagriti Society
Gazeteciler ve Yazarlar Vakfi – http://www.gyv.org.tr
GBD Public Diplomacy & Culture Exchange Center – http://www.cpdcea.com
Gedaref Digital City Organization – http://gedaref.com/
Geledes – Instituto da Mulher Negra – http://www.geledes.org.br
GELEDÉS – INSTITUTO DA MULHER NEGRA – http://www.geledes.org.br
Gena Foundation – http://www.genafoundation.org
Genc Liderligi ve Girisimciligi Destekleme ve Egitim Vakfi – http://www.genclig.org
Genc Ongoru Association – http://www.gencongoru.org
Gender Action – http://www.genderaction.org
Gender Alliance for Development Center – http://www.gadc-al.org
Gender Association ”Symmetry”
Gender Centre – http://www.gender-centru.md
Gender Centru – http://www.gender-centru.md
Gender Concerns International – http://www.genderconcerns.org
Gender Development Initiative – http://www.gendiwomen.org
Gender Empowerment Foundation
Gender Files, Inc – http://www.genderfilesinc.org
General Agriculture and Plantation Workers Union of Zimbabwe
General Arab Women Federation
General Assembly Entrepreneurs of United National – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
General Authority of Youth & Sports Welfare – http://www.YOUTH-SPORTS.AE
General Federation of Iraqi Women
General Forum of the Arabic and African Non-Governmental Organizations – http://www.fongaf.org
Génération Congo Afrique 2015
Generation pour L’emergence de la Democratie et d’une Conscience Nouvelle
Generationsbruecke Deutschland – http://www.generationsbruecke-deutschland.de
Genesis Facility Foundation
Geneva Institute for Human Rights (GIHR) – http://www.gihr.org
Geneva International Model United Nations (GIMUN) – http://www.gimun.org
Geneva Student Unity – http://www.gsubd.webs.com
Geneva University Hospitals Division of International and Humanitarian Medicine – http://medecine-internationale.hug-ge.ch/eng/index.htm
Genève pour les droits de l’homme : formation internationale – http://www.gdh-ghr.org
Geography Teachers’ Association of Victoria – http://www.gtav.asn.au
GEORGE MASON UNIVERSITY (GMU) – http://www.gmu.edu
Georges Malaika Foundation – http://www.gmfafrica.org
Georgia Blue Cross Society – http://www.blue-cross.in
Georgian Diaspora Foundation – http://www.geo-diaspora.nl
Georgian War Veterans Federation (United Council)
Georgian Welfare Foundation – http://www.welfarefoundation.org.ge
Geospatial Database Consulting
Geotechnology, Environmental Assessment and Disaster Risk Reduction (GEADIRR)
Geriatric Center Nepal – http://www.gecenep.com
Geriatric Crenter Nepal – http://www.gecenep.com
Geriatrics Care Foundation of Pakistan – http://www.iaed.org/gcfk
German Advisory Council on Global Change – http://www.wbgu.de
Gerontologos Argentinos Asociacion Civil – http://www.gerontologos.com.ar
Gestos – Soropositividade, comunicação e Gênero – http://www.gestos.org
Getting Out By Going In – http://www.gettingoutbygoingin.org
Ghana Anti-Coalition Corruption – http://ghana-anticorruption.org
Ghana Federation of the Disabled – http://www.gfdgh.org
Ghana Leadership Council International – http://www.ghanaleaders.org
Ghana Muslim Mission
Ghana National NGOs Coalition for Youth
Ghana Youth for Peace and Development
Ghana-Denmark Friendship Association – http://www.gadafansc.org
Ghanaians And friends Association of bay Area – http://www.GhanaiansAndfriendsAssociationofbayArea.webs.com
Ghazi Human Rights Welfare Society
Ghoghardiha Prakhand Swarajya Vikas Sangh – http://www.gpsvs.org.in
Giant Care Organization
Gibh Varta Manch – http://vartamanch.blog.com
Gibraltar Local Disability Movement – http://www.disability.gi/
Gic Cadire – http://www.barreaulittoral.org/devcadire/
Gic Sainte Francoise de Charite
Gic Technologies Nouvelles au Cameroun – http://www.technologies-nouvelles.8k.com
Giral viveiro de projetos – http://www.giral.com.br
Girisimci Gencler Dernegi – http://www.giged.org.tr
Girl Child Network Sierra Leone – https://sites.google.com/site/girlchildnetworksierraleone/
Girl Scouts of the United States of America – http://www.girlscouts.org
Girls Education Initiative of Ghana
Girls For A Change – http://www.girlsforachange.org
Girls Learn International, Inc (GLI) – http://www.girlslearn.org
Girls’ Power Initiative (GPI) – http://www.gpinigeria.org
Girls To Mothers’ Initiative
Give A Limb – http://www.give-a-limb.org
Give One Project – http://give1project.org
Give Them Hope, Inc. – http://www.givethem-hope.org
Give to Colombia – http://www.givetocolombia.org
GlaxoSmithKline Emerging Markets – http://www.gsk.com/
GlboalHunt Foundation – http://www.globalhuntfoundation.org
Gleichmass e.V. – http://www.gleichmass-ev.de
Global 2000 (2010) International
Global Academy Institute of Technology Foundation, Inc. – http://www.gaitf.com
Global Action Against Poverty – http://www.brothersofcharity.org
Global Action for Africa’s Development – http://www.glafad.org
Global Action on Aging – http://globalaging.org/
Global Advocates for Justice – http://www.fssg.blogspot.com
Global Afrikan Congress – http://www.globalafrikancongress.com
Global Agenda for Total Emancipation – http://www.gateng.org
Global Aid Network – http://www.globalaid.net
Global AIDS Alliance – http://www.globalaidsalliance.org
Global Alcohol Policy Alliance – http://www.globalgapa.org
Global Alcohol Producers Group (GAPG)
Global Alert for Defence of Youth and the Less Privileged
Global Alliance for a Sustainable Iraq
Global Alliance for Development Foundation – http://www.gadef.org
Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) Philippines, Inc.
Global Alliance for Responsible Business / Sustainability
Global Arts and Development Centre – http://www.gadec.org
Global Association for Environmental Investments and Sustainability of Economic, Social and Environmental Spheres – http://www.gafeias.at
Global Association of Measurement and Economics in Sports
Global Autism Bangladesh – http://www.globalautism.org
Global Autism Project – http://www.globalautismproject.org
Global Call to Action Against Poverty Global Foundation – http://www.whiteband.org
Global Call to Action Against Poverty Korea – http://www.mdgkorea.org
Global Child Care Tanzania – http://globalchildctz.wozaonline.co.za
Global Childcare and Poverty Eradication Initiative – http://www.gcpei.com
Global Christian Unity Organization
Global Citizens for Sustainable Development – http://www.globalcitizens.org.in
Global Citizens Initiative
Global Civic Sharing – http://www.gcs.or.kr
Global Civil Initiatives, Inc. – http://www.globalcivin.org
Global Coalition on Aging – http://www.globalcoalitiononaging.com
Global Community Health Foundation – http://www.globalcommunityhealthfoundation.org
Global Compact Network Bulgaria Association – http://www.unglobalcompact.bg
Global Cultural & Development Organization – http://www.gcdo.org.pk
Global Development Africa Foundation – http://www.globaldevelopmentafrica.com
Global Development Program
Global Disability Movement – http://globdismov.com/
Global Eco-Village Network, The – http://www.gen.ecovillage.org
Global Edge Research
Global Education Motivators – http://www.gem-ngo.org
Global Empowerment Initiative – http://www.geiafrica.org
Global Forum For Peace, Justice and Human Rights – http://www.gfpjhr.org
Global Forum Foundation – http://www.globalforumfoundation.org
Global Forum Foundation Ghana – http://www.forumghana.org
Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders
Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, Inc. – http://www.globalfoundationdd.org
Global Fund for Children, The
Global Futures Network – http://www.gfn.org.in
Global Health And Awareness Research Foundation (GAF) – http://www.gharf-nigeria.org
Global Health International Institute – http://www.gh2i.org
Global Health Partners – http://www.ghpartners.org
Global Hepatitis Initiative – http://www.ghi.org
Global Hope Mobilization
Global Hope Network International – http://www.globalhopenetwork.org
Global Humanitarian Photojournalists, Inc. – http://www.ghpj.org
Global Ideas For Development
Global Impact Development – http://www.globalimpactdevelopment.org
GLOBAL INFORMATION NETWORK – http://africaninfonetwork.net
Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – http://globalinitiative-escr.org/
Global Initiative for Inclusive Information nd Communication Technologies – http://www.g3ict.org
Global Initiative for Positive Change – http://www.globalinitiativeforpositivechange.org
Global Initiative for Youths Integation & Empowerment
Global Institute of Distance Learning – http://www.gidl.org
Global Kids Inc. – http://www.globalkids.org
Global Life Focus Network
Global Literacy Project, Inc. – http://glpinc.org/
Global Mass Community (Welfare Organization) – http://gmcwelfare.org
Global Mercy Mission Project
Global Migration Policy Associates – http://www.globalmigrationpolicy.org
Global Millennium International NGO – http://www.GlobalMillennium.org
Global Movement For Change And Project Colourful – http://www.globalmovementforchange.com
Global Nations – http://www.Global-nations.org
Global Network for Human Development
global network for peace and anti corruption initiative
Global Network of Sex Work Projects – http://www.nswp.org
Global Organization for Human Empowerment and Rights – http://www.goher.org
Global Partnership for Disability and Development
Global Partnership for Local Action
Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict – http://www.gppac.net
Global Partnerships Forum
Global Peace Academy – http://www.unme.or.kr
Global Peace Development – http://www.globalpeacedev.org
Global Peace Initiative of Women – http://www.gpiw.org
Global Political Trends Center – http://www.gpotcenter.org
Global Poverty Project
Global Protection Network – http://www.globalprotectionnetwork.com
Global Race Against Poverty and HIV/AIDS in Nigeria – http://www.graphng.org
Global Risk Forum GRF Davos – http://www.grforum.org
Global Romanian Students and Young Professionals Society (GRSPSociety) – http://www.grspsociety.org
Global Safety Sources, Incorporated – http://www.gssisafety.com
Global Salvation Ministry Foundation – http://www.globalsalvationministry.org
Global South Initiative – http://www.gsi.org.np
Global South Watch – http://www.globalsouthwatch.org
Global Stewards Institute – http://www.globalstewardsinstitute.org
Global Thinkers – http://www.globalthinkers.com
Global University Network for Innovation – http://www.guninetwork.org
Global Urban Development – http://www.globalurban.org
Global Values Research Foundation – http://www.gvrfindia.com
Global Vision Awake Africa for Development
Global Volunteer Network Foundation – http://www.gvnfoundation.org
Global Welfare Association – http://www.glowacameroon.org
Global Welfare Association – GLOWA Cameroon
Global Workers Justice Alliance – http://www.globalworkers.org
Global Young Greens – http://www.globalyounggreens.org/wordpress/
Global Youth Action Network – http://www.youthlink.org
Global Youth Action Network Ghana
Global Youth Connect, Inc. – http://www.gyconnect.org
Global Youth Focus – http://www.globalyouthfocus.com
Global Youth in HIV/AIDS Advocacy & Positive Prevention
Global Youth Innovation Network – http://www.gyin.org
Global Youth Movement
Global Youth Movement-Guyana
Global Youth Network for Peace & Development
Global Youth Organization – https://www.facebook.com/GlobalYouthOrganization
Global Youth Summit on Innovative Philanthropy and Social Entrepreneurship – http://NexusYouthSummit.com
Global Youth Union Foundation – http://www.gyuf.org
GlobalPartnersUnited LLC – http://www.global-partners-united.com
GlobalSphere Int’l Corporation
Globe International – http://www.globeinternational.org
Globe Vert – http://www.globevert.org
Globethics.net Foundation – http://www.globethics.net
Globetree – http://www.globetree.org
Globle Human Rights & S.D. Society – http://www.ggsict.org
Globlr Human Rights & Sociqal Service Association India – http://www.ggsnetwork.com
Gloria Konyeshi Outreach Foundation
Glory Village for Elders & Youth – http://www.gloryvillage.pledgepage.org
GMSL Foundation – http://www.gmsllegalservices.co.uk/Foundation
gobierno autonomo municipal de la paz – http://www.lapaz.bo
Gobierno Natural de la Nacion Moskitia en Nicaragua – http://www.Wihtatara.com
Gods Own Charitable Trust
Gods Trust – http://www.godstrust.co.in
Godwin Osung International Foundation, Inc. (The African Project) – http://www.theafricanproject.weebly.com/http://www.africanproject.ws
Going For A Global Truce Peace Movement – http://goingforaglobaltruce.com/
Gojoven Honduras – http://www.gojoven.org
Gold Minds Initiative
Goldcoast Development Foundation – http://www.goldcoast.org.ng
Golden Bangladesh Foundation
Golden Heart Foundation
Gong – http://www.gong.hr
Good Governance Club District Coordination Committee – http://www.ggcdccd.blog.com
Good Governance for Social Development and the Environment Foundation – http://www.gsei.or.th
Good Hands – http://www.goodhands.or.kr
Good Neighbors International – http://www.goodneighbors.org
Good Neighbours Development Foundation
Good News Ministry Mother Terisa Social Service Organization – http://www.goodnewsministrymotherterisasocialservice.org/http://www.gnmm…
Good Samaritan Fellowship Internation Inc.
GoodServants Foundation – http://www.goodservantfoundation.org
Goodwash Foundation for Health and Environmental Protection – http://www.goodwashfoundation.com
GOODWILL SOCIAL WORK CENTRE – http://www.goodwillsocialworkcentre.org
Goood Life for all
Gosanet Foundation – http://www.gosanet.org
Gospel Assembly – Queens – http://www.gospelassemblyqueens.org
Goth Sudhar Tehreek Sindh
Goutomi Shishu Sadan
Gouvernance Globale de la Mobilité – CERI – http://www.sciencespo.fr/ceri/en
Gouvernement de la République Maohi – http://www.republique-maohi.fr/Constitution_de_la_REPUBLIQUE_MAOHI.H.htm…
Governess Films – http://www.governessfilms.com
Governo do Estado de Sao Paulo – http://www.sp.gov.br
Grace Mission Foundation
Grace Oviawe Foundation for Educational and Social Development – http://www.foundgrace.org
Graceland Foundation – http://www.YETTOBEDEVELOPED
Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town – http://www.gsb.uct.ac.za
Grail Knight Foundation – http://www.grailknightfoundation.com
Gram Sewa & Viklang Sahayta Sanstha – http://www.gramsewasanstha.org
Gram Vikas – http://www.gramvikas.org
Gram Vikas Seva Sansthan – http://www.gvssjodhpur.com
Grameen Foundation Australia Ltd – http://www.grameen.org.au
Grameen Shakti – http://www.gshakti.org
Grameena Vikas Samithi (Conserve Nature for a Better Future)
Gramin Apasi Bikas
Gramin Bal Vikas Samiti, Darguwan, Badamalehra (CHHATARPUR) M.P.
Gramin Mahila Vikash Nidhi – http://www.karmayog.org/ngo/GMVN/
Gramin Vikas kendra
Gramkalp Foundation
Grand Council of the Crees – Eeyou Istchee – http://www.gcc.ca
Grand Duchy of Carpathia
Grand Duchy of Ruthenia
Grand Health Initiative International
Grand Triangle, Inc. – http://www.grandtriangle.org
Grand-Duchy of St.Angel and St.Michael
Grand-Duchy of Varelia
Grassroot Development Assistance Program
Grass-root indigenous women’s group – http://www.onconstruction
Grass-root Organization for Human Development – http://www.godh.org.pk
Grassroots Empowerment Initiative – http://www.gei.org.za
Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
Grassroots Leadership, Inc – http://www.grassrootsleadership.org
Grassroots Sports Development Trust – http://www.GrassrootsSDT.org
GREA – Groupement Romand D’études des Addictions – http://www.grea.ch
Great 1 Foundation
Great Harry Charity Foundation – http://www.greatharrycharityfoundation.org
Great Silk Way International Youth Union – http://www.gswyouth.org
Great Silk Way International Youth Union – http://www.gswyouth.org
Greater Good Community Development Initiative
Greater Hyderabad Youth Association – http://www.greaterhyderabadyouth.com
Greek Forum of Migrants – http://www.youthforum.gr
Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council of North and South America
Green Africa
Green and Rural development Nepal,GARDEN
Green Concern for Development – http://www.greencodeng.webs.com
Green Development Initiatives Zimbabwe
Green Earth Organization
Green Earth Research Foundation
Green Energy Efficiency Foundation
Green Generation – http://www.greenobjectif.blogspot.com
Green Line – http://www.greenline.org.lb
Green Mind Foundation – http://www.greenmind_foundation.org
Green Mobilisation Initiative
Green Odisha
Green Planet – http://www.greenplanets.org
Green Shadow GS – http://www.greenshadowbd.org
Green State Resources Ltd
Green the Gene – http://www.greenthegene.co.nr
Green Youth Generation – http://www.greenyouthgeneration.co.nr
Green-Give Foundation
Greenlife Development Initiative
GreenLife Sri Lanka – http://www.greenlifelanka.org
Greenriver Environmental Protection Association of Sichuan – http://www.green-river.org
GREENWISE International – http://www.greenwiseint.org
Greenwomen Analytical Environmental Agency – http://www.greenwomen.kz/
Grêmio Estudantil Voz Ativa do Instituto de Educação Professor Manuel Marinho – http://www.vozativanarede.blogspot.com
Grenada Human Rights Organisation Inc
Gret – http://www.gret.org
Gropo Puma de Radiocomucicaçao – COMSET – http://www.comset.xpg.com.br
Groundwork Environmental Initiatives – http://www.groundworkei.org
groundWork, Friends of the Earth South Africa – http://www.groundwork.org.za
Group Integrated for Voluntary Empowerment
Groupe Communication Internationale en Technologies Cultures et Services G.CITCS – http://senegal.educanet2.ch/citcs
Groupe d’Action International pour le Développement Durable au Bénin – http://gai2dbenin.wordpress.com
Groupe D’action Pour la Promotion Socioculturelle et l’Alphabetisation
Groupe d’Action, de Paix et de Formation pour la Transformation – http://www.ong-gapafot.org
Groupe de Recherche – Action pour le Développement Intégral
Groupe de Recherche et d’Action pour la Promotion de l’Agriculture et du Développement
Groupe de Recherche et d’Action pour le Bien-Etre Social (GRABS)
Groupe de Recherches et d’Actions pour le Développement et l’Environnement
Groupe de Recherches et de Services en Appui au Developpement Durable (GRESADD)
Groupe de Réflexion et d’Action pour le Développement Rural – http://www.gredevel.fr
Groupe d’économie solidaire du Québec
Groupe des ONG pour la Convention relative aux droits de l’enfant – http://www.childrightsnet.org
Groupe D’etude et de Recherche en Economie Sociale
Groupe d’Initiative Commune des Agriculteurs Professionnels du Cameroun (GIC AGRIPO) – http://www.tayab.org
Groupe d’Initiative Commune des Agriculteurs Reunis
Groupe International de Travail pour les Peuples Autochtones – http://www.gitpa.org
Groupe sud Visions
Groupement d’Appui aux Initiatives Economiques des Femmes – http://gaiefemmes.courantsdefemmes.org/
Groupement de Promotion Integrale
Groupement pour l’Education et l’Investissement – http://www.geimisolded.com
Growth and Development Services – http://www.excelgds.org/directions.htm
Grupo Ambiental para el Desarrollo – http://www.gade.org.ar
Grupo de Adolescentes por Nicaragua
Grupo de Aplicação Interdisciplinar a Aprendizagem – http://www.gaiasocial.org.br
Grupo de Apoio aos povos kaiowa – http://www.ajindo.org.br
Grupo de Defesa Ecologica – http://www.grude.org.br
Grupo de Mães Amigas do Peito – http://www.amigasdopeito.org.br
Grupo de Mujeres de la Argentina – Foro de VIH, mujeres y familia – http://www.grupodemujeres.org.ar
Grupo de Pesquisa CNPq – Cibernética Pedagógica – Laboratório de Linguagens Digitais CCA/ECA/USP – http://www.eca.usp.br/interneca
Grupo Ecologico Sierra Gorda I.A.P. – http://www.sierragorda.net
Grupo Intercultural Almaciga – http://www.almaciga.org
Grupo Nacional de Trabajo para la Participación – http://www.gntp.org
Grupo Transdiciplinar de Estudos Ambientais Maricá – http://www.vhecologia.blogspot.com
GUAM Civil Development Center
Guangzhou Young Volunteers Association – http://www.125cn.net
GuardieAmbientali d’italia onlus Torino
GUARDS OF THE EARTH AND THE VULNERABLE – http://www.gevghana.org
Guerrand Hermes Foundation for Peace – http://www.ghfp.org
Guerreiros da Paz – http://www.paieai.com.br
Gugu Badhun Limited
Guinea Handicapped Foundation
Guinean Association of People with Disability
Guinee Humanitaire – http://guineehumanitaire.org
Gujarat National Law University – http://www.gnlu.ac.in
Gulf Research Center Foundation – http://www.grc.net
Guru Angad Dev Sewa Society, Punjab, Ludhiana
Gusenghwe Inc. – http://www.gusenghwe.com
Guyana Council of Organisations for Persons With Disabilities
Guyana National Council on Public Policy – http://www.GNCPP.ORG
Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association
Guyana Sex Work Coalition
Gwalior Hospital and Education Charitable Trust – http://www.helpchildrenofindia.org
Gwoup Lespwa ak Lavi (GLL)
Gyermekház Alapítvány – http://www.gyermekhaz.hu
h2 Empower – http://www.h2empower.org
H3 Foundation – Hearts & Hands of Humanity
Habitat for Humanity Int’l – http://www.habitat.org
Habitat International Coalition – http://www.hic-net.org
HACEY’s Health Initiative
Haiti Engineering, Inc. – http://www.HaitiEngineering.org
Haiti Mission – http://www.haitimissioninc.com
Haitian Advocacy Platform for an Alternative Development – http://www.papda.org
Haitien Women Association of Collier County, Inc – http://www.savethebabysin4libertehaiti.com
Haki Network – http://www.hakinetwork.org
Haki Yetu – http://www.hakiyetu.org
Halley Movement For Social and Community Development – http://www.halleymovement.org
Hallmark Education Foundation – http://www.hefeducation.com
Hallmark Media (Commonwealth Africa Journal)
Hamro Parbidhi: Ramro Nepal – http://www.hprnepal.org.np
Handikappförbundens samarbetsorgan – http://www.hso.se
HANDS – http://www.hands.org.pk
Hands of Love Group System Inc.
Hangu Rehabilitation & Development Organization – http://pk.linkedin.com/pub/hidayat-ullah-orakzia/21/a15/84b
Hape Development and welfare Association – http://www.hapebdn.co.nr
HAQ: Centre for Child Rights – http://www.haqcrc.org/
Haqq & Adalet Association – http://www.haqq-adalet.com
Harijans Development Society
Hariri Foundation for Sustainable Human Development – http://www.hariri-foundation.org
Harvard Humanitarian Initiative – http://www.hhi.harvard.edu
Harvard School of Public Health Center for Health Communication – http://www.hsph.harvard.edu
Harvard World Model United Nations – http://www.worldmun.org
Hasaan Foundation – http://www.hasaanfoundation.org
Hats Community Empowerment Programme – http://www.hacep2008.blogspot.com
HAUT COMMISSARIAT D’INTERVENTION GENERALE – http://www.hacig.centerblog.net
Hayat Boyu Sevgi Dernegi – http://www.hayatboyusevgi.com
Hayat Center For Civil Society Development – http://www.hayatcenter.ps
Hayi le Mbila [NPO 034-660]
Haz Building Ltd
Hazara United Movement – http://www.hazaraunitedmovement.wordpress.com
Heafa International – http://www.heafai.org/http://www.askafrica.org/http://www.onemillioncomp…
HEAL The Youth Foundation
Healing Heart Ministry (Foundation)
Healing Wings Therapeutic Community Centre – http://www.hwtcc.co.za
Health & Education Association for Development, Inc.
Health Access Initiative
Health Alert Organisation of India
Health and Education Alternative Development Studies – http://www.healdsindia.org
Health and Education for Less advanced People
Health Australia & Tanzania (HAT) – http://www.hat.org.au
Health Care Without Harm – http://www.noharm.org/
Health Connections International – http://www.healthconnections.info
Health Education and Literacy Program
Health Empowerment Africa
Health for All – http://www.healthforall.in/
Health Global Access Project Inc. – http://www.healthgap.org
Health Integrated development Agency
Health Link Development Center
Health Poverty Action – http://www.healthpovertyaction.org
Health Project – http://www.healthproject.8k.com
Health, Education and Environment Promotions for the Teeming Associates – http://www.heptabd.com
HealthNet TPO – http://www.healthnettpo.org
HealthRight International – http://www.healthright.org
Healthsystem Plus
Healthtech Caribbean
Healthy Caribbean Coalition
Healthy Earth
Healthy Environment Creative Society – http://hecs.webstarts.com
HEALTHY INDIA FOUNDATION – http://www.healthyindiafoundation.co.in
Healthy Options Project Skopje – http://www.hops.org.mk
Healthy Solutions – http://www.healthtysolutionsgroup.org
Heap Eradicate AIDS and Poverty
Heart Of Grace Foundation
Heartbeat International Foundation Inc – http://www.heartbeatsaveslives.com
Heavenly Shower of Peace Church of God
Heavenly Treasures Charity Foundation – http://www.htcf.org
HEDA Resource Centre – http://www.hedang.org
Hedge, Ghana
Heidelberger Forum für Politik und Wissenschaft – http://www.forum-hd.de
Heinrich Boell Foundation – http://www.boell.org
Helen Bamber Foundation – http://www.helenbamber.org
Helen Keller International, Inc – http://www.hki.org
Helena Chellamani Charity Foundation (HCCF)
Helena Kaushik Education Foundation – http://www.KAUSHIKFOUNDATION.ORG
Helenfred Initiative for Youth Education – http://www.helenfredinitiative.com.ng
HELIO International – http://www.helio-international.org
Helios Life Association – http://www.helioslife.org
Hellenic Action for Human Rights – Pleiades – http://www.hahur.com
Hellenic Center for Intercultural Psychiatry and Care Kostis Ballas – http://www.kii.gr
Hellenic Migration Policy Institute – http://www.imepo.org
Hellenic Research and Educational Institute Panos Mylonas for the Road Safety and the Prevention/Reduction of Traffic Accidents – http://www.ioas.gr
Helm of Peace & Energy – http://www.CMAADVISORS.IN
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ – http://www.ufz.de/
HELP – http://www.helpngo.org
Help A Child Africa – http://www.helpachild.org.uk
Help Age Gunjur – http://www.genvironment.co.uk
Help Age India – http://www.helpageindia.org
Help and Development Organization
Help and Development Organization (HDO)
Help Beyond Borders
Help Centre – http://www.helpcentre.hpage.com
Help for the Andes Foundation – http://www.helpfortheandes.org
HELP Foundation – http://www.helpfoundation.in
Help In Need – http://www.helpinneed.org
Help International Foundation/ Fundacion Ayuda International – http://www.helpinternationalfoundation.com
Help Less Unfortunate People Who Cannot Afford
Help Somalia Foundation – http://www.helpsomaliafoundation.org
HelpAge Canada – http://www.helpagecanada.ca
HelpAge Deutschland – http://www.helpage.de
HELPAGE GHANA – http://www.helpageghana.org
HelpAge International – http://www.helpage.org
HelpAge Sri Lanka – http://www.helpagesl.org
HelpAge USA – http://www.helpageusa.org
HelPeople Foundation no profit – http://www.helpeople.it
Helper Development Organization Pakistan (HDO) – http://www.heperdo.blogspot.com
Helping Angels Welfare Association – http://www.helpingangels.com.pk
Helping Backward Punjab
Helping Children – http://www.helpingchildrensl.org
Helping Hand For The Children in Haiti
Helping Hand Social and Welfare Society
HELPING HANDS AND HEARTS INC. – http://www.hhahj.jpn.org
Helping Hands For The Needy – http://www.helpinghandsworldwide.com
Helping Hands Inc – http://www.hhcharity.org
Helping Hands Trust – http://www.helpinghandstrust.net
Helping Hans for Service, Nepal
Helping Needy Children
HelpMeSee, Inc. – http://www.helpmesee.org
Helsinki Committee for Human Rights of the Republic of Macedonia – http://www.mhc.org.mk
HELSINKI ESPAÑA – HUMAN DIMENSION – http://www.humandimension.net
Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation – http://helvetas.org
Hem Memorial Society(Regd)
Hemaia Center For Supporting Human Rights Defenders – http://hemaiaa.wordpress.com/
HEPS Uganda – http://www.heps.org
Heritage Ethnico Organization Inc.
Heritage Foundation – http://www.heritagehealthcareindia.com
Heritage of National Environment Yeilding
Heritage University – http://www.heritage.edu
Heungsadahn, A Corporation – http://www.yka.or.kr
Hewad Organization Pakistan ® – http://www.hewadorg.com
HFC “Hope for Children”– UNCRC Policy Center – http://www.uncrcpc.org
High Atlas Foundation – http://www.highatlasfoundation.org/
High Hope Network
High Security Newplate Limited – http://www.signcomantigua.com
High-Level Task Force for ICPD
High-Level Task Force for the International Conference on Population and Development – http://www.icpdtaskforce.org
Himachal Children and Development Organisation – http://www.himachalchildren.org
Himalaya Conservation and Development Association – http://www.hcdakarnali.org
Himalayan Health & Environmental Services Solukhumbu – http://www.hhessolu.org
Himalayan Human Rights Monitors – http://www.himrights.org
Himalayan Jyoti Samiti – http://www.himalayanjyotisamiti.org
Himalayan Research and Cultural Foundation – http://www.himalayanresearch.org
Himilo Relief Development Association – http://www.hirda.org
Hindu Council of New Zealand Incorporated – http://www.hinducouncil.org.nz
Hindu Women’s Organisation of Trinidad and Tobago
Historical Memory Project CUNY – http://historicalmemoryproject.com/Historical_Memory_Project/Temporary.html
History Maker Networks – http://www.historymakernetworks.com
HIV Young Leaders Fund – http://www.hivyoungleadersfund.org
HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee – http://www.hacccambodia.org
HIV/AIDS Education & Development Center – http://www.boriaidsprogram.org
Hjerteforeningen – http://www.hjerteforeningen.dk
Hogar de Paralisis Cerebral Roberto Callejas Montalvo – HOPAC – http://www.hopac.org
HOLA – http://www.HolaVB.com
Holding Hand Organization
Holistic Development Nepal – http://www.foodsafetynepal.com
Holly Heart United
Holy Humanity
Holy Order of Paladin Ecclesia – http://www.holyorderpaladinecclesia.com
Holy State University of the International Church of Eternal Revival – http://churchofrevival.org/Holy_State_University2.htm
Home And Life Foundation – http://www.half.com
Home and Life Foundation (NGO) – http://www.halfnepal.com
Home School Legal Defense Association – http://www.hslda.org/
Hong Kong Federation of Women’s Centres – http://www.womencentre.org.hk
Hong Kong Women Foundation Ltd.
Hong Kong Women Professionals and Entrepreneurs Association – http://www.hkwpea.org
Hope Africa – http://www.hopecareservice.com/africa
Hope for Africa Network
Hope for Change – http://www.hfc-india.org
Hope for Children International Inc – http://www.hopeforchildrenintl.org
Hope for Family Development Initiative – http://www.hffdi.org
Hope for Life Association – http://www.hopeforlifeghana.com
Hope For Life Organization – http://www.hfl.org.pk
Hope For The Family, Inc
Hope for the Young Generation (HYG) Uganda
Hope For Them Foundation – http://www.hopeforthemfoundation.org
Hope Foundation (Regd) – http://www.hopefoundationpak.org
Hope Foundation NGO
Hope Makers Club for Youth and Sport – http://www.youthhopemakers.com
HOPE Serve to Humanity – http://www.hope4serve.com
Hope to the Future
Hope to the Future Congo Assistance
Hope worldwide
Hope Worldwide Nigeria
Horizon Aids Awareness and Support Organization
Horizon Charite Humaine pour un Developpement Durable
Horizon Communications
Horizon d’Echange et de Lutte Contre la Pauvreté
Horizon Foundation – http://www.myhorizonfoundation.org
Horizon Social Assistance Development Organization – http://www.horizonngo.org
Horn of Africa Aid and Rehabilitation Action Network – http://www.haaranusa.org
Hosabelaku – Sunrise – http://www.surnriseindia.org
Hosain’s Information Technology Society – https://sites.google.com/site/chalanbilsociety
Hospitalischer Orden des Heiligen Lazarus von Jerusalem der Vereinigten Großpriorate – http://www.saintlazarus.at
Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem Grand Priory of the United States – http://saintlazarus.ning.com
houqouqi association for disabled rights – http://www.houqouqi.org
House of Hadassah
House of Jacobs International – http://www.houseofjacobsint.org
House of Representatives of United Nations Foundation
Housing Africa Initiative – http://www.housingafrica.org.za
Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society – http://www.worldcongress.org
Howrah Protect Environment & Nature – http://www.pen.page4.me
HRH Camad M. Ali of the Sultanate of Baloi
HRIDAY (Health Related Information Dissemination Amongst Youth) – http://www.hriday-shan.org
Hrvatsko Kulturno Drustvo Napredak – http://www.hkdnapredak.com
HTI Alumni Association – http://www.facebook.com/HTIAlumni
Huduma Kwa Jamii Programme – http://www.hudumakwajamii.org
HUJRA, Village Support Organization – http://www.hujra.org
Human Action for Rural Development
Human Affect Ad Hoc Unit International Charitable Trust – http://www.humanaffect.com
Human Appeal Organization Jaffarabad – http://www.humanappealorg.webs.com
Human Development and Reproductive Health, Right NGO Network of Mongolia
Human Development Foundation HDF
Human Development Foundation Peshawar Pakistan – http://www.hdfpak.org
Human Development Foundationtan6 – http://www.hdf.org.in
Human Development Initiative Pakistan – http://www.hdipakistan.org
Human Development Organization – http://www.hdosrilanka.org
Human Development Organization (HDO) – http://www.hdosrilanka.org
Human Development Society – http://www.hdsindia.org
Human Development Society India
Human Development Society Pakistan – http://www.hdspakistan.org
Human Dignity Society, Balochistan – http://www.hds.org.pk
Human Effort for Love and Peace Foundation J & K – http://www.helpfoundation.co
Human Empowerment and Liberty Program
Human First, Inc. – http://www.humanfirst.org
Human Friends Citizen Community Board, Thul
Human Health Aid – http://www.humanahealthaid.org
Human Impacts Institute – http://www.HumanImpactsInstitute.org
Human in Love – http://www.hil.or.kr/main/main.php
Human Life International, Inc. – http://www.hli.org/
HUMAN Network INDIA – http://www.humanindia.org
Human Relief Foundation – http://www.hrf.org.uk
Human Resource and Material Development Foundation (HURMAD) – http://www.facebook.com/hurmad
Human Resource Development Society – http://www.hrdsociety.org
Human Resource Management Institute – http://www.HRMI.org
Human Rights & Law Network
Human Rights & Legit Group
Human Rights Advocacay Centre – http://www.hracghana.org
Human Rights Advocates International, Inc.
Human Rights Association for Community Development in Assiut – http://www.assuithumanrights.org
Human Rights Association for good – https://www.facebook.com/Nagwa666666
Human Rights Center – http://www.hridc.orghttp://www.humanrights.gehttp://www.caucasusnetwork.org
Human Rights Commission for Monorities,Bangladesh
Human Rights Committee
Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM) – http://www.hrcbm.org
Human Rights Council Of India – http://www.hrcofindia.org
Human Rights Defenders Solidarity Network – Uganda
Human Rights Development International – http://www.justicegroup.us
Human Rights Focus Pakistan – http://www.hrfngo.org
Human Rights for Violence Conflict Foundation of Nepal
Human Rights’ Forum – http://www.hrfpakistan.org
Human Rights Information Network (HuRINet) – http://www.hurinetnigeria.org
Human Rights International Organization – http://www.facebook.com/humanrightsis1st
Human Rights Lawyers’ Society
Human Rights Legal Aid Fund – http://www.humanrightsfund.org
Human Rights Organization (An International Organization) – http://hrointernational.info
Human Rights Protection Mission – http://www.hrpmindia.com
Human Rights Protection Opganisacion Democratic and Fair Geotgia
Human Rights Sanrakshan Sansthaa
Human Rights Society
Human Rights Teaching International
Human Rights Voice For Minorities – http://www.hrvm.org
Human Rights Welfare Foundation – https://www.hrwf.org.in
Human Rights Working Group Indonesia – http://www.hrwg.org
Human Rights, justice and Peace Foundation
Human Rigth and Forest Brain Africa – http://www.hurifba.org
Human Rithts Organization – http://www.humanrightsorganization.asia
Human Sciences Research Council – http://www.hsrc.ac.za
Human Shield – http://www.humanshieldpk.org
Human Shield Trust – http://www.humanshieldpk.org
Human Support Services
Human Touch India
Human Trafficking Awareness Council – http://www.htacouncil.org
Human Welfare And Development Trust
Human Welfare Society
Humanae World – http://www.humanae.com.br
Humanidad Derechos Humanos
Humanio Development Organization – http://www.humanio.org(willcomesoon)
Humanisme sans Frontieres – http://www.jefaismapart.org
Humanist Institute for Co-operation with Developing Countries – http://www.hivos.nl
Humanistic university of america – http://www.humanisticuniversity.org
Humanitaire Plus
Humanitarian Accountability Partnership International – http://www.hapinternational.org/
Humanitarian Aid & Development – http://www.hadhq.org-hadye.org-http://www.hadcon.org
Humanitarian Aid and Development – http://www.hadhq.org
Humanitarian Assistance Trust of Zimbabwe
Humanitarian Care and Relief Organization
Humanitarian Focus Foundation – http://www.humanitarianfocus.org
Humanitarian Law Agency
Humanitarian Legal Center
Humanitarian Media Foundation – http://www.humanitarianmedia.org
Humanitarian Organisation of Pskov’s Region Happy Childhood – http://www.hchil.org
Humanitarian Resource Institute – http://www.humanitarian.net
Humanitarian Welfare Foundation
Humanitarians in Action – http://ha-cameroon.asso-web.com
HUMANITERRA INTERNATIONAL – http://www.humani-terra.org
Humanity Family Foundation for Peace and Development – http://www.huffped.org
Humanity for Orphans, Youth and Widows Initiatives Kenya – http://www.hoywikafrica.org
Humanity Helping Sudan Project – http://www.humanityhelpingsudanproject.org
Humanity Services South Africa – http://www.humanityservices.org.za
Humanity Without Frontiers – http://www.humanitywif.org
HumanKind – http://www.humankindcaringformankind.blogspot.com
Humanos con Recursos – http://www.humanosconrecursos.com
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
HUMINT – http://www.humint.org.uk
Humsafar foundation
Hunch Welfare Foundation – http://www.hunchngo.org
Hungarian Association Against Violence and Discrimination – http://www.meeme.hupont.hu
Hunger Free World – http://leadfrancophoneafrica.org/
Hunger Project, The – http://www.thp.org
Hunt Alternatives Fund – http://www.huntalternatives.org;http://www.inclusivesecurity.org
Hunter College Center for Community and Urban Health – http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/schoolhp/centers/comm_urb/about.htm
Hussaini Foundation – http://www.hussainifoundation.org
Hussaini Organization for Local Development HOLD
HWF (Human Welfare Foundation)
Hynniewtrep Integrated Rural Development Organisation
I Cavalieri Della Croce Azzurra
I.C.H.R. Arbitration, Politics and Strategic Studies – http://www.ichaps.org
I.D.E.A.L. International Initiative D’Entraide Aux Libertés – http://www.ideal-international.org
I.qtisadi Resurslar?n Öyr?nilm?si I.ctimai Birliyi – http://www.ser-az.org
I.R?LI. I.CTI.MAI. BI.RLI.YI. – http://www.ireli.az
IAMMA (Institute of Agricultural Marketing,Management & administration) – http://www.iamma.8m.com
Iansa Women Network Nigeria
i-Bangla – http://i-bangla.com
IBC – International Blue Crescent Humanitarian Relief and Development Foundation
IBFAN Brasil – http://www.ibfan.org.br
IBIS København
Ibn Sina Academy of Medieval Medicine and Sciences – http://www.ibnsinaacademy.org
IBREA Foundation – http://www.ibreaus.org
iBreathe – http://www.ibreathe.com.ng
Ibsa Inc. – http://www.ibsa-inc.org
ICCA Consortium – http://www.iccaconsortium.org/
Ice Foundation – http://www.icefoundation.co.in
Icebo Youth Trust
ICG Youth Initiative – http://www.icgyouth.org
Icirore C’amahoro – http://icirore-camahoro.org
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, South Asia – http://www.iclei.org/sa
ICNA Relief USA – http://www.icnarelief.org
ICO Green Dossier – http://www.dossier.org.ua
Icod Action Network – http://www.icoduganda.org
ICOM Africa – http://www.icomafrica.webs.com
ICON PHILANTHROPIC FOUNDATION – http://www.icon-foundation.org
ICVolunteers – http://www.icvolunteers.org
ICW Zambia International Community of Women Living with HIV in Zambia
ID Nepal
Idara Aaghosh – http://www.idaraaaghosh.org
I-Dare for Sustainable Development – http://www.i-dare.org
IDAY- International – http://www.iday.org
Ideal World Foundation
IDEAS for US – http://IDEASforUs.org
IDP Foundation, Inc. – http://www.idpfoundation.org
IFAAR e.V. – http://www.ifaar.org
IFRTK Trust – http://www.ifrtk.org
Igarape Institute
Igbo Youth Congress
Iglesia de Scientology de España – Depto Derechos Humanos
Iglesia Luz Unitaria Universal – http://www.facebook.com/luz.unitaria
Igorota Foundation Inc.
Igreja Evangélica Assembleia de Deus Central em São Leopoldo
Igrow Global Commerce Summit – http://www.igrowsummit.org
Ihanktonwan Dakota Oyate Treaty Steering Committee
IIDA Women’s Development Organization – http://www.iidaonline.net
Ikatan Pemuda Gayo
Ikhwezi Women’s Support Centre
Ikosi/Ejinrin Local Council Development Area
Ileto Caribbean People’s Network Ileto (Caribbean ya Watu wa Mtandao)
Ilitha Labantu – http://www.ilithalabantu.org.za
Illah Development Organization
Ilngwesi Afya Program – http://www.ilngwesi.com
Ilyas Afandiyev International Foundation – http://www.ilyasafandiyev.com
ImageMagica – http://www.imagemagica.org
Imagination x Inspiration x Innovation Foundation
Imam Ali’s Popular Students Relief Society – http://www.sosapoverty.org
Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation – http://www.emdad.ir
Imam Shirazi World Foundation – http://www.iswf.us
Immigration Texas – http://www.immigrationtexas.org
Impact Nigeria
Impacto Asociación Civil – http://www.ongimpacto.org
Imperial College Energy Society – http://www.ic-energy.org/
Improve Families Health Consortium (IFACO) – http://www.ifaconetwork.org
Improve our Village Social Organization – https://sites.google.com/site/senacnenkmergyugehk/
Impulse NGO Network – http://www.impulseasia.org/
Impunity Watch Foundation – http://www.impunitywatch.org
INAWEZEKANA to Create Decent Livelihoods
Incad Foundations
Inclusive Democratic Initiative
Inclusive Humanity – http://www.inclusivehumanity.com
Inclusive Planet Centre for Disability Law and Policy – http://www.inclusiveplanet.org.in
Inclusive Student Society – http://iss-ucp.com/
Incomindios Schweiz – http://www.incomindios.ch
Incredible Indians
Indalo Yethu South Africa’s Environemntal Agency – http://www.indaloyethu.org
Independent Advocacy Project LTDGTE – http://www.iap-nigeria.org
independent communication strategies
Independent Jewish Voices Canada – http://www.ijvcanada.org
Independent Living For People with Disabilities – http://www.ilpd.org
Independent Living Institute – http://www.independentliving.org
India 800 Foundation – http://www.india800.org
India Media Centre
Indian Association of Parliamentarians on Population and Development
Indian Committee of Youth Organizations (ICYO) – http://www.icyo.in
Indian Confederation of Indigenous and Tribal Peoples North East Zone – http://www.icitp-nez.org
Indian Council of South America (CISA)
Indian Development Foundation – http://www.idf.org.in
Indian Dreams Foundation
Indian Environmental Society – http://www.iesglobal.org
Indian Media Centre For Journalists – http://www.imcfj.org.in
Indian Muslim Council – USA – http://www.imc-usa.org
Indian Science Communication Society – http://www.iscos.org
Indian Social Institute – Bangalore – http://www.isiblr.org
Indigenous & Disability People’s Association
Indigenous Circassian Adyghe Nation – A Nation-in-Exile – http://www.circassiannation.com
Indigenous Information Network – http://www.indigenous-info-kenya.net
Indigenous People of Africa Coordinating Committee – http://www.ipacc.org.za/eng/default.asp
Indigenous People of Biafra – http://www.indigenouspeopleofbiafra.org
Indigenous Peoples Development Foundation – http://indigenousdevelopment.wordpress.com
Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for Policy Research and Education – http://www.tebtebba.org/
Indigenous Peoples Links – http://www.piplinks.org
Indigenous Peoples of Africa Coordinating Committee (IPACC) – http://www.ipacc.org.za
Indigenous Peoples of Yamassee Nation – http://www.yamasseenation.com
Indigenous Peoples Organization – http://www.jumchab.org
Indigenous People’s Welfare Society
Indigenous Women League Nepal
Indigenous Women’s Network – http://www.indigenouswomen.org
Indira Gandhi National Foundation – http://www.indiragandhifoundation.org
Indo-Global Social Service Society – http://www.igsss.org
Indonesia Student & Youth Forum
Indra Nagar Ambedkar Seva Sanga
Indraprastha Public Affairs Centre – http://www.ipacindia.org
Indus Development Society – http://www.indusdevsoc.org
Indus Resource Centre – http://www.irc-pakisatn.com
Indus Welfare Association – http://www.induswelfare.org
Info plus Taraz NGO – http://lara-www.blogspot.com/
Infobox Australia
Information Resource Center Common Home
Information Vehicle in Sub Sahara and International Organizations and Networks – http://www.ivission.net
Iniciativa Brasileira em Direito Alimentício e Farmacêutico – http://www.ibdaf.org.br
Iniciativa Ciudadana para la Promoción de la Cultura del Diálogo, A.C. – http://www.iniciativaciudadana.org.mx
Iniciativa Ciudadana y Desarrollo Social – http://www.incidesocial.org
Iniciativa Social Para la Democracia – http://www.isd.org.sv
Iniciativa YURTA-ADENYT – http://www.iniciativa-yurta.org
Iniciativas y Estrategias para el Desarrollo Humano Sustentable – http://www.iniciativasyestrategias.org
Initiatieve pour le Developpement de Centrafrique or IDC
Initiative des Femmes pour la Paix en Afrique Centrale – http://www.pasdesite
Initiative for Care and Empowerment Support
Initiative For Community Development – http://www.icdngo.org
Initiative for Environment, Health and Social Development – http://www.ontheprocess
Initiative for Peace, Empowerment & Tolerance
Initiative For Rural Areas Transformation
Initiative for Social Development and Human Dignity in Nigeria
Initiative for the Protection of Civic Rights
Initiative Nationale d’Encadrement par des Actions Sociales
Initiative Nepal – http://www.initiativenepal.org
Initiative Plurielle
Initiative pour L’emergence des Valeurs Civiques et Democratiques
Initiative pour un Développement Durable en Afrique
Initiatives – http://www.theinitiatives.org
Initiator Human Development Foundation – http://www.initiator.org
Innovation I+D+I – http://www.innovationguatemala.com
Innovation: Africa – http://www.innoafrica.org
Insaan Welfare Organization
Insan Dost Association – http://www.idapk.org
Insan Foundation Trust – http://www.insan.org.pk
Insan Organization for Community Development
Insan Welfare Foundation Pakistan – http://www.iwfp.org
Insani Destek Dernegi – https://www.facebook.com/groups/buildhuman
Insani Müdafa ve Kardeslik Dernegi – http://www.imkander.org.tr/en/
Inspiring Educators
Instittuto das Religiosas do Sagrado Coração de Maria – http://www.rscmb.com.br
Instituicao de Ética e Valores Humanos Estrela da Paz – http://estrelinhasdapaz.blogspot.com/
Instituicao de Tradicoes e Cultura Afro-Brasileira Sao Judas Tadeu
Institut Català Internacional per la Pau – http://www.icip.cat
Institut d’Alphabétisation pour la Paix et le Développement
Institut d’Economie Afriacine – http://www.inafecon.org
Institut des Technologies de L’information et de la Communication pour le Developpement – http://www.intic4dev.org
Institut für interkulturelle Zusammenarbeit und Dialog – http://www.dialog-institut.ch
Institut Hypatia d’Alexandrie pour la Reflexion et les Etudes – http://www.ihare.net
Institut international pour la paix, la justice et les droits de l’Homme- IIPJDH – http://www.iipjhr.com
Institut Libanais de Développement Économique et Social – http://www.ildeslebanon.org
Institut Panafricain pour le Développement – http://www.paidafrica.org
Institut pour les Droits Fondamentaux et la Justice Sociale
Institut Universitaire Varenne
Institute for Child Witness Research and Training – http://www.childwitness.net
Institute for Communication & Development Action – http://www.icda.org.in
Institute for Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding – http://www.institute-icp.ch
Institute for Decentralized Alternative Awareness – http://www.idaagte.lk-underconstruction
Institute for Democracy in Southern Africa – http://www.idasa.org
Institute for Development Exchange – http://www.index.org.in
Institute for Economic Research on Innovation – http://www.ieri.org.za
Institute for Economics and Peace Limited – http://www.economicsandpeace.org
Institute for Global Environmental Strategies – http://www.iges.or.jp
Institute for Global Health , University College London
Institute for Gulf Affairs – http://www.gulfinstitute.org
Institute for Human Development – http://www.ihdindia.org
Institute for Human Rights & Business Limited – http://www.institutehrb.org
Institute for Humanist Studies – http://www.humaniststudies.org
Institute for Integrated Rural Development
Institute for Justice and Reconciliation – http://www.ijr.org.za
Institute for Multicultural Counseling and Education Services, Inc. – http://www.imces.org
Institute for Multitrack Diplomacy – http://www.imtd.org
Institute for Poverty Alleviation and International Development – http://ipaid.yonsei.ac.kr
Institute for Practical Idealism – http://www.legacyintl.org
Institute for Reporters’ Freedom and Safety – http://www.irfs.az
Institute for Security Studies – http://www.issafrica.org
Institute for Sustainable Development and Research (ISDR) – http://www.isdronline.com
Institute for the Development in Education, Arts and Leisure – http://www.idealsociety.org
Institute for the Development of Civil Society
Institute for Women’s Studies and Research – http://www.iwsr.org
Institute International pour les relations Diplomatiques – http://www.iird.org
Institute of Asian Culture & Development – http://www.iacd.or.kr/
Institute of Atiye Philanthropic Help for Mental Disabled Persons – http://www.atiiye.blogfa.com
Institute of Cultural Affairs International – http://www.ica-international.org
Institute Of Democratic And Business Development
Institute of Developing Economies – JETRO – http://www.ide.go.jp/English/index.html
Institute of Economic Affairs Gambia.
Institute of Education for Disabled People – http://www.iedsom.org
Institute of Education Training and Development – http://www.ietdindia.org
Institute of Education, University of London – http://www.ioe.ac.uk/
Institute of Hazrat Mohammad – http://www.ihmsaw.org
Institute of Hazrat Mohammad (SAW)
Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law – http://www.ihrhl-ng.org
Institute of Human Rights and Services – http://www.ihrs-bd.com
Institute of Human Rights, Monywa, Burma – http://www.windowslive.com/calendar/InstituteofHumanRights
Institute of International Education, Inc. (IIE) – http://www.iie.org
Institute of International Social Development – http://www.iisd-ngo.org
Institute of Population, Health and Development – http://www.phad.org
Institute of Professional Research – http://www.ipr.net.in
Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (IBVM) – http://www.ibvm.org
Institute on Disability and Public Policy – http://www.aseanidpp.org
Institute Reciclar-T3 – http://www.reciclar-t3.org.br
Institute Voluntariat – http://www.zavod-voluntariat.si
Instituti i Studimeve per Camerine – http://www.cameriainstitute.org
Instituti SEDA
Institution of Foresters Kerala
Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
Instituto Advb de Responsabilidade Socioambiental – http://www.institutoadvb.org.br
Instituto Alana – http://www.alana.org.br
Instituto Amazônia – http://www.iamazonia.org.br
Instituto Amazônia Livre – http://www.amazonialivre.org
Instituto Ambiente em Movimento – http://www.iam.net.br/english
Instituto Americano para la Orientación Sexual – http://www.homosexualidad.com.mx
Instituto Árvore da Vida – http://ongiav.blogspot.com
Instituto Baleia Jubarte – http://www.baleiajubarte.org.br
Instituto Banco do Empreendedor – http://www.bemcred.com.br
Instituto Bem Estar Brasil – http://bemestarbrasil.org.br
Instituto Binacioal de las Fronteras/AMASDA
Instituto BioAtlântica
Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Ambiental – http://www.ibda.org.br
Instituto Brasileiro de Integracao das Nacoes-Ibin – http://www.ibin.com.br
Instituto Brasileiro de Mineração – http://www.ibram.org.br
Instituto Brasileiro de Políticas de Juventude – http://www.ibpj.org.br
Instituto Brasileiro de Proteção e Amparo aos Moradores de Rua Ocultos na Rua – http://proamor.org/
Instituto Caá Oby – http://www.caaoby.org.br
Instituto Cabruca – http://www.cabruca.org.br
Instituto Consulado da Mulher – http://www.consuladodamulher.org.br
Instituto da Criança – http://www.institutodacrianca.org.br
Instituto de Acao Cultural
Instituto de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento e a Preservação da Natureza – http://www.inan.org.br
Instituto de Artes Aurimar Monteiro de Araújo – http://www.institutoama.org.br
Instituto de Cidades e Vilas com Mobilidade – http://www.institutodemobilidade.org
Instituto de Criminalistica e Ciencias Policiais da America Latina – http://www.inscrim.org
Instituto de Derecho Ambiental y de la Sustentabilidad
Instituto de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Socioambiental – http://www.idesabrasil.org.br
Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável – http://www.idest.org.br
Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Amazônia – http://www.idesa.wordpress.com
Instituto de Ensenanza para el Desarrollo Sostinible – http://www.iepades.org
Instituto de Estudios Comparados en Ciencias Penales y Sociales – http://www.inecip.org
Instituto de Estudios del Hambre – http://www.ieham.org
Instituto de Estudios Estratégicos y Políticas Públicas – http://www.ieepp.org
Instituto de Estudios Internacionales – http://www.ideibo.org
Instituto de Estudos Avançados – Universidade de São Paulo – http://www.iea.usp.br
Instituto de Estudos da Religião – http://www.iser.org.br
Instituto de Estudos Monteiro Lobato – http://www.ieml.org.br
Instituto de Liderazgo de Las Segovias – http://www.illsegovias.org
Instituto de Olimpiadas do Conhecimento – http://www.redepoc.com
Instituto de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento do Movimento
Instituto de Pesquisas e Educacao para o Desenvolvimento Sustentavel – IPEDS (Research and Education for Sustainable Development Institute) – http://www.ipeds.org.br
Instituto de Pesquisas em Ecologia Humana – http://www.ipeh.org.br
Instituto de Pesquisas Especiais para a Sociedade – IPES – http://ipes.cemib.unicamp.br/ipes/index.php
Instituto de Politologia de la Religion – http://institutopolitologiareligion.blogspot.com
Instituto de Protagonismo Juvenil – http://www.juventudeprotagonista.org.br
Instituto de Sustentabilidade Social – http://institutodesustentabilidadesocial-org.blogspot.com
Instituto do Cuidar – http://www.institutodocuidar.com.br
Instituto dos Arquitetos do Brasil, Departamento Alagoas – http://www.iabal.com.br/
Instituto Ecologia Interior – http://www.ecologiainterior.org.br
Instituto Embratel 21 – http://www.institutoembratel21.org.br/
Instituto Gama da Silveira – http://www.institutogamadasilveira.org.br/
Instituto Gênesis 1.28 – http://www.ig128.org.br
Instituto Global Attitude – http://www.globalattitude.org.br
Instituto HSBC Solidariedade – http://www.hsbc.com.br/sustentabilidade
Instituto Humanitare – http://www.humanitare.org
Instituto Internacional de las Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones para el Desarrollo – http://www.facebook.com/EnergiassRenovables
Instituto Internacional Inteligencia Corp. – http://www.inteligenciacorporativa.amawebs.com
Instituto International Paper – http://www.institutoip.com.br/
Instituto Itapoty – http://www.itapoty.org.br
Instituto Lojas Renner
Instituto Mão Pra Toda Obra – http://www.maopratodaobra.org
Instituto Mãos Limpas Brazil – http://www.maoslimpasbrasil.com.br
Instituto Melhores Práticas de Gestão – http://www.impg.org.br
Instituto MetaSocial – http://www.metasocial.org.br
Instituto Mídia Étnica – http://www.correionago.com.br
Instituto Missão da Paz – http://www.missaodapaz.com
Instituto Nacional de Formacion Productiva y Tecnologica AC.
Instituto Novo Brasil Pelo Carimbo Solidario – http://www.6rtd-rj.com.br/novo/eng/carimbo/
Instituto Nupef – http://www.nupef.org.br
Instituto Para la Participación y el Desarrollo-INPADE-Asociación Civil – http://www.foco.org.ar
Instituto Peruano de Paternidad Responsable – http://www.inppares.org
Instituto Pró Juventude
Instituto Qualicidade – http://www.qualicidade.org.br
Instituto Regional da Pequena Agropecuária Apropriada – http://www.irpaa.org
Instituto Rodrigo Mendes – http://www.institutorodrigomendes.org.br
Instituto Santa Consciencia
Instituto Sapiens para Desenvolvimento de Tecnologias Sociais
Instituto Sentinelas Socio-Ecoambientais da Amazonia-Isseamazon – http://isseamazon.blogspot.com
Instituto Sindical Interamericano Pela Igualdade Racial – http://www.inspir.cjb.net
Instituto Social y Politico de la Mujer – http://www.ispm.org.ar
Instituto Trata Brasil – http://www.tratabrasil.org.br
Instytut Statystyki Kosciola Katolickiego SAC – http://www.iskk.pl
Integrated Anti-Human Trafficking and Community Development Initiative
Integrated Community and Industrial Development in Bangladesh – http://www.incidinb.org
Integrated Community Education and Development Association – http://www.iceda.org.et
Integrated Consulting Resources Ltd
Integrated Development Initiatives IDI – http://idichtorg.blog.com
Integrated Development Nepal – http://www.idnepal.org.np
Integrated Pastoral Development Initiative
Integrated Regional Support Programme – http://www.irsp.org.pk
Integrated Rural Development Center – http://www.irdcngo.com
Integrated Rural Development Centre
Integrated Rural Development Foundation of the Philippines
Integrated Rural Uplift Programe
Integrated Social Development Effort(ISDE) Bangladesh – http://www.isdebangladesh.org
Integrated Women Development Institute – http://www.iwdi.org
Integratio Mediação Social e Sustentabilidade – http://www.integratio.com.br
Integreted Tribal Development Society
Integrity and Transparency Promotion Initiative
Integrujace Stowarzyszenie Jeden Swiat imienia profesor Zbigniew Religa – http://www.jedenswiat.org
Inteligencia de Negocios Cap, A.C. – http://sites.google.com/site/freecubator/
Intellect Business and Training Consultants – http://ibtc.webs.com/
Intellect Initiatives for Economic Empowerment and Development – http://iieed.webs.com
Intellectual Consortium
Intelligence Bureau Investigation Corp – http://www.interdipco.org
Inter African Committee In Norway
Inter Mountain Peoples’ Education and Culture in Thailand Association
Inter Syndicale des Travailleurs du Niger
InterAcademy Panel on International Issues
Interact Worldwide
Inter-Action Globale(I.A.G)
Interaction, American Council for Voluntary International Action
InterAction: multifaith youth network – http://www.interaction.org.au
Inter-agency Standing Committee for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
Interaid Uganda LTD – http://www.interaiduganda.org
Interaktivna mreza za obrazovanie i resursi – http://www.imor.org.mk
Inter-American Bar Association – http://www.iaba.org/
InterAmerican Heart Foundation – http://www.interamericanheart.org
Inter-American Housing Union – http://www.uniapravi.org
Inter-American Parliamentary Group on Population and Development – http://www.iapg.org
Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy – http://www.ripess.org
Intercultural Network for Development and Peace
Intercultural Open University Foundation – http://www.ioufoundation.org/index.php
Inter-Faith Action for Peace in Africa – http://www.ifapa-africa.org
Interfaith coalition For Peace – http://www.icpindia.org
Interfaith Forum of Muslim and Christian Women’s Association (a.k.a. Women Interfaith Council, WIC) – http://www.womeninterfaithcouncil.org
Interfaith Ghana – http://www.interfaithghana.ning.com
Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization – http://www.ireoigo.org
Interights Advocates – http://www.interightsadvocates.org
Intermon – http://www.IntermonOxfam.org
Internacional de Trabajadores de la Construccion y Madera – http://www.bwint.org
Internacional Juvenil – http://www.internacionaljuvenil.org
Internacional Museum of the Royal House of Portugal – http://www.museum-rhp.org
Internatiional Human Rights Commission Public Trust – http://www.inthrc.com
Internation Project
International Academy of Alternative Psycholgy and Therapy
International Academy of Sobriety – http://intacso.com
International Accountability Mechanisms
International Action Network on Small Arms – http://www.iansa.org
International Administrative Science Association – http://www.un-iasa.org
International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness – http://www.iapb.org/http://www.VISION2020.org
International Agency of Public Security – http://www.aiaps.ch
International Alliance of Catholic Knights – http://www.iack.org
International Alliance of Inhabitants – http://www.habitants.org
International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations – http://www.patientsorganizations.org
International Alliance of Women – http://www.womenalliance.org
International Arbitration Court of Cassation and Heraldry and Nobility “IIRD” – http://www.iird.org
International Assembly For Human Rights
International Assembly of Roma – http://www.assemblyofroma.info
International Association for Community Development – http://www.iacdglobal.org
International Association for Correctional and Forensic Psychology – http://www.ia4cfp.org
International Association for Counselling – http://www.iac-irtac.org
International Association for Feminist Economics – http://www.iaffe.org
International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care, Inc. – http://www.hospicecare.com
International Association for Housing Science
International Association for Human Values – http://www.iahv.org
International Association for Research in Income and Wealth
International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) – http://www.glocha.info
International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience – http://www.iaeste.org
International Association for the Scientific Study of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities – http://www.iassid.org
International Association for the Study of Obesity – http://www.iaso.org
International Association of Airline Trainer Managers and Directors
International Association of Consumer Food Organizations – http://www.iacfo.org
International Association of Financial Management – http://www.interfima.org
International Association of Genocide Scholars, Inc., The – http://www.genocidescholars.org/
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics – http://www.iagg.info
International Association of Independent Journalists Inc. – http://www.iaij.org
international Association of justice watch – http://www.jwa.ir
International Association of Liberal Religious Women – http://www.ialrw.org
International Association of Nature Conservators
International Association of Schools of Social Work – http://www.iassw-aiets.org
International Association of World Peace Advocates – http://www.worldpeaceadvocates.com
International Black Sea Club – http://www.i-bsc.org
International Blue Cross & Blue Crescent – http://www.blue-cross.in
International Blue Cross Organisation – http://www.health4humanity.org.in
International Bodyguard Association – http://www.ibabodyguards.com
International Buddhist Organization for Culture Education and Social Development – http://www.onlinebuddhism.org&http://www.phatphaptrenmang.com
International Bureau for Epilepsy (IBE) – http://www.ibe-epilepsy.org
International Bureau of Public Safety – http://www.bureauofpublicsafety.org
International Business Leaders Forum – http://www.iblf.org
International Campaign for Freedom and Peace
International Career Institute – http://www.ici.net.au
International Career Support Association – http://www.ngoicsa.or.jp/
International Cartographic Association – http://www.icaci.org
International Catholic Child Bureau – http://www.bice.org
International Catholic Migration Commission Europe – http://www.icmc.net
International Caucasus Foundation on MInority Issues (ICFMI) – http://www.icfmi.narod.ru
International Center for AIDS Care and Treatment Programs (ICAP) – http://www.columbia-icap.org
International Center for Alcohol Policies – http://www.icap.org
International Center for Disability Resources on the Internet (ICDRI), The – http://www.icdri.org
International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service – http://www.iceers.org
International Center for Ethno-Religious Mediation – http://www.icermediation.org
International Center for Research on Women (ICRW) – http://www.icrw.org
International Center for Work and Family – http://www.iese.edu/en/faculty-research/research-centers/icwf/
International Center Innovations in Civic Participation (ICP)
International Center of the Roerichs – http://www.icr.su
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development – http://www.icimod.org
International Centre for Social Research and Policy Analysis – http://www.icsrpa.org.ge
International Centre For Study and Development
International Centre for the Prevention of Crime – http://www.crime-prevention-intl.org/
International Centre For Women Empowerment and child Development
International Centre for Youth Development on Information Communication Technology – http://www.icydict.org
International Certification and Reciprocity Consortium – http://www.icrcaoda.org/Contact.asp
International Challenge Nepal – http://www.internationalchallenge.org.np
International Chamber of Commerce – http://www.iccwbo.org
International Charitable Organization United Planet – http://www.unitedplanetfound.org
International Charity Non-Government Organization
International Child Rights Center – http://www.incrc.org
International Childcare Trust – http://www.international-childcare-trust.org
International Church of Eternal Revival – http://churchofrevival.org
International Circle of Faith Chaplaincy Corps Ltd/Gte – http://www.icofccafrica.org
International Civil Organization Institute Ukrainiki – http://ukrainica.org.ua/
International Cleft Lip and Palate Foundation (ICPF) – http://www.icpfweb.org/
International Club for Peace Research
International Coalition Against Violence in Iran – http://www.icavi.co
International Collective in Support of Fishworkers (ICSF) – http://www.icsf.net
International Commission for Dalit Rights – http://www.icdrforum.org
International Commission for Labor Rights – http://www.laborcommission.org
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage – http://www.icid.org/
International Community Empowerment & Pastoralist Education Program – http://www.ICEPEP.ORG
International Conference of Asian Political Parties (ICAPP) – http://www.theicapp.org
International Congo Aid – Smile African Children – http://www.icasacngo.webs.com
International Consortium for Social Development – Asia Pacific Branch – http://socialdevelopment.net/branches.htm
International Cooperative Alliance – http://www.ica.coop
International Council For Caring Communities, Inc. – http://www.international-iccc.org
International Council for Human Development – http://www.ichd.eu
International Council for Human Rights – http://www.ichrworld.org
International Council for the Day of Vesak (ICDV) – http://www.icdv.org
International Council for the Indigenous Peoples of the CHT
International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO) – http://www.icaso.org
International Council of Environmental Law – http://www.i-c-e-l.org
International Council of Graphic Design Associations – http://www.icograda.org
International Council of Russian Compatriots – ICRC – http://www.msrs.ru
International Council of Scientific Unions – http://www.icsu.org
International Council of Women / Conseil International des Femmes – http://www.icw-cif.com
International Council on Alcohol and Addictions
International Council on Management of Population Programmes – http://www.icomp.org.my
International Council on Social Welfare – http://www.icsw.org
International Court of Environmental Arbitration and Conciliation (ICEAC) – http://www.iceac.sarenet.es/
International Criminal Defense Attorneys Association – http://www.aiad-icdaa.org
International Crusader World Army Foundation, Inc.
International Cultural Youth Exchange Kenya
International Culture University – http://www.icu-edu.org
International Cystic Fibrosis (Mucoviscidosis) Association
International Development of Persia co – http://www.idopc.blogfa.com
International Development Research Centre
International Development Students Society – http://www.africa-idss.org
International Diabetes Federation – http://www.idf.org
International Diabetes Federation – European Region
International Diabetes Federation – Middle East and North Africa
International Diabetes Federation – North American and Caribbean Region
International Diabetes Federation – South American and Caribbean Region
International Diabetes Federation – South East Asia Region
International Diabetes Federation – Western Pacific Region
International Education and Leadership Development Academy – http://www.internleadershipacademy.org/
International Engineering Business Academy – http://www.IEBA.us
International Eurasia Press Fund – http://www.iepf-ngo.org
International Falcon Movement – Socialist Educational International – http://www.ifm-sei.org
International Fashion Association – http://www.istv.cc
International Federation for Family Development – http://www.iffd.org
International Federation for Fighting International Crimes and Money Laundering – http://www.ifficml.com
International Federation for the Elite of the United Nations – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
International Federation of Business and Professional Women – http://www.bpw-international.org
International Federation of Family Associations of Missing Persons from Armed Conflicts – http://www.iffampac.org
International Federation of Hard of Hearing Young People – http://www.ifhohyp.org
International Federation of Inventors of the United Nations – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations
International Federation of Multiple Sclerosis Societies – http://www.msif.org
International Federation of Psoriasis Associations – http://www.ifpa-pso.org
International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres – http://www.ifsnetwork.org
International Federation of Social Workers – http://www.ifsw.org
International Federation of Surveyors – http://www.fig.net
International Federation of the Blue Cross – http://www.ifbc.info/default.aspx
International Federation of the Idea of Creative Visionaries of the United Nations – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
International Federation of Training and Development Organisations, Ltd. – http://www.iftdo.net
International Federation on Ageing – http://www.ifa-fiv.org
International Food and Beverage Alliance (IFBA) – http://www.ifballiance.org
International Forum for Legal Aid and Research – (Human Rights NGO)
International Forum For the Rights of Black People Inc. – http://www.ifrbp.com
International Forum for West Papua – http://www.stillorganising
International Foundation for Africa Human Resources Development
International Foundation for Performance Development
International Gas Union – http://www.igu.org
International Habitat Santé Sécurité Environnment et Solidarité
International Holy Quran Award
International Hospital Federation (IHF) – http://www.ihf-fih.org
International Human Right Association Asia – http://www.ihraa.org
International Human Right Association Asia Ihraa – http://www.ihraa.com
International Human Rights – https://www.facebook.com/groups/283056675069644/
international human rights assocation ihra – http://www.ihra.in
International Human Rights Association – http://www.ihra.in
International Human Rights Association (IHRA) – http://www.ihra.co.in
International Human Rights Commission – http://www.humanrightscommission.co.in
International Human Rights Commission INDIA – http://www.humanrightscommission.co.in
International Human Rights Commission Relief Fund Trust – http://www.ihrchq.org/IHRC%20Rft/home.html
International Human Rights Committee For Protection
International Human Rights Council – http://www.ihrc.in
International Human rights india
International Human Rights Law Institute – http://www.ihrli.org
International Human Rights Observatory
International Human Rights Observer (IHRO) Pakistan – http://www.ihro.org.pk
International Human Rights Organisation (SA)
International Human Rights Organization – http://www.ihroworld.org
International Human Rights Organization (IHRO) – http://www.ihro.com.pk
International Human Rights Protection Commission – http://www.ihrpc.org.in
International Human Rights Protector’s Group – http://www.ihrpg.org
International Humanist and Ethical Union – http://www.iheu.org
International HumanRights Council (ihrc.org.in) – http://www.ihrc.org.in
International Humanrights Organization – http://www.ihro.com.pk
International Imam Organization – http://www.globalimam.com
International Immigrants Foundation, Inc.
International Information USA – http://www.ifdc-un.org
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis – http://www.iiasa.ac.at
International Institute for Justice and Development (IIJD) – http://www.iijd.org
International Institute for the Development of Citizenship (IIDAC) / Instituto Internacional para o Desenvolvimento da Cidadania – http://www.iidac.org
International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) – http://www.iirr.org
International Insulin Foundation
International Islamic Committee for Woman and Child
International Islamic Relief Organization – http://www.iirosa.org
International Islamic Youth League – http://www.iiyl.org
International Jagriti Foundation (Trust) – http://www.ijfindia.com
International Justice Project – http://www.internationaljusticeproject.com/
International Juvenile Justice Observatory – http://www.oijj.org
International Kolping Society – http://www.kolping.net
International kurdistan Center for Strengthening Administrative and Mangerial Abilities /IKCSAMA – http://www.kc-sama.org
International Labour Foundation for Sustainable Development – http://www.sustainlabour.org/
International Labour Office
International Latin America Foundation (ILAF)
International Law and Policy Institute – http://www.ilpi.org
International Law Institute – http://www.ili.org
International Livestock Research Institute
International Longevity Center – http://www.mailman.columbia.edu
International Longevity Center Global Alliance, Ltd. – http://www.ilc-alliance.org
International Mahavira Jain Mission – http://www.imjm.org
International Mediation Institute Stichting
International Migration Research Centre
International Million Woman Movement – http://www.blogtalkradio.com/empresschi
International Multiracial Shared Cultural Organization – http://www.imscoglobal.org
International Muslim Women’s Union – http://www.muslimaunion.org
International Native Tradition Interchange, Inc
International Needs Network (UK) – http://www.ineeds.org.uk
International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions – http://www.inafi.org
International Network of Street Papers, The – http://www.street-papers.org
International Non-Olympic University – http://www.inou-edu.org
International Ocean Institute – http://www.ioinst.org
International Ontopsychology Association – http://www.ontopsicologia.org
International Order Knights of the Thunderbolt
International Order of Human Rights – http://www.iohr.org
International Organisation for Human Right Entitlements
International Organisation for Youth Advocacy and Development Incorporated – http://www.ioyad.org
International Organization for Democracy and Human Rights – IODHR
International Organization for Economic Development – http://www.ioedf.org
International Organization for Human RIights Protection – http://www.iohrp.org
International Organization for Victim Assistance – http://www.iovahelp.org
International Organization in Support of Victims of Political Violence – http://www.isvpv.org
International Organization of Indigenous Resource Development
International Parliament for Safety and Peace
International Partners in Mission – http://www.ipmconnect.org
International Partnerschaft Saubere Energie und Umweltschutz e.V. – http://www.clean-energy-bonn.org
International Peace and Development Organization
International Pediatric Association – http://www.ipa-world.org
International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association – http://www.ipieca.org
International Planned Parenthood Federation – http://www.ippf.org
International Planned Parenthood Federation (South Asia Region Office) SPECIAL, 2000 – http://www.ippf.org
International Planned Parenthood Federation, Africa Region
International Planned Parenthood Federation, Arab World Region Office – http://www.ippfawr.org
International Planned Parenthood Federation, Europe Region
International Pole and Line Foundation – http://ipnlf.org/
International Police Center – http://www.interpolice.org
International Police Commission – Asean
International Police Commission – Australia – http://www.teachingmartialarts.blogspot.com.au
International Police Commission – Philippine Command
INTERNATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE COMMAND ASSOCIATION INC – https://www.facebook.com/pages/International-Police-Commission-Philippin…
International police Commission-Iraq-Ukraine
International Preschool Curriculum – http://www.internationalpreschoolcurriculum.com
International Presentation Association of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary – http://internationalpresentationassociation.org/
International Progress Organization (IPO) – http://www.i-p-o.org
International Public Organization Sovereign Knightly Order of Christ the Savior – http://www.rycar.org
International Public Organization “Public council on interaction with economic and financial structures”
International Public Policy Institute
International Public Relations Association
International Pure Bhakti Yoga Society – http://www.gauravani.com.br
International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance – http://www.irha-h2o.org/
International Real Estate Federation – http://www.fiabci.org
International Reproductive Rights Research Action Group – http://www.irrragnigeria.org
International Research & Scientific Unit of Kian – http://kiuun.blogfa.com/
International Research and Consultancy
International Research Foundation for Development – http://www.irfd.org
International Research Institute
International Road Federation
International Samaritan – http://intsamaritan.org/
International Security and Safety Protection Professional Association
International Self-reliance Agency for Women
International Senior Prosperity and Revitalization Foundation – http://www.ispar.org
International Services Association – http://www.theinsaindia.org
International Services Trade Information Agency – http://www.servicestrade.org
International Shinto Foundation (ISF) – http://www.internationalshinto.org
International Sisterhood Charity Organization – ISCO
International Social Science Council – http://www.worldsocialscience.org
International Society for Mobile Youth Work – http://www.ismo-online.de
International Society for Small and Medium Enterprises – http://www.issme.org
International Society of Moors
International Society of Sustainability Professionals Indonesia Chapter
International Sociological Association – http://www.isa-sociology.org
International Space University – http://www.isunet.edu
International Studies Association – http://www.isanet.org
International Support Kurds in Syria Association – http://supportkurds.org
International Thai Foundation Ltd – http://www.thai-charity.org
International Tibet Network – http://www.tibetnetwork.org
International Trade Development Centre
International Trade Union Confederation – Africa – http://www.ituc-africa.org
International Training and Development Center – http://www.GLOBALDEVELOPMENTAFRICA.COM
International Union for Health Education – http://www.iuhpe.org
International Union of Parents and Teachers
International Union of Psychological Science – http://www.iupsys.net
International Union of Railways (UIC) – http://www.uic.org
International Union of Socialist Youth – http://www.iusy.org
International Union of Tenants
International Union of Vehicles Owners
International United Human Rights Association – http://www.iuhra.co.in
International Voice For Youth
International Volunteer Organization for Women Education Development
International We Love U Foundation – http://eng.weloveu.or.kr/intro/welcome01.asp
International West Africa Asylum Seeker Foundation – http://www.iwaaf.org
International Women’s Health Coalition – http://www.iwhc.org
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs – http://www.iwgia.org
International Young Christian Workers – http://www.jociycw.net
International Young Leaders Dialog Center – http://www.iyldc.net
International Young Professionals Foundation – http://www.iypf.org
International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations
International Youth Association for Training and Inter-employment Programs – http://www.tip.ge
International Youth Centre Foundation – http://www.iyckul.org.my
International Youth Council (IYC) – http://www.internationalyouthcouncil.com
International Youth Council (IYC)-DU Chapter – http://www.internationalyouthcouncil.com
International Youth Council of Kenya – http://www.internationalyouthcouncil.com
International Youth Council-Bangladesh Chapter – http://www.internationalyouthcouncil.com/group/bangladesh
International Youth Council-Nigeria Chapter. – http://www.internationalyouthcouncil.com
International Youth Fellowship Educational Foundation – http://www.iyfusa.org
International Youth Forum, Seliger
Internationale Gemeinschaft für die Unterstützung von Kriegsopfern – http://www.isawv.de
International-Lawyers.Org – http://www.International-Lawyers.Org
Internews Network – http://www.internews.org
Inter-Press Service International Association (IPS) – http://www.ips.org
Interregional Charity Organization Era of Unity for spiritual development – http://era-of-unity.com;congress.advayta.org
Interregional non-governmental organization Centre for Support of Indigenous Peoples of the North (CSIPN) – http://www.csipn.ru
Interregional People’s Movement “Komi Voityr”
Interregional Public Organization for Protection of National Traditions and Cultural Heritage – http://veche-info.ru
Inter-United-Universal-Organization the Peace World – http://www.whitehousepres.blogspot.com
Intervention for Development Foundation
Inti Raymi Fund – http://www.intiraymifund.org
Intsika Yomphakathi Educational Support (The Pillar Of Hope) – http://www.intsikayomphakathi.co.za
Inuka Foundation for Development
Inusev – http://www.inusev.org.ve
Inventors and innovators society of Iran – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Investigación, Organización y Acción Comunitaria Altepetl A.C.
Iny Mahadu Coordenação
IPC – SPMUDA (Joint Venture Project of International Police Commission and SPMUDA International Organization for Peace and Development)
Iqlim D¿yisikliyi v¿ Inkisaf QHT Alyansi
IQSL Instituto Quezia dos Santos Leopoldo Escola Brasileira do Futebol Arte – http://iqslinstitutocultura.no.comunidades.net
Iran Kidney Foundation
Iranian Business Council – http://www.ibc.ae
Iranian elites – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Iranian Entrepreneurs – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Iranian Inventors – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Iranian Vegetable Oil Industries Association – http://www.ivoi.ir
Iraq Blue Crescent – https://www.facebook.com/groups/168247636593557/
Iraqi Al-Mortaqa Foundation for Human Development – http://www.almortaqa.org
Iraqi Charities Forum – http://www.iraqicharities.org
Iraqi Daralsalam Center – http://www.idsc.info
Iraqi Development Organization – http://www.iraqidevelopment.org
Iraqi Institute for Economic Reform – http://www.iier.org
Iraqi Society for Pain Management
IRELI Public Union – http://www.ireli.az
IRESC International Radio Emergency Support Coalition – http://www.irescintl.com
Irish Mental Patients’ Educational and Representative Organisation – http://www.imperodotorg.wordpress.com
Irki Ramat Foundation
Irmandade da Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo – Microrregião Jaçanã / Tremembé
IRSP Pakistan – http://www.irsp.org.pk
Isät Lasten Asialla RY – http://www.isatlastenasialla.fi
Isfahan Human Rights and Development Organization
Isiaiah 54 – http://www.isiaiah54.com
ISIS International (Chile)
Isiziba Community Based Organisations of South Africa
Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch – http://www.kiau.ac.ir
Islamic Centre for Peace Democracy and Human Rights
Islamic Chamber Research and Information Center – http://www.icric.org
Islamic Development Organization
Islamic Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization – http://www.isesco.org.ma/
Islamic Help U.K. – http://www.islamichelp.org.uk
Islamic Information Center – http://www.islamicinformationcenter.org/
Islamic Peace and Security Council of Ghana – http://www.ipasec.org
Islamic Relief Australia – http://www.islamic-relief.com.au
Islamic Relief Humanitäre Organsiation in Deutschland – http://www.islamicrelief.de
Islamic Relief USA – http://www.irusa.org
Islamic Republic of Iran’s Women News Agency (IWNA)
Islamic Research and Information Artistic & Cultural Institute – http://www.iric.org
Islamic Study Centre Trust – http://www.iscbaroda.org
Islamic Women’s Institue of Iran
Island Child Charitable Trust NZ
Isoft Vocational Social Welfare Society
Israel Gerontological Society – http://www.gerontology.org.il
Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions – http://www.icahd.org
Israeli Disarmament Movement (RPM) – http://www.disarmament.org.il
Istituto Diplomatico Internazionale – http://www.idi-international.org
Istituto Europeo Pegaso Onlus – http://www.istitutopegaso.eu
Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice delle Salesiane di Don Bosco – http://www.cgfmanet.org
Istituto Internazionale per le Relazioni Diplomatiche – http://www.iird.org
Itaca Ong – http://www.itacaong.org
Italian Association for Women in Development – http://www.aidos.it
Italian Federation of Volunteer-based Organizations in Oncology – http://www.favo.it
Italian Youth Hostel Association – http://www.aighostels.com
IUS PRIMI VIRI International Association
IYC 2012 Secretariat Ltd – http://www.australia2012.coop
Izerfan Agadir Organization
Izhevsk Public Organization Center of social and educational initiatives – http://www.linia.udm.net
JACE (Japan Asia Cultural Exchanges) – http://www.jacengos.org
JAD Foundation – http://www.blessitt.com/Crosswalk_Stories_Photos/Nations/Nations_A_D_Fil…
Jafria Disaster management cell – http://www.jdcwelfare.org
Jagaran Nepal – http://www.jagarannepal.org
Jagrata Juba Shangha – http://www.jjsbangladesh.org
Jahanara Foundation
Jaintapur Green Society
Jajari Peace & Development Foundation – http://www.majestagroup.com
JALADHIKAR – http://www.jaladhikar.com
Jalisco Como Vamos – http://www.jaliscocomovamos.org
Jama’at Ta’awunil Muslimeen Society of Nigeria – http://www.taawunuonline.com.ng
Jamaicans for Community Development
Jamaicans for Justice Limited – http://www.jamaicansforjustice.org
Jambo Africa Child Hope – http://www.jamboafricachildhope.org
James Madison University – http://www.jmu.edu/
Jammu and Kashmir Council for Human Rights (JKCHR) – http://www.jkchr.com&http://www.jkchr.org
jammu and kashmir Destitute and handicapped welfare association (dahwa) – http://www.dahwa.org
Jammu Kashmir Rural Education Society
Jan Jagran Sansthan
Jan Seva Trust
Jana Utthan Pratisthan – JUP / Academy for Public Upliftment – http://www.jup-nepal.org
Janadhare Foundation – http://janadhare.in/
Janaseva Foundation – http://janasevafoundation.org
Jandorsy, A. C. – http://www.jandorsy.org
Janseva Pratisthan, Vita Tal. Khanapur, Dist. Sangli
Janyoday Vikash Parishad – http://www.janyodayvikasparishad.org
Japan Disability Forum – http://www.normanet.ne.jp/~jdf/
Japan National Assembly of Disabled Peoples’ International – http://www.dpi-japan.org/english/index.html
Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation – http://www.janic.org/en/
Japanese Organization for International Cooperation in Family Planning – http://www.joicfp.or.jp
Japanese Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities – http://www.jsrpd.jp
Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Foundation – http://www.joofoundation.org
Jaringan Komunitas Masyarakat Adat Pase
Jatiyo Trinomul Protibandhi Shangstha – http://www.ngdobd.org
Java Foundation – http://javafoundationinc.blogspot.com
Java Learning Center – http://www.javlec.org
Jawad Nazir Trust – http://www.jawadnazir.org
Jaya Prakash Memorial Centre – http://www.jpmcindia.org
Jefferson School of Population Health – http://www.jefferson.edu/population_health/
Jerusalem Bedouin Cooperative Committee
Jerusalem Development Society – http://www.jdspak.org
Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center – http://www.jlac.ps/
Jesuit Hakimani Centre – http://www.jesuithakimani.net
Jesus Restoration Mission NGO
Jesus Weeps Over Africa
Jeta-e-Re-Albanian-American-Community-Organization – http://www.NewlifeAACO.org
Jeugd & Vrede – http://www.jeugdenvrede.be
Jeunes Contre la Criminalite en Guinee
Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environnement – http://www.jve-international.org
Jeuness Environnement Democratie Developpement
Jeunesse Actions Développement Economique et Social
Jeunesse Canada Monde – http://www.cwy-jcm.org
Jeunesse Constructive – http://www.jeunesse-constructive.blog4ever.com
Jeunesse Des Banlieues – http://www.jdbsenegal.over-blog.com
Jeunesse en Action pour le Développement
Jeunesse Horizon – http://www.jeunesse-horizon.org
Jeunesse Sans Frontières – Tunisie – https://www.facebook.com/JSF.TUNISIE
Jeunesse Technologie Développement – http://www.ong-jtdev.org
Jeunesse Unie pour le Développement et L’emergeance en Banlieue
Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemeth Le Israel) Inc. – http://www.jnf.org
Jigyansu Tribal Research Centre
Jitambue Empowering Organization
Jobra Sugata Buddhist Temple
Jobs Creating Development Society
Johan Schotte Foundation
John Dau Foundation – http://www.johndaufoundation.org
Johnson Orgnization Fund Inc USA
Joint Aid Management NPC – http://www.jamint.com
Joint Organisation for Social Help
Jomurota Community Care Initiative Organization
Joni and Friends – http://www.joniandfriends.org
Jordan Career Education Foundation – http://www.jcef.jo
Jordan River Foundation – http://www.jordanriver.jo
Joseken Foundation
Joseph Assignment
Joseph Loundy Human Rights Project – http://www.roosevelt.edu/loundy
Joseph Outreach Foundation
Journal of Management and Science – http://jms.nonolympictimes.org
Journalists Initiative for Youth Employment – http://www.ji4ye.org
Journalists Union of Russia – http://www.ruj.ru
Jóvenes Compasión
Jovens + Pará – http://www.jovensmaispara.blogspot.com
Joy for Children Uganda – http://www.joyforchildren.org
JP Foundation INC
Jssor Youth Organization – http://ngoiq.org/wpmu/jssor/
Jude Ifesemen Foundation
Judges Clup International Arbitration – http://jcia.ucoz.com/
Jugend UNO Netzwerk Schweiz – http://www.junes.org
Jumchab Metta Foundation – http://www.jumchab.org
Jumma Buddhist Sangha Association
Jumma Indigenous student Association of Thailand
Jumma Peoples Network – Japan
Jumma Student s Forum
Jummai Aduda Organisation – http://www.jummaiaduda.org
Jummo Students Bhikkhu Sangha Council
Junior achievement Togo – http://www.jainafrica.org
Junior Chamber International – http://www.jci.cc
Junior Chamber International Maldives
Junior Chamber International Oluyole, Nigeria
JurisConsulte Club
Just Peace International – http://www.justpeaceint.org
Just Projects International – http://www.projectak47.com
Justice Group of Nigeria
Justice Unit Team of Empowerment
JustWorld International Inc. – http://www.justworldinternational.org
Juvenile Dignitaries Organization – http://www.jdignitaries.org
Juventud Mexicana Frente Cambio Climático
Juventude Desenvolvimento e Advocacia Ambiental
Juventudes de la ONU Mexico, Asociacion Civil – http://www.juventudesdelaonumexico.blogspot.com
Jyothi Welfare Society – http://www.jyothiwelfaresociety.org
Ka Joog Nonprofit Organization – http://www.kajoog.org
Ka Pae Pae Loa O Hawaii Loa – http://www.kohawaiipaeaina.net
Kabataang Gabay sa Positibong Pamumuhay – http://www.facebook.com/peersforpositiveliving
Kachere Development Program
KAGL & Affiliates – http://www.kagl.info
Kahata Society
KAKNOCK foundation Child Youth grassroot Center – http://kaknockfoundation.webs.com/
Kalahari Peoples Fund – http://www.kalaharipeoples.org
Kalaimagal Education and Social Integration Trust – http://www.kesit.org
Kaliss Foundation International
Kallis Foundation
Kalyani – http://www.kalyaniindia.co.in
Kalyani Central Welfair Society – http://www.kcwsociety.org
Kampala Capital City Authority
Kamukunji Paralegal Trust
kanam vision
Kanchi Limited – http://www.kanchi.org
Kandhamal Zilla Sabuja Vaidya Sangathan – http://www.kzsvs
Kansas Coalition for Equity and Access to Transition Services – http://www.eslminiconf.net/advocacy/kceats/
Kanted Foundation
Kanuri Development Association – http://www.unodc.org/ngo/showSingleDetailed.do?req_org_uid=16999
Kaos Gey ve Lezbiyen Kültürel Arastirmalar ve Dayanisma Dernegi – http://www.kaosgl.org
Kapaeeng Foundation
Kapchorwa Integrated Community Mobilization Progamme
Kapo Seba Sangha (KSS} – http://kaposebasanghakss.blogspot.com
Kaporion Community Peacenet – http://www.kaporionpeacenet.org
Karachi Rural – Urban Development Initiative
Karagwe Agricultural Natural Resources and Rural Development Organisation
Karamah: Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights – http://www.karamah.org
Karanehas Wellness Cafe – http://www.klinkindia.in
Karassery Service Co-Operative Bank Ltd. – http://www.karasserybank.com
Karibu Foundation – http://www.karibu.no
Kariobangi South Welafare & Slums Housing Association (KASWESHA Housing Cooperative Society Ltd) – http://www.kaswesha.8m.net
Karna Subarna Welfare Society – http://www.kswsngo.org/
Karnataka Civil Society
Karnataka Manava Vikas Sangha
KARP – http://www.karpkr.org
Karvir Multipurpose Foundation – http://www.sya.com
Kasheer Foundation
Kashmir Youth Parliament – http://www.kashmiryouthparliament.com
Kasubi Disabled Youth and Parents’ Association
Kaswa Foundation
Kataganj Spandan
Katchi International – http://www.katchi.org
KATE BEE FOUNDATION – Promoting Gender Sensitive Development – http://www.katebeefoundation.org
Kausalya Gramodyog Sansthan
Kawish Resource Center – http://www.krcpak.org
Kay Morris Foundation
Kazakhstan Medical Students’ Association
Kazakhstan Network of Women HIV
KBL International Co. – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Kebulun Alliance in America
KECHIES PROJECT INC. – http://www.kechiesproject.org
Keedia-La Réponse Africaine
Keewatin Tribal Council – http://www.Ktc.ca
Kehkashan Development Organization, Bahawalpur – http://www.kehkashan.urdunama.org
Keirere Green Africa Movement – http://www.gamovement.com
Kelab Belia Subang Jaya – http://www.mysjyc.org
Kenana Group
Kenaz – Desarrollo de Proyectos Sociales – http://www.ong-kenaz.es/
Kenya Community Health Network – http://www.kchnkenya.org
Kenya Disabled Development Society – http://www.interconnection.org/kdds
Kenya Disables Information Advisory Centre – http://www.kediac.org
Kenya Healthcare Federation
Kenya National Association of the Deaf – http://www.knad.org
Kenya Restoration International
Kenya Women Land Access Trust – http://www.kewlat.org
Kenya young Women’s Christian Association – http://www.ywcakenya.org
Kenya Youth Education and Development Association
Kenyan Indigenous Youth for Change
Kenyan Paraplegic Organization – http://www.kenyanparaplegic.or.ke
Kepa Ry – http://www.kepa.fi
Kerio Valley Community Organization
Kéroul – http://www.keroul.qc.ca
Kevoy Community Development Institute
Keystone Human Services International – http://www.keystonehumanservices.org
Keystone Human Services International Moldova Association – http://www.keystonehumanservices.org
Khadarlis for Sierra Leone – http://www.khadarlis.org
Khashi Indigenous Peoples Welfare Society
Khawhish Zeest – http://www.onworking
Kheman International Society
Kherwadi Social Welfare Association – http://www.yuvaparivartan.org
Khiam Rehabilitation Center for Victims of Torture – http://www.khiamcenter.org
Khmer People Power Movement – http://www.kppmradio.org
Khmer Youth and Social Development – http://www.kysd.org
Khushal Awareness & Development Organization – http://www.kadopk.org
Khushal Awareness & Development Organization (KADO) – http://www.kadopk.org
Khuwendo Kor – http://www.khwendokor.org.pk
KIAN General Hospital
Kichesipirini Algonquin First Nation
KickLoans – http://www.kickloans.org
Kids First Fund – http://www.KidsFirstFund.org
Kids Included Together – San Diego, Inc. – http://www.KITonline.org
Kidsparliament – http://www.kidsparliament.org
Kijani Kenya – http://www.kijanikenya.blogspot.com
Kikandwa Rural Communities Development Organization (KIRUCODO) – http://www.krcdevorg.weebly.com
Kimberley Land Council
Kimse Yok Mu – http://www.kimseyokmu.org.tr
kind hearts initiative – http://www.kindheartsnetwork.org
King of Kings International – http://www.kingofkingsinternational.com
Kingdom of Peace for Human Society
Kings Club International(NGO) – http://kingsinternationalle.com
Kingston and St. Andrew Action Forum
Kirkuk Center for Torture Victims – http://www.kirkuk-center.org
Kitachosen Nanmin Kyuen Kikin – http://www.northkoreanrefugees.com
Kitakyushu Forum on Asian Women (KFAW) – http://www.kfaw.or.jp/index.html.en
Kitakyushu Institute on Sustainability – https://sites.google.com/site/npoksks/
KITEGA COMMUNITY CENTRE – http://www.kitega-cc.org
Kiyana Karaj Group – http://www.kiyanango.ir
Ki-yo Ke-win Healing and Justice Inc.
KLUB MNOHODETNÝCH RODÍN – http://www.kmr.sk
Knights of the Blue Cross & Blue Crescent – http://www.blue-cross.in
Knowledge and Policy Management Initiative – http://www.kapomi.org
Knowledge Ecology International – http://www.keionline.org
Knowledge Mill International Foundation
Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia untuk keadilan dan Demokrasi – http://www.koalisiperempuan.or.id
Koalisi Rakyat Untuk Hak Atas AIr – http://www.kruha.org
Kobe Oser West Papua Melanesia
Kohsar Welfare & Educational Society(KWES) – http://www.kohsar.org
Kolkata Mozoomder-Foundation – http://mozoomderfoundationindia.webs.com/
Kome el Dabie Village Community Development Association
kondammaltrust – http://www.kondammaltrust
KONGOLESE EN ANGOLESE STICHTING TALENTUEUX – http://www.kast-international.com
Kongres Wanita Indonesia
Konsorsium Pengembangan Masyarakat Madani – http://www.kpmm.or.id
KONTOUR – http://www.kontour-ks.com
Konzeni Foundation – http://www.konzeni.org
Koperasi Aliansi Tani Nasional – http://www.coop2.coop
Koperasi Usahawan Muda Pulau Pinang Bhd – http://kumuda.org
KOPS Foundation
Koraput Development Foundation – http://www.explorekdf.org.in
Korea Differently Abled Federation – http://www.kodaf.or.kr/english/kodaf.asp
Korea Federation of Organizations of the Disabled – http://www.kofod.or.kr
Korea Freedom Federation – http://www.Koreaff.or.kr
Korea Women’s Associations United (KWAU)
Korean Assembly for Reunion of Ten-million Separated Families – http://www.karts.co.kr
Korean Association for supporting UN SDGs – http://www.asdun.org
Korean Bar Association – http://www.koreanbar.or.kr
Korean Disability Forum (KDF)
Korean Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities
Környezeti Management és Jog Egyesület – http://www.emla.hu
Koshish Foundation
KOSHISH, National Mental Health Self-Help Organization – http://www.koshishnepal.org
Kosmopolitica – http://www.kosmopolitica.org
kownayn foundation
Kprj Krupamaya Educational Society
Kreftforeningen – http://www.kreftforeningen.no
Krishi Gyan
Krityanand UNESCO Club Jamshedpur – http://www.karmayog.org/ngo/KNUC/
Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame – http://kroc.nd.edu/
Kromantse Development Foundation
Krucial Aid Nigeria
KSF Consult
Kudirat Initiative for Democracy – http://www.kind.org
Kulich Youth Reproductive Health and Develpoment Organization
Kulmiye Youth Organisation
Kulturverein – IDEA Society – http://www.idea-society.org/
Kumasi Institute of Technology,Energy and Environment – http://www.kiteonline.net
Kumud Foundation
Kupona Foundation – http://www.kuponafoundation.org
Kurdistan Civil Rights Organization – http://www.kcro.org
Kurdistan Reconstruction and Development Society – http://www.kurds-dohuk.org
Kurdocide Watch – http://www.kurdocide.com;kurdocidewatch.net
Kuru Development
Kuru Family of Organisations – http://www.kuru.co.bw
Kuwait Mediation & International Arbitration Chamber – http://www.kmiac.com
Kuzeydogu Anadolu Kalkinma Ajansi – http://www.kudaka.org.tr
Kvindernes U-Landsudvalg – http://www.kulu.dk;http://www.givenpigeret.dk
Kvinna till Kvinna – http://www.kvinnatillkvinna.se
KwaZulu Natal Progressive Primary Health Care – http://www.kznpphc.org.za
Kweatornor Development and Relief Organization
Kyte Research Associates – http://www.kracro.com
La Brique – http://www.labrique.populus.ch
La Commission Internationale des Droits de L’homme – http://www.ihrchq.org
La Fondation Internationale pour la Formation et le Developpement – http://www.iftd.org
La Jeunesse Ambition – http://www.jeunesse-ambition.org
La Legendaria Tierra del Anahuac, A.C.
La Ligue Marocaine de Défense des Droits Humains – http://www.lmddh.com
La Main dans la Main pour Loto
La Palabre Sénégal
La Palabre-Het Palabre
La Red Xicana Indigena
La Trobe University – http://www.latrobe.edu.au/sustainability
La Via Campesina – http://www.viacampesina.org
La Vida en Bici – http://www.lavidaenbici.com
La Vie en Vert – http://www.lavieenvert.org
La Vie Mot Global Mission – http://www.livingwordmission.org
Laboratoire de L’économie Sociale et Solidaire – http://www.lelabo-ess.org/
Laboratoire VESPA – Villes et Espaces politiques – http://www.labovespa.ca/fr/
Laboratório de História e Meio Ambiente – http://www.assis.unesp.br/labhima
Labour Resource Center (LRC)
Lady Fatemah (as) Trust – http://www.ladyfatemahtrust.org
Lady of Africa Empowerment and Advocacy Foundation – http://www.ladyofafrica.org
Lakayta Township Resettlement Union
Lal Bahadur Shastri Public School Shiksha Samiti
Laleh International Hotel – http://lalehhotel.com/
Land and Human to Advocate Progress – http://www.environment.gov.jo/Lhap.htm
Land is Life, Inc. – http://www.landislife.org
Land of Upper Egypt Association for Development and Human Rights
Landmark Internship International – http://www.landmarkinternship.org
Landsorganisationen i Sverige – http://www.lo.se
L’arche Internationale – http://www.larche.org
Larrygold Foundation
Lasani Welfare Foundation – http://www.lwfpk.org
L’association UNIE pour l’Encadrement des Enfants & des Jeunes – http://www.asueej.org
L’Association Vague d’éspoir – https://www.facebook.com/AVEmaroc/info
Latin American Chaplains Association Inc. – http://www.elcapellan.com
Latinomics – http://www.latinomics.org
Latter-Day Saint Charities – http://www.ldscharities.org
Law & Society Trust – http://www.lawandsocietytrust.org
Law Commission of Ontario – http://www.lco-cdo.org
Law Enforcement Against Prohibition Educational Fund – http://www.leap.cc
Law in the Service of the Elderly – http://www.elderlaw.org.il
Law Informational Centre Indigenous peoples of the North Tomsk regions “Kogolika”
LawLex Education and Research Trust – http://www.lawlex.org
Lawyers Association Arab Muslim European
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law – http://www.lawyerscommittee.org
Lawyers’ National Campaign for the Elimination of Caste Discrimination – http://www.lancaunepal.org.np
Lawyers Peace Promoters – http://www.lawyerspeace.com
Lazariter – http://www.lazariter.org
Lazarus Project of Northmead Assembly of God – http://www.northmeadassembly.org
Lazarus Union – http://www.lazarus-union.org
Le Collectif des Femmes Africaines du Hainaut – http://www.cfah.be
Le Collectif La Paix au Sri Lanka
Le Conseil des Jeunes Congolais de l’Etranger (CJCE) – http://www.cjce73.wix.com/cjce
Le Conseil des Migrants Subsahariens au Maroc CMSM)
Le Rouleau
Le Syndicat des Commercants des Produits Organiques et Industriels – http://www.Thepageisunderconstruction
Lead Pakistan – http://www.lead.org.pk
Leadent National Organization – http://www.made-in-nigeria.com.ng
Leaders of Tomorrow – http://www.leadersot.org
Leaders Organization – http://www.leaders.ps
Leadership Initiative for Transformation & Empowerment – http://www.lite-africa.org
Leadership Media – http://www.leadersmag.com/issues/current_issue.html
Leadership through Education and Action Foundation Society – LEAF Society – http://www.leafsociety.in
Leadership Watch – http://www.leadershipwatch.org
Leading Light International – http://www.leadinglightintl.org
Leading Organisation For Rural Development
league of arab states
League of Nigerians in Diaspora Inc. – http://www.lnid.org
League of Women Voters of the United States – http://www.lwv.org
League of Women-Lawyers of Tajikistan
Learning and Development – Kenya
Lebanese Association for Popular Action (AMEL) – http://www.amelassociation.org
Lebanese Development Network – http://www.ldn-lb.org
Lebanese Down Syndrome Association – http://www.lebanesedownsyndrome.org
Lebanese Information Technology Information
Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union – http://www.lphu.com
Lebanon Family Planning Association (LFPA) – http://www.lfpa.org.lb
Leéiyen – http://www.leeiyen.com
Leela Usha Mahila Utkarsh Trust – http://www.lumut.in
Legal Aid Service Council – http://www.lascofindia.com
Legal Resources Centre – http://www.lrc.org.za
Legal Resources Foundation Trust – http://www.lrf-kenya.org
Legends Society – http://www.legendsociety.org
Legion Against Adversities of Society – http://www.laas.org.pk
Lehman College, City University of New York, Social Work Department
Lembaga Kontrol Sosial Ekonomi Indonesia
Leo Club Hall Tyrol
Leonard Cheshire Zimbabwe Trust – http://www.leonardcheshire.org.zw
Lepra India – http://leprasociety.org
les amis du partage
les junes nouvel generation
Les Pelerins du Developpement a L’assaut de la Pauvrete
Les rencontres du Mont-Blanc – Forum international de l’économie sociale / The Mont-Blanc Meetings – International Forum of the social economy – http://www.rencontres-montblanc.coop
LESCOLCHE-ASIE – http://www.lescolche-asie.fr
Let Us Save Uganda – http://www.saveuganda.org/
Let’s Breakthrough, Inc. – http://breakthrough.tv/
Let’s go Africa Foundation – http://www.letsgoafrika.org
LG Electronics
Liason Unit of Non-Governmental Organizations of seychelles (LUNGOS) – http://www.civilsociety.sc
Liberate – Delta Peoples Movement
Liberation for Hausa Women, Kano
Liberia Agency for Community Development
Liberia Civil Rights Mediators
Liberia Democratic Institute – http://www.ldi.org
Liberia Network of Aids Service Organization
Liberia Urban and Rural Women in Development
Liberia Youth Initiative for Peace and Sustainable Development, INC. – http://www.facebook.com/Lib.YouthInitiative4PeaceSustainableDevelopment
Liberian United Youth for Community Safety and Development
Liberian-America Friendship Organization – http://liafo.org
Liberty Academy Foundation
Libyan Association for Immigration and Immigrant’s Affairs Studies
Libyan Forum for Knowledge
Libyan Liberal Forum for Democracy – http://www.libyanlf.org
Libyan Organization for Workers’ Rights and the Fight Against Corruption – http://www.facebook.com/work17
LICHT FÜR DIE WELT – Christoffel Entwicklungszusammenarbeit – http://www.light-for-the-world.org
Lid India Faundation
Lider Qadinlar Ictimai Birliyi
LIFE – (Live It For Everyone)
Life Academy of Vocational Studies – http://www.lavsorissa.org
Life Aid
Life Bridge US – http://www.thelifebridge.us
Life Care Society
Life Ethics Educational Association
Life For a Child – http://www.lifeforachild.org
Life for All
Life Foundation Network
Life Foundation.
Life International Foundation Inc. – http://www.lifmission.org
Life Watch – http://www.liwat.blogspot.in
Life Watch Manipur – http://www.lifewatchmanipur.com
Lifecourse Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway – http://www.nuigalway.ie/research/lifecourse/
Lifeseed Economic Empowerment and Poverty Reduction Initiative – http://www.leepri.com
Lifestyle in Supported Accommodation Inc. – http://www.lisainc.com.au
Lift up Care Foundation – http://www.liftupcare.org
LIGA GUAKIA TAINA-KE, INC – http://tainakepr.blogspot.com/
LIGHT Africa – http://www.lightafrica.net
Light Ethiopia
Light House – http://www.lighthousebd.org
LIGHT MILLENNIUM, THE – http://www.lightmillennium.org
Light Trust
Ligue Camerounaise des Droits de l’Homme, la Democratie et la Gouvernance – http://www.licamdh.org/http://www.licamdh.onlc.be
Ligue de l’enseignement – http://www.laligue.org
Ligue des Peuples Arabes
Ligue Nationale des Associations Autochtones Pygmées du Congo
Lika Unika, federationen mänskliga rättigheter för personer med funktionsnedsättning – http://www.likaunika.org
Link Center for the Deaf – http://www.linkcenterforthedeaf.org
Lions Club of St.Andrew’s Grenada
Lions Clubs International Gesamtdistrikt 114 – Österreich – http://www.lions.at
Lipan Apache Band of Texas – http://www.lipanapachebandoftexas.com
Lipan Apache Women Defense – http://lipancommunitydefense.wordpress.com/
Literary Academy for Dalit of Nepal (LAD-Nepal)
Literate Kenyan Initiative – http://www.literatekenya.or.ke
Literate Masses – http://www.LiterateMasses.org
Litshani Vhana-Vha-de Foundation
Little Children Inc. – http://www.littlechildren.net
Little House of Nazareth
LitWorld International, Inc
Live Healthy Organisation
Live Manna
Livelihood Christian Ministries International – http://www.lcministries.piczo.com
Livelihood NGO – http://www.livelihoodngo.cfsites.org
Livelihood Trust for Sustainable Social Advancement
Livestock, Education & Agriculture Development Society – http://www.leads.org.pk
Livestrong (Lance Armstrong Foundation)
Living Bread International Church Inc. – http://www.livingbreadchurch.com
Living the Redeemed Life Ministries, Inc. – http://www.women-4-life.org
Living Water Community
Living Without AIDS Initiative – http://www.livingwithoutaids.org
Livinin Love Foundation – http://www.Livininlovee.org
Liyan Union of Sme’s Leaders
Ljebu Youth Movement
Local Action Organization – http://www.local-action.org
Local Area Development Society
Local Community Development Association – http://www.localcommunityda.org
Local Development Foundation – http://www.ldinet.org
Local Environment Development and Agricultural Research Society – http://www.ledars.org
Local Governance Network – http://www.lgnet.in
Local Initiative for Environmental Sustainability – http://www.sustaininglifes.org/
Local Initiatives Development Agency
Local Support Organization Juhudkar
Local Youth Assembly of Nigeria – http://www.lyan.org.ng
LogoLink – Learning Initiative on Citizen Participation and Local Governance – http://www.logolink.org
LOJIQ – Les Offices jeunesse internationaux du Québec – http://www.lojiq.org
Lok Chetna Vikas Samiti – http://www.karmayog.org/ngo/lcvs
Lokkal Yanjansabha – http://www.lokkalyanjansabha.com
Lokmanya Public Charitable Trust
Lokmanya Seva Sangh,Parle – http://www.lsssparle.org.in
Lokmat Pratishtan – http://www.lkmt.org
Longhouse Treaty Nations – http://www.longhousetreatynations.webs.com
Loo Niva Child Concern Group – http://www.looniva.org.np
Loretto Community (Sisters of Loretto) – http://www.lorettocommunity.org
L’organisation d’Appui Solidaire pour le Renforcement de l’Aide au Développement (ASRAD) – http://www.asrad.sup.fr/
Los Angeles Community Action Network – http://cangress.org/
Los dos Mexicos,a.c. – http://www.losdosmexicos.org
LOVE AND CARE INDIA TRUST – http://www.lacitindia.org
Love for Israel Relief Fund – The Fund for Advancing Social Projects (RA) – http://www.love4israel.org
Love Forum for Relationships – http://www.loveforumforrelationship.webs.com
Love Forum Foundation – http://www.loveforum.getafricaonline.com
Love Planet Organization – http://www.loveplanet.8m.net
LOVE SUPPORT ORGANIZATION – http://www.lovesupport.org
Love Without Borders – http://www.Love-international.org
Lovely For Orphans Org
Luciana Lima Consultoria Juurídica
Luke International (LIN) – http://www.lukeinternational.no/
Lumiere Action
Lumos Foundation – http://www.wearelumos.org
Lungujja Community Health Caring Organisation – http://www.lucoheco.org
Lurie Institute for Disability Policy – http://lurie.brandeis.edu/
Lutheran Communion in Southern Africa – http://www.lucsa.org
Lutheran World Federation – http://www.lutheranworld.org/
LVA Empreendimentos – http://www.lvaempreendimentos.com.br
Lyceum of the Americas
Lydia Care for Women International
M A JINNAH Foundation – http://www.newlifehospitalpk.com
MAA the Word of Peace
Maala – Business for Social Responsibility – http://www.maala.org.il/en
Maarij Foundation for Peace and Development – http://www.maarij.org
Maasai Aid Association (M.A.A.) – http://www.e-solidarity.org
MAASAI Integrated Community Development Program – http://www.maasaidevproject.com
Maasai Youth Outreach Organization [MAYOO] – http://www.mayoo.org
Maat Foundation for Peace, Development and Human Rights – http://www.maatpeace.org
Machara Miracle Network – http://www.machara.org
Mada Association – http://www.mada.org.lb
Madad Welfare Organization – http://www.mwo.org.pk
Madhabkunda Human Rights Society
Madison Street Music Group
Madre Tierra Atabey – http://www.facebook.com/MadreTierraATABEY
Madre, Inc. – http://www.madre.org
Maestros sin Fronteras – http://www.maestrossinfronteras.org
Magar Janajagaran
Magra Women Development Centre
Magyar Asszonyok Érdekszövetsége – http://www.asszonyszovetseg.hu
Maharashtra Foundation
Maharshi Dayanand Foundation
Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialisation – http://www.mgiri.org
Mahbere Hiwot for social development – http://www.mahiberehiwot.org
Mahdul Muslimat Educational Trust
Mahila Vikash Kendra
Maids Club of Nigeria [MAIDS] – http://maidsng.webs.com
Maidunama Sickle Cell Foundation
Main dans la Main
Mairie De Sikasso
Make It Right Foundation – http://makeitrightnola.org/
Makiese Family Foundation
Makran Resource Center (MRC) Balochistan Pakistan
Malabar Social Service Society – http://www.masss.in
Malankara Social Service Society – http://www.msss.org
Malaysian AIDS Council – http://www.mac.org.my
Malaysian Association of Natural Medicine Practitioners – http://www.manmp.org.my
Malaysian Foreigners Welfare And Concered Society
Malaysian Palm Oil Council – http://www.mpoc.org.my
Malaysian Relief Agency Foundation – http://www.mra.my
Mali Rising Foundation
Malika Kambe Umfazi Sorority, Inc. – http://malikakambeumfazi.org
Malta Human Rights Commission
Mama Afrika e.V.
Mama-86 / Black Sea Women’s Club
mamam =(mother+ mati soil+ momota).Japan & Bangladesh. mamam feel,no help cooperate poor.Poor need WORK not Rileaf food. – http://www.unworld.info
Maman Lemba Developpement
Mamta – Health Institute for Mother & Child – http://www.mamta-himc.org
Management and Organizational Development for Empowerment – http://www.mode.org
Managing Committee of Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences – http://www.kiss.ac.in
Manav Kalyan Samiti – http://www.manavkalyan.org
Manav Pragati Sansthan ,Rajgarh
Manav Seva Sansthan – http://www.mssseva.org
Manavata – http://www.manavata.org
Mandat International
Manger Care Centre – http://www.mangercare.co.za
Manhattan Multicultural Counseling – http://www.mmcnyc.com
Mani Tese ’76 – http://www.manitese.it
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak, Inc. – http://www.mkonorth.com
Mankind Survival Initiative
Manos Solidarias ONG – http://www.manossolidariasac.org.ar
Manpower Management Centre – http://www.mmcindia.org.in
Mansoura UNESCO Club – http://www.mans.edu.eg
Many Hands International – http://www.manyhands.org.au
Manzil Community Development Organization
Maonah Association for Human Rights and Migration – http://www.maonah.org
Maori Women’s Welfare League Inc – http://www.mwwl.org.nz/
Maple Shiksha Samiti – http://www.mapleeducationsociety.com
Mapmob – http://mapmob.org
Mar Adentro de México A.C. – http://www.maradentro.com.mx
Margaret Sanger Center
Margdarshak Seva Sansthan
Marginalized Communities in Africa/Minority Community Advocates
Maria and Liberdade Foundation – http://www.mlfau.org
Maria Mother of Charity Relief Home International, Ltd. – http://www.nabuur.com/en/village/kasama
Mariasam Foundation Inc. – http://www.mariasamfoundation.org
Marie Stopes International – http://www.mariestopes.org
Marie Stopes International Australia – http://www.mariestopes.org.au
Marin Experimental Teaching, Training and Advising Center – http://www.mettacenter.org
Markanaka – http://www.wix.com/markanaka/epi
Markedchaser Youth Development Trust, Inc
Marninwarntikura Fitzroy Womens Centre
Marte Consulting
Martial Arts Academy – http://www.fabriceacademy.wix.com/martialartsacademy
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Foundation – http://www.lukmefcameroon.org
Martin und Gerda Essl Sozialpreis gemeinnützige Privatstiftung – http://www.esslsozialpreis.at/en/essl-foundation/
MARUAH (Working Group for an ASEAN Human Rights Mechanism, Singapore) – http://www.maruah.sg
Maruboomi Anusandhan Evam Vikas Samiti – http://www.mbavs.org
Mary Anne Charity Trust (MACT) – http://www.mactindia.org
Maryknoll Sisters of St. Dominic, Inc. – http://www.maryknoll.org
Mashiz Kosar Charity Institution – http://www.mashiz.ir
Masianday Foundation – http://www.orgsites.com/ny/masianday
Masimanyane Women’s Support Centre – http://www.masimanyane.org.za
Masr El Mahrousa Baladi Association – http://www.masrelmahrousa.org
Mass Action Service Society
Massachusetts Institute of Technology – http://web.mit.edu/
Massai women rights and environment development group (MAWEDEV)
Master Services
Masyarakat Indonesia Membangun – http://penguruspusatmim.wordpress.com/2011/11/04/ourmim/
Mater GreenGlobe Foundation – http://www.matergreenglobe.org
MaterCare International – http://www.matercare.org
Matibabu Foundation – http://www.matibabukenya.org
Maudesco – Council for Development, Environmental Studies and Conservation
Mauritanienne de Droits de l’Homme et de la Lute Contre la Pauvrete
Mauritius Family Planning Association – http://www.mfpwa.com
Mauritius Trade Union Congress
Maximizing Facts on HIV/AIDS Youth and Women Group – http://www.maxfacta.org/
Maximum Development Organization – http://www.mdo.20m.com
Maya Vision
Mayama, Asociación Civil
Mayur Rural Develop Society – http://mrdsbarmer.in/
Mayyee Lam – http://losarob.weebly.com/
Mazedonien Hilfswerk gegen Kinderelend
Mbororo Social and Cultural Development Association – http://www.mboscuda.org
MBUTU AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY – http://www.mastz.org
McDraw Solutions
McGill World Platform for Health and Economic Convergence – http://www.mcgill.ca/mwp
md company
Media Advocacy Network – http://www.mediaadvocacynetwork.org/
Media Development of India – http://www.mediadevelopmentofindia.com
Media Network on Child Rights and Development
Media Transparency
Media Trust – http://www.mediatrust.org
Médiateur pour la Démocratie et les Droits de l’Homme – http://www.mediateurddh.org.ma
Mediators Beyond Borders – http://www.mediatorsbeyondborders.org/
Medical Action Group – http://www.magph.org
Medical and Health Workers’ Union of Nigeria – http://www.mhwunigeria.org
Medical Women’s International Association
MEDICI Framework of Cooperation – http://www.medicif.org
Mediterranean Academy of Culture, Tourism and Trade – http://www.mactt.eu
Mediterranean Resources Network – http://www.mernet.org
Mediterranean Women’s Studies Centre – http://www.kegme.org.gr
Medya Dernegi – http://www.medyadernegi.org
Mehergarh: A center for Learning – http://www.mehergarh.org
Mehfooz Baitulmal Welfare Society
Mehr Nuri Public Foundation – http://www.mehrnuri.uz
Mehrabpur Youth Organization – http://www.younisnawaz.webs.com
Mehrafarin Panah Asr – http://www.mehrafarinorg.ir
Mehran Engineers Intellectual Forum – http://www.meif.ucoz.org
Mehran Forum – http://www.mehranforum.org.pk
Mémorial de la Shoah – http://www.memorialdelashoah.org
Menedzserek Országos Szövetsége – http://www.manager.org.hu
Men’s Story Project – http://www.mensstoryproject.org
Mental Disability Advocacy Center Foundation (MDAC) – http://www.mdac.info
Mental Health Families and Friends Association of Serres – http://www.sofpsi-ser.gr
Mental Health Foundation-Nigeria – http://www.mentalhealthnigeria.org
Mental Health Initiative for Africans in Crisis – http://www.mhiinternational.org
Mental Health Wellness Association the Gambia
mental league – http://www.centerb.org
Mental Retardation Support Association – http://www.NGO-ZEHNI.COM
Mentor Arabia Foundation – http://www.mentorarabia.org
Mentor Foundation – http://www.mentorfoundation.org
MENV Group
Merciful Assistance Foundation – http://www.mercifulassistancefoundation.org
Message Welfare Society Rawalpindi Pakistan – http://www.messagewelfaresociety.com
Metanóia Planeta Sustentável Mudança Profunda de Mentalidade
Meththa Samaja Sathkara Padanama
Metro Toronto Chinese & Southeast Asian Legal Clinic – http://www.mtcsalc.org
Metropolitan Action Committee on Violence Against Women and Children – http://www.metrac.org
Mettalaya Foundation
Mewat Educational & Social Awakening Society – http://www.mesasnuh.org
Mexican Foundation for Family Planning (MEXFAM) – http://www.mexfam.org.mx
Mexiquenses Por Una Ayuda Mutua A.C.
Micah Challenge – http://www.micahchallenge.org
Micahelle Foundation – http://www.micahellefoundation.org
Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida – http://www.miccosukee.com
Midaye Somali Development Network – http://www.midaye.org.uk
Middle East Children’s Institute, Inc – http://www.mecinstitute.org
Mie;dzynarodowa Fundacja Communitas
Miedzynarodowa Komisja Wolnych Obywateli – http://www.icfc.eu
Mifalot Hinuch – http://www.mifalot.co.il/Mifalot/Language/English/
Migrant Forum Lanka
Migrant Heritage Commission
Migrant Rights Centre Ireland – http://www.mrci.ie
Migrant Workers Support Organisation
Migrants Rights International (MRI) – http://www.migrantwatch.org
Migration Research, Development and Society of Bangladesh
Mikmaq Association for Cultural Studies – http://www.mikmaq-assoc.ca
Mi’kmaq Association of Cultural Studies
Milestone Foundation
Millennium Development Goals Global Watch – http://www.mdg-globalwatch.org
Millennium Network Community – http://www.millenniumnetwork.ca
Minaret of Freedom Institute – http://www.minaret.org
MINBYUN – Lawyers for a Democratic Society – http://minbyun.org
Mindanao Land Acquisition, Housing and Development Foundation, Inc. – http://www.minland.ph
Mindshare – http://www.childrights.in
Mine Combat Organization
Mine Labour Protection Campaign – http://www.mlpc.in
Minister of Education – Peru – http://www.minedu.gob.pe
Ministère du Plan/ République Démocratique du congo
Ministerio de Educación – Ecuador – http://www.educacion.gob.ec
Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales – http://www.ambiente.gob.do
Ministerio Internacional Grupo Sion Ongd
Ministerio Publico de Santa Catarina – http://www.mp.sc.gov.br
Ministerios de San Pedro y San Pablo – http://www.sanpedroysanpablo.org
Ministry of Planning
Ministry of Strategic Planning, National Development and Statistics – http://www.planning.gov.fj
MINISTRY OF YOUTH AND SPORTS – http://www.gov.mu
Minority Coverage Foundation – http://www.mincof.org
Minority Rights Group – http://www.minorityrights.org
Mir Khalil ur Rahman Foundation – http://www.mkrf.org
Miracle Corners of the World – http://www.mcwglobal.org
Miracle Trees Foundation – http://www.miracletrees.org
Miral Welfare Foundation International – http://www.miral.org
MIRANTAO Peer-Leader-International – http://www.peer-leader-international.org
MIROSLAVA International Alliance – http://www.miroslava.civicua.org
Misagh-e Zendegi
Misere Option Zero – http://www.miserezero.org
Mision Celac
Mision Christ Aide Les Detenus
Mision Mujer AC – http://www.axios.org.mx
Misioneros y Misioneras del Amor Sacramentado – http://www.mmasgeneralhouse.org
Misiones Del Agua Internacional – http://www.misionesdelaguainternacional.blogspot.com
Misr Baladna Association for Civil Society Development – http://www.misrbaladna.com
Missao em Fronteiras Para Cristo em Angola/Mifroca
Mission Anti Crime and Human Rights, (ICAAHR), NSDA. INDIA
Mission des Volontaires Contre la Pauvreté
Mission d’Etude pour l’Aménagement de l’Océan
Mission Impowerment Through Right Ownership
Mission MDI -CI
Mission Sans Frontieres – http://missionsansfrontiere.asso-web.com
Mission Sourire d’Afrique et Bon Accueil (SAMBAT FOR AFRICA) – http://www.sambat-msa.org
Missions3G-Gauri – http://www.missions3g-gauri.org
Missouri State University
MiStatus – http://www.mistatus.org
Mittetulundusühing Fenno-Ugria Asutus – http://www.fennougria.ee
Mkkindustries Bharat Vikas Samiti – http://www.knowledgopedia.hpage.com
Mkolani Foundation Organization – http://www.mkolanifoundation.webs.com
Moana Nui Action Alliance – http://mnaa.org
Moasseseh Farhangi Ejtemaeye Ofogh Omid
Mobadart Ta’lam
Mobility India – http://www.mobility-india.org
MOCAM CI – http://www.mocamci.org
Model Centre for Deaf Education and Training – http://www.mocedet.or.ke
Modern Advocacy, Humanitarian, Social and Rehabilitation Association – http://www.mahsra.org
modern middle east and unity
Modern Organisation for Humanitarian Aid
modern youth society – http://www.mys-yemen.org
Mohawk Workers of the Ouse / Grand River – http://mohawkworkers.wordpress.com
Mohila Welfare Society
Mohmmad Ibraheem Welfare Society Undocumented Migrented
Moms Club International Nigeria
Mon Education Center
Mon Organizations Network
Mongolian Culture Centre – http://www.mongolianculturecentre.co.uk
Mongolian Family Welfare Association – http://www.mfwa.mn
Mongolian National Cooperator’s Association – http://www.mongolia.coop
Mongolian Youth Federation – http://www.myf.mn
Monitoring Mechanism Towards an Arms Trade Treaty – http://mauricifor.wordpress.com/2010/07/01/monitoring-mechanism-towards-…
Montage Initiative, Inc. – http://www.MontageInitiative.org
Montagnard Human Rights Organization – http://www.mhro.org
Montala – http://montala.org
Montclair State University – http://www.montclair.edu/chss/political-science-law/
Montessori Model United Nations – http://www.montessori-mun.org
Monthly Human Rights Watch – http://www.humanrightswatchpk.blogspot.com
MoonLight Onlus
Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World 19
Moorish Holy Temple of Science/Moorish Science Temple – http://mhtosotw-13-km.com
MoPoTsyo Patient Information Centre – http://www.mopotsyo.org
Moroccan Centre for Human Development and Investment – http://cemagi-maroc.ifrance.com/
Moroccan Institute for corporate and social responsibility
Morrocan center for education aun formation to développement and international solidarity – http://www.cm-efdsi.com
Mosaic – http://www.mosaicinternational.org
Mosaic (South Africa) – http://www.mosaic.org.za
Mosaic Training, Service and Healing Centre for Women – http://www.mosaic.org.za
Mother Helpage (UK) – http://www.motherhelpage.com
Mother Saradadevi Social Service Society
Mother Teresa Memorial Trust – http://www.motherteresatrust.org
Mother Teresa Samajik Vikas Sanstha, Latur
Mother Teresa Welfare Trust
Mothers Legacy Project – http://www.motherslegacy.org
Mother’s Union – http://www.themothersunion.org
Motirõ Sociedade Cooperativa – http://www.motiro.org
Motive Development Group – http://www.motivedevelopmentgroup.com
Motorola, Inc. – http://www.motorola.com
Mount Horeb Glory Ministries – http://mhgministries.tripod.com
Mountain Institute for Educational Development – http://www.mied.org
Mountain Institute, The – http://www.mountain.org
Mountbatten Award in Borneo
Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l’amitié entre les peuples – http://www.mrap.fr
Mouvement d’Action pour le Renouveau Social – http://www.marsong.org
Mouvement de Soutien pour le Devellopement de la Jeunesse Gabonaise – http://www.facebook/mouvementsoutienjeunessegabon
Mouvement des entreprises de taille humaine industrielles et commerciales – http://www.ethic.fr
Mouvement des Jeunes pour le Réveil et le Développement
Mouvement des Mères pour la Paix, la Solidarité et le Développement
Mouvement Humanitaire des Bâtisseurs Sans Frontières MHBSF
Mouvement International de la Jeunesse agricole et rurale catholique – http://www.mijarc.net
Mouvement International pour les Reparations
Mouvement Ivoirien des Droits Humains
Mouvement Mondial des Mères International – http://www.makemothersmatter.org
Mouvement National des Jeunes Patriotes du Mali – http://www.monajep-mali.org
Mouvement Participatif pour la Promotion des Droits de l’Homme et de la Démocratie
Mouvement pour l’abolition de la prostitution et de la pornographie et de toutes formes de violences sexuelles et discriminations sexistes
Mouvement pour l’Autodetermination de la Kabylie
Mouvement Utopia – http://www.mouvementutopia.org
Movement Against Poverty-Sierra Leone – http://www.mapsl.interconnection.org
Movement Against Violence and Impunity in Africa
Movement for Justice Pecae and Human Rights International
Movement for Peace, Disarmament and Liberty (MPDL) – Movimiento por La Paz, El Desarme Y La Libertad – http://www.mpdl.org
Movement for Restoration of Ankore Kingdom – http://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/296066713738581/
Movement for the Protection of African Child (MOPOTAC) – http://www.crin.org/organizations/vieworg.asp?ID=2620
movement for valencia progress young adult sector (MVP-YAS)
Movimento Civico da Democracia
Movimento Nacional de Direitos Humanos – http://www.mndh.org.br
Movimento Negro Capixaba Negros Capixabas
Movimento Pardo-Mestiço Brasileiro – Nação Mestiça – http://www.nacaomestica.org
Movimento Sócio-Ambiental Caminho das Águas – http://www.caminhodasaguas.org.br
Movimiento Indigena Tawantinsuyo – http://www.mitperu.org
MOVIMIENTO MUNDIAL DE MADRES – http://www.mouvement-mondial-des-meres.org
Movimiento Socio Cultural para los Trabajadores Haitianos – http://www.mosctha.org
Movimientos Indigenas Asociados – http://www.movimientoindigena.com
MOWATIN: Gulf Centre for Democratic Development – http://www.gulf21.net
Mozambican Association for the Development of Rural Women
Mpule Kwelagobe Foundation
MSU Student Housing Cooperative – http://www.msu.coop
Mu Rwacu Youth Organisation
Mubadiroon Organization for Prevention of Disaster and War Impacts – http://www.mubadiroon.org
Muhammadiyah Association – http://www.muhammadiyah.or.id
Muintir Mhaigh Eo Atha Cliath – http://www.mayoassociationdublin.com/
Mujeres por un Futuro
Mujtaba Welfare Foundation – http://www.facebook.com/mujtabawelfarefoundation
Mukono Multi-purpose Youth Organisation – http://www.mumyouganda.org
Mukti Nari -O- Shishu Unnayan Sangstha – http://www.mukti.org
Mulnivasi Mukti Manch – http://www.mulnivasi.org
Multicultural Alliance of Behavior Analysts
Multiculutre Council For Ontario Seniors
Multimedia University of Kenya – http://www.mmu.ac.ke
Mumbai Grahak Panchayat – http://www.mgpanchayt.co.in
Murna Foundation
Musa Goth Social Welfare Assocation Karachi Sindh Pakistan
Musango vissions
Muscular Dystrophy Foundation India – http://www.mdfindia.org
Mushin Local Government
Mushtaq Development Foundation
Music Mayday Ethiopia – http://www.ethiomm.org
Muslim Aid – http://www.muslimaid.org
Muslim Business Council of India – http://www.mbcoi.com
Muslim Hands – http://www.muslimhands.org.uk
Muslim Sports Sheikhupura
Muslim Welfare Society Liaquat Pur
Muslim World League – http://www.themwl.org
Muthaa Community Development Foundation – http://www.muthaafoundation.org
Muthande Society for the Aged
Mutoto e.V. – http://www.mutoto.de
Mutuelle des Lettres et des Diplomes ourR L’dmploi
Muzaffarabad Poverty Alleviation Programme – http://www.mpapmzd.org
Mwelekeo waNGO – http://www.mwengo.org
Mwino Group
My Chosen Vessels – http://www.mychosenvessels.com
My Drop in the Oceans
MyRight (Empowers people with disabilities) – http://www.myright.se
MyRight (Empowers persons with disabilities) – http://www.myright.se

N B Institute For Rural Technology – http://www.arkaneer.com
N.F.-Board – http://www.nf-board.com
NACE International – http://www.nace.org
Nacion Originaria Suyu Jach’a Karangas
Nacionalna asocijacija roditelja djece i omladine sa smetnjama u razvoju Crne Gore NARDOS
Nada Foundation – http://www.verysoonunderconstruction
Nagaad Network – http://www.nagaad.org
Nahade Mardomi – http://www.thenewiran.com
Nai Umeed Development Organization – http://www.naiumeed.yolasite.com
Naihati New Life Society
Naija Worldwide Charities – http://www.naijacharities.org
Najaat Welfare Foundation (R)
Nakapiripirit Civil Society Forum
Nakasongola District Local Government
Nakuru County Youth Environment Consortium
Namati – http://www.namati.org
Namu Nigeria Development Foundation
Nari Gunjan
Narikantho Foundation
Narodnaya Initsiativa (Public Initiative) – Fund of Social and Informational Programmes of State Authorities – http://www.fondni.ru
Nas We Care Inc
Naseem welfare trust
Nasma Development Organization – http://www.nasma-sd.org
Nation Builders Organisation – http://www.nationbuildersonline.org
Nation Risers Student Federation – http://www.nationrisers.weebly.com
Nationa Relief for All
National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Womens Alliance Australia – http://www.natsiwa.org.au
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys – http://www.naela.org
National Advocates for Pregnant Women Inc – http://www.advocatesforpregnantwomen.org
National African Religion Congress/International African Religion Congress – http://www.narcworld.com
National Agency for Family care
National Anti Corruption Investigation Bureau – http://www.nacib.in
National Assembly of Disabled Peoples’ International – http://www.dpi-japan.org/english/index.html
National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NaYORA) – http://www.nayora.az
National Assistance and Information Centre for NGOs in Moldova – http://www.contact.md
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People – http://www.naacp.org
National Association of Drug Court Professionals – http://www.allrise.org
National Association of PLHA in Nepal – http://www.napn.org.np
National Association of Seadogs – http://www.nas-int.org
National Association of Talented Youth
National Association of Vocational Education of China – http://www.zhzjs.org.cn
National association of women opinion leaders (Nig)
National Bar Association
National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights – http://www.ncdhr.org.in
National Care Centre – http://www.nationalcarecentre.blogspot.com
National Center for State Courts
National Centre for Human Rights and Destitute Children
National Centre for Human Settlements and Environment – http://www.nchse.org
National Centre for Persons with Disabilities
National Children´s and Youth Law Centre – http://www.ncylc.org.au;http://www.lawstuff.org.au;http://www.childright…
National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life – http://www.ncall.us
National Coalition Against Racial Discrimination – http://www.ncard.org.np
National Cooperative Federation of Nepal – http://www.ncfnepal.com.np
National Coordinating Organization of Farmers Associations – The Gambia
National Council for Gender Equality of Macedonia
National Council for Voluntary Organisations – http://www.ncvo-vol.org.uk/
National Council of Child Rights Advocates, Nigeria: South West Zone – http://www.naccransw.com.ng
National Council of Family Affairs – http://www.ncfa.org.jo
National Council of German Women’s Organizations
National Council of Women of Canada – http://www.ncwc.ca
National Council of Women of the United States Inc. – http://www.ncwus.org
National Council of YMCAs of Korea
National Council on Family Relations – http://www.ncfr.org
National Development Agency – http://www.nda.org.za
National Development Team for Inclusion – http://www.ndti.org.uk
National Development Youth Club, Jaran Wali Gali Poonch
National Ecology and Environment Foundation Trust – http://www.neef.in
National Effort for Education & Health Development – http://www.neehd.org
National Ethical Service – http://www.nationalserviceaeu.org
National Federation of Youth Organizations in Bangladesh – http://www.nfyob.org
National Forum Alternatives, Practice, Initiatives – http://www.ipcp.eu
National Forum for Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention – http://www.nationalforum.org
National Guild of Hypnotists – http://www.ngh.net
National Heart Forum – http://www.heartforum.org.uk
National Human and Consumer Rights Commission
National Human Rights and Consumer Rights Organization – http://www.nhr-cr.org
National Human Rights And Consumers Commission – http://www.nhrcc.net
National Human Rights Association – http://www.nhraindia.org
National Human Rights Committee – http://www.Yahoo
National Human Rights Committee (2)
National Human Rights Committee of India – http://www.nhrcasia.com
National Human Rights Council Of India
National Human Rights Mission – http://www.facebook.com/NHRM.ORG
National Indigenous Higher Education Network (Australia)
National Instrument for Democracy and Economic Development (NIDE)
National Integrated and Development Association – http://www.nidapakistan.org
National Jeugd Instituut
National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty – http://www.nlchp.org
National Lawyers Guild – http://www.nlg.org
national minority welfare council
National Native Title Council
National Network of Organizations working with Children – http://www.nnoc.or.tz
National Network of Youth Living with HIV/AIDS – http://www.rednajcer.org
National Organisation for Women and Children Affairs
National Organization for Marriage Education Fund
National Participant Network
National Relief for All Association
National Right to Life Educational Trust Fund
National Rural Development Program (NRDP) – http://www.nrdp.org.pk
National Rural Development Society – http://www.palahi.org
National Rural Women’s Coalition – http://www.nrwc.com.auhttp://www.nrwn.org.au
National Scout and Guide Fellowship – http://www.isgfghana.org
National Secular Society – http://www.secularism.org.uk
National Seniors Australia Ltd
National Social Welfare Foundation – http://www.nswf.org
National Society for Human Rights
National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States – http://www.bahai.us/
National Standards Authority of Ireland – http://www.nsai.ie
National Students Welfare Association Jammu and Kashmir – http://www.jknswa.com
National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices – http://www.aadmd.org/ntg
National Union of Ghana Students
National Union of Kuwait Students – Kuwait
National Union of Magistrates – http://www.snmalgerie.com
National Union of non-governmental development organizations
National United Christian Restoration Organization
National Unity and Peace Corps
National Unity Social Welfare Organization
National University of Rwanda Agribusiness Association
National Urban League – http://www.nul.org
National Waterfront Preservation Society
National Welfare Social Service & Development Forum – http://www.forum.org.za
National Wildlife Federation – http://www.nwf.org
National Women’s Welfare Society Darwha, Distt. Yavatmal – http://www.hufurdurahulmarathided.org
National Women’s Council of Catalonia – Consell Nacional de Dones de Catalunya
National Women’s Studies and Information Center Partnership for Development – http://www.progen.md;http://www.alegeriprogen.md
National Young People’s Network on HIV and AIDS
National Youth Achievement Award Council – http://www.nyaa.org
National Youth Assembly – http://www.nya.com.pk
National Youth Council of Ireland
National Youth Council of Uganda – http://www.nycuganda.org
National Youth Federation Nepal – http://www.nyfn.org.np
National Youth Foundation – http://www.nyfindia.org
National Youth Network, Youth Transforming This – http://www.mundodejuventud.blogpot.com
National Youth Parliament of The Gambia – http://www.nypgambia.org
National Youth Project – http://www.nypindia.org
Nations Social Development Organization – http://www.nsdo.org.pk
Native Children’s Survival – http://www.nativechildrenssurvival.org
Native Women’s Association of Canada – http://www.nwac.ca
Natural Doctors International – http://www.ndimed.org
Natural Educational Environmental Agricultural Development Society – http://www.neeadsngo.org
Natural Initiative for Voluntary Blood Donors
Natural Justice – http://www.naturaljustice.org
Natural Resources Defence Council, Inc. – http://www.nrdc.org
Natural treasure Indemnity Group
Nature Club of Mirpur
NatureRights – http://www.naturerights.com
Nav Chetan Vikas Samiti – http://www.ncvskasardevi.org
Nav Yuvak Mandal Sansthan Churu
Navayava Gramina Abivirddhi Sangam
Navodaya Foundation
Nawafil Elkhairat Organization – http://www.nawafil.org
NB Institute For Rural Technology – http://www.arkaneer.com
NCCI (NGO Coordination Committee for Iraq) – http://www.ncciraq.org
Need Manobik Unnayan Kandra
Negemlelaken HIV Positive Women Support Orgniztaion (NLK)
Negev Coexistence Forum for Indigenous Populations – http://www.dukium.org
Negucci Women in Construction and Technology – http://www.negucci.org
Neighbour Organization Nepal (NEO-Nepal) – http://www.neonepal.org
Neil Squire Society – http://www.neilsquire.ca/
Nekommercheskoe partnerstvo “Nazionalniy obschestvenniy comitet “Rossiyskaiya semiya” – http://www.nok.rgsu.net/
Nektarina, Udurga Za Pomoc Pri Obrazovanju
NEPAD Planning and Coordination Agency – http://www.nepad.org
Nepal Development Initiative – http://www.nedi.org.np
Nepal Disabled Human Rights Center – http://www.dhrcnepal.org.np
Nepal in Justice (Nyayik Nepal) – http://www.nij.org.np
Nepal Labour Journalists’ Association
Nepal Lhomi Society(NELHOS) – http://www.nelhos.org.np
Nepal Mental Health Foundation – http://www.nepalmentalhealth.org
Nepal National Dalit Social Welfare Organization
Nepal NGO Society – http://www.nepalngo.org
Nepal UNESCO Centre – http://www.facebook.com/nepalunescocentre
Nepoyo Tribal Nation – http://www.nepoyotribalnation.org
Nerlow Afriki – http://www.nerlow.org
Nest Exchange – http://www.nestexchange.org
Network Earth Village – http://www.earthvillage.jp
Network …OUT OF CIRCLE – Serbia, for Protect Rights and Support Women with Disabilities – http://mreza.izkruga.org/
Network for Information and Computer Technology – http://www.nict.co.in
Network Movement for Youth Empowerment and Participation in Sierra Leibe
Network of European Active Citizens – http://www.neac2.eu
Network of International Diplomacy of International Law and Human Rights – http://www.ndlh.org
Network of Maharashtra by People Living With HIV/AIDS – http://www.nmpplus.net
Network of Rural Women Producers Trinidad and Tobago – http://www.nrwptt.net
Network of the Indigenous Peoples-Solomons
Network of Women in Higher Education and Academic
Network Women In Development Europe – http://www.wide-network.org
Networking for Holistic Development
Netzwerk Friedenskooperative
New Earth – http://www.newearth.info
New Emerging Development Organization – http://www.nedopk.webs.com
New Era Capital Corporation – http://www.new-cap
New Era Educational and Charitable Support Initiative – http://www.needcsi.org
New Hope Cambodia – http://www.newhopecambodia.com
New Hope Foundation Zimbabwe – http://newhopefoundationzimbabwe.yolasite.com/
New Hope Hospice – http://www.newhopehospice.net
New Hope Network for Human Development
New Horizons International Youth Development and Empowerment Organisation
New Human Right Organization of Global Minorite – http://www.NHROGM.org
New Initiative For Social Development – http://www.nisdnigeria.org
New International Horizon
New Japan Women’s Association
New Jerusalem University – http://www.eabicbahamas.ning.com
New Life Charity Society – http://www.nelics.blogspot.com
New Lin Social Organization – http://www.khatenow.af
New Nepal Foundation
New Reality International – http://www.newrealityinternational.org
New Swansea Bay – http://www.newswanseabay.co.uk
New Vision International – NVI – http://www.nvi.populus.ch
NEW VISION INTERNTIONAL – http://www.nvint.org
New Vois Association of the Philippines Inc. – http://www.facebook.com/newvois
New Woman Foundation – http://www.nwrcegypt.org
New York Center for Nonviolent Communication – http://www.nycnvc.org
New Zealand Drug Foundation – http://www.drugfoundation.org.nz
New Zealand National Institute of Higher Education
Newah Bidhyarthi Daboo – http://www.deydaboo.org
Newlife Mission, Kenya – http://www.newlifemission.org
Newport University CED (Center for Educational Development) – http://www.newportuniversity.eu
News Network – http://www.newsnetwork-bd.org
Next Generation Group – http://www.nextgenerationgroup.webs.com
Nexus-Carbon for Development
Nga Kaitiaki O Nga Iwi Katoa Charitable Trust
Ngapuhi – http://www.ngapuhi.iwi.nz
Ngara Multipopurse Community Telecentre
Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated
Ngcono International
Ngen Cultural Development Association
NGO Ardager
NGO Women For Development – http://www.wfd.am
NGO Youth of new century – http://ngoyonc.org/
NGO Cocody the City of Hope
NGO Committee on UNICEF
NGO ESE-Bénin – http://www.esebenin.africa-web.org
NGO Express Magazine
NGO Fontana – http://www.ngofontana.org
NGO Forum for Health – http://www.ngo-forum-health.ch
NGO Forum for Public Health – http://www.ngof.org
NGO Gromads’ka Syla – http://www.gromsyla.org.ua
NGO Health Committee, Inc. – http://www.ngohealthcommittee.org
NGO Platform Bonaire – http://www.ngobonaire.org/
NGO SUPPORT CENTRE – http://www.ngo-sc.org
NGO Viktorija – http://www.izaberi-zivot.rs.ba
NGO Welfare Trust – http://snehbhatnagartripod.com
NGOBranch Test Profile
Ngoma Club
NGOs’ coalition against FGM
NGOs Computer Literacy Shelter Welfare, Rawalpindi Cantt. – http://www.nclsw.net
Niall Mellon Township Trust – http://www.irishtownship.com/
Nice Foundation – http://www.nicefoundation.org.in
Nice Social Organisation
Nice Youth for Culture and Education Society – http://www.NYCERAYAPATIKNL.ORG
NIDAN – http://www.nidan.in
Nido di Speranza – http://www.nidodisperanza.org
Nigeria & Africa Renaissance Initiative Inc. – http://nigeriaandafricarenaissanceinitiative.blogspot.com/2011/02/introd…
Nigeria Blue Cross
Nigeria Development Union France – http://www.nigduf.com
Nigeria Golden Foundation
Nigeria Model United Nations Society – http://www.nigmuns.org
Nigeria Unite For Road Safety
Nigeria Youth Habitat Network
nigeria youth movement for africa growth – http://www.facebook.com/nymag2014
Nigeria Youth Volunteers – http://www.nyv.org.ng
Nigeriacamera – http://www.nigeriacamera.net
Nigerian Centre for Research and Documentation
Nigerian Environmental Society
Nigerian Youth Cooperative Network – http://www.youthincoops.coop
Nigerians Unite for Road Safety – http://www.NUFORSA.ORG
Nigerians United Against Corruption International – http://www.notocorruption.org
Nihon Kokusai Volunteer Center – http://www.ngo-jvc.net/
Nijera Shikhi – http://www.nijerashikhi.org.uk
Niketon Seba Sangstha (NSS) – http://www.NiketonSebaSangstha-NSS/facebook
Nile Hope Develoment Forum – http://www.nilehope.org
NIMAR International
Ningi Zahrybs Nig Ltd
NIRDHAN NGO, an NGO for Poverty Reduction in Nepal – http://www.nirdhanngo.org
Nirman Bahuddheshiya Sansthan Nagpur – http://www.nirmaan.org
Nishat Welfare Organization – http://nishatwelfare.org
No Stigma Network
Noble Institution for Environmental Peace Inc. – http://www.niep.ca
Noble Missions for Change Initiative – http://www.noblemissions.org
Nobopolly Development Organization
NOK Concepts – http://www.nokconcepts.org
Noluthando Foundation Youth Project
NOMADEIS – http://www.nomadeis.com
Nomotechnical Center Belgrade – https://nomcentar.com
Non Goverment Organization Madina
Non-commercial Partnership The Commonwealth of Indigeonous Peoples’ Communities of the Russian North, Siberia and Far East – http://www.severnaya-obschina.ru
Non-Commercial Partnership on Assistance in Promoting Social Programs in the Healthcare Area Equal Right to Life – http://www.ravnoepravo.ru
Non-Commercial Partnership on Joining of Creditors “World Organization of Creditors” – http://www.woc-org.com
Non-Governmental Organization Federation of Nepal – http://www.ngofederation.org
Nonprofit Organization Kokkyo naki Kodomotachi – http://www.knk-network.org
Non-Sudanese Students Welfare Organization – http://www.alwafden.org/
Non-Sudanese Students’ Welfare Organization – http://www.alwafden.org
Non-Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme for South and Southeast Asia – http://www.ntfp.org
Noor Internatinal walfare Organization – http://www.niworganization.org
Nord-Sud XXI – North-South XXI – https://sites.google.com/site/nordsudxxi/
North American Institute for the Mexican Advancement
North American Nigerian International Concortium on Ageing – http://www.valpo.edu
North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity – http://www.nkis.kr
North Rupununi District Development Board – http://www.nrddb.org
North West Association of Development Organisations – http://www.nwado.wordpress.com
Northcote Educational & Technology Services
North-East Indian Indigenous Peoples Council
Northern Alliance for Sustainability (ANPED) – http://www.anped.org/
NORTH-SOUTH INSTITUTE, THE – http://www.nsi-ins.ca
Northwest Bronx Community & Clergy Coalition – http://www.northwestbronx.org
Norway’s Contact Committee for Immigrants and the Authorities
Norwegian Federaton of Organisations of Disabled People
Not for Sale Campaign – http://www.notforsalecampaign.org
NOT REVIEWED–Skyian Welfare Organization – http://www.skyian.org
Nour Association for solidarity with rural women – http://www.ANSFR.ifrance.com
Nour Foundation – http://www.nourfoundation.com
Nova Scotia Blue Cross – http://www.blue-cross.in/
Nova Vista Capital Advisors, LLC – http://www.novavistacapital.com
Novinari za prava na zeni i deca i zastit na zivotnata sredina na Makedonija – http://www.detstvo.org.mk
NOVISSI – Fraternité Association
Ntchisi Integrated Development Organisation
Nubian Heritage Organization
Nubian Sons for Community Services
Nubian Unity in Europe – http://www.nubia2.com
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – http://www.wagingpeace.org
Núcleo de Gerenciamento do Programa Pará Rural – http://www.pa.gov.br
Nucleo de Inclusao Social – http://projetonis.com/
Nurses Across the Borders – http://www.nursesacrosstheborders.org
Nurture Every Soul of Thee
Nyse Organisation – http://www.nyseproperties.com
O Instituto Ambiental – http://www.oia.org.br
O XXII° Duque de Bragança Sar Dom Rosario – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Oberlin College – http://oberlin.edu/faculty/bpineda
Objectif Sciences International – http://www.objectif-sciences-international.org
Objectif Zéro Pauvre en Afrique
Obra Foundation – http://www.obrafoundation.8m.com
Observatoire congolais des droits de l’Homme (OCDH) – http://www.Blog.ocdh.org
Observatoire Mauritanien des Droits de l’Homme et de la Démocratie – http://www.omadhd.mr
Observatoire pour la Défense des Droits des Femmes et des Enfants – http://www.oddfea.ch
Observatorio Cubano de Derechos Humanos – http://www.observacuba.org
Observatorio de Cultivos Declarados Ilicitos
Observatorio de Governança, Biodiversidade, Áreas Protegidas e Inclusão Social/IP&IE/UFRJ – http://www.gapis.psicologia.ufrj.br/
Observatório de Participação Social nas Organizações Internacionais – http://opsi.gid-ufs.org/
Observatorio de Problemas Indigenas de Bolivia
Observatorio Internacional de Justicia Juvenil – http://www.oijj.org
Observatorio Mexicano de Derechos Humanos AC – http://www.derechoshumanosmexico.org
Observatorio Mexicano de la Crisis, Asociación Civil – http://www.obmexcrisis.org
Observatorio Regional para la Mujer de América Latina y el Caribe AC – www.construye.orgBLOG:www.construyemujer.blogspot.mxFACEBOOK:Observatori…@construyemujer
Ocasa – http://www.ocasa.org.co
Occupy Earth Summit
ODHIKAR – Coalition for Human Rights – http://www.odhikar.org
Oeuvre Sociale Medico Ophtalmologique
Oeuvres Sociales pour les Biens Etre ONG-Asbl
OFFICE – Projetos Sócio-Econômicos e Comunicação Ltda – http://www.officeprojetos.com.br
Office Franco-Québécois pour la Jeunesse – http://www.ofqj.org
Office National De La Population Côte D’ivoire – http://www.onp-ci.org
Office of the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) – http://www.cao-ombudsman.org
Ohangwena Forest Trust – http://www.besh.de/ojove
OIPA – Organizzazione Internazionale Protezione Animali – http://www.oipa.org
Ojus Foundation Trust – http://www.ojusfoundation.in
Okogun Odigie Safewomb International Foundation – http://www.oosaif.org
Okuolu International Ltd
Old Hood Welfare Organization
Oldenburg Agenda 21 – http://www.oldenburg.de/agenda21
Olmeut Sky, Incorporated – http://www.olmeutsky.webs.com
OLTIM – http://www.oltim.org
Olukunle Oluwole Foundation – http://www.oluwolevision.webs.com
OMSOHAM CHARITABLE TRUST – http://www.omsoham.org
ONE – http://www.one.org
One Campaign – http://www.one.org
One Drop – http://www.onedrop.org
One family People
One Global Economy – http://oneglobaleconomy.org/
One Globe Foundation
One Health Organisation (OHO) – http://www.onehealthorganisation.org
One In Christ Ministries – http://www.oneinchristministries.com
one sky international – http://www.oneskyinternational.org/
One World Action UK – http://www.oneworldaction.org
One World, One Word – http://www.oneworldoneword.org
OneVoice – http://www.onevoicemovement.org
ONG Ache Internacional – http://www.acheinternacional.org
ONG Actions
ONG Adapan – http://www.adapan.org
ONG Association de l’Arbre – http://www.fecebook.com/ong.arbre
ONG Association pour le Développement de la Population – http://www.adeprdc.populus.org
Ong Bem Me Quer – http://www.ongbemmequer.blogspot.com
ONG Carbone Guinée
ONG Casa de Acogida La Esperanza – http://www.corporacionesperanza.cl
ONG Casa del Pueblo – http://casadelpueblo.arredemo.org
Ong Centro de Capacitacion y Desarrollo Cec – http://www.CORPORACIONCEC.CL
ONG Cercle D’amour
ONG Coordination D’actions Multisectorielles pour un Developpement Durable
Ong De Desarrollo Bioscorpore
ONG Domino
ONG Droit a la Vie
ONG Emmanuel – http://www.click-a.info
ONG Entraide Nord Sud ( E N S ) – http://www.entraidenordsud.yolasite.com
ONG Falala Niger
ONG Fipdahp-Afrique – http://www.ongfipdahpafrique.net
ONG Floraison
Ong Globe
ONG Gouvernance Democratie et Sante Environnementales
ONG Goye (Travail)
ONG Handicapé, mais Digne
ONG Hope International – http://www.onghope.org
ONG International
ONG Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environnement Niger – http://www.ong-jve.org
ONG Jeunesse Femme Developpement
ONG La Voix Verte
ONG Le TONUS – http://www.letonusmali.org
ONG Les Amis du Partage
ONG Libertas – http://www.mobilizacaosocial.com.br/profile/marcoaureliodoamralalsantos
ONG Maison d’Abraham
ONG Moulin Rouge – http://ongmoulinrouge.tg
ONG Playdoo – Cote d’Ivoire – http://www.playdooci.org
ONG SECOURSNET – http://www.secoursnet.mr
ONG Social Development Cooperative
ONG Union pour le Développement et la Coopération
ONG Verdenovo Rio das Velhas
ONG Vidas Recicladas – http://www.vidasrecicladas.org
ONG Vision Pour L’Avenir – http://www.ongvpl.populus.org
ONG World Documents and Cultures
ONGD Centre pour la Promotion de la Photographie – http://www.Néant
ONGD Educar para Vivir – http://www.educarparavivir.com
ONGD-ASBL Maison de Lecture JPKAS Les Amis de Lemba et de Waremme
Ong-Gadd Benin – http://www.gaddbenin.com
Onkod Relief and Development Organization – http://www.ordosom.org
Online Universal
Onna Charity Organization – http://www.onnaorg.webs.com
Ontario Blue Cross Corps
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto – http://www.oise.utoronto.ca/hsssje/index.html
ooiCTRLD – http://www.facultystudentconference.org
Opção Brasil – http://www.opcaobrasil.org.br
Open City International Foundation, Inc. – http://www.opencityfound.org
Open Mind Spectrum Albania
Open Space Centre – http://www.openspaceuganda.wordpress.com
Opening Village Doors Foundation
OpenSENEGAL – http://www.opsn.org
Operation ASHA – http://www.opasha.org
Operation Mercy – http://www.mercy.se
Operation Save Nigerian – http://www.westernniger.com
Ophan Support Africa – http://www.orphansupportafrica.org
Oppressed Empowerment & Youth Organisation, Nepal – http://www.dnfnepal.org
OPTIMIST INTERNATIONAL GHANA – http://www.optimist.org
Ordem DeMolay Brasil
Ordem do Mérito Teológico Cristo o Eterno
Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil Conselho Federal – http://www.oab.org.br
Ordem Dos Advogados do Brasil Secao de Mato Grosso – http://www.oabmt.org.br
Ordem dos Pastores do Brasil – http://www.ordemdospastoresdobrasil.org
Ordem Filosófica Mundial Vidya Yoga Ashram – http://www.vidyayoga.org
Order of Discalced Carmelites – http://www.carmelitaniscalzi.com
Order of Prince Daniel of Kholm – http://www.sovereignorderofcravant.org
Order of Saint Paul – http://www.knightsosp.org
Order of St. Augustine, Canadian Augustinian Centre for Social Justice – http://www.cacsj.ca
Order of the Holy Grace – Ordine della Grazia Sacra
Order of The Holy Knights of Jerusalem
Ordo Militaris Navigantis Portugaliae Templum – Fraternidade Ecuménica Universal Cultural e Humanitária, (ONG-D) CRL – http://www.OMNPT-FEUCH.org
Ordo Militiae Jesu Christi (ONGD) – http://www.ordochristi.org
Organisasi Pribumi Papua Barat (OPPB) – http://www.oppb.webs.com
Organisation arabe de la famille – http://www.arabfamilyorganization.ae/
Organisation camerounaise pour la protection de l’arbre
Organisation Contre la Pauvrete
Organisation de Bender Djedid Pour le Developpement Socio-Economique
Organisation de defense de l’environnement au Burundi
Organisation De Developpement Durable
Organisation de Développement et des Droits de l’Homme au Cameroun – http://www.gicarcam.org
Organisation de Développement Intégral de la Femme et d’Encadrement de Personnes Vulnérables de VIH-IST
Organisation de Femmes Pour le Developpement de Thomonde – OFAT
Organisation des Droits de L’Homme et de la protection de l’Environnement – http://www.odhpe.org
Organisation Des Femmes Actives de Cote d’Ivoire – http://www.ofaci.org
Organisation des Hommes demunis et enfants orphelins pour le developpement – http://www.ohdeod.org
organisation des jeunes comoriens pour la culture et le développement (OJCCD) – http://www.jeunescom.fr
Organisation des Jeunes pour le Monde d’Avenir – http://www.ojma-rdc.org
Organisation des Jeunes pour l’Éducation et le Développement
Organisation des Laics Engagés du Sacré-Coeur pour le Développement de Kimbondo
Organisation des Performances de l’Ecole Nigérienne – http://www.facebook.com/openniger
Organisation des Volontaires pour le Developpement des Peuples Africains
Organisation for Gender, Civic Engagement & Youth Development (OGCEYOD) – http://www.ogceyodcameroon.webs.com
Organisation for Research and Community Development in Zimbabwe – http://orcdzimbabwe.org/andwww.orcd.org.zw
Organisation for Social & Economic Development – http://www.osed.org.pk
Organisation for Youth Advancement
Organisation Indigene Maohi
Organisation Internationale de Developpement et de Promotion Humaine
Organisation Internationale de Lutte Contre les Maladies
Organisation internationale pour la réduction des catastrophes (OIRC)
Organisation Internationale pour la Sécurité des Transactions Electroniques OISTE – http://www.oiste.org
Organisation Internationale pour le Développement Intégral de la Femme – http://www.oidif.org
Organisation Non Gouvernementale Tassa
Organisation of African Youth for Development and Peace – http://www.oaydp.org
Organisation on Govermental de Developpement
Organisation pour la Defence des Droits de L’homme
Organisation pour la Femme Et le Developpement (O.F.E.D.), Inc. – http://www.ofedinternational.org
organisation pour la prévention et l’intervention contre les risques et contingences (OPIRCo en sigle)
Organisation pour la Protection et le Développement de l’Humanité (OPDH -BENIN) – http://www.oprodevh.org
Organisation pour la Rénovation Environnante du Sud d’Haiti (RESH) – http://www.orgresh.page.tl
Organisation Tunisienne de Jeunes Medecins Sans Frontieres – http://www.jmsf.org.tn
Organização Cultural Remanescentes de Tia Ciata – http://www.remanescentestiaciata.blogspot.com
Organização das Famílias da Ásia e do Pacífico – http://www.ofapmacau.org
Organizacao de Centro de Atendimento e Desenvolvimento, Assistencial, Educacional, Cultural, Comunitario do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – http://www.oderj.org
Organização de Direitos Humanos Projeto Legal – http://www.projetolegal.org.br
Organização de Mulheres Negras – http://www.mariamulher.org.br
Organização Não Governamental para o Meio Ambiente
Organização Patrimonial, Turística e Ambiental – http://www.opta.org.br
Organização pela Preservação Ambiental – http://www.ccbm.org.br
Organização Universal pela Salvaguarda dos Índios e dos Aborígenes – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Organização Universal pela Salvaguarda dos Índios e dos Aborígenes – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Organizacion Ambiental Academica
Organizacion Argentinna de Jovenes para Naciones Unidas – http://www.oajnu.org
Organizacion Continental de Derechos Humanos A.C.
Organizacion de Desarrollo del Pueblo Kakinte
Organización de Desarrollo Étnico Comunitario – http://www.odecohn.blogspot.com
Organización de Entidades Mutuales de las Américas, ODEMA, Asociación Civil – http://www.odema.org
Organización Diplomática Mundial por la Paz y los Derechos Humanos – http://www.fasi.mex.tl/
Organización Indígena de Antioquia – http://www.oia.org.co
Organizacion Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Onaldep Miembros de la Sociedad Civil (OSC)(OEA) – http://www.actiweb.es/onaldep/
organización no gubernamental de desarrollo para la investigación, formación y estudios sobre la mujer -Isfem – http://www.isfem.cl
Organizacion Smiles AC
Organization for Development and Peace – http://www.odpmpak.org
Organization for Human Development Program
Organization for Industrial, Spiritual and Cultural Advancement – International (OISCA) – http://www.oisca.org/e/
Organization for Liberation of Rural Daliths – http://www.olordindia.org
Organization For Peace & Welfare – http://www.pwngo.org
Organization for Peace and Cultures Exchange – http://www.opce-maroc.org
Organization for Peace and Welfare – http://www.ofpaw.com.pk
Organization for Poverty Alleviation and Development
Organization for Poverty Alleviation and Development (OPAD) – SWEDEN – http://www.opad.eu
Organization for Promotion and Protection of Women and Child Rights
Organization for Public Interest – http://www.opi.org.pk
Organization for Public Voice
Organization for Relief and Development in Africa – http://www.ordafrica.org
Organization for Research and Community Development – http://www.orcd.org.af
Organization for Research and Community Development – Pakistan
Organization for Social Rights – http://www.osrlegal.org
Organization for Sustainable Development Afghanistan – http://www.osda-af.org
Organization for Sustainable Development and Advocacy
Organization for the Solidarity of the Peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America
Organization of African Trade Union Unity
Organization of Emerging African States – http://www.oeas.info
Organization of Fast Relief and Development – http://www.ofrd-af.org
Organization of Islamic Capitals and Cities
Organization of Islamic Cooperation – http://www.oic-oci.org
Organization of Nigerian Chaplains
Organization of Retired Persons Wisdom Ripening – http://www.moigoda.wordpress.com
Organization of World Peace Ambassadors
Organizationsname – website
Organizaton of United Nations Volunteer Nigeria
Organized Mission through Integration for Education and Development
Oriental Danology Institute
Oriental Women Organization – http://www.owopakistan.org
Origins Canada – http://www.originscanada.org/
Orion Amanar
OrphanAid Africa – http://www.oafrica.org
Orphan’s Development Foundation – http://www.yateemdev.org
Orphélins, Déplacés et Incarcérés – Côte D’Ivoire
Orquidário Maricaense – http://www.orquidariomaricaense.com
OSCIP Imagem da Vida – http://www.imagemdavida.org.br
Osei Abobono Foundation
Osmani Nagar Gram Unnayan Shangstha – ONGUS
Österreichische Vereinigung für Supervision – http://www.oevs.or.at
Österreichischer Verein für Drogenfachleute – ÖVDF – http://www.oevdf.at
Others Are Us – http://www.OthersAreUs.org
Oui pour une Enfance Noble Mali – http://www.enfancenoble.fr
Our Life for Others
Our Right Our Life Youth Empowerment Initiative – http://www.orolyep.org
Our Voice (society for the special persons) – http://www.ourvoiceajk.org
OurSay – http://oursay.org
Out of Africa Missions USA
Outreach Trust
Overcomers Association
Overseas Development Institute – http://www.odi.org.uk
Oxfam (America)
Oxfam International – http://www.oxfam.org
Oxfam International Youth Parliament – http://www.oiyp.oxfam.org
P.R.O. 14646 GLOBAL FOUNDATION / FUND e.V. – http://www.horn-horn.de
P.S.S.Educational Development Society – http://www.karmayog.org/ngo/pssedsociety
P3 Foundation – http://www.p3foundation.org
Pace University – http://www.pace.edu
Pachamama Romania – http://www.fouryearsgo.ro
Pacific American Volunteer Association – http://www.pavausa.com
Pacific Concerns Resource Centre Inc.
Pacific Network for Peace and Disarmament
Pacific Region Indigenous Doctors’ Congress – http://www.pridoc.org
Pacific Research and Policy Centre, Massey University – http://www.massey.ac.nz/prpc
pacific youth council – http://www.pacificyouthcouncil.com
Pacifica Institute – http://www.pacificainstitute.org
Pact – http://www.pactworld.org
Padei Bu Rdco Rwa Promotion et Appui pour le Developpement Integré au Burundi, Rdcongo et Rwanda – http://www.Padeibu.Ciraj12.12.84.com
Padmashree Society – http://www.ashakiranhomeodisha.org
Padrao Águias da Aventura Objetiva – http://www.aventureirosaguia.ning.com
PAGTINABANGAY FOUNDATION – http://www.ammado.com/nonprofit/pagtinabangayfoundation
Paiman Alumni Trust – http://www.paimantrust.org
Pain & Policy Studies Group, UW Carbone Cancer Center – http://www.painpolicy.wisc.edu/
Painted Children UK Limited – http://www.paintedchildren.co.uk
Pais para Sempre – Associação para a Defesa dos Filhos dos Pais Separados – http://www.paisparasempre.eu
Pak Building and Development Organization
Pak Education Organization – http://www.pakeducation.org
Pak Education Society/Pakistan Development Network – http://www.pakedu.org
Pak Women – http://www.pakwomen.org
Pakistan Awami Society
Pakistan Centre for Development Communication – http://www.pcdcpk.org
Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy – http://www.pcp.org.pk
Pakistan Community Peace Foundation – http://www.pcpfi.org
Pakistan Council For Human Rights – http://www.pakistancouncilforhumanrights.blogspot.com
Pakistan Education Society (PES)
Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum – http://www.pff.org.pk
Pakistan International Model United Nations Association – http://www.pakimun.org
Pakistan International Peace & Human Rights Organization – http://www.piphro.org
Pakistan Labour Federation – http://www.plfpk.com
Pakistan Lions Youth Council – http://www.plycngo.org
Pakistan Progressive Youth Forum – http://www.ppyf.org.pk
Pakistan Relief Foundation – http://www.pakistanrelieffoundation.com
Pakistan Rural Workers Social Welfare Organization – http://www.prwswo.org
Pakistan Rural Worker’s Social Welfare Organizations (PRWSWO) – http://www.prwswo.org
Pakistan Society for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled – http://www.psrd.org.pk
Pakistan Youth Organization – http://www.pyopk.org
Pakistani Youth – http://www.pakistaniyouth
Pakistani Youth Organization – http://www.pyo.org.pk
Paksave Future
Palakkad District Consumers´ Association – http://www.consumersindia.org
Palestine Wildlife Society – http://www.wildlife-pal.org
Palestine: Sports for Life – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Palestine-Sports-for-Life/201679040305
Palestinensische Gemeinde Österreich – http://www.filastin.at
Palestinian Cinema Arts Associatin – http://www.pscaa.wordpress.com
Palestinian Friendship Center for Development – http://www.pfcdpal.org
Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations’ Network – http://pngoportal.org
Palms Solutions aka African Francophone Diaspora for Global Initiative – http://www.PALMSSOLUTIONS.ORG/WWW
Pan African Development Education & Advocacy Programme – http://www.padeap.net
Pan African Economic Development Project – http://www.panedproject.org
Pan African Movement
Pan African Network in Defense of Migrants Rights – http://www.panidmr.org
Pan African Network of People with Psychosocial Disabilities – http://www.panusp.org
Pan African Organisation for Research and Protection of Violence on Women and Children – http://www.idealist.org/if/i/en/av/Org/190146-324/c
Pan American Development Foundation
Pan Pacific and South East Asia Women’s Association – http://www.ppseawa.org
Pan-African Women’s Empowerment and Liberation Organization (PAWLO) – http://www.pawlogermany.blogspot.com
Panama Green Building Council
Pandit Jagannath Joshi Cheritable Trust
Panorama de Cenima et Culture – http://www.cenima1.fr.gd
Panos Institute West Africa – http://www.panos-ao.org
PAODES – http://www.paodes-universite
Papua New Guinea Mining Watch Group Association Inc.
Paradigma del Derecho Catamarca
Paramédicos de Catástrofe Internacional
Paramount Young Women Initiative
Parangello Players – http://www.dotconnecting.comhttp://www.elycemonet.com
Parbattya Bhikkhu Council
Parbatya Bhikkhu Sangha bangladesh (Branch of Sri-Lanka)
Parbatya Bouddha Sangha, Bangladesh
Parent Leadership and Advocacy Network
Paribartan Nepal, Non Governmental Organization – http://www.pnepal.org.np
Parishkaran – http://www.parishkaran.org
Park Ridge Center
Parker Peace Foundation
Parlamento Amazónico Venezolano – http://www.parlamentoamazonico.gob.ve
Parlamento Mundial de Segurança e Paz – http://www.parlamentworld.org
Parlance Endowment Society – http://www.parlance.co.in
Parlement Africain de la Societe Civile – http://www.parlementafricain.com
Parlement des Jeunes de Cote d’ivoire – http://www.pjci.info
Parliamentarians Commission for Human Rights, Pakistan – http://www.pchr.org.pk
Parliamentarians for Global Action – http://www.pgaction.org/
Parsa Medical Welfare Trust – http://www.pmwtrust.org
Partage et Action en Synergie pour le Développement – http://www.pasydorg
Participatory Development Action Program – http://www.pdapbd.org
Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI) – http://www.pdi.org.pk
Participatory Efforts for Healthy Environment – http://www.pehesindh.org
Participatory Human Rights Advancement Society – http://phrasbd.page4.me
Participatory Research & Action Network- PRAN – http://www.pran-bd.org
Participatory Rural Development Society (PRDS) – http://www.prdspak.org
Participatory Support Centre
Partido Verde Ecologista de Mexico – http://www.partidoverde.org.mx/pvem/
Partner Vision – http://www.paviscameroon.org
Partner Vision Cameroon
Partners for Peace and Development
Partners in Community Research And Development
Partners in Health a Nonprofit Corporation – http://www.pih.org
Partners in Social Sector Managment Research Training & Development
Partnership Center for Development and Democracy
Partnership for Child Development – http://www.imperial.ac.uk/pcd
Partnership for Global Justice – http://www.partnershipforglobaljustice.com
Partnership for Rural Women Development – http://www.PARTNERSHIP4RURALWOMENDEVNG.ORG
Paruware Trust – http://www.paruwaretrust.webs.com
Paryavaran Manav Utthan Sanstha (PARMARTH)
Pasa Human Development Foundation
Pasban Youth Organization – http://www.pasbanyouth.org
Paschimbanga Vigyan Mancha
Pashupat Charitable Foundation
Passaporti Diplomatici, Rappresentanze Diplomatiche e Incarichi Statutari Dell’iird – Istituto Internazionale per le Relazioni Diplomatiche – Internazionalmente Validi – http://www.iird.org
Passaporti Diplomatici, Rappresentanze Diplomatiche ed Incarichi Costituzionali Della Real Casa di Portogallo – Validi Internazionalmente – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Passion Charity – http://www.passioncharity.com
Passionists International – http://www.passionistsinternational.org
Pastoral and Environmental Network in the Horn of Africa – http://www.penhanetwork.org
Pastoral da Educação
Pastoral Women Alliance to Break Cultural Chaines
Pastoralist Forum Ethiopia – http://www.pfe-ethiopia.org
Pasumai Thaayagam Foundation – http://www.pasumai.net
PathFounder Org
Patim – http://www.patim.org
Patnaik & Associates
Patricia Precoma Pellanda – http://lattes.cnpq.br/9429658344203607
Pattan e Hikmat Foundation – http://www.payyamehikmat.org
Paul Foundation
Pauline gregory-Lewis
Pawansut Servangin Vikas Kendra – http://www.psvk.org.in
Pax Romana (International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs and International Movement of Catholic Students) – http://www.icmica-miic.org
Paz Activa – http://www.pazactiva.org.ve
Paz y Cooperacion – http://www.peaceandcooperation.org
Pazifik-Netzwerk e.V. – http://www.pazifik-infostelle.org
PC4Peace – http://www.pc4peace.org
PCI-Media Impact – http://www.mediaimpact.org
Peace and Comfort for Need Woman
Peace and Comfort for Need Women
Peace and Development Brigade
Peace and Development Brigade Center
peace and friendship – http://www.pf4all.com/
Peace and Happy Home Organization
Peace and Hope International – http://www.peaceandhopeinternational.org
Peace and Life Enhancement Initiative International – http://www.pleii.org
Peace Boat – http://www.peaceboat.org
Peace Brigades International Switzerland – http://www.peacebrigades.ch
Peace by Youth
Peace Child International – http://www.peacechild.org
Peace Corps of Nigeria
Peace Development Fund – http://www.peacefund.org
Peace For Life Welfare Foundation – http://www.peaceforlifefoundation.com
Peace Foundation Melanesia Inc. – http://www.peacefoundationmelanesia.org
Peace Mission – http://www.peacemissionorg.com
Peace on Earth Advocacy Center
Peace Players International – http://www.peaceplayersintl.org
Peace Research Institute Oslo – http://www.prio.org
Peace Social and Welfare Organization – http://www.peacewelfare.org
Peace Without Limits ( PWL ) International Organization – http://www.peacewithoutlimits.org
Peace Worldwide – http://www.pww.org.pk
Peace X Peace TR – http://www.peacexpeace.org
Peacebuilding Solutions – http://www.solvepeace.org
Peaceful Action Network for the ex Combatants Integreted Development of all in Burundi – http://www.reseau-rafal.org/node/178
Peaceful People Human Rights Consortium
Peacelinks Sierra Leone
PeaceNexus Foundation – http://www.peacenexus.org
PeaceTech Inc. – http://peacetech.net
PeaceWomen Across the Globe – http://www.1000peacewomen.org
peaceworldwide173 – http://www.pww173.org.pk
Pearl Communication
Pedacito Del Cielo A. C. – http://www.pedacitodelcielo.org.mx
PedalEco Cycling for Better Environments
Peduli Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Sosial Interaksi – http://flatmultimedia.webs.com
Peivande Gole Narges Charity Organization
Pelican Web – http://www.pelicanweb.org
Penal Reform International – http://www.penalreform.org
Pennsylvania Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics – http://www.paaap.org
Penta International – http://www.pentainternational.co.uk
People Action for Community Empowerment
People Against I.Ndifference
People and Development – http://www.pad.org.np
People Centered Development Forum
People Empowering People (PEP) Africa – http://www.pepafrica.org(stillunderconstruction)
People for Education Research Scholarship and Outward Nutrition – http://person.org.in/
People to People Interna
People to People International-Plovdiv – http://www.ptpi.org
People to People International-Togo
People Trust God for Elimination and Eradication of Poverty and Disease
People’s Development Initiatives (PDI) – http://www.pditn.org
Peoples Action For Development
People’s Action to Win Life All-Round
People’s All India Anti Corruption And Crime Prevention Society – http://www.paiacacps.org
Peoples’ Alliance for Animal Rights and Ecological Justice
People’s Commission on Environment and Development in India, The
People’s Council For Social welfare – http://www.pcswindia.org
PEOPLE’S CULTURAL CENTRE – http://www.pecuc.org
People’s Harmonious Development Society – http://www.phds.ge
Peoples Multipurpose Service Organization – http://www.pmsomdu.in
People’s Organization for Peace and Education – http://www.pope.org.pk
People’s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy – http://www.peoplepower21.org/English/
People’s Welfare and Development – http://www.pwdreach.org
Pepsip Foundation
Per Ankh, Inc. – http://www.perankhu.org
Perfect House of Friends – http://phf.org.ng
Perigeo International People Community – http://www.perigeo.org
Perkins School for the Blind/Perkins International – http://www.perkins.org
Perkumpulan Jam’iyah Nahdlatul Ulama – http://www.nu.or.id
Permanent Conference of Mediterranean Audiovisual Operators – http://www.copeam.org
Permanent Peace movement – http://www.ppm-lebanon.org
Persatuan Kesedaran Komuniti Selangor – http://www.empowermalaysia.org
Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Alami Malaysia – http://www.manmp.org.my
Persian Teenagers – http://PersianTeenagers.com
Personhood Education – http://www.personhoodeducation.org/
Persons with Disability Initiative Nigeria
Perspectives pour la Sante et le Developpement – http://www.pesadev.org
Pertubuhan Belia Hindu Pelabuhan Klang – http://www.hyoportklang.org
Peruvian Network of Women Living with HIV and AIDS – http://www.rpmperu.org
Petaling Jaya City Council – http://www.mbpj.gov.my
PFI Foundation – http://www.pfifound.org
PGGM – http://www.pggm.nl/about_PGGM/default.asp
PHE Ethiopia Consortium – http://www.phe-ethiopia.org
Phelps Stokes – http://www.phelpsstokes.org
Philanthropists Foundation
Philippine Council Of Cheshire Homes for the Disabled, Inc. – http://www.philcoched.com
Philippine Migrants Rights Watch – http://www.pmrw.org.ph
Philippine Nurses Association of America – http://www.mypnaa.org
Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement’ – http://www.prrm.org
Philippine Social Enterprise Network – http://www.philsocialenterprisenetwork.com
Pidarc HealthProject – http://www.pidarchealthproject.org
Pineda Foundation for Youth – http://www.pinedafoundation.org
pink model primary school society
Pitirim Sorokin – Nikolai Kondratieff International Institute – http://www.misk.newparadigm.ru
PK Mahanandia – http://www.pkmahanandia.com
Pkrenterprises – http://www.pkrenterprises.webs.com
Plan d’Intégration de l’Humain pour le Développement Social
Plan International, Inc. – http://www.plan-international.org
Plan Life – http://www.planlifegh.org
Plan Suomi Säätio – http://www.plan.fi
Plan Sweden
Planeación y Análisis Aplicado – http://www.paasec.org
PlaNet Finance Brasil – http://www.planetfinance.org/brasil/
Planet Finance Group
Planet’airport AIR association d’interet régional – http://www.planetaiport.com
Planetary Association for Clean Energy – http://pacenet.homestead.com
Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc., The
Planetary Foundation – http://www.planetaryfoundation.org
Planned Parenthood Federation of America – http://www.plannedparenthood.org
Plant and Live Society – http://www.plantnlivesociety.org
Plataforma 2015 y más – http://www.2015ymas.org
Plataforma de Organizaciones Latinoamericanas en Holanda – http://www.plataformalatina.nl
Plataforma Integral de Desarrollo Sustentable – http://www.bypides.org
Plataforma Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Desarrollo – http://www.pidhdd.org
Plataforma per la fFmilia Catalunya-ONU 2014
Plate Forme des Jeunes du Sahel
Plate-forme des Coordinations des Associations Djiboutiennes
Plateforme Euro-Marocaine Migration Développement Citoyenneté Démocratie
Plateforme pour le Developpement Durable des Caraibes (PLAC 21) – http://www.ongplac21.net
Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants – http://www.picum.org
Playcorp Organização de Eventos Ltda. – http://www.playcorp.com.br
Pleaders of Children and Elderly People at risk – http://www.pepaorganization.org
Plight of the Child International – http://www.plightofthechild.org
Plum – http://www.artistecard.com/sanniicrespinaflores
PLURIELS, Centre de Consultations et d’Etudes Ethnopsychologiques pour Migrants – http://www.pluriels.ch
Plus Development Foundation
PLUS Organization Pakistan
PMHO – http://www.PMHO.ORG.COM
PNG Rural Care Foundation Inc.
PNWO | Parveen Nadeem Welfare Organization – http://www.pnwo.org.pk/
Podrska.Prava.Pristup-Srbija – http://www.ppps.org.rs
Point Loma Esoteric School of Theosophy
Pokret za slobodu – http://www.pokret.net
Policy Management Consultancy Services (a.k.a) Policy Consult – http://www.policyconsultng.com
Policy Research
Policy Research Ltd/Gte
Polio Plus, Movement Against Disability – http://www.polioplus.org.mk
Pólis Instituto de Estudos, Formação e Assessoria em Políticas Públicas – http://www.polis.org.br
Political and Ethical Knowledge on Economic Activities – http://www.pekea-fr.org
Political Science and Public Administration Alumni Association
Polli Paribesh Unnayan Sangstha
Ponto de Cultura Corredor da Cultura
Population Action International – http://www.populationaction.org
Population Council, The
Population Institute – http://www.populationinstitute.org
Population Media Center, Inc. – http://www.populationmedia.org
Population Reference Bureau – http://www.prb.org
Porque Tu Lo Haces Posible – http://www.tulohacesposible.sitiosprodigy.mx/
Pos Keadilan Peduli Ummat
Positive Action for Treatment Access
Positive awareness service society
Positive Change for Marine Life – http://www.positivechangeformarinelife.org
Positive Pakistan Foundation – http://www.positivepakistan.org
Positive Youth Programmes – http://www.positiveyouth.org.uk
Potential Youth and Leaders Development Centre-PYLDEC – http://www.pyldecnigeria.com
Potohar Organization for Development Advocacy (PODA) – http://www.poda.org.pk
Pottal Fii Bhantal Fouta Djallon – http://www.pottalfiibhantal.orgANDhttp://www.justiceinguinea.org
Poverty Alleviation and Community Empowerment – http://www.Pacengo.webs.com
Poverty and Associated Maladies Alleviation Initiative – http://www.pamai.org.ng
Poverty Elimination and Community Education Foundation – http://www.peace-fund.org
Poverty Reduction And Strategic Foundation
Power to the People Nepal – http://www.powertopeople.org.np
Powerful Women Of Purpose – http;//powerfulwomenofpurpose.org/
Prabha Seva Sangh SamitiI
Prahar – http://www.prahar.org
pranay learning instute
PRANTIK Manobik Unnoyan Kendra – http://www.prantikbd.org
prasol foundation – http://www.prasol.org
Prava Foundation Ushering Light
Praxis – Institute for Participatory Practices – http://www.praxisindia.org
Praxis UK – http://www.praxis-uk.org
Pre-Adult Affairs Organisation – http://www.pre-adultaffairs.org
Prefeitura de Campinas
Prefeitura Municipal de Areal – http://www.areal.rj.gov.br
Prelude – http://www.PRELUDE-INTERNATIONAL.org
Presbyterian Church (USA) – http://www.pcusa.org
Presbyterian Senior Services – http://www.pssusa
PRESS – Save the Children Youth – http://press.no/
Presse Embleme Campagne – http://www.pressemblem.ch
Prevention Association of Social Harms (PASH)
Priests for Life – http://www.priestsforlife.org
Prime Care Net-Work
Prime Care Network Volunteers – http://pcnvolunteers.org
Prime Educational and Social Trust – http://www.primetrust.org
Prime Intercontinental Traders – http://www.PrimeInTraders.ca
Prime Life Organization for the Disabled – http://www.primelifeorg.com
Prime Peace Foundation
Primeira Brigada Nacional Guarda Ambiental Instituto de Proteção e Preservação
PrimeZmart – http://www.primezmart.com
Prince Henry of The Sultanate of Baloi
Princess AlAnood bint Abdulaziz bin Mosaed Al Saud Foundation – http://www.alanood.org.sa/
Principado de Bragança – http://www.principadodebraganca.org
Principado Ilhéu da Pontinha – http://www.principadoilheudapontinha.com
PRINCIPALITY OF NEW UTOPIA – http://www.principalityofnewutopia.com
Principality of St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael
Priorité Environnement
Priority One Coalition
PRIP Trust – http://www.priptrust.org
Prison Fellowship Cameroon
Private Universities Student’s Association of Ghana – http://www.pusag.org
Priyadarshani Gramin and Adivasi Sevabhavi Sanstha – http://www.pgassngo.com
Prizm Foundation – http://www.prizm.org
Pro Mujer – http://www.promujer.org
PRO.ME.TRA. International – http://www.prometra.org
Proceso de Comunidades Negras en Colombia – http://www.renacientes.org;http://www.afrocolombians.com
Proceso Organizativo del Pueblo Rrom de Colombia (PRORROM) – http://www.gitanosdecolombia.org
Pró-Diversitas Brasil – http://www.pro-diversitas.org.br
Profesionales por la Ética – http://www.profesionalesetica.org
Professional Evaluation and Certification Board – http://www.pecbun.org
Professional Staff Congress – http://www.psc-cuny.org/
Professionals for Humanity (PROFOH) – http://www.profohmed.org
Professionals Redeploment Programme – http://www.prpafrica.org
Progetto Di Integrazione Nella Comunita’ Srl-GmbH – http://www.prointecom.com
Progetto Leonardo
Programa de Coordinacion en Salud Integral – http://www.procosi.org.bo
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Mudança Social e Participação Política da Universidade de São Paulo – http://each.uspnet.usp.br/promuspp/
Programa em Direito e Meio Ambiente – http://direitorio.fgv.br/pdma
Programa pé-de-pincha : Manejo Sustentável de Quelônios por Comunidades do Médio-Baixo Amazonas – http://www.pt-br.facebook.com/pages/Projeto-Pé-de-pincha/137088629683879
Programa pé-de-pincha: Manejo Sustentável de Quelônios por Comunidades do Médio-Baixo Amazonas – http://www.pt-br.facebook.com/pages/Projeto-Pé-de-pincha/137088629683879
Programa Restauracion de Tortugas Marinas – http://www.pretoma.org
Programa Social Gotas de Flor com Amor – http://www.gotasdeflor.org.br
Programa Urbano DESCO – http://www.urbano.org.pe
Programme de Renforcement des Capacités des Organisations de la Société Civile dans la Prévention et la Gestion des Conflits en Afrique Centrale – http://www.pregesco.org
Programme for the Study of Global Migration, Graduate Institute, Geneva – http://graduateinstitute.ch/globalmigration
Programme for the well-being of children – http://www.pwcafrica.za.org
Progreso Panamericano
Progressive Assembly Welfare Association – http://www.pawakenya.or.ke
Progressive Women’s Association
Project 1948 Foundation – http://www.nineteen48.org
Project Concern International, Inc.
Project Friends – http://www.projectfriends.org
Project Gaia, Inc.
Project Invincible Georgia Foundation
Project Survival Pacific
Projet des Jeunes Erudits pour le Developpement d’Haiti
Projet Integre pour L’auto Developpement – http://www.pipad-cm.org
Projeto Gerando Vida
Projeto Semente – http://www.projetosemente.org.br
PROJuventud – http://www.projuventud.org
Pro-Link Ghana – http://www.prolinkghana.org
Prominent Public School Samiti
Promocom – http://www.association-promocom.fr/
Promoting Art Society – http://www.facebook.com/paspk
Promotion of Sustainability in Postgraduate Education and Research Network – http://www.ias.unu.edu/prospernet
Proslavi Oporavak – http://www.proslavi-oporavak.ba
Prospérité pour l’Afrique – http://www.ongppa.webself.net/
Prosperity Developmental Cause Organisation
Protect and Save The Children Association of Selangor and Kualalumpur – http://www.psthechildren.org.my
Protection de l’environnement et de l’écosystème (PEECO)
Protection Remote Agency Guaranteed Action for Tribal Improvement – http://www.pragatingo.org
Protysha Anti Drug Club – http://www.pratyasha.cabanova.com
Proutista Universal – http://www.moverjuntos.org
Providential Aid Organization – http://www.pao-gh.org
Proyecto de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, A.C. – http://www.prodesc.org.mx
Proyecto Paz y Amor – http://www.proyectopazyamor.org
Prvo udruzenje roditelja djece i omladine sa posebnim potrebama – http://www.rastimozajedno.me
Psoriasis,Pain,& Problems.
Psychology Beyond Borders – http://www.psychologybeyondborders.org
Puantani (Organisasi Perempuan Tani dan Wanita Pedesaan Indonesia) – http://www.puantani.wordpress.com
Public Advocacy
Public Aid Organizaition – http://www.pao-org.com
Public Association Laweyrs for Fair Elections in Kazakhstan – http://www.vuzkunaeva.kz
Public Enlightenment Projects – http://www.pepnigeria.webs.com
Public Fund Medialife
Public Health Association – http://www.phabul.eu
Public Health Foundation of India – http://www.phfi.org
Public Health Institute – http://www.phi.org
Public Health Training Institute – Deepak Foundation – http://www.deepakfoundation.org
public opinions – http://www.pubopinions.org
Public organization International Academy of Sciences on Information, Information Procedures (IAS IPT) and Technologies – http://www.ac-edu.ru
Public Organization Youth Development Center
Public Peace & Development Foundation – http://jkppdf.hpage.co.in
Public Reform Development Consortium – http://www.prdcngo.org
Public Service Association
Public Service Institue, University of Oklahoma
Public Services International – http://www.world-psi.org/
Public Trust – Emun Hatzibur – http://www.emun.org
Public Unity Youth Society
Public Welfare Organization
Publication and Coordination Centre of Islamic Ideology and Sufi-ism – http://www.chistypcciis.org
Publicis Consultants
Puerta Joven. Juventud, Cultura y Desarrollo A.C. – http://www.puertajoven.org.mx
Pukar Foundation – http://www.pukarfoundation.org
Pure Body Awareness Temple
Pure in Heart – America Inc – http://www.pureinheartamerica.org
Purna Paskibraka Indonesia Dki Jakarta
Pusat Kajian dan Perlindungan Anak – http://www.pkpa-indonesia.org
Pusat Telaah dan Informasi Regional – http://www.pattiro.org
Pyramide XXI – http://www.pyramide21.com
QADER for Community Development – http://www.qader.org
Qatar Charitable Society – http://www.qcharity.com/a/
Qatar Foundation for education, science and community development – http://www.qf.org.qa
Qendra Aleanca Gjinore per Zhvillim – http://www.gadc.org.al
Qplus Certifications and Compliance Council – http://www.qpluscertifications.com
Quaker Earthcare Witness – http://www.quakerearthcare.org
Quawell Ventures
QUBA ISLAMIC AND EDUCATION CENTRE – http://www.qubacentre.com
Queer Straight Alliance
Quota International, Inc. – http://www.quota.org
R & D Consultancy
R.O.L.E. – http://www.rolefoundation.org
R21 Latinoamerica Sustentable – http://www.r21.la
Raad Rehabilitation Goodwill Complex – http://www.raad-charity.org
Radanar Ayar Association for the Rural Development – http://www.radanarayar.org
RadhaKrishna Info Business Services In – http://22505.in.all.biz
RAHUL GANDHI FOUNDATION – http://www.allindiasoniagandhivicharmanch
Rainbow Action – http://www.rainbowactionhk.org
Rainbow Nari O Shishu Kallyan Foundation – http://www.newsletter.com.bd
Rainbow Youth and Charity Organisation
Rainforest Alliance
Raj Gramodhog Vikas Samiti
Rajasthali Boddha Shishu Sadan Social Welfare Organization – http://rbssbangladeshorphanage.wordpress.com/
Rajiv Gandhi Development Centre – http://rgdc.wordpress.com
Rajputana Society of Natural History – http://www.rsnh.org
RajvediI’s School
Ralph Global Foundation for Development – http://www.rgfd.org.ng
Ram Bhagwan Memorial Academic Welfare Society – http://www.RBMAWS.IN
Ramakrishna Vivekananda Charitable Trust – http://www.rkvct.org
Rambhau Mhalgi Prabodhini – http://www.rmponweb.org
Rameshwar Welfare Trust
Ramparva Samajik Shaikshanik Sava Samiti Junna
Raphael Adewoye Foundation for Sustainable Earth Environmental Development for Women and Youth
Rashtra Santh Shri Tukdoji Maharaj Krishi Vidnyan Mandal & Seva Bhavi Sanstha – http://www.feel.org.in
Rashtriya Seva Samithi – http://www.rassngo.org
Rassemblement des frères unis pour le développement socio-culturel (RAFUDESC – BENIN) – http://www.RAFUDESCBENIN.ORG
Rasti Pakistan – http://rastipakistan.net
Rasur Foundation International – http://www.rasurinternational.org
Rato-Ghar Foundation – http://www.ratoghar.org
Ravian Forensic Society – http://www.gcu.edu.pk/R.ForSoci.htm
Rawalo Youth Development Foundation – http://www.rawaloyouthdevelopmentfoundation.org
Raxb’e Desarrollo
Ray of Hope Community Organization – http://www.rayofhopebusoga.com
Rccg Victory @ Reading – http://www.project350.org.uk
RDS- Rural Development Society
Reach Out (REO) N.G.O. – http://www.reachoutcameroon.org
Reach Out Academy NGO – http://reachout-academy.com/
Reach the Children, Inc. – http://www.reachthechildren.org
Reach The Youth Uganda – http://www.reachtheyouthuganda.org
REAJE- Sagrado Coração de Maria – http://www.rscmb.com.br
Real Ordem de Santa Isabel – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem Militar da Torre e Espada – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem militar de Nossa Senhora da Conceiçao de Vila Viçosa – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem Militar de Sao Bento de Aviz- Fundado em 1162 – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem Militar de Sao Tiago da Espada – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem Militar do Nosso Senhor Jesus Christo – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Reality of Aid Network – http://www.realityofaid.org
Reasearch and Documentation Center on Human Rights Inc.
Recent Research on Caregiving – http://researchoncare.tripod.com
Recreacion Y Desarrollo Sustentable – http://www.tlaltikpaktli.mex.tl
RED 21 (Red Iberoamericana de Expertos en Gestion Local)
Red Académica Internacional para la Abolición de la Pena Capital – http://www.academicsforabolition.net
Red ACTIVAS – http://www.redactivas.org
Red Activas – TO BE DELETED – http://www.redactivas.org
Red Colombiana Para la Defenda de los Derechos Humanos, el Medio Ambiente y la Paz
Red Crescent Society of India
Red de Cooperacion Amazonica
Red de ONGs del Mercosur – http://red-mercosur.blogspot.com/
Red Detectives sin Fronteras Org. – http://www.detectivessinfronteras.blogspot.com
Red een Kind – http://www.redeenkind.nl
Red Iberoamericana de Expertos en Gestion Local – http://www.redexpertoslocales.eu
Red Iberoamericana de Trabajo con las Familias – http://www.rediberoamericanadetrabajoconfamilias.org
Red Interactiva Padres con Niños Especiales
Red Internacional de Migración y Desarrollo – http://www.migracionydesarrollo.org/
Red Juvenil Interreligiosa, capítulo Peru – http://www.jovenesporlapaz.org/
Red Madres de Hijos con Discapacidad, personas con discapacidad y profesionales – https://www.facebook.com/redmadresdiscapacidad.mendoza
Red Mexicana de Personas que Viven con VIH/SIDA, A.C. – http://www.redmexicana.org.mx/
Red Mujeres, Desarrollo, Justicia Y Paz AC – http://www.unimoss.org
Red Nacional de Jóvenes de Ambiente – Colombia – http://www.minambiente.gov.co/
Red Pacto Global Chile
Red Regional de Organizaciones Civiles para las Migraciones
Rede Brasil AVC – http://www.brazilianstrokenetwork.org.br
Rede Brasileira de Agendas 21 Locais – http://rebal21.ning.com
Rede Brasileira de Educação Ambiental – http://www.rebea.org.br
Rede Brasileira de Pesquisas em Nanotecnologia, Sociedade e Meio Ambiente – Renanosoma – http://www.nanotecnologiadoavesso.org
Rede Cidadã – http://www.redecidada.org.br/
Rede da Juventude pelo Meio Ambiente e Sustentabilidade
Rede de Educação Ambiental do Rio de Janeiro – http://rearj.com
Rede Latino Americana de Organizações Não Governamentais de Pessoas com Deficiência e suas Famílias (RIADIS) – http://www.riadis.org
REDE MANDACARU RN – http://mandacarurn.blogspot.com/
Rede Mulheres Negras do Paraná – http://www.redemulheresnegraspr.org.br
Redeem Africa Foundation
Redemption Outreach International
Redemption Research for Health and Educational Development Society (RRHEDS) – http://www.rrheds.org
Redes de Desenvolvimento da Maré – http://www.redesdamare.org.br
Redmond Leadership Institute, Inc. – http://www.redmondleadership.com
REDUC – Rede Brasileira de Reducao de Danos e Direitos Humanos – http://www.reduc.org.br
Refleksione Association – http://www.stopdhunes.com
Reforestamos México, A.C. – http://www.reforestamosmexico.org
Réformistes & Solidaires – http://www.re-so.net
Refugee Council of Australia
Refugee Law Project, Faculty of Law, Makerere University, Kampala – Uganda – http://www.refugeelawproject.org
RefugePoint, Inc. – http://www.refugepoint.org
Regenerate india – http://www.registeredbutitisnotfunctionalrightnow
Regional Center for the Welfare of Ageing Persons in Cameroon
Regional Centre for Development Cooperation(RCDC) – http://www.rcdcindia.org
Regional Centre for Minorities – http://www.minoritycentre.org
Regional Development Agency – South – http://www.rda-south.org
Regional Environment Organisation – http://www.zeroregional.com
Regional Public Charitable Organization Drug Abuse Prevention Centre – http://www.eegyn.comhttp://www.funlife.su
Regional Public Foundation Assistance for the Elderly Dobroe Delo – http://www.dobroedelo.org
Regional Sustainable Energy Center of Excellence – http://www.energy.gov.ng
Regroupement des etudiants /universitaires de Petit-Goave
Regroupement des Jeunes Africains pour la Démocratie et le Développement – http://www.rejadd.blogvie.com
Rehbar Welfare Organization
Release Legal Emergency and Drugs Service Limited – http://www.release.org.uk
Relief Africa Organization – http://www.reliefafrica.org
Relief Foundation For Sri Lanka Armed Forces – http://www.rffslaf.org
Relief Lanka Foundation
Relief, Peace and Development Initiative
Religiosas do Sagrado Coração de Maria – http://www.rscmb.com.br
Religious Consultation on Population, Reproductive Health and Ethics
Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary – http://www.rscm-gen.org
Remnants of the Association of Quilombo do Carmo
Reource Center for African Immigrants in the US Inc
Reproductive Health Alliance Kyrgyzstan – http://www.rhak.kg
Republican Social Union Women’s Assembly – http://www.women.uz
Resau Algerien des Jeunes et des Etudians
Rescue & Environmental Protctin Society – http://www.reps-egypt.com
Rescue and Hope RAH
Rescue Arms Network-Ranet – http://www.ranet.8m.net
Rescue Trust
RESDAL Red de Seguridad y Defensa de América Latina Asociación Civil – http://www.resdal.org
Research Action & Information Network for Bodily Integrity of Women
Research and Development Centre, Nepal – http://www.rdcnepal.org.np
Research and Development Foundation – http://www.rdfoundation.org.pk
Research Center of Imam Mahdi – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Research Center of Sustainable Development of Shandong Province
Research Centre for Feminist Action (Centro de Investigacion Para la Accion Femenina) (CIPAF) – http://www.cipaf.org.do
Research For Rural Movement – India – http://www.reformindia.org.in
Research Group on Sami and Indigenous Peoples’ Law
Research Initiative for Change in Africa
Researchers of International Agreements
Réseau Africain pour le Développement Intégré (RADI) – http://www.radi-afrique.net
Réseau Africain Pour le Droit à l’Alimentation (RAPDA) – http://www.rapda.org
Réseau algérien pour la défense des droits de l’enfant NADA – http://www.contact@nada-dz.org
Réseau amazigh pour la cityanneté – http://www.reseauamazigh.org
réseau camerounais des organisations des droits de l’homme – http://www.recodh.org
Réseau Centrafricain au Leadership des Jeunes Femmes en Afrique Francophone/ Partenariat des OSC pour l’Efficacité de Développement
Réseau d’Action sur les Armes Légères au Togo – http://www.rasalt.org/http://www.waansa.org
Réseau d’Action sur les Armes Légères en Afrique de l’Ouest Section du Burkina
réseau d’action sur les armes légères en Afrque de l’ouest section du Niger
Réseau d’Actions du Genre et de Développement Social – http://www.ragds.org
Réseau d’Actions Paisibles des Anciens Combattants pour le Développement Intégré de tous au Burundi – http://www.grip.org/rafalroot/siteweb/dev.asp?N=simple&O=453
Réseau de la Jeunesse Nigérienne sur les Changements Climatiques – http://www.ayicc.net
Réseau des Femmes Actrices de Développement
Réseau des Femmes Africaines Ministres et Parlementaire Niger
Reseau des Femmes Ministres et Parlementaires de Guinee
Réseau des jeunes pour les OMD
Réseau des Organisations de Promotion des Actions Citoyennes au Togo
Réseau des Organisations du Secteur Educatif du Niger (ROSEN) – http://www.rosen.niger.ifrance.com
Réseau des plates-formes d’ONG d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre (REPAOC) – http://www.repaoc.org
Réseau Environnement Sante Communautaire D’afrique
Réseau FADOQ – http://www.fadoq.ca
Réseau Féministe Ruptures – http://www.reseau-feministe-ruptures.org
Reseau Femmes Africaines pour le Developpement Durable, Antenne de la Republique Democratique du Congo
Réseau Français des Étudiants pour le Développement Durable – http://www.refedd.org/
Reseau Guineen des Organisations des Personnes Handicapees pour la Promotion de la Convention Internationale sur les Droits des Personnes Handicapees
Réseau Guinéen pour le Développement de L’Agriculture et de l’Elevage
Réseau International pour l’Elimination Progressive de la Pauvreté
Reseau jeunesse Population and Developpement du Senegal – http://www.resopopdev.org
Reseau Malien des journalistes pour la lutte contre la corruption et la pauvrete
Réseau Marocain Transnational Migration & Développement – https://www.facebook.com/rmtmd.migrationdeveloppement
Réseau National de la Jeunesse de Côte d’Ivoire (RNJ-CI)
Réseau National de la Jeunesse de Côte d’Ivoire en Population et Developpement
Réseau national des ONGs des droits de l’homme – http://www.renadhoc.org
Reseau National des Organisations Feminines Pour la Democratie la Decentralisation, le Developpement Durable et les Droits Humains du Mali ou Reseau Wassa
Réseau Okoumé
Réseau Ouest Africain des Jeunes Leaders des Nations Unies Pour l’Atteinte des Objectifs du Millenaire pour le Développement – http://www.rojalnubf.org
Reseau pour la Sauvegarde de L’environnement
RESEAU RESSOURCES NATURELLES – http://www.rrnrdc.org
Réseau Santé Développement et Education
Resource Development Centre – http://www.rdcindia.org
Resources for Development Center
Responsible Business Initiative – http://www.RBIpk.org
Responsible Ecosystems Sourcing Platform
Responsible Energy Development Advocates
Restless Development – http://www.restlessdevelopment.org
Rete Internazionale delle Donne per la Pace
Rete NoElettrosmog Italia – http://www.retenoelettrosmogitalia.it
Retirement and Ageing Awareness Initiative
Revolutionary Accelerated Collaboration Environment – http://www.collaborace.org
Rhodina Moore
Ricerca e Cooperazione Lebanon – http://www.ongrc.org
Richbone Initiative Foundation – http://www.rbifoundations.org
Right to Food Campaign – http://www.righttofoodindia.org
Right To Play – http://www.righttoplay.com
Right To Ride – http://www.righttoride.co.uk
RIGHTS a Society for Human rights – http://www.rightsfirst.asia
Rights and Resources Initiative, The – http://www.rightsandresources.org
Rights Foundation – http://www.rightsfoundation.in
Rigoberta Menchu Tum Foundation
RII-The Dimplomat – http://www.rii-thediplomat.co.uk
Rio Sustentável – http://www.riosustentavel.org
Rio+twenties – http://www.rioplustwenties.org
RIOinclui – Obra Social da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro – http://www.rioinclui.org.br
Rising Stars Social Welfare Society – http://www.risingstars.co.in
RITS – Rede de informações para o terceiro setor
Rivers State Ministry of Environment – http://www.dexcomsolutions.com
Rizwan Child And Women Development Organisation – http://www.rcwdo.org
RK Education and Development Society
Robin Healing Ministries – http://www.josiahshouseofhope.org
ROCK International – http://www.rockintl.org
Rodale Institute, The – http://www.rodaleinstitute.org
Roma Center for Health Policies – http://www.sastipen.ro
Romans International University and Seminary Inc.
Roots for Equity
Roots public charitable trust – http://www.rootsngo.org
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung – Gesellschaftsanalyse und Politische Bildung e.V. – http://www.rosalux.de/
Roshd Foundation – http://www.roshdcharity.com
Rotary International D-4390 – http://www.rotary4390.org
Routes 2 Roots – http://www.routes2roots.com
Royal Chivalric Order of Baloi
Royal College of Physicians – http://www.rcplondon.ac.uk
Royal Commonwealth Society for the Blind
Royal Confraternity of Saint Teotonio – http://www.royalconfraternityofsaintteotonio.com
Royal Heritage Health Foundation – http://www.rhhfoundation.com
Royal House of Portugal – Constitucional Line – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Royal House of Rajasethuramavarma – http://in.linkedin.com/pub/royal-house-of-rajasethuramavarma/4a/9ab/921
Royal Initiative To Combat AIDS and Hunger
Royal Principality of Baloi, Mindanao
Royal Society for Jewish Welfare
Royal Society of International Consultants
Rozaria Memorial Trust – http://www.rozariamemorialtrust.org
Rozh Society For PWDs in Kurdistan Federal Region of Iraq
RPC Ventures Ltd – http://www.rpcventures.com
RSL LifeCare, Australia – http://www.rsllifecare.com.au
RUAF Foundation – http://www.ruaf.org
Ruedas para la Humanidad IBP. – http://www.ruedasparalahumanidad.org.mx
Rufaida Health Foundation (RHF) – http://www.rhfsd.org
Ruh Sagliginda Insan Haklari Girisimi
Ruhel Chisty FRACI CChem A, MRSC CChem – http://www.academicjournals.org/journal/IJPDS/editors
RUJOHN Foundation Inc.
Ruliv – http://www.ruliv.org.za
Rural Agency for Social and Technological Development – http://www.rastaindia.org
Rural Community Development Centre
Rural Community Development Organization U/C Topi
Rural Community Development Society – http://www.rcdspk.org
Rural Community Relief Organization
Rural Development Association
Rural Development Centre
Rural Development Centre (RUDEC) – http://www.rudec.org
Rural Development Foundation of Pakistan
Rural Development Institute – http://www.landesa.org
Rural Development Organization – http://www.rdokp.org.pk
Rural Development Programme – RDP
Rural ICT Development Forum – http://www.ridfuganda.org
Rural Infrastructure Development Association
Rural Initiatives in Sustainability and Empowerment – http://www.risepk.webs.com
Rural Institute of Medical Sciences
Rural Integrated Relief Service-Ghana – http://www.rirsgh.webs.com
Rural Investment Support Center NGO – http://www.risc.org.mn
Rural Organization for Betterment of Agropastoralist – http://www.robaethiopia.org
Rural Organization For Social Elevation And Education Rose
Rural Outreach For Community Development-Uganda
Rural Peoples Sangham – http://www.rpsngo.org
Rural Reconstruction and Development Society – http://www.rrds.org
Rural Reconstruction Nepal – http://www.rrn.org.np
Rural Resource Development Centre [RRDC NGO] – http://www.karmayog.org/ngo/rrdcngo/
Rural Support Foundation
Rural Uplift Centre – http://www.ruralupliftcentre.org
Rural Voluntary Organization
Rural Women Center for Education and Development – https://www.facebook.com/RuWCED
Rural Women Development Center – http://www.ruwdec.org
Rural Women Environmental Protection Association
Rural Women Organisation for Development and Education
RURal-Urban Women And Children Development Agency – http://www.ruwacda.blogspot.com
RUROWA LAUE TATHANG – http://rltorg.webs.com&www.rltbd.org
Russian American Foundation – http://www.russianamericanfoundation.org
Russian Diabetes Federation – http://www.rda.org.ru
Russian Fair Trade Organization
Russian Peace Foundation – http://www.peacefond.ru
Rwanda beekeeper cooperative
Rwanda Beekeper Cooperative
Rwanda-East Blue Cross
Rwandese Association for Family Welfare (ARBEF) – http://www.arbef.org
Ryerson University
Rytírský rád sv. Konstantina a Heleny – http://www.equesterordosancticonstantini.org
S L V Goshala Trust & Research Centre – http://www.slvgoshalatrust.org
S. E. Onukogu Foundation – http://www.seofoundation.org
S. M. Sehgal Foundation (India) – http://www.smsfoundation.org
S.A.V.E Foundation – http://www.horn-horn.de
S.O.S – Crianca e Desenvolvimento Integral de Angola
S.P. Jain Institute of Management & Research – http://www.spjimr.org
S.R. Institute of Development – http://www.sridkashmir.org
Saami Council – http://www.saamicouncil.net
Saaransh Sansthan – http://www.velmoc.com/ngo/saaransh
SAATHI – http://www.saathi.org.np
Sabawoon for Peace & Sustainable Development – http://www.spsd.org.pk
Sabiedriskas Izmeklešanas Birojs – http://www.sib.org.lv
Sacred Earth Trust – http://www.sacredearthtrust.org
Sacro Militare Ordine Costantiniano di San Giorgio – http://www.ordinecostantiniano.it
Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan – http://www.vihangamyoga.org
Safe Organization – http://www.safe-organization.co.cc
Safe Society
Safe the Community Common Initiative Group
Safe Water Network – http://www.safewaternetwork.org
Safehaven Fields Consultancy Services – http://www.upgrading
SafeMinds – http://www.safeminds.org
Safety Foundation for Development – http:www.safety-foundation.org
Sagar Sewa Bharti
SAHAJ – An Organization For Women’s Development – http://www.sahajindia.org
Sahaj Sansthan
Sahana Benevolent Voluntary Youth Organization
Sahara Nepal – http://www.supportnepal.org
Sahara Tarakiati Tanzeem for Women
Saharo Welfare Organization – http://www.saharo-pk.com
Sahel National Organization for Development and Awarness of Youth A
Sahkar Social Welfare Association – http://www.sahkar.orghttp://www.sahkar.webs.com
Sai Educational Rural & Urban Development Society – http://www.serudsindia.org
Saiber Foundation
Sail of Hope International
Saint Boniface Haiti Foundation – http://www.haitihealth.org
Saint Judes Army Organization – http://www.saintjudesarmy.com
Sairam Population Research Trust – http://www.sprtindia.org
Sajjan Helps Organization
Sakimay First Nations
Sala Almoustaqbal – http://www.sala-almoustaqbal.com
SALAM Center
sallam centre for the protection and integration of people with special needs, the elderly and abandoned children
Salubrite Propriete Hygiene Techniques d’Assainissement
Salud por Derecho – http://www.saludporderecho.org
Salvation Army, The
Sam Kader Memorial Fund – http://www.samkadermemorialfoundation.com
SAMADANA/M (Centre for Promoting Non Violence, Non Violent Conflict Resolution and Confict Handling) – http://www.samadana.org
Samadeepa Samaja Kendraya – Inc. – http://www.samadeepa.lk
Samagra Anusuchit Jaati Anusuchit Janjaati Mahasangh
Samaj Sewa Sansthan
Samanway Sansthan – http://www.ngossansthan.in
Samaritans Welfare & Development Organization – http://www.samaritans-ngo.org
Samarpan Care Awareness and Rehabilitation Centre – http://www.samarpanindia.org
Samarpan Charitable Trust – http://www.zerobeggarzone.com
Samarpan Samajik Vikas Parishad
Samarpan Welfare Society
Samarpita Samaj Sewa Society
Samarthanam Trust for the Disabled – http://www.samarthanam.org
Samastha Kerala Sunni Vidyabhyasa Board – http://www.samastha.in
Samata – http://www.samataindia.org
Sambhali Trust – http://www.sambhali-trust.org
Samburu Women for Education & Environment Development Organization
Sameera Samvedana Samiti – http://www.sameera.co.in
Samerth Charitable Trust – http://www.samerth.org
Samopomich (Self-Help) – http://www.samopomich.org
Samruddh Bharat P Ratishthan
Samuel DeWitt Proctor Conference, Inc. – http://www.sdpconference.info
SAMVAAD – http://www.samvaadindia.org
San Carlos Apache Tribe/Tribal Historic Preservation Office
SAN PABLO MISSION, INC – http://www.sanpablomission.com
Sanad Charitable Foundation – http://www.sanad.org.sd
Sandwip Foundation Bangladesh – http://www.sandwipfoundation.com/about-us/our-mission-vision/
sanghar trust
Sangsangai – http://sangsangai.org.np/
Sanjeevani Education and Welfare Foundation
Sankalp – http://www.sankalp.org
Sankalp Jyoti
Sano Sansar Initiative – http://www.sanosansar.org
Sant Nirankari Mission USA
Santa Clara University – http://www.scu.edu
Santal Research Institute
Santos Development Organisation
Sao Sary Foundation – http://www.ssfcambodia.org
Saptakoshi Sahara Kendra
Sapttaporni Mahavihara
Saratoga Foundation for Women Worldwide, Inc. – http://www.saratogafoundation.org
Sarga Kshetra Charitable Trust – http://www.sargakshetra.org
Saritsa Foundation (Security Awareness and Readiness by Information, Training and Social Awakening) – http://www.saritsafoundation.in
Sarvhit Prashikshan and Jankalyan Sansthan – http://www.sarvhitngo.org
Sarvodaya – http://www.sarvodaya.org
Sasse Old Boys Association Ireland
Satyanweshan (Search for Truth)- Center for Research and Aesthetic Practices – http://www.juniv.edu/govpoli/
Sau Gunabai Ukey Charitable Trust – http://www.sgucharitabletrust.org
Sauti Yetu Center for African Women – http://www.sautiyetu.org
Sauvons Notre Planète
Save a Child’s Heart in Memory of Dr. Ami Cohen – http://www.saveachildsheart.com
Save Africa Concerts Foundation – http://www.sacaids.org
Save Earth Foundation Trust
Save Human Foundation – http://www.savehumanfoundation.webs.com
save humanity social welfare organization (SHSWO) – https://www.facebook.com/SaveHumanity.NGO?ref=hl
Save Orphans and Disbaled African Children – http://www.saveorphans.tk
Save Orphans and Widows Care Trust – http://www.sow-ct.org
Save The African Child Initiative – http://www.stacinitiative.org
Save the Children Alliance Orphanage
Save the Climat – http://www.facebook.com/sos.climat
Save the Earth Cambodia – http://www.savetheearthcambodia.org
Save The Education and Health of The Child Foundation
Save the Environment Ethiopia
Save The Family
Save The Global Masses Organisation – SAGLOMAS
Save the People
Save The Youths Action Group – http://www.syag.gm
Save Western Niger (Civil War)
SAVERA SWAYAMSEVI SANGATHAN – http://www.saverass.co.in
Savez Slijepih Crne Gore
Savez udruženja roditelja djece i omladine sa teškocama u razvoju Naša inicijativa – Podgorica
Saving Lives Nigeria
Saviya Development Foundation – http://www.saviya.org
Savoirs pour Reussir – http://www.spr13.info
Sayna International Co.
Sazman Mardom Nahad – http://www.mardomnahad.org
SC Operation Military Kids – http://www.scomk.org
Scalabrini International Migration Network, Inc. – http://www.scalabrinimigration.org
Scalabrinianas: Misión para Migrantes y Refugiados
scandozinternational – http:scandozinternational.webs.com
Scholars Council of Liberia
School of Leadership – http://www.sol.edu.pk
School Sisters of Notre Dame – http://www.gerhardinger.org
Schüler-Planspiel United Nations – http://www.spun.de
Schweizerischer Dachverband Mediation – http://www.infomediation.ch
Science and Technology Park of Cyrus – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Science and Technology Park of United Nations – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Science House Foundation – http://www.sciencehouse.org
Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Research Organization – http://www.stipro.or.tz
Scientific Association of Youth Political Scientists – http://www.eonepe.org
Scientika A.C. – http://www.scientika.mx
Sciety for Social Change – http://www.sscpk.blogspot.com
Scottish Association for Mental Health – http://www.samh.org.uk
Scouts du Niger – http://www.scout-niger.org
Scouts Musulmans Algeriens
Sean Devereux Human Right Organization – http://www.sedhuro.org
Search Human Rights Society Bangladesh
SeaTrust Institute – http://www.seatrustinstitute.org
Second Chance Employment Services – http://www.SCESNET.org
Secretaría de Desarrollo Sustentable, Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León – http://www.uanl.mx/universidad/organigrama/sedesu.html
Secretaria de Energia – http://www.energia.sp.gov.br/
Secretaria de Saneamento e Recursos Hidricos – http://www.saneamento.sp.gov.br/
Secretaria Municipal de Meio Ambiente – http://www.saovicente.sp.gov.br
Secretariat international permanent Droits de l’Homme et gouvernements locaux – http://www.spidh.org
Secretariat of the African Decade of Persons with Disabilities – http://www.african-decade.co.za
Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean – http://www.ufmsecretariat.org
Section ONG – Ministère du Plan et de la Coopération Internationale
Secure Livelihoods Research Consortium
Securitas Congo
Seed of Hope for African Development Initiative – http://www.sohadiafrica.org
Seeking Modern Applications For Real Transformation – http://www.smartngo.com
Segretariato Permanente dei Premi Nobel per la Pace – http://www.nobelforpeace-summits.org
Sehar Foundation Muzaffarabad – http://www.seharfoundation.org
Sekretariat Kerjasama Pelestarian Hutan Indonesia (SKEPHI)
Self Employed Women’s Association Lucknow – http://www.sewalucknow.org
Self for Self Help Empowerment foundation
Self Help Africa – http://www.selfhelpafrica.org/selfhelp/Main/selfhelpafrica-org_Home.htm
Self Reliance Endower for Education Research and Charitable Trust – http://www.sreetrust.org
Self-Help Association for Rural people through Education and Entrepreneurship (SHAREE) – http://www.sharee.org.bd
Self-Help Development Facilitators
Selfless Vision
Sem Fronteiras – http://www.elghana.com
Senate of Canada
Sendero de Vida NAMAC.A.C.
Senderos Del Sembrador – http://www.asociacionsenderos.org.ar/
Seniors Association of Greater Edmonton – http://www.MySage.ca
Seniors Rights Victoria – http://www.seniorsrights.org.au
Sense International – http://www.senseinternational.org
Sense International (India) – http://www.senseintindia.org
Senter for Fredelig Sameksistens
Serat Misagh – http://www.smisagh.com
Serendipity Artists Movement – http://www.serendipity-uk.com
Serene Secular Social Service Society – http://www.sssssdindigul.org
Serenissima Accademia Degli Stemmi – http://www.stemmart.com
Serovie – http://www.facebook.com/pages/SEROvie/144658378899904
Servas Congo Brazzaville
Servas International – http://www.servas.org
Serve Foundation Pakistan – http://www.servefoundation.org.pk/
Service & Assistance To Help the Initiators
Service and Research Institute on Family and Children – http://www.serfacglobal.org
Service D’accompagement de Formation D’insertion et de Rehabilitation de L’enfant
Service for Peace Ghana
Service International des Droits de l’ Homme
Servicio Paz y Justicia del Ecuador – http://www.serpaj.org.ec
Servicios a la Juventud A.C. – http://www.seraj.org.mx
Servicios Ecuménicos para Reconciliación y Reconstrucción – http://www.serrnetwork.org
Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas – http://www.sebrae.com.br
Servico Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial – Senac Minas – http://www.mg.senac.br
Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Industrial – http://www.senai.br
Several Sources Foundation – http://www.severalsourcesfd.org
SEVICA – http://www.sevica.in
SEWA Bharat – http://www.sewabharat.org
Sewa Development Trust Sindh – http://www.sewatrust.org
Sex og politikk – http://www.sexogpolitikk.no
Sexual Health & Family Planning Australia – http://www.shfpa.org.au
Sezione Italiana Dell’Agenzia Internazionale per la Prevenzione della Cecita’ – http://www.iapb.it
Shafaaf Youth Welfare Council
Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai Welfare Society
Shah Maqeem Trust – http://www.shahmuqeemtrust.org
Shaheed Abdul Hameed Education Society – http://www.sahes.org
shahzad khan special educational society – http://www.shahzadkhansociety.org
Shakkhor Environment and Education Development Society – http://www.shakkhor.org
Shakti Community Council Inc. – http://www.shakti.org.nz
Shamaa Organization – http://www.shamaasd.org
Shambavi Shahana Organization (Pvt.) Ltd. – http://www.ssolk.org
Shambhavi Social and Educational Organization – http://www.shambhavisocialservices.com
shamzi Society Welfare Organization – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shamzi-International-Welfare-Trust/493372…
Shanghai Charity Foundation——Special Fund for Public Welfare Of Zhou Libo And Hu Jie – http://www.tobeupdated
Shank Li International Foundation
Shanta Memorial Rehabilitation Centre – http://www.smrcorissa.org
Shantika Lagi Sahakarya – http://www.ffp.org.np
Shantinibas Agrani Kalyan Samiti (SAKS) – http://www.saksbd.livecity.com
Shantir Alo Unnyan Sangastha
Shaping Destiny – http://www.shapingdestiny.org
SHAPLA NEER = Citizens’ Committee in Japan for Overseas Support – http://www.shaplaneer.org/
Sharda Foundation
SHARE – Society to Heal Aid Restore Educate – http://www.swadesfoundation.org
Share International, Inc – http://www.shareglobalcharity.org
Sharek Youth Forum – http://www.sharek.ps
Sharif University of Technology – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Sharing Awareness – http://sharingawareness.org
sharv welfare society
Shashwat Foundation Trust – http://www.shashwatfoundation.org
Shatadal Kalyan Samity – http://www.skscht.org
SHATHASHRUNGA VIDYA SAMSTHE – http://www.saissvs.org
SHATIL – New Israel Fund’s Empowerment and Training Center for Social Change Organizations, The – http://www.shatil.org.il
Shaykamaxum Amexem Government – http://www.SHAYKAMAXUMREPUBLICEMPIRE.ORG
Shechashebi Artho-Samajik Unnayan-O-Manabik Kallan Sangstha – http://www.desha.org.bd
Sheikh Dr. Osmanu Nuhu Sharubutu Education Trust Fund – http://www.sonsetfund.org
Shelter and Settlements Alternatives: Uganda Human Settlements Network
Shelter Centre – http://www.sheltercentre.org/
Shelter for the Poor – http://www.shelterforthepoor.org
Shepherd – Social Welfare Organization
Sher Afzal Khan Welfare Foundation – http://www.sawf.pk
Shikhar Chetna Sangathan – http://www.shikharngo.org
Shiksha O Seva – http://www.shikshaoseva.org
Shining Stone Community Action – http://www.ssca.org.cn
Shining Sun
Shirak Competitiveness Center
Shirika la Maendeleo, Mawasiliano na Kuondoa Umaskini Tanzania – http://envaya.org/shimmakuta
Shirishbona Modern Club and Library
Shirley Ann Sullivan Educational Foundation – http://www.sasef.org
Shishu Koruna Sangha (SKS) – http://www.skskolkata.org
Shi-Tai United Fund Inc.
Shiv Pujan Shukla Smarak Samiti – http://www.spsssamiti.org
Shivi Development Society – http://www.shividevelopmentsociety.org
Shoqata Shqiptare e Geriatrise dhe Gerontologjise – http://www.aagg.al
Shoqeria Shqiptare per te Gjitrha Moshat
Shouts of Joy Ministries Inc – http://www.shoutsofjoyministries.com
Shree Devi Ahilya Yuva Vikas Parishad – http://www.sdayvp.blogspot.in
Shree Education Society
Shree Laljee Prashikshan Kendra – http://www.velmoc.com/ngo/slpk
Shree Madhya Bharat HIndi Sahitya Samiti – http://www.hindisahityasamiti.com
Shree Public Charitable Trust – http://www.wipeatearremoveapain.org
Shree Sadguru Sadanand Mauli Maharaj Sampraday
Shree Swaminarayan Gadi Sansthan – http://www.swaminarayangadi.com/index.php
Shree Uuttar Gujarat Gramvikas Trust
shreekamala prasad tripathi foundatin
Shreeshvasudh Vikas Avam Kalyan Sansthan – http://www.shreeshvasudh.webs.com
Shri Annapurna Khadi Gramothan Vikas sansthan – http://www.sakgvsonline.org
Shri Doodnana Vikas Shikshan Sansthe – http://www.shridvss.org
Shrimati Pushpa Wati Loomba Memorial Foundation, The – http://www.theloombatrust.org
Shriyash Bahhuuddeshiya Sevabhavi Sastha Dhalgaon
Shrushti Seva Samiti
Shubham Vikas Sansthan
Shushilan – http://www.shushilan.org
Sicurezza e Cooperazione Diplomatica Internazionale – http://www.interdipco.it
Siddhant education & social welfare society
Siddiqui Foundation for Education and Medical Aid – http://www.sffema.org
Sierra Club – http://www.sierraclub.org/
Sierra Leone Action Network on Small Arms
Sierra Leone Relief and Development Outreach, Inc. – http://www.slrdoinc.org
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc – http://www.sgrho1922.org
Sigma Theta Tau, National Honorary Society of Nursing, Inc. – http://www.nursingsociety.org
Sign of Hope Inc – http://www.signofhopeinc.org
Sikh Council UK – http://www.sikhcounciluk.org
Sikh Human Rights Group – http://www.shrg.net/
Sillamäe Lastekaitse Ühing – http://www.sscw.ee
Silver Inning Foundation – http://www.silverinnings.com
Sima Community based Organization – http://www.simacobaorg.ning.com
Simli AiD – http://www.simliaid.org
Simply Help, Inc. – http://www.simplyhelp.org
Sindacato Famiglie Italiane Diverse Abilita – http://www.sindacatosfida.org
Sindh Awareness Organization for Literacy and Health
Sindh Community Foundation – http://www.scfngo.org
Sindh Heritage Craftsmen
Sindh Human Rights and Human Development Organization – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Shrhdopakistan/519675794780520
Sindh Peoples Development Organization
Sindh Radiant Organization – http://www.sindhradiant.org
Sindh Rural Support Program – http://www.sindhrsp.org
Sindh Youth Organization for Human Welfare – http://www.syohw.org.pk
Sindhi Adhikar Manch Association
Sindicato dos Administradores no Estado do Rio de Janeiro – http://www.administradores.org.br
Sindicato dos Trabalhadores nas Indústrias Metalúrgicas, Mecânicas e de Material Elétrico de Alumínio e Mairinque
SIN-DO – http://www.ongsindo.africa-web.org
Singapore Council of Women’s Organisations – http://www.scwo.org.sg
Sinixt Nation – http://www.sinixtnation.org
Sir William Beveridge Foundation – http://www.beveridgefoundation.org
Sirwota Despair Initiative – http://www.sirwotadespairinitiative.org
Sirwota Despire Initiative – http://www.sirwotadespairinitiative.org
Sistema Fecomércio-RS/SESC/Senac
Sistema para el Desarrollo Integral de la Familia del Estado de Veracruz – http://www.difver.gob.mx/
Sister Namibia
Sister Service Society, Nepal
Sisterhood Agenda – http://www.sisterhoodagenda.com
Sisterhood Is Global Institute – http://www.sigi.org
Sisters Arab Forum for Human Rights – http://www.saf-yemen.org
Sisters Inside Inc. – http://www.sistersinside.com.au/
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur – http://www.sndden.org/
Siyakhula Youth Headed Household Organisation
Siyanakekela Community Care Centre
Skaru?re?·? Kate?hnu·?aka Tuscarora Nation of Indians – http://www.Skaru?re?·?Kate?hnu·?akaTuscaroraNationofIndians
SKG Sangha – http://www.skgsangha.org
Skillshare International (India) Trust – http://www.skillshare.org
Skyian Welfare Organization – http://www.skyian.org
Slovenska filantropija – http://www.filantropija.org
Slums actions in Delhi
SM Supermalls Program on DIsability Affairs – http://www.smprime.com
Small and Medium Scale Entrepreneurship Fundamentals Foundation – http://www.goSolarAfrica.org
Smallholders Foundation – http://www.smallholdersfoundation.org
Smart Info-Tech Foundation – http://www.smartinfotechfoundation.blogspot.in
Smartsolutions Consultants Nigeria
Smile Foundation – http://www.smilefoundationindia.org
Smile of the Child – http://www.hamogelo.gr
Smiles Africa International
SNV Netherlands Development Organisation – http://www.snvworld.org
Soami santdas Ji Maharaj Ashram – http://www.gurumat.com
Soberana Casa Real e Imperial de Casa Rurikovich – http://www.casarealrurikovich.com
Soberana Orden Militar Espanola de Caballeros Templarios – http://www.omect.org
Social & Healthy Action for Rural Empowerment – http://www.shareorg.com;http://www.sharejharkhand.weebly.com
Social Action and Rehabilitation Centre
Social and Enterprise Development Innovation – http://www.sedi.org
Social and Human Development Consultative Group – http://www.sahdcg.org
Social Benefits for Mass Trust – http://www.sbmtrustngoindia.org
Social Care Volunteer Group (SCVG) – http://www.socialcarevg.webs.com
Social Change through Education in the Middle East – http://www.sce-me.org
Social Democratic Forum – http://www.sdfye.org
Social Development & Management Society
Social Development Association
Social Development Center – http://www.sdc.org.qa
Social Development Cooperative
Social Development International (SDI) – http://www.sodeit.org
Social Development Programme (SODEP) – http://www.sodepbd.org
Social Economic and Governance Promotion Centre – http://www.segpcentre.org
Social Economic Development Society
Social Education awareness and Development organization – http://www.seadpk.org
Social Empowerment & Voluntary Association
Social Entrepreneurs Agency – http://www.seagency.org
Social Evolution Organization – http://www.seo.org.pk
Social Help & Research Organization
Social Inclusion for Equality
Social Initiatives Support Fund – http://www.sisf.uz
Social Justice International – http://www.wango.org/sji
Social Mobilization Advocacy Research and Training – http://www.smartpk.org
Social Movement for Integrated Development
Social Policy Connections – http://www.socialpolicyconnections.org.au
Social Relief International, Inc. – http://www.socialrelief.org
Social Responsibility Asia – http://www.sr-asia.org
Social Technologies Agency
Social Transformation Empowerment and Programs Centre
Social Watch – http://www.socialwatch-benin.org
Social Watch & Welfare Development (SWWD)
Social Welfare Corporation Merry Year Foundation – http://www.merryyear.org
Social Welfare Society Lakhanwal Khurd, Gujrat
Social Work Organisation
Social Youth Coordination Association – http://www.sycu.org
Socialdemokraterna – http://www.socialdemokraterna.se
Sociedad Amigos del Viento Meteorología Ambiente Desarrollo – http://www.amigosdelviento.webs.com
Sociedad de Amigos en defensa de la gran sabana AMIGRANSA – http://www.amigransa.blogia.com/
Sociedad de Medicina Interna del Uruguay – http://www.medicinainterna.org.uy
Sociedad Ecológica del Cibao, Inc.
Sociedad Maya El Adelanto. Antigua alcaldia indigena de Quetgo.
Sociedad Mexicana de Criminología Capítulo Nuevo León A.C. – http://www.somecrimnl.es.tl
Sociedad Uruguaya de Tabacología
Sociedade Beneficente de Anchieta – http://www.mrr.org.br
Sociedade de Apoio ao Conhecimento e Paz Interior – http://www.Wopg.org
Sociedade de Bioetica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Sociedade Global – http://www.jovensprofissionais.wordpress.com
Sociedade Memorial Visconde de Maua – http://www.hlera.com.br/fotolog/viscondemaua/
Sociedade Nacional de Agricultura – http://www.sna.agr.br/
Sociedade Sinha Laurinha – http://www.sinhalaurinha.org
Società Geografica Italiana – http://www.societageografica.it
Societe d’Action pour le Développement Social et Communautaire en Afrique
Society Against Drug Abuse
Society Against Violence in Education – http://www.No2Ragging.Org
Society for Adolescents & Youth Int’l
Society for Advancement of Health, Education & Research – http://www.saherpk.org
Society for Africa on Law & Development – http://www.societyforafrica.org
Society for Ailing Mankind And Justice – http://eduaid.ning.com/
SOCIETY FOR ALL ROUND DEVELOPMENT (SARD) – http://www.sardindia.org
Society for Appraisal & Women Empowerment In Rural Areas – http://www.sawera.pk
Society for Care and Orientation of Population, Education and Environment (SCOPEE)
Society for Chemical Weapons Victims Support – http://www.scwvs.org
Society for Citizen’s Developmet
Society for Development and Community Empowerment – http://www.sdc-m.interconnection.org
Society for Education & Environmental Development
Society for EducationEnvironment and Development – http://www.seedngokarur.com
Society for Empowering Human Resource – http://www.seher.org.pk
Society for Environemntal Protection & Human Rights
Society for Establish and Implement of Human Rights – http://www.seihr.com
Society for Health Education – http://www.she.org.mv
Society for Human advancement and Disadvantaged Empowerment (SHADE) – http://www.shade.org.pk
Society for Human Advancement for Outreach Resources – http://www.shaorpakistan.or
Society for Human Rights & Environment Protection (SHEP) Regd. – http://www.shepngo.jimdo.com/
Society for Human Rights and Prisoners Aid – http://www.sharp-pakistan.org
Society for Indigenous Women Progress – http://www.siwp.org
Society for Integrated Rural & Urban Development – http://www.Onthepipeline
Society for International Development – http://www.sidint.net
SOCIETY FOR LIFE AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVE – http://www.forceforachange.ning.com
Society for Networking, Empowerment & Holistic Action – http://www.sneha.ind.in
Society for Partners in Development, The – SPD – http://www.spd.org.np
Society for Peace building Research and Integration of Normative Gender – http://www.spring.btck.co.uk
Society for Promotion of Education and Development – http://www.spedng.org
Society for Propagation of the Holy Quraan and Hadith – http://quraan-hadith.in
Society For Protection Of Working and Street Children – http://www.str-children.ir
Society for Reaching the Unreached – http://www.sru.net.in
Society for Research in Child Development – http://www.srcd.org
Society for Rural Development
Society for Social Services Madhya Bharat Chapter – http://www.sossmbc.com
SOCIETY FOR SOCIAL UNITY & DEVELOPMENT – http://www.ssud.dev4india.org
Society for Sustainable Development Islamabad – http://www.ssd.com.pk
Society for the Conservation of Nature of Liberia – http://www.scnlib.net
Society for the Protection of Unborn Children
Society for Upliftment of Masses, The
Society for Urban and Rural Empowerment
Society for Women Development and Empowerment of Nigeria – http://www.swodennigeria.org
Society for Women Empowerment and Rural Advancement
Society Integration Development Organization – http://www.sido-cvl.org
Society of American Law Teachers Inc. – http://www.saltlaw.org/
Society of Catholic Social Scientists, Inc.
Society of Collective Interests Orientation – http://www.oocities.com/SocioPak
Society of Mary (Marianists International) – http://www.MarianistNGO.org
Society of Public Health Education and Research – http://www.sphearsociety.org
Society of Public Health Engineers, Nepal – http://www.sophen.org.np
Society of Tribal Women for Development – http://www.stwfd.org
Society on Action Village Education Guiding Environment
Society Studies Centre (MADA ssc) – http://www.societystudies.org
Socio Economic Unit Foundation – http://www.seuf.org.in
Socio-eCO2NOmix-Global – http://socioeconomix.org/
Sociology Community Forum – http://www.facebook.com/pages/Department-of-Sociology-International-Isla…
Solidar – http://www.solidar.org
Solidaridad Suecia-América Latina – http://www.latinamerikagrupperna.se
Solidarité Active
Solidarité Agissante pour le Devéloppement Familial (SADF) – http://www.sadfong.123siteweb.fr
Solidarité Chrétienne pour le Développement Intégré
Solidarité de la jeunesse chrétienne pour la paix et l’enfance – http://www.asojpae.com
Solidarité Féminine contre la Pauvreté – http://www.solifem.org
Solidarité pour le développement communautaire – http://www.societecivile.cd/membre/sodec
Solidarite pour le Developpement International – http://www.solideve.ca
Solidarité pour un Monde Meilleur
Solidarité Suisse-Guinée – http://www.solidaritesuisseguinee.org
Solidarity Center Sri Lanka
Solidarity Farmers Association – https://sites.google.com/site/solidarityfarmersassociation/
Solidarity Society for Physically Disabled
solomon’s health And Development Of Weaker Societies – http://www.shadows-ngo.org
SOLURSO A.C. (Soluciones Urbanas Sostenibles) – http://www.solurso.org
Solutions Cameroun
Solutions for health and development
Solutions To Poverty Organization
Somali Community Access Network – http://www.somalican.org
Somali Education and Humanitarian Development Organization
Somali Formal Education Network
Somali Forum for Progress – http://www.somaliprogress.org
Somali Help-Age Association
Somali Human Rights Monitoring Committee (SHARMOC) – http://www.sharmocsom.blogspot.com
Somali National Development Program
Somali National Youth Union – http://www.snyu.org
Somali Refugee Aid Agency – http://www.somalirefugees.org
Somali Students Union
Somali Women Civil War Survivors
Somali/land Youth Development and Voluntary Organization – http://www.soydavo.org
Somalilan Women Development Assocation (SOWDA)
Somaliland Humanitarain and Socail Care Organization
Somaliland National Disability Forum
Somaliland National Youth Organization – http://www.sonyoumbrella.org
Somaliland Youth Community Association – http://www.nayd.org/soyca.htm
Somaliland Youth Development Organization – http://www.sydo.com
Somalischer Treffpunkt -gemeinschaftlischer Kulturzentrum- e.V. – http://www.somalischer-treffpunkt.org
SOMOSGAY – http://www.somosgay.org/
Sonaimuri Coastal Peoples Sustainable Development Society
SONT Welfare Organisation
SOPUTRA – http://www.soputra.org
Soroptimist International – http://www.soroptimistinternational.org
Soroptimist International of Europe – http://www.soroptimisteurope.org/
Soroptimist International of Greece
Soroptimist International of the Americas – http://www.soroptimist.org
SOS Éducation
SOS Kinderdorf International – http://www.sos-childrensvillages.org
SOS Madagascar – http://www.sos-madagascar.org/wp2/
Sought out Cameroon
Soul Searchers – http://www.soulsearchers.co.in
Souls for Christ Outreach Ministry – http://www.sfcoutreachministry.org
SOUL-Save Our Urban Life
Sound Humanitarian Participatory and Organizational Uplift – http://www.shpoul.org
SoundThread – http://www.soundthread.org
Source de Lomako Ong
South African Business Resources Institute – http://www.sabri.co.za
South African Hip-Hop Foundation – http://www.southafricanhiphopfoundation.org.za
South African Justice Commission – http://www.justice-commission.za.org
South Asia Partnership Pakistan – http://www.sappk.org
South Asia Regional Youth Network of International Planned Parenthood Federation
South Asian Forum for Environment – http://www.safeinch.org
South Asian Health Foundation – http://www.sahf.org.uk
South Asian Peace & Harmony Organisation – http://www.saph.org
South Asian Society of Criminology and Victimology – http://www.sascv.org
South Asian Strategic Stability Institute – http://www.sassi.uk.com
South Karimganj Social Welfare Organisation
South Kids Internationational – http://www.skiorg.com
South Sudanese Women Christian Mission for Peace
South West Livestock Farmers Common initiative Group
Southeast Indigenous Peoples’ Center
Southern Africa Human Rights NGO Network – Tanzania Chapter – http://www.sahringon.or.tz
Southern African AIDS Trust – http://www.satregional.org
Southern African Anti Human Trafficking Trust – http://www.saahtt.org.zw
Southern Arabia Organization for Peace and Development – http://www.alquaiti.com
Southern California Ecumenical Council
Southern Diaspora Research and Development Center, Inc. The – http://www.southngocaucus.com
Southern Philippines Muslim Unity & Development Association – http://www.spmuda.wix.com/home
Southern Philippines Muslim Unity Credit Cooperative – http://www.spmuda.wix.com/home
Southern Seafood Marketing Association
Southern Sudan Action Network on Small Arms – http://www.ssansa.org
SOVA Health & Education Development Foundation
Sovereign Grand Duchy of Drakenberg (International Council of Princes within the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court)
Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan Inc. – http://www.royalhouseofghassan.org
Sovereign Order of The Knights of Mercy
Sovrano Ordine Militare ed Ospitaliero di Santa Maria di Gerusalemme Teutonico di Svevia – http://www.teutonici.com
Sozo Kenya
Spandan Pratishthan – http://www.divinespandan.org
Spanish-Nigerian Association for Commercial & Industrial Development – http://www.sncida.org
Sparse Foundation – http://www.sparsefoundation.org
Sparsh Balgram U/O Yashshree Shikshan Sanstha – http://www.sparshbalgram.com
SpeakOut Youth Alliance
Special Abilities Development Association (SADA)
Special People International Network, Inc. – http://www.imspecial.info/SPIN
Special Talent Exchange Program – http://www.step.org.pk/
Speed Empowerment Foundation
SpeedTrust – http://www.speedtrust.org
Spinal Missions LLC – http://www.spinalmisions.org
spirit leading church organization.
SPMUDA Human Rights International Advisory Council – http://www.spmuda.wix.com/home
SPMUDA International Human Rights Commission – http://www.spmuda.wix.com/home
SPMUDA Women Empowerment & Embarkation on Transformation
Sports and Fitness Association of Pakistan – http://www.spofit.com
Sports Foundation Ghana – http://www.facebook.com/sportsfoundationghana
Spread the Wings Non-Government for Children – http://wingshang.org
SR Consutants
Sree Lakshmi Jabbi Reddy Charitable Trust – http://www.ljr-trust.org
Sree Lakshmi Jabbireddy Charitable Trust – http://www.ljr-trust.org
Sree Saraswathi Thyagaraja College – http://www.stc.ac.in
Sree Trust – http://www.sreetrust.org
Sri Balaji Seva Sansthan – http://www.sribalajisevasansthan.com
Sri Bodhiraja Foundation – http://www.bodhiraja.org
Sri Foundation India
Sri Lanka United Nations Friendship Organisation – http://www.sunfosrilanka.org
Sri Ramavarma Edusys – http://www.in.linkedin.com/pub/sri-rama-varma-edusys/55/773/219/
Sri Venkateshwara Trust
Sri Vivekanandasevashrama
SriI Lanka Consumer Cooperative Societies Federation Limited – http://coopfed.net/
Srijak Samuh
Srothas Malankara Social Service Society – http://www.msss.org
Ssrs Foundation
St John Ambulance Australia – http://www.stjohn.org.au
St Paul’s Community Development Trust – http://www.stpaulstrust.org.uk
St. Francis Community Developers
St. Kitts National Youth Parliament Association
St. Louis Aquacenter Inc. – http://www.cfto.org
St. Michael Orthodox Christian Church – http://www.stmichaelorth.org
St. Peter Peace Building Network
St.Francis Xavier Solicitors and Advocates
St.Mary’s Educational Trust
Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future
Stand Up Girl International – http://www.standupgirlint.org
STAR Kampuchea – http://www.starkampuchea.org.kh
Star Level Entertainment Group LLC – http://www.starlevelentertainment.net
Staregister – http://www.staregister.org
start initiative for community justice and human rights – https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=371348126300346
Stat View International – http://www.statviewinternational.com
State Level Advisory Committee for Student and Youth Welfare Government of Assam India
State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry – http://www.esf.edu/
STEER Foundation – http://www.steerfoundation.org
Stellenbosch University – http://www.sun.ac.za
STEP – http://www.step-pk.com
Step Society for the Care of Persons with Disabilities
Stichting African Sky – http://www.africansky.nl
Stichting Ayni Bolivia Nederland – http://www.ayni.nl
Stichting Both ENDS – http://www.bothends.org
Stichting Coalition for Work with Psychotrauma and Peace – http://www.cwwpp.org
stichting dance4life – http://www.dance4life.com
Stichting Deontos International – http://www.deontos.org
Stichting Dr. Adolf Frederik Gravenberch – http://www.gravenberchconsulting.com
Stichting Global Human Rights Defence – http://www.ghrd.org/
Stichting Global March Against Child Labour – http://www.globalmarch.org
Stichting Global Reporting Initiative
Stichting Liliane Fonds – http://www.lilianefonds.org
Stichting Retour – http://www.retour.net
Stichting Rutgers WPF
Stichting Soham Baba Mission – http://www.sjohambaabajimission.com
Stichting Spanda – http://www.spanda.org
Stichting Universal Education Foundation – http://www.learningforwellbeing.org
Stichting War Child – http://www.warchildholland.org
Stiftelsen Atlas-Alliansen – http://www.atlas-alliansen.no
Stiftelsen Oslo Krisesenter – http://www.oslokrisesenter.no
Stiftung Brot fuer Alle – http://www.brotfueralle.ch
Stiftung Zugang für alle – http://www.access-for-all.ch
Stop AIDS in Liberia (SAIL) – http://www.stopaidsinliberia.org
Stop Kekkaku Partnership Japan – http://www.stoptb.jp
Stowarzyszenie Edukacji Nieformalnej Meritum – http://www.sen-meritum.pl
Stowarzyszenie Integracja I Rozwoj – http://www.sir.com.pl
Strategic Actions Society – http://www.sasbd.org
Strategic Humanitarian Services – http://www.shumas-cameroon.org
Strategic Youth Network for Development – http://www.strategicyouthnetwork.org
Street Kids International – http://www.streetkids.org
streetfootballworld gGmbH
StreetNet International – http://www.streetnet.org.za
Strong Roots Congo
Structura Technologies International – http://www.structuratechintl.com
Structural Analysis of Cultural Systems – http://s-a-c-s.net
Student Business Organization for Sustainable Development – http://www.sbosdgh.org
Student Scientific Association Of Computer Group in Iran – http://ssacg-vpnu.blogfa.com
Student World Assembly,Ghana – http://www.studentsworldassembly.org
Student Youth Travel Org.
Students and Youth Working on reproductive Health Action Team – http://www.saywhat.org.zw
students association mehrpouya – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Students for a Free Tibet – http://www.studentsforafreetibet.org
Students for Global Democracy Uganda – http://uganda.sfgd.org
Students for Rio – http://www.commingsoon
Students Network for Voluntary Projects & Organization
Students’ Patient Welfare Society – http://www.spwske.com
Students’ Relief Society – http://www.srsj.org
Style Welfare Foundation – http://www.style-foundation.com
Sub-Deen Humanitarian Centre for Peace and Justice
Subhashchandra Bose Dnyan Kala Krida and Sanskrutik Mandal – http://www.sbdksm.org
Subhi Association for women with disabilities
Sub-Secretaria de Servicios Publicos y Relaciones de Consumo
Sucardif Association
Success Forum International
Success Gate Christian Foundation – http://www.successgate.com.ng/
Success youth International
Sudan Council of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA)
Sudan National Committee on Harmful Traditional Practices
Sudan Peace and Education Development Programme
Sudanese Association for Youth Development
Sudanese Nation Development Organization
Sudanese National Union for Physical Disabled People (SNUPDP)
Sudanese Red Crescent society – http://www.srcs-sd.org
Sudanese Women Parliamentarians Caucus – http://www.parliament.gov.sd
Sudan’s Peace Building and Empowerment Inc
Suhni Dharti Welfare Organization – http://www.sdwo.webs.com
Suila Foundation
Sukalyan Welfare Society – http://www.sukalyanngo.org
SUKAWALA – http://www.redindigena.net/sukawala
Sukh Life Association
Suleman Bongo Foundation
Sumati Foundation – http://www.sumatiindia.org
Summerhill School – http://www.summerhillschool.co.uk
Summit Foundation – http://www.summitglobal.org
Sun Charity USA – http://www.SUNUSA.org
Sun Foundation – http://www.sunfoundationindia.org
Sundarban Banamalipur Community Development & Research Centre
Sunfull Movement – http://www.sun-full.org
Sunlight for Human Development Network – http://www.sunlighthdn.org
Sunray Meditation Society – http://www.sunray.org
Suomen Diabetesliitto ry – http://www.diabetes.fi
Suomen Sydänliitto ry – http://www.sydanliitto.fi
Superintendencia de Limpeza Urbana de Belo Horizonte – http://www.pbh.gov.br/slu
Support Cause Foundation
Support Home of God (SuhoG) Project – http://www.suhogproject.org
Supremo Tribunal Internacional de Justiça pela Protecção dos Direitos Humanos ‘Casa Real de Portugal’ “ – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Supremus Ordo Milicie Templi, S.O.M.T. – http://ordotempli.weebly.com
”SURAKSHA” Environment Protection Trust
Surjamukhi Sangstha
Surma Foundation – http://www.surmafoundation.org
Surmafoundation – http://www.surmafoundation.org
Surviving Gun Violence Project – http://www.survivinggunviolence.org
Survivor’s Network of those Abused by Priests – http://www.SNAPnetwork.org
Susila Dharma International Association – http://www.susiladharma.org
Sussex Centre for Migration Research, University of Sussex – http://www.sussex.ac.uk/migration/
Sussex Centre for the Individual and Society
Sustainable Assistance Welfare and Information Youth Group
Sustainable Development and Human Rights Services Foundation – http://www.ssudahserfoundation.blogspot.com
Sustainable Development for All-Kenya – http://www.sdfa-kenya.org
Sustainable Development Foundation – http://www.fondazionesvilupposostenibile.org
Sustainable Development Policy Institute – http://www.sdpi.org
Sustainable Development Program for Poor
Sustainable Development Vision – http://www.sdvpk.org
Sustainable Lawrence – http://www.SustainableLawrence.org
sustainable participatory development programme – http://www.spdp.org.pk
Sustainable Population Australia Inc. – http://www.population.org.au
Sustainable Rural Community Development Organisation (SURCOD) Limited – http://surcodmalawi.weebly.com
Sustainable Rural Growth and Development Initiative
Sustainable Sciences Institute – http://www.sustainablesciences.org
Sustainable Working for Empowerment and Resource Advancement – http://www.swera.org.pk
SustainUS, Inc. – http://www.sustainus.org
Sustentabilidade, Impacto e Gestao Ambiental – http://dgp.cnpq.br/buscaoperacional/detalhegrupo.jsp?grupo=0083601P1BIR3D
Suvarna Karnataka Integrated Rural Development Society (R) Skirds(R) – http://www.skirdsorg.in
Svayam – National Centre for Inclusive Environment – http://www.svayam.com
SVB-Rio – http://www.svbrio.blogspot.com
Svenska Brukarföreningen – http://www.svenskabrukarforeningen.se/
Svenska Freds- och Skiljedomsföreningen – http://www.svenskafreds.se
Sverdlovsk Regional Department of the Russian Red Cross – http://www.svrkk.ru
Sveriges Makalosa Foraldrar – http://www.makalosa.org
Swadhikar – http://www.ncdhr.org.in;http://www.swadhikar.net
Swami Hardas Foundation – http://www.siddhamarg.org
Swami Vivekanand Samaj Seva Samsthe – Sutagatti
SWAMI VIVEKANANDA CULTURAL FOUNDATION – http://www.svcf.faithweb.com
Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement – http://www.svym.org.in
Swapna Poribesh Unnayan Foundation
Swaraj Education Research Foundation – http://www.swarajfoundation.com
Swaziland National Youth Council
Swedish Association for Sexuality Education – http://www.rfsu.se
Swedish NGO Foundation for Human Rights – http://www.humanrights.se
Swiss Academy for Development – http://www.sad.ch
Swisscontact, Schweizerische Stiftung für technische Entwicklungs-zusammenarbeit – http://www.swisscontact.org
Switzerland United Alevi Federations – http://www.iabf.ch
swizzz dream – http://www.swizzz-dream.ch
Sycamore Development Foundation – http://www.sycamore-foundation.org
Synergie des Jeunes de la Communauté Economique et Monétaire de l’Afrique Centrale (SJ-CEMAC) – http://www.sjcemac.org
Synergie Jeunesse et Developpement
Synergies Africaines Contre le Sida et les Souffrances – http://www.synergiesafricaines.org
Synergy Action
Synergy Plus
Syracuse University – Disability Law and Policy Program – http://www.law.syr.edu/deans-faculty-staff/profile.aspx?fac=72
Syriac Orthodox Church Executive Council – http://www.syrianorthodoxchurch.org
Syrian Environment Protection Society (SEPS) – http://www.enviro-syria.org/http://www.seps-sy.org
Syrian Human Rights Council – http://syrianhumanrightscouncil.wetpaint.com
Syrian Young Entrepreneur Association – http://www.syea.org
Szabfoundation – http://www.szabfoundation.com
Székely Nemzeti Tanács – Consiliul National Secuiesc – http://www.sznt.ro
TA 40/4 Fao Partnership Program – Ifad, Wfp – http://www.FAO.ORG
Taas International
Tabernacle Worship and Prayer Min inc – http://www.tabernacleworshipandprayerinc.com
Tabitha Cumi Foundation – http://www.tabithacumi@yahoo.com
Taiwo Adewole and Associates – http://www.taaassociates.com.ng
Tajik Social-and-Ecological Union – http://www.yagnob.org
takaful for child welfare – http://www.takafulweb.org
Takal Welfare Organization – http://www.takal.org
Takatoul Association of Grand Tangier – http://www.takatoul.org
Takshila Education trust – http://www.takshilaeducation.org
Talent Youth Association – http://www.talentyouthassociation.org
Tamanna Global Foundation
Tamat ONG – http://www.tamat.org
Tamil Christian Broadcasting Network – http://www.tcbn-india.com
Tamil Information Centre
Tamilnadu Assosciation for Peoples Developement
Tamkeen Development Foundation
Tamount n Tsnoult – http://www.tamount3.c.la
Tamu Chhoj Dhi ( The Council House of tamu) member of Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN) Ilam.
Tanani Inter Co., LTD – http://www.igmxthailand.biz
Tantri Arte
Tanzania Animals Protection Organization – http://www.tanzania-animals-protection-org.blogspot.com
Tanzania Assistance for Laws Awareness and Development Organisation
Tanzania Blue Cross
Tanzania Community Based Option for Protection and Empowerment Organsation – http://www.envaya.org/tacope
Tanzania Gender Networking Programme – http://www.tgnp.org
Tanzania Peace Initiative Foundation
Tanzania Renewable Energy Association
Tanzania Women Empowerment and Innovation – http://www.tawei.or.tz
Tanzania Youth Alliance – http://www.vijanatz.com
Tanzyme Falah e Moashra – http://www.tfmliaquatpur.org
Taposya Social Welfare Organisation
Tassoutine pour L’animation Educative et Culturelle
Tata Energy Research Institute (TERI) – http://www.teriin.org
Tathagata Trust – http://www.tgtrust.com
Tawhid Social & Development Organization (TSDO)
TDM 2000 International – http://www.tdm2000international.org
Te Pou (Matua Raki) – http://www.matuaraki.org.nz
Te Ropu Wahine Maori Toko i te Ora, Te Atatu Branch Maori Women’s Welfare League, Aotearoa/New Zealand
Teachings of Entrepreneurship on Antipoverty Movement – http://www.teaminitiatives.org
Technical Centre for Fine Art and Computer Studies CIG – http://www.techcefacos.org
Technology in Education (TIE) Foundation – http://www.tiefoundation.net
Technoport – http://www.technoport.no
Teenagers Plus – http://www.iplus.org
Teens and Youth Enpowerment and Capacity Enhancement – http://www.teensandyouthngo.org
Teens Uganda – http://www.teensuganda.org
Tefere Rezene Foundation – http://www.tefererezenefoundation.com
Tehran Milad Tower – http://www.tehranmiladtower.ir
Tehran University – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Tehzeeb Social Welfare Organization
Tejaswini Mahila Mandal,Mohone – http://www.tejaswiniindia.org
Telangana Netizens Forum
Telugu Association of London,UK – http://www.taluk.org
Temple of Understanding – http://www.templeofunderstanding.org
Tender Pam Volunteer
Tepiu-aui-Ra – http://www.tepiu-aui-ra.info
Teresian Association – http://www.teresian-association.org
Terra Curanda – http://www.terracuranda.org;http://www.onlineunesco.org
Terra Renaissance – http://www.terra-r.jp/
Terra Una – http://www.terrauna.org.br
Terre de la Jeunesse Culturelle – http://www.a-tjc.fr.tc
Terre des Jeunes du Burundi-Transnational
Terre Nouvelle – http://www.terrenouvelle.kabissa.org
TERRE Policy Centre – http://www.terrepolicycentre.org
Terre Promise – http://www.assoterreprom.wordpress.com
Terre Vivante
Thakur Hari Prasad Institute of Research and Rehabilitation for the Mentally Handicapped
Thatta Youth Development Organization – http://www.tydothatta.weebly.com
The 3rd Goal: Gender Equality and Empowering Women, Inc. – http://the3rdgoal.org
The Adaquo Tellus Foundation
The ADR Centre – http://www.theadrcentre.org
The Africa Center for Information and Development – http://www.acidcenter.no
The African United Nations Youth Association – http://www.taunya.yolasite.com
The African Youth In Technology Organisation
The African Youth with Disabilities Network – http://www.aywdn.org
The Agatha Foundation Inc. – http://www.theagathafoundation.org
The Akram Rajab Foundation
The Arab-American Family Support Center – http://www.aafscny.org
The Association for Trauma Outreach and Prevention Inc – http://www.meaningfulworld.com
The Association of European Cancer Leagues – http://www.europeancancerleagues.org
The Association of Non-Governmental Organizations in the Gambia – http://www.tango.gm
The Associaton of Economic Social Research & Development – http://www.esak.com.tr
The Atlantic Greenway Project Ireland – http://theatlanticgreenwayproject.wordpress.com/
The Autonomous Nonprofit Organization Institute of Humanitarian and Economic Problems of Food Security
The Bahrain Young Ladies Association – http://www.nahda-socity.com
The Bangsa Adat Alifuru – http://www.siwalima.org
The BARKA Foundation, Inc. – http://www.barkafoundation.org
The Berkana Institute – http://www.berkana.org
The Beth Johnson Foundation – http://www.bjf.org.uk
The Better Tomorrow Development Initiative – http://www.btdiworld.org
The Bharath Abhyudaya Seva Samithi – http://www.bassindia.webs.com/
The Bible Hill Youth Club – http://biblehillyouthclub.blogspot.com
The Blue Ribbon Movement – http://www.brmworld.org
The Board Of Deputies Of British Jews – http://www.bod.org.uk
The Borgen Project – http://www.borgenproject.org
The Brain Waves
The Breast Cancer Foundation of Egypt – http://www.bcfe.org
The Bright Doves of St. Francis – http://www.brightdoves.com
The Cameroon Franchise Association
The Canadian Health Sciences Institute
The Carbon Philter Institute
The Caribbean Institute for a New Humanity, Inc. – http://www.acrra.org
The CARIBSAVE Partnership – http://www.caribsave.org
The Caring Society – http://www.thecaringsocietey.org
The Catalyst Foundation for AIDS Awareness and Care – http:www.catalystfdn.org
The Catholic Health Association of India – http://www.chai-india.org
The Center for the Human Rights of Children – http://www.luc.edu/chrc
The Center on Disability Studies, University of Hawaii – http://www.cds.hawaii.edu
The Central British Fund for World Jewish Relief – http://www.wjr.org.uk
The Child Welfare Society of Eastern Equatoria
The Children’s Foundation
The Coalition of parallel diplomacy
The Coastal Resource Center
The Common Good party – http://thecommongood.info
The Commonwealth of Christ – http://www.kingsembassy.com
The Congress of Diplomats – http://www.congressofdiplomats.org
The Conrad Foundation – http://www.conradawards.org
The Consumer Goods Forum – http://www.theconsumergoodsforum.com/
The Council for the Socio-Cultural Development of Champa
The Credence – http://www.thecredence.org
The CRESCENT foundation – http://www.thecrescentfoundation.in
The Crest Foundation Ltd
The Cultural Representative of The Sultanate of Sulu & Sabah to Indonesia and Timor Leste – http://culturalambassador.wordpress.com/2011/11/02/confederation-of-sult…
The Daily Bhorer Kagoj – http://www.bhorerkagoj.net
The Danang/Quang Nam Fund, Inc. – http://www.AgentOrangeChildren.org
The Danish NCD Alliance – http://www.NCDAlliance.dk
THE DELEGATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS – http://www.thedhr.org
The Development Fund – http://www.utviklingsfondet.no
The Diabetic Association of Sri Lanka – http://www.diabetessrilanka.org
The Disablement Foundation of Ghana – http://www.DfoG.org
The Dounia Project Inc. – http://www.douniaproject.org
The Dove Foundation – http://thedoveindia.wix.com/dove
The Earth Association – http://www.yeryuzudernegi.org
The Earth Saviours Foundation – http://www.savearth.in
The Earth-Universal Society for Human Activities(The Earth-USHA)
The Education of African People
The Egyptian Association for Dissemination and Development of Legal Awareness – http://www.eaddla.org
The Egyptian Center for Economic and Social Rights – http://www.ecesr.org
The Elijah Foundation
The Empathy Project – http://www.educatingforgreatness.org
The Entrepreneurship Development Foundation for Women and Youth – http://www.foundationed.net
The Enviromental Ameliorators
The Environmental Law Institute – http://www.eli.org
The European Rohingya Council – http://www.theerc.net
The F W de Klerk Foundation Trust – http://www.fwdeklerk.org
The Fahad Al Salem Center for Dialogue Among Civilizations and Defense of Liberty – http://www.fahadcenter.org
The Family Planning association of Sri Lanka – http://www.fpasrilanka.org
The Federal Times – http://www.thefederaltimes.net
The Federation of Women Groups
The Finnish NGDO Platform to the EU Kehys – http://www.kehys.fi
The Fishermen – www.thefishermenrelief.org;www.worldorphanrelief.wordpress.com;Facebook:…
The Flagship
The Ford Foundation – http://www.fordfoundation.org
The Forum of Asia Elites – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
The Foundation – http://www.thefoundation.in
The foundation For Human Health Society – http://wwwhuheso-foundationorg.blogspot.com
The Foundation of Faith
THE FREE WORLD REVIEW – http://www.freeworldreview.blogspot.com
The friends of Life NGO
The Future Stars International
The Garifuna Heritage Foundation – http://www.garifunaresearchcenter.org
The Geneva Consensus Foundation
The George Institute for Global Health – http://www.georgeinstitute.org
The Georgian Union of Military Veterans Veterans for Peace» – http://www.geovets.ge
The Ghana National Association of Teachers – http://www.ghanateachers.org
The Global Alliance for the Rights of Older People – http://www.rightsalliance.org
The Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils – http://www.thegfcc.org
The Global Forum on MSM & HIV (MSMGF) – http://www.msmgf.org
The Global Marshall Plan Foundation – http://globalmarshallplan.org
The Global Network of Civil Society Organisations for Disaster Reduction – http://www.globalnetwork-dr.org
The Global Syndicate – http://www.theglobalsyndicate.org
The Gold Cross – http://www.goldcross.webs.com
The Graduate Committee for Research on Women/ Gender (CROW) – http://www.uakron.edu/groups/crow/index.php
The Graduate Committee for Research on Women/Gender (CROW) – https://www.uakron.edu/pages/groups/crow/index.php
The Grand Commandery of Knights Templar – http://www.knightstemplar.gckt.org
The Great Mothers Foundation – http://www.tgmf.org
The Green Economics Institute – http://www.greeneconomics.org.uk
The Green Movement of Sri Lanka Inc. – http://www.greensl.net
The Greens Movement of Georgia/Friends of the Earth-Georgia – http://www.greens.ge
The Gulen Institute – http://www.GULENINSTITUTE.ORG
The Hans Foundation – http://www.thehansfoundation.org
The Health Officers Council of British Columbia – http://healthofficerscouncil.net/contact/
The Help Foundation
The Helping Hands One LIfe at a Time
The HETL Association, Inc. – https://www.hetl.org/
The Home for Youth Development Organization
The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation – http://www.rehabsociety.org.hk
The Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute – http://www.hespi.org
The House of Eternal Culture – http://javdan.org
The Human Rights Foundation
The Humanitarian Center – http://www.civiltransformation.com
The Humanitarian Forum – http://www.humanitarianforum.org
The Imperial Order of Saint Stanislas – http://www.ststanislas.com
The independent Commission For The Defense In Human Rights in (Boujdour) Sahara
The Inernational Christian Charity Fund – http://www.sunnyworld.org.ua/
The Infotainment Movement
The Inner Call – http://www.theinnercall.org
The InnerCity Mission of Christ Embassy – http://www.theinnercitymission.org
The Institute for Conscious Global Change, Inc. – http://www.consciousglobalchange.org
the Institute for Migrant Rights – http://www.imr.or.id
The Institute of Development and Security Perspective
The Institute of Development Studies – http://www.ids.ac.uk
The Institute of Economic Affairs Gambia
The Institute of Economic Strategies – http://www.inesnet.ru
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. – http://www.ieee.org
The Institute on Religion and Public Policy – http://www.religionandpolicy.org
The International Association of Lions Club of Colombo Serendib
The International Center for Strategic Studies and Human Rights – http://www.ic-hrs.org
The International Coalition of Historic Site Museums of Conscience – http://www.sitesofconscience.org
The International Disability Alliance
The International Federation of Anti-Leprosy Associations (ILEP) – http://www.ilep.org.uk
The International Forum on Globalization – http://www.ifg.org
The International Legal Foundation, Ltd. – http://www.theilf.org
The International Professional Certification Center – http://aibcg.us/
The International Sibling Society – http://www.paintingavoice.org
The Islamic Foundation – http://www.theislamicfoundationkenya.org
The Jack Brewer Foundation
The Jamaicans For Community Development
The Jordan Anti Drugs Society – http://www.tjads.org
The Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development – http://www.johud.org.jo
The Jordanian National Comission for Women
The Kangmong Nupi Thougal Marup
The Khagendra New Life Special Education Seondary School
The Kuki Organization For Human Rights Trust – http://www.kumhur.org
The Latino Commission on AIDS, Inc. – http://www.latinoaids.org
The Lawman Lynch Foundation
The League for Educational Advancement of Human Rights – http://www.leahforkids.org
The Learning and Skills Council
The Legal delegates of the International Community – http://ldic.ucoz.com/
The Life Project, Inc. – http://www.thelifeproject.mysite.com
The MacClafferty of Ulster Clan Society
The Malaysian Safety and Peace Organization – http://www.malaysianpeace.org
The Management Centre of the Mediterranean – http://www.mc-med.eu
The Maria Nobrega Charitable Trust – http://www.nobregafoundation.org
The Military & Hospitaller Order of St Lazarus of Jerusalem, Grand Priory of Ireland – http://www.stlazarus.ie
The MILLA Project, Inc. – http://www.millaproject.org
The Millennium Development Goals Collaboration Council – http://www.mdgcc.org
The Miller Worley Center for the Environment – http://www.mtholyoke.edu/mwce/
The Missing Millennium Development Goal Initiative
The Montagnard Foundation, Inc. – http://www.montagnard-foundation.org/
The Mosaic Institute for Harnessing Diversity – http://www.mosaicinstitute.ca
The Mother and Child Health and Education Trust – http://motherchildtrust.org
The Multipurpose Inter Parliamentary Union – http://www.tmipu.org
The National Association on Early Childhood Development and Education – http://www.karenecd.org
The National Autism Society of Malaysia – http://www.nasom.com.my
The National Centre for Human Rights – http://www.nchr.org.jo
The National Council for the Cedar Revolution
The National Federation of Sudanese Youth
The National Institute of Youth Affairs – http://www.facebook.com/nationalinstituteofyouthaffairsNIYA
The National Union for Developing the Poorest Groups
The National Union of Public Workers – http://www.nupwbarbados.com
The National YWCA of Korea – http://www.ywca.or.kr
The New Generation
The New Rationalists – http://www.facebook.com/newrationalists
The New York Fertility Research Foundation, Inc. – http://www.frfbaby.com
The New Zealand Maori Council – http://www.maoricouncil.com
The Nilgiris Education and Research Foundation – http://www.thenearfoundation.org
The Office for Israel Constitutional Law – http://www.JusticeNow4Israel.com
The ONE Campaign – http://www.one.org
The Optimists Inc. – http://www.theoptimists.org
The Palestinian Return Centre Ltd – http://www.prc.org.uk
the path of buddha mission – http://www.thepathofbuddhamission.com
The Peacemaker Corps Foundation – http://www.peacemakercorps.org
The People of Champa Descent Parliament – http://www.peoplechampadescent.com
The Planetary Week for a Better World – http://www.THE-PLANETARY-WEEK.ORG
The Presidency Office National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) – http://www.napep.gov.ng
The Press Institute for Women in the Developing World – http://www.piwdw.org
The Prince Irakly Bagrationi Foundation
The Prostate Net – http://www.theprostatenet.org
The Rabbani Foundation – http://www.therabbanifoundation.org
The Reformers
The Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia – http://www.carecnet.org
The Registered Trustees of the Friends of AIDS Support Trust – http://www.fastmalawi.org
The Research Down Syndrome Foundation – http://www.researchds.org
The Rights Foundation
The Road of Peace International Foundation – http://road1004.onmam.com/
The Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College – http://www.roosevelthouse.hunter.cuny.edu/
The Rose Foundation
The Rotaract Club of the University of Auckland – http://www.rotaractuoa.org.nz
The S.A.F.E. Campaign
The Samira And Fredrick Scott Charitable Fund – http://www.sfscharityfund.org
The School of Environmental Studies Education Foundation – http://www.sesef.org
The SEM Fund – http://www.sem-fund.org
The Seth Tawiah Foundation
The Shafallah Center for Children with Special Needs – http://www.shafallah.org.qa/
The Shepherd’s Guild – http://www.shepherdsguild.org
The SMERU Research Institute – http://www.smeru.or.id
The Snoqualmie Tribe
The Society For International Cooperation of Disabled People
The society for care of the handicapped – http://www.schgaza.ps
The Society for Recovery Support
The Society for Restoring Ancient Wisdom – http://www.societyforRAW.com
The society for the care of the Handicapped – http://www.schgaza.ps
The So-Gen Project – https://www.facebook.com/So.Gen.Project
The Sovereign
The Sovereign Christian Orthodox United Order of the Red Cross of Constantine – http://stconstantineorder.co.uk/
The Streets Movement Organisation – http://www.thestreetsmovement.org
The Style Welfare Foundation – http://www.style-foundation.com
The Sudanese Organization for Women and Child Development – http://www.swcosd.com
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. – http://www.komen.org
The Tandana Foundation Inc. – http://www.tandanafoundation.org
The Tandem Project – http://www.tandemproject.com
The Technoligical Center for Human Rights – http://www.tchr-eg.com
The Teddy Bear Clinic for Abused Children – http://www.ttbc.org.za
The Trichy Don Bosco Society
The Tronie Foundation – http://www.troniefoundation.org
The True Vindication Limited – http://www.thetruevindication.org
The Uganda Reach the Aged Association – http://www.uraauganda.org
The United Nations Friendship Charitable Fund Foundation
The United Nations Friendship Pictorial Foundation – http://www.unfpf.com
The United Nations Youth Association of Tunisia-GABES – https://www.facebook.com/unitednationsyouthassociationsgabes
The University of the West Indies Students Today, Alumni Tomorrow-Vice Chancellors’ Student Ambassador Corps – http://www.alumnionline.uwi.edu/s/1058/home.aspx?sid=1058&gid=1&pgid=310
The Urban Trust of Namibia
The Vance Center – http://www.vancecenter.org
The Vanier Institute of the Family – L’institut Vanier de la Famille – http://www.vanierinstitute.ca
The Vatsal Chaya Trust
The Village Net – http://www.thevilllagenet.org
The Virtual Society – https://sites.google.com/site/uvsit2010
The Visible Light
The Vision of Tourism
The Voice of Libyan Women – http://www.thevoiceoflibyanwomen.org
The Wahid Institute – http://www.wahidinstitute.org
The Wane Corporation
The Welfare Foundation of Peacemakers – http://www.peacemakers.kr
The Well Being Foundation – http://www.wbfafrica.org/
The Women’s Information Network – http://www.GlobalWomensSummits.com
The Women’s Welfare Trust
The Working Committee of Market Strategy of Chinese Association for Development Strategy
The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG) – http://www.waag-azhar.com
The World Association of Women Followers of Ahl-ul-bait
The World Habitat Foundation
The World of Christianity – http://www.theworldofchristianity.org
The World Organization of Pan-Islamic Jurisprudence – http://www.wop-ij.org
The World Peace University – http://www.worldpeace-university.com
The World we Want Foundation – http://www.theworldwewantfoundation.org
The Worldwide Palliative Care Alliance – http://www.thewpca.org
The Young Advocates for the Advancement of ICT-related Development
The Young Explorers’ Institute for Social Service
The Youth Associates Initiative of Tanzania
the Youth Organisation of the European Non-Governmental Sport Organisation – http://www.youth-sport.net/
The Youth Peer Education Network Morocco – http://www.iceit.un.ma
The Youthink Center
The Zoryan Institute of Canada Inc. – http://www.zoryaninstitute.org
ther developmental center – http://www.tdc-iq.org
Thinkers – http://www.thinkers.ws
Thinking for Knowledge Development
ThinkTank Research Center for Health Development – http://www.healthtt.org.cn
Third Sector Resource – http://www.ingoglobal.org
Third World Human Rights Organization – http://www.thirdworld-humanrights.org
Third World Network – http://www.twnside.org.sg
Thirdway Human Rights and Development – http://www.third-way.org
Thomas V. Sobczak, Consultants – http://sobczaksays.org
Thoughts Foundation – http://www.thinkpositivenow.com
Thrace – Nigeria Development Association
Thusanang Adventures – http://www.thusanangadventures.co.za
Tibetan Women’s Association – http://tibetanwomen.org/
Tics y Juventud
Timison Youths Initiative – http://www.nayd.org/timison_youths.htm
Tineri Pentru Viitor 2006 – http://www.fondromaia.org
TIPU Foundation Pakistan
Tirupur District Sports Association For The Deaf
Tirupur School for the Deaf
Tiruvannamalai District federation for the Differently Abled – http://www.abilityfederation.blogspot.in
Tiye International – http://www.tiye-international.org
TKL Welfare Organization – http://www.takal.org
To Love a Child, Inc. – http://www.toloveachild.org
To Love Children Educational Foundation International Inc.
Tobago Youth Council
Together for Peace – http://www.togetherforpeace.org.br
Together To Palestine – http://www.together-to-palestine.simplesite.com
Tohum Otizm Vakfi – http://www.tohumotizm.org.tr
Toit & Joie
Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development – http://unep-iesd.tongji.edu.cn/
Tongzhi Community Joint Meeting – http://www.tcjm.org
Tools for Humanity – http://www.tools4humanity.org
Topo Foundation for EDUCATION – http://www.TF4E.org
Tornado International Center For Human Resources Development
Toronto Association for Learning & Preserving the History of WWII in Asia – http://www.torontoalpha.org
TORT FOR TORTURE VICTIMS CENTRE – http://www.tortfortorturevictims.org
Torture Abolition and Survivor Support Coalition International – http://www.tassc.org
Totara – http://www.totara.nl
Tour Opération et Initiatives
Tous Unis pour le Developpement
Towarzystwo Komunikacji Miedzykulturowej – http://www.tkm.org.pl
Trade Union Federation of Defence Civil Workers of Albania
Traditional Arbitrators Council
Traditional Rulers of Mindanao Peace Agency
Traffina Foundation for Community Health
TRAKYA KALKINMA DERNEGI – http://www.trakya.org.tr
Trans-Atlantic Environmental, Inc – http://www.taenvironmental.org
Transdiaspora Network, Inc. – http://www.transdiasporanetwork.org
Transformation Prayer Foundation – http://www.ipcprayer.org
Transformational Development Consortium, LLC – http://www.tdconsortium.com
Transformed Heart Ministry
Transformed Youth Initiative – http://www.tyighana.org
Transgender Foundation of America – http://tgctr.org
Transnational Education and Learning Society (TELS) – http://www.transnationaleducationsociety.org
Transnational Law Institute of Washington and Lee University School of Law
Transnational Migrant Platform – http://www.cfmw.org/transnational-migrant-platf/
TRANSNUT, WHO Collaborating Centre in nutrition changes and development
Transparency Watch Organization
Trash Recycling and Management Organization – http://www.tramoworld.org
Treasureland Health Builders – http://www.treasurelandhealthbuilders.org
Treatment & Rehabiliation Center for Victims of Torture – http://www.trc-pal.org
Tree of Life Center – http://www.treeoflifecenter.net
Trees for Development – http://www.treesfordevelopment.blog.com
Trennungsväter e.V. – http://www.trennungsvaeter.de
Tribal and Rural Welfare Awareness Trust – http://www.truwatrust.bbnow.org
Tribal Development Association – http://www.trida.org
Tribal Development Cooperative Society Ltd
Tribal Government of the Philippines – http://www.chronicleofthetribalgovernment.blogspot.com
Tribal Link Foundation, Inc – http://www.tribal-link.org
Tribal Rights Watch
Tribals Integrated Efforts
Tribunal de Justica Arbitral do Mercosul – http://www.parlamentworld.org
Tribunal Internacional de Arbitragem da Real Casa de Portugal – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Tribunal Internacional de Consciência ‘Casa Real de Portugal’ pela Defesa das Ordens Dinásticas e os Títulos Nobres “ – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Trickle up Program – http://www.trickleup.org/
Tripura Foundation, Inc. – http://www.tripurafoundation.org
Triumphant Youth Foundation – http://www.triumphantyouth.org
True Worth Foundation – http://www.trueworthfoundation.com
TrustAfrica – http://www.trustafrica.org
Trustees of Tufts College – http://www.tufts.edu
Tsaggan Myandas – http://www.tsagaanmyandas.org
Tsohang Youth Project
Tunisian Association Against STI and AIDS – http://www.atlsida.org/http://www.youthpeer.org.tn
Tunisie Libre – http://tunisielibrefr.blogspot.com
TurismoUnB na Rio+20
Türk Kalp Vakfi – http://www.tkv.org.tr
Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation – http://www.tesev.org.tr
Turkish Philanthropy Funds – http://www.tpfund.org
TURKIYE BEYAZAY DERNEGI – http://www.beyazay.org.tr
Turkiye Erozyonla Mucadele, Agaclandirma ve Dogal Varliklari Koruma Vakfi – http://www.tema.org.tr
Turkiye Isadamlari ve Sanayiciler Konfederasyonu – http://www.tuskonus.org
Türkiye Teknik Elemanlar Vakfi – http://www.tutev.org.tr
Türkiye Yesilay Cemiyeti – http://www.yesilay.org.tr
TURYAK Yaslilik Konseyi Dernegi – http://www.turyak.org
Tutmonda Esperantista Junulara Organizo – http://www.tejo.org
Tuwafikie Tanzania Organization – http://www.tuwafikie.org
Twekembe Association Centre for Rural Systems and Development
Twigishanye Teach Each Other/ Youth Light United Ideas T.E.O/ Y.L.U.I
Tyro Ville – http://www.tyroville.webs.com
U.S. Azeris Network
U.S. Turkic Network – http://www.usturkic.org
U40-Capacity Building Programme Cultural Diversity 2030 – Brazil – http://www.unesco.de/u40-programm.html?&L=1
Ubuntu Community Development
UBUNTU-World Forum of Civil Society Networks – http://www.ubuntu.upc.edu
UCLID International
UCPSARNET – http://www.ucpsarnet.iglooprojects.org
Udruzenje mladih sa hendikepom Crne Gore – http://www.umhcg.me
Udruzenje PROI – http://www.ugproi.com
Udruženje roditelja djece i omladine sa smetnjama u razvoju Staze – http://www.nvustaze.me
Udruženje roditelja djece sa teškocama u razvoju Zracak Nade – http://www.zracaknade.co.me
Udyama – http://www.udyama.org
Uganda Blue Cross
Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development – http://www.ugandacoalition.or.ug
Uganda Joint Christian Council – http://www.ujcc.org
Uganda Journalists Union – http://www.ugandajournalistsunion.com
Uganda Management Assistance Programme – http://www.mapug.org
Uganda National Association of the Blind – http://www.unabonline.org
Uganda National Association Of The Hard Of Hearing – Unahoh – https://sites.google.com/site/unahohuganda/home
Uganda National Federation of Small Enterprise Association
Uganda National NGO forum – http://www.ngoforum.or.ug
Uganda Red Cross Society, Branch Youth Council – Jinja
Uganda Society for Disabled Children – http://www.usdc.or.ug
Uganda Sustainable Agricultural Support Organization – http://www.usaso.com
Uganda Women’s Trust – http://www.uwt.or.ug
Uganda Youth Voluntary Efforts in Advancement & Environment Protection – http://www.uyveaep.org
Ujala Foundation – http://www.ujala.org.pk
Ujala Sahar Organization – http://www.ujala.yolasite.com
Ujjwal Trust/Nyas
Ukainda Buddhist Child Home (UBCH)
Ukraine Partnership Bureau – http://www.uapb.eu
Ukrainian Charity Turbota pro Litnikh v Ukraini (Age Concern Ukraine) – http://www.tlu.org.ua
Ukrainian Independent Maritime Trade Union – http://www.uimtu.org
Ukrainian Institute of Public Strategies
Ukrainian Nataional Environmental NGO MAMA-86 – http://www.mama-86.org.ua
Ukrainian Non-Governmental Socio-Political Association-National Assembly of Persons with Disabilities – http://www.naiu.org.ua
Ukrainian Public Organization of Invalids of Users of Psychiatric Help USER” – http://plp.in.ua/
Ukrainian Union of Patinets Orginizations National health – http://www.patient.in.ua
Ukrainian World Congress – http://www.ukrainianworldcongress.org
Uluslararas? Mavi Hilal I.nsani Yard?m ve Kalk?nma Vakf? – http://www.ibc.org.tr
Uluslararasi Genclik Forumu – http://www.iyfo.org
Uluslararasi Sivil Toplumu Destekleme ve Gelistirme Dernegi – http://www.usider.org
UMATI – http://www.umati.or.tz
Umesh Nandkumar Empowerment Association
Umhlahlo Wesizwe SikaMthwakazi – http://www.umhlahlo.org
Ümid Humanitar v? Sosial Dayaq M?rk?zi – http://www.umid-hsdm.com
Umid Humanitarian and Social Support Centre – http://www.umid-hsdm.com
Umid Support to social development public union – http://umid-hsdm.com/
Ümidli G?l?c?k G?ncl?r T?s,kilat? – http://www.reliablefuture.org
Umm-e-Habiba Shakeel Welfare Organization – http://www.zshashmi.com.pk
Umphilo WaManzi
Umsimisi Community Project
Umuada Igbo Nigeria – http://www.umuadaigbonigeria.com
UN Culture and Arts Association
UN Development and Promotion Committee – http://www.undpc.org
UN Intl Public Space & Urban Design Asso Inc
UN Inventors – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Un Ponte Per… – http://www.unponteper.it
Un Techo Para Mi País – http://www.techo.org
UN Women for Peace Inc.
UN World Peace Forum – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
UN Youth Australia
Una Voz Contra el Cancer – http://www.unavozcontraelcancer.org
UNANIMA International – http://www.unanima-international.org/
Undergraduate Association for Policy Alternative, Srilanka
Unesco and Youth Nepal
UNESCO Association, Guwahati
UNESCO Chair In Transforming the Lives of People with Disabilties Through Physical Education, Sport, Fitness and Recreation in the Institute of Technology Tralee – http://www.ittralee.ie
UNESCO Club Global City – http://www.unescoglobal.weebly.com
UNESCO club Tunisia
UNESCO Etxea (UNESCO Centre Basque Country) – http://www.unescoetxea.org
UNESCO Youth Club of Thessaloniki – http://www.unescoyouth.gr
UNI Global Union – http://www.uniglobalunion.org
União Brasiliense de Educação e Cultura – http://www.unilestemg.br
União da Indústria de Cana-de-Açúcar – http://english.unica.com.br/
União da Juventude Socialista – http://www.ujs.org.br
Uniao das Associações Comunitarias do Interior de Canguçu – http://www.unaic.blogspot.com
União Dos Capelães Dos Continentes – http://www.institutoalpha.com
União dos Vereadores do Estado de São Paulo – http://www.uvesp.com.br
União Estadual de Moradia de Goias
União Geral dos Trabalhadores – Brasil – http://www.ugt.org.br
União Nacional das Cooperativas da Agricultura Familiar e Economia Solidária – http://www.unicafes.org.br
União Norte-riograndense dos Estudantes de Direito Internacional – http://www.soi.org.br
União Planetária
UNI-BH University
Unification Nationale pour l’Avancement et le Developpement d’Haiti
Unimarsocial a Arca do Saber
UNINED Consulting PR – http://www.unined.org
Union 21 Century
union center for development &human rights – http://www.un122.info
Union de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba – http://www.uneac.co.cu
Union de industriales para el saneamiento de las cuencas Matanza, Riachuelo y Reconquista – http://www.uiscumarr.org.ar/
Union de l’action féminine
Union des Amis Socio Culturels d’Action en Développement
Union des Nations pour l’Enseignement, la Science Universelle et les Droits de l’Homme – http://www.democratie-evolutive.fr
Union Interafricaine des Droits de l’Homme – Inter-African Union for Human Rights
Union Interamericana para la Vivienda – http://www.uniapravi.org
Unión Internacional de Jóvenes por Colombia – http://uijc.blogspot.com/
Union Internationale de Promotion de la Santé et d’Education pour la Santé – http://www.iuhpe.org
Union Migrant Indonesia – http://www.unimig.org
Unión Nacional de Instituciones de Ciegos de Chile – http://www.uncich.cl
Union Nationale de la Femme Tunisienne – http://www.unft.org.tn
Union Nationale Des Sourds De Guinee
Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) – http://www.tobb.org.tr
Union of Concerned Scientists – http://www.ucsusa.org
Union of Disabled People Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan – http://www.udpo.az
Union of Ibero American Capitals – Intermunicipal Financial and Economic Centre for Advice and Co Operation – http://www.madrid.es/ucci
Union of Palestinian Non-Governmental Organizations – http://www.pngo.net
Union of Youth for Sustainable Human Development and Real
Union pour l’Etude et la Recherche sur la Population et le Développement
Union Women’s Center – http://www.womancenter.org.ge
Unione Europea Degli Esuli e Degli Espulsi – http://www.eueep.eu
Unite Tanzania Children – http://www.unitetzchildren.org
United African Organization – http://www.uniteafricans.org
United Aid for Azerbaijan – http://www.uafa.az
United Arab Political Parties
United Cerebral Palsy – http://www.ucp.org
United Christian Society
United Christians Campaigning Against AIDS, Violence and Injustice
United Ethnic Nationalities Association
United Force for Development
United Githabul Tribal Nation Aboriginal Incorporation
United Gospel Mission – http://www.ugmission.org
United Hands for Change (UHFC) – http://www.uhfc.org
United International Corporation – http://www.united-corporation.eu
United Kingdom Disabled People’s Council – http://www.ukdpc.net
United Ladies Women Group Economic Network
United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society – http://www.umc-gbcs.org
United Methodist Church – General Board of Global Ministries
United Minds for Integral Development
United Nation Youth Federation of Sri Lanka – http://unyf.yolasite.com
United National University – http://www.TAWALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
United Nations Acation for Humanitarin Development Organization – http://www.un-ahdo.com
United Nations Association in Canada – http://www.unac.org
United Nations Association of China (UNA-China) – http://www.unachina.org
United Nations Association of Colombia – http://www.unacolombia.org
United Nations Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UNA-UK) – http://www.una.org.uk
United Nations Association of Mauritius (MUNA) – http://www.unamauritius.20m.com
United Nations Association of Russia – http://www.una.ru
United Nations Association of San Diego
United Nations Coach Federation – http://www.wix.com/uncoachfederation/uncf
United Nations Massage Therapists International Federation
United Nations Moslem Organization
United Nations Of Indians
United Nations Volunteers Group – http://www.unvg.org
United Nations World Government – http://www.worldgovernment.org/index.html?s=1
United Nations Youth Advisory Panel Mongolia – http://www.yap.mn
United Nations Youth and Student Association of Liberia
United Nations Youth and Students Association of Srilanka – http://www.unysa-sl.i8.com/
United Nations Youth Association Morocco – http://www.unyam.org
United Nations Youth Association Nigeria – http://www.facebook.com/unitednationsyouthassociationnigeria
United Nations Youth Association of Australia Incorporated – http://www.unya.org.au
United Nations Youth Association of Australia New South Wales Division – http://www.unya.org.au/nsw
United Nations Youth Association of Ghana
United Nations Youth Association of New Zealand – http://www.unyanz.co.nz
United Nations Youth Association of Victoria – http://www.unya.org.au/vic
United Nations Youth Association, Nepal
United Planet Corporation – http://www.unitedplanet.org
United Religions Initiative – http://www.uri.org
United Sikhs – http://www.unitedsikhs.org
United Social Forum Pakistan – http://www.usfpak.wordpress.com
United Spinal Association
United State Somali Organazition – http://www.ussom.org
United States Burn Support Organization
United States International Council on Disabilities – http://www.usicd.org
United States Sustainable Development Corp – http://ussustainabledevelopmentcorp.com/
United Tribal Nations
United World Chinese Association
United Youth for Peace and Development, Inc.
United Youth for Peace, Education, Transparency & Development in Liberia Inc.
United Youth Organization – http://www.unitedyouthorganization.in
United-Muurish: Amurican-Aboriginal Republic – http://www.mururishgansul.com
Unity in Diversity Foundation – http://www.udf.or.tz
Unity We AreThe One – http://wearetheone.wix.com/down-syndrome-org
Univers de Solidarité et de Développement
Universal Brotherhood of Meditationist – http://www.UNIVERSALBROTHERHOODOFMEDITATIONIST
Universal Help for Humanity Foundation – http://www.uhhf.net
Universal Human Rights Association – http://www.unhra.org
Universal Justice International Movement
Universal Ministries Thailand – http://www.western-cm.webs.com
Universal Muslim Association of America, Inc. – http://www.umaamerica.net/
Universal Project Analysts for Investment and Legal Consultancy – http://www.upacassociation.org.com
Universal Sensitization Against ills in Society
Universal Society @ IT – http://www.sites.google.com/site/uvsitbd6440
Universal Society and Youth Club – http://www.sites.google.com/site/chalanbilsociety/
Universal Stateless Registration Authority – http://www.usra.org
Universal Team for Social Action and Help – http://www.utsahassam.org
Universal Union For Consumer Protection and Civil Abuse UNUCOPCA NGO
Universal Versatile Society
Universe Charcoal Limited – http://www.universegroup.com.cn/
Universidad de Especialidades Turísticas – http://www.uct.edu.ec
Universidad del Magdalena
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico – http://www.inter.edu
Universidad Isalud – http://www.isalud.edu.ar
Universidad La Salle
Universidad Nacional Amazonica de Madre de Dios – http://www.unamad.edu.pe
Universidad Nacional De Educacion a Distancia
Universidad Nacional del Centro del Peru
Universidade Catolica de Brasília – http://www.ucb.br
Universidade da Juventude – http://www.universidadedajuventude.org.br
Universidade do Estado da Bahia – http://www.uneb.br
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca – http://www.unimib.it
Université de Grenade – Observatoire de Prospective Culturelle – http://www.prospectivacultural.comhttp://www.ugr.es
Université du Réseau ASP.net de l’Unesco – http://www.aspnet-ci-unesco.org
Université Protestante au Congo
University Community Partnership for Social Action Research – http://www.ucpsarnet.iglooprojects.org
University de La Punta – http://www.ulp.edu.ar
University of Antarcticland – http://www.antarcticland.org
University of Bradford Peace Studies/CICS – http://www.brad.ac.uk/peace
University of Essex Human Rights Centre Clinic – http://www.essex.ac.uk/hrc/clinic/
University of Massachusetts Boston: School for Global Inclusion and Social Development – http://www.umb.edu/sgisd
University of Massachusetts, Boston
University of Michigan School of Information – http://www.si.umich.edu
University of Minnesota, Institute on Community Integration – http://www.ici.umn.edu/
University of Southern California/Global Medicine, MS Group
University of the West – http://www.uwest.edu
University of Worcester
University Student Chamber Japan – http://unisc.or.jp/
University Students’ Association of Ghana – http://www.usag.webs.com
Uniwersytet Szczecinski – http://www.us.szc.pl
Unnayan Onneshan
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organisation – http://www.unpo.org
UNRESCUE – http://www.unrescue.org
Up with People – http://www.upwithpeople.org/
Upendo Women and Child Care Organisation
Upper-Midwest Latino Youth Leadership Conference
Uprising Movement for Education Employment & Development – http://www.alqalam.com.pk
Urban Aid Outreach
Urban Research Centre – http://www.urbanresearchcentre.org
Urban Spaces Innovation
Urece Esporte e Cultura para Cegos – http://www.urece.org.br
Ururka Dhalinyarada ee u Dhaq-dhaqaaqa Sinaanta Shaqaalaha Soomaaliyeed – http://www.soywem.org
Ururka Horumarinta iyo Nabadda ee Puntland
US Human Rights Network Inc. – http://www.ushrnetwork.org
US Solidarity Economy Network – http://www.ussen.org
USA Mali Charitable Association of NYC – http://www.umaca.org
USA Refugees & Immigrants – http://www.USA-Refugees.com
US-Africa Synergy – http://www.usafricasynergy.org
US-Iraqi Youth Institute – http://www.usiy.org
Utah Blue Cross
Utah China Friendship Improvement Sharing Hands Development And Commerce Dba Utah China F.I.S.H. D & C
Utkal Youth Association for Social Development
Utthan Institute of Development & Studies – http://www.utthanynr.org
Uyusturucu Madde Bagimliliklari ve Alkolizmle Mucadele Federasyonu – http://www.ubam.org.tr
V Sivaram Research Foundation – http://www.sivaramfoundation.org
VAAGDHARA(Voluntary Association for Agricultural General Development, Health and Reconstruction Alliance ) – http://www.vaagdhara.org
VACP INTERNATIONALE( village africain de culture et promotion internationale) – http://www.vacp-internationale.com
Vaestoliitto – Family Federation of Finland
Vallalar Educational Trust
Valued Citizens Initiative – http://www.valuedcitizens.co.za
ValueSpread (Empowerment) Initiatives
Vamos Unidos – http://www.vamosunidos.org
VANARAI – http://www.vanarai.org
Vang Pao Peace Institute
Vani Sanstha – http://www.vanisansthan.org
Vannycole Foundation – http://www.vannycolefoundation.org
Vasavya Mahila Mandali – http://www.vasavya.com
VBS Purvanchal University – http://www.vbspu.ac.in/
Ved International Society
Veena Education Society, Nangloi
VENCHE FOUNDATION – http://www.venchefoundation.org
Venerabilis Equester Ordo Sacri Principatus Sancti Sepulchri – http://www.veospss.it
Verband zur Durchsetzung alkohol- und drogenpolitischer Interessen Jugendlicher und Verbraucher in Deutschland und Europa (Deutscher Jugendschutz-Verband) e.V. – http://www.deutscher-jugendschutz-verband.de
Verdant Health Services
Verein zur Forderung der Volkerverstandigung – http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobb…
Vereinigung Deutscher Wissenschaftler VDW – http://www.vdw-ev.de
Vereniging Voor de Verenigde Naties – http://www.vvn.be
Vermillion Institute – http://www.vermillioninstitute.org
VERTIC – Verification Research, Training and Information Centre – http://www.vertic.org
Vibrant Kuria Self Help Group
Vicepresidencia de la República de Colombia
Vicez Global Charities Inc – http://www.vglobalcharities.org
Victims Information, Sensitisation, Welfares & Assistance Society – http://www.facebook/viswaspalakkad
Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service Co-operative Limited – http://www.vals.org.au
Victorious Black Women – http://www.YvetteMcShanOrVBWSPEAK/Facebook/Twitter/Linkedin
Victorious Youths Movement
Vida Care for Women and Children Foundation
Vida y Familia de Guadalajara A.C. – http://www.vifac.org
Vidarbha Jivan Vikas Sanstha – http://vjvsnagpur.org/
Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs – http://www.vngoc.org
Vienna University of Economics and Business – http://sustainability.eu/?k=NAMA2013
Vietnam Family Planning Association (VINAFPA)
Vijay Indian Trust – http://www.vittech.org
Vikas International
Vikas Samiti
Vikash – http://www.vikash.org
Vikrama Simhapuri Social Workers Association
Villa Firenze Foundation – http://www.villafirenzefoundation.org
Village Haitien des Jeunes pour la Solidarite et l’Avancement de la Democratie
Village Health Works – http://www.villagehealthworks.org
Villages of Christ – http://www.villagesofchrist.org
Vilole Images Pachibwanse – http://www.viloleimages.com
Vimbai and Shuvai Students Arts Organization
Vincentian Service Society Marymatha Province – http://www.depaul.edu.in
Viração Educomunicação – http://www.viracao.org
Viridis Institute – http://viridisedu.org
Virtual Activism Incorporated – http://www.virtualactivism.org
Virtual Foundation – http://www.us-company.tk
Virus Stopper Foundation – http://www.virusstopper.org
VISA Voluntary Sanstha – http://www.visavoluntary.org
Visakha Jilla Nava Nirmana Samithi – http://www.vjnns.org
Vishnu Dayal Shiksha Samiti
Vishnus Educational Society
Vishva Shanti Ekata PariSad – http://www.worldpeacecouncil.org.np
Vishwa Samadhi Voluntary Organization – https://www.facebook.com/pataka.kumarasinghe.1
VISHWAS- Vision for health, welfare and special needs – http://www.vishwasindia.org
Vision GRAM-International – http://www.gram-international.org
Vision India
VISION INDIA FOUNDATION – http://www.trilochan.org
Vision Inspires Passionate Minds – http://www.vip-minds.org.uk
Vision International 1
Vision Link
Vision Mundial Colombia – http://www.visionmundial.org.co
Vision Welfare Group
Visionary Foundation Pakistan – http://www.vfpakistan.com
Visions for Nigeria Foundation – http://www.visionnigeria.org
Visual and Virtual Media
Visually Challenged National Palestinian Foundation
Vitez Rend – http://www.vitezirend1920.hu/
Vitiligo Research Foundation – http://www.vrfoundation.org
Viva la Feminina – http://www.vivalafeminina.cm
Viva Rio – http://www.vivario.org.br
VIVAT International – http://www.vivatinternational.org/
Vivegam Godfrey – http://www.vivegamgodfrey.org
Vivek Educational Foundation of Canada – http://www.vivekcanada.org
Vivekananda Innovations for Developing Youth Ambitions Foundations – http://www.vidyafoundations.com
Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana – http://www.svyasa.org
Vlaams Overleg Duurzame Ontwikkeling – http://www.vodo.be
Vlaamse Jeugdraad – http://www.vlaamsejeugdraad.be
Voces Mesoamericanas, Acción con Pueblos Migrantes, A.C. – http://www.vocesmesoamericanas.org
VOICE FOR EARTH INC. – http://www.voiceforearth.org
Voice of Grace Foundation cameroon – http://www.voiceofgracefoundation.org
Voices of Women – http://www.voicesofwomen.org
Vojenský a špitální Rád svatého Lazara Jeruzalémského – Bohemia – http://www.oslj.cz
Volontariato Internazionale per lo Sviluppo – http://www.volint.it
Volta Educational Renaissance Foundation – http://www.verefghana.org
Voluntary Activities for Social & Human Advancement Foundation – http://www.vashabd.org
Voluntary Aid Association
Voluntary Service Overseas – http://www.vsointernational.org
Voluntary Social Development Organisation
Volunteer for Community Development & Environment Education Organization – http://vfcd.org
Volunteer Partnerships for West Africa – http://www.vpwa.org
Volunteer Platform – http://volunteer-platform.org/
Volunteer Youth Leaders for Health – Philippines – http://sites.google.com/site/vylhphilippines/
Volunteers for Development Association in Uganda
Volunteers for Sustainable Development – http://www.vsdafrica.blog.com/
Voz Juvenil AC – http://www.VOZJUVENILAC.NET
Vrienden van Congo – http://www.vriendenvancongo.be
VRN (We Are Neurons) – http://www.vrn.org.in|http://www.vrn.co.in
Vues et Voix – http://www.vuesetvoix.com
Vuka Afrika – http://www.vuka-afrika.org.za
Wabanaki Disability Council
Wada Na Todo Abhiyan – http://www.wadanatodo.net
Wafa House
Wahine Maori Queensland Inc. – http://www.wahine-maori.org.au/HomePage.htm
Wainwright House – http://www.chandler-reed.com
Wake Up Humanity – http://www.wakeuphumanitypk.wix.com/home
Wakeb – http://www.wakeb.org
WAMTI – http://www.wahanatani.wordpress.com
Wapikoni Mobile – http://www.wapikoni.ca
War Against Drug Addicted
War Against Drug Addiction .
War Against Drug Addiction.
War Trauma Foundation – http://www.wartrauma.nl
War Widows Association – http://www.warwidowsindia.org
Warbe Development Foundation – http://www.warbe.org
Wareng Youth Initiative for Peace and Development
Washington and Lee University – http://www.wlu.edu
Washington Domestic Violence Commission – http://www.wadvc.org
Washington Office on Latin America – http://www.wola.org/
Watan Development Organization
Water & Essential – http://www.waterandessential.org
Water Advocates – http://www.WASHadvocates.org
Water and Youth – http://www.aguayjuventud.org
Water Environment Federation – http://www.wef.org
Water Environment Resources Association
Water For Needy Communities Initiative
Water Safety Initiative Foundation – http://www.watersafetynigeria.org
Waterlution – http://www.waterlution.org
Watson Institute for International Studies
WCCR BioLab fundation
We Are The One – Nepal – http://www.watonepal.org.np
We Care about Kids – Kid-Care, Inc.
WE Development Organization – http://www.wedosindh.org
We Love Sousse
We The Youth
We Yone Child Foundation-Sierra Leone – http://www.myownchildreninternationalsierraleone.webs.com
Weed Wyoming Inc. – http://www.weedwyoming.org
Weeramantry International Centre for Peace Education and Research – http://www.wicper.org
Welcome Change Productions – http://www.welcomechange.org
welfare india – http://www.welfareindia.org
Welfare of orphan and rural lead development trust ( WORLD) – http://world169.free.fr
Well Settle Welfare Organization – http://www.wellsettle.org
Wellington Foundation
Welwitschia Development Trust
West Africa Centre for Peace Foundation – http://www.wacpfgh.org
West Africa Journalists Network for Security and Developpement
West African Development Objective – http://www.wadointernational.org
West Bengal Handicap Rights Commission – http://www.wbhrc.org.in
West Coast Region Youth Committee
West Papua Indigenous Community – http://www.oppb.webs.com
WestAfrica Outreach
Western Australian Society for Peace, Unity & Rehabilitation in Sri Lanka (WASPUR) Inc
Western Cape Therapeutic Community Centre – http://www.wctcc.co.za
WestNat Development Foundation. PNG
Wheelchairs of Hope – http://www.wheelchairsofhope.org
White Dove Society-Nepal – http://www.nepal.whitedovesociety.org
Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute, Washington University School of Law – http://law.wustl.edu/harris/index.aspx;http://law.wustl.edu/harris/crime…
Wide Angle Youth Media – http://www.wideanglemedia.org
Widevision et Droits de l’Homme – http://www.widevisiondh.org
Widows Training and Development Center
Wilhelm’s Memorial Society – http://biycs-cam.webs.com;andhttp://elvispveranso.myblogsite.com
Wiljok Childaid and Health Foundation
Willing Health Advocacy & Training Support
Wimler Hong Kong
Win The War! Against Violence – http://www.wtwav.us
Wincorp International
Wings for Need Society
Winvisible – Women with Visible and Invisible Disability – http://allwomencount.net/EWC%20WwDisabilities/WVindex.htm
Wishes Alliance – http://www.wishesalliance.org
With Our Hands Together Inc. – http://www.wohtusa.org
Wittenberg Center for Alternative Resources – http://www.wittenbergcenter.org
Woiyo Kondeye – http://www.worldpress.org
Women & Youth Foundation
Women Achievers Association
Women Agriculture Development Organization – https://www.facebook.com/pages/Women-Agriculture-Development-Organizatio…
Women and a New Orientation
Women and Child Care Organization
Women and Child Support Organization
Women and Children Action for Human Rights – http://www.wicah.org
Women and Children First UK – http://www.wcf-uk.org
Women and Development Association in Alexandria – http://www.wda-egypt.net
Women and Law in Southern Africa Research and Educational Trust – http://www.wlsaregional.org
Women and Youths Environmental Safety and Empowerment Organisation – http://www.empoweringwomenandyouths.org
Women Awareness Center Nepal – http://www.wacn.org.np
Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry – http://www.pwcci.org
Women coalition of HKSAR – http://www.wchk.org
Women Creative Solutions Organizations – http://www.womencreative.org
Women Cultural Social Society
Women Development Response Agency – http://www.woderakenya.org
Women Empowerment & Rural Development Organization
Women Empowerment Initiative – http://www.wein-ng.org
Women Empowerment Literacy and Development Organization (WELDO) – http://www.weldo.org
Women Energy in Productive Action Worldwide
Women Enterpreneours Association of Bangladesh – http://www.weab.org
Women Environmental Programme – http://www.wepnigeria.net
Women For a Change, Cameroon
Women For Afghan Women – http://www.womenforafghanwomen.org
Women for Human Rights, single women group – http://www.whr.org.np
Women for Independence, Self Sufficiency and Economic Advancement
Women for Peace and Democracy – Nepal – http://www.wpdnepal.org.np
Women for Women, A Research & Study Group – http://www.womenforwomenrsd.org
Women for Women, Nepal
Women in Action – http://www.woaction.com
Women in Adult and Vocational Education Inc – http://www.wave.org.au/
Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing
Women In Politics and Government – http://www.winpogov.org
Women in the Picture – http://www.iwff.net
Women Initiative for Peace and Good Governance
Women Initiative In Business And Marketing Association
Women Liberal Democrats – http://womenlibdems.org.uk/en/
Women of Like Minds Empowerment Initiative
Women of the Contempory World Organisation
Women Protection Organization
Women Right and Development Centre – http://www.womenrightsdevelopment.org.ng
Women United for Economic Empowerment – http://www.wuee.org
Women Watch Afrika, Inc. – http://www.womenwatchafrika.org
Women Watch Bangladesh – http://www.wmnwatchbd.org
Women Youth and Childrens Upliftment Foundation
Women’s All Points Bulletin – https://www.facebook.com/wapb.org
Women’s Assistance and Business Association – http://www.wabainternational.org
Women’s Board Educational Cooperation Society – http://www.womensboard.org.ng
Women’s Centre for Peace and Development – Http://womenscentreforpeace.ning.com
Women’s Collective – http://www.womenscollective.net
Women’s Division of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church – http://new.gbgm-umc.org/umw/
Women’s Education and Culture Foundation – http://www.hekva.org
Women’s Empowerment Group – http://www.weg.org.pk
Women’s Feature Service Philippines Inc. – http://www.wfsphil.com
Women’s Global Empowerment Fund – http://wgefund.org
Women’s Initiative for Self-Actualization – http://www.wifsa.org(underupdate)
Women’s International Coalition Organization (WICO) – http://www.wicohome.org
Women’s International Democratic Federation
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Philippine Section
Women’s IT Fabric – http://www.womensitfabric.org
Women’s League with Creative Initiative – http://www.deti.kz
Women’s Missionary Society of the African Methodist Episcopal Church – http://www.WMSAMEC.ORG
Women’s Optimum Development Foundation – http://www.wodef-ng.org(underreview)
Women’s Rehabilitation Centre (WOREC) Nepal – http://www.worecnepal.org
Women’s Right to Education Programme – http://www.wrepnig.org/
Women’s World Summit Foundation – http://www.woman.ch
Woodcraft Folk – http://www.woodcraft.org.uk
Worcester School of Law, Inc.
Word of Life Christian Fellowship
Word of Life Internationa, Inc. – http://www.wordolfifefornewyorkcity.org
Wordhouse International Christian Centre – http://www.wordhousesa.org
Work for a Better Bangladesh – http://www.wbbtrust.org
Work In Progress
Workability International – http://www.workability-international.org
Workers Rights and Information Trust
Working Women’s Forum (India)
World Academy of Logistics Sciences – http://www.w-als.org
World Academy of Longevity Sciences – http://www.waols.org
World Academy of Love Sciences – http://www.walms.org
World Action Against Poverty,Inc. – http://www.fightpovertynow.com
World Aging Council – http://www.dunyak.org
World Alliance for Breastfeeding Action – http://www.waba.org.my
World Alliance for Youth Empowerment – http://www.wayeonline.org
World Alliance of Young Men’s Christian Associations – http://www.ymca.int
World Aquarium – http://www.worldaquarium.org
World Arbitration Organization – http://www.WorldArbitration.org
World Assembly of Iran’s Elite – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
World Assembly of UN’s elite – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
World Assembly of Youth – http://www.way.org.my
World Association for Sexual Health – http://www.worldsexology.org/
World Association of Former United Nations Interns and Fellows – http://www.wafunif.org
World Association of Girl Guides & Girl Scouts – http://www.wagggsworld.org
World Association of the Major Metropolises – http://www.metropolis.org
World Barua Organization (WBO) – http://www.worldbarua.org
World Blind Union – http://www.worldblindunion.org
World Care Council – http://www.worldcarecouncil.org
WORLD CARES CENTER (WCC) – http://www.worldcares.org
World Chinese Federation
World Congress for Justice and Human Rights
World Corrosion Organization (WCO) – http://www.corrosion.org
World Council of Independent Christian Churches
World Culture and Arts Foundation
World Culture Link – http://www.worldculturelink.org
World Development Alliance – http://www.worlddevelopmentalliance.org
World Diabetes Foundation – http://www.worlddiabetesfoundation.org
World Documents et Cultures
World Envision – http://www.worldenvision.org
World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) – http://www.worldea.org
World Federalist National Association of Nepal
World Federation Against Drugs – http://www.wfad.se
World Federation for Mental Health – http://www.wfmh.org
World Federation for the Treatment of Opioid Dependence
World Federation of Khoja Shi´a Ithna-Asheri Muslim Communities – http://www.world-federation.org
World Federation of the Deafblind, The – WFDB – http://www.wfdb.org
World Federation of United Nations Associations – http://www.wfuna.org/
World for Better Living
World for Better Living Research & Development – http://www.worldforbetterliving.org
World for World Organization – http://www.worldforworld.org
World Futures Studies Federation – http://www.wfsf.org
WORLD GOODWILL – http://www.lucistrust.org/en/service_activities/world_goodwill__1
World Harmony Foundation
World Health Care Co-op Union
World Hepatitis Alliance
World Human Development Organization
World Human Dimension – http://www.whd.ru
World Human Research Organization – http://whro-ngo.blogspot.com/
World Human Rights Council – http://www.wohrco.org
World Hunger Education Service – http://www.worldhunger.org
World Hypertension League
World Information Transfer – http://www.worldinfo.org
World Islamic Call Society – http://www.islamic-call.net
World Jurist Association of the World Peace Through Law Center – http://www.worldjurist.org
World Kabaddi Federation – http://www.worldkabaddi.org
World Laya Yoga Community – http://www.advayta.org
World Lebanese Cultural Union, Inc. – http://www.wlcu.com
World Leisure Organization, Inc – http://www.worldleisure.org
World Life Book Association – http://www.worldlifebook.net-http://www.wlba.org
World Malay Federation
World Memon Organization – http://www.worldmemon.org
World Mission Foundation – http://www.theworldmissionfoundation.org
World Mission Foundation (Crusaders Against HIV/AIDS) – http://www.worldmissionfoundation.org
World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry WNUSP – http://www.wnusp.net
World of Hope International – http://www.wohi.org
World of Mehrafarin, Inc. (also known as University of Mehrafarin, Inc. – http://www.universityofmehrafarin.org
World Peace and Economic Development Organization – http://www.wpedo.org
World Peace Council – http://www.wpc-in.org
World Peace Embassy – http://www.wpe-cm.org/http://www.worldpeaceembassy.org
World Peace Mission – http://www.worldpeacemission.com.bd
World Population Survey Monitor Control Foundation – http://www.wpsmcf.org
World Public Forum – Dialogue of Civilizations – http://www.wpfdc.org/
World Rehabilitation Fund, Inc. – http://www.worldrehabfund.org
World Research Movement
World Russian People’s Council
World Safety Organization – http://www.worldsafety.org
World Shelter Organisation – http://www.worldshelter.org
World Society of Ekistics – http://www.ekistics.org
World Society of Intravenous Anaesthesia – http://www.worldsiva.org/
World Society of Victimology – http://www.worldsocietyofvictimology.org
World Sports Karate Federation – http://www.wskf.org
World Team Now – http://www.worldteamnow.org
World Togolese Foundation – http://www.wtf-tg.org
World Trade Institute, University of Bern – http://www.wti.org
World Union for Progressive Judaism – http://www.wupj.org
World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations
World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises – http://www.wusme.org
World Virtual School – http://www.world-virtual-school.com
World Welfare Association – http://www.ngowwa.com.pk
World Welfare Organization – http://www.wwango.org
World Wide Fund for Nature International – http://www.worldwildlife.org
World Youth – Child and Disability Vision International
World Youth Alliance Europe
World Youth Bank – Asian Coordination Bureau – http://www.w-yb.net
World Youth Bank – South & South East Asian Coordination – http://www.w-yb.net
Worldsouth National Institute of Science & Technology
WorldTeach, Inc. – http://www.worldteach.org
Worldview Impact Foundation – http://www.worldviewimpact.org
Worldview Mission – http://www.worldviewmission.org
Worldwatch Institute – http://www.worldwatch.org
Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support – http://www.wingsweb.org
Worldwide Nepalese Students’ Organisation – http://wnso.org.np/
Writing the Future
Wum Foundation for Community Development – http://www.focodev.org
Wuni Zaligu Development Association
WVP Kenya – http://www.wvpkenya.org.uk
WWT (Wespak Welfare Trust) – http://www.wwtpk.org
Xahaur Foundation – http://www.xahaurfoundation.co.in
Xanvil – http://www.xanvil.org
Xarunta Xalka Iyi Midnimada Soomaalyeed – http://www.cssoma.com
Xi- Anu Nation of Xi Amurru-ka de Dugdahmoundyah
Y- Peer Network – http://www.youthpeer.org
Yaakah Enterprises – https://www.facebook.com/NepalDESEnterprise
Yachay Wasi, Inc. – http://www.yachaywasi-ngo.org/
Yadgar Welfare Society – http://www.yadgarwelfaresociety.info
Yakkum – http://www.yakkum.or.id
Yakutia – Our Opinion – http://yakutian.org
Yamasi People – http://www.Yamasi.org
YANADI EDUCATION SOCIETY – http://www.yes-tribal.org
Yanam Old Age Home
YANUS Environmental-Legal NGO
YANUS Environmental-Legal NGO
Yasan Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Masyarakat Adat Sulawesi Tengah ( YPPMA-ST)
Yashsiddhi Education & Social Foundation
Yayasan Adiksifitas – http://www.adiksifitass.blogspot.com
Yayasan Akar – http://www.akarfoundation.org
Yayasan Emong Lansia Indonesi – http://www.gerbanglansia.org
Yayasan Gender Harmony – http://www.genderharmony.info
Yayasan Kalyanamitra – http://www.kalyanamitra.or.id
Yayasan Pemuda Mitra Masyarakat Desa – http://promangrove.blogspot.com
Yayasan Pendidikan Indonesia – http://www.icdlindonesia.com
Year of Relief 2000
Yemen Center for Human Rights Studies
Yemeni Business Club – http://www.ybc-yemen.com
YEWA South Local Government
YHRI – Tamilnadu – http://www.yhritamilnadu.do.am
Yhwh NetWorks – http://www.christiancommunicationcentre.com
YINTA Foundation
Yogaathma Foundation – http://www.yogaathma.org
Yonge Nawe Environmental Action Group
Yorubawa Links , A Memeber of Yorubawa Group – http://www.yorubawalinks.com
You and I Foundation – http://www.youandifoundation.com.ng
You Help Us-WF – http://www.youhelpus.org
Young Action for Mass, (YAM) India – http://www.yamindia.in
Young Adult Institute, Inc. – http://www.yai.org
Young Adult Leaders Association
Young Africa – http://www.youngafrica.org
Young African Leaders Initiative – http://www.yaliafrica.org
Young Ambassadors Initiative – http://www.theyoungambassadors.org
Young Ambassadors Society – http://www.youngambassadorsociety.org/
Young Americas Business Trust – http://www.yabt.net
Young Brigade of India – http://www.youngbrigadeofindia.com
Young Development Trust – http://www.youngdevelopmenttrust.org
Young Elite Foundation – http://www.youngelitefoundation.ning.com
Young Entrepreneurs – Palestine – http://www.yep.ps
Young Generational Thinkers – http://www.ygtsa.wordpress.com
Young Leaders United Club of Nigeria
Young Leaders” Education-Training and Development Public Union
Young Men’s Hebrew Association of the City of New York, The – http://www.92Y.org
Young Naturalist Network
Young Organizers United to Help – http://www.youthngo.org
Young Peace Brigades – Sierra Leone – http://www.youngpeacebrigades.org
Young People We Care – http://www.ypwc.org
Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) – http://www.ypsa.org
Young Professionals’ Chronic Disease Network – http://www.ncdaction.org
Young Professionals Forum – http://www.ypfinc.org
Young Professionals in Local Development – http://www.ypld.org
Young Sovereigntier Africa
Young Voice for Development
Young Women’s Christian Association
Young Women’s Christian Association of the United States of America – http://www.ywca.org
Young Youth Network for Good Leadership in Nigeria – http://www.facebook.com/Yynglin
Younth and Childrens Association of Cote D’ivoire
Yourh Net and Counselling – http://www.yoneco.org
Yourth for Community Academic and Development Services – http://www.yocads.org
Youth & Student of UNESCO, Nepal
Youth Action for Pakistan – http://www.yap.org.pk
Youth Action for Rural Development
Youth Action Forum for Networking, Ghana
Youth Action in Relief and Development
Youth Action International Inc – http://www.peaceforkids.org
Youth Actions for Development – http://www.youthactiondevelopment.webs.com
Youth Advocacy Group of Global Education First Initiative – http://www.globaleducationfirst.org
Youth Advocacy Network (YAN) – http://www.yansrhr.org
Youth Affairs Network of Queensland Inc – http://www.yanq.org.au
Youth Afrique Leadership Forum
Youth Against Alcoholism and Drug Dependency – http://www.yadd.cfsites.org
Youth Aid Education, Health and Development
Youth Alive Development Foundation – http://www.youthalivefoundation.org
Youth Alliance
Youth Alliance- The Gambia – http://www.youthalliancegambia.webs.com
Youth and Development Consultancy Institute (Etijah) – http://www.etijah.org
Youth and Women Empowerment Centre
Youth Art Research and Training Association – http://www.youthart.org.tr
Youth Association for Culture and Development – http://www.yacdworld.org
Youth Association of Cambodia
Youth Association of Kuwait – http://yakuwait.org
Youth Awareness and Guidance Organisation, Agbarha-Otor
Youth Awareness Environmental Forum
Youth Bridge Foundation – http://www.youthbridgefoundation.net
Youth Build Liberia Inc
Youth Catalyst
Youth Challenge International – http://www.yci.org
Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (YCSRR) – http://www.youthcoalition.org
Youth Coalition Plus on MDGs Achievement
Youth Consortium for Progress – http://www.consortiumforprogress.com
Youth Crime Watch of Bangladesh – http://www.ycwa.org/world/bangladesh
Youth Crime Watch of Liberia – http://www.ycwliberia.org
Youth Desk – Indonesian National Commission for UNESCO – http://www.unescoyouthdesk.org
Youth Development and Enlightenment Initiative
Youth Development Environmental Training and Protection Association
Youth Development Foundation ( Y.D.F – Yemen )
Youth Development Initiative Zimbabwe
Youth Development of Congo YOUDEC – http://wwwyoudec.unblog.fr
Youth Development Organization- Yemen – http://www.youthdo.org
Youth Dividend – http://www.youthdividend.org
Youth Drive International – http://www.ydi.org.gh
Youth Educator Society Pakistan
Youth Employment Initiative
Youth Employment Service – http://www.yescameroon.org
Youth Empowerment and ICT Foundation – http://www.youthempowerment.org.ng
Youth Empowerment and Rehabilitation Association – http://www.yerasom.org
youth empowerment inatiative (YEP!africa) – http://www.yepafrica.org
youth empowerment network-k
Youth Empowerment Services (Research & Rehabilitation) Trust Of Kashmir
YOUTH EMPOWERMENT SOCIETY OF ASIA – http://www.yesasiaonline.com
Youth Empowerment Synergy – http://www.yesghana.org
Youth Engagement Services (YES) Network Pakistan – http://www.yesnetworkpakistan.org
Youth Entrepreneurship and Sustainability of the DR Congo – http://www.lesjeunesentrepreneurs.org
Youth for a Child In Christ – http://www.yocic.org
Youth For Africa – http://www.yoa.or.tz
Youth for Change (YOCA) – Zambia
Youth for Community Academic and Development Services – http://www.yocads.org
Youth for Future 2006 – http://www.fondromania.org
Youth for Human Rights International – http://www.youthforhumanrights.org
Youth For Human Rights International Somalia
Youth for Peace and Development Ghana – http://www.yopadgh.org
Youth for Peace and Development UK – http://www.yopad.org.uk
Youth For Public Transport – http://www.y4pt.org/
Youth For Seva – http://www.youthforseva.org
YOUTH FOR SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT – http://www.ysdindia.org
Youth for World Nepal
Youth Fraternity for Change – http://www.yfcuganga.org
Youth Get United Uganda – http://www.youthgetunited.org
Youth Group on Portection of Environment – http://www.ygpe.tj
Youth Human Right International – http://www.yhrisouthasia.com
Youth Human Rights Watch Committee
Youth Impact Organisation of Nigeria
Youth in Action Balochistan – http://www.yiab.org
Youth in Action Programme Cameroon – http://www.yiapcam.com
Youth Initiative for Human Rights – http://www.yihr.org
Youth Initiative for Sustainable Human Development in Africa
Youth Knowledgeable Chamber – http://www.youthkchamber.co.za
Youth Leadership & Development Organization – http://www.yldo.org
Youth Media Center – http://www.youthmediacenter.org
Youth movement MoveGreen – http://www.movegreen.kg
Youth Movement for Peace and Non-Violence
Youth Net and Counselling – http://www.yoneco.org
Youth Network for Human Right and Democracy
Youth Network for Reform, Inc. – www.yonerliberiablogspot.com/facebook:YouthNetworkforReform
Youth Network Initiative – http://www.networkinitiative.org
Youth Network Nepal – http://youthnetworkdhading.blogspot.com/
Youth Network on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria – http://www.nynethaogun.com
Youth of European Nationalities – http://www.yeni.org
Youth of Uganda
Youth of United Nations Association of Tanzania – http://www.yunatz.org
Youth Organisations for Drug Action – http://www.euro-yoda.org
youth organization serving the community – http://www.youth.org.pk
Youth Orientation for Development – http://www.yodng.org
Youth Parliament of J&K – http://youthparliamentjk.blogspot.com
Youth Parliament of Jammu & Kashmir – http://youthparliament.tripod.com
Youth Parliament of Pakistan – http://www.youthparliament.org.pk
Youth Partnership Partnership for Peace and Development – http://www.yppdatwork.org
Youth Peer Education Network (Y-PEER) Pakistan
Youth Power in Society
Youth Public Movement – http://www.MyPartner.org.ua
Youth Reformation Foundation of Nigeria
Youth Repositioning Foundation
Youth Resource Centre – http://www.yrc.org.pk
Youth Revolution Clan
Youth RISE (Resource, Information, Support Education) Limited. – http://www.youthrise.org
Youth RISE (Resource, Information, Support Education) Limited. – http://www.youthrise.org
Youth Save Organization
Youth Service America – http://www.YSA.org
Youth Vision Zambia – http://www.yvz.org.zm
Youth Voices Research Group
YOUTH WELFARE CLUB ( R ), Shahkot – http://www.youthwelfareclub.page.tl
Youth Welfare Organization
youth wings social welfare society
Youth with Physical Disability Development Forum.
Youths and Students Voluntary Social Responsibility
Youths Animation Centre to Promote Development
Youths Empowerment Education Initiative – http://www.youthsempowermenteducationinitiative.org
Youths for Global Peace Inititive
Youths for the Child’s Welfare – http://www.ycwcameroon.org
Youth’s UNESCO Club
YOWEFORUM – http://www.yoweforum.org
YPMMD West Celebes – http://ypmmd.blogspot.com
Yugoslav Youth Association Against AIDS – Youth of JAZAS – http://www.jazas.rs
Yuva Rural Association – http://www.yraindia.org
Yuva Welfare Foundation – http://www.yuvawf.com
Yuvak Quami Ekta committee – http://www.chitranshcollege.com
YUVSATTA – http://www.yuvsatta.org/
Zaffron Youth Society
Zajednica Saveza Osoba S Invaliditetom Hrvatske – http://www.soih.hr
Zakiganj Civil Society- ZCS – NGO
Zamani Foundation
Zambia National Association of Persons with Physical Disabilities – http://www.znapd.org.zm
Zambia National Youth Network on Population and Development
Zambian Women Civil Society Forum
Zanzibar Diaspora Link
Zanzibar Youth Education, Environment and Development Support Association – http://www.zayedesa.com
Zavod Ypsilon – http://www.ypsilon.si
Zeitgeist -the Spirit of the Times
Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland – Jews Go Green – http://www.jewsgogreen.de
Zentralrat der Serben in Deutschland – http://www.zentralrat-der-serben.de
Zenü Netwok
Zimbabwe Benefit Foundation – http://www.zbf.org.uk
Zimbabwe Christian Movement International Trust
Zimbabwe Parents of Handicapped Children Association
Zimbabwe United Nations Association – http://www.wfuna.org/zimbabwe
Zimbabwe Women Resources Centre and Network – http://www.zwrcn.org.zw
ZIMNET – http://www.zambotimes.com
Zindagi Foundation
Zindagi Welfare Orgnaization
Zinnok Initiative for Women and Children
Zinthiya Ganeshpanchan Trust
Zivot 90
Zo Indigenous Forum – http://www.zoindigenous.blogspot.com
Zo Reunification Organization – http://www.zoreunification.org
ZOA Vluchtelingenzorg – http://www.zoa-international.com
Zomi Education Council – http://www.zec.zocia.org
Zomi Human Rights Organization – http://www.zhro.org
Zomi Innkuan USA Inc.
Zoroastrian Women’s Organization