Unione Mondiale per la Pace e i Diritti Fondamentali dell’Uomo e dei Popoli
World Union for Peace Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples

Unione Mondiale per la Pace e i Diritti Fondamentali dell’Uomo e dei Popoli | World Union for Peace Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples

Aderenti Global Compact ONU

1 Step Foundation – http://www.onestepfoundation.co.uk/
11 Muses Foundation – http://www.11muz.pl/
3 Dees Educational Society
51SIM – http://www.51sim.org
A. Amigos de Silva – http://www.amigosdesilva.org/
A.C. Lake E-Volutions – http://www.e-volutions.net
A.M.I. Aide aux Musiques Innovatrices – http://www.amicentre.biz
AAMAE – Associacao de Assistencia a Mulher, ao Adolescente a Crianca Esperanca – http://aamae.org.br
AARC del Rio Culiacan, A.C. – http://www.aarc.com.mx
AAS Welfare Organization
ABEC-PR – Associacao Brasileira de Engenheiros Cartografos – http://www.abecpr.org.br/
Abibiman Foundation
Academia Alquimia das Letras – http://academiaalquimiadasletras.blogspot.com
Academy of Universal Global Peace( A Higher Educational Wing Of Snahalaya Ashram) – http://www.augp.edu.in
Acarkent Rotary Club, Istanbul – http://acarkentrotary.com
Accademia Internazionale Umanitaria Opere – AIUO – http://www.aiuoumanitariaopere.altervista.org
Accident Welfare Foundation of Pakistan – http://www.accidentwelfarefoundation.com
Accion Callejera – Fundacion Educativa, Inc.
Accion para la Educacion Basica, Inc. – http://www.educa.org.do
Accion Pro-Educacion y Cultura – APEC – http://www.apec.edu.do
Accion RSE – http://www.accionrse.cl/
Accionarse Comunidad Sinaloense, A.C.
Accionatura – http://www.accionatura.org
ACDI/VOCA – http://www.acdivoca.org
ACEP – Asociacion Civil Estudios Populares – http://acep.org.ar
ACERAS – Acciones Eticas y Responsabilidad Social – http://www.aceras.org
ACEVO – Associaion of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations – http://www.acevo.org.uk
Acik Radyo – Anafor Radyo Yayincilik A.S. – http://www.acikradyo.com
ACT Responsible – http://www.act-responsible.org
Action Against Impunity for Human Rights (ACIDH) – http://acidhcd.org/
Action Center for City Development – http://vidothi.org
Action Ethique / ACTETH – http://rse-burkina.blog4ever.com/blog/index-721987.html
Action In Development – AID – http://aid-bd.org
Action Jeunesse pour le Developpement – http://www.ong-ajedcongo.blogspot.com
Action of Human Movement (AHM) – http://ahmngo.org
Action on African Women Foundation Ghana – http://www.aawfgh.org/
Action Solidaire Pour le Developpement Communautaire – http://www.lesassos.com/sn/ASODECOM-BURUNDI/
Action Urgente pour un Developpement Durable en Centrafrique (AUDDC)
ActionAid International Vietnam – http://www.actionaid.org/vietnam
Actions et Interventions pour le Developpement et l’Encadrement Social – AIDES/RDC
ADCAM-Asociacion Desarrollo, Comercio Alternativo y Microcredito – http://www.adcam.es/
Adebayo Alao Akala Healthcare Foundation – http://akalahealthcarefoundation.com/
ADEC NS – http://adecns.fr/
adelphi research – http://www.adelphi.de/de/profil/adelphi_research/dok/43485.php
ADIS Meridianos – http://www.meridianos.org
ADLML – Associacao de Desenvolvimento Local do Minho Lima – http://www.adlml.pt
Administracion de Proyectos Integrales Comunitarios (APROIC)
Admiral Development Organization – http://admiralngo.tk
ADRA in Vietnam – http://www.adravietnam.org/
Adroe Global Foundation for Humanity – http://adroefoundation.org
Advocacy Initiative for Development (AID) – http://www.advocacyinitiative.org
Advocacy Partnership for Good Governance
AEAGRO – Associacao dos Engenheiros Agronomos de Guarapuava – http://www.aeagroguarapuava.com.br
AFECE – Associacao Franciscana de Educacao ao Cidadao Especial – http://www.afece.org.br
Affordable Housing Institute – http://www.affordablehousinginstitute.org
Africa Culture Developpement
Africa Health Research Organization
Africa House Linkages
Africa Leadership Forum – http://www.africaleadership.org
Africa Youths International Development Foundation (AFYIDEF) – http://afyidef.org
African Centre for Peace Building – http://www.afcopb.org
African Children Talent Discovery Foundation – http://actdfoundation.org/
African Foundation Farmapu-Inter & Cecotrap-Rcogl
African Foundation For Human Advancement (AFFAH) – http://affah.org/
African Grassroots Development International
African Network for the Prevention and Protection against Child Abuse and Neglect (ANPPCAN) Liberia – http://www.anppcanliberia.org
African Peace Network
African Refuge, Inc. – http://www.africanrefuge.org/
African Support Initiative for Women and Children
Africans In Diaspora Organisation (Speed-Africa) – http://www.africansindiaspora.blog.com
AFRICT Empowerment Initiative – http://africt.org
AGADER (Anatolian Traditions Research Association) – http://agader.org.tr
AGAPE AGE Foundation – http://agapeage.com
Agence du Don en Nature – http://www.adnfrance.org/
Agencia de Desarrollo Region Rosario
Agency for Social Information – http://www.asi.org.ru
Agenda21 Action Council for Gyeonggi-do – http://www.ggag21.or.kr
Agenzia Europea di Investimenti Group
agpro – austrian gay professionals – http://www.agpro.at
Agrupacion IYAT AC
AIAS Associazione professionale Italiana Ambiente e Sicurezza – http://www.aias-sicurezza.it
Aid Organization (AO) – http://aid-bd.org/
Aide aux Mal-Integres et Enfants Soupconnes Sorciers
AIESEC in Tunisia – http://www.aiesec.org.tn/
AIESEC in Ukraine – http://aiesec.org.ua
AIESEC Ireland – http://www.aiesec.ie
AIESEC Mexico, A.C. – http://www.aiesec.org/mexico
AIESEC no Brasil – http://aiesec.org.br/
AIESEC Panama – http://www.cas.aiesec.org
AIESEC Romania – http://www.ro.aiesec.org
Airline Ambassadors International – http://www.airlineamb.org
AITeP Associazione Italiana Tecnici della Prevenzione nell’ Ambiente e nei di Lavaro – http://www.aitep.eu/it
AJA Brasil – http://www.aja.org.br
AJSA (Anchalika Jana Seva Anusthan) – http://www.ajsaodisha.in
Akatu Institute – http://www.akatu.org.br/
Akbaraly Foundation – http://www.fondationakbaraly.org
AKUT Search and Rescue Association – http://www.akut.org.tr
Al Anjuman Foundation
Al Izdihar Organization for Relief and Development – http://www.aokd-iq.org
Al Mustafa Welfare Society Hafizabad
Al Urdun Al Jadid (New Jordan) Research Center – UJRC – http://www.ujrc-jordan.org
Alacrity Foundation – http://dracula-alacrity.webs.com/
Alexis Foundation – http://www.alexis.org.in
Alexis Society – http://www.alexis.co.in
Alfannar International – http://www.alfannar.com
Alianza Ciudadana Pro Justicia – http://www.alianzaprojusticia.org.pa
Alight Foundation
Alisei – http://alisei.org
Alkedo – http://www.percorsinatura.org
All India Council of Human Rights, Liberties & Social Justice – http://www.humanrightscouncil.in
Alliance “New Energy of Ukraine” – http://www.newenergy.org.ua/
Alliance for Regional and Civil Initiatives (ARCI) – http://trainyourself.org/eu/en/part1.php
Alliance Generation Router of Nation (AGPB)
Alliance Toward Harnessing Global Opportunities – ATHGO – http://www.athgo.org
All-Russian Society for Environmental Protection – http://www.runature.ru/
All-Ukrainian Non-Governmental Organisation Novi Mozhlyvosti
All-Ukrainian Public Organization, Ukrainian Public Relations – http://www.pr-liga.org.ua
All-Ukrainian Union of Migrants in Ukraine and Abroad
All-Ukrainian Youth Public Organization
Al-Madina & Holy See Welfare Trust – http://almadinaholyseewelfaretrust.blogspot.com
Alsiad – http://www.alsiad.org.tr
Alternative Life Association – http://www.alternativecamp.org
Alucod – http://www.alucod.com
Al-Warkaa Organization – http://www.warkaa-iq.org
AMA – Associacao Maringaense dos Autistas
Amanecer Grupo Casa-Taller – http://amanecer.org.ar
Ambassade pour la recherche sur la Paralysie Cerebrale – http://www.lafondationmotrice.org
Ambassador Plus – http://posol.com.ua/
Amboh Young Farmers Common Inititaive Group – AMYOFACIG
American Business Leadership Institute, Inc. – http://www.abli-us.org
American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia – http://www.amcham.hr
American Indian Enterprise & Business Council – http://aiebc.org
American Industries de Queretaro – http://www.americanindustriesgroup.com
AMICA – http://www.amica.es
Amigos de Jiquipilco, A.C. – http://www.facebook.com/FundacionAmigosDeJiquipilco
Amigos de la Responsabildad Social Empresarial – AMIGARSE – http://www.amigarse.org
Amman Chamber of Industry – http://www.aci.org.jo
Amnesty International – http://www.amnesty.org
Amo mi Pais, Cuido mi Pais – http://www.amocuido.org/
AMP – Asociacion de Minusvalidos de Pinto – http://www.ampinto.org
AMPROS- Asociacion Cantabra en Favor de las Personas con Discapacidad Intelectual – http://www.ampros.org
Amruthakrishna Foundation – http://www.amruthakrishnafoundation.org
Ana and Vlade Divac Foundation – http://fondacijadivac.org
ANADESH-Associacao Nacional de Desnvolvimento Economico Social e Humano – http://www.educapaz.k6.com.br
Andale para Oir, Padres de Ninos Sordos, AC – http://andaleparaoir.org/
AndChristie Research Foundation – http://www.cpparesearch.org/
ANDRA – Association for Nutritional Development and Rural Advancement – http://baldha.com/
Anesvad – http://www.anesvad.org
Anima – http://www.animaroma.it
ANIMA Investment Network – http://www.animaweb.org/
Ankara Kale Rotary Club – http://www.kalerotary.org
Anodos – http://www.anodos.org.gr
Anrica – http://www.anrica.org
Anti-Corruption Movement Chennai – http://www.anticorruptionchennai.com/
APAPP – Asociacion Paraguaya de Presupuesto Publico – http://www.apapp.org.py/
APD – The Association for People’s Development
APEDECA, Asociacion de Ayuda a Personas Dependientes
Apitex – http://www.apitex.org
APM Castilla-La Mancha – http://www.apmcastillalamancha.org
Apostolic Ministerial International Network – http://amininternational.webs.com
APRONAD – Asociacion para la Promocion de Nuevas Alternativas de Desarrollo – http://espanol.geocities.com/apronad
APSHSTDC – Associacao Portuguesa de Saude, Higiene e Seguranca no Trabalho para o Desenvolvimento e Cooperacao Internacional – ONGD – http://www.apshstdc.com
Aqui y Ahora Juntos por los Derechos Humanos
Arab International Women’s Forum – http://www.aiwfonline.com/home.aspx
Arab World Internet Institute – http://www.aw2i.org
Arabian Cooperate Social Responsibility Council – http://arabiancsr.org/ (under construction)
Arayarara – http://www.arayara.org.br
ARC Aid Foundation – http://www.arc-aid.no/
Architecture, Construction and Design Public Union – http://www.midib.org/en/
ARCTUROS Environmental Civil Society – http://www.arcturos.gr/en/default.asp
AREA-CM – Associacao Regional de Engenheiros e Arquitetos de Campo Mourao – http://www.areacm.com.br
Argentinischer Kreis Baden-Wurttemberg e.V. – http://www.circuloargentino.de
ARI Movement – http://www.ari.org.tr
Arias Foundation for Peace and Human Progress – http://arias.or.cr/
Armavir Development Center – http://www.armavirdc.org/
Armenian Association for the Disabled Pyunic – Phoenix – http://www.pyunic.org
Armenian Marketing Association NGO – http://www.armenianmarketing.com
AROH Foundation – http://www.aroh.in/
Arrow of Fire Evangelical Ministry – http://afem1.yolasite.com
Art Registration Association – http://area.or.kr
Art Scholars Initiative – http://www.myspace.com/asi_nigeria
Artfully Aware – http://www.artfullyaware.org
Article 25 – http://www.article-25.org/
Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corp of India – http://www.artlimbs.com
ASB Community Trust – http://www.asbcommunitytrust.org.nz
ASECAL – http://www.asecal.org
Asesores en Conservacion y Desarrollo AC – http://www.acd.org.mx
Ashok Sansthan – http://www.ashoksansthan.org.in
Asociacija “Mano miestas Klaipeda” – http://www.mmk.lt
Asociacion Accent
Asociacion Accion Social para el Desarrollo Humano – http://www.desarrollohumanoonline.com
Asociacion Alanna – http://www.alanna.org.es
Asociacion Albanta – http://www.albanta.org
Asociacion Amigos de la Tierra
Asociacion Aspanias
Asociacion Aula del Mar ESIA – http://www.maresia.org
Asociacion Camina Social – http://www.caminasocial.net
Asociacion Ciudad Utopia
Asociacion Civil Anziategui Productivo – http://www.unete.com.ve
Asociacion Civil de Promocion de Inversiones del Estado Lara
Asociacion Civil Estudios y Proyectos – http://www.eyp.org.ar
Asociacion Civil Fortalecer Misiones – http://www.fortalecermisiones.org
Asociacion Civil Grupo Solidario – http://www.gruposolidario.org/
Asociacion Civil Hecho por Nosotros – http://hechoxnosotros.com/
Asociacion Civil Humanity – http://www.humanity.org.ve
Asociacion Civil Nino Feliz
Asociacion Civil por la Responsibilidad Social Amartya – http://www.amartya-ar.net
Asociacion Conciencia – http://www.conciencia.org
Asociacion Conciencia Ecologica de Panama – http://www.panamaexpogreen.com
Asociacion Cooperadora de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias
Asociacion Cristiana de Dirigentes de Empresa – http://www.acde.org.uy
Asociacion Cristiana de Jovenes/YMCA de la Republica Argentina – http://ymca.org.ar
Asociacion Cultura Pro Naciones Unidas – http://www.cultura-pro-onu.org
Asociacion Cultural Celtiberica Tierraquemada – http://www.numantinos.com
Asociacion Cultural Os Zagales – http://www.oszagales.com
Asociacion de Aldeas Infantiles SOS Panama – http://www.aldeas-infantiles.org
Asociacion de alternativas, motivacion y acompanamiento – ADAMA – http://www.adama.org.es
Asociacion de Amistad Argentino Panamena – http://unglobalcompact.org
Asociacion de Cooperacion al Desarrollo Vision Solidaria – http://www.visionsolidariaco.org
Asociacion de Dano Cerebral de Compostela Sarela – http://www.sarela.org/
Asociacion de Directivos de Comunicacion (Dircom) – http://www.dircom.org
Asociacion de Discapacitados Psiquicos de Antequera y de su Comarca (ADIPA) – http://www.adipa.es/
Asociacion de Gerontologia Social de Sante Fe – http://www.agssf.com.ar
Asociacion de las Federaciones Deportivas de Bizkaia – ASFEDEBI – http://www.asfedebi.com
Asociacion de las Naciones Unidas Venezuela
Asociacion de Licenciados en Administracion de Mendoza (ALAM) – http://www.alamza.com.ar/sitio/
Asociacion de Mujeres as Bulidoiras
Asociacion de Mujeres de Negocios y Profesionales (BPW) Buenos Aires – http://www.bpwbuenosaires.com.ar
Asociacion Dianova Espana – http://dianova.es
Asociacion Donalliure – http://www.donalliure.com
Asociacion Empresarios Solidarios Valencianos
Asociacion Espiral Loranca – http://www.centroespiral.org
Asociacion Europea de Arbitraje, AEADE – http://www.aeade.org
Asociacion Helsinki Espana -Dimension Humana – http://www.humandimension.net/
Asociacion Iberoamericana de Expertos en Derechos Humanos – http://www.derechoshumanos.info
Asociacion Identidad – Politica desde los Valores
Asociacion Industria Limpia del Estado de Mexico, A.C. – http://www.industrialimpiaac.org.mx
Asociacion Mexicana Anne Sullivan IAP – http://www.asomas.org.mx/
Asociacion Mexicana de Ayuda Ciudadana San Rafael – https://amasanrafa.wordpress.com/
Asociacion Mexicana Para el Control de Las Adicciones, A.C.
Asociacion Mexicana para el Desarrollo Local y Regional Sustentable AC – http://www.adelors.org.mx
Asociacion Nacional TOES Defensa Personal Especializada – http://www.asociaciontoes.es
Asociacion Panamena para el Planeamiento de la Familia – http://www.apalafa.org.pa
Asociacion para el Empleo y la Formacion de Personas con Discapacidad – FSC Inserta – http://www.fsc-inserta.es
Asociacion para la Gestion de la Integracion Social GINSO – http://www.ginso.org
Asociacion para las Naciones Unidas en Espana (ANUE) – http://www.anue.org
Asociacion Pro Cultura, A.C.
Asociacion pro Ninos con Leucemia de la Laguna, A.C. – http://leucemialaguna.8m.com
Asociacion Rescate ONG´D – http://rescateongd.blogspot.com/
Asociacion Riojana pro Personas con Deficiencia Psiquica (ARPS) – http://www.arps.es
Asociacion Semilla – http://www.semilla.net
Asociacion Socio-Cultural Pena Flamenca Costa del Sol – Axarquia – http://www.youtube.com/user/juanmanuel36
Asociacion Tejido Humano – http://www.tejidohumano.org/
Asociacion Tentempie – http://www.tentempie.org/
Asociatia “Mai Mult Verde” – http://maimultverde.ro
Asociatia EURO<26 Romania – http://www.euro26.ro
Asociatia pentru Implementarea Democratiei – http://www.aid-romania.org
ASPACE Cantabria – http://www.aspacecantabria.org
Aspen Institute’s Business and Society Program – http://www.aspenbsp.org
Asra Foundation – http://www.asrafoundation.net/
Assic Creative Management – http://childrenartsongmusic.ning.com
Associacao Alianca Empreendedora – http://aliancaempreendedora.org.br/
Associacao Brasileira dos Profissionais de Sustentabilidade – http://www.abraps.org.br
Associacao Brasileira Movimento Rio Carioca – Arte, Cultura, Educacao e Projetos – http://www.movimentoriocarioca.org.br
Associacao Civil Sociedade Alternativa – http://www.sociedadealternativa.org
Associacao Cultural e Educational Nova Opcao – ACENO
Associacao de Assistencia a Crianca Deficiente – AACD – http://www.aacd.org.br
Associacao de Engenheiros e Arquitetos de Maringa – http://www.aeam.eng.br
Associação de Pais e Amigos dos Excepcionais de São Paulo – http://www.apaesp.org.br
Associacao Desereth – http://www.desereth.org.br
Associacao dos Arquitetos, Agronomos e Engenheiros de Foz do Iguacu – http://aefi.com.br
Associacao dos Bibliotecarios do Distrito Federal – http://www.abdf.org.br/principal/index.php
Associacao dos Engenheiros e Arquitetos de Apucarana – http://www.aeaa.com.br
Associacao dos Engenheiros e Arquitetos de Cascavel – http://www.aeac.org.br
Associacao Educacional Cultural e Assistencial MIESPERANZA – http://www.miesperanza.org.br
Associacao Nacional de Desenvolvimento Economico e Social | ANADES – http://www.anades.org.br
Associacao Paranaense de Cultura – APC – http://www.pucpr.br
Associacao Paranaense dos Engenheiros Ambientais – http://www.apeam.com.br/
Associacao Profissional dos Engenheiros e Arquitetos de Paranavai – http://www.apeappvai.com
Associacao Regional dos Engenheiros e Arquitetos de Marechal Candido Rondon
Associacao Sao Lazaro – Brasil – http://www.stlazarusbrasil.org
Association “Svari gamta” – http://svarigamta.lt
Association Balkan Agency for Sustainable Development
Association Bebes Du Maroc – http://bebesdumaroc.com
Association Caritative et Humanitaire des Ordres de Chevalerie – ACHOC – http://www.achoc.org
Association Centre for Energy, Environment and Resources – CENER 21 – http://www.cener21.ba/
Association COHUB – http://www.ouvriers-humanistes.org
Association Congolaise pour le Developpement Agricole – ACDA
Association des Badinga du Congo
Association des Femmes Avocates du Benin – http://www.afab-benin.com/
Association des Jeunes Engages pour l’Action Humanitaire
Association Development for civil society culture – http://acdiraq.synthasite.com
Association for Human Rights and Torture Defenders (Ahurtod) – http://www.ahurtod.org
Association for Protection and Promotion of Mental Health in Children and Youth – http://www.oknis.org.rs/
Association for Rural Area Social Modification, Improvement and Nestling (ARASMIN) – http://www.arasmin.org
Association for Sustainable Community Development(ASSCOD) – http://www.asscod.org
Association for the Furtherance of Peace – http://www.flameofpeace.org
Association for the Rescue of Azov Sea – http://azovsea.org
Association for the Right To Economic Initiatives (Adie) – http://www.adie.org/
Association Initiatives pour le Developpement Durable et Prospectives
Association Jeunesse Pour la Paix et La Non Violence (AJPNV)
Association Life is 100%
Association of Assistance Development of National Leadership – http://moral.com.ua/
Association of Business Women of Kazakhstan – http://www.businesswomen.kz
Association of HR Professionals – http://www.hr-asocijacija.org.rs
Association of Revival of Ukraine – http://uavidrodgennya.org/
Association of Russian Lawyers for Human Rights – http://www.rusadvocat.com
Association of Slovak Consumers – http://www.zss.sk
Association of Social Responsibility (A-CSR) – http://a-csr.cz/
Association of Successful People
Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Industry (ASCAME) – http://www.ascame.org
Association of the Representatives of the Kingdom Bunyoro Kitara, worldwide
Association of Young Economists of Georgia – http://www.economists.ge
Association pour la Conservation de la Nature, le Developpement et Encadrement des Jeunes Desoeuvres (ACODEJ) – http://acodejongdrdc.e-monsite.com/
Association pour l’Integration et le Developpement Durable au Burundi-AIDB – http://aidbbatwaduburundi.over-blog.org
Association Swiss Morning Star – http://association-sms.com
Association Tondji International de Developpement – TIDA – http://tidahumaniste.fr.gd
Associazione Ambiente e Lavoro (Environment and Work Association) – http://www.amblav.it
Associazione Diplomatici – http://www.diplomatici.it
Associazione Fibrosicisticaitalia.it – http://www.fibrosicisticaitalia.it
Associazione Meter Onlus di don Fortunato Di Noto – http://www.associazionemeter.org
Asthma Australia – http://asthmaaustralia.org.au/
ATLAS – Associacao de Cooperacao Para o Desenvolvimento – http://atlaspeople.net
ATLAS – Cooperativa Cultural, CRL – http://www.atlascoop.net
ATSenior – Asociacion Tecnicos Senior – http://atsenior.es/
ATTIKI ODOS S.A. – http://www.aodos.gr
AUK American University in Kosovo – http://www.aukonline.org
Aurora Now Foundation – http://auroranow.org/wpmain/
Australian Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility – ACCSR – http://www.accsr.com.au
Avajuris – http://www.avajuris.de
AVAPE- Associacao para Valorizacao e Promocao de Excepcionais – http://www.avape.com.br
Aviation for Humanity – http://www.afh.aero
Avoid Accident – http://www.avoidaccident.org
AVSI Foundation – http://www.avsi.org/
Awaz Welfare Trust International
AWTAD – Association for Women’s Total Advancement & Development – http://www.awtad-egypt.org
Ayuda Social Devlyn, A.C. – http://www.fundaciondevlyn.org.mx
Azerbaijan Tafakkur Youth Association, ATYA
AZTI-Tecnalia – http://www.azti.es
Aztivate ongd – http://www.aztivate.org
Babcecil Center for Better Education for All – http://babcecilschools.org/
Balkan Agency for Sustainable Development – http://www.balkanagency.org
Balkan Community Initiatives Fund – http://www.bcif.org
Balochistan Social & Developments Society – https://sites.google.com/site/bsdsocietyorg
Bangladesh Enterprise Institute – http://www.bei-bd.org
Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio and Communication – http://www.bnnrc.net
Bangladesh Rural Development Organization
Bannu School Of Sports – http://www.bannu.org
Barnabas Trust International
Bartin Chamber of Commerce Industry – http://www.bartintso.org.tr
Basel Institute on Governance – http://www.baselgovernance.org
BASMA, Children with Cancer Support Association – http://www.basma-syria.org
BATIK International – http://www.batik-international.org/
Batool Welfare Trust, Rawalpindi Pakistan – http://www.batoolwelfaretrust.com
BEFA WOMEN AND CHILD CARE FOUNDATION – http://www.befafoundation.org/
Beijing New Century Academy on Transnational Corporations – http://www.tncchina.org.cn
Beijing Rongzhi Institute of Corporate Social Responsibility – http://www.gcchinacenter.org/
Bellona Foundation – http://www.bellona.org/
Beogradska Trgovacka Omladina – http://bto.rs/
Bernadette Strebel World Peace – http://bsworldpeace.org/
Bethania Social Welfare Foundation – http://www.bethany.or.kr
Better Education For All BEFA Foundation Rawalpindi Pakistan – http://www.befapk.org.pk
betterplace – http://www.betterplace.org
Betterworld Cameroon
Beylikduzu Rotary Club – http://www.beylikduzurotary.org
Bhumiksara Foundation
BIDAYA – http://www.bidaya.org.sy
BIGMEV (Center for the Development of Relations with Bosnia and Herzegovina) – http://www.bigmev.org/
BILANCIARSI – http://www.bilanciarsi.it
Billion Smiles – http://www.billionsmiles.co.cc
Bina Swadaya Foundation – http://www.binaswadaya.org
Biointegra Enlace, A.C.
Biological Farming Association – ELKANA – http://elkana.org.ge
BioRegional Development Group – http://www.bioregional.com
Biosierra A.C.
Bisila Bokoko African Literacy Project – http://bbalp.org/
BISMUN Association – http://bismun.ro
Bizlink Centre Singapore Ltd – http://www.bizlink.org.sg
Black and White Cameroon Association (B&W CAM) – http://www.blackandwhitecameroon.fr.gd/
Black Emergency Managers Association – http://www.blackemergmanagersassociation.org
Blagodeyatel Foundation – http://www.blagodeyatel.net
Bled Forum on Europe Research Association – http://www.bled-forum.org
Bona Vista Programs, Inc. – http://www.bonavista.org
BoP Innovation Center – http://www.bopinc.org
Borneo Tropical Rainforest – http://www.btrf.com
Boss Friendship Club in Nigeria – http://bossfriendshipclub.org
Bozcaada Dernegi
BPW International – http://www.bpw-international.org
Branded Trust Foundation – http://www.brandedtrust.org
Bridge Marine Science Group – http://www.bridgemarinescience.co.uk
Brigadas Globales Panama – http://www.globalbrigades.org/
Build Change Indonesia – http://buildchange.org/
Building Better Africa Foundation – http://bbafoundation.org
Bulgarian Association Natural Gas – http://naturalgas.bg
Bulgarian Association of Taekwon-do – http://www.taekwondo.bg
Bulgarian Charities Aid Foundation (BCAF) – http://www.cafonline.org/bcaf
Bulgarian Donor’s Forum – http://www.dfbulgaria.org
Bundesverband Ethik e.V. – http://bv-ethik.de
Bush Heritage Australia – http://www.bushheritage.org.au
Business & Community Foundation (BCF) – http://bcfindia.org
Business & Human Rights Resource Centre – http://www.business-humanrights.org
Business and Professional Women Australia – http://www.bpw.com.au/
Business Development Center – BDC – http://bdc.org.jo
Business Humanitarian Forum – http://www.bhforum.org
Business in the Community – http://www.bitc.org.uk
Business Promotion and Service Center (BPSC) – http://www.bpsc.com.vn
CAFAM – Caja de Compensacion Familiar – http://www.cafam.com/
CAGeM – http://cagem.org
Caixa de Previdencia Dos Funcionarios Do Banco Do Brasil – http://www.previ.com.br
Caja de Burgos F.B. – http://www.cajadeburgos.com/
Caja de Compensacion Familiar Comfenalco Valle del Cauca – http://www.comfenalcovalle.com.co
Caja de Compensacion Familiar de Antioquia, COMFAMA – http://www.comfama.com
Caja de Compensacion Familiar de Narino – http://www.comfamiliarnarino.com
Calgary Compact – http://www.calgarycompact.ca
Camara de Comercio de Barranquilla – http://www.camarabaq.org.co/
Camara De Comercio De Pereira – http://www.camarapereira.org.co/nuevo_site/php/
Camara de Industria y Comercio Argentino-Alemana – http://ahkargentina.com.ar
Camara Junior de Bahia Blanca – http://www.jci.cc/local/bahia_blanca
Camara Junior de Panama (JCI) – http://www.jcipanama.org
CAMBIO – Centro Latinoamericano de Gestion Ambiental, A.C.
Caminando, Asociacion de Dano Cerebral Adquirido de Cantabria – http://www.asociacion-caminando.org
Campaign for Human Rights and Development, Sierra Leone – http://www.chrdsierraleone.org
Canadem – http://www.canadem.ca
Cannova – http://www.cannova.net
Cantabria Ayuda – http://www.cantabriaayuda.org
Capacitacion y Desarrollo Integral CADI, A.C. – http://www.cadi.org.mx
Capitolio – http://www.capitolio-ongd.org
Caputo Children’s Fund – http://www.caputo-children-fund.org/
Caraga Youth Leaders’ Network Inc.
Carbon Trust – http://www.carbontrust.com
CARE Bangladesh – http://www.carebd.org
CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg e.V. – http://www.care.de
CARE India – http://www.careindia.org
Caritas Arquidiocesana del Cusco – http://caritascusco.org/
Caritas de Queretaro, I.A.P. – http://www.caritasdequeretaro.org/
Caritas del Peru – http://www.caritas.org.pe
Carrasco Lawn Tennis – http://www.clt.com.uy/
Carrefour de solidarite internationale – http://www.csisher.com/
Casa de Francisco de Assis – http://www.casadefranciscodeassis.org.br
Casa Esperanza
Casa Hogar “Angeles de San Pedro”, A.C.
Casa Hogar Abrazame, A.C. – http://www.abrazame.org.mx
Casa Tomada, A.C.
Caucasus Environmental NGO Network – http://www.cenn.org
CCLP Worldwide
CCLP Worldwide – Germany and North West Europe
CCLP Worldwide – Ghana
CCLP Worldwide – Nigeria
CCLP Worldwide – USA (Education Charter International) – http://www.cclpworldwide.com/
CCLP Worldwide- Bangladesh – http://cclpworldwide.com/bangla.htm
CCLP Worldwide France – http://www.cclpworldwide.com
CCLP Worldwide India – http://www.cclpworldwide.com/esi
CCLP Worldwide- Pakistan – http://cclpworldwide.com/esi
CCLP Worldwide-Hungary and Central Europe – http://cclpworldwide.com/
CCLP Worldwide-Spain – http://www.instituto-academico.es
CDP – http://www.cdp.net
CECOWOR- Centre for Coordination of Voluntary Works and Research – http://www.cecowor.in
CEDIMAT (Centro de Diagnostico y Medicina Avanzada y de Conferencias Medicas y Telemedicina)
Center for Business Ethics and Corporate Governance – http://ethicsrussia.org
Center for Civic Initiative – http://www.cgimk.org.mk
Center for Community Excellence, Inc. – http://www.center4ce.org
Center for Community Health Promotion – http://www.chp.org.vn
Center for Community Justice and Advocacy
Center for Corporate Social Responsibility – http://www.ccsr.or.kr
Center for Creative Initiatives in Health and Population – http://ccihp.org/
Center for Democracy Foundation – http://www.centaronline.org
Center for Development and Integration – http://www.cdivietnam.org
Center for Development of Non-Governmental Organizations – http://www.crnvo.me/
Center for Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (CEED) – http://www.visit-ceed.org.me/
Center for Humanitarian Dialogue – http://www.hdcentre.org/
Center for International Business Ethics – http://www.cibe.org.cn
Center for International Studies and Cooperation – http://www.ceci.ca
Center for Monitoring and Evaluation – http://www.cme.org.yu
Center for Neigbourhood Improvement Initiative
Center for Partnership in Community Development
Center for Peace and Development Effectiveness – http://www.cepdeliberia.org
Center for Responsible Design – http://responsibledesign.dk
Center for Sustainable Energy Development (VSED) – http://vsed.vnemart.com.vn
Center of Environmental Law
Center of Environmental Solutions – http://ecoidea.by/
Center of Identity Free Movement
Central de Inteligencia e Assessoria Brasil – http://www.ciabrasil.org.br
Central en Idiomas y Cultura, A.C.
Central Himalayan Environment Association (CHEA) – http://cheaindia.org/
Central Police Taekwon-do Club – http://www.cptk.com
Centre de Developpement Socioculturel – http://www.cads.ch
Centre for Child Studies and Development – http://ccsd.org.np/
Centre for Community Development and Social Work (Codes) – http://codes.org.vn
Centre for Community Economics and Development Consultants Society (CECOEDECON) – http://cecoedecon.org.in/
Centre for Community Regeneration and Development (CCREAD) – https://www.ccreadcameroon.org
Centre For Corporate Social Responsibility – http://www.centreforcsr.org.sg
Centre for CSR Development – http://www.csr-ukraine.org
Centre for Development Partnerships – http://www.cdp-africa.org
Centre for Environment and Development – http://centreforenvironmentdevelopment.blogspot.com/
Centre for Environment Education Nepal
Centre for Equality Ltd. – http://www.centreforequality.org
Centre for Humanitarian Enhancement (CEHEN)
Centre for Life Transformation
Centre for Policy Dialogue – http://www.cpd-bangladesh.org
Centre for Responsible Business (CRB) – http://www.c4rb.org
Centre for Security Studies – http://www.cbs-css.org
Centre for Social Transformation and Human Development – http://protectourfuture.org
Centre for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia – http://www.csrdg.ge
Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) – http://www.cse-net.org
Centre for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources – http://www.csdnr.org
Centre for Sustainable Rural Development – http://www.srd.org.vn
Centre for Women and Youth Wellbeing and Advocacy (WOYWA) – http://centreforwomenandyouthwellbeingandadvocacywoywa.yolasite.com/
Centre for Youth Capacity Building and Psychological Assistance – http://www.tuoiomai.net
Centre of Excellence for Low-Carbon Technologies – http://www.conot.si/
Centre of Small and Medium Entrepreneurship Development NGO
Centre per la gestio etica de la empresa – http://www.eticentre.org
Centro Chihuahuense para la Calidad y Productividad – http://www.cchcp.org.mx
Centro de Apoio as Atividades Populares / MOVSOCIAL – http://movsocial.org/
Centro de Derechos Humanos y Ambiente – http://cedha.org.ar
Centro de Divulgacion del Conocimiento Economico para la Libertad, A. C. Cedice Libertad – http://www.cedice.org.ve
Centro de Divulgacion del Conocimiento Economico, A.C.
Centro de Educacion al Consumidor – http://educacionconsumidor.org.ar
Centro de Etica de Angola
Centro de Exposiciones y Convenciones, A.C. – http://www.expochih.com.mx/
Centro de Formacion Cultural por la Familia y la Paz, AC – http://www.ceforma.org.mx
Centro de Gestion Tecnologica e Informatica Industrial (CEGESTI) – http://www.cegesti.org
Centro de Informacion de Empleos Verdes, A.C. – http://www.empleosverdes.com
Centro de Recuperacion de Drogadictos y Alcoholicos de Occidente y la Republica Mexicana
Centro de Rehabilitacion de Enfermedades Adictivas A.C. – http://www.ctdiosporsiempre.com
Centro Desarrollo y Pesca Sustentable – http://cedepesca.net/
Centro Ecuatoriano de Derecho Ambiental – http://www.ceda.org.ec
Centro Empresarial de Inversion Social
Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovacion del Principado de Asturias – http://www.ceei.es
Centro Integrado de Estudos e Programas de Desenvolvimento Sustentavel – CIEDS – http://www.cieds.org.br
Centro Integral de Rehabilitacion de Colombia – CIREC – http://www.cirec.org
Centro Internacional de Responsabilidad Social y Sostenibilidad – http://www.cirs.org.co/
Centro Latinoamericano de Formacion y Capitacion para Guias de Turismo, S.C. – http://www.cenlatur.com
Centro Latinoamericano para la Paz, la Cooperacion y el Desarrollo, S.C.
Centro Mexicano Para La Filantropia – http://www.cemefi.org
Centro Nacional de Comunicacion Social A.C. (CENCOS) – http://www.laneta.apc.org/cencos
Centro Regional Ramsar – http://www.creho.org
Centro Ser Integral Chiapas A.C. – http://www.serintegralchiapas.org.mx
Cercle d’Initiative Commune Pour la Recherche, l’Environnement et la Qualite (CICREQ) – http://cicreq.cfsites.org
CERIDA (Centre d’Etude et de Recherche pour l’Integration Regionale et le Developpement de l’Afrique) – http://cerida.org
Chamberlain Bingley Foundation – http://chamberlainbingleyfoundation.blogshot.com
Change In Education – http://www.change.org.pk
ChangeMaker – Society for Social and Economic Development – http://www.changemaker-bd.org
Charitable Foundation “Batkivska Zemlya” – http://www.batkivska.com.ua/
Charitable Foundation Democratic Society – http://www.corporate-citizen.org.ua
Charitable Fund “Your Future”
Charity Fund Blagomay – http://www.charitymay.com/
Charushila – http://charushila.org
Chepngoror Education Foundation (CHEFO) – http://www.chepngoror-foundation.com
Child and Social Development Organization (CSDO) – http://csdopak.org/
Child Helpline International – http://www.childhelplineinternational.org
Child Research for Action and Development Agency (CRADA Group) – http://cradagroup.org
Childcare consortium
Childhood Without Tears – http://www.detstvobezsalzi.com
Children’s Corporation – http://www.childrenscorp.com
China Association of Poverty Alleviation and Development – http://www.richall.org.cn
China Committee of Corporate Citizenship – http://www.chinacccc.org
China International Council for the Promotion of Multinational Corporations (CICPMC) – http://www.ciimc.com
China Society for the Promotion of the Guangcai Program
Chinese American Parent-Student Council – http://capscny.org/
Chinese Productivity Distribution and Regional Economic Development Committee – http://www.cpdc.org.cn
Christian Children’s Fund Indonesia Office – http://www.christianchildrensfund.org
Christian Ethics Movement of Korea – CEMK – http://www.cemk.org
Christian Fellowship and Care Foundation – http://www.chrifacafinc.org
Christliches Hilfs- und Kulturwerk e.V. – http://www.chhkw.de
CIMA Research Foundation – http://www.cimafoundation.org
CinemaHall – http://www.cinemahall.org/
CIPRA Slovenija – http://www.cipra.org/sl/cipra
Cipsi – Coordinamento di Iniziative Popolari di Solidarieta Internazionale – http://www.cipsi.it
Circulo Intelectual de Extranjeros de Espana – CIE – http://www.elcie.es/
CISV Indonesia – http://www.cisvindonesia.org
City Environmental Foundation (CEF)
City Managers’ Association Orissa – http://www.cmao.nic.in
Civil Association Kooperativa – ASC – http://summer3p.subotica.com/
Civil Centre For Peace, Justice & Developement – http://www.ccpjd.org
Civil Society Centre, Roskilde – http://www.frivilligcenter-roskilde.dk
Civil Society Development Centre – STGM – http://www.stgm.org.tr
Civil Society Promotion Centre – http://www.cpcd.ba/
Clamis Legal Center and Sejas Pardo Advocats – http://www.spainchildabduction.com
Clean Air Action Group – http://www.levego.hu
Clean Air Asia – http://cleanairinitiative.org/portal/
Cleantech Challenge Mexico (Cleantechchallenge, S.C.) – http://www.ctcm2012.org
Climate Change Organisation – http://www.cco-asia.org
Close the Gap International – http://www.close-the-gap.org/
Club Atletico Atlas – http://www.laotrapasion.com.ar/
Club Atletico Tiro Federal Argentino – http://www.tirofederal.net
Club de Industriales de Queretaro, A.C. – http://www.ciq.com.mx
Club Deportivo Elemental Kplus – http://www.starttorun.es
Club Kiwanis de Panama – http://www.kiwanis-daca.org
Club Ohada Thies
Club Rotario Panama Sur – http://www.rotary.org.pa
Club Serres for UNESCO – http://serresforunesco.org/
Club UNESCO Cege@ – http://sites.google.com/site/clubunescocegea/
Club Valencia – http://www.clubvalencia.org/v2/
Clube Piratininga – http://clubepiratininga.com.br
Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies – CERES
COCEMFE Cantabria – http://www.cocemfecantabria.org
Code REDD – http://www.coderedd.org/
Collaborative Intergovernmental Scientific Research Institute Intergovernmental Spirulina Program
Collectif pour la Defense du Droit a l’Energie (CODDAE) – http://coddae.org
Collective Leadership Institute e.V. – http://www.collectiveleadership.com
Colombian Association of Flower Exporters – http://asocolflores.org
Colombian Association of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering – http://www.acodal.org.co/
Comfanorte – http://www.comfanorte.com.co/
Comision Andina de Juristas – http://www.cajpe.org.pe
Comision de Derechos Humanos del Estado de Hidalgo – http://www.cdheh.org
Comite Interindustrial de Conservacion del Ambiente Campana Zarate – http://cicacz.com.ar
Comite International pour la Protection des Droits de l’Homme – http://cipdh.fr/
Comite Nacional de Productividad e Innovacion Tecnologica, A.C. – http://www.compite.org.mx
Committee for Melbourne – http://www.melbourne.org.au/
Committee of Human Rights to Life – http://zahistprav.org.ua
Committee on Fight Against Corruption and Defence of Rights – http://komitet.in
Common Ground for Conservation – http://www.cgconservation.org
Community and Family Aid Foundation – Ghana – http://www.cafaf.webs.com
Community Development Projects – http://www.volunteergomel.org
Community Road Empowerment (CORE) – http://coreroad.org/
Community Systems Foundation – http://www.communitysystemsfoundation.org/
Comparte – http://www.comparte.cl
Compassion Korea – http://www.compassion.or.kr
Compensar Caja de Compensacion Familiar – http://compensar.com/
Concerned Citizens Speak, Inc
Concile Mondial de Congres Diplomatiques des Aumoniers pour la Paix Universelle des Droits Humains et Juridiques – CMOCDAPUNDHJ
Confederacion Europea de Mayores – CEMA
Confederacion USEM – http://www.usemconfederacion.org
Consejo Internacional de Responsabilidad Social para la Sustentabilidad, A.C. – http://www.consejoresponsabilidadsocial.com.mx
Consejo Legal de Justicia Social – http://roxxdg.wix.com/consejo-legal-mxli
Consejo Mexicano para el Desarrollo Economico y Social, A.C. – http://www.consejomexicano.org.mx/
Consejo Mexicano y Asociacion de Profesionistas Certificados, A.C. – http://www.consejomex.org.mx
Consejo Municipal de Derechos del Nino y del Adolescente
Consejo Nacional de Periodismo – http://www.cnppanama.org
Consejo Nacional Para Prevenir La Discriminacion – http://conapred.org.mx
Consejo Profesional de Ciencias Economicas de la Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires – http://consejo.org.ar/
Consejo Profesional de Ingenieria Industrial – http://cpii.org.ar
Conservation International – http://www.conservation.org
Consortium for Enhancement of Ukrainian Management Education – http://www.ceume.org.ua
Consortium for Street Children – http://www.streetchildren.org.uk
Constituicao Para Todos – Desenvolvendo a Cidadania Brasileira – http://www.wix.com/swainstein/Constituicao-para-todos
Construisons Ensemble le Monde
Construyendo Ciudades Mas Humanas AC – http://construyendociudades.org/
Construyendo y Creciendo AC – http://www.construyendoycreciendo.org/
Consultancy Development Centre
Consultative and Research Center for Natural Resources Management (CORENARM) – http://www.corenarm.org.vn
CONTEMPLA – Cooperacao Tecnica, Planejamento e Assistencia Social – http://www.contempla.org
Cooperation for Fair Trade in Africa (COFTA) – http://www.cofta.org
Cooperativa Comunitaria Tecnologia
Cooperativa Sociale La Gioiosa – http://www.cooplagioiosa.it
Cooperativas de las Américas (antes ACI Américas) – http://www.aciamericas.coop/
Cooperatour – http://www.cooperatour.org
Coordination for Rural Development and Technology Foundation – COR Foundation – http://www.corfoundation.co.in
Corporacion AccionaRSE – http://accionarse.org/
Corporacion Country Club Ejecutivos – http://www.countryclub.com.co
Corporacion CREO – http://www.creo.org.co
Corporacion de Desarrollo Economico y Competitivo de Bolivar – CODECOB
Corporacion del Mercado Central de Buenos Aires – http://www.mercadocentral.com.ar
Corporacion Gestion Emprendimientos Sostenibles Ayudando a ayudar GES – https://sites.google.com/site/corporacionayudandoaayudarges/
Corporacion Humanas – Centro Regional de Derechos Humanos y Justicia de Genero – http://humanas.org.co
Corporacion Innova Project – http://www.innova-project.org
Corporacion los Yarumos – http://www.corporacionlosyarumos.org/
Corporacion Mundial de la Mujer Colombia – http://cmmcolombia.org
Corporacion Participacion Ciudadana Ecuador – http://www.participacionciudadana.org
Corporacion Sisma Mujer – http://www.sismamujer.org/
Corporate Governance Association of Turkey – http://www.tkyd.org
Corporate Social Responsibility Institute
Corporate Social Responsibility Movement (CSRM) – http://www.revitalizationinstitute.org/csrm
Corporate Social Responsibilty Association of Turkey – http://www.csrturkey.org
Corporate Volunteer Association – http://www.osgd.org
Corruption Watch (RF) NPC – http://www.corruptionwatch.org.za/home
Council of Human Rights of Deprived Communities of Sri Lanka
Counterpart International – http://counterpart.org
CPA Australia – http://www.cpaaustralia.com.au
Credibility Alliance – http://credall.org.in/
CRID Centar za razvoj inkluzivnog društva – http://www.crid.org.rs/
Croatian Association of Professionals in Nature and Environment Protection – http://www.huszpo.hr
Croatian Public Relations Association – http://www.huoj.hr
Crossroads Foundation – http://www.crossroads.org.hk
Cruz Roja Espanola
Cruzada Civica – http://www.cruzadacivica.org.ar
CSO Partners – http://www.csopartners.org.in
CSR Asia Limited – http://www.csr-asia.com
CSR Bulgaria – http://csr.bg/
CSR Centre – http://www.csrcentre-bd.org
CSR Development Center – http://WWW.CSRIRAN.COM
CSR Greenland – http://csr.gl
CSR Norway / CSR Norge – http://www.csrnorge.no/
CSR-in-Action (Corporate Social Responsibility Advancement and Awareness Initiative) – http://csr-in-action.org
Cultural Development Network – http://www.culturaldevelopment.net.au/
Culturalmente – http://www.culturalmente.org
CVR Foundation
Cynnal Cymru – Sustain Wales – http://www.cynnalcymru.com
Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry – http://www.kibso.org/
Czech Society for Quality – http://www.csq.cz/
Danish Architecture Centre – DAC – http://dac.dk
Danish Coffee Network – http://www.kaffeklubben.net
Danish Refugee Council – http://www.flygtning.dk/
Dar Alfikr Foundation for Culture and Media
Darbi Foundation – http://darbi.eu/
Deepalaya – http://deepalaya.org
DeM Experiential Training Center – http://www.demturkey.com
Demeter Deminage – http://www.deminage-demeter.org
Demos Hungary – http://www.demos.hu
Deniztemiz / Turmepa – Turkish Marine Environment Protection Association – http://www.turmepa.org.tr
Desarrollo Deportivo, A.C.
Design for All Foundation – http://www.designforall.org
Deutsche Gesellschaft für internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ – http://www.giz.de
Deutsche Umweltstiftung – http://www.deutscheumweltstiftung.de
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V. (German Agro Action) – http://www.welthungerhilfe.de
Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst (DED) gemeinnutzige GmbH – http://www.ded.de
Deutsch-Malaysische Gesellschaft e.V. (DtMG) – http://www.deusch-malaysische-gesellschaft.de
Developing and Promotion Economical Organization – http://www.dpengo.org
Development of Young Engineers Social Society – http://www.gencmiib.org/
Development Reality Institute – http://driafrica.org/
DHRUVH Social Awareness Forum – http://www.dhruvh.org.in
Dialog Educacao Tecnologia e Desenvolvimento
DIDALIA S.L.L. – http://www.didalia.com
Dinraj Foundation – http://dinrajfoundation.org/
Diplomatic Society of St Gabriel – http://www.diplomaticsociety.org/
DIPTO-A Foundation For Gender & Development
Disability Promotion and Advocacy Association – http://www.vanuatu.com.vu
Disaster Volunteers of Ghana Inc.
District 21 of Cultural and Artistic Organization of Tehran Municipality – http://21.farhangsara.ir/
Diversity Council Australia – http://www.dca.org.au
Diversity House – http://www.diversityhouse.org.uk
Divine Hands International Ministries – http://www.dhiu.org
Dnipropetrovs’k Chamber of Commerce and Industry – http://www.dcci.org.ua/en/index_en.html
Docip – Indigenous Peoples’ Center for Documentation, Research and Information – http://docip.org
Doga Dernegi – http://www.dogadernegi.org
Dolly Foundation – http://dollyfoundationghana.webs.com
Dominion College of Bishops – http://bishopscollege.org/
Donbas Regional Department of International Academy of Ecological Safety Sciences and Life Activity – http://maneb.agni-age.net
Donetsk City Charity Foundation – Dobrota – http://www.dobrotadonetsk.ua
Donetsk City Rotary Club Common Way – http://www.rotary.donetsk.ua
Donetsk regional public organization ‘Coordination Committee against Corruption and Organized Crime’
Dove Centre for Children – http://dovechildren.org
Dr. Salim Ali Memorial Nature Club (SAMNC) – http://samncngo.cfsites.org/
Dream Africa Volunteer Service – http://www.dreamafricavolunteers.org
Droit a l’energie sos futur – http://www.energiesosfutur.org
E.U.C.C. Parque Empresarial Santa Barbara – http://www.parqueempresarialsantabarbara.com
Earth Child Institute – http://www.earthchildinstitute.org/
East Europe Foundation – International Charitable Organization – http://eef.org.ua
East Kazakhstan Public Association
East Meets West Foundation – http://www.eastmeetswest.org
ECCA Nepal – http://www.ecca.org.np
Echelecu.org – http://www.echelecu.org/
Echo Developpement et Strategie en Cote D’Ivoire (EDSCI)
Eco Mangystau
Ecobanca A.C. – http://www.ecobanca.org/
ECOCAMPING e.V. – http://www.ecocamping.net
ECOFLOR – http://ecoflor.org.br
Ecoist – http://www.ecoist.rs
Ecolec Fundacion – http://www.ecolec.es
Ecological Economy Institute (ECO-ECO) – http://ecoeco.org.vn
Economic Development and Research Center (EDRC) – http://www.edrc.am
Ecoproject Partnership – http://www.ecoproject.by
Eco-union – http://www.eco-union.org
ECPAT Philippines
Ecuadorian Consortium for Social Responsibility – CERES – Cosorcio Ecuatoriano Para La Responsabilidad Social – http://www.redceres.org
Ecumenical Hellenism – http://www.gnl.gr
Eden Foundation Trust – http://www.edenfoundation.org.nz
Education Aid
Educational Volunteers Foundation of Turkey – TEGV – http://www.tegv.org
EEEE – European Foundation for East Economic Integration – http://eeee-international.eu
EFQM Private Stichting – http://www.efqm.org/
EJC Argentina SUMA – http://www.ejc.org.ar
Eka Tjipta Foundation – http://www.ekatjiptafoundation.org
Ekopass – http://www.ekopass.org
El John Indonesia – http://www.eljohn.co.id
El Puente de Esperanza – http://www.bridgehope.org
Elamona for Media Research and Development – http://www.elamona.org/
ELCI – Environment Liaison Centre International
Elizka Relief Foundation – http://www.elizka.org/
Emancipation of Women for Peace and Development – http://www.ewpd-ng.com
EMBARQ Brasil – http://www.embarqbrasil.org
Emergenza Sorrisi ONG – http://www.smiletrain.it
Emirates Environmental Group – EEG – http://www.eeg-uae.org
Empathy Surplus Project – http://www.empathysurplus.com
Emprendes, Emprendedurismo y Desarrollo Social A.C.
Empresa Responsable Asociacion Civil – http://www.empresaresponsable.org
Endangered Wildlife Trust – http://www.ewt.org.za
Energie Pour Tous – http://www.sopie.ci
Energy Research and Social Advancement Foundation (ERSAF) – http://www.ersaf.com
Enerji Ekonomisi Dernegi – http://www.traee.org
Eng. Aja Eze Foundation – http://www.engajaezefoundation.com
Engelsiz Sanat Dernegi – http://engelsizsanat.org/
Engi – http://engi.org.uk/
Enterprise Incubator Foundation – http://www.eif-it.com
Entorno Humano – http://www.entornohumano.org
Environment Action Association – http://environmentaa.org/
Environment and Social Development Organization-ESDO – http://www.esdo.org
Environment Improvement Centre – Centar za Unapredjenje Zivotne Sredine – http://cuzs.org/
Environmental and Social Science Institute – http://essi.org.vn
Environmental Center for Development Education and Networking (EDEN) – http://eden-al.org/
Environmental Centre for Administration and Technology – http://www.ecat.lt/
Environmental Control of Carbon Dioxide Corporation (ECCO2 Corp) – http://www.ecco2.us
Environmental Degradation Organization of Nigeria – http://www.environmentaldegradationng.org
Environmental Management and Auditing Institute – http://www.avai.lt
Environmental Management for Livelihood Improvement Bwaise Facility [EMLI Bwaise Facility] – http://www.bwaisefacility.org
Environmental Parliament – http://www.environmentalparliament.org
Environmental Protection & Conservation Organisation – http://epcoweb.org
Environmental Relief Service – ERS – http://www.ers.org.pk
Environnement Sans Frontiere – http://esf-cm.org
Envision North America – http://envisionna.wordpress.com/
EPSEC – http://www.epsec.org
Equus Zebra – http://ww.equuszebra.es
ESONOS Ells Son Nosaltres – AHN Agencia Hispanoamericana de Noticias – http://www.ahnoticias.com
Espana con ACNUR – http://www.eacnur.org
Esteem Youth Foundation – http://esteemyouthfoundation.org
Estonian Monarchist League – http://www.estonian-monarchist.org.uk
Ethical Trading Initiative-Norway – http://www.etiskhandel.no
Ethics and Reputation Society (TEID) – http://www.teid.org.tr
Ethiopian Change and Development Association
ETIC (Elyser Tato International NGO’s Consulting)
Etica Mocambique
Eticagro – http://www.eticagro.org.ar
Etimos Foundation – http://www.etimosfoundation.org
EU Policies Institute – http://www.abpe.org.tr
Eunice Foundation – http://eunicefoundation.org
Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia – http://www.ef-ca.org/en
Euregio Kompetenzzentrum fur Barrierefreiheit – http://www.euregio-barrierefrei.de
EURO 2016 SAS – http://www.uefa.com/uefaeuro/finals/index.html
Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Climate Change – http://www.cmcc.it
Europe House Georgia – http://www.europehousegeorgia.org/index_en.php
European Environment Society – ESOS – http://www.esos.org.pl
European Foundation for Quality Management
European Institute for Asian Studies (EIAS) ASBL – http://eias.org/
European Landowners’ Organization – http://www.elo.org
European Walled Towns – http://walledtowns.com/
Eve-Olution Foundation Inc. – http://www.eve-olution.org
Evergreen Habitat Organization – http://www.evergreenhabitat.org/
EWSN Mobile-Coummunity, Inc. – http://www.masul.net
Excelencia Turistica de Tenerife – http://www.excelenciatenerife.com
Excellent Concept Organization Intl. – http://unglobalcompact.org/
Exito para Ninos (SFK), Panama – http://www.sfk.org
FACEM – http://www.facem.ca/
Fairfood International – http://www.fairfood.org
Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand – http://fairtrade.org.nz/
Faith Association of Rehabilitation of Street and Orphans (FARSO) – http://www.farsoghana.org/
Family Health International – http://www.fhi360.org/
FARCA – Frontier Reconstruction and Welfare Agency
Faresco – Foro Andaluz para la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa – http://www.faresco.org
Farmers Association of Community Self-Help Investment Groups (FACHIG) – http://www.fachig.org
FEAFES Confederacion Española de Agrupaciones de Familiares y Personas con Enfermedad Mental – http://www.feafes.org
Federacao Nacional de Associacoes e Gremios de Bairros e Orgaos Congeneres – FENAB
Federacio Catalana de Voluntariat Social – http://www.federacio.net
Federacion de Asociaciones de Defensa y Promocion de DDHH – http://www.iepala.es/
Federacion de Asociaciones de Inmigrantes de la Provincia de Huelva Plus Ultra – http://www.aeah.org
Federacion Mundo Cooperante
Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia – http://www.federaciondecafeteros.org/
Federacion Venezolana de Asociaciones de Consumidores y Usuarios – http://www.defiendete.org
Federation Francaise de Reiki Traditionnel (F.F.R.T.) – http://www.ffrt.fr
Federation of Associations for Community Empowerment (FACE) – http://www.faceindia.bbnow.org
Federation of BPW Turkey – http://bpw-turkey.org
Federazione Internazionale delle Imprese Italiene – Piattaforma Italia – http://www.piattaformaitalia.it
Femarec, S.C.C.L. – http://www.femarec.es
Femina Charitable Trust
FETV – Fundacion para la Educacion en la Television
FIABCI, the International Real Estate Federation – http://www.fiabci.org
Fiabci/Brasil – http://www.fiabci.com.br
Fight Eliminate Hunger Initiative
Financial Planning Institute of Southern Africa – http://www.fpi.co.za
Five Points Youth Foundation, Inc. – http://fivepointsyouthfoundation.org
Foco Sustentable S.C. – http://www.focosustentable.com
Fomento del Trabajo Nacional – http://www.foment.com
FONDACA – Active Citizenship Foundation – http://www.fondaca.org
Fondation Agir Contre L’Exclusion – http://www.fondationface.org
Fondation AMAN-International (FAI) – http://www.aman-international.org
Fondation Espace Afrique – http://www.f-espaceafrique.com
Fondation Guile – http://www.guile.org/home
Fondation Ngangambi
Fondazione COFIT onlus – http://www.fondazionecofit.org
Fondazione Idis Citta Della Scienza – http://www.cittadellascienza.it
Fondazione Nomisma Terzo Settore
Fondazione Serenissima – http://www.fondazioneserenissima.it
Fondo Cantabria Coopera – http://www.fondocantabriacoopera.org
Fondo Ecuatoriano Populorum Progressio – http://www.fepp.org.ec
For Democracy and Human Rights – http://www.pravanarodov.ru/
Forest Stewardship Council A.C. – https://ic.fsc.org/
Forestry and Environmental Action – fea – http://feaSEE.org
Foro Consultivo Cientifico y Tecnologico A.C. – http://foroconsultivo.org.mx
Foro Permanente de Organizaciones de Sociedad Civil – http://www.forosociedadcivilhonduras.org
Fortalecerse – http://www.fortalecerse.org
Fortalecimiento para la Organizacion Comunitaria Ollin A.C. – http://focoac.org/acerca-de/
Forum Empresarial para o Meio Ambiente – FEMA – http://www.fema.org.mz
Forum for Human Rights and Public Health, Nepal (Friendship-Nepal) – http://friendshipnepal.org.np
Forum Permanente de Responsabilidade Social- Forum RS – http://ong.portoweb.com.br/forumrs/
Foster Parents Plan Internacional INC. (Plan Paraguay) – https://www.plan-paraguay.org
Foundation FF – http://www.laff.es
Foundation for Autism Support and Training (FAST) – http://www.foundationforautismsupportandtraining.org
Foundation for Business and Society
Foundation for ECO Diversity
Foundation For Empowerment and Human Rights Promotion – http://fehrpafrica.org/
Foundation for MSME Cluster – http://www.msmefoundation.org/
Foundation for promotion of science, education and medicine development – http://www.fnom.ru
Foundation for the Preservation of Wildlife and Cultural Assets in the Republic of Armenia (FPWC) – http://www.fpwc.org
Foundation of the Social Economy – TON – http://www.feston.org
Foundation Prince Jamal Al Noaimi International – http://www.fpjnusa.org
Fountain for Destitutes Initiative
Fractal – http://ngofractal.org
FRANCO DA ROCHA NEWS – http://www.francodarochanews.jex.com.br
FREdome Visionary Trust – http://www.FREdome.org
Freedom House, Romania – http://www.freedomhouse.org
Friends of Africa International, Inc. – http://www.fafrica.org
Friends of Education for African Children Orphaned By AIDS – http://feacoba.org/
Friends of the United Nations (Australia) – http://www.foun.org.au
Friendship Ambassadors Foundation – http://www.faf.org
FUDELA – Fundacion de las Americas – http://fudela.com
Fuller Center for Housing Armenia – http://www.fullercenterarmenia.org
FUNCARBON – http://www.funcarbon.org
Fund of Saving and Development of Cultural Heritage – http://www.fondkn.ru
Fundacao Abrinq pelos Direitos da Crianca e do Adolescente – http://www.fundabrinq.org.br
Fundacao AMI – Assistencia Medica Internacional – http://www.ami.org.pt
Fundacao Benfica – http://fundacao.slbenfica.pt/
Fundacao Brasil Criativo – http://www.fbcriativo.org.br
Fundacao de Serralves – http://www.serralves.pt
Fundacao Espaco ECO – http://www.espacoeco.org.br/
Fundacao Eugenio de Almeida – http://fundacaoeugeniodealmeida.pt/
Fundacao Fritz Muller – http://www.fundacaofritzmuller.com.br/blog/
Fundacao Oriente – http://www.foriente.pt
Fundacao para O Desenvolvimiento da Comunidade – http://www.fdc.org.mz
Fundacao Republicana Brasileira – http://fundacaorepublicana.org.br/site/
Fundacio AMPANS – http://www.ampans.cat
Fundacio AMPANS is an non beneffit organization that works for increase the quality of life of people with psyquic disabilities of region called Bages in Catalonia. We do that taking care activities, education and employment integration of people with psychic disabilities. Offers daytime care centers, residential, school and special education and own labor insertion services like cleaning, gardening and garden,
Fundacio de la Comunitat Valenciana Libertas 7 – http://www.fundacionlibertas7.org
Fundacio de Nenes i Nens amb Cancer – http://www.lacasadelsxuklis.org
Fundacio Merce Fontanilles – http://www.sinergia.org
Fundacio Privada Claror – http://www.claror.cat
Fundacio Sanitaria de Mollet – http://www.hospitalmollet.cat
Fundacio Unio Catalana d’Hospitals – http://www.uch.cat
Fundacion Adecco – http://www.fundacionadeco.es
Fundacion Afidi – http://www.afidi.com.ar
Fundacion Agreste (Ecologia y Medio Ambiente) – http://www.fundacionagreste.org.ar
Fundación Agrocapital – http://www.agrocapital.org.bo
Fundacion Alares – http://www.fundacionalares.es
Fundacion Alia2 – http://www.alia2.org
Fundacion Alimerka – http://www.fundacionalimerka.es
Fundacion Alta Direccion – http://www.altadireccion.org
Fundacion Amador (Biomuseo) – http://www.biomuseopanama.org
FUNDACION AMANECER – http://www.amanecer.org.co
Fundacion Amaneceres – http://www.fundacionamaneceres.org
Fundacion Ambiental Ecovita, O.N.G. – http://www.ecovita.org.ve
Fundacion Amigos de la Naturaleza – http://www.fan-bo.org
Fundacion Amigos de los Ninos y Jovenes
Fundacion Andaluza Fondo de Formacion y Empleo – http://www.faffe.es
Fundacion Antonio Camunas
Fundacion Antonio Restrepo Barco – http://funrestrepobarco.org.co
Fundacion APAI – http://www.fundacionapai.org/
Fundacion Apra El Desarrollo Economico y Empresarial Qualitas Trainig Tools – http://www.qualitastt.org
Fundacion Arca, A.C.
Fundacion Argen Inta – http://www.argeninta.org.ar
Fundacion Arias para la Paz y el Progreso Humano – http://www.arias.or.cr/
Fundacion Aroa – http://www.fundacioaroa.org
Fundacion Aspanias Burgos – http://www.aspaniasburgos.com
Fundacion Atenea – http://fundacionatenea.org/
Fundacion Atletico de Madrid – http://clubatleticodemadrid.com/es/fundacion/
Fundacion Avifauna Eugene Eisenmann – http://www.pipelineroad.org
Fundacion Ayudanos para Ayudar – http://www.museocr.org
Fundacion Balearia – http://www.balearia.com
Fundacion BBVA Bancomer A.C. – http://www.fundacionbbvabancomer.org/
Fundacion Biodiversidad – http://www.fundacion-biodiversidad.es
Fundacion Biopsicosis – https://www.facebook.com/fundacion.biopsicosis
Fundacion Bolivia Exporta – http://www.fbe.org.bo
Fundacion Bolsa de Comercio
Fundacion Botanica y Zoologica de Barranquilla – http://zoobaq.org
Fundacion Bringas Haghenbeck, IAP – http://www.fbh.org.mx
Fundacion Calicanto – http://fundacioncalicanto.org/blog/
Fundacion Canaria Global Iniciativas Sociales – http://www.globaliniciativassociales.org
Fundacion Canaria Medioambiental la Tirajala – http://www.latirajala.org
Fundacion Caribe Responsable – http://www.cariberesponsable.com
Fundacion Carolina – http://www.fundacioncarolina.es
Fundacion Casa Taller
Fundacion Castro Limon, and Centro Oncologico Pediatrico A.C. – http://www.fundacioncastrolimon.org
Fundacion CEEI Talavera de la Reina – http://www.ceeitvr.com
Fundacion Cege@ – http://funcegea.galeon.com/
Fundacion Centro de Ciencias y Arte – http://explorapanama.org
Fundacion Centro de Cirugia de Minima Invasion – http://www.ccmijesususon.com/
Fundacion Centro de Investigacion de Economia y Sociedad CIES – http://www.grupcies.com/
Fundacion Centro Tecnologico Andaluz del Sector Carnico (TEICA) – http://www.teica.es
Fundacion ChasquiNet – http://www.chasquinet.org
Fundacion CIEDES – http://www.ciedes.es
Fundacion Ciudad del Saber – http://ciudaddelsaber.rg.pa
Fundacion Ciudad Visible – http://www.ciudadvisible.org
Fundacion Ciudades Sostenibles – http://www.ciudadessostenibles.es
Fundacion Civico Social Pro Cartagena y Caribe – FUNCICAR – http://www.funcicar.org
Fundacion Codespa – http://www.codespa.org
Fundacion COINT – http://www.fundacioncoint.com
Fundacion Colombia is worth it – http://fcolw.blogspot.com/
Fundacion Comunitaria Centro de Informacion y Recursos para el Desarrollo – CIRD – http://www.cird.org.py
Fundacion Conama – http://www.conama.org
Fundacion Conocimiento Libre – http://www.libre.com
Fundacion Conservacion y Desarrollo CyD – http://ccd.ec/
Fundacion Coomeva – http://www.fundacion.coomeva.com.co
Fundacion coRAZONcontento – http://www.corazoncontento.com.co
Fundacion Cordon del Plata – http://www.cp.org.ar
Fundacion Cultura de Paz – http://www.fund-culturadepaz.org
Fundacion Cultural Baur, A.C. – http://fundacionculturalbaur.org.mx
Fundacion Cultural y Educativa Guy de Chazal Trouchet – http://www.uvirtual.org
Fundacion DARA Internacional – http://www.daraint.org
Fundacion de Accion Social por Panama
Fundacion de Apoyo para Pacientes con Cancer de Mama -Maria Gabriela Carrillo (FUNCAMAMA) – http://www.funcamama.org.ve
Fundacion de Artes Musicales de Baja California, A.C – http://obc.org.mx
Fundacion de Asistencia Legal Comunitaria (FUNDALCOM) – http://www.fundalcom.com
Fundacion de Cultura Islamica (FUNCI) – http://www.funci.org
Fundacion de Intercambio Educativo – http://fundacionie.org
Fundacion de Investigaciones Energeticas y Medioambientales (FIEM) – http://fiem.org.ar
Fundacion de la Solidaridad Y El Voluntariado de la Comunidad Valenciana (FSVCV) – http://www.solidaridadyvoluntariado.org
Fundacion de la Universidad Autonoma de Madrid – http://www.fuam.es
Fundacion de la Zarzuela Espanola
Fundacion de Organizacion Comunitaria – http://www.fundacionfoc.org.ar
Fundacion del Empresariado Chihuahuense, A.C. – FECHAC – http://www.fechac.org.mx
Fundacion del Empresariado en Mexico A.C. – http://www.fundemex.org.mx
Fundacion del Empresariado Sonorense, A.C. – http://fesac.org/wp/
Fundacion Derecho Justo – http://www.derechojusto.org
Fundacion Desarrollo y Naturaleza – http://www.deyna.org
Fundacion Dignidad Respeto y Honor – http://www.dignidadrespetoyhonor.com/
Fundacion Don Mario Valeri
Fundacion Ecoempresas de Colombia
Fundacion Ecologia y Desarrollo – ECODES – http://www.ecodes.org
Fundacion Economistas sin Fronteras
Fundacion Ecopetrol Para el Desarrollo del Catatumbo – FUNDESCAT – http://fundacionecopetrol.org
Fundacion Ecopetrol para el Desarrollo del Magdalena Medio – http://www.fundesmag.org
Fundacion Ecuatoriana de Tecnologia Apropiada – FEDETA – http://www.fedeta.org
Fundacion Eduardo Morgan – http://www.fundamorgan.com
Fundacion Educa Mexico, A.C. – http://www.educa.org.mx
Fundacion Educacion Industria – http://www.fundei.org
Fundacion Educacion Industria – FUNDEI
Fundacion Educacion Industria – FUNDEI Zona Metropolitana
Fundacion Educacion Industria Capitulio Zulia (FUNDEI ZULIA) – http://www.fundeizulia.org
Fundacion Educacion Industria Capitulo Lara – FUNDEI LARA
Fundacion Educacion Industria del Estado Carabobo (FUNDEI CARABOBO) – http://www.fundeicarabobo.org.ve
Fundacion Educacion Salud y Sociedad
Fundacion El Libro Total – http://www.ellibrototal.com
Fundacion El Nogal
Fundacion El Olmo – http://www.fundacionelolmo.org
Fundacion Elche Acoge
Fundacion Emprender – http://www.emprender.org
Fundacion Empresa Universidad Gallega, FEUGA – http://www.feuga.es
Fundacion Empresarial para la Accion Social (FUNDEMAS) – http://fundemas.org/
Fundacion Empretec Panama
Fundacion Entorno – http://www.fundacionentorno.org
Fundacion Erguete-Integracion – http://www.fundacionerguete.org
Fundacion Escuela Andaluza de Economia Social – http://www.escueladeeconomiasocial.es
Fundacion Espacios Verdes – http://www.fev.org.ar
Fundacion espanola para la Innovacion de la Artesania – http://www.fundesarte.org
Fundacion Esquel – http://esquel.org.ec/intro.html
Fundacion Etnor – http://www.etnor.org
Fundacion Europea para el Estudio y Reflexion Etica – http://www.funderetica.org
Fundacion Europea para la Igualdad – http://www.fundacionfei.org
Fundacion Excelencia – http://www.fundacionexcelencia.eu
Fundacion Fidentia – http://www.fidentia.org.ar
Fundacion Gabriel Lewis Galindo – http://www.fglg.org.pa
Fundacion Genus – http://www.fundaciongenus.org
Fundacion Gigante A.C. – http://www.fundaciongigante.org.mx
Fundacion Global Democracia Y Desarrollo – http://www.funglode.org
Fundacion Green Pet – http://www.greenpetfoundation.org
Fundacion Greenco – http://fundaciongreenco.org/
Fundacion Gregorio Peces-Barba para el Estudio y Cooperacion en Derechos Humanos – http://www.fundaciongregoriopecesbarba.es
Fundacion Grupo Alba – http://grupoalba.org
Fundacion Grupo Energia de Bogota – http://www.eeb.com.co/
Fundacion Grupo SIFU – http://www.fundaciongruposifu.org
Fundacion Hogares IAP – http://fundacionhogares.org/
Fundacion Hospital Sant Jaume d’Olot – http://www.hospiolot.com
Fundacion Huellas Con Futuro – http://huellasconfuturo.org
Fundacion Huesped – http://www.huesped.org.ar
Fundacion Ideas Para La Paz – http://www.ideaspaz.org
Fundacion Ikerbasque – http://www.ikerbasque.net
Fundacion Impulsar – http://fundacionimpulsar.org.ar
Fundacion Independiente – http://www.fundacionindependiente.es
Fundacion Ineval – http://www.ineval.org
Fundacion Instituto de Desarollo Regional de Rosario – http://www.desarolloyregion.com
Fundacion Instituto de Reinserccion Social – IRES – http://www.fundacioires.org
Fundacion Instituto Valenciano de Tecnologia – INVATE – http://www.invate.es/
Fundacion Integra – http://www.fundacionintegra.org
Fundacion Internacional de Apoyo al Desarrollo Local y Social – FIADELSO – http://www.fiadelso.org
Fundacion Internacional de la Comunidad – http://ficbaja.org
Fundacion Internacional para el Desarrollo Humano Sostenible FUN-dar
Fundacion International Studies – http://www.fundacioninternationalstudies.org
Fundacion Intervida – http://www.intervida.orf
Fundacion Jesus Luz de Oportunidades – http://www.jesusluzdeoportunidades.org
Fundacion Jose Ortega y Gasset – http://www.ortegaygasset.edu
Fundacion Juan Ramon Guillen – http://www.fundacionjrguillen.com
Fundacion La Capital – http://www.fundacionlacapital.org.ar
Fundacion La Tortuga – http://www.fundacionlatortuga.org
Fundacion Laboral del Metal – http://fundacionlaboraldelmetal.com
Fundacion Lagartija
Fundacion Lantegi Batuak – http://www.lantegi.com
Fundacion Lealtad
Fundacion Lobbying Social A.C. – http://www.fundacionlobbyingsocial.com
Fundacion Luciernaga – http://www.luciernaga.org.ar
Fundacion Madrid por la Excelencia – http://www.madridexcelente.com
Fundacion Malpelo – http://www.fundacionmalpelo.org
Fundacion Mamonal – http://www.fundacionmamonal.org.co
Fundacion Manantial – http://www.fundacionmanantial.org/
Fundacion Manos Solidarias – FUNDOMAS
Fundacion Manos Verdes – http://manos-verdes.org
Fundacion Mar Viva – http://www.marviva.net/#/en/home
Fundacion Matices
Fundacion Merced Coahuila, A.C. – http://www.mercedcoahuila.org
Fundacion Metal Asturias – http://www.fundacionmetal.org
Fundacion Mexicana para la Innovacion y Transferencia de Tecnologia en La Pequenaa y Mediana Empresa, A.C. – http://www.funtec.org
Fundación Mexicana para la Planeacion Familiar, A.C. – http://www.mexfam.org.mx
Fundacion Moises Bertoni – https://www.mbertoni.org.py
Fundacion Mujer Familia y Trabajo – http://www.mujerfyt.org
Fundacion Mundo 21 – http://www.mundo21.org
Fundacion Mundo Ciudad – http://www.fundacionmundociudad.org
Fundacion Natura Colombia – http://natura.org.co
Fundacion Natura Panama – http://www.naturapanama.com
Fundacion Ninos del Sol
Fundacion Nortempo – http://www.fundaciontempo.es
Fundacion Nosotros los Jovenes, A.C. – http://www.nosotroslosjovenes.org/
Fundacion ONCE para la Cooperacion e Integracion Social de Personas con Discapacidad – http://www.fundaciononce.es
Fundacion ONG Peregrino Universal
FUNDACION ONUART – http://www.fundaciononuart.es
Fundacion Origen – http://www.fundacionorigen.es
Fundacion Orquesta Sinfonica Nacional, Inc.
Fundacion Oxigeno – http://www.fundacionoxigeno.org
Fundacion Pais Libre – http://www.paislibre.org/
Fundacion Palacio de Villalon (Museo Carmen Thyssen) – http://www.carmenthyssenmalaga.org
Fundacion Palmarito Casanare – http://fundacionpalmaritocasanare.org
Fundacion para el Desarollo de las Comunidades Fundakual un Nuevo Amanecer
Fundacion para el Desarrollo – Universidad de San Pablo Tucuman
Fundacion para el Desarrollo de la Raza Negra FEDEPRAN – http://www.chaoracismo.com
Fundacion para el Desarrollo del Sur Argentino – http://www.fundesur.org.ar
Fundacion para el Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer y la Familia (FUNDADER) – http://fundader.jimdo.com
Fundacion para el Desarrollo Socioeconomico del Alto Aragon (FUNDESA) – http://www.fundesa.org
Fundacion para el Desarrollo Sostenible de Alcala de Guadaira – http://www.complejoideal.com
Fundacion para el Desarrollo Sostenible Siembra Colombia – http://www.siembracolombia.org/
Fundacion para el Desarrollo Sostenible y la Integracion Social – https://profiles.google.com/u/0/fundsis.construyendofuturo/about?tab=mh
Fundacion para el Desarrollo Universitario
Fundacion para el desarrollo y el emprendimiento responsable sostenible – FUNDERS
Fundacion para la Innovacion y la Tecnologia (FUITEC) – http://www.fuitec.com
Fundacion Para la Investigacion Universitaria e Industrial en Santander – http://www.fiuis.netne.net/
Fundacion para la Produccion – FUNDA-PRO – http://www.fundapro.org.bo
Fundacion para la Promocion de la Mujer – FUNDAMUJER
Fundacion Paraguaya de Cooperacion y Desarrollo – http://www.funcadionparaguaya.org.py
Fundacion Pide Un Deseo – http://www.makeawishpanama.org
Fundacion Planeta Tierra – http://www.planetatierra.org.ve
Fundacion Poopsi Meriin para la Dignificacion Humana A.C. – http://www.poopsimeriin.org/
Fundacion PRASAD Espana – http://www.fundacionprasad.org
Fundacion Prats
Fundacion Privada Boscana – http://www.boscana.com
Fundacion Privada Cuatrecasas – http://www.cuatrecasas.com
Fundacion Prodem
Fundacion ProEmpleo Productivo, A.C. – http://www.proempleo.org.mx
Fundacion PROhumana – http://www.prohumana.cl
Fundacion Pro-Inversion y Desarollo de Colon – FIDEC
Fundacion Proyecto Propio – http://www.proyectopropio.cl/
Fundacion Pueblo para Pueblo – http://www.humana-spain.org
Fundacion Rafael del Pino – http://www.fundacionrafaeldelpino.es
Fundacion Reintegra, A.C. – http://www.fundacionreintegra.org.mx
Fundacion Reumatologica Strusberg – http://www.fundacionstrusberg.com.ar
Fundacion Ronsel
Fundacion Saldarriaga Concha – http://www.saldarriagaconcha.org/
Fundacion San Cebrian – http://www.fundacionsancebrian.com/
Fundacion San Ezequiel Moreno – http://www.fundacionsanezequiel.org/
Fundacion Sando
Fundacion Santa Maria la Real – http://www.santamarialareal.org
Fundacion Sembrar Futuro – http://www.facebook.com/sembrarfuturo.fundacion?ref=tn_tnmn
Fundacion Servicio Valenciano de Empleo – http://www.sve.es
Fundación SiMas – http://www.fundacionsimas.org.ar/
Fundacion Sinaloa EcoRegion A.C. – http://www.sinaloaecoregon.org.mx
Fundacion Smithsonian de Panama
Fundacion Social – http://www.fundacion-social.com.co
Fundacion Social Manantial “Funsoma” – http://funsoma.wix.com/funsoma
Fundacion Social Universal
Fundacion Social y Cultural San Jorge – http://fundacionsanjorge.com.ar
Fundacion Sociedad Educadora de Sinaloa, A.C. – http://sociedadeducadora.org
Fundacion Socrates – http://www.fundacionsocrates.es
Fundacion Solidaridad – http://www.fundacionsolidaridad.org.py
Fundación SOS Visión Vida – http://www.fundacionsosvisionvida.co/
Fundacion Tekniker – http://www.tekniker.es
Fundacion Temaiken – http://www.temaiken.org.ar
Fundacion Tierra Nueva
Fundacion Tigo Guatemala – https://www.tigo.com.gt
Fundacion Trinchera de Luz – http://fundaciontrincheradeluz.com/
Fundacion Ulma – http://www.fundacionulma.com
Fundacion Unidos Por La Ninez
Fundacion Universia – http://www.fundacionuniversia.net
Fundacion Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico – http://www.fundacionuaemex.org
Fundacion Universidad de A Coruna – http://www.fundacion.udc.es
Fundacion Universidad Privada de Santa Cruz de la Sierra – UPSA – http://www.upsa.edu.bo
Fundacion Universitaria Marti L`Huma – http://www.fumh.cat
Fundacion Valle Interoceanico
Fundacion Valorate – http://www.fundacionvalorate.org
Fundacion Ven Conmigo – http://www.venconmigo.org
Fundacion Vida Sostenible – http://www.vidasostenible.org
Fundacion Waaponi – http://www.fundacionwaaponi.org
Fundacion World Vision Espana – http://www.worldvision.es
Fundacion Zicaro, A.C.
Fundacja CSR Profit – http://www.csrprofit.com
Fundacja EUROROZWOJ – http://www.eurorozwoj.org.pl/
Fundacja Pilka jest Piekna – http://pilkajestpiekna.pl
Fundaco Catalana de Cooperacio – http://www.fundacop.org
FUNDAMENTAL – Associacao para o Desenvolvimento Sustentado
Fundar, Fundacion Mexicana para el Desarrollo Rural, A.C. – http://www.fundar.com
Fundatia Masca
Fundation CIFORD- Romania
FUNDEP – Fundacion para el Desarollo de la Economia Popular
Fundeso – http://www.fundeso.org
FUNDIPE – Fundacion para el Desarrollo de la Funcion de Recursos Humanos – http://www.fundipe.es/
FUNPADEM – Fundacion Para La Paz Y La Democracia – http://funpadem.org
Future Makers Organization – http://www.future-makers.org/
Futurism Generation Organization – http://www.fgo-iq.org
FXB India Suraksha – http://fxbsuraksha.in/
G3ict – Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies – http://www.g3ict.org
GAASV – Grupo De Apoio Aos Doentes De Aids ‘Solidarios Pela Vida’ – http://gaasv.com.br
Gaeseong Industrial District Foundation – http://www.kidmac.com/
Galega de Recursos Educaticos SL
Garment Industry Development Corporation- GIDC – http://gidc.org/default.aspx
Genc Baris Inisiyatifi Dernegi (Young Peace Initiative Association) – http://gbi.org.tr
Gender and Environmental Development Foundation (GEDEF) – http://www.gedef.org
GeoCapita Ltd – http://www.geocapita.net
Georgian Research and Educational Networking Association – GRENA – http://www.grena.ge
Georgian Small and Medium Enterprises Association – http://gsmea.ge/ge/about-association.html
Gerakan Peduli Disabilitas Dan Lepra Indonesia (Indonesia Leprosy and Disability Care Movement) – http://pedulidisabilitas.org/
GERAR Geracao de Emprego Renda e Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Regional – http://gerar.org.br
GERES – http://www.geres.eu
German Economic Centre of Competence for Rationalisation and Innovation e.V. – http://www.puu-online.de
German-Japanese Youth Society – http://www.djjg.org
Germanwatch – http://www.germanwatch.org
Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital – http://www.gerties.org
Get Organised for Change
Ghana Anti-Corruption Coalition – http://ghana-anticorruption.org/
Global Action Plan – http://www.globalactionplan.org.uk/
Global Alliance for Development Foundation – http://gadef.org/
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) – http://www.gainhealth.org
Global Alliance for Peace and Prosperity – http://www.globalapp.org
Global Alliance for Workers and Communities
Global Civil Initiatives, Inc. – http://www.globalcivin.org
Global Community Service Foundation – http://www.globalcommunityservice.org
Global Competitiveness Empowerment Forum (GCEF) – http://www.g-cef.org
Global Development Research Center (GDRC) – http://www.gdrc.org/
Global Diversity Leadership Exchange – http://www.gdlexchange.com
Global Economic Researches Center – http://www.qiam.org
Global Environmental Form
Global Executive Training & Development Association – http://www.globalexecutives.org
Global Forum on Human Settlements – http://www.gfhsforum.org
Global Gandhian Trusteeship and Corporate Responsibility Foundation
Global Green Environmental Network – http://globalgreennetwork.org/
Global Hand – http://www.globalhand.org
Global Health Campaign – Sierra Leone
Global Health Council – http://www.globalhealth.org
Global Institute for Peace and Civic Engagement – http://www.gipce.org
Global March Against Child Labour – http://www.globalmarch.org/
GLOBAL MEDIA FOUNDATION formerly AFRICAN MEDIA AID – http://globalmediafoundation.getafricaonline.com
Global Network for Peace and Anti Corruption Corruption Initiative – http://gnpai.org
Global Protection Network – http://www.theglobalprotectionnetwork.us/
Global Reporting Initiative – http://www.globalreporting.org
Global Rights – http://www.globalrights.org
Global Utmaning – http://www.globalutmaning.se
Global Witness – http://www.globalwitness.org
Global Youth Innovation Network (GYIN) – http://gyin.org
GlobalHunt Foundation – http://www.globalhuntfoundation.org/
Globalitaria-International Peace Building Initiative – http://www.globalitaria.net
Gold Mercury International – http://goldmercury.org
Golden Falcon Foundation and Research Center
Gonullu Hareketi (Volunteer Movement)
Good Business International, Inc. – http://www.good-b.com
Good Governance Club District Coordination Comittee
Good Neighbors Indonesia / Gugah Nurani Indonesia – http://gnindonesia.org/
Government To You (Gov2U) – http://gov2u.org/
Grail Knight Foundation – http://grailknightfoundation.com
Grassroot Agricultural Economic Development Initiative
Green Alternatives and Peace Movement – Uganda – http://www.gapuganda.org/
Green Ambassadors Foundation
Green Animals Association Limited – http://www.greenanimals.org.hk
Green Brunei – http://www.green-brunei.com/
Green Cross Korea – http://www.gck.kr
Green Dossier – http://www.dossier.org.ua
Green Power
Green the Gene – http://www.greenthegene.co.nr/
Green Waves Foundation
Green Yangsan Disabled Independent Living Center – http://cafe.daum.net/gyscil
Green Yatra – http://www.greenyatra.org
Gregory C. Carr Foundation – Mocambique – http://www.gorongosa.net
Gromadska Varta Olexandria – http://www.gromvarta.org/
Groupe d’Action, de Paix et de Formation pour la Transformation (GAPAFOT) – http://www.gapafot.org
Groupe de recherches et d’echanges technologiques – http://www.gret.org.vn
Groupe de Reflexion des Amis pour le Developpement de l’Humain – http://www.festhes.org/
Groupe One – http://www.groupeone.be
Grupa 484 (Group 484) – http://www.grupa484.org.rs/
Grupo Ecologico Sierra Gorda, IAP – http://www.sierragorda.net
Grupo Parques Nacionales Panama
Grupo Social Nezahualcoyotl, AC.
Guarderia Angeles para Lucy (para ninos con discapacidad)
Gulf Africa Investment and Development Support Office – http://gaidso.com
Gyeonggi Credit Guarantee Foundation – http://gcgf.or.kr
Gyeonggi Small & Medium Business Center (GSBC) – http://gsbc.or.kr
Gyva LT – http://gyva.lt
Ha’ Yisrayli Torah Brith Yahad and Edenic Kingdom Civilization – http://www.edenic-kingdom.com
Habitat for Humanity Armenia – http://habitat.am
Habitat for Humanity Deutschland – http://www.hfhd.de
Habitat for Humanity Indonesia – http://www.habitatindonesia.org
Habitat for Humanity Singapore – http://www.habitat.org.sg
Hamada Community Development Foundation
Hamraah Foundation – http://www.hamraahfoundation.org/
Hamyaran Mehraban Novin Charity Foundation – http://mehrbannovin.ir
Hands and Minds Cameroon – http://wwwhamcam.blogspot.com
Hands On the World Global Inc – http://www.howglobal.org
HandsOn Hong Kong – http://handsonhongkong.org/
Handy Cup Onlus – http://www.handycup.it
Harpazo Chaplain Corps International, Inc. – http://harpazochaplaincorps.org/
Hayah Foundation for Sustainable Development – http://www.hayahfoundation.org/
Hayal Ortaklari Dernegi – http://www.yga.org.tr
Health in XXI century – http://www.icngo.org
Healthy Solutions – http://www.healthysolutionsgroup.org
Healthy Youth League
Heart Media Foundation – http://www.heartmediafoundation.org
Hellenic Management Association (HMA) – http://www.eede.gr
Help the Poor International (HPI) – http://www.helpthepoorinternational.org
Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina – http://www.bh-hchr.org
Hermandad Educativa CAT, A.C. – http://www.hecat.org.mx
Hertfordshire Community Foundation – http://www.hertscf.org
High Desert International Foundation – http://www.hdifoundation.org
Highland Education Development Organization – http://www.hedovietnam.org
Himalayan Consensus – http://himalayanconsensus.org
Hip Hop Summit Youth Council – http://www.hhsyc.org
Hjarna.Hjarta.Cash. – http://www.hjarnahjartacash.se
Hogar de Ninos La Fe, A.C.
Hong Kong Society of Herpetology Foundation – http://www.hkherp.org
Hope for HIV/AIDS International
Hope Worldwide-Pakistan – http://www.hopeworldwide.org.pk
HopeNow – http://www.hopenow.dk/
Horizon Foundation
Hospital Geral de Pedreira – http://www.pedreira.org.br
Hospital Plato – http://www.clinicaplato.com
Hospital Sierrallana – http://www.hsll.scsalud.es
Hospital Son Llatzer – http://www.hsll.es
Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem, Grandpriory of Austria (HOLJ-GPA) – http://www.saintlazarus.at
Hoste Hainse – http://hostehainse.org/
Hoteles Boutique Queretaro, A.C. – http://www.hbq.mx
Hover-Rescue Deutschland (DHRS) e.V. – http://www.hover-rescue.org
HuMan Bulgaria – http://www.human-bg.org
Human Development Forum Foundation – http://www.hdff.or.th
Human Development Organization – Sri Lanka – http://hdosrilanka.org
Human Initiative Network – http://hinsl.wordpress.com/
HUMAN Network INDIA – http://www.hniiip.org
Human Resource Support and Improvement Initiative – http://hrdc-plf.org
Human Rights & Development (NCLSW) Pakistan
Human Rights Council of Greenland – http://humanrights.gl
Human Rights First
Human Rights’ Forum (Pakistan) Regd. – http://hrfpakistan.org
Human Rights Network – Uganda – http://www.hurinet.or.ug
HUMANA People to People – Association for Development Cooperation – http://www.humana.at
Humanitarian Affairs United Kingdom – http://www.humanitarianaffairs.org/
Humanitarians in Action – http://ha-cameroon.asso-web.com/
Humanos con Recursos Association – http://humanosconrecursos.com
HUNAB Proyecto de Vida A.C.
Hungarian Association Against Violence and Discrimination – http://meeme.hupont.hu
Hungarian Association for Environmentally Aware Management – http://www.kovet.hu
Hungarian Business Leaders Forum – http://www.hblf.hu
Huvadhoo Aid – http://huvadhooaid.org
Ibero-American Secretariat – http://www.segib.org/
IBF – Instituto Beija-Flor – http://institutobeija-flor.blogspot.com/
IBISA – Instituto Brasileiro de Incentivo Social Ambiental – http://www.ibisa.org.br
ICEP – http://www.icep.at
ICO Information for All – http://www.ifap.ru
Icon Philanthropic Foundation – http://www.icon-foundation.org
IDEAMERICA – Instituto para la Democracia el Desarrollo y los Derechos Humanos en America Latina – http://www.ideamerica.org/
Ideen Quartier – http://www.ideenquartier.org
IDEPRO Desarrollo Empresarial – http://www.idepro.org
IEPALA, Instituto de Estudios Politicos para America Latina y Africa – http://www.iepala.es
Ih Huree JCI Mongolia – http://www.jci-uih.mng.mn
Image of Dignity – http://www.imageofdignity.org/
IMGP Verein fur nachhaltige Entwicklungshilfe e.V. – http://imgp-ev.de/
Impegno Civile – http://www.impegnocivile.org/
Impilo Foundation – http://www.impilofoundation.org/
Improvement and Development for Communities Center (IDCO) – http://idcoexperts.com/
Independent Metal Workers’ Union of Zelezara Smederevo
Indian Science Communication Society – http://www.iscos.org/
Indian Society for Training and Development
Indo-European Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IECCI) – http://www.iecci.com
Indonesia Business Links (IBL) – http://www.ibl.or.id
Indonesia Young Entrepreneurs Association Bandung City
Indonesian Bonsai Society
Indus Community Empowerment Foundation – https://www.facebook.com/IndusCommunityEmpowermentFoundation
Industrias de Buena Voluntad – http://www.goodwillpanama.org
INEX – International Network for Educational Exchange – http://www.INEX.org
Infinite Myanma Metta Foundation
Ing – Guardians of the Nature’s Institute – http://www.ing.org.br
Ingenieros sin Fronteras Panama – http://www.ewbpanama.org
INLUDES – Instituto Lucense de Desarrollo Economico – http://www.diputacionlugo.org
Inner Northern Group Training – http://ingt.com.au/
Innovacioval a Fenntarthato Fejlodesert Egyesulet – http://www.iffegyesulet.hu
Innovation and Technology Foundation – BIT Center – http://www.bit.ba
Innovations for Scaling Impact – http://www.scalingimpact.net
Innovative Sustainable Solutions
Institucion Social de Ayuda para Vivienda – INSOVIVIENDA – http://insovivienda.org
Institut Cerda – http://www.icerda.org/es/
Institut Pasteur – http://www.pasteur.fr/ip/index.jsp
Institute for Corporate Cultural Affairs – http://www.cca-institue.org
Institute for Global Leadership – http://www.global-leader.org
Institute for Integrated Rural Development (IIRD) – http://iirdshimla.org
Institute for Strategic Studies – http://www.iss-lj.si
Institute for Sustainable Communities – http://www.iscvt.org
Institute for Sustainable Communities Ukraine Citizen Action Network – http://www.ucan-isc.org.ua
Institute for War and Peace Reporting (IWPR) – http://www.iwpr.net
Institute of Directors of Zambia – http://www.iodzambia.org.zm
Institute of Hazrat Mohammad (SAW) – http://www.ihmsaw.org
Institute of International Education Scholar Rescue Fund (SRF) – http://www.scholarrescuefund.org
Institute of International Social Development – http://www.iisd-ngo.org
Institute of Modern Politics – http://modernpolitics.org
Instituto Americano de Pesquisa Medicina e Saude Publica – http://www.iapemesp.org.br
Instituto Argentino de Normalizacion – IRAM – http://www.iram.org.ar
Instituto Atsushi e Kimiko Yoshii – http://www.institutoayoshii.org.br/
Instituto Brasileiro de Estudo e Pesquisas para Otimizacao da Tecnologia e Qualidade Aplicadas – IBEPOTEQ – http://ibepoteq.org.br
Instituto Brasileiro de Etica nos Negocios – http://eticanosnegocios.org.br
Instituto Brasileiro de Florestas – http://www.ibflorestas.org.br
Instituto Brasileiro de Pesquisa e Neutralizacao de Carbono – CO2 Zero – http://www.co2zero.eco.br
Instituto Brasileiro do Crisotila – http://www.crisotilabrasil.org.br
Instituto Brasilieiro De Etica Nos Negocios – http://www.eticanosnegocios.org.br
Instituto Cidade Canção – http://www.institutocidadecancao.org.br
Instituto Coahuilense de Acceso a la Informacion Publica – http://www.icai.org.mx
Instituto Colombiano de Normas Tecnicas ICONTEC – http://www.icontec.org
Instituto de Asuntos Culturales, Espana – http://www.iac-es.org/
Instituto de Comunicacion y Desarrollo (ICD) – http://www.lasociedadcivil.org
Instituto de Derecho y Economia Ambiental – http://www.idea.org.py
Instituto de Ecologia Aplicada Arcadia (IDEAA)
Instituto de Estudios y Defensa del Consumidor – INDECON
Instituto de Estudos Legislativos Brasileiro (IDELB) – http://www.idelb.org.br
Instituto de Geracao de Tecnologias do Conhecimento – IGETECON – http://www.igetecon.org
Instituto de Organizacao Racional do Trabalho IDORT – http://www.idort.com
Instituto de Reciclagem do Adolescente – http://www.reciclar.org.br
Instituto de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial, IRSE – http://www.irse-ec.org
Instituto Dominicano de Desarrollo Integral, Inc. – IDDI – http://www.iddi.org
Instituto EcoFaxina – Limpeza, Monitoramento e Educacao Ambiental – http://www.institutoecofaxina.org.br
Instituto Ecologica Palmas – http://www.ecologica.org.br/en/
Instituto Educacional Anjinho da Guarda
Instituto Espirita Dr. Cruz
Instituto Global de Transparencia Publica – Globetica – http://www.institutoglobaltransparencia.com
Instituto GRPCOM – http://www.institutogrpcom.org.br
Instituto Imer de Estudos Sociais – http://www.institutoimer.org.br
Instituto Internacional de Pesquisa Socioambiental Chico Mendes – http://www.institutochicomendes.org.br
Instituto Jaliscience de Tecnologias de la Informacion, A.C. – http://www.ijalti.org.mx
Instituto Kaluana Upiara K’Up Conservacao e Gestao Ambiental – http://kaluanaup.org
Instituto LOGOdata de Pesquisa Humana e Tecnologica – http://www.logodata.com.br
Instituto Mediterraneo para el desarrollo sostenible – IMEDES – http://wwwgrupimedes.com
Instituto Missao da Paz – http://www.missaodapaz.com
Instituto Morena Rosa de Responsabilidade Social, Cultural e Desenvolvimento Humano – http://www.institutomorenarosa.org
Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento e Defesa Social – INDS – http://www.inds.org.br
Instituto Nacional de Emprendedurismo Social AC – http://www.inaesac.org.mx
Instituto Nicaraguense de Cultura Hispanica (INCH)
Instituto Panameno de Educacion por Radio – IPER – http://www.iperpanama.org
Instituto para la Calidad Turistica Espanola – http://www.calidadturisticahoy.es
Instituto para la Produccion Sostenible – http://www.institutoips.org
Instituto Paradigma – http://www.institutoparadigma.org.br
Instituto PNBE de Desenvolvimento – http://www.institutopnbe.org.br
Instituto Quadrix de Tecnologia e Responsabilidade Social – http://www.iquadrix.org.br
Instituto Quovis – http://www.institutoquovis.com.br
Instituto Sicoob PR – http://www.institutosicoobpr.org.br
Instituto Socioambiental Invepar – http://www.invepar.com.br
Instituto Sollus – http://www.sollus.org.br
Instituto Superior de Empresa para el Desarrollo Sostenible de la Rioja
Integracion Infantil Argentina – http://www.integracioninfantil.org
InterAction – American Council for Voluntary International Action – http://www.interaction.org
Interculturalidad, Salud y Derechos A.C. (INSADE) – http://www.insade.org.mx
Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization – http://www.ireoigo.org
International Academy for Quality – http://iaqweb.org
International Administrative Science Association (IASA) – http://www.un-iasa.org
International Agency for Media Organizations (IAMO) – http://iamo2013.blogspot.com/
International AGRO-ALLIANCE, Inc – http://www.interagroalliance.org
International AIDS Society – http://www.iasociety.org/
International Alert – http://www.international-alert.org
International Alliance for Responsible Drinking – http://www.icap.org
International Alliance for Youth (IAYouth) – http://aiyouth.blogspot.com/
International Association against Drug Trafficking and Drug Abuse – http://www.iadtda.org
International Association Centre 911/112
International Association for Human Values – http://www.iahv.org
International Association for Political Science Students (IAPSS) – http://www.iapss.org
International Association of Educators for World Peace
International Association of World Peace Advocates – http://worldpeaceadvocates.com
International Blue Crescent Humanitarian Relief and Development Foundation
International Brain Education Association – http://www.ibrea.org
International Bridges to Justice – http://www.ibj.org
International Bureau for Children’s Rights (IBCR) – http://ibcr.org
International Business Foundation – http://ibf.at.ua
International Business Leaders Forum – IBLF – http://www.iblf.org
International Businesses Standards Organization – http://standardizations.org
International Center for Human Development – http://www.ichd.org
International Centre For Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV) – http://www.icenecdev.org/
International Centre for Policy Studies – http://www.icps.kiev.ua
International Centre for Sport Security (ICSS) – http://www.theicss.org/
International Centre for Sustainable Development (ICSD) – http://www.ic-sd.eu
International Charitable Foundation – Abundant Life – http://www.best-consult.kiev.ua/
International Charitable Foundation – Social Projects Center of Future (ICF) – http://centersocial.org
International Charitable Foundation Revival of Bethsaida – http://vidrodgennya.in.ua
International Charitable Foundation Ukraine 3000 – http://www.ukraine3000.org.ua
International Charitable Fund ‘Oncology’
International Charity Foundation of Humanitarian Interaction – http://internationalcharity.ru/
International Charity Organization `Oncology and Health` – http://www.onhe.org
INTERNATIONAL CLUB 25 | International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies – http://www.ifrc.org/
International Cocoa Initiative – http://www.cocoainitiative.org/en/
International Commission on Large Dams – ICOLD – http://www.icold-cigb.net
International Committee for Human Rights – http://icfhr.org
International Compliance Association-Regional Latina American and Hispanic Caribbean Office
International Co-operative Alliance – http://www.ica.coop
International Development Enterprises – http://www.ideorg.org
International Development Fund of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East Batani – http://batanifund.org
International Development Partnership Alliance
International Eradication of Poverty Organization (IEPO) – http://www.iepo.org
International Eurasia Press Fund – http://iepf-ngo.org/
International Federation of Landscape Architects – http://www.iflaonline.org
International Federation of Training and Development Organisations – IFTDO – http://www.iftdo.net
International Federation on Ageing – http://ifa-fiv.org
International Finance Corporation – http://www.ifc.org
International Foundation For African Children
International Foundation For Performance Development – http://ifpdcorp.com/
International Green Economy Association (IGEA) – http://igea-un.org/
International Holy Quran Award (IHQA) – http://www.internationalholyquran.com
International Hotel & Restaurant Association (IH&RA) – http://www.ih-ra.com
International Human Development Corp IHDC
International Human Rights Association – http://www.ihraindia.com
International Information Center for Social Reforms – http://www.ecangowg.org
International Institute for Communication and Development – http://www.iicd.org
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
International Institute for Youth Development Affairs
International Institute of Jam-e Miras-e Jahan – http://jmji.org
International Institute of Sustainable Development – http://www.iisd.org
International Jagriti Foundation (Trust) – http://www.ijfindia.com/
International Junior Chamber Queensway – http://www.qjc.org.hk/
International Medical Equipment Collaborative, d/b/a IMEC – http://www.imecamerica.org
International non-government organization ‘Ecoproject’ – http://www.eco.worldidea.org
International Operation Charity in Korea, Inc. – Inter-OCK
International Parliament for Safety and Peace – http://www.international-parliament.net
International Peace Commission – http://www.ipc-online.info
International Philantrophic Foundation – DOLYA DYTNY – http://www.doyla-dytyny.org.ua
International Public Organization MOZIRON – http://www.moziron.org
International Road Transport Union (IRU) – http://www.iru.org
International Save the Children Alliance
International Security and Safety Protection Professionals Association
International Society for Small and Medium Enterprises – http://www.issme.org
International Socio-Economic Foundation Idea – http://isefi.by
International Solidarity for Human Rights – http://www.ishrights.org
International Strategic Alliance Committee – http://isacglobal.org
International Telecommunications Academy – http://www.ita.org.ru/
International Thai Foundation – http://www.thai-charity.org
International Tribal Alliance for Community Development and Environmental Restoration – http://www.itacder.com
International Union of Businessmen in Iraq – http://www.ibu-iraq.org
International Vision Collective – http://www.internationalvisioncollective.org
International WeLoveU Foundation – http://www.weloveu.or.kr
International Women & Family Foundation (IWFF) – http://www.iwff.or.kr
International Young Professionals Foundation – http://www.iypf.org
Interregional Union of Life Help for Mentally Handicapped Persons “Sail of Hope” – http://www.parusnadezhdy.ru/
Intervida World Alliance – INWA – http://www.inwa.org
INUSEV – http://www.inusev.org.ve
Invest for Children – http://www.investforchildren.org
IPADE Instituto de Promocion y Apoyo al Desarrollo – http://www.fundacion-ipade.org
IPED – Instituto pela Producao, Emprego e Desenvolvimento Social – http://www.iped.org.br/
IPOCH, Inc – http://ipoch.tv/
Iran Insurers Syndicate – http://sbi.ir
Iran Sustainable Development Academy – http://isdacademy.com
Iranian Society for Green Management – http://www.iran-gma.com
Iranian Student Founding Agency – http://isfa.ir
Iraq 2020 Assembly – http://irq2020.org/
Iraq Foundation for Development and Human Rights – http://www.ifdhr.org
Iraq TV and Broadcasters Union / Najaf Branch – http://www.itbu-najaf.org
Iraqi Almortaqa Foundation for Human Development – http://almortaqa.org
Iraqi Businessmen Union Nineneh – http://www.ibmu-iq.org
Iraqi Institute for Economic Reform – http://www.iier.org
Iraqi Society for Consumer Rights Defense (ISCRD)
Iraqi Youth and Student Development Center – http://iysdc.org
IRSE Ecuador (Instituto de Responsabilidad Social Empresarial Ecuador))
IRSET – Institut RSE de Tunisie – http://www.irset.org
ISEAL Alliance – http://www.iseal.org
Iseni Tubombele Pamo Organisation
Isiziba Community Based Organizations of South Africa
Istanbul Altunizade Rotary Club
Istanbul Bayrampasa Rotary Club – http://www.bayrampasarotary.org/
Istanbul Beyoglu Rotary Kulubu – http://www.beyoglurotary.org/
Istanbul Caddebostan Rotary Club – http://www.caddebostanrotary.org
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce – http://www.ito.org.tr
Istanbul Dolmabahce Rotary Club – http://www.dolmabahcerotary.org/
Istanbul Galatasaray Rotary Club – http://www.galatasarayrotary.org
Istanbul Marmara Rotary Club – http://marmararotary.org
Istanbul Maslak Rotary Club
ITAK – Instituto de Tecnologia August Kekule – http://www.itak.com.br
IUCN – International Union for Conservation of Nature
IUCN Viet Nam – http://www.iucn.org.vn
iuventum – http://www.iuventum.org
IVG – Instituto Vale das Garcas – http://ivg.org.br
I-VISSION INTERNATIONAL – http://www.ivission.net
Ivoire Developpement Durable – Ivoire DD
Izcalli mi Pasion A.C. – https://es-la.facebook.com/izcalli.mipasion.7
J&K Sai Star Society – http://www.saistar.co.in
Jahanara Foundation
Jan Chetna Sansthan – http://www.janchetna.com/
Janan Alrhma Humanity Organization
Japan Football Association – http://www.jfa.jp/
Javy y Ninos Cornelia de Lange AC – http://www.scdl.com.mx/
Jaya Prakash Memorial Centre – http://jpmcindia.org
JCI BELGIUM – http://www.jci.be
JCI Bolivia – http://www.jci.cc/bolivia
JCI Catalunya – http://www.jci.cat/
JCI City – http://www.cjc.org.hk
JCI Colombia – http://www.jcicolombia.cc/
JCI Cyprus – http://www.jcicyprus.org
JCI Estonia – http://www.jci.ee
JCI Evolution – http://www.jci.no/evolution
JCI France – Junior Chamber International – http://jcef.fr/
JCI Istanbul – http://www.jci.cc/istanbul
JCI Lithuania – http://www.jci.lt
JCI Maldives – http://www.jci.mv
JCI Mexico – http://www.jci.cc
JCI North District – http://www.ndjc.org.hk
JCI Ocean – http://oceanjc.org.hk
JCI Paraguay (Camara Junior del Paraguay) – http://www.jci.cc/local/media/paraguay
JCI Quindio – http://www.jciquindio.org
JCI Rosario – http://www.jci.cc/rosario
JCI Suriname – http://www.jcisuriname.org
JCI the Netherlands – http://www.jci.nl
JCI Toulon et sa region – http://www.jcetoulon.org
JCI Turkey – http://www.jciturkey.cc
JCI Turkey Adana
JCI Turkey Ankara – http://www.jci.cc/turkey
JCI Turkey Antalya
JCI Turkey Atasehir
JCI Turkey Avrasya
JCI Turkey Bahcesehir
JCI Turkey Bodrum
JCI Turkey Bogazici – http://www.jciturkey.cc/
JCI Turkey Bursa
JCI Turkey Canakkale
JCI Turkey Eskisehir
JCI Turkey Izmir
JCI Turkey Kadikoy – http://www.jci.cc/local/jcikadikoy
JCI Turkey Karsiyaka
JCI Turkey Kayseri
JCI Turkey Kocaeli
JCI Turkey Kuzey Kibris
JCI Turkey Maltepe
JCI Turkey Megapol
JCI Turkey Sakarya
JCI Turkey Samsun
JCI-Junior Chamber International
Jeevan Sagar Trust – http://jeevansagartrust.org
Jeju Convention and Visitors Bureau – http://www.jejucvb.or.kr
Jeju International Training Center (Cifal Jeju) – http://www.cifaljeju.org
Jeju Peace Institute – http://www.jpi.or.kr
Jeune Chambre de Commerce de Montreal – http://jccm.org
Jeune Chambre Economique des Francais de Pekin – http://www.jcef-pekin.fr/
Jeune Republique – http://jeunerepublique.fr
Jeyem Foundation – http://jeyemfoundation.org
Jia Cui (China) Environmental Promotion Center – http://www.livcom.org/
JM Empowerment Foundation
Jordan River Foundation – http://www.jordanriver.jo
Jummy One Foundation – http://j1foundation.yolasite.com/
Jumuiya Women Group – http://www.jumuiyawomengroup.net
Junior Achievement Bulgaria – http://www.jabulgaria.org
Junior Achievement Nigeria – http://janigeria.org/
Junior Achievement Serbia – http://ja-serbia.org
Junior Chamber International – JCI Cascavel – http://www.jcicascavel.org.br
Junior Chamber International – Morocco
Junior Chamber International Apex – http://www.ajc.org.hk
Junior Chamber International Bauhinia (Hong Kong) Limited – http://www.bjc.org.hk
Junior Chamber International City Lady – http://www.jcicitylady.org.hk/
Junior Chamber International Dragon Hong Kong – http://www.dragonjc.org
Junior Chamber International East Kowloon (Hong Kong) – http://www.ekjc.org
Junior Chamber International Harbour (Hong Kong) – http://www.hjc.org.hk/
Junior Chamber International Hong Kong – http://www.jcihk.org
Junior Chamber International Hong Kong Jayceettes – http://www.hkjtt.org
Junior Chamber International Island – http://www.ijc.hk
Junior Chamber International Italy – http://www.jciitaly.org
Junior Chamber International Kowloon – http://www.jcikowloon.org/
Junior Chamber International Lion Rock – http://www.jcilionrock.org.hk
Junior Chamber International Mauritius – http://jci.cc/mauritius/
Junior Chamber International Peninsula – http://www.hkpjc.org/
Junior Chamber International Sha Tin – http://www.jcishatin.org
Junior Chamber International South Africa – http://www.jci.cc/southafrica
Junior Chamber International Syria – http://WWW.JCI.CC/SYRIA
Junior Chamber International Tai Ping Shan – http://www.jcitps.org.hk
Junior Chamber International Victoria (Hong Kong) Limited – http://www.vjc.org.hk
Junior Chamber International Yuen Long – http://www.yljc.org.hk
Junior Chamber International, Ghana – http://www.jci.cc/ghana
Junior Chamber International, Nigeria – http://jci.cc/
Junior Chamber International, Rockcity – http://jci.cc/rockcity/
Kairos – http://www.kairos.coop
Kanem Borno Human Development Association (KABHUDA)
Kanuri Development Association – http://www.unodc.org/ngo/showSingleDetailed.do?req_org_uid=16999
Karabakh Foundation – http://www.KarabakhFoundation.org/
Karachi Executives Lions Club
Kasese United Humanist Association – http://www.kuhauganda.webs.com
Kashmir Welfare Foundation – http://kashmirwelfarefoundation.org
KAUZI Foundation – http://www.strategies-bg.com
Keep the World Foundation – http://www.keeeptheworld.com
Kejibaus – http://kejibaus.org/
Kenya Community Sports Foundation – http://www.kesofo.org
Kenya National Federation of Agricultural Producers – KENFAP – http://www.kenfap.org
Keshav Dharmath Trust
Kevoy Community Development Institute -Jamaica – http://kcdijamaica.weebly.com
Khairat ?Alnahraeen
Kharkov regional youth public organization of Proliska – http://proliska.narod.ru
Khulna Environment Development Foundation (KEDF)
Khushal Welfare Organization – http://www.khushalwelfare.org
Kimse Yok Mu Solidarity and Aid Association – http://www.kimseyokmu.org.tr
King Khalid Foundation – http://www.kkf.org.sa/
Kisumu Kids Empowerment Organization – http://www.kkeo.org
Knowledge Management Center
Kocaeli Korfez Rotary Club – http://kocaelikorfezrotary.org
Konekt – http://www.konekt.org.mk
Korat Community foundation
Korea Association of Social Workers – http://www.welfare.net
Korea Association of Welfare Institutes for the Homeless – http://www.kawih.or.kr
Korea Economic Justice Institute (KEJI) – http://www.keji.or.kr
Korea Federation for Environmental Movement – http://www.kfem.or.kr
Korea Freedom Federation – http://www.koreaff.or.kr
Korea Green Foundation – http://www.greenfund.org
Korea International Volunteer Organization – http://www.kvo.or.kr
Korea Power Exchange – http://www.kpx.or.kr
Korea Science Foundation – http://www.ksf.or.kr
Korea Sports Promotion Foundation (KSPO) – http://www.kspo.or.kr
Korea Standards Association – http://www.ksa.or.kr
Korea Student Aid Foundation – http://www.kosaf.go.kr
Korean Business Council for the Arts – http://www.mecenat.or.kr
Korean Commitee for UNICEF – http://www.unicef.or.kr
Korean Human Rights Foundation – http://www.humanrights.or.kr
Korean Society for Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities – http://www.freeget.net
Kosovar Civil Society Foundation – http://www.kcsfoundation.org
Krajowa Izba Mediatorow & Arbitrow – http://www.kima.org.pl
KRITYANAND UNESCO CLUB,Jamshedpur – http://www.karmayog.org/ngo/KNUC/
Kucukcekmece Rotary Club – http://www.kucukcekmecerotary.org
Kumasi Institute of Tropical Agriculture, KITA – http://kita-ghana.org
Kuwait Dive Team – http://www.freekuwait.org
Kuwait Oasis – http://www.kuwait-oasis.com
Kuwait Oasis is a non profit organization under the umbrella of The Environmental Voluntary Foundation. KO’s mission is to increase the green foot
Kwartalnik Emiddle East – http://www.emiddle-east.com
La Asociacion de Mayores Parados por el Empleo de Baleares (AMPEB) – https://www.facebook.com/AMPEBalear
La Ligue des Personnes Integrees dans la Lutte contre les Drogues, Alcool et le Tabac / Lipildro en sigle – http://www.e-monsite.com/lipildro
La Vie en Vert – http://lavieenvert.org
Laboratorio de Investigacion en Control Reconfigurable AC – http://www.licore.org/
Laboratory for Social Analysis F4 – http://www.f4.org.ua
LaCosturera – http://www.la-costurera.com
Lakou Association – http://www.lakouassociation.org
Lakshya Incarnated Foundation – http://lakshyainc.co.in/
Lana Basma Foundation for General Services – http://www.facebook.com/lanabasma
Lar Escola da Crianca de Maringa – http://www.larescola.org.br/www/site/
Latin American Certification & Systems – http://www.lacs.org.mx
Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) India – http://www.leadindia.org
Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) International – http://www.lead.org
Leadership Watch – http://leadershipwatch.org
League of Professional Women – http://lpw.org.ua
LEAH Charity Foundation – http://leahcharityfoundation.org
LearnWell Resources Inc – http://www.learnwell.org
Legal Aid of Cambodia (LAC)
Legal Analysis and Research Public Union – http://www.azeuro.eu
Lejame Fund for Community Development
Lenape Legacies – http://www.lenapelegacies.com
LEPRA Society – http://leprasociety.org
Les GlobeCooKoeurs et les Enfants a Table – http://www.globecookoeurs.fr/
Let’s Take Care of the Planet for Arab Region – http://www.unconfint.com/
Liberia Needy Women and Children Organization
Lifecare Health Advancement Initiative – http://www.lifecarehealthadvancementinitiative.yolasite.com
Liga Contra el Cancer Seccional Bogota – http://www.ligacontraelcancer.com.co/
Liga Dominicana Contra El Cancer, Inc.
Ligue Congolaise De Lutte Contre La Corruption-Licoco – http://www.licoco.org
Linkachild Ltd – Gte – http://www.linkachild.org
Lions Club Matera Citta dei Sassi
Lions Club Salerno Hippocratica Ciutas – http://www.lionsclubsalerno.org
Lions Clube de Curtiba Batel – http://www.lions.org.br/lionsbatel
List of Newspapers – http://www.listofnewspapers.com/
Lithuanian Water Suppliers Association – http://www.lvta.lt/
Local & Regional Monitoring Institute – http://www.localmonitoring.eu
Local Action Organization – http://www.local-action.org
LOCAL GOVERNANCE NETWORK – http://www.lgnet.in
Lords of The Land
Love for Africa – http://www.africasarang.org/
Lugansk Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry – http://www.lcci.lg.ua
Lundbeckfonden – http://lundbeckfonden.com
Luz de Vida I.A.P.
Maala – Bussines for Social Responsibility – http://maala.org.il/
MAG – http://www.maginternational.org
Mahendra & Young Knowledge Foundation – http://mahendrayoung.org/
Malaga Health Foundation – http://www.malagahealth.com
Maldives Fishermen Association – http://fishermanmaldives.com.mv/
Mandat International – http://www.mandint.org
Manos Unidas – http://www.manosunidas.org
Marca Prefabricados, S.A. de C.V.
Marisa Bellisario Foundation – http://www.fondazionebellisario.org
Mariupol City Committee for Corruption Prevention and Counteraction – http://sustainable-mariupol.org/
Mariupol’ Youth Union – http://mariupolunion.com.ua
Matoa Albarits – http://www.matoa.org
McLaire Mediation – http://www.mclaire-mediation.com
Media Association for Democracy Awareness-Lebanon – http://www.madalebanon.org
Medical Care Development International – MCDI – http://www.mcdi.mcd.org
Medical Cluster Pro Vitae – http://med-klaster.org
Medipeace – http://medipeace.org/
Mediterraid Association – http://www.mediterraid.it
Mehrafarin Panahe Asr – http://www.mehrafarinorg.com
Mentor MicroBank Foundation – http://www.mentormicrobank.org/
Merry Year Foundation – http://www.merryyear.org
Mestral Cocemfe Tarragona – http://www.mestralonline.org/
Metro Manila Linis-Ganda, Inc
Mexican Council for Cultural Diplomacy – http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org.mx/
Mexico Millenials A.C. – http://www.genm.com.mx
Micro Development Fund – http://www.mdf.org.rs
Millenium@EDU Sustainable Education – http://millenniumedu.org
Mini-Green, A.C. – http://www.mini-green.org
Ministerio Armada (Força de Paz Global) – http://www.armadareal.com.br
Ministry for the Integral Development of Individuals, the Church and the Community-Grace and Truth (MIDEICOG)
missio, Internationales Katholisches Missionswerk, Ludwig Missionsverein KdoR – http://www.missio.com
Missions3G- Gauri – http://missions3g-gauri.org/
Mladi istrazivaci Srbije (Young Researchers of Serbia) – http://www.mis.org.rs
Mobifair e.V. – http://www.mobifair.eu
Model Governance Foundation – http://www.modelgovernance.org
Modus Vivendi – http://modusvivendi.gajger.hr/
Moroccan Institute for Corporate and Social Responsibility
Mother Child Education Foundation – http://www.acev.org
Mouvement des Jeunes pour le Reveil et le Developpement
Movement against Drug Addiction and Narkokoruptsiyi – http://narkostop.org/
Movilidad y Desarrollo Mexico, A.C. – http://www.mdemexico.org
Movimiento 45 y Mas A.C. – http://mov45ymas.org/
Movimiento por la Paz, el Desarme y la Libertad (MPDL) – http://www.mpdl.org
Movimiento Pro-Derechos del Nino en Desarrollo (DENIDE)
Movimiento Social y Cultural Nueva Generacion – http://movimientonuevageneracion.org/
Movimondo – http://www.movimondo.org
Mundo Cooperante Madrid – http://www.mundocooperante.org
Murder Victims’ Families for Human Rights – http://www.mvfhr.org
Muslim Business Council of India – http://www.mbcoi.com
Myanmar Business Coalition on AIDS – http://mbconaids.org
Myanmar Centre for Responsible Business – http://www.myanmar-responsiblebusiness.org
Myanmar Women Entrepreneurs’ Association – http://www.mweamyanmar.org
Mykolaiv Regional Public Organization Life of Generation
MYVIE Foundation – http://myfoundationint.org
NAK Search & Rescue – http://www.nak.org.tr
Nakuru Environmental and Conservation Trust – http://www.nectuk.org
Nalanda Bahuuddeshiya Shikshan Sanstha
Names Project Philippines Inc.
Namibia Institute for Democracy – http://www.nid.org.na
Nation Building Youths Organization
National Agency of Industrial Marketing
National Alliance for Local Economic Development – http://www.naled-serbia.org
National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria – http://www.namrb.org
National Business Initiative – http://www.nbinepal.org.np/
National Chapter of CCLP Worldwide, Lithuania
National Chapter of CCLP Worldwide, Republic of Kosovo – http://cclpworldwide.com
National Confederation of Dalit Organizations – http://nacdor.org/
National Co-operative Council in Poland – http://www.krs.com.pl
National Organization of Persons with Disabilities of Serbia
National Youth Council Benin (NYC – Benin)
Natural Capitalism Solutions – http://www.natcapsolutions.org
Naturoscope – http://www.naturoscope.fr
Negucci Women in Construction and Technology
Neighbour Organization Nepal – http://neonepal.org/
Net Impact
Net Impact Ghana Chapter – http://www.netimpact.org
NET IMPACT Nigeria Chapter
Networking for Develeopment – http://www.developmentmatters.ning.com/
New Era Educational and Charitable Support Foundation – http://www.needcsi.org
New Ideas – http://www.newideas.lt
New Life Foundation – http://www.newlifefoundation.org.gh
New Nigeria Foundation – http://www.newnigeriafoundation.org
New Ventures Mexico – http://www.nvm.org.mx/
New World Hope Organization – http://www.newworldhope.org
Ngangambi International Fondation
NGO ‘Corporate Social Responsibility – Russian Centre’
NGO DON – Democarcy-Organizing-Progress – http://www.donprijedor.com/
NGO Foundation for Ukraine – http://www.fondua.org
NGO Group Felix, Association for preventive work with children, youth and their families – http://www.felixbt.org.mk
NGO Partnership Alliance – http://www.civil-soc.org/blog
NGO Sustainability, Inc. – http://unngosustainability.org/
NGOs Computer Literacy, Shelter Welfare RawalPindi Pakistan (NCLSW) – http://www.nclsw.net
Nigerian Nurses Association of USA, Inc.
NIIT Institute of Information Technology – http://niitaffirmativeaction.com
Niligris Exnora
Nivethan – http://www.nivethan.org
No address provided
Noble Missions for Change Initiative – http://noblemissions.org
Non-commercial Partnership for Assistance in Socioeconomic and Cultural Development of the Society – NP strategiya76 – http://strategiya76.ru/
Non-Government Organization – Belarusian Society of Valuers – http://www.acenka.by/
Non-Governmental Organization ‘Club of Corporate Philanthropists’ – http://www.b-soc.ru
Non-Profit Computing, Inc. – http://www.click-aid.org
Noor Al Shahed Humanitarian Foundation – http://www.nooralshahid.org/
Nou Sud – http://www.nousud.blogspot.com
Nouvel Espace pour le Partenariat au Développement du Centrafrique
NoviaSalcedo Fundación – http://www.noviasalcedo.es
Novosfair – http://www.novosfair.org
Nutrehogar – Asociacion Nacional Pro-Nutricion Infantil
NVO TEAMcreative
Nyanza Partners for Peace Alliance (NPPA) – http://partnershipforpeace.eu/
O2 Ingenieria Sustentable – http://www.maso2.com.ar
Oboafo Cooperative Farming and Marketing Society
Obrar Asociacion Civil sin Fines de Lucro – http://obrar.org/
Observatoire pour la Defense des Droits des Femmes et des Enfants – http://www.oddfea.ch
Observatorio Mexicano de Derechos Humanos, A.C. – http://www.derechoshumanosmexico.org
Observatorio Nacional del Emprendedor, A.C. – http://www.one.org.mx
Observatorio Social do Brasil – http://www.observatoriosocialdobrasil.org.br/
Occupational Opportunities for Refugees & Asylum Seekers (OOFRAS) Inc. – http://www.oofras.com
Ochala ONG
ODS We Push
OETI – Observatorio Europeo de la TV Infantil – http://www.oeti.org
Ohaha Family Foundation – http://www.ohahafoundation.org
OiER Organization for International Economic Relations – http://www.oier.pro
Ollin, Jovenes en Movimiento A.C. – http://ollinac.org
Ondo State Co-operative Federation Limited – http://odscofed.yolasite.com
One – Singapore – http://www.onesingapore.org
One Earth Designs Inc. – http://www.oneearthdesigns.com
One Life Alliance – http://www.onelifealliance.org/
ONG Bidossessi – http://www.everyoneweb.fr/ongbidossessi
ONG Carbone Guinee – http://www.carboneguinee.org/
ONG Developpement Pour Tous
ONG ESE-Benin – http://www.esebenin.org
ONG Humanitaire Plus
ONG RAFUDESC Benin – http://www.rafudescbenin.org
ONG. Consultores Integrales de Venezuela (Consive) – http://consivemiquilena.blogspot.com/p/educa-una-mujer-y-educaras-una-fa…
Operation OASIS – http://www.operationoasis.com
ORAGEU – http://www.orageu.org/
Orana Incorporated – http://oranaonline.com.au
Orfelinato San Jose de Malambo – http://www.hogarsanjosedemalambo.org
Organic Solution for Somalia – http://www.orgsol.org
Organisation des Jeunes pour le Monde d’Avenir (OJMA) – http://ojma-rdc.org/
Organisation des Leaders Tunisiens – http://www.leaderstunisiens.org
Organismo Aregntino de Acreditacion – http://www.oaa.org.ar
Organizacao da Promocao Social e da Saude do Brasil – Orgbras – http://www.orgbras.org.br
Organizacao das Americas para Excelencia Educativa – http://www.odaee.org
Organizacion Cultural Internacional Nueva Acropolis (Peru) – http://www.acropolisperu.org
Organizacion de Ayuda Integral para el Desarrollo – http://www.odaid.org
Organizacion de Entidades Mutuales de las Americas – ODEMA – http://www.odema.org
Organizacion Fundacion Arelauquen – http://www.fundacionarelauquen.org
Organizacion Latinoamericana de Alcaldes-dscc – http://www.oladscc.org
Organizacion Universal para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos – http://oundeh.com
Organization for Social Development – http://osdethiopia.org/
Organization for Social Development & Peace-building – http://osdp.org.af
Organization of Nigerian Chaplains – http://nigerianchaplains.org
Orissa State Volunteers and Social Workers Association – http://www.osvswa.org
Orokom Organization for Relief & Development
Orphans, Widows and Disabled Persons Organisation
OSDE (Organizacion Servicios Directos Empresarios) – http://www.osde.com.ar
Osterreichische Albert Schweitzer Gesellschaft – http://www.oeasg.org
Otro Tiempo Mexico, AC – http://www.otrotiempomexico.org
Outreach Social Care Project
Owit Peru – http://www.owitperu.org
Oxigenio Desenvolvimento de Politicas Publicas e Sociais – http://www.oxigenio.org.br
P Foundation – http://www.facebook.com/PFoundation
Pakistan Community Peace Foundation – http://pcpfi.org
Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund – http://www.ppaf.org.pk/
Palestine for Credit and Development – FATEN – http://faten.org
Pan African Institute for West Africa – http://paidwestafrica.org
Panama Green Building Council – http://www.panamagbc.org
Panama Verde – http://www.panamaverde.org/
Paramedicos de Catastrofe Internacional – PCI – http://www.paramedico-internacional.org/
Participatory Human Rights Advancement Society – http://phrasbd.page4.me
Participatory Rural Development Society (PRDS) – http://www.prdspak.org
Partner Microcredit Foundation – http://www.partner.ba/
Partners in Change – http://www.picindia.org
Partnership for Economic and Social Initiatives – http://pesi-az.org/
Partnership for Poverty Action – http://www.pfpa.org.np
Party with a Purpose Productions – http://www.partywithapurpose.co.za
Patronato de la Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico en Atizapan de Zaragoza, A.C. – http://www.patronatouaem.com.mx
Patronato del honorable Cuerpo de Bomberos Veracruz-Boca del rio, A.C. – http://www.bomberosconurbados.com.mx
Patronato del Servicio Nacional de Nutricion – http://www.patronatodenutricionl.org
Patronato Panama Viejo – http://www.panamaviejo.org
PDHRE, People’s Decade for Human Rights Education – http://pdhre.org/
Peace and Development Network Trust – http://www.peacenetkenya.or.ke
Peace and Life Enhancement Initiative International – http://pleii.org
Peace Corps of Nigeria – http://peacecorpsofnigeria.org
Peace for People – http://www.pfpnepal.org.np/
Peace Mission – http://www.peacemissionorg.com
Peace Without Limits (PWL) International Organization – http://peacewithoutlimits.org/
Peking Chengxin Science & Technology Center – http://www.chinacsr.cn
Pensamento Nacional das Bases Empresariais – http://www.pnbe.org.br
Pentapolis – http://www.pentapolis.eu
People 4 Earth – http://www.people4earth.org
People Against Trade-Abuse & Scams (PATAS Inc.) – http://mypatas.com
People’s Action – http://www.peoplesaction.net
People’s Movement for Human Rights Education
Perfect Union – http://www.perfectunion.fr
Personality’s Renewal and Society’s Transformation Centre
Pet Favour Garden Limited – http://www.pfg.org.hk
Petroleum Institute of East Africa – http://www.petroleum.co.ke
Philanthrophy Centro Studi – http://www.philanthrophy.it
Philippine Multifarmers Association, Inc.
Philippine Rural Reconstruction Movement – http://www.prrm.org
Pioneer Charity Fund – http://dv-baza.ru/content/blagotvoritelnyi-fond-pioner
Plan Finland – http://www.plan.fi
Plan International – http://plan-international.org
Plan International Deutschland e.V. – http://plan-deutschland.de/
Plan International France – http://www.planfrance.org/
Plan International Switzerland – http://www.plan-schweiz.ch
Plan International UK – http://www.plan-uk.org
Plan Norge – http://www.plan-norge.no/
Plataforma de ONG de Accion Social – http://www.plataformaongs.org
PNWO | Parveen Nadeem Welfare Organization – http://www.pnwo.org.pk
Polski Instytut Praw Czlowieka i Biznesu (Polish Institute for Human Rights and Business) – http://pihrb.org
Pondok Pesantren Langitan
Portuguese Association for Business Ethics – http://www.apee.pt
Prakruthi – http://www.prakruthi.org
Praxis – Institute for Participatory Practices – http://www.praxisindia.org/
Princes-Benefactors Ostrozky Foundation – http://www.fundraising.org.ua
Princess Carina Organization – http://www.princesscarina.org/
prioriterre – http://www.prioriterre.org
Private Sector Development Center in Iraq – http://www.psdc-iraq.org/
Pro Mujer – http://www.pro-mujer.org
Professionals For Humanity (PROFOH) – http://www.profohmed.org
Project Gaia, Inc. – http://www.projectgaia.com
Projekte fur arme Menschen e.V. – http://www.armemenschen.de
Promote Iceland – http://www.promoteiceland.is
Pro-Natura International – http://www.pronatura-nigeria.org
Prosalus – http://www.prosalus.es
Protection of Consumers’ Rights – http://www.consumer.am
ProVene Fundacion Pro Bono Venezuela – http://www.provene.org/
Pryyateli Ditey (Help The Children) Charity Fund – http://www.HelpTheChildren.com.ua
Psikologlar ve Refleksologlar Dernegi – http://www.prd.org.tr
Psiquemundo, A.C.
Public Advocacy Initiatives for Rights and Values in India (PAIRVI) – http://pairvi.org
Public Association ‘Blago’ – http://open-society-kz.org/
Public Foundation – Eurasian Humanitarian Center Adam Damu
Public-Private Alliance Foundation – http://www.ppafoundation.org
Puerta Abierta, I.A.P. – http://www.puerta-abierta.org
Pukar Foundation – http://www.pukarfoundation.org
PuraVoluntad – http://puravoluntad.org/
Pure Pen
PUSH – http://wepush.org
Quality Net Foundation – http://www.qualitynet.gr
Quiera Fundacion de la Asociacion de Bancos de Mexico, A.C. – http://www.quiera.org
QUIRA – http://www.quira.co/
Radanar Ayar Association – http://www.radanarayar.org
Radio C Minority Broadcasting Public Welfare Company – http://www.radioc.hu
Rainbow Collection – http://www.rainbowcollection.nl
Rainforest Alliance
Ramky Foundation – http://www.ramkyfoundation.org
Ramparva Samajik Shaikshanik Seva Samiti – http://ramparva.webs.com
REACH VN – http://www.reach.org.vn
Re-ACT Foundation – http://re-act-foundation.blogspot.com/2010/12/re-act-foundation.html
Realdania – http://realdania.dk
Realizing Rights: The Ethical Globalization Initiative – http://www.realizingrights.org
Red Asociacion de Investigacion y Desarollo Para Integracion y Los Derechos Humanos – http://www.redaidi.org.ar
Red de Voluntarios A.C. – http://www.reddevoluntariosac.blogspot.com/
Red Extremena de Desarrollo Rural – http://www.redex.org
Red Manquelepi – http://www.manquelepi.org
Red PaPaz – http://www.redpapaz.org
Rede Feminina de Combate ao Cancer – Regional Maringa – http://www.rfcc.com.br
Rede Mocambicana Contra a Pobreza (ROCPA)
RedR Australia – http://redr.org.au
Reforestamos Mexico, A.C. – http://www.reforestamosmexico.org
Reformation – http://www.reformation.org.ua
Refugees United Foundation – http://www.refunite.org
Regency Foundation Networx – http://www.regency.org
Regional Centre for International Development Cooperation – http://rcidc.org
Regional Energy Agency – Ruse – http://www.rea-ruse.com
Regional International Networking Group – RING
Rehman Welfare Trust
Reinventa Incubadora de Ideas AC – http://reinventa.mx/
Relief Without Borders – http://www.reliefwithoutborders.org
Remedios Aids Foundation – http://www.remedios.com.ph/
Renewable Energy Development Organization
Renewed Hope (NGO) – S. Remmie Collection Limited
REPORTERS D’ESPOIRS – http://www.reportersdespoirs.org
Republic Microfinance Centre
Republican Association of Credit Unions – http://www.ovk.by
Republican Public Organization BelAU – http://belau.info/
Republican Public Union “Union of Farmers of Kazakhstan” – http://www.sfk.kz/
Reputation Dynamics, LLC. – http://www.reputation-dynamics.com
Reputation Management Institute of Turkey – http://www.iye.org.tr/
Rescue Nations
Research and Development Centre Nepal (RDC Nepal) – http://rdcnepal.org.np/
Reseau Nigerien des Journalistes pour l’Integrite et la Transparence (RNJIT)
Resource Development Centre – http://www.rdcindia.org
Responsible Business Initiative – http://www.rbipk.org
Responsible Jewellery Council – http://www.responsiblejewellery.com
RET, The Foundation for the Refugee Education Trust Panama – http://www.theret.org
Richbone Initiative Foundation – http://www.rbifoundations.org
RICS Foundation – http://www.rics.org/
Rights and Humanity – http://www.rightsandhumanity.org
Rimueng Aceh Organization/Teuku Panglima Cut Ladang Rimba
RIOVOLUNTÁRIO – http://www.riovoluntario.org.br
Risk Reduction Alliance
Romanian Franchise Association – http://www.francizor.ro
Rotaract Club of Gezira Sporting – http://www.rotary.org/en/Pages/ridefault.aspx
Rotaract El-Obour Club – https://www.facebook.com/RAC.elobour
Rotary Club de Boulogne Sur Mer – http://www.rotaryboulogne.org.ar/
Rotary Club of Bostanci – http://www.bostancirotary.org/
Rotary Club of Istanbul Sisli – http://www.sislirotarykulubu.org/
Rotary Club Valencia
Rotary District 2420 Istanbul Beylerbeyi Rotary Club
Rotary District 2420 Istanbul Kurucesme Rotary Club – http://www.kurucesmerotary.org
Rotary International D2420 – Istanbul Taksim Rotary Club – http://www.taksimrotary.org
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil – http://www.rspo.org
Roza Vetrov – http://rozavetrov.org.ua/
RSB – Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials – http://www.rsb.org
RSE et Developpement – http://www.rse-et-ped.info
Rural Area Development Programme (RADP)
Rural Education and Economic Development Trust – http://www.reedtrust.bbnow.org
Rural Organization for Social Education – http://www.rose.org.in
Russian Microfinance Center – http://www.rmcenter.ru
Rutgers WPF Vietnam – http://www.rutgerswpf.org/
Ryan Foundation for National Socio Economic Development
S M Sehgal Foundation – http://www.smsfoundation.org
S.A.N.K.A.L.P (Social Association for Nurturing, Knitting and Linking People) – http://sankalpindia.org.in
S.O.S. Natureza do Brasil (www.sosnatureza.org.br )
Saba Aslam Education & Welfare Trust – http://sabatrust.org/ ,www.honoringtheorphans.org
Safe Water for Africa Community Initiative (SWACI) – http://www.safewaterafrica.com
Safedrive Africa Foundation (SDAF) – http://www.safedriveafrica.org
Sahara Green – http://desertec-mediterranee.over-blog.com
Sahkar Social Welfare Association – http://www.sahkar.webs.com
Sajha Foundation-Nepal – http://www.sajhafoundation.org.np
Samuel Foundation Charitable India Trust – http://samuel.in
Sano Sansar Initiative – http://www.sanosansar.org
Saraki – http://www.saraki.org.py/
SAS 2030 Energie Marine – http://2030-energie-marine.com/
Save Humanity Social Welfare Organization – https://www.facebook.com/SaveHumanity.NGO?ref=hl
Save the Children, Egypt Country Office – http://www.savethechildren.org/site/c.8rKLIXMGIpI4E/b.6115947/k.8D6E/Off…
Saviors of Environment – http://www.saviorsofenvironment.org
Schools Without Borders – http://www.swb.ca
Search for Common Ground – http://www.sfcg.org
SEBRAE – http://www.sebrae.com.br
Secretariado Gitano – http://www.gitanos.org
Seoul City Credit – http://www.seoulshinbo.co.kr
Seoul Foundation for Arts & Culture – http://sfac.or.kr
Seoul Welfare Foundation – http://www.welfare.seoul.kr
Serenissima Casa Real Sefarad y Ducado de Lucena – http://soberanacasarealsefaradi.webnode.com/
Servanthood and Light Development Foundation – http://servanthoodfoundation.org/
Serve Foundation Pakistan – http://www.servefoundation.org.pk/
Servicio de Capacitacion CECAP S.Coop. – http://www.cecaptoledo.es
Servico Social da Industria Departamento Nacional – SESI/DN – http://www.sesi.org.br
Setara Foundation – http://www.ntfp.or.id
Sewa Development Trust Sindh – http://www.sewatrust.org
Shaanxi Tang Da Ming Palace Heritage Preservation Foundation – http://www.tdmgf.com/
Shaaub for Democracy Culture Establishment – http://shaaub4democracy.org/
Shabakat Al Ordon – http://www.ishabakat.org
Shagara NGO – http://facebook.com/shagaraNgo
Shelter for Life International – http://www.shelter.org
Shen NGO – http://www.shen.am
SHI-TAI United Fund Inc.
Shohratgarh Environmental Society – http://sesindia.org
Shri Jagdamba Samiti – http://www.sjsindia.org/
Shri Shakti Mahila Vikas Mandal
SIDE – Syndicat d’Iniciatives pour le Developpement Effectif
Sidewalk University – http://www.sidewalkuniversity.org/
Silivri Rotary Club – http://www.silivrirotary.org
Sima Community Based Organization – http://simacobaorg.ning.com/
Singapore Compact for Corporate Social Responsibility – http://www.csrsingapore.org
Sjoham Baabaji Mission – http://www.sjohambaabajimission.com/
SLEST – http://www.slest.org
Small Enterprise Development Agency – SEDA
Smart Kolektiv – http://www.smartkolektiv.org
SMEFUNDS – http://www.smefunds.com
sneep e. V. – http://www.sneep.info/
SNV Netherlands Development Organisation in Vietnam – http://snvworld.org/
Soberana Nueva Castellania de Amposta – http://ccpsl.org
Social and Education Development Association – http://www.seda.org.pk
Social Development and Rehabilitation Trust – http://sdartrust.org
Social Development Center – http://sdc.org.qa
Social Development International – http://www.sodeit.org
Social Inclusion Foundation in Bosnia and Herzegovina – http://sif.ba/
Social Organization of Youth Centre History Makers – http://www.tvorci.ucoz.ru
Socialiai Atsakingu Imoniu Asociacija – http://www.atsakingas.lt
Sociedad Audubon de Panama – http://www.audubonpanama.org
Sociedad Estudiantil Tecnologica – http://www.itmerida.mx
Sociedad Israelita de Beneficencia de San Juan
Sociedad Mexicana Pro Derechos de la Mujer, Semillas, AC – http://www.semillas.org.mx
Sociedad Publica de Gestion Ambiental. IHOBE, S.A. – http://www.ihobe.net
Sociedad Unica Mutualista de Abogados A.C.
Sociedad Uruguaya de Gestion de Personas – http://www.gestiondepersonas.org.uy
Society and Environment Organization – http://seorg.webs.com
Society for Appropriate Rural Technology for Sustainability (ARTS) – http://www.sankalpacmfs.org/src/
Society for Development & Community Empowerment – http://sdc-m.interconnection.org
Society for Education Promotion & Rural Support (SEPRS) – http://seprsjfd.bbnow.org
Society for Inclusive Development (SFID)
Society for Integrated Rural & Urban Development
Society for Moral Integration and Living in Excellence
Society for Networking, Empowerment & Holistic Action – http://sneha.ind.in
Society for Organizational Learning Croatia
Society for Pharmaceutical Research – http://sprindia.yolasite.com/
Society for Technology and Action for Rural Advancement – http://www.tara.in/
Society for the Development of Children Initiatives
Society of Daughters of Mary Immaculate (DMI) – http://www.dmiindia.org/
Society of Entrepreneurs & Ecology – http://www.see.org.cn/
Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project – SERAP – http://www.serap-nigeria.org
Socya – http://www.socya.org.co
Sodalitas Foundation – http://www.sodalitas.it
SOFIA – Institute for the Improvement of Sport, Education, and the Viable development
SOFIMUN Foundation – http://www.sofimun.org/
Soley Biotechnology Institute – http://www.soleybio.com
Solid Rock Association
Solidaridad Internacional – http://www.solidaridad.org
Solidaridad Network – http://solidaridadnetwork.org
Somali Community Access Network – SomaliCAN – http://www.somalican.org/
Somali Minority Vision in Action Relief and Development Organization (SMVIARDO)
Somali Youth Development Foundation (SYDF) – http://sydf.org/
sonnergienetz.org Expertennetzwerk erneuerbare Energien – http://sonnergienetz.org
Sonrisas de Bombay – http://www.sonrisasdebombay.org
Soroptimist International – http://www.soroptimistinternational.org/
Soroptimist International of Turkey – http://soroptimistturkiye.org/
SOS Children’s Village Association of Belarus – http://sos-villages.by/
SOS Children’s Villages Canada – http://www.soschildrensvillages.ca
Sostenibilidad Siderurgica – http://www.sostenibilidadsiderurgica.com
South East Consortium for International Development – SECID – http://www.secid.org
South North Development Initiative
Southern Philippines Muslim-Non Muslim Unity & Development Association – http://spmuda.wix.com/home
Sovereign Imperial and Royal House of Ghassan – http://www.ghassanroyalhouse.org/
Spanda Foundation – http://www.spanda.org
Special Pathogens Research Network (SPPARE-NET) Limited – http://spparenet.us
SPEED Society for promotion of Education & Employment of Disabled – http://www.speedpakistan.org
Spiritual Business Network – http://www.spiritualbusiness.net
Splendors of Dawn Poetry Foundation – http://www.splendorsofdawnpf.org
Sport Against Drugs – http://spn.in.ua/
Sporting Club Prestige
SR Asia – http://sr-asia.org
Sri Joydip Ashram – http://www.srijoydipashram.org
St James Ethics Centre – http://www.ethics.org.au
Standards Organisation of Nigeria – http://www.sononline-ng.org
Stevy Worah Ozimo Youthsports Academy – http://www.stevyworahozimo.com
Stichting Milieunet – Milieunet Foundation – http://www.stichtingmilieunet.nl
Stichting World Standard Organization – http://www.standard.org
Stiftung Manager ohne Grenzen – http://www.managerohnegrenzen.de
Stiftung SPI – http://www.stiftung-spi.org
STOPCANCER Foundation – http://stopcancer.com.ua
Stowarzyszenie Academia Economica – http://saeplock.pl
Stowarzyszenie Kulturalne Wspierania Edukacji i Rozwoju – http://www.skwer.org.pl
STUDENTS IN NIGERIA RE-AWAKENING INITIATIVE – http://www.stinri.wordpress.com
Studentska organizacija Paracin – http://sop.org.rs/
Studying of Economic Resources Public Union – http://www.ser-az.org
Sudan Training and Rehabilitation Organization
Sudanese Development Call Organisation (Nidaa) – http://www.nidaa.org/
Sudanese Environment Conservation Society – http://www.envesecs.com
Suma Veritas Foundation – http://www.sumaveritas.org
Sumados al Desarrollo Social A.C. – http://www.sumadosaldesarrollosocial.org/
Sumarse Colombia Corporacion
Supernatural – http://supernaturalfest.com
Support and Consultancy Center for Rural Development Projects
Support to Life (STL) – http://supporttolife.org/
Surekli Egitim ve Kalite Dernegi (SUREKDER) – http://www.surekder.org
Survivor Corps Vietnam – http://survivorcorps.org
SUSDS – http://susds.com/
Sustainable Development Foundation – http://www.fondazionesvilupposostenibile.org
Sustainable Human Environment Development
Swags for Homeless Ltd – http://www.BackpackBed.org
Swasta Environment and Human Rights Foundation
Swisscontact – http://www.swisscontact.ch
Swisscontact Indonesia – http://www.sif.or.id
SYEA – http://www.syea.org
Synergy – http://www.nk-synergy.com/
Syria Trust for Development – http://www.syriatrust.org
Syrian Business Council (SBC) – http://www.sbc-sy.org/
Syrian Enterprise & Business Centre – http://www.sebcsyria.com
Tanzania Youth Environmental Network (TAYEN) – http://www.tayen.or.tz
Taqweem-e-Pakistan Welfare Organization – http://taqweemepakistan.org
Tarasiouk-Kurbatov International Wellness Foundation – http://www.International-Wellness-Foundation.com/
TaraWatch – http://www.tarawatch.org
Tata Council for Community Initiatives
Tawasul (Global Connections Center) – http://tawasul.co.om/
Tax Standards Formation – http://www.taxfund.kz
TecnologiaITALIA – http://www.tecnologiaitalia.eu/
TEDMER Turkish Ethical Values Center Foundation – http://www.tedmer.org.tr
TEMA Foundation – http://www.tema.org.tr
Tempo Etico – http://www.tempoetico.com
Terre des Femmes – Menschenrechte fur die Frau e.V. – http://www.frauenrechte.de
Terre Initiative Limited – http://www.intrean.org
Thaipat Institute – http://www.thaipat.org/
The 2nd Lusophone Games Organising Committee – Lisbon 2009 – http://www.lisboa2009.org
The Affum-Darkwah Mission International (TADMI) Inc. – http://www.tadmi.org
The Africa-America Institute – http://www.aaionline.org/
The Anti-Corruption Council of Ukraine – http://transparentukraine.org/
The Asia Academy of Philanthropy – http://www.aap.org.cn
The Baja Musical Arts Initiative – http://www.bajamusical.org
The Center for Nonformal Education and Community Development (CENEV)
The Center for Workers Rights
The Copenhagen Centre – http://www.copenhagencentre.org/
The Council for the Korean Pact on Anticorruption and Transparency – http://pact.or.kr
The CSR Company Ges.m.b.H – http://www.csr-company.eu
The Danish Ethical Trading Initiative – http://www.dieh.dk
The Delian Project – http://delianproject.org/
The Development Cafe – http://www.thedevelopmentcafe.org
The Dolphin Dream Society – http://www.dolphindream.org
The Dream Project – http://www.dominicandream.org
The Ecological Sequestration Trust – http://www.ecosequestrust.org/
The Egyptian Center for Coordination and Social Development (Watan) – https://www.facebook.com/Watan.page
The Egyptian Junior Business Association – http://www.ejb.org.eg
The Equator Society – http://www.equatorsociety.org
The Ethics Institute of South Africa – http://www.ethicsa.org
The European Freight and Logistics Leaders Forum – http://www.europeanfreight.org
The Foundation for Development Cooperation – http://www.fdc.org.au
The Foundation for Post Conflict Development – http://www.postconflictdev.org
The Foundation for Preventing Youth Violence (FPYV) – http://www.jikim.net/
The Global One Foundation – http://globalonefoundation.org
The Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC) – http://www.gopacnetwork.org
The Greening of Industry Network – http://www.greeningofindustry.org/
The Health Foundation of Turkey – http://www.saglik.org.tr
The Healthy Society Platform
The Indonesian Child Welfare Foundation – http://www.ykai.net
The Industrial Modernisation Center
The InnerCity Mission – http://www.theinnercitymission.org/
The Institute for Cultural Diplomacy – http://www.culturaldiplomacy.org
The Institute of Cultural Affairs International – http://www.ica-international.org
The International Association of Business and Parliament – Moldova – http://www.iabp-moldova.org
The International Association of Lions Clubs – http://www.lionsclubs.org
The International Center for Strategic Studies and Human Rights – https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-International-Center-for-Strategic-St…
The International Charitable Foundation “Health of Ukrainian People” – http://healthup.org.ua
The International Christian Charity Fund Sunny World – http://www.sunnyworld.org.ua/
The Investment Fund for Central and Eastern Europe – http://www.ioe.dk
The Investment Fund for Developing Countries – http://ifu.dk
The Investment Fund for Developing Countries – IFU – http://www.ifu.dk
The Lebanese Association for Development – Al Majmoua – http://www.almajmoua.org
The Malaysian Safety and Peace Organization – http://www.malaysianpeace.org
The Malaysian Trade, Manufacturers and Consumerism Foundation
The Micronutrient Initiative – http://www.micronutrient.org
The Millennium Development Goals Collaboration Council – http://www.mdgcc.org
The Mission of the Rebirth of a Nation
The National Projects Foundation – https://twitter.com/NPFInform
The Nature Conservancy (Mexico and Northern Central America) – http://espanol.tnc.org/
The Neuropathy Association – http://www.neuropathy.org
The Nigerian Council – http://www.nigeriancouncil.org
The Nikola Tesla Foundation International – http://www.ntfi.info
The Registered Trustees of Save Life Trust Fund
The Resource Foundation – http://www.resourcefnd.org
The Resource Innovation Group – http://theresourceinnovationgroup.org
The Schlolar Ship Research Institute – http://www.thescholarship.org
The Speakers Group – http://www.thespeakersgroup.org
The Stride Foundation
The Superseed Trust – http://www.superseed.org
The Tronie Foundation – http://troniefoundation.org/
The Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry – http://www.ucci.org.ua
The Ukrainian Women’s Fund – http://www.uwf.kiev.ua
The Way to Happiness Foundation Ghana
The Zermatt Summit Foundation – http://www.zermattsummit.org
Think Tank Thuto – http://www.thinktankthuto.org
Thrace Development Association – http://www.trakya.org.tr
TIME Foundation – http://www.time-foundation.org
TLC Global Missions – http://www.enkula.com
Today’s Afghanistan Conciliation Trust -TACT – http://www.tact.org.af/
Todos Son Inocentes – http://www.todossoninocentes.es
Together Ensuring Children’s Security
Toguanti Qro., A.C.
Toplum Gonulluleri Vakfi- Community Volunteers Foundation – http://www.tog.org.tr
Tottal-Social Development Institute – http://www.tottal.org
Trace International, Inc. – http://www.traceinternational.org
Trade Point Rg – WTPF – http://www.ragusa.tradepoint.org
TRAFFIC Southeast Asia – Greater Mekong Programme – http://www.traffic.org/
Trampolin Cultural A.C. – http://reinventa.mx/trampolin.html
Transatlantic Partners Against AIDS – http://tpaa.net
Transcarpathian Regional Charity Fund New Generation – http://ngfond.org.ua/
Transparencia Brasil – http://www.transparencia.com.br
Transparencia Paraguay – http://www.transparencia.org.py
Transparency International – http://www.transparency.org/
Transparency International – Austrian Chapter – http://www.ti-austria.at
Transparency International Australia – http://www.transparency.org.au
Transparency International Georgia – http://transparency.ge/
Transparency International Greenland – http://www.transparency.gl/
Transparency International India – http://www.transparencyindia.org
Transparency International Kenya – http://tikenya.org/
Transparency International Korea – http://www.ti.or.kr
Transparency Morocco – http://www.transparencymaroc.ma
Transparency Serbia – http://transparentnost.org.rs
Treasure Karoo Action Group – http://tkag.co.za
Tribal Society International -TSI – http://www.ancientculture.webs.com
Turk Serbest Mimarlar Dernegi – http://tsmd.org.tr/
Turkish Association for Conservation of Nature – http://ttkder.org.tr/
Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce – http://www.ktto.net
Turkish Education Association – TED – http://www.ted.org.tr
Turkish Insurance Institute – http://www.tsev.org.tr
Turkish Public Health Association – T.HASAK – http://www.t-hasak.org
Tuzla Community Foundation – http://www.fondacijatz.org
U.S. Azeris Network – http://www.usazeris.org/
Ubnlinks Foundation Inc – http://ubnlinksfoundation.org/
Udayan Care – http://www.udayancare.org/
Udruzenje Eutopija / Eutopia Association – http://www.pistaljka.rs
Udruzenje gradjana Pomoc deci – http://www.pomocdeci.org
Udruzenje za reviziju pristupacnosti URP – Accessibility Audit Association in Serbia – http://www.pristupacnost.org
Udyama – http://www.udyama.org
Ufadhili Trust – http://www.ufadhilitrust.org/
Uganda Chapter for Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives – UCCSRI
Uganda Management Assistance Programme (UMAP)
Ukrainian Association for Quality – http://www.uag.org.ua
Ukrainian Bar Association Student’s League – http://ligauba.org.ua/
Ukrainian Cultural and Spiritual Center
Ukrainian Ecological Club Green Wave – http://ecoclubua.com
Ukrainian Foundation of Social Guarantees for Soldiers and Veterans of Armed Forces – UFSGS and VAF – http://www.fond-dobrobut.org.ua
Ukrainian Grantmakers Forum – http://www.donorsforum.org.ua
Ukrainian Philanthropists Association – http://vboabu.org.ua/
Ukranian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs – ULIE – http://www.uspp.org.ua
Ulsan Community Rehabilitation Center – http://www.ulsanrehab.or.kr
Uluslararasi Genc Siyasetciler Dernegi (International Young Politicians Association) – http://gencsiyaset.org/
UN Association of Sweden – http://www.fn.se
UN Association of the Republic of Korea – http://www.unarok.org
Un Ponte Per – http://www.unponteper.it/
UNESCO Center of Greece – http://www.unesco-center.gr/
Union Aid Abroad APHEDA Vietnam – http://www.apheda.org.au
Union de Campesinos Y Colonos de Puebla A.C.
Union de Empresarios para la Tecnologia en la Educacion A.C. (UNETE) – http://www.uneteya.org
Union des ONG des Cote d’Ivoire – UOCI
Union Nicaraguense para la Responsabilidad Social Empresarial – uniRSE – http://unirse.org/
Union of Human Rights Defenders – http://gaertianeba.ge/
Union of Manufacturers and Businessmen (Employers) of Armenia
UNIPAX – http://www.unipax.org
United for Education and Sustainable Futures (UESF) – http://uesfi.org
United Nations Association – http://www.una-bg.com
United Nations Association of Albania – http://www.una-alb.org
United Nations Association of Australia (Qld) – http://unaa.org.au/
United Nations Association of San Francisco
United Nations Association of Singapore – http://www.unas.org.sg
United Nations Association of Togo (UNA-Togo) – http://unatogo.org
United Nations Youth Club Association
United States Association of the Club of Rome – http://www.usacor.org
United States Federation for Middle East Peace
United Youth Front International – http://skolkolawole.tigblog.org/
Unity We Are The One – http://wearetheone.wix.com/down-syndrome-org
Uniunea Ziaristilor Profesionisti – UZP – http://uzp.org.ro
Universal Forum of Cultures Foundation – http://www.fundacioforum.org
Universal Peace Federation – http://www.upf.org
Universidad Internacional de Verano / Kolleg fur Management und Gestaltung nachhaltiger Entwicklung – http://www.uinternacional.org
UnLtd, Foundation for Social Entrepreneurs – http://unltd.org.uk/
UPJ e.V. – Corporate Citizenship and CSR Network – http://www.upj.de
UP-STEP NEPAL – http://www.upstepnepal.blogspot.com
US Federation for Middle East Peace – http://www.usfmep.org
UTE Fundacion Novasoft – Fundacion Valentin de Madariaga MP (FORMAN) – http://www.forman.es
VCI Benin – Vision des Champions International – http://maisondeschampions.skyrock.com
Vecinos y Clientes en Accion – http://www.valparaisoenaccion.cl
Ved International Society
Veen Organization for Child Protection
Ver Contigo, a.c. – http://vercontigo.org.mx
Victory is in your Hands – http://vk.com/pobeda_v_tvoih_rukah
Vidya Poshak – http://vidyaposhak.org/
Vietnam Co-operative Alliance (VCA) – http://www.vca.org.vn
Vietnam Green Building Council – http://www.vgbc.org.vn
Vietnam Handicraft Research and Promotion Center (HRPC) – http://www.hrpc.com.vn/
VillageDirect.Org – http://www.villagedirect.org
Villagers Welfare Organization
Vincular – http://www.vincular.org
Virtue Foundation – http://www.virtuefoundation.org
Visao Mundial – http://www.visaomundial.org.br/
Visayan Forum Foundation – http://www.visayanforum.org/portal/
Vision Foundation for Development Management – http://www.visionfoundationindia.org/
VMI – http://www.vmi.edu.vn
Voces Vitales de Panamá – http://www.vocesvitalespanama.org
VOICE FOR EARTH INC. – http://www.voiceforearth.org
Voluntades Organizadas para la Colaboracion y Equidad Social – http://www.voces-ac.org
Voluntary Service of Armenia – http://www.huj.am
Volunteer Partnerships for West Africa – http://www.vpwa.org
Volunteer Platform – VPF – http://volunteer-platform.org/
VOSA – http://vosa.dk
VRheritage.org – http://www.VRheritage.org
Wake Up World! Foundation – http://www.wake-up-world.org
Wassa Association of Communities Affected by Mining (WACAM) – http://www.wacamghana.com
Watch Your Life Movement
WaterAid – http://www.wateraid.org/au
Wayana International Foundation for Integration and Awareness – http://www.wayana.org/
WebDev Foundation – http://webdevfoundation.org
WECaN (Worlwide Entrepreneurship Campaigners’ Network)
Weermantry International Centre for Peace Education and Research – http://www.wicper.org/
WeForest – http://www.weforest.com/
Welad Misr Association
Wellbeing Foundation
West Africa Centre for Peace Foundation – http://wacpfgh.org
Whistleblower-Netzwerk e.V. – http://whistleblower-net.de
Wira Rakema Foundation
Women Empowerment Organization – http://www.weoiraq.org
Women Entreprenuers Guarantee Fund Ltd. – http://www.wegfl.com
Women Together – http://www.women-together.es
Women United for Economic Empowerment – http://www.wuee.org
WomenPowerConnect – http://womenpowerconnect.org/
Women’s Initiative for Self-Actualization – http://www.wisa.org
Woodworking and Furniture ETP – https://www.facebook.com/pages/ETP-Woodworking-Furniture/156174752738779…
Work Environment Foundation
Workability International – http://www.workability-international.org
Workers Rights and Information Trust
World Alliance for Youth Empowerment (WAYE) – http://www.wayeonline.org
World Association of Former United Nations Internes and Fellows – http://www.wafunif.org
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts – http://wagggs.org/
World Best Practices Magazine – http://bestpracticesmagazine.org
World Brand Cultural Heritage Committee – http://www.un-brand.org/
World Child & Youth Forum – http://www.wcyf.se
World Cities Development Organization (WCDO) – http://www.worldcitiesdevelopment.org
World Confederation of Productivity Science – http://www.wcps.info
World Economic Forum
World Education Foundation – http://wefuk.org/
World Federation of Occupational Therapists – http://www.wfot.org
World Federation of United Nations Associations WFUNA – http://www.wfuna.org
World for People Foundation – http://www.worldforpeople.org
World Harmony Foundation – http://www.whf-foundation.org
World Learning/SIT Graduate Institute – http://www.worldlearning.org
World Life Books Association (WLBA) – http://www.worldlifebook.net
World Mediation Organization – http://worldmediation.org
World Nature Organization (WNO) – http://www.wno.org
World of Hope International – http://wohi.org
World Organization of Natural Medicine – http://www.wonm.org
World Resources Institute – WRI – http://www.wri.org
World Vision Australia – http://worldvision.com.au
World Vision Indonesia – http://www.worldvision.or.id
World Vision International – http://www.wvi.org/
World Vision Lanka – http://www.worldvision.org.lk
World Vision Senegal – http://www.wvi.org
World Wide Aid and Cooperation – http://wwac.gr
World Youth AND Culture Foundation – http://www.worldyouthandculturefoundation.org/
World Youth Bank Network – http://www.w-yb.org
WorldLoop – http://www.worldloop.org
WUSME – World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises – http://www.wusme.com
WWF-International – http://panda.org
Xenios Zeys – http://www.mpsy.gr
YANA Services Inc. – http://yanaservices.org/
Yasama Dair Vakif (Ya Da Foundation) – http://www.yasamadair.org
Yayasan Bintang Langit
Yayasan Pendidikan Bakrie – http://www.bakrie.ac.id/
Yayasan Pondok Kasih – http://pondokkasih.org
Yayasan Transformasi Lepra Indonesia (YTLI) – http://www.transformasilepra.org
Yo quiero Yo puedo (IMIFAP) – http://www.imifap.org.mx
YouMe Shopping – http://www.youmeshopping.dk
Young Bulgaria Foundation – http://www.mladabg.org
Young Generational Thinkers – http://ygtsa.wordpress.com
Young Guru Academy – http://www.yga.org.tr/en
Young Men’s Christian Association of Pangasian Inc. – http://pyramus77.webs.com/
Youth Access Association – http://gerisim.org
Youth Action for Social Advancement
Youth Association for Development (YAD)
Youth Association for Habitat – http://www.youthforhab.org.tr
Youth Can (Community Action Network) – http://www.ycan.org
Youth Crime Watch of Nigeria
Youth Employment Network Office for West Africa
Youth Empowerment Alliance, Inc. – http://www.yealliance.org
Youth Entrepreneurship Support and Development Centre – http://www.yesdc.org
Youth Federation for World Peace – http://www.youthfederationnigeria.org
Youth For Achievements – http://www.yfa.am
Youth for Human Rights International, Nigeria – http://youthforhumanrights.org
Youth Foundation of Bangladesh – http://www.yfob.org
Youth Interactive Portal for Enterprise (Yipe.org) – http://www.marsgroupkenya.org/yipe/
Youth Movement Heirs – http://spadkoemci.org.ua
YOUTH NETWORK FOR REFORM, INC. (YONER-LIBERIA) – http://www.yonerliberia.blogspot.com
Youth NGO – Agape – http://www.agape.com.ua/
Youth of the Future
Youth Public Ecological Organization “Our Home Manyava” – http://manyava.ucoz.ua
Youth Public Organization Against the Flow – http://protivtecheniya.at.ua/
Youth Social Sport Organization – http://www.facebook.com/yossofriends
Youth With A Mission Mercy Relief and Development Asia – Vietnam – http://www.ywamvietnam.org
Youth With Disabilities Forum – http://www.fmi.rs
Youth’s UNESCO Club – http://youthsunescoclub.wordpress.com/
Yunnan Project Management Association – http://www.ynpma.org
YUVA Youths Union For Voluntary Action – http://www.missionyuva.org
Zambia Mathematics Intellectual Club
Zambia Research Foundation – http://www.aidsfoundation.org.zm
Zila Panipat Panchayt Prishad
Zywiec Development Foundation