Unione Mondiale per la Pace e i Diritti Fondamentali dell’Uomo e dei Popoli
World Union for Peace Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples

Unione Mondiale per la Pace e i Diritti Fondamentali dell’Uomo e dei Popoli | World Union for Peace Human Rights and the Rights of Peoples

Economico e sociale – Financing for development

“ Tribunal Internacional de Consciência ‘Casa Real de Portugal’ pela Defesa das Ordens Dinásticas e os Títulos Nobres “ – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
“Supremo Tribunal Internacional de Justiça pela Protecção dos Direitos Humanos ‘Casa Real de Portugal’ “ – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
123 gs
21st Century Frontiers – http://www.21st-century-frontiers.net
31st December Women’s Movement – http://www.31stdwm.org
7 Star Ggs Tv Channel Broadcasting Association – http://www.ggsnews.com
7 star ggsnews tv channel – http://www.ggsnews.com
A Better Community For All Sierra Leone – http://ABC4All.net/local/Sierra%20Leone/localabc4allsierraleone.htm
A Celebration of Women Foundation Inc. – http://www.acelebrationofwomen.org
A Monarquia Real Portuguesa Verdadeira e Legitima-Linha Oficial Constitucional de Sar Dom Rosario – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
A P Human Rights Council – http://www.hrcindia.org
A Perfect Execution
A Real Casa de Portugal Hoje No Final do XX° Século
A3 Foundation nig – http://www.thea3foundation.org
Aaina Charitable Society
Abaremeshamahoro Association
ABI Humanitarian Foundation – http://www.abihumanitarian.org
Abiodun Adebayo Welfare Foundation – http://www.abiodunadebayowelfare-foundation.org
Aboriginal Life in Vancouver Enhancement – http://www.alivesociety.ca
Aboriginal Moabite Nation
Abuprodi Burundi – http://www.saemaul.com
Academia Real Portuguesa de Ciências – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Academics Stand Against Poverty – http://www.academicsstand.org
Academy Fellowship Cameroon – http://www.afecam.org
Academy for Future Science – http://www.affsafrica.org
Accademia del Dipartimento Internazionale per il Turismo Spettacolo e Comunicazioni Sociali IIRD – http://www.iird.org
Accademia del Dipartimento Internazionale per la Cultura e L’ istruzione IIRD – http://www.iird.org
Accademia Internazionale “Capitano Bartolomeo Colleoni” – http://www.iird.org
Accademia Internazionale Di Alta Cultura “Nicholas Roerich”
Accademia Internazionale di Alti Studi “Helena Petrovna Blavatsky” ( Emanazionde dell’Istituto Internazionale per le Relazioni Diplomatiche-IIRD ) – http://www.iird.org
Accademia Internazionale di Alti Studi “MOCTEZUMA” – http://www.iird.org
ACCADEMIA INTERNAZIONALE DI ALTI STUDI ARALDICI “Giovanni Battista di Crollalanza” Emanazione dell’Istituto Internazionale per le Relazioni Diplomatiche – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Accademia Internazionale Per Gli Alti Studi Di Mongolistica – http://www.iird.org
Accademia Internazionale per lo Studio dei Popoli Nomadi “Tauranian ” – http://www.iird.org
Accademica di Diritto Internazionale e Diplomatico – http://www.iird.org
Access Bangladesh Foundation – http://www.accessbangladesh.org
ACCIÓN, Asociacion Chilena de ONG, – http://www.accionag.cl
Achievers University Owo
Acropetal Lead Organization
ACT Alliance – Action by Churches Together – http://www.actalliance.org
Act of Grace 145 – http://www.actofgrace145.com
Action for Africa
Action for Reconstruction and Reingrategration Services, Inc.
Action for Sustainable Development and Health Care
Action Humaine pour le Développement Intégré au Sénégal – http://www.ahdis.org
Action Jeunesse pour le Développement
Action of Human Movement (AHM) – http://www.ahmngo.org
Action on Disability and Development, Bangladesh – http://www.add.org.bd
Action pour la Solidarité et le Développement – http://www.asodev.cd
Action pour la Valorisation des Ressources Ivoiriennes ( AVRI)
Action pour le Développement Social et Culturel – http://www.ongadsc.fr.gd
Action Pour l’integration des Jeunes
Actions communautaires pour le développement integral – http://www.acdirdc.com
Actions pour le Development Integre au Kivu
ADC International,Inc – http://www.adcint.org
ADESCP-ACP(Association pour l’appui au développement, économique social et culturel des communautés pauvres d’Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique)
Adharshila – http://adharshilatrust.org/
Aditi Social and Technical Organization Jaipur, Kuchaman City, Rajasthan (india) – http://www.asto.org
ADIVASI STUDENT & YOUTH DEVELOPMENT SOCIETY – http://www.adivasistudentyouthdevelopmentsociety.blogspot.com
Advocacy for Health, Education, Agriculture and Development, Inc.
Advocacy Initiative for Development – http://www.aidsl.org
Advocacy Network for Small Scale Enterprises
Advocates for International Development
Affirmative Action on Gender Equality Network – http://aggen2011.blogspot.com/p/about.html
Afghanistan Information Management Services – http://www.aims.org.af
Afghanistan Islamic Medical Association
Africa Coalition on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health – http://www.africamnchcoalition.net
Africa Designs – http://www.africadesigns.org
Africa Development Interchange Network – http://www.adinetwork.org
Africa Health, Human and Social Development (Afri-Dev) – http://www.afri-dev.net
Africa Muslim Federation – http://www.amfs.za.org
Africa Progress Panel – http://www.africaprogresspanel.org
Africa Public Health Alliance & 15% Campaign – http://www.africapublichealth.org
Africa Sustainable Investment Forum (AfricaSIF.org) – http://www.africasif.org
AFRICA TURK ASSOCIATON – http://www.afroturk.com
Africa Youth Coalition Against Hunger Sierra Leone – http://www.aycahinternational.org
Africa Youth for Peace and Development – http://www.aypad.com
Africa Youth United – http://www.facebook.com/pages/AYU/251663271629308
Africalink – Africa Australia Association
African American Thinktank – http://www.AATHINKTANK.COM
African Centre for Community and Development – http://www.africancentreforcommunity.com/
African Centre for Trade and Development – http://www.actade.org
African Cocoa & Coffee Farmers’ Marketing Organization – http://www.accfmo.org
African Computer and Technology Literacy Awareness Program (ACTLAP) Inc. – http://www.actlap.org
African Development and Advocacy Centre – http://afridac.org
African Development Network – http://www.african.wozaonline.co.za
African Foundation for Development – http://www.afford-uk.org
African Foundation for Environment and Climate Change
African Institute for Health and Development – http://www.aihdint.org
African Leadership Community link Advancement program
African Leadership Community Link Advancement Programm – http://savefuture.org/ALCOMLAP/about/
African Library Solution and Development – http://www.alisod.org
African Markets Initiative – http://www.ami-africa.org
African Monitor – http://www.africanmonitor.org
African Peace Network – http://www.apnetngo.org
African Relief in Action “ARIA” – http://www.ariaint.org
African Rescue Committee – http://www.afrec.org
African Revolution Movement
African Rights Initiative International – http://www.ariint.org
African Services Committee, Inc.
African Views Organization a NJ Nonprofit Corporation – http://www.africanviews.org
African Wildlife Foundation – http://www.awf.org
African Women’s Alliance, Inc. – http://www.awa-connect.org
African Youth for Transparency (AYFT) – http://www.ayftafrica.ca
African Youth Panel – http://www.africanyouth.dk
african-brirish returnees international – http://www.afribritishreturnees.org
African-German Youth Arts Culture & Science Association – http://www.ayacsa.org
African-Union Chamber of Commerce – http://www.african-union.za.org
Africa’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Africa-USA Trade Center
Afrika Re Coopération – http://www.afrikarecooperation.org
Agence Djiboutienne de Développement Social
Agence Haitienne de Developpement Social Educatif et Environnemental – http://www.facebook.com/ahdseehaiti
Agence pour le Développement Intégré au Congo
AGEN-USA Inc. – http://www.agentz.org/
Agenzia Nazionale Dell ‘ Immigazione – http://www.AGENZIANAZIONALEDELLIMMIGRAZIONE.ORG
Agricole Initiative – http://www.ia.cg
Agricultural Missions, Inc. – http://www.agriculturalmissions.org
AIBEX Asociación Internacional de ex – Becarios – http://www.aibex.eu
Aid Organization – http://www.aidorg.net
Aid Organization (AO) – http://www.aidorg.net
AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition – http://www.avac.org
AIFER “Asociacion Internacional Fundada para el Emprendimiento Responsable” – http://www.aiferglobal.weebly.com
AIMS Organization – http://www.aimspk.org
AJ Foundation (Bangladesh) – http://www.aj-foundation.org
Ajans Techno – http://www.ajanstechno.com
AJAR Foundation – http://www.ajarfoundation.org
AJIZ – Union Of Development Concern – http://sites.google.com/site/ajizunionofdevelopmentconcern
AJVSME – http://www.ajvsme.asso-web.com
Akademiet for Fremtidsforskning – http://www.Fremtid.org
AKSHAYA Rehabilitation Trust – http://www.akshaya-india.org
Akuaipa Waimakat Asociacion Para La Divulgacion, Promocion y Defensa De Los Derechos Humanos e Indigenas
Al Masryeen Organization for Social Service and Human Rights
Albert B. Sabin Vaccine Institute, Inc. – http://www.sabin.org
Alcohol Prevention Youth Initaitive, Nigeria – http://www.apyn.yolasite.com
Alexis International Society
Alfa Consortium
ALG Consulting Group – http://www.ALGCONSULTINGGROUP.COM
Al-Hakim Foundation – http://www.alhakimfd.org
Alhaya Erada for Sustainable Development – http://www.aidtoartisans-egypt.org
Alianza for Economic & Social Progress
Alianza Internacionales Inca Peru ONG – http://perualianzainca.galeon.com
Alianza ONG – http://www.alianzaong.org.do
All Africa Students Union – http://www.allafricastudentsunion.org
All Children Healthy Kidneys Foundation (ACHKA)
All Students Welfare Organization – https://www.facebook.com/#!/AswoS
All Win Network – http://www.allwinnetwork.org
Alliance Clubs International – http://www.allianceclubs.in
Alliance Internationale pour les Objectifs du Millénaire – http://www.aiodm2015.org
Alliance of Mediterranean Women Abroad
All-Ukrainian Association of Civil Organizations “Union of Armenians of Ukraine” – http://www.sau.net.ua
Almadeena Foundation
Almagd Women’s Organization Development – http://www.almagd.cso.com
Al-Mehran Research & Development Foundation – http://www.almehran.org
Al-Nashira Global Services
Al-noor welfare & development society kalat balochistan – http://www.noorbkorg
Alpha Fundación de Estudios Estratégicos
Alpha Omega Anti-Crime International Task Force – http://www.woma.usa
Alternativa de Desarrollo Amazonico – http://www.aldeaperu.blogspot.com
Alternatives Durables pour le Développement – http://www.alternativesdurables.org
AMARCOR – http://www.amarcor.org
Ambedkar Center for Justice and Peace – http://www.acjpindia.org
American Association of Russian Women – http://www.aarw.us.com
American Blue Cross Society – http://www.blue-cross.in
American Council for World Jewry, Inc.
American Hope Charities, Corp. – http://www.americanhopecharities.org
American International Chamber of Commerce – http://www.aiccus.org
American Planning Association
American Public Health Association – http://www.apha.org
America’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Amigos do Protocolo de Kyoto
Amuta for NGO Responsibility – http://www.ngo-monitor.org
An Association for Awarness
Ancient Temple of Kemetian Science – http://ancienttempleofkemetianscience.weebly.com
Anderbrandt & Lundstrom AB – http://centralt.zoomshare.com/
Ang Bagong Lahing Pilipino Development Foundation, Inc. – http://www.oocities.org/eastpafi/
Angels Shine Foundation
Aniban ng Manggagawa sa Agrikultura (AMA)
Aninpa Foundation – http://www.aninpa.org.br
Anjoman Eghtesad Energy Iran – http://www.IRAEE.org
Ankur Foundation Trust
Ankush Welfare Society – http://www.ankushwelfaresociety.org
Ansar Burney Trust International – http://www.ansarburney.org
Answer International
AO,Centrul Ecologic – Recuperare, Reciclare, Reintegrare – http://www.moderntech-ecogreen.com
Apex Development Foundation – http://www.Apexdevelopment.org
Apostoli – http://www.mkoapostoli.gr/
Apostolic Ministerial International Network (AMIN) – http://amininternational.webs.com
AquaFed – International Federation of Private Water Operators – http://www.aquafed.org
Arab Center for Peace and Human Rights
Arab Importer Exporter Union – http://www.arabimexport.org
Arab NGO Network for Development – http://www.annd.org
Arab Organization International Peace – http://www.araborganizationpeace.org
Arab Planning Institute – http://www.arab-api.org/default.aspx
Arab Union for Real Estate Development – http://www.aurd.org
Arab World Center for Democratic Development ( UNIHRD) – http://www.awcdd.orghttp://www.unihrd.net
Arai Te Uru Whare Hauora – http://www.araiteuru.co.nz
Arc Finance, Ltd
Archipelagos, Institute of Marine Conservation – http://www.archipelago.gr
Arengukoostöö Ümarlaud – http://www.terveilm.net
Arid Lands Information Network – http://www.alin.net
Art and Cultural Trust – http://www.actseveninternational.org
ArtDialogue – http://www.artmill.eu
Asabe Shehu Yar Adua Foundation – http://www.asyarf.org
Ascension Global Mission – http://www.ascension.org
Ashiana Collective Development Council
Ashok Sansthan – http://www.ashoksansthan.org
ASIA FOUNDATION, THE – http://www.asiafound.org
Asia Pacific Council for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business – http://www.AFACT.org
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development – http://www.apwld.org
Asia Pacific Women´s Watch (APWW) – http://www.apww-slngof.org
Asian Human Rights Society
Asian Liver Center at Stanford University – http://liver.stanford.edu
Asia’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
ASKS – http://www.asksmfibd.org
Asociacion Ambiente y Sociedad – http://www.ambienteysociedad.org.co
Asociacion Amigos de la Amazonia – http://www.amigosamazonia.org
Asociacion Central de Funcionarios Publicos y Docentes Publicos Jubilados del Paraguay – http://www.asocentraldejubilados.com.py
Asociación Centro Indígena para el Desarrollo Sostenible – CINDES – http://cindesperu.blogspot.com
Asociacion Chilena de ONGs ACCION – http://www.accionag.cl
Asociación Civil ONGD Educación, Ambiente y Territorio – http://www.eatnea.org
Asociación Civil Transito Danza Integrativa
Asociación Comunitaria para la Educación y el Trabajo – http://www.acete.org
Asociacion Cubana de las Naciones Unidas (Cuban United Nations Association) – http://www.acnu.org.cu
Asociación de Economistas de América Latina y el Caribe – http://www.aealc.cu/http://www.aealc.org
Asociacion de Ingenieria y Consultoria Dominicana ASICDOM – http://www.asicdom.org
Asociación de No Asalariados y Ciudadanos Unidos por el Bienestar Social A.C. – http://www.anacubs@hotmail.com
Asociacion de Trabajadores Agricolas De Columbe ” Mushuj Aillu”
Asociacion Gestion Salud Poblacion
Asociacion Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia – http://www.andi.com.co
Asociación para el Desarrollo Económico en Latinoamérica – http://www.apedela.org
Asociacion Socio Cultural Caballeros Orden Atlantica San Borondon
Assemblée des Arméniens d’Arménie Occidentale – http://www.western-armenia.eu/
Assemblee Parlementaire des Jeunes Congolais
Associação Amigos do Projeto Guri – http://www.projetoguri.org.br
Associação Brasileira de Mulheres da Carreira Jurídica – Piauí – http://wirnalves.blogspot.com/
Associação Brasileira em Defesa da Mulher da Infância e do Adolescente – http://www.asbrad.org.br
Associação Comunitaria de Corpo de Bombeiro Civil Florestal Sem Fronteira
Associação De Desenvolvimento De Programas Sociais
Associação de Imprensa do Estado do Riode de Janeiro – http://www.aierj.org
Associação de Moradores do Bairro Cabo Luiz Quevedo – http://www.rodrigoconceicaodarosa.wordpress.com
Associação Latinoamericana de Micro, Pequenas e Médias Empresas – http://alampymebr.org.br/
Associación de Estudios y Actividades sobre Temàticas Globales y Gobernanza Democrática Munial – http://www.apgdm.org
Association Africa 21 – http://www.africa21.org
Association Africaine de l’Eau – http://www.afwa-hq.org
Association are free Libya charity – http://www.facebook.com/aflibya
association centrafricaine pour le developpement communautaire
Association Chaine D’union
Association Congolaise d’Education et de Prevention Contre des Maladies et la Drogue – http://ascg.e-monsite.com
Association Congolaise pour la Preservation de l’Environnement et le Developpement Communautaire
Association Congolaise pour le Développement Economique et Social
Association Coup de Pousse Chaine de L’espoir Nord-Sud – http://www.lecoupdepousse.com
Association d’Auditeurs d’Assistants et de Formateurs Coopératifs – https://sites.google.com/site/aafcoopcameroun
Association d’Appui au Developpement des Oasis
Association de Jeunes Visionnaires pour le Développement du Congo
Association de L’environnement et Developpement Durable a Zarat – http://www.ZARAT-ECOLOGIE.TN
Association de Zarzis pour le Développement Durable et la Coopération Internationale de Zarzis – http://www.addcizarzis.org/http://www.infomigration.org
Association des Citoyens pour le Progres du Centre
Association des Consommateurs de Télécommunication de Cote d´ivoire – http://www.acotelci.org
Association des Femmes Combattantes pour le Developpement
Association des Femmes Entreprenantes du Mali – http://www.Néant
Association des Jeunes Franco-Maliens pour le Développement de l’Education au Mali – http://www.ajfmdem.over-blog.org
Association des Jeunes pour l’Agriculture du Mali – http://www.ASJAM.ORG(notavailable
Association des jeunes pour le developpement humain et la protection de l’environnement – http://ajdhpecongo.e-monsite.com
association des journalistes de droits économiques du Cameroun
Association des Maires des Communes Mauritaniennes Jumelées aux Communes Françaises de San de Senart
Association des Nations Unies du Togo – http://www.unatogo.org
Association des Pionniers du Mali
Association des Professionnels Devoues pour les Nippes
Association des Volontaires du Développement Durable (AVD) – http://www.africanewdeal.org
Association Dunenyo – http://www.dunenyo.org
Association Fédération des Agences urbaines – http://www.majal.ma
Association for Citizen’s Tolerance and Cooperation – http://www.agtis.org.mk
Association for economic research, economic advocacy and policymaking “Finance Think” – http://www.financethink.mk
Association for Farmers Rights Defense – http://www.eco-web.com/reg/02797.htmlhttp://www.eco-web.com/reg/02797.html
Association for Indo-Georgian Economic and Cultural Cooperation – http://www.indo-georgia.com
Association for Protection of Refugee and Internal Displaced Women and Children – http://www.hamiorg.org
Association for Research and Development
Association for Rural Advancement in Bangladesh – http://www.arab-bd.org
Association for Sustainable Development – http://www.asdpak.org
Association for the Development of Friendship and Understanding – http://www.adfu-international.nl
Association Génération pour de Développement de Mokrisset
Association Heinrich Klose – http://www.fondation-heinrich-klose.org
Association Humanitaire pour la Formation des Orphelins et Desherites
Association Internationale de Lutte Contre la Pauvrete et pour le Developpement (AIPED) – http://www.aiped.org/
Association Internationale des Régions Francophones (AIRF) – http://www.regions-francophones.com
Association Jeunesse Action Developpement
Association Jeunesse et Progres
Association Jeunesse pour la Solidarite et le Developpement des Parcelles Assainies
Association Jeunesse verte du Cameroun – http://www.jeunessevertecameroun.org
Association Lalla Salma de lutte contre le Cancer – http://www.contrelecancer.ma
Association Malienne pour la Sauvegarde du Bien-être Familial (AMASBIF)
Association Mauritanian of the practices Having bad-effect on Health of the Women and the Children/ CIAF Mauritania – http://www.ampsfe.org
Association Mbongso pour le Developpement – http://www.mbongso.org
Association Mouvement Alternatives Citoyenne – http://www.mouvementalternatives.org
Association nationale de coopération pour le developpement du cameroun (ANACODECAM)
Association nationale des étudiants camérounais
Association Nigerieene des Agriculteurs, Pecheurs et Eleveurs
Association of Development for Economic & Social Help-ADESH – http://www.adeshbd.org
Association of Professional Women Bankers of Nigeria – http://www.cibng.org/
Association of Promotion Human Rights and Socio-Economic Development
Association of Social Consasness and Transfer
Association of Social Entrepreneurs in Vihiga
Association of the Representatives of the Kingdom of Bunyoro-Kitara, worldwide (ARKBK) CLBG – http://www.arkbk-clbg.org
Association of women for economic development and social integrity
Association Partenaires Pour la Paix – http://www.peace-partners.com
Association pour la Défense des Droits de la Femme et de l’Enfant (ADDFE) – http://www.cyberforum/ong/addfe.mr
Association pour la Promotion de la Démocratie et l’Education Citoyenne
Association pour la Promotion de l’Informatique (ou Internet) en Afrique – http://www.ong-appia.org
Association pour la Promotion des Droits Humains et le Développement Socio-Économique
Association pour la taxation des transactions financières et pour l’action citoyenne – http://www.france.attac.org
Association pour l’action sociale et le développement – http://www.everyoneweb.com/http://www.asd.com
Association pour le Développement de la Société Civile Angolaise – ADSCA
Association pour le developpement du village Ngbada
Association pour le développement économique, social, environnemental du nord
Association pour les Victimes Du Monde
Association pour l’Intégration et le Développement Durable au Burundi – http://www.aidb-burundi.puzl.com
Association Sénégalaise pour la promotion des énergies renouvelables “KokkiEnergie”
Association sitar culturelle pour le théâtre, la télévision et le cinéma de la wilaya de jijel – http://goo.gl/maps/soLV7
Association Sociale Humanitaire Kabylie & Solidarite Algerie
Association Solidarité Internationale pour l’Afrique (SIA) – http://www.sia-mali.org
association TAGHRMA
Association Tawada Pour Le Dvpt Et La Cooperation
Association Tayaffout
Association Tunisienne de Développement et Formation – https://www.facebook.com/atdef/info
Association Tunisienne des Techniciens Forestiers
Associazione Milmun – http://www.milmun.org
Associazione Paulicio Anafesto Onlus
Associazione per la Solidarietà e la Pace – http://www.aspitaly.org
ASSRA Welfare Foundation
ASTIR S.c.s. – http://www.astir.it
Atheist Alliance International – http://www.atheistalliance.org
Athencottasan Muthamizh Kazhagam – http://www.amkcentre.org
Atikha Overseas Workers and Communities Initiatives Inc – http://www.atikha.org
Atlantic Association of Guineans from Basse Cote Inc – http://www.bassecoteusa.org
Atlas Service Corps Inc. – http://www.atlascorps.org/index.php
Attac Gabon – http://www.gattac.org
Au SecoursONG
AUFAD e.V. Germany – http://www.aufad.com
AustMyanmar Mission Association
Australian Sustainable Development Fund – http://www.asdfngo.com
Australia’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Autism Trust Foundation – http://www.atfuae.com
Autonomous noncommercial (NGO) organization, “Our Caucasus” – http://alazan.su/
Auxilium Familiam Financial Support – http://www.auxfin.comhttp://www.umva.org
Avaaz.org – http://www.avaaz.org
Aviva Investors – http://www.aviva.com
Avocats sans Frontières Maroc – http://avocatssansfrontieresmaroc.unblog.fr/
Awaz Centre for Development Services – http://www.awazcds.org.pk
Azad Charitable and Educational Foundation
Azad Hind Welfare Society
Azerbaijan Turkey Business Association – http://www.atib.az
B Lab
BAB-UL-ILM Welfare Education Society
Backward Society Education, Nepal – http://www.nepalbase.org
Baffo Memorial Foundation – http://www.bafmo.com
Baidarie – http://www.baidarie.com
Balkan Ekonomik ve Kültürel Isbirligi Dernegi – http://www.bekid.org
Bambino Welfare Project – http://www.bambinonigeria.org
Banco de Solidaridad Tenerife – http://www.bancodesolidaridad.org
Bangladersh Rural Development Organization – http://www.ruraldevelopmentbd.org
Bangladesh Association for Development of Trade and Finance
Bangladesh First People’s Forum
Bangladesh Jumma Buddhist Foundation Sri Lanka
Bangladesh Jumma Buddhist Foundation Srilanka – http://www.sambodhiviharaya.org
Bangladesh Trade Union Center
Bangladeshi Friends of U.S.A.
Banlieues du monde Mauritanie – http://bdm-m.blogspot.com
Banque Agricole Gabonaise – http://www.labag.org
Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement – http://www.boad.org
Barangay Sang Virgen Youth Movement National Center – http://www.worldprelaunch.com/esergovsBARcehcorg
Barovita Vivekananda Bidyapith
Basesix Foundation International
Bashiran Munshi Founation (Bmf) – http://www.bmf4d.org
Batool Welfare Trust – http://www.batoolwelfaretrust.org
Beacon of Hope Uganda – http://www.beaconofhopeuganda.webs.com
Beanibazar Youth Society for Eradication of Poverty
Beautiful Eves of Africa Organisation
Beautiful Life Development Plan – http://www.uneschaf.org
Befa Women and Child Care Foundation – http://www.befafoundation.org
Behar Al Sindh Foundation – http://www.beharalsindh.org
Bell Human Rights Organization
Benelux Afro Center – http://www.bacmd.net
Benevolent Community Education and Rural Development Society (BERDS CO) – http://www.berdsco.org
Beulah Baruch Ministries – http://www.beulahbaruch.org.uk/
Bey-Isra’el Royal Family Foundation
Bhadrakali Social Welfare Society
Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayata Samiti Jaipur – http://www.jaipurfoot.org
Bhartiya Jansangharsh Shakti – http://www.bjshakti.org
Bhartiya yuva chalchitra sansthan – http://www.yuvachalchitra.org
Bhaskar Rural Education and Agriculture Development Society – http://www.breadsindia.org
Bhupati Development Trust
Bihar Youth Social Service Association – http://www.byssa.webs.com
Biland Awdal Organization Somalia – http://www.bilandawdalorgGoogle
Binodia Social Services Society – BSSS
Biofutura A.C. – https://www.facebook.com/biofutura.ac
Biotope – http://www.biotope.fr
BJD Reinsurance Consulting, LLC – http://www.bjd-react.com
Black Girls Ignite Africa, Inc. – http://www.blackgirlsigniteafrica.com
Blackwood Consulting and UN CRPD Article 12 Enforcement – http://www.stopobamacarenow.webs.com
BLAIR J.A.K. MALEYKO Administrative Division
Bokma Multilink
Bonafide Consultancy P.L.C
Boonya Sahai Foundation – http://www.boonyasahai.org
Border Welfare Society – http://www.facebook.com/borderwelfaresociety
Borderless Alliance – http://www.borderlesswa.com
BOSAFWE Foundation Initiative
BRAC – http://www.brac.net
Brain builders nternational
Brasil Mata Viva – http://www.brasilmataviva.com.br
Brazil Foundation – http://www.brazilfoundation.org
BRIDGES-IDF – http://www.idfbridges.org
British Overseas NGOs for Development (BOND) – http://www.bond.org.uk/
Buddha Faundation
Building Africa, Inc. – http://www.buildingafrica.org
Bunyad Literacy Community Council – http://www.bunyad.org.pk
Bureau d’Électrification Rurale Décentralisée
Bureau de Traduction
Bureau of Informations, Training and Ressearch for Developpement
Burundian Youth for Peace Building and young refugees Integration
Business Civic Leadership Center – http://bclc.uschamber.com/
Business Development Center – http://www.bdc.org.jo
Business Humanitarian Forum – http://www.bhforum.org
Business Partnership Association “Kiev-Beijing” – http://www.kiev-beijing.org
Butakoola Village Associtaion for Development – http://www.buvad.org/
Byka Group – http://gregmars3.wix.com/byka
C40 Climate Leadership Group – http://www.c40cities.org
Cadre de concertation des Associations des veuves du Burundi
Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion – http://www.cdg.ma
CALA Social Capital Ltd – http://www.calasocialcapital.com
California Association of Tribal Governments – http://www.catg.us
california honduras institute for medical and educational support – http://www.projectchimes.org
Camara Brasileira da Industria da Construcao – http://www.cbic.org.br
Camara Brasileira de Arbitragem – http://www.camaramundial.org
Camara Latino Americana de Mediacao e Arbitragem – http://www.camaramundial.org
Cambareri Giovanni
Cambodian Action Committee for Justice and Equity – http://www.cacje.net
Cameroon Vision Trust
Cameroon Youth Solidarity Association
Cameroonian Skills Abroad Network
Cameroun Terre Nouvelle – http://www.camerounterrenouvelle.org
Canadian Council of Churches – http://www.councilofchurches.ca
Cancer Aid Society – http://www.canceraidsocietyindia.org
Canterbury Business Association Incorporated – http://www.canterburybusiness.org.nz
Capital Link World Corp. – http://www.capitallinkworldcorp.com
Caravane d’Animation Culturelle pour le Développement Durable – http://www.caracrdcongo.wordpress.com
Carbon Disclosure Project – http://www.cdproject.net
Carbon Neutral Antarctica
Carbon War Room Corporation – http://www.carbonwarroom.com
Care For All Trust India – http://www.cfatrust.com
Care for Health Education and Social Interaction of Indonesia – http://chesiflat.wordpress.com
Care for Youth Future Initiative – http://www.careforyouth.org
Cari – http://www.cariassociation.org
Caribbean Development Activists & Women’s Network
Caribbean Science Foundation – http://www.caribbeanscience.org
Caring & Living as Neighbours – http://www.whatisclan.org
Carmen Association – http://www.asociatiaumanitaracarmen.ortohost.co.cc
Carpels Crew Foundation – http://www.facebook.com/carpelsf
Casa Real de Portugal – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.orghttp://www.reifazdeconta.comhttp://ww…
Catholic Fund for Overseas Development
CCO Integrated Services Ltd
Ceforec International Network
Celebes Insan Mandiri
Centa for Organisational Development Ltd/Gte – http://www.codnigeria.org
Center for a World in Balance – http://www.worldinbalance.net
Center for Advocacy & Development in Africa Nigeria
Center for Africa Development and Progress
Center for African Progress and Collaborative Research – http://www.africaprogresscentre.com.gh
Center for Economic and Policy Research – http://www.cepr.net
Center for Economic and Social Development – http://www.cesd.az
Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD), Azerbaijan – http://www.cesd.az
Center for Energy Efficiency – http://www.rertc.net
Center for Gender and Development in Africa – http://www.gadafrica.org
Center for Global Nonkilling – http://www.nonkilling.org
Center for Human Development & Management
Center for Monitoring Democracy and Human Rights
Center for Participatory Research and Development – http://www.cprdbd.org
Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology – http://www.omnicenter.org/
Center for Public Health – http://www.centerpublichealth.org
Center for the Study of Development Economics – http://www.csdecons.org
Center of Expertise for Sustainable Development in Africa
Center of Investment and Financial Analysts – http://www.cifa.uz
Central Bank of Nigeria, Abuja. – http://www.cbn.gov.ng
Centre d’Accueil et de Volontariat pour Orphelins, Abandonnés et Handicapés du Cameroun (CAVOAH-CAM) – http://www.cavoahcam.org
Centre d’Appui aux Organisations de Femmes du Gabon
Centre de Developpement Socioculturel – http://www.cads.ch
Centre de Développement Socioculturel – http://www.cads.ch
Centre de Developpement, de Prevention des Conflits et de Secours Humanitaires
Centre de Formation et de Recherche pour le Développement (CFRD)
Centre de rcehrche en langues et Culture Africaines de Kinsangani
Centre de Recherches et de Promotion pour la Sauvegarde des Sites et Monuments Historiques en Afrique – http://www.centrededakar.org
Centre de vulgarisation de l’outil informatique (C.V.O.I)
Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants d’entreprise – http://www.cjd.net
Centre d’information et de coopération décentralisée
Centre d’Initiatives pour le Développement Intégral (CIDI) – http://www.cidirdc.org
Centre for African Israeli Friendship – http://www.caifglobal.org
Centre for Budget and Governance Accountability – http://www.cbgaindia.org/index.php
Centre for Community Empowerment for Under Priveledges
Centre for Development Studies
Centre for Economic & Libertarian Affairs – http://www.celak.org
Centre for Health Policy and Innovation – http://www.centreforglobalhealth.org
Centre for Humanitarian Enhancement
Centre for Indian Migrant Studies
Centre for Integrated Rural Development
Centre for Palliative Care, BSMMU – http://www.palliatvecarebd.org
Centre for Policy and Development – http://www.poldec.org
Centre for Research on Women’s Issues
CENTRE FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT – http://www.crdev.org
Centre for Sustainable Development and Research – http://www.csdr.info
Centre for Youth Development Aquisition Skill
Centre For Youth Initiative On Self Education (Ceyised)
Centre for Youth Interest, Dignity and Development
Centre Guide pour la Migration CGTM – http://www.cgtm.org
Centre pour la Promotion Sociale et Communautaire
Centre Social pour la Protection des Démunis – http://www.observateurs-elections.blogspot.com
centre solidarité de santé et développement
Centro Brasileiro de Relações Internacionais – http://www.cebri.org.br
CENTRO C.B. “ERUCE” – OPERATORI EMERGENZA RADIO – http://www.centrocberuce.it
Centro de Ayuda a Pacientes con Enfermedades Cronico Degenerativas – https://www.facebook.com/capec.cancun
Centro De Desarrollo Integral de la Niñez y la Adolesencia¨Rikchari¨ CDI EC=407
Centro de Estudios sobre Ciencia, Desarrollo y Educación Superior – http://www.centroredes.org.ar
Centro de Estudos Sociais – Universidade de Coimbra – http://www.ces.uc.pt
Centro de Tecnologias Alternativas da Zona da Mata – http://www.ctazm.org.br
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici
Centro Internactional de Mejoramiento Maize Y Trigo – http://www.cimmyt.org
Centro Mocovi “Lalek Lav’a”
Centro para a Competitividade e Inovacao do Cone Leste Paulista – http://www.CECOMPI.ORG.BR
Centro Studi ed Iniziative Europeo – http://www.cesie.eu
Centro Universitário Franciscano – http://www.unifra.br
Cercle de Promotion des Forêts et des Initiatives locales de Développement – http://www.cepfild.org(enconstruction)
Cercle de Recherche sur les Droits et les Devoirs de la Personne Humaine – http://www.pnad.ch
Cercle des Filles et Femmes Actives pour l’Amélioration des Conditions Socioéconomiques et Culturelles des Femmes et des Filles
Cercle d’initiative commune pour la recherche, l’environnement et la qualité – http://cicreq.cfsites.org
Cercle Social pour la Protection des Defavorises
CESAM – http://www.cesam-sahar.org
Change Life
Changemaker Norway – http://www.changemaker.no
Changemakers-Sierra Leone
Changing Our World – http://www.changingourworld.com
Charity Medical Team
Chase Sidheequabad
Cha-Ta-Ra Clan Interim Government Council
Chenab Development Foundation – http://www.cdf.org.pk
Childhood Cancer Foundation – http://www.childhoodcancerfound.org
Children and Community Initiative for Development – http://www.caidgambia.org
Children Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction (CSDRR) – http://www.childrenstrategy.simplesite.com
Children’s Human Rights Centre of Albania – http://www.crca.org.al/
Chilloe Cancer Foundation
Christelik Maatskaplike Raad Humansdorp
Christian Adolescent Foundation Inc. – http://www.chrisadolfoundation.org
Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament – Kenya – http://www.cndkenya.org
Christian Development Foundation
Church World Service – http://www.churchworldservice.org
CIDSE – http://www.cidse.org
CIRID (Centre Independent de Recherches et d’Iniatives pour le Dialogue) – http://www.cirid.ch
CISRI – Collaborative Intergovernmental Scientific Research Institute – http://www.cisri.org
Citigroup, Inc.
City University of New York, College of Staten Island
Civic Duties Awareness Initiative – http://www.cidaingr.org
Civil Society Bahamas
civil society organization network for development
Clifford Global Education Initiative – http://www.cliffinitiative.org
Climate Action Network Association e.V. – http://www.climatenetwork.org
Climate Action Network Europe asbl – http://www.caneurope.org
Climate Advisers – http://www.climateadvisers.com
Climate Change Resilience Centre
Climate Markets and Investment Association – http://www.cmia.net
Climate Policy Initiative – http://www.climatepolicyinitiative.org
Climatenet e.V. – http://www.climatenet.de
Club advisors international arbitration
Club Internazionale Della Pace IIRD – http://www.iird.org
Club Union Africaine/ Congo Brazza
CNC Watch New S/L
Cocody Cité de l’Espoir
CoLink – http://www.colinkonline.org
Colombo Americanos Unidos – http://www.fundacioncolomboamericanosunidos.org
Colorado Haiti Project – http://www.coloradohaitiproject.org
Comission for activing the civil society – http://www.facebook.com/groups-http://www.madaniate.blogspot.com-http://…
Comitato- Ev-K2 -CNR – http://www.evk2cnr.org/cms/en/
Comite Aldeia Brasil
Comité de Lutte Contre les Pandémies pour le Développement Durable au Cameroun (CLPC) – http://www.clpc.org
Comite de Secours aux Personnes Démunies
Comité d’Intervention pour le Développement en Côte d’Ivoire
Comité National des Droits de la Femme
Commission Nationale des Femmes Entrepreneurs ( CNFE/FEC)
Commissione Internatzionale IIRD Per I Diritti Dell’Uomo – http://www.iird.org
Commissione Internazionale per i Diritti Dell’uomo e per i Problemi Della Giustizia – http://www.iird.org
Commissioni de Dipartimenti Internazionali IIRD – http://www.iird.org
Commitment For Native Development Program Foundation
Communication and Development Institute – http://www.lasociedadcivil.org
Communication et Développement Intégral – http://www.cditogo.wordpress.com
COMMUNICATION FOR DEVELOPMENT CENTRE – http://www.africadevelopment.org
Communities Forestry and Social Development Organization
Community Action Against Injustice
Community and Environmental Servicies Association – http://saintkatherinecenter.blogspot.com/
Community Development Initiative West Africa
Community Development Initiatives
Community Empowerment For Peace and Health Initiative – http://www.cepinig.org
Community Engineering Programme – http://www.comengip.org
Community Health Information Education Forum – http://www.chiefngo.org
Community Initiative for Peace Education and Development – http://www.molgl.gov.gm
Community Recovery Foundation
Community Responsibility Initiative Network – http://www.ogundipetunde07.blogspot.com
Community Service Foundation
Company of the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul – http://www.filles-de-la-charite.org
Comunidad Campesina de PUÑACHIZAK
Concerned Women Against the Spread of HIV & AIDS, Inc.
Concerns for Millennium Development Goals – http://www.concernsformdgs.com
Concile Mondial de Congres Diplomatiques des Aumoniers pour la Paix Universelle des Droits Humains et Juridiques
Confederacao da Agricultura e Pecuaria do Brasil Cna – http://www.canaldoprodutor.com.br
Confederação Nacional dos Trabalhadores na Agricultura – http://www.contag.org.br
Confederación de Prosumidores Agro Ecológicos
Confederación Latinoamericana de Estudiantes de Economía – http://www.laclee.org
Confederazione Italiana Sindacati Lavoratori C.I.S.L. – http://www.cisl.it
Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations (CONGO) – http://www.ngocongo.org
Congo Grainier Mondial (CGM)
Congo Network of Religious Leaders Living or Personnally Affected by HIV and AIDS
Congo Nord Sud
Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel – Carmelite NGO – http://www.carmelitengo.org
Connections for Afghanistan Research & Prosperity Organization – http://www.karpogroup.net/carpo.karpogroup.net
Conseil Local de la Jeunesse Yolo Nord I
Conseil Mondial de l’Artisanat – http://www.worldcraftscouncil.org
Consejo de la Juventud de España – http://www.cje.org
Consejo Departamental de Planeación del Guaviare
Conselho Regional de Engenharia e Agronomia do Estado do Ceara
Consiglio Supremo della Sicurezza IIRD per le Questioni Africane, Americane, Asiatiche, Europee, Indiane e Mediorientali – http://www.iird.org
Consorcio Boliviano de Juventudes – Casa de la Juventud – http://conbojuv.codigosur.net
Consortium d’appui aux actions pour la promotion et le développement de l’Afrique (CAPDA) – http://www.capda.net
Construisons Ensemble Le Monde
Consultative status to prepare international arbitrators – http://www.ccastatus.net
Consumer Awareness and Support Society – http://www.cassadvanceonline.com
Contraloría Ciudadana para la Rendición de Cuentas, A.C. – http://www.contraloriaciudadana.org.mx
Convention of Independent Financial Advisors-CIFA – http://www.cifango.org
Cooch Behar Ashar Alo
Coochbehar Khagrabari Relief Service
Coolplanet Foundation – http://www.coolplanet.com
Cooperation and Participation in Overseas NGOs – http://copion.or.kr/english
Coopération au Développement VILLAGES-SUD
Cooperativa Santa Maria Magdalena Ltda 219 – http://www.coopsantamaria.com.pe/
Coopérative de Développement Agricole – http://www.club.quomodo.com/cdatogo
Coordinadora de Organizaciones Indigenas Campesinas y Comunidades Interculturales de Bolivia – http://www.coincabol.org
Coordination Générale des Migrants pour le Développement – http://www.cgmd.be
Copenhagen Consensus Center – http://www.copenhagenconsensus.com
CORE (Care for Orphans Rehabilitation and Eduational society)
Corporación de Desarrollo Social, Cultural y Financiera América
Corporacion Estrategias Sustentables ONG – http://www.corpoesus.org
Corporación Soberanía y Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional para la Población Colombiana – http://www.corposan.org
Corporacion Vida ONG – http://www.ongvida.com
CorpsAfrica – http://www.corpsafrica.org
Corte Internacional de Justica Arbitral – http://www.camaramundial.org
Corte Internazionale di Ecologia – http://www.iird.org
Couleurs Afrique – http://www.couleursafrique.org
Council for Exceptional Children – http://www.cec.sped.org
Council for International Development – http://www.cid.org.nz
Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training (CTEVT)
Coup de Pouce Ongd
Covenant God Glory People Empowerment Organisation
Covenant International University and Seminary Inc
Creative Spirit Welfare Organization – http://www.cswo.com.pk
Crescent University – http://www.crescentversity.ude.ng
Cruz Roja Ecuatoriana – http://www.cruzroja.org.ec
Cruz Vermelha Brasileira Filial Nova Iguaçu – http://www.cruzvermelhani.org.br
Cubraiti, Inc. – http://www.cubraiti.orghttp://www.cubraiti.com
Cultural Society of Iraq Youth – http://csiyfngo.blogspot.com
Cultural, Educational & Enivormental Organisation – http://www.ceeongo.org
Culture Fund of Zimbabwe Trust – http://www.culturefund.co.zw
Cyrenaica Regional Transitional Council – http://www.ctc-ly.org/
Czech Blue Cross – http://ceskymodrykriz.webs.com/
Daffodil International University
Daffy International
Dakshin Dinajpur Pratik Rural and Urban Development Society – http://www.iohrp.org/Ngo.php
Dalit Association for Social and Human Rights Awareness – http://www.dashra.org
Dalit Panther of India – http://www.dalitpanther.com
Dalit Welfare Association – http://www.dwa.org.np
DaMeheux International Development Cooperative – http://www.DIDC.coop
Daniel Asekhame Foundation – http://www.danielasekhamefoundation.org
David Oyedepo Foundation – http://www.davidoyedepoministries.org
Daya Pertiwi Foundation – http://www.dayapertiwi.org
Daystar Leadership Academy – http://www.dlaonline.org
Defence Against AIDS, Poverty and Underdevelopment
Defence of Child Laborers Rights
Defender and Reconciliation Project Center
Democratische Vernieuwing & Ontwikkeling – http://www.dveno.org
Demokratik Islahatç? G?ncl?r I.ctimai Birliyi – http://www.yrdu.az
Demokratyczna Unia Kobiet – http://www.dukrk.pl
Dennis-Meek International Care [NGO]
Desh Gori
Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik – http://www.die-gdi.de
Deutsch-Marokkanischen Kompetenznetzwerkes e.V. – http://www.dmk-online.org
Development Action Network – http://www.dan.org
Development and Environment
Development Authority
Development Education and Advocacy Resources Initiative for Africa
Development Finance International
Development Generation Africa International – http://www.dgai.webs.com
Development Initiatives – http://www.devinit.org
Development Khmer Kid Prosperity
Development of Institution & Youth Alliance – http://www.diyaalliance.org
Development Organization for Social Transformation – http://www.dost.org.pk
Development Solutions – http://www.dsmongolia.org
Développement Humanitaire en Afrique – ONG Internationale
Dialogo 2000 – http://www.dialogo2000.blogspot.com
Diaspora Capital
Diaspora for African Development – http://www.dfad.org.uk
Dierrepi Consulting – http://www.dierrepi.com
Diplomatic Mission Peace And Prosperity – http://diplomaticmission.wordpress.com/
Diplomatic Passport end Diplomatic Representatives Iird – http://www.iird.org
Diplomatic Passport, Diplomatic Representatives and Diplomatic and Constitutional Charges Royal House of Portugal – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Diplomatic Society – http://www.diplomaticsociety.org/
Direct Email Marketing – http://www.yovibusiness.com
Direction Des Relations Avec La Societe Civile/Cdhahrsc
Disability Empowerment Solution – http://www.desnigeria.org
Disability Rights Fund – http://www.disabilityrightsfund.org
Disabled People’s Association in Somaliland
Disabled Peoples Organisation´s Denmark
Discovery Africa – http://discoveryafrica.wordpress.com
DISCOVERY BOYS ARTS, SPORTS AND CULTURAL CLUB – http://www.velmoc.com/ngo/discoveryboys
Distinct Dynamic Resources – http://www.united2gether.org
Divine Women Projects
Djimo Foundation
DMW – Diplomaten für internationale Verbindungen von Mensch & Wirtschaft e.V. – http://www.diplomaten.eu
DMW Enterprises LLC
Doctors For Humanity International -Medecins Pour L’humanite International
Doctors Worldwide Ltd – http://www.doctorsworldwide.org
Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America – http://www.episcopalchurch.org
Dominican Leadership Conference – http://www.domlife.org/dlc/
Dr. Govind Das Richhariya Foundation
Dr.Ambedkar Trustworthy for Education and Rehabilitation
Dr.Morteza Chaman ara – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Drammeh Institute, Inc
Dream Achievers Youth Organization – http://www.dreamachieverskenya.org
Du Pain Pour Chaque Enfant
Ducuum – http://www.ducuum.org
Duke University – http://www.sanford.duke.edu/dcid
Durban Chamber Foundation – http://www.durbanchamber.co.za
Dynamic Action Groups – http://www.dynamicactiongroup.org
Dynamique Africaine
Dynamique Intégrale de la Femme Congolaise pour le développement
e^2: Equitable Energhy – http://www.getesquared.org
E3 – Ecologia, Economia y Etica – http://www.e3asesorias.com
Eakok Attomanobik Unnayan Sangstha – http://www.eakok.org
Eastern Africa Diaspora Business Council – http://eadiaspora.org/index.html
ECCO2 Corp – http://www.ecco2corp.org
EcoEarth Alliance UN Partnership Initiative – http://www.ecovillage.org/ecoearth
Ecolabs – http://www.ecolabs.org
Economic and Urban Policy Analysts – http://www.eupa.com
Economic Justice Network of the Fellowship of Christian Councils in Southern Africa – http://www.ejn.org.za
Economic Research Center – http://www.erc.az
Economical Cooperation Development & Technical-Engineering Services Center of Middle East Countries – http://www.itcir.com
ECOTECHSY- Pôle Suisse de compétences en Eco-technologie, développement durable et génération d’emploi – http://www.ecotechsy.ch
Ecoterra International – http://www.ecoterra-international.org
Ecotrust – http://www.ecotrust.org
Ecovalores – http://www.ecovalores.org
Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance – http://www.e-alliance.ch
Ecumenical Commission For Human Development – http://www.echd.org.pk
Eden Foundation – http://www.edenfoundation.org.nz
Edo Youth Congress – http://www.edoyouthcongress.com
Educadores somos todos A.C. – http://www.educadoressinfronteras.mx
Educate Africa
Education for all Cameroon
Ege Uluslararasi Saglik Federasyonu – http://www.esafed.org
Église ‘Américano-Haitienne’ Adventiste du Septième Jour Hébron
Egyptain Association for Cities development
Egyptian Family Planning Association – http://www.efpa-eg.net
Eleqtra InfraCo – http://www.infraco.com
Elgon Project Management – http://www.elgonpm.com
Eliezah Foundation Initiative Uganda – http://eliezahfoundation.org.org
Elyon Trust – http://www.elyon-trust.org
EMUNI University – http://www.emuni.si/en
Energies 2050 – http://www.energies2050.org
Energypact Foundation – http://www.energypact.org
Enfants de l’azawak
Engagement Publique
Engineers Without Borders – International
Enosi Metaston Ellados – http://www.eme.org.gr
Entrepreneurs du Monde – http://www.entrepreneursdumonde.org
Entreprenurship Development and Support Initiative
Entreprises pour l’Environnement – http://www.epe-asso.org
Environmental Ambassadors for Sustainable Development – http://www.ambassadors-env.com
Environmental Compliance office and Sustainable Development – http://www.eco-fei.net
Environmental Organization – Rhodope – http://www.rhodope.eu
Environmental Parliament
Environmental Relief service ERS. – http://www.ers.org.pk
Environnement en Ligne – TOGO – http://www.enoprogramme.org
Enyiwaauzor Foundation – http://www.enyiwaauzorfoundation.org
Equit Institute – http://www.equit.org.brandhttp://www.igtn.org
Erymanthos – http://www.erymanthos.gr
Espoir pour la Communaute
Espoir Tiers Monde – http://www.espoirtiersmonde.net
Ethiopian World Federation – http://ewfheadquarters.org
Ethnic Minority Foundation – http://www.ethnicminorityfoundation.org.uk
Euclid Network – http://www.euclidnetwork.eu
Eunice Foundation – http://www.eunicefoundation.org
Euro Mea
Euro-Arab Environment Organization – http://www.beae.net
European Solidarity Towards Equal Participation of People
European Union Association in the United States – http://www.euun.org
European Union of Public Relations – http://www.eupri.com
Europe’s Elites Society – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Evangelical Association for Sustainable Development
Evangelical Social Action Forum – http://www.esafindia.org
Evangelischer Entwicklungsdientst – http://www.eed.de
Evergreen Society – http://www.evergreenbd.org
Ewiiaapaayp Band of Kumeyaay Indians – http://www.leaningrock.org
Exchange and Cooperation Centre for Latin America (Centre d’Exchanges et Cooperation pour l’Amerique Latine) – http://www.cecal.net
F N Forbundet – http://www.fnforbundet.dk
Face of Charity Foundation – http://www.faceofcharity.com
Falah for Humanity
Family Health Development Organization – http://www.fhdo.webs.com
Family Health International – http://www.fhi360.org
Farias e Valchi Advogados – http://www.fariasevalchiadvogados.com.br
Fashoda Youth Forum – http://www.fashodayouthforum.org
Fate Foundation
Fazilia Trust Pakistan – http://www.faziliatrust.org
Federação das Indústrias do Estado de São Paulo – http://www.fiesp.org.br
Federacion de Clubes Zacatecanos del Sur de California – http://www.federacionzacatecana.org
Federación de Comuninades Nativas Yaneshas FECONAYA – http://www.feconaya.org
Federación Internacional de Fe y Alegría – http://www.feyalegria.org
Federal Association for the Advancement of Visible Minorities – FAAVM – http://www.faavm-canada.org
Federal Polytechnic Nekede Owerri Imo State Nigeria – http://www.federalpolynekede.net
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – http://www.ufrj.br
Federal University Oye Ekiti – http://www.fuoye.edu.ng
Federation des Associations de Migrants
Federation of Entrepreneurs
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry – http://www.ficci.com
Feed The Children Inc – http://www.feedthechildren.org
Feminist Task Force – http://www.feministtaskforce.org
Femme et Justice Economique
Femmes Enfants en Détresse Niger
Ferdous International Foundation – http://www.ferdous.ch
Fever Relief Fund – http://www.feverrelieffund.org
FIA Foundation for the Automobile and Society – http://www.fiafoundation.org
Fight against Poverty & Ignorance – http://www.fapi.org.pk
Fighting HIV-AIDS & Abuse – http://www.spectrango.weebly.com
Filipino Women’s Council – http://www.filipinowomenscouncil.org
Finance Alliance for Sustainable Trade – http://www.fastinternational.org
FireStarter Zambia
FirmGreen Sustainability Solutions – http://www.firmgreen.com
FLO-CERT GmbH – http://www.flo-cert.net
Fly America Aboriginal Society
Focused Women Against HIV, AIDS and Cancer
Fondaction, le Fonds de Développement de la Confédération des Syndications Nationaux pour la Coopération et l’Emploi – http://www.fondaction.com
Fondasyon Ti Moun Yo
Fondation Cheick Aorema
Fondation des Emigres Senegalais – http://www.la-fes.orgethttp://www.codesfes.org
Fondation des Oeuvres pour la Solidarité et le Bien Etre Social – FOSBES ONG – http://www.Inconstruction
Fondation Femme Plus ASBL
Fondation Haitienne du Crédit Agricole
Fondation Institut de recherche pour le développement durable et les relations internationales
Fondation joseph The Worker/Structure Lazarienne
Fondation Josias Live – http://www.josiaslive.org
Fondation Medicale pour le Developpement – http://www.fomedev.org
Fondation Nehemie
Fondation pour les Aires Protégées et la Biodiversité de Madagascar – http://www.madagascarbiodiversityfund.org
Fondation pour les Etudes et Recherches sur le Développement International – http://www.ferdi.fr
Fondation pour les Femmes Africaines
Fondation pour l’étude des relations internationales et du développement – http://www.graduateinstitute.ch
fondation pro equity
Fondation Ressources et Nature – http://www.forena.jimdo.com
Fondation Rocher des Enfants
Fondation SPLAR, Côte d’Ivoire – http://www.fondationsplarci.org
Fondation Suisse Maroc pour le développement durable – http://www.fsmd.ch
Fondation WWF France – http://www.wwf.fr
Fondazione S.A.V.E. (Scienza, Allenza, Vita, Ambiente) – http://www.horn-horn.de
Fonds de Gouvernance Mondiale – http://www.fondsdegouvernancemandiale.org
Fonds ee Developpement des Services de Sante
Food for All Foundation for Sustainable Agricultural Development
Foramat 2000
Foreign Investment Promotion Council
Foreign Mission Board of the National Baptist Convention of the United States of America – http://www.fmbnbc.org
FORIM – http://www.forim.net
Fortune Grassroots Development Initiative – http://www.fgdi.org
Forum Damascene House – http://www.damascenehouse.org
Fórum de Juventude da CPLP – http://www.fjcplp.wordpress.com
Forum of Consortium, Network and Independent Civil Society Organization
Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft – http://www.foes.de
Forward Sunsari Nepal – http://www.forward.org.np
Foundation for GAIA – http://www.foundation-for-gaia.org
Foundation for Rural Education, Wildlife and Environment – http://forewengam.org
Foundation for the International Network of Museums for Peace – http://www.inmp.net
Foundation for the protection of the constitutional rights protection of indigenous peoples of Russia – http://fondru.ru
Foundation of Healthcare Technologies Society – http://www.fhts.ac.in
Foundation Orestina Oreste for Development – http://www.foodhaiti.org
Foundation Sife Leiden – http://www.sifeleiden.nl
Foz do Brasil – http://www.fozdobrasil.com.br
Franco da Rocha News – http://www.francodarochanews.jex.com.br
Frankfurt School of Finance and Management gemeinnutzige GmbH – http://www.fs-unep-centre.org/
Freann Financial Services Limited – http://www.ffslghana.com
Friedrich Ebert Stiftung – http://www.fes-globalization.org
Friends in Need Empowerment Initiative – http://www.projectfriendship.org
Friends of the United Nations Australia – http://www.foun.org.au
Fuerza y Raices
Fujian APEC Finance & Development Research Institute – http://www.blog.sina.com.cn/rongmingwu
Fund “Energy of Atom in XXI Century”
Fundação Academica Diplomatica do Direito Internacional “Casa Real de Portugal” – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Fundação Getúlio Vargas
Fundação Guairá – http://www.fundacaoguaira.org.br
Fundação Internacional dos Estudos Legais para a Institucionalização da Casa Real Portuguesa – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Fundação Interuniversitária de Estudos e Pesquisas Sobre o Trabalho – http://www.unitrabalho.org.br
Fundação Joaquim Chissano – http://www.fjchissano.org.mz
Fundação Pedra Azul
Fundacion “Juri-Juri”
Fundacion Amparo Cabrera, Fundacion – http://www.foundation-amparo.org
Fundación Cimab – http://www.info@cimab.org
Fundacion Ciudad Limpia Chaco
Fundación DARA Internacional – http://www.daraint.org
Fundacion Democratica Italo-Americana
Fundación Desarrollo Sustentable A.C. – http://www.fds.org.mx
Fundacion Dialogo Mujer
Fundacion el Sol – http://www.actiweb.es/wwwfundacionelsol/
Fundación Familias Monoparentales Isadora Duncan – http://www.isadoraduncan.es
Fundacion Fondo de Mujeres del Sur – http://www.mujeresdelsur.org
Fundacion Geosocial – http://www.fundaciongeosocial.org
Fundación Global Democracia y Desarrollo – http://www.funglode.org
Fundación Hogares Libres de Violencia Sagrada Familia
Fundacion Internacional Maria Luisa De Moreno – http://www.fundacionmarialuisa.org/
Fundación Latinoamericana de Apoyo al Saber y la Economía Popular
Fundacion Latinoamericana de Innovacion Social – http://www.elinnovadorsocial.org
Fundación Let’s Advance Together – http://fundacionlat.blogspot.com/
Fundacion Libelulas de CostaRica
Fundacion Mahatma Gandhi – http://www.edugandhi.org
FUNDACION ONG TEOPAL-teatro experimental obrero de Palmira – http://www.46664voluntarios.es/organizations/fundacion-ong-teopal-teatro…
Fundacion para el Analisis y la Reflexion de Argentina – http://www.fundara.org.ar
Fundación para el Avance de las Reformas y las Oportunidades – http://www.grupofaro.org
Fundacion para el Desarrollo de las Ciencias la Sociedad y el Estado
Fundacion para la Ruralidad la Educacion y el Desarrollo
Fundacion Pro Humanae Vitae – http://www.fphv.org
Fundación Proyecto Solidario por la Infancia – http://www.proyectosolidario.org
Fundación Social AMEAC – http://www.fundacionameac.org
Fundacion Social Ciudad Alegria
Fundacion Social Para el Desarrollo Empresarial, Poblacion Desplazada y Vulnerable
Fundacion Wayuunaiki – http://www.wayuunaiki.org.ve/
Fundación Zícaro – http://www.zicaro.org
Fundacja Forum Inicjatyw Rozwojowych – http://www.fir.org.pl
Fundaidacion Calidad de Vida Dean Funes – http://www.enconstruccion
Fundecooperacion para el Desarrollo Sostenible – http://www.fundecooperacion.org
Funders Network on Transforming the Global Economy – http://www.fntg.org
Fundo Vale para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável – http://www.fundovale.org
Futuro Desenvolvimento do Projecto Territorial Principado de Bragança Real Casa de Portugal – http://www.principadodebraganca.org
G M Shah Foundation – http://gmshahfoundation.info/
G.H. Raisono Law School – http://www.ghrlawschool.raisoni.net
Gabon pour Jesus
Gacci Magazine
Ga-Dangme students Association of the University of Ghana,legon
gaea21 Association pour la mise en œuvre du Développement Durable et de l’Agenda 21 – http://www.gaea21.org
GAiN International – http://www.gainusa.org
Gandhian Unit for Integrated Development Education – http://www.guideindia.org.in
Garuda 23 Team Officer
GAVI Alliance – http://www.gavialliance.org
GBD Public Diplomacy & Culture Exchange Center – http://www.cpdcea.com
Gender Action – http://www.genderaction.org
Gender Alliance for Development Center – http://www.gadc-al.org
Gender and Economic Alternatives Trust
Gender Files, Inc – http://www.genderfilesinc.org
Gender Progress Consortium & Foundation – http://www.genderprogress.org
General Assembly Entrepreneurs of United National – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
General Forum of the Arabic and African Non-Governmental Organizations – http://www.fongaf.org
Genesis Facility Foundation
Geopolitikai Tanács Közhasznú Alapítvány – http://www.cgeopol.hu
Georgia Blue Cross Society – http://www.blue-cross.in
Geriatrics Care Foundation of Pakistan – http://www.iaed.org/gcfk
Gestos – http://www.gestos.org
Gestos – Soropositividade, comunicação e Gênero – http://www.gestos.org
Ghana Leadership Council International – http://www.ghanaleaders.org
Ghoghardiha Prakhand Swarajya Vikas Sangh – http://www.gpsvs.org.in
Gic Cadire – http://www.barreaulittoral.org/devcadire/
Gic Sainte Francoise de Charite
Giral viveiro de projetos – http://www.giral.com.br
Give to Colombia – http://www.givetocolombia.org
GlaxoSmithKline Emerging Markets – http://www.gsk.com/
GlaxoSmithKline Oncology
Global Academy Institute of Technology Foundation, Inc. – http://www.gaitf.com
Global Action for Africa’s Development – http://www.glafad.org
Global Aid Hand, Sudan
Global Aid Network – http://www.globalaid.net
Global AIDS Alliance – http://www.globalaidsalliance.org
Global Alcohol Policy Alliance – http://www.globalgapa.org
Global Alliance for Development Foundation – http://www.gadef.org
Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) Philippines, Inc.
Global Association of Measurement and Economics in Sports
Global Autism Project – http://www.globalautismproject.org
Global Call to Action Against Poverty Global Foundation – http://www.whiteband.org
Global Campaign for Education – http://www.campaignforeducation.org
Global Campaign for Education, US Chapter – http://www.campaignforeducationusa.org/
Global Community Health Foundation – http://www.globalcommunityhealthfoundation.org
Global Development Africa Foundation – http://www.globaldevelopmentafrica.com
Global Development Program
Global Disability Movement – http://globdismov.com/
Global Financial Integrity – http://www.gfintegrity.org
Global Forum for Health Research – http://www.globalforumhealth.org
Global Forum Foundation – http://www.globalforumfoundation.org
Global Forum Foundation Ghana – http://www.forumghana.org
Global Foundation for Democracy and Development, Inc. – http://www.globalfoundationdd.org
Global Greengrants Fund – http://www.greengrants.org
Global Health International Institute – http://www.gh2i.org
Global Investment and Development Institute
Global Mercy Mission Project
Global Millennium Development Foundation – http://www.ungmdf.com
Global Millennium International NGO – http://www.GlobalMillennium.org
Global Partnerships Forum
Global Protection Network – http://www.globalprotectionnetwork.com
Global South Initiative – http://www.gsi.org.np
Global South Watch – http://www.globalsouthwatch.org
Global Stewardship for Sustainable Agricultural, Forestry and Water Development
Global Urban Development – http://www.globalurban.org
Global Values Research Foundation – http://www.gvrfindia.com
Global Youth Summit on Innovative Philanthropy and Social Entrepreneurship – http://NexusYouthSummit.com
Globale Friedensinitiative Schweiz – http://www.friedensinitiative.ch
GlobalPartnersUnited LLC – http://www.global-partners-united.com
GlobalSphere Int’l Corporation
Globe Vert – http://www.globevert.org
Globle Human Rights & S.D. Society – http://www.ggsict.org
Globlr Human Rights & Sociqal Service Association India – http://www.ggsnetwork.com
gobierno autonomo municipal de la paz – http://www.lapaz.bo
Golden Neo
Good News Ministry Mother Terisa Social Service Organization – http://www.goodnewsministrymotherterisasocialservice.org/http://www.gnmm…
Gorazde Children’s Foundation Bosnia – http://www.gcfbosnia.org
Goshen Progressive Widow Farmer and Petty Trader Organisation
Goshen Solutions
Gospel Assembly – Queens – http://www.gospelassemblyqueens.org
Goutomi Shishu Sadan
Gouvernement de la République Maohi – http://www.republique-maohi.fr/Constitution_de_la_REPUBLIQUE_MAOHI.H.htm…
Governo do Estado de Rondonia – http://www.rondonia.ro.gov.br
Governo do Estado de Sao Paulo – http://www.sp.gov.br
Graduate School of Business, University of Cape Town – http://www.gsb.uct.ac.za
Gramin Bal Vikas Samiti, Darguwan, Badamalehra (CHHATARPUR) M.P.
Gramkalp Foundation
Grass-root indigenous women’s group – http://www.onconstruction
Great 1 Foundation
Great Harry Charity Foundation – http://www.greatharrycharityfoundation.org
Great Turtle Island Federation – http://www.greatturtleislandfederation.org
Green Banking – http://www.facebook.com/pages/GREEN-BANKING-en-Méditerranée/299944776694024
Green Concern for Development – http://www.greencodeng.webs.com
Green Energy Efficiency Foundation
Green Generation – http://www.greenobjectif.blogspot.com
Green State Resources Ltd
Greener Environmental Conservation Foundation
GreenLife Sri Lanka – http://www.greenlifelanka.org
GREENWISE International – http://www.greenwiseint.org
Groupe Communication Internationale en Technologies Cultures et Services “G.CITCS” – http://senegal.educanet2.ch/citcs
Groupe de Recherche – Action pour le Développement Intégral
Groupe de Recherche et d’Action pour la Promotion de l’Agriculture et du Développement
Groupe de Recherches et d’Actions pour le Développement et l’Environnement
Groupe des Jeunes Agronomes Actifs pour le Developpement Integre au Cameroon
Groupe D’etude et de Recherche en Economie Sociale
Groupe d’Initiative Commune des Agriculteurs Professionnels du Cameroun (GIC AGRIPO) – http://www.tayab.org
Groupe d’Initiative Commune des Agriculteurs Reunis
Groupe d’Intellectuels pour l’Education de la Jeunesse
Groupe sud Visions
Groupement pour l’Education et l’Investissement – http://www.geimisolded.com
Growth and Development Monitoring Initiative – http://www.gdming.org
GSK – http://www.gsk-limited.com
GUAM Civil Development Center
GUARDS OF THE EARTH AND THE VULNERABLE – http://www.gevghana.org
Gujarat National Law University – http://www.gnlu.ac.in
Gulf Research Center Foundation – http://www.grc.net
Gusenghwe Inc. – http://www.gusenghwe.com
Guyana National Council on Public Policy – http://www.GNCPP.ORG
Habib Physiotherapy Complex – http://www.hpcpk.org
Habitat for Humanity Int’l – http://www.habitat.org
Haitian Advocacy Platform for an Alternative Development – http://www.papda.org
Harijans Development Society
HARP – http://www.harpngo.org
Hasaan Foundation – http://www.hasaanfoundation.org
Hayat Boyu Sevgi Dernegi – http://www.hayatboyusevgi.com
Health and Humanitarian Aid Foundation – http://www.hhafonline.org/
Health Australia & Tanzania (HAT) – http://www.hat.org.au
Health Global Access Project Inc. – http://www.healthgap.org
Health Integrated development Agency
Health Poverty Action – http://www.healthpovertyaction.org
HEALTHY INDIA FOUNDATION – http://www.healthyindiafoundation.co.in
Healthy Options Project Skopje – http://www.hops.org.mk
Heartbeat International Foundation Inc – http://www.heartbeatsaveslives.com
Heavenly Treasures Charity Foundation – http://www.htcf.org
Heidelberger Forum für Politik und Wissenschaft – http://www.forum-hd.de
Helenfred Initiative for Youth Education – http://www.helenfredinitiative.com.ng
Hellenic Research and Educational Institute “Panos Mylonas” for the Road Safety and the Prevention/Reduction of Traffic Accidents – http://www.ioas.gr
Helm of Peace & Energy – http://www.CMAADVISORS.IN
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ – http://www.ufz.de/
Help Age Gunjur – http://www.genvironment.co.uk
Help and Development Organization (HDO)
Help Beyond Borders
Help for the Andes Foundation – http://www.helpfortheandes.org
Help International Foundation/ Fundacion Ayuda International – http://www.helpinternationalfoundation.com
Help Less Unfortunate People Who Cannot Afford
Helping Angels Welfare Association – http://www.helpingangels.com.pk
HelpMeSee, Inc. – http://www.helpmesee.org
Helvetas Swiss Intercooperation – http://helvetas.org
Heritage Ethnico Organization Inc.
Heritage Foundation, The
Heritage of National Environment Yeilding
Hewad Organization Pakistan ® – http://www.hewadorg.com
High Atlas Foundation – http://www.highatlasfoundation.org/
High Security Newplate Limited – http://www.signcomantigua.com
HIV Young Leaders Fund – http://www.hivyoungleadersfund.org
HIV/AIDS Coordinating Committee – http://www.hacccambodia.org
Hogar de Paralisis Cerebral Roberto Callejas Montalvo – HOPAC – http://www.hopac.org
HOLA – http://www.HolaVB.com
Holding Hand Organization
Hong Kong Press Association
HongKong International Greative Instutite Co.,Ltd – http://www.hkici.hk
Hope for a child In Christ
Hope for Africa Network
Hope Foundation NGO
Hope to the Future
Hope’87 Burundi – http://www.hope87.at
Horizon d’Echange et de Lutte Contre la Pauvreté
Hospitaller Order of St. Lazarus of Jerusalem Grand Priory of the United States – http://saintlazarus.ning.com
Howrah Protect Environment & Nature – http://www.pen.page4.me
HRH Camad M. Ali of the Sultanate of Baloi
Human Affect Ad Hoc Unit International Charitable Trust – http://www.humanaffect.com
Human Care Association of Nigeria
Human Development Foundation HDF
Human Development Foundationtan6 – http://www.hdf.org.in
Human Development Society India
Human Development Society Pakistan – http://www.hdspakistan.org
Human in Love – http://www.hil.or.kr/main/main.php
Human Resources Limited
Human Rights Commission for Monorities,Bangladesh
Human Rights Council Of India – http://www.hrcofindia.org
Human Rights Defenders Solidarity Network – Uganda
Human Rights Information Network (HuRINet) – http://www.hurinetnigeria.org
Human Rights Organization (An International Organization) – http://hrointernational.info
Human Rights Research & Development Center
Humanio Development Organization – http://www.humanio.org(willcomesoon)
Humanist Movement
Humanitarian Aid & Development – http://www.hadhq.org-hadye.org-http://www.hadcon.org
Humanitarian Resource Institute – http://www.humanitarian.net
Humanitarian Welfare Foundation
Humanitarians in Action – http://ha-cameroon.asso-web.com
Humanity Helping Sudan Project – http://www.humanityhelpingsudanproject.org
Hunger Free World – http://leadfrancophoneafrica.org/
Hunt Alternatives Fund – http://www.huntalternatives.org;http://www.inclusivesecurity.org
Hussaini Foundation – http://www.hussainifoundation.org
I Cavalieri Della Croce Azzurra
I.C.H.R. Arbitration, Politics and Strategic Studies – http://www.ichaps.org
I.qtisadi Resurslar?n Öyr?nilm?si I.ctimai Birliyi – http://www.ser-az.org
IAMMA (Institute of Agricultural Marketing,Management & administration) – http://www.iamma.8m.com
i-Bangla – http://i-bangla.com
IBON.International Foundation Inc. – http://www.iboninternational.org
ICG Youth Initiative – http://www.icgyouth.org
ICNA Relief USA – http://www.icnarelief.org
ICVolunteers – http://www.icvolunteers.org
IDA – Initiative for the Development of Africa – http://www.idainternational.org/
Ideas Centre – http://www.ideascentre.ch
Igrow Global Commerce Summit – http://www.igrowsummit.org
IIDA Women’s Development Organization – http://www.iidaonline.net
Ikhwezi Women’s Support Centre
Ilchamus Development and Human Rights Organization
Ileto Caribbean People’s Network Ileto (Caribbean ya Watu wa Mtandao)
Ilyas Afandiyev International Foundation – http://www.ilyasafandiyev.com
IMAGE Development & Welfare Organization – http://imagehyderabad.blogspot.com/
Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation – http://www.emdad.ir
Impact Nigeria
Improve Families Health Consortium (IFACO) – http://www.ifaconetwork.org
Incad Foundations
Incorporation Trustees Of Osita Nwajide Rural Folks Foundation – http://www.itonfoundation.org
Incredible Indians
Indian Media Centre For Journalists – http://www.imcfj.org.in
Indigenous & Disability People’s Association
Indigenous Peoples Development Foundation – http://indigenousdevelopment.wordpress.com
Indigenous Peoples Organization – http://www.jumchab.org
Indira Gandhi National Foundation – http://www.indiragandhifoundation.org
Indra Nagar Ambedkar Seva Sanga
Initiative for Care and Empowerment Support
Initiative For Community Development – http://www.icdngo.org
Initiative pour L’emergence des Valeurs Civiques et Democratiques
Innervision World
Innovation: Africa – http://www.innoafrica.org
Insan Organization for Community Development
Institut d’Economie Afriacine – http://www.inafecon.org
Institut Europeen des Armes de Chasse et de Sport – http://www.ieacs.eu
Institut international pour la paix, la justice et les droits de l’Homme- IIPJDH – http://www.iipjhr.com
Institut Supérieur de Technologie et de Gestion d’Afrique Centrale – http://www.istg-ac.sitego.fr
Institute for Communication & Development Action – http://www.icda.org.in
Institute for Decentralized Alternative Awareness – http://www.idaagte.lk-underconstruction
Institute for Development Exchange – http://www.index.org.in
Institute for Economic Research on Innovation – http://www.ieri.org.za
Institute for Economics and Peace Limited – http://www.economicsandpeace.org
Institute for Sovereign International Security – http://www.isis-security.org
Institute for Sustainable Development and Research (ISDR) – http://www.isdronline.com
Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP) – http://www.itdp.org
Institute Of Democratic And Business Development
Institute of Economic Affairs Gambia.
Institute of Education Training and Development – http://www.ietdindia.org
Institute of Hazrat Mohammad – http://www.ihmsaw.org
Institute of Hazrat Mohammad (SAW)
Institute of Human Rights and Services – http://www.ihrs-bd.com
Institute of International Trade – http://www.iitrade.ac.in
Institute of Professional Research – http://www.ipr.net.in
Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change
Instituto Arapyaú de Educação e Desenvolvimento Sustentável – http://www.arapyau.org.br/
Instituto Árvore da Vida – http://ongiav.blogspot.com
Instituto Banco do Empreendedor – http://www.bemcred.com.br
Instituto Binacioal de las Fronteras/AMASDA
Instituto Brasileiro de Direito Ambiental – http://www.ibda.org.br
Instituto de Cidades e Vilas com Mobilidade – http://www.institutodemobilidade.org
Instituto de Sustentabilidade Social – http://institutodesustentabilidadesocial-org.blogspot.com
Instituto do Cuidar – http://www.institutodocuidar.com.br
Instituto Humanitare – http://www.humanitare.org
Instituto Internacional de Ciencias Politicas – IICP – IISP – http://www.politicas-e.net
Instituto Internacional de las Tecnologías de la Información y de las Comunicaciones para el Desarrollo – http://www.facebook.com/EnergiassRenovables
Instituto Nacional de Formacion Productiva y Tecnologica AC.
Instituto Pró Juventude
Instituto Sentinelas Socio-Ecoambientais da Amazonia-Isseamazon – http://isseamazon.blogspot.com
Instituto Sindical Interamericano Pela Igualdade Racial – http://www.inspir.cjb.net
Integrated Consulting Resources Ltd
Integrated Pastoral Development Initiative
Integratio Mediação Social e Sustentabilidade – http://www.integratio.com.br
Integrity and Transparency Promotion Initiative
Intellect Business and Training Consultants – http://ibtc.webs.com/
Intellect Initiatives for Economic Empowerment and Development – http://iieed.webs.com
Interaktivna mreza za obrazovanie i resursi – http://www.imor.org.mk
Inter-American Development Bank
Inter-American Housing Union – http://www.uniapravi.org
Intercontinental Network for the Promotion of the Social and Solidarity Economy – http://www.ripess.org
Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Organization – http://www.ireoigo.org
Intermon – http://www.IntermonOxfam.org
International Academy of Alternative Psycholgy and Therapy
International Academy of Sobriety – http://intacso.com
International Action Network on Small Arms – http://www.iansa.org
International Administrative Science Association – http://www.un-iasa.org
International Agency of Public Security – http://www.aiaps.ch
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, The (IAVI) – http://www.iavi.org
International Alliance of Inhabitants – http://www.habitants.org
International Alliance of Women – http://www.womenalliance.org
International Arbitration Court of Cassation and Heraldry and Nobility “IIRD” – http://www.iird.org
International Arts Alliance, Inc. – http://www.rootsinternational.net/
International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) – http://www.glocha.info
International Association of Airline Trainer Managers and Directors
International Association of Genocide Scholars, Inc., The – http://www.genocidescholars.org/
International Association of Nature Conservators
International Astrology Association – http://www.iaa.name
International Blue Cross Organisation – http://www.health4humanity.org.in
International Center for Work and Family – http://www.iese.edu/en/faculty-research/research-centers/icwf/
International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development – http://www.icimod.org
International Centre for Responsible Tourism – http://www.icrtourism.org
International Civil Society Support – http://www.icssupport.org
International Congo Aid – Smile African Children – http://www.icasacngo.webs.com
International Cooperative Alliance – http://www.ica.coop
International Corporate Governance Network – http://www.icgn.org
International Development Information Organization – http://www.devnet-shanghai.org/
International Development of Persia co – http://www.idopc.blogfa.com
International Development Research Centre
International Development Students Society – http://www.africa-idss.org
International Diabetes Federation – http://www.idf.org
International Diabetes Federation – African Region
International Diabetes Federation – European Region
International Diabetes Federation – Middle East and North Africa
International Diabetes Federation – North American and Caribbean Region
International Diabetes Federation – South American and Caribbean Region
International Diabetes Federation – South East Asia Region
International Diabetes Federation – Western Pacific Region
International Education and Leadership Development Academy – http://www.internleadershipacademy.org/
International Fashion Association – http://www.istv.cc
International Federation for Fighting International Crimes and Money Laundering – http://www.ifficml.com
International Federation for the Elite of the United Nations – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
International Federation of Family Associations of Missing Persons from Armed Conflicts – http://www.iffampac.org
International Federation of Freight Forwarders’ Associations – http://www.fiata.com
International Federation of Inventors of the United Nations – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
International Federation of the Idea of Creative Visionaries of the United Nations – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
International Foundation for Dharma Nature Time (Dharma Nature Time)
International Foundation for Performance Development
International Geothermal Association Incorporated – http://www.geothermal-energy.org
International Green Economy Association – http://www.igea-un.org
International Hospital Federation (IHF) – http://www.ihf-fih.org
International Human Right Association Asia – http://www.ihraa.org
International Human Right Association Asia Ihraa – http://www.ihraa.com
International Human Rights – https://www.facebook.com/groups/283056675069644/
international human rights assocation ihra – http://www.ihra.in
International Human Rights Association – http://www.ihra.in
International Human Rights Organization – http://www.ihroworld.org
International Human Rights Protection Commission – http://www.ihrpc.org.in
International HumanRights Council (ihrc.org.in) – http://www.ihrc.org.in
International Hydropower Association
International Imam Organization – http://www.globalimam.com
International Information USA – http://www.ifdc-un.org
International Insolvency Institute – http://www.iiiglobal.org
International Institute for Justice and Development (IIJD) – http://www.iijd.org
International Islamic Youth League – http://www.iiyl.org
International Kolping Society – http://www.kolping.net
International kurdistan Center for Strengthening Administrative and Mangerial Abilities /IKCSAMA – http://www.kc-sama.org
International Labour Office
International Latin America Foundation (ILAF)
International Law Institute – http://www.ili.org
International Needs Network (UK) – http://www.ineeds.org.uk
International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions – http://www.inafi.org
International Noble Initiative Club
International Non-Olympic University – http://www.inou-edu.org
International Order of Human Rights – http://www.iohr.org
International Organisation for Human Right Entitlements
International Organization for Democracy and Human Rights – IODHR
International Organization for Economic Development – http://www.ioedf.org
International Organization for Human RIights Protection – http://www.iohrp.org
International Parliament for Safety and Peace
International Partners in Mission – http://www.ipmconnect.org
International Partnerschaft Saubere Energie und Umweltschutz e.V. – http://www.clean-energy-bonn.org
International Peace Bureau – http://www.ipb.org
International Police Center – http://www.interpolice.org
INTERNATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION PHILIPPINE COMMAND ASSOCIATION INC – https://www.facebook.com/pages/International-Police-Commission-Philippin…
International Police Corporation of Public Security – http://www.worldpublicsecurity.org
International Police Organization
International Public Organization “Public council on interaction with economic and financial structures”
International Public Organization European Committee of Human Rights
International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance – http://www.irha-h2o.org/
International Real Estate Federation – http://www.fiabci.org
International Reigning and Sovereign Houses Organization
International Research & Scientific Unit of Kian – http://kiuun.blogfa.com/
International Research Institute
International Samaritan – http://intsamaritan.org/
International Services Trade Information Agency – http://www.servicestrade.org
International Society for Small and Medium Enterprises – http://www.issme.org
International Sustainable Development Network
International Thai Foundation Ltd – http://www.thai-charity.org
International Trade Development Centre
International Union for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade – http://www.theiu.org
International Union of Parents and Teachers
International Union of Vehicles Owners
International United Human Rights Association – http://www.iuhra.co.in
International Voice of Justice – http://www.ivoj.org
International West Africa Asylum Seeker Foundation – http://www.iwaaf.org
International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific – http://www.iwraw-ap.org
International Youth and Student Movement for the United Nations
International Youth Council (IYC)-DU Chapter – http://www.internationalyouthcouncil.com
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) – http://www.ipu.org
Interpro Cooperacion
Inter-United-Universal-Organization the Peace World – http://www.whitehousepres.blogspot.com
Inti Raymi Fund – http://www.intiraymifund.org
Inventors and innovators society of Iran – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
IPC – SPMUDA (Joint Venture Project of International Police Commission and SPMUDA International Organization for Peace and Development)
Iran & Its Future.org – http://www.Iranfuture.org
Iranian Business Council – http://www.ibc.ae
Iranian Elite Research Center – http://www.irecngo.com
Iranian elites – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Iranian Entrepreneurs – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Iranian Inventors – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Iraq Organization for Relief and Development
Iraqi Institute for Economic Reform – http://www.iier.org
Islamic Chamber Research and Information Center – http://www.icric.org
Island Child Charitable Trust NZ
Islands First, Inc.
Istituto Diplomatico Internazionale – http://www.idi-international.org
Istituto Internazionale Maria Ausiliatrice delle Salesiane di Don Bosco – http://www.cgfmanet.org
Istituto Internazionale per le Relazioni Diplomatiche – http://www.iird.org
ITF Enhancing Human Security – http://www.itf-fund.si/
Jafria Disaster management cell – http://www.jdcwelfare.org
Jaintapur Green Society
Jamaica Entertainment Tours & Sedans
Jambo Africa Child Hope – http://www.jamboafricachildhope.org
Jan Seva Trust
Jandorsy, A. C. – http://www.jandorsy.org
Japan NGO Center for International Cooperation – http://www.janic.org/en/
Java Foundation – http://javafoundationinc.blogspot.com
Java Learning Center – http://www.javlec.org
JEC Strategic Advisors, LLC – http://www.JECStrategicAdv.com
Jefferson School of Population Health – http://www.jefferson.edu/population_health/
Jesus Restoration Mission NGO
JESUSKRO, The New Jerusalem International Church – http://www.jesuskro.net
Jeta-e-Re-Albanian-American-Community-Organization – http://www.NewlifeAACO.org
Jethro System Limited
Jeunes Volontaires pour l’Environnement au cameroun – http://jvecameroun.blogspot.com/
Jeuness Environnement Democratie Developpement
Jeunesse Actions Développement Economique et Social
Jeunesse en Action pour le Développement
Jeunesse Horizon – http://www.jeunesse-horizon.org
Jeunesse Technologie Développement – http://www.ong-jtdev.org
Jitambue Empowering Organization
Johan Schotte Foundation
John Dau Foundation – http://www.johndaufoundation.org
Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies – http://www.sais-jhu.edu
Johnson & Wales University
Johnson Orgnization Fund Inc USA
Jolabhumi Sangrakhan Songstha
Jordan River Foundation – http://www.jordanriver.jo
Joseph Assignment
Journal of Environment and Development – http://www.journalenvdev.com
Journal of Management and Science – http://jms.nonolympictimes.org
Journalists Union of Russia – http://www.ruj.ru
Joy English School–Fengjia Branch
JP Foundation INC
Judges Clup International Arbitration – http://jcia.ucoz.com/
Jumchab Metta Foundation – http://www.jumchab.org
Jumma Indigenous student Association of Thailand
JurisConsulte Club
Justice Unit Team of Empowerment
JustWorld International Inc. – http://www.justworldinternational.org
Ka Pae Pae Loa O Hawaii Loa – http://www.kohawaiipaeaina.net
Kabalbara Limited
Kahata Society
Kalahari Peoples Fund – http://www.kalaharipeoples.org
Kalaimagal Education and Social Integration Trust – http://www.kesit.org
Kalyani – http://www.kalyaniindia.co.in
Kampala Capital City Authority
Kandhamal Zilla Sabuja Vaidya Sangathan – http://www.kzsvs
Kaporion Community Peacenet – http://www.kaporionpeacenet.org
Karanehas Wellness Cafe – http://www.klinkindia.in
Karibu Foundation – http://www.karibu.no
Karna Subarna Welfare Society – http://www.kswsngo.org/
Karnataka Civil Society
Kataganj Spandan
Katchi International – http://www.katchi.org
KBL International Co. – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Kebulun Alliance in America
Keewatin Tribal Council – http://www.Ktc.ca
Kelab Belia Subang Jaya – http://www.mysjyc.org
Kenya Community Health Network – http://www.kchnkenya.org
Kenya Diaspora Development Collaborative Inc. – http://www.kenyadiasporadev.org
Kenya Model United Nations
Kenya Women Land Access Trust – http://www.kewlat.org
Kepa Ry – http://www.kepa.fi
Keystone Human Services International – http://www.keystonehumanservices.org
Keystone Human Services International Moldova Association – http://www.keystonehumanservices.org
Khadarlis for Sierra Leone – http://www.khadarlis.org
Khashi Indigenous Peoples Welfare Society
Khawhish Zeest – http://www.onworking
Kheman International Society
KIAN General Hospital
Kichesipirini Algonquin First Nation
KickLoans – http://www.kickloans.org
Kikandwa Rural Communities Development Organization (KIRUCODO) – http://www.krcdevorg.weebly.com
Kitakyushu Institute on Sustainability – https://sites.google.com/site/npoksks/
KLUB MNOHODETNÝCH RODÍN – http://www.kmr.sk
Knowledge and Policy Management Initiative – http://www.kapomi.org
Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia untuk keadilan dan Demokrasi – http://www.koalisiperempuan.or.id
Koalisi Rakyat Untuk Hak Atas AIr – http://www.kruha.org
Kolkata Mozoomder-Foundation – http://mozoomderfoundationindia.webs.com/
Kome el Dabie Village Community Development Association
kondammaltrust – http://www.kondammaltrust
KONGOLESE EN ANGOLESE STICHTING TALENTUEUX – http://www.kast-international.com
Koperasi Aliansi Tani Nasional – http://www.coop2.coop
Korea Freedom Federation – http://www.Koreaff.or.kr
kownayn foundation
Kromantse Development Foundation
Kulmiye Youth Organisation
Kuzeydogu Anadolu Kalkinma Ajansi – http://www.kudaka.org.tr
Kvindernes U-Landsudvalg – http://www.kulu.dk;http://www.givenpigeret.dk
Kweatornor Development and Relief Organization
Kyte Research Associates – http://www.kracro.com
La Brique – http://www.labrique.populus.ch
La Via Campesina – http://www.viacampesina.org
La Vie en Vert – http://www.lavieenvert.org
Laboratoire de L’économie Sociale et Solidaire – http://www.lelabo-ess.org/
Lady Fatemah (as) Trust – http://www.ladyfatemahtrust.org
Lady of Africa Empowerment and Advocacy Foundation – http://www.ladyofafrica.org
Lakayta Township Resettlement Union
Laleh International Hotel – http://lalehhotel.com/
L’Association Amis Juristes de Djibouti
Latin American Chaplains Association Inc. – http://www.elcapellan.com
Latinomics – http://www.latinomics.org
Lawyers Association Arab Muslim European
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law – http://www.lawyerscommittee.org
Le Collectif La Paix au Sri Lanka
Le Syndicat des Commercants des Produits Organiques et Industriels
Leadent National Organization – http://www.made-in-nigeria.com.ng
Leadership Media – http://www.leadersmag.com/issues/current_issue.html
league of arab states
Leela Usha Mahila Utkarsh Trust – http://www.lumut.in
Legal Aid Service Council – http://www.lascofindia.com
Lembaga Pemberdayaan Perempuan Indonesia – http://www.iweindonesia.com
Lenient Foundation for Humanity and Togetherness
les junes nouvel generation
Liason Unit of Non-Governmental Organizations of seychelles (LUNGOS) – http://www.civilsociety.sc
Liberia Civil Rights Mediators
Liberia Network of Aids Service Organization
Liberian United Youth for Community Safety and Development
Libyan Association for Immigration and Immigrant’s Affairs Studies
Libyan Transparency Association – http://www.transparency-libya.org
LICHT FÜR DIE WELT – Christoffel Entwicklungszusammenarbeit – http://www.light-for-the-world.org
Lid India Faundation
Lider Qadinlar Ictimai Birliyi
Life Academy of Vocational Studies – http://www.lavsorissa.org
Life Candle Association for the Care of Persons with Disabilities in Upper Egypt
Life For a Child – http://www.lifeforachild.org
Life Foundation Network
Life International Foundation Inc. – http://www.lifmission.org
LIGHT Africa – http://www.lightafrica.net
Light Trust
Links Centre for Sustainable Development
Lions Clubs International Gesamtdistrikt 114 – Österreich – http://www.lions.at
Litshani Vhana-Vha-de Foundation
Livestrong (Lance Armstrong Foundation)
Liyan Union of Sme’s Leaders
Local Area Development Society
Local Initiative for Environmental Sustainability – http://www.sustaininglifes.org/
Local Initiatives Development Agency
Local Research and Action Network – http://www.lorannigeria.org
Lokmat Pratishtan – http://www.lkmt.org
London Business School Alumni Carbon Club – http://www.lbscarbonclub.org
Longhouse Treaty Nations – http://www.longhousetreatynations.webs.com
L’organisation d’Appui Solidaire pour le Renforcement de l’Aide au Développement (ASRAD) – http://www.asrad.sup.fr/
Lotusbanc Foundation – http://www.lbflp.com
Love Forum for Relationships – http://www.loveforumforrelationship.webs.com
Love of Jesus Christ
Loving Hands for Disadavantsged and Aged – http://www.lohada.org
Lumos Foundation – http://www.wearelumos.org
Lungujja Community Health Caring Organisation – http://www.lucoheco.org
Lydia Care for Women International
M A JINNAH Foundation – http://www.newlifehospitalpk.com
Machara Miracle Network – http://www.machara.org
Madison Street Music Group
Magra Women Development Centre
Mahatma Gandhi Institute for Rural Industrialisation – http://www.mgiri.org
Mairie De Sikasso
Making Africa Work – http://www.makingafricawork.com
Malakand Welfare Foundation
Malankara Social Service Society – http://www.msss.org
mamam =(mother+ mati soil+ momota).Japan & Bangladesh. mamam feel,no help cooperate poor.Poor need WORK not Rileaf food. – http://www.unworld.info
Management and Organizational Development for Empowerment – http://www.mode.org
Manav Seva Sansthan – http://www.mssseva.org
Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak, Inc. – http://www.mkonorth.com
Margdarshak Seva Sansthan
Maria Mother of Charity Relief Home International, Ltd. – http://www.nabuur.com/en/village/kasama
Markets4Development – http://www.markets4development.co.uk
Martina Centre for Sustainable Dev
Maruboomi Anusandhan Evam Vikas Samiti – http://www.mbavs.org
Masianday Foundation – http://www.orgsites.com/ny/masianday
Massachusetts Institute of Technology – http://web.mit.edu/
Mater GreenGlobe Foundation – http://www.matergreenglobe.org
Mayyee Lam – http://losarob.weebly.com/
Mazedonien Hilfswerk gegen Kinderelend
McGill World Platform for Health and Economic Convergence – http://www.mcgill.ca/mwp
MCWILLIAMS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT NIGERIA LTD – http://www.mcwilliamsrdnigltd@mail2consultant.com
Media Desk Hellas/ Greek Film Centre
Media Development of India – http://www.mediadevelopmentofindia.com
Mediterranean Resources Network – http://www.mernet.org
Mehfooz Baitulmal Welfare Society
Mehrabpur Youth Organization – http://www.younisnawaz.webs.com
Mehran Forum – http://www.mehranforum.org.pk
Menedzserek Országos Szövetsége – http://www.manager.org.hu
Mental Retardation Support Association – http://www.NGO-ZEHNI.COM
Message Welfare Society Rawalpindi Pakistan – http://www.messagewelfaresociety.com
Miedzynarodowa Komisja Wolnych Obywateli – http://www.icfc.eu
Mifalot Hinuch – http://www.mifalot.co.il/Mifalot/Language/English/
Milad Welfare Trust
Millennium Development Goals Global Watch – http://www.mdg-globalwatch.org
Ministère du Plan/ République Démocratique du congo
Ministerio Internacional Grupo Sion Ongd
Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation – http://www.seplan.gob.hn
Ministry of Strategic Planning, National Development and Statistics – http://www.planning.gov.fj
Minority Communities in Africa
Minstery of Finances
Miral Welfare Foundation International – http://www.miral.org
Mision Celac
Missao em Fronteiras Para Cristo em Angola/Mifroca
Mission Anti Crime and Human Rights, (ICAAHR), NSDA. INDIA
Mission Sourire d’Afrique et Bon Accueil (SAMBAT FOR AFRICA) – http://www.sambat-msa.org
MiStatus – http://www.mistatus.org
ML International LLC
Mobile Star Links Ent
MOCAM CI – http://www.mocamci.org
MOCHITHA WOMEN STUDY CENTRE – http://www.gsgsk.org
modern middle east and unity
Modern Organisation for Humanitarian Aid
modern youth society – http://www.mys-yemen.org
Mohawk Workers of the Ouse / Grand River – http://mohawkworkers.wordpress.com
Mohila Welfare Society
Mongolian Women’s Fund – http://www.mones.org.mn
Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World 19
Moroccan Institute for corporate and social responsibility
Morogoro Development Organization
Mother Helpage (UK) – http://www.motherhelpage.com
Mother Teresa Memorial Trust – http://www.motherteresatrust.org
Motive Development Group – http://www.motivedevelopmentgroup.com
Mouvement de Soutien pour le Devellopement de la Jeunesse Gabonaise – http://www.facebook/mouvementsoutienjeunessegabon
Mouvement des Marcains du Monde – http://www.3m.ofmii.net
Mouvement des Mères pour la Paix, la Solidarité et le Développement
Mouvement International pour les Reparations
Mouvement Participatif pour la Promotion des Droits de l’Homme et de la Démocratie
Mouvement pour l’Autodetermination de la Kabylie
Movimento Sócio-Ambiental Caminho das Águas – http://www.caminhodasaguas.org.br
Movimiento Indigena Tawantinsuyo – http://www.mitperu.org
Movimiento Socio Cultural para los Trabajadores Haitianos – http://www.mosctha.org
Muhammad Akram & Sons Trading & Investment
Mujtaba Welfare Foundation – http://www.facebook.com/mujtabawelfarefoundation
Mukti Nari -O- Shishu Unnayan Sangstha – http://www.mukti.org
Mulnivasi Mukti Manch – http://www.mulnivasi.org
Multimedia University of Kenya – http://www.mmu.ac.ke
Munshiganj Sustainable Development and Human Rights Society
Muslim Business Council of India – http://www.mbcoi.com
Muslim Hands – http://www.muslimhands.org.uk
Muslim Welfare Society Liaquat Pur
Mwelekeo waNGO – http://www.mwengo.org
Mwino Group
My Adventure Volunteer Project – http://www.myadve.webs.com
My Drop in the Oceans
NACE International – http://www.nace.org
Nakuru County Youth Environment Consortium
Narodnaya Initsiativa (Public Initiative) – Fund of Social and Informational Programmes of State Authorities – http://www.fondni.ru
Nationa Relief for All
National Association of Home Builders of the United States – http://www.nahb.org
National Association of Talented Youth
National Australia Bank Limited – http://www.nab.com.au
National Cancer Coalition
National Coordinating Organization of Farmers Associations – The Gambia
National Council for Voluntary Organisations – http://www.ncvo-vol.org.uk/
National Heart Forum – http://www.heartforum.org.uk
National Human Rights Commitee Trust – http://www.nhrctrust.org
National Social Welfare Foundation – http://www.nswf.org
National Students Welfare Association Jammu and Kashmir – http://www.jknswa.com
National United Christian Restoration Organization
National Urban League – http://www.nul.org
National Women’s Welfare Society Darwha, Distt. Yavatmal – http://www.hufurdurahulmarathided.org
Natural Doctors International – http://www.ndimed.org
Natural Educational Environmental Agricultural Development Society – http://www.neeadsngo.org
Natural Life Development Organization – http://www.nldo.org
Nav Kiran Jankalyan Sanstha
Navodaya Foundation
Nawabshah Disability Forum – http://www.ndfpakistan.org
Need Manobik Unnayan Kandra
Neighbour Organization Nepal (NEO-Nepal) – http://www.neonepal.org
Nekommercheskoe partnerstvo “Nazionalniy obschestvenniy comitet “Rossiyskaiya semiya” – http://www.nok.rgsu.net/
Nektarina, Udurga Za Pomoc Pri Obrazovanju
Network for Women’s Rights in Ghana – http://www.netrightghana.org
Network Movement for Youth Empowerment and Participation in Sierra Leibe
Network of African Youth for Development Ghana – http://www.ghana.nayd.org
Network of International Diplomacy of International Law and Human Rights – http://www.ndlh.org
Networking for Holistic Development
New Earth – http://www.newearth.info
New Era Capital Corporation – http://www.new-cap
New Horizons International Youth Development and Empowerment Organisation
New Human Right Organization of Global Minorite – http://www.NHROGM.org
New International Horizon
New Life Penticostle Church – http://www.nlpc.webs.com
New Partnership for Africa’s Development Council – http://www.nepadcouncil.org
New Vision International – NVI – http://www.nvi.populus.ch
NEW VISION INTERNTIONAL – http://www.nvint.org
New Zealand National Institute of Higher Education
Newah Bidhyarthi Daboo – http://www.deydaboo.org
Newlife Mission, Kenya – http://www.newlifemission.org
Nexus-Carbon for Development
Ngapuhi – http://www.ngapuhi.iwi.nz
Ngcono International
Ngen Cultural Development Association
NGO Cocody the City of Hope
NGO Development Centre – http://www.ngodevcentre.org
NGO ESE-Bénin – http://www.esebenin.africa-web.org
NGOs Computer Literacy Shelter Welfare, Rawalpindi Cantt. – http://www.nclsw.net
Nice Social Organisation
NIDAN – http://www.nidan.in
Nigeria & Africa Renaissance Initiative Inc. – http://nigeriaandafricarenaissanceinitiative.blogspot.com/2011/02/introd…
Nigeria Unite For Road Safety
Nigeria Youth Habitat Network
nigeria youth movement for africa growth – http://www.facebook.com/nymag2014
Nigeria Youth Redemption Group
Nile Hope Develoment Forum – http://www.nilehope.org
NIMAR International
NIRDHAN NGO, an NGO for Poverty Reduction in Nepal – http://www.nirdhanngo.org
No Stigma Network
Noble Financial Consultants – http://www.noblefinancialconsultants.com
Nobojibon – http://www.nobojibon.org
NOK Concepts – http://www.nokconcepts.org
NOMADEIS – http://www.nomadeis.com
Non-Sudanese Students Welfare Organization – http://www.alwafden.org/
Nord-Sud XXI – North-South XXI – https://sites.google.com/site/nordsudxxi/
Northern Alberta Alliance on Race Relations Society – http://www.cfrac.com
Northern Ghana Aid – http://www.nogaidghana.org
NORTH-SOUTH INSTITUTE, THE – http://www.nsi-ins.ca
Nova Vista Capital Advisors, LLC – http://www.novavistacapital.com
NOVISSI – Fraternité Association
Nubian Heritage Organization
Nubian Sons for Community Services
Núcleo de Estudos em Direito e Desenvolvimento – http://www.desenvolvimentoedireito.blogspot.com
Núcleo de Gerenciamento do Programa Pará Rural – http://www.pa.gov.br
Nurses Across the Borders – http://www.nursesacrosstheborders.org
NYU Africa House
O XXII° Duque de Bragança Sar Dom Rosario – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Oasis Entertainment – http://www.oasisentertainment.org
Objectif Sciences International – http://www.objectif-sciences-international.org
Observatorio Mexicano de la Crisis, Asociación Civil – http://www.obmexcrisis.org
Oeuvre Sociale Medico Ophtalmologique
Oeuvres Sociales pour les Biens Etre ONG-Asbl
Office of the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman (CAO) – http://www.cao-ombudsman.org
Official Development Assistance Watch – http://www.odawatch.org
Offoboche International
Oil Change International – http://priceofoil.org
Olmeut Sky, Incorporated – http://www.olmeutsky.webs.com
Olukunle Oluwole Foundation – http://www.oluwolevision.webs.com
ONE – http://www.one.org
One Campaign – http://www.one.org
One In Christ Ministries – http://www.oneinchristministries.com
one sky international – http://www.oneskyinternational.org/
ONG Adapan – http://www.adapan.org
ONG Ayedoun-Benin
Ong Bem Me Quer – http://www.ongbemmequer.blogspot.com
ONG Carbone Guinée
ONG Cercle D’amour
ONG Coordination D’actions Multisectorielles pour un Developpement Durable
ONG Droit a la Vie
ONG Entraide Nord Sud ( E N S ) – http://www.entraidenordsud.yolasite.com
ONG Environnement Propre
ONG Fipdahp-Afrique – http://www.ongfipdahpafrique.net
Ong Globe
ONG Hope International – http://www.onghope.org
ONG La Voix Verte
ONG Maison d’Abraham
ONG Oxigeno para dl Mundo – http://www.OPEMPERU.COM
Onna Charity Organization – http://www.onnaorg.webs.com
OpenSENEGAL – http://www.opsn.org
Operation ASHA – http://www.opasha.org
Operation Save Nigerian – http://www.westernniger.com
Optar Limitadum – Associação
Ordem dos Pastores do Brasil – http://www.ordemdospastoresdobrasil.org
ORDEN BONARIA – http://www.ordenbonaria.com
Order of Discalced Carmelites – http://www.carmelitaniscalzi.com
Order of St. Augustine, Canadian Augustinian Centre for Social Justice – http://www.cacsj.ca
Order of the Holy Grace – Ordine della Grazia Sacra
Order of The Holy Knights of Jerusalem
Ordo Militaris Navigantis Portugaliae Templum – Fraternidade Ecuménica Universal Cultural e Humanitária, (ONG-D) CRL – http://www.OMNPT-FEUCH.org
Ordo Militiae Jesu Christi (ONGD) – http://www.ordochristi.org
Organisasi Pribumi Papua Barat (OPPB) – http://www.oppb.webs.com
Organisation de Développement et des Droits de l’Homme au Cameroun – http://www.gicarcam.org
Organisation de Développement Intégral de la Femme et d’Encadrement de Personnes Vulnérables de VIH-IST
Organisation des Droits de L’Homme et de la protection de l’Environnement – http://www.odhpe.org
Organisation Des Femmes Actives de Cote d’Ivoire – http://www.ofaci.org
Organisation des Hommes demunis et enfants orphelins pour le developpement – http://www.ohdeod.org
organisation des jeunes comoriens pour la culture et le développement (OJCCD) – http://www.jeunescom.fr
Organisation des Jeunes pour le Monde d’Avenir – http://www.ojma-rdc.org
Organisation des Jeunes pour l’Éducation et le Développement
Organisation des Laics Engagés du Sacré-Coeur pour le Développement de Kimbondo
Organisation des Régions Unies – http://www.regionsunies-fogar.org
Organisation for Gender, Civic Engagement & Youth Development (OGCEYOD) – http://www.ogceyodcameroon.webs.com
Organisation for Sustainable Development
Organisation Indigene Maohi
Organisation Internationale de Developpement et de Promotion Humaine
Organisation Internationale pour la Sécurité des Transactions Electroniques OISTE – http://www.oiste.org
Organisation nationale pour l’Enfant, la Femme et la Famille – http://www.onef-riof.org
Organisation of African Youth for Development and Peace – http://www.oaydp.org
Organisation pour la Defence des Droits de L’homme
organisation pour la prévention et l’intervention contre les risques et contingences (OPIRCo en sigle)
Organisation pour la Rénovation Environnante du Sud d’Haiti (RESH) – http://www.orgresh.page.tl
Organizacao de Centro de Atendimento e Desenvolvimento, Assistencial, Educacional, Cultural, Comunitario do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – http://www.oderj.org
Organização Universal pela Salvaguarda dos Índios e dos Aborígenes – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Organización Diplomática Mundial por la Paz y los Derechos Humanos – http://www.fasi.mex.tl/
Organizacion Nacional para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Onaldep Miembros de la Sociedad Civil (OSC)(OEA) – http://www.actiweb.es/onaldep/
Organization for Development and Peace – http://www.odpmpak.org
Organization For Peace & Welfare – http://www.pwngo.org
Organization for Peace and Welfare – http://www.ofpaw.com.pk
Organization for Poverty Alleviation and Development (OPAD) – SWEDEN – http://www.opad.eu
Organization for the Solidarity of the Peoples of Asia, Africa and Latin America
Organization of Fast Relief and Development – http://www.ofrd-af.org
Organization of Islamic Cooperation – http://www.oic-oci.org
Oriental Danology Institute
Oriental Women Organization – http://www.owopakistan.org
Origins Canada – http://www.originscanada.org/
Orion Amanar
Orphan’s Development Foundation – http://www.yateemdev.org
Orphélins, Déplacés et Incarcérés – Côte D’Ivoire
Osmani Nagar Gram Unnayan Shangstha – ONGUS
Overseas Development Institute – http://www.odi.org.uk
P.R.O. 14646 GLOBAL FOUNDATION / FUND e.V. – http://www.horn-horn.de
P.S.S.Educational Development Society – http://www.karmayog.org/ngo/pssedsociety
P3 Foundation – http://www.p3foundation.org
Pace University – http://www.pace.edu
Pacific Water and Wastes Association – http://www.pwwa.ws
Padei Bu Rdco Rwa Promotion et Appui pour le Developpement Integré au Burundi, Rdcongo et Rwanda – http://www.Padeibu.Ciraj12.12.84.com
Painted Children UK Limited – http://www.paintedchildren.co.uk
Pak Building and Development Organization
Pakistan Community Peace Foundation – http://www.pcpfi.org
Pakistan International Model United Nations Association – http://www.pakimun.org
Paksave Future
Palakkad District Consumers´ Association – http://www.consumersindia.org
Palestinensische Gemeinde Österreich – http://www.filastin.at
Palestinian Cinema Arts Associatin – http://www.pscaa.wordpress.com
Pan African Organisation for Research and Protection of Violence on Women and Children – http://www.idealist.org/if/i/en/av/Org/190146-324/c
Pan-African Women’s Empowerment and Liberation Organization (PAWLO) – http://www.pawlogermany.blogspot.com
Parbattya Bhikkhu Council
Paribartan Nepal, Non Governmental Organization – http://www.pnepal.org.np
Parlamento del Mediterraneo (Unione Mediterranea)
Parlamento Mundial de Segurança e Paz – http://www.parlamentworld.org
Parlement Africain de la Societe Civile – http://www.parlementafricain.com
Parliamentarians Commission for Human Rights, Pakistan – http://www.pchr.org.pk
Parsa Medical Welfare Trust – http://www.pmwtrust.org
Partage et Action en Synergie pour le Développement – http://www.pasydorg
Participatory Development Initiatives (PDI) – http://www.pdi.org.pk
Participatory Human Rights Advancement Society – http://phrasbd.page4.me
Partido Verde Ecologista de Mexico – http://www.partidoverde.org.mx/pvem/
Paryavaran Manav Utthan Sanstha (PARMARTH)
Passaporti Diplomatici, Rappresentanze Diplomatiche e Incarichi Statutari Dell’iird – Istituto Internazionale per le Relazioni Diplomatiche – Internazionalmente Validi – http://www.iird.org
Passaporti Diplomatici, Rappresentanze Diplomatiche ed Incarichi Costituzionali Della Real Casa di Portogallo – Validi Internazionalmente – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Pawansut Servangin Vikas Kendra – http://www.psvk.org.in
Pax Romana (International Catholic Movement for Intellectual and Cultural Affairs and International Movement of Catholic Students) – http://www.icmica-miic.org
Peace Accord in Nigeria
peace and friendship – http://www.pf4all.com/
Peace Boat – http://www.peaceboat.org
Peaceful Action Network for the ex Combatants Integreted Development of all in Burundi – http://www.reseau-rafal.org/node/178
PeaceNexus Foundation – http://www.peacenexus.org
peaceworldwide173 – http://www.pww173.org.pk
Pedacito Del Cielo A. C. – http://www.pedacitodelcielo.org.mx
Peduli Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Sosial Interaksi – http://flatmultimedia.webs.com
People Against I.Ndifference
People Trust God for Elimination and Eradication of Poverty and Disease
Pepsip Foundation
Per Ankh, Inc. – http://www.perankhu.org
Perigeo International People Community – http://www.perigeo.org
PFI Foundation – http://www.pfifound.org
PHE Ethiopia Consortium – http://www.phe-ethiopia.org
Phelps Stokes – http://www.phelpsstokes.org
Philips Healthcare North America
Pineda Foundation for Youth – http://www.pinedafoundation.org
Plan Sweden
Planet’airport AIR association d’interet régional – http://www.planetaiport.com
Planetary Association for Clean Energy – http://pacenet.homestead.com
Planetary Foundation – http://www.planetaryfoundation.org
Plant and Live Society – http://www.plantnlivesociety.org
Plataforma 2015 y más – http://www.2015ymas.org
Plataforma de Organizaciones Latinoamericanas en Holanda – http://www.plataformalatina.nl
Plataforma per la fFmilia Catalunya-ONU 2014
Plus Development Foundation
PNG Rural Care Foundation Inc.
Policy Research
Political and Ethical Knowledge on Economic Activities – http://www.pekea-fr.org
Population and Sustainability Network – http://www.populationandsustainability.org
Poverty Elimination and Community Education Foundation – http://www.peace-fund.org
Poverty Reduction And Strategic Foundation
Powhatan Renape Nation – http://www.powhatan.org/powhatanrenapenation.org
Prahar – http://www.prahar.org
Prefeitura Municipal de Areal – http://www.areal.rj.gov.br
Prelude – http://www.PRELUDE-INTERNATIONAL.org
PRESS – Save the Children Youth – http://press.no/
Prime Intercontinental Traders – http://www.PrimeInTraders.ca
Prince Irakly Bagrationi Mukhran Foundation
Princess AlAnood bint Abdulaziz bin Mosaed Al Saud Foundation – http://www.alanood.org.sa/
Principado de Bragança – http://www.principadodebraganca.org
Principado Ilhéu da Pontinha – http://www.principadoilheudapontinha.com
Principality of St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael
Pro-Afrikaans Action Group – http://praag.org
Pró-Diversitas Brasil – http://www.pro-diversitas.org.br
Professional Evaluation and Certification Board – http://www.pecbun.org
Professional Insight
Progati Socio-Economic Development Society
Progetto Di Integrazione Nella Comunita’ Srl-GmbH – http://www.prointecom.com
Programa em Direito e Meio Ambiente – http://direitorio.fgv.br/pdma
Programa pé-de-pincha: Manejo Sustentável de Quelônios por Comunidades do Médio-Baixo Amazonas – http://www.pt-br.facebook.com/pages/Projeto-Pé-de-pincha/137088629683879
Programme de Renforcement des Capacités des Organisations de la Société Civile dans la Prévention et la Gestion des Conflits en Afrique Centrale – http://www.pregesco.org
Programme Iturien pour la Rehabilitation et le Developpement durable – http://www.ngo-pird.org/
Progreso Panamericano
Progressive Youths Development Initiative – http://www.progressiveyouths.gnbo.ng.com
Project Friends – http://www.projectfriends.org
Projet Integre pour L’auto Developpement – http://www.pipad-cm.org
Promotion pour le Developpement – http://www.promodev.ht
Protection de l’environnement et de l’écosystème (PEECO)
Provincia di Potenza – http://www.provincia.potenza.it
Puantani (Organisasi Perempuan Tani dan Wanita Pedesaan Indonesia) – http://www.puantani.wordpress.com
Public Democratic Forum – http://www.pdfpak.org
Public Reform Development Consortium – http://www.prdcngo.org
Puerta Joven. Juventud, Cultura y Desarrollo A.C. – http://www.puertajoven.org.mx
Pukar Foundation – http://www.pukarfoundation.org
Pusat Telaah dan Informasi Regional – http://www.pattiro.org
QUBA ISLAMIC AND EDUCATION CENTRE – http://www.qubacentre.com
Radanar Ayar Association for the Rural Development – http://www.radanarayar.org
RadhaKrishna Info Business Services In – http://22505.in.all.biz
RAHUL GANDHI FOUNDATION – http://www.allindiasoniagandhivicharmanch
Rainbow Youth and Charity Organisation
Ramparva Samajik Shaikshanik Sava Samiti Junna
Rashtra Santh Shri Tukdoji Maharaj Krishi Vidnyan Mandal & Seva Bhavi Sanstha – http://www.feel.org.in
Rashtriya Seva Samithi – http://www.rassngo.org
Rato-Ghar Foundation – http://www.ratoghar.org
Rccg Victory @ Reading – http://www.project350.org.uk
Real Ordem de Santa Isabel – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem Militar da Torre e Espada – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem militar de Nossa Senhora da Conceiçao de Vila Viçosa – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem Militar de Sao Bento de Aviz- Fundado em 1162 – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem Militar de Sao Tiago da Espada – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Real Ordem Militar do Nosso Senhor Jesus Christo – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Reality of Aid Africa Network – http://www.roaafrica.org
Red Activas – TO BE DELETED – http://www.redactivas.org
Red de Fondo Ambientales de Latinoamércia y el Caribe – http://www.redlac.org
Red de ONGs del Mercosur – http://red-mercosur.blogspot.com/
Red del Pacto Global de Ecuador – http://www.pactoglobal.ec/
Red Iberoamericana de Expertos en Gestion Local – http://www.redexpertoslocales.eu
Red Madres de Hijos con Discapacidad, personas con discapacidad y profesionales – https://www.facebook.com/redmadresdiscapacidad.mendoza
Red Mexicana de Lideres y Organizaciones Migrantes – http://www.redmexicanamigrante.org
Red Pacto Global Chile
Redemption Research for Health and Educational Development Society (RRHEDS) – http://www.rrheds.org
Redes de Desenvolvimento da Maré – http://www.redesdamare.org.br
Réformistes & Solidaires – http://www.re-so.net
Regional Development Agency – South – http://www.rda-south.org
Regional Education and Development Centre “Primus Fortissimus” – http://www.PrimusFortissimus.hr
Relief Extension to Develop Society and Schirm
Relief Lanka Foundation
Relief, Peace and Development Initiative
Remnants of the Association of Quilombo do Carmo
Rescue Trust
Research Center of Imam Mahdi – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Research Centre for Feminist Action (Centro de Investigacion Para la Accion Femenina) (CIPAF) – http://www.cipaf.org.do
Réseau amazigh pour la cityanneté – http://www.reseauamazigh.org
Réseau d’Actions Paisibles des Anciens Combattants pour le Développement Intégré de tous au Burundi – http://www.grip.org/rafalroot/siteweb/dev.asp?N=simple&O=453
Réseau de la Jeunesse Nigérienne sur les Changements Climatiques – http://www.ayicc.net
Réseau des plates-formes d’ONG d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre (REPAOC) – http://www.repaoc.org
Réseau International pour l’Elimination Progressive de la Pauvreté
Réseau Jiggil Jigéen – http://www.siggiljigeen.com
RESEAU RESSOURCES NATURELLES – http://www.rrnrdc.org
RESO-Femmes – http://www.reso-femmes.org
Resources for Development Center
Responsible Ecosystems Sourcing Platform
Responsible Energy Development Advocates
Restless Development – http://www.restlessdevelopment.org
Revolutionary Accelerated Collaboration Environment – http://www.collaborace.org
Riders for Health – http://www.riders.org
Rights and Resources Initiative, The – http://www.rightsandresources.org
Rights Foundation – http://www.rightsfoundation.in
Rizwan Child And Women Development Organisation – http://www.rcwdo.org
Romans International University and Seminary Inc.
Roots for Equity
Roshan Foundation for Development and Empowerment – http://www.stillinprocess
Royal Chivalric Order of Baloi
Royal Heritage Health Foundation – http://www.rhhfoundation.com
Royal House of Portugal – Constitucional Line – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Royal Kingdom of Eesha (A Micronation) – http://eesha.5wc.org
Royal Society for Jewish Welfare
Ruliv – http://www.ruliv.org.za
Rural Community Development Organization U/C Topi
Rural Community Development Society – http://www.rcdspk.org
Rural Development Association
Rural Development Programme – RDP
Rural Investment Support Center NGO – http://www.risc.org.mn
Rural Organization For Social Elevation And Education Rose
Rural Peoples Sangham – http://www.rpsngo.org
Rural Uplift Centre – http://www.ruralupliftcentre.org
Rural Voluntary Organization
Rural Women Organisation for Development and Education
Russian Fair Trade Organization
Rwanda-East Blue Cross
S.A.V.E Foundation – http://www.horn-horn.de
S.O.S – Crianca e Desenvolvimento Integral de Angola
Saaransh Sansthan – http://www.velmoc.com/ngo/saaransh
Safe Organization – http://www.safe-organization.co.cc
Safe the Community Common Initiative Group
Safe Water Network – http://www.safewaternetwork.org
Safehaven Fields Consultancy Services
Sahara Tarakiati Tanzeem for Women
Saharo Welfare Organization – http://www.saharo-pk.com
Saint Boniface Haiti Foundation – http://www.haitihealth.org
Sakha National Congress – http://www.sakha.org
Sakimay First Nations
Samaj Sewa Sansthan
Samarpan Welfare Society
Samata – http://www.samataindia.org
Samopomich (Self-Help) – http://www.samopomich.org
Samruddh Bharat P Ratishthan
SAMVAAD – http://www.samvaadindia.org
SAN PABLO MISSION, INC – http://www.sanpablomission.com
Sanjeevani Education and Welfare Foundation
Sankalp – http://www.sankalp.org
Santa Catarina Association of Pig Farmers – http://www.accs.org.br
Santa Clara University – http://www.scu.edu
Sapttaporni Mahavihara
Sarvodaya – http://www.sarvodaya.org
Sasse Old Boys Association Ireland
Save Orphans and Disbaled African Children – http://www.saveorphans.tk
Save Orphans and Widows Care Trust – http://www.sow-ct.org
Save the Climat – http://www.facebook.com/sos.climat
Save The Education and Health of The Child Foundation
Save The Global Masses Organisation – SAGLOMAS
SAVERA SWAYAMSEVI SANGATHAN – http://www.saverass.co.in
Savez Slijepih Crne Gore
Sayna International Co.
Sazman Mardom Nahad – http://www.mardomnahad.org
SC Operation Military Kids – http://www.scomk.org
Science and Technology Park of Cyrus – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Science and Technology Park of United Nations – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Research Organization – http://www.stipro.or.tz
Scientific Association of Youth Political Scientists – http://www.eonepe.org
Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics – http://www.yorku.ca/scostep
Scientika A.C. – http://www.scientika.mx
Secretariat of the Union for the Mediterranean – http://www.ufmsecretariat.org
Seed of Hope for African Development Initiative – http://www.sohadiafrica.org
Seemorgh System – http://www.seemsys.com
Self-Help Development Facilitators
Senior Home Savers of America, Inc.
Servicios Ecuménicos para Reconciliación y Reconstrucción – http://www.serrnetwork.org
Shafaaf Youth Welfare Council
Shakkhor Environment and Education Development Society – http://www.shakkhor.org
Shalupe Foundation – http://www.shalupe.org
Shambavi Shahana Organization (Pvt.) Ltd. – http://www.ssolk.org
Sharda Foundation
Sharif University of Technology – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
SHATHASHRUNGA VIDYA SAMSTHE – http://www.saissvs.org
Sheba Shangstha
Shechashebi Artho-Samajik Unnayan-O-Manabik Kallan Sangstha – http://www.desha.org.bd
Shelter for the Poor – http://www.shelterforthepoor.org
Shepherd – Social Welfare Organization
Shia Rights Watch Inc – http://www.shiarightswatch.org
Shirika la Maendeleo, Mawasiliano na Kuondoa Umaskini Tanzania – http://envaya.org/shimmakuta
Shirishbona Modern Club and Library
Shouts of Joy Ministries Inc – http://www.shoutsofjoyministries.com
Shreeshvasudh Vikas Avam Kalyan Sansthan – http://www.shreeshvasudh.webs.com
Shrimati Pushpa Wati Loomba Memorial Foundation, The – http://www.theloombatrust.org
Shushilan – http://www.shushilan.org
Siharam Educational Charitable Trust – http://www.siharam.org
SIilverline Development Initiatives
Sindh Youth Organization for Human Welfare – http://www.syohw.org.pk
Sitawi – http://www.sitawi.net
Skaru?re?·? Kate?hnu·?aka Tuscarora Nation of Indians – http://www.Skaru?re?·?Kate?hnu·?akaTuscaroraNationofIndians
SKG Sangha – http://www.skgsangha.org
Smart Info-Tech Foundation – http://www.smartinfotechfoundation.blogspot.in
Smartsolutions Consultants Nigeria
SNV Netherlands Development Organisation – http://www.snvworld.org
Social & Healthy Action for Rural Empowerment – http://www.shareorg.com;http://www.sharejharkhand.weebly.com
Social Action and Rehabilitation Centre
Social and Enterprise Development Innovation – http://www.sedi.org
Social Benefits for Mass Trust – http://www.sbmtrustngoindia.org
Social Development & Management Society
Social Development Programme (SODEP) – http://www.sodepbd.org
Social Evolution Organization – http://www.seo.org.pk
Social Transformation Empowerment and Programs Centre
Social Watch & Welfare Development (SWWD)
Social Work Organisation
Socialdemokraterna – http://www.socialdemokraterna.se
Socialist International Women – http://www.socintwomen.org
Social-Life and Agricultural Development Organisation – http://www.SADOSOMALIA.ORG
Sociedad Mexicana de Criminología Capítulo Nuevo León A.C. – http://www.somecrimnl.es.tl
Society for Africa on Law & Development – http://www.societyforafrica.org
Society for Citizen’s Developmet
Society for Conservation and Protection of Environment (SCOPE)
Society for Development and Community Empowerment – http://www.sdc-m.interconnection.org
Society for Health Education – http://www.she.org.mv
Society for Networking, Empowerment & Holistic Action – http://www.sneha.ind.in
Society for Upliftment of Masses, The
Society Integration Development Organization – http://www.sido-cvl.org
Society of Mary (Marianists International) – http://www.MarianistNGO.org
Society Studies Centre (MADA ssc) – http://www.societystudies.org
Solidar – http://www.solidar.org
Solidarité Chrétienne pour le Développement Intégré
Solidarite pour le Developpement International – http://www.solideve.ca
Solidarité pour un Monde Meilleur
Solutions To Poverty Organization
Somali Forum for Progress – http://www.somaliprogress.org
Somali Help-Age Association – http://www.inprocess
Somali National Development Program
Somali Women Civil War Survivors
Somali/land Youth Development and Voluntary Organization – http://www.soydavo.org
Somaliland Youth Community Association – http://www.nayd.org/soyca.htm
Somalischer Treffpunkt -gemeinschaftlischer Kulturzentrum- e.V. – http://www.somalischer-treffpunkt.org
Sonaimuri Coastal Peoples Sustainable Development Society
Soropositividade, Comunicação & Gênero – http://www.gestos.org
Soroptimist International of Europe – http://www.soroptimisteurope.org/
SOS Madagascar – http://www.sos-madagascar.org/wp2/
SOUL-Save Our Urban Life
Source de Lomako Ong
South African Hip-Hop Foundation – http://www.southafricanhiphopfoundation.org.za
South African Housing Cooperative Association
South African Justice Commission – http://www.justice-commission.za.org
South Asia Partnership Pakistan – http://www.sappk.org
South Asian Peace & Harmony Organisation – http://www.saph.org
South West Livestock Farmers Common initiative Group
Southeast Indigenous Peoples’ Center
Southern African AIDS Trust – http://www.satregional.org
Southern Arabia Organization for Peace and Development – http://www.alquaiti.com
Southern Philippines Muslim Unity & Development Association – http://www.spmuda.wix.com/home
Southern Philippines Muslim Unity Credit Cooperative – http://www.spmuda.wix.com/home
Southern Seafood Marketing Association
Spanish-Nigerian Association for Commercial & Industrial Development – http://www.sncida.org
Speed Empowerment Foundation
spirit leading church organization.
SPMUDA International Human Rights Commission – http://www.spmuda.wix.com/home
Spmuda International Organization For Peace And Development
SPMUDA Women Empowerment & Embarkation on Transformation
Sree Lakshmi Jabbi Reddy Charitable Trust – http://www.ljr-trust.org
Sree Lakshmi Jabbireddy Charitable Trust – http://www.ljr-trust.org
Sree Trust – http://www.sreetrust.org
Sri Balaji Seva Sansthan – http://www.sribalajisevasansthan.com
Sri Bodhiraja Foundation – http://www.bodhiraja.org
Sri Foundation India
SriI Lanka Consumer Cooperative Societies Federation Limited – http://coopfed.net/
Srijak Samuh
Staat Romanessa – http://www.keine
Star Level Entertainment Group LLC – http://www.starlevelentertainment.net
STEP – http://www.step-pk.com
Step Society for the Care of Persons with Disabilities
Stichting African Sky – http://www.africansky.nl
Stichting Ayni Bolivia Nederland – http://www.ayni.nl
Stichting Global Human Rights Defence – http://www.ghrd.org/
Stichting Global March Against Child Labour – http://www.globalmarch.org
Stichting Soham Baba Mission – http://www.sjohambaabajimission.com
Stichting Spanda – http://www.spanda.org
Stiftelsen The Environmental Institute (EnvInst) – http://www.EnvInst.org
Stiftung BASE (Basel Agency for Sustainable Energy) – http://www.energy-base.org
Stiftung Brot fuer Alle – http://www.brotfueralle.ch
Stockholm International Water Institute – http://www.siwi.org
Stop Kekkaku Partnership Japan – http://www.stoptb.jp
Strategic Information Technology Limited – http://www.stratinfotech.com
Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa – http://www.sihanet.org
Street Kids International – http://www.streetkids.org
StreetNet International – http://www.streetnet.org.za
String Technologies Yunitskiy – http://www.yunitskiy.com/author/press_photo_en.htm
Student Business Organization for Sustainable Development – http://www.sbosdgh.org
Student Scientific Association Of Computer Group in Iran – http://ssacg-vpnu.blogfa.com
students association mehrpouya – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Students’ Relief Society – http://www.srsj.org
Sub-Secretaria de Servicios Publicos y Relaciones de Consumo
Success Gate Christian Foundation – http://www.successgate.com.ng/
Sudanese Nation Development Organization
Sudanese National Union for Physical Disabled People (SNUPDP)
Sudanese Women Parliamentarians Caucus – http://www.parliament.gov.sd
Suleman Bongo Foundation
Summit Foundation – http://www.summitglobal.org
Sunlight for Human Development Network – http://www.sunlighthdn.org
Superintendencia de Limpeza Urbana de Belo Horizonte – http://www.pbh.gov.br/slu
Support Cause Foundation
Supremo Ordine del Dein di Agbor
Sustainable Development and Human Rights Services Foundation – http://www.ssudahserfoundation.blogspot.com
Sustainable Energy Solutions
Sustainable Entrepreneurship Association
Sustainable Environment and Development Foundation – http://www.sedf.org.pk
Sustainable Land Trust – http://www.sustainablelandtrust.org
Sustainable Plans International – http://www.SUSTAINABLE-PLANS.COM
Sustainable Rural Community Development Organisation (SURCOD) Limited – http://surcodmalawi.weebly.com
Suvarna Karnataka Integrated Rural Development Society (R) Skirds(R) – http://www.skirdsorg.in
Swami Hardas Foundation – http://www.siddhamarg.org
Swami Vivekanand Samaj Seva Samsthe – Sutagatti
SWASTI – http://www.swasti.org
Swisscontact, Schweizerische Stiftung für technische Entwicklungs-zusammenarbeit – http://www.swisscontact.org
Synergy Action
Synergy Plus
Syrian Environment Protection Society (SEPS) – http://www.enviro-syria.org/http://www.seps-sy.org
Szabfoundation – http://www.szabfoundation.com
TA 40/4 Fao Partnership Program – Ifad, Wfp – http://www.FAO.ORG
Talent Outreach Foundation
Tamanna Global Foundation
Tanani Inter Co., LTD – http://www.igmxthailand.biz
Tanzania Blue Cross
Tanzania Chambers of Commerce,Industries and Agriculture – http://www.tccia.com
Tanzyme Falah e Moashra – http://www.tfmliaquatpur.org
Taposya Social Welfare Organisation
Tathagata Trust – http://www.tgtrust.com
Teachings of Entrepreneurship on Antipoverty Movement – http://www.teaminitiatives.org
Technical Centre for Fine Art and Computer Studies CIG – http://www.techcefacos.org
Technoport – http://www.technoport.no
Teenagers Plus – http://www.iplus.org
Teens Uganda – http://www.teensuganda.org
Tehran Milad Tower – http://www.tehranmiladtower.ir
Tehran University – http://www.TAVALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
Tepiu-aui-Ra – http://www.tepiu-aui-ra.info
Terre des Jeunes du Burundi-Transnational
The ADM Capital Foundation – http://www.admcf.org
The African United Nations Youth Association – http://www.taunya.yolasite.com
The African Youth In Technology Organisation
The Agatha Foundation Inc. – http://www.theagathafoundation.org
The Akram Rajab Foundation
The Atlantic Greenway Project Ireland – http://theatlanticgreenwayproject.wordpress.com/
The Bible Hill Youth Club – http://biblehillyouthclub.blogspot.com
The Borgen Project – http://www.borgenproject.org
The Brookings Institution – http://www.brookings.edu
The Carbon Philter Institute
The Charcoal Project – http://charcoalproject.org
The Children’s Project, Inc. – http://www.helpthemtoday.org
THE DELEGATION FOR HUMAN RIGHTS – http://www.thedhr.org
The Education of African People
The Entrepreneurship Development Foundation for Women and Youth – http://www.foundationed.net
The Enviromental Ameliorators
The Fahad Al Salem Center for Dialogue Among Civilizations and Defense of Liberty – http://www.fahadcenter.org
The Finnish NGDO Platform to the EU Kehys – http://www.kehys.fi
The First Institute of Inventors & Researchers – http://www.inventor.ir
The Ford Foundation – http://www.fordfoundation.org
The Forum of Asia Elites – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
THE FREE WORLD REVIEW – http://www.freeworldreview.blogspot.com
The Geneva Consensus Foundation
The Georgian Union of Military Veterans “Veterans for Peace» – http://www.geovets.ge
The Global Federation of Competitiveness Councils – http://www.thegfcc.org
The Global Marshall Plan Foundation – http://globalmarshallplan.org
The Graduate Committee for Research on Women/Gender (CROW) – https://www.uakron.edu/pages/groups/crow/index.php
The Great Mothers Foundation – http://www.tgmf.org
The Green Economics Institute – http://www.greeneconomics.org.uk
The Green Movement of Sri Lanka Inc. – http://www.greensl.net
The Greens Movement of Georgia/Friends of the Earth-Georgia – http://www.greens.ge
The Horn Economic and Social Policy Institute – http://www.hespi.org
The Humanitarian Center – http://www.civiltransformation.com
The Institute of Development and Security Perspective
The Institute of Development Studies – http://www.ids.ac.uk
The Institute of Economic Affairs Gambia
The International Association of Lions Club of Colombo Serendib
The International Business Network Association (TIBNA) – http://www.nobledynasty.com/businessclub.htm
The International Forum on Globalization – http://www.ifg.org
The International Professional Certification Center – http://aibcg.us/
The Jack Brewer Foundation
The Kuki Organization For Human Rights Trust – http://www.kumhur.org
The Learning and Skills Council
The Legal delegates of the International Community – http://ldic.ucoz.com/
The Malaysian Safety and Peace Organization – http://www.malaysianpeace.org
The Management Centre of the Mediterranean – http://www.mc-med.eu
The Microfinance Club of New York Inc. – http://www.mfcny.org
The Missing Millennium Development Goal Initiative
The Multipurpose International Professionals Unit – http://www.tmipu.org.in
The National Association on Early Childhood Development and Education – http://www.karenecd.org
The National Union for Developing the Poorest Groups
The Neutral Korea Unification Government
The Nilgiris Education and Research Foundation – http://www.thenearfoundation.org
The ONE Campaign – http://www.one.org
The Presidency Office National Poverty Eradication Programme (NAPEP) – http://www.napep.gov.ng
The Road of Peace International Foundation – http://road1004.onmam.com/
The Rockefeller Foundation – http://www.rockefellerfoundation.org
The Roosevelt House Public Policy Institute at Hunter College – http://www.roosevelthouse.hunter.cuny.edu/
The S.A.F.E. Campaign
The Samira And Fredrick Scott Charitable Fund – http://www.sfscharityfund.org
The Secretariat of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States – http://www.acp.int/
The Seth Tawiah Foundation
The Sovereign
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. – http://www.komen.org
The Teros Foundation
The United Nations Friendship Pictorial Foundation – http://www.unfpf.com
The United Nations Youth Association of Tunisia-GABES – https://www.facebook.com/unitednationsyouthassociationsgabes
The Village Net – http://www.thevilllagenet.org
The Vision of Tourism
The Wane Corporation
The Welfare Foundation of Peacemakers – http://www.peacemakers.kr
The Well Being Foundation – http://www.wbfafrica.org/
The World Peace University – http://www.worldpeace-university.com
The Youthink Center
Third Generation Environmentalism – http://www.e3g.org
Third Sector Resource – http://www.ingoglobal.org
Thirdway Human Rights and Development – http://www.third-way.org
Thoughts Foundation – http://www.thinkpositivenow.com
Thrace – Nigeria Development Association
Tinada Youth Group – http://www.christianvolunteering.org/org/tinada-youth-group.jsp
Tirupur District Sports Association For The Deaf
Todos las Estrellas
Together To Palestine – http://www.together-to-palestine.simplesite.com
Toit & Joie
Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development – http://unep-iesd.tongji.edu.cn/
Tools for Humanity – http://www.tools4humanity.org
Tornado International Center For Human Resources Development
Torres Strait Islanders Corporation – http://www.actsicorp.yolasite.com
Tour Opération et Initiatives
Tourism Supporters Organization – http://www.tourismsupporters.com
Transformational Development Consortium, LLC – http://www.tdconsortium.com
Transparency & Anti-Corruption Campaign in International – http://www.traca.org
Transprency Organization
Tree of Life Center – http://www.treeoflifecenter.net
Tribal Development Association – http://www.trida.org
Tribal Development Cooperative Society Ltd
Tribunal Internacional de Arbitragem da Real Casa de Portugal – http://www.royalhouseofportugal.org
Triumphant Youth Foundation – http://www.triumphantyouth.org
Tropenbos International – http://www.tropenbos.org
Turkiye Isadamlari ve Sanayiciler Konfederasyonu – http://www.tuskonus.org
turplink group
Tuscarora Signatory Tribal Community – http://www.tuscarorasignatory.com
UBUNTU-World Forum of Civil Society Networks – http://www.ubuntu.upc.edu
Udyama – http://www.udyama.org
Uganda Blue Cross
Uganda Management Assistance Programme – http://www.mapug.org
Uganda National Association Of The Hard Of Hearing – Unahoh – https://sites.google.com/site/unahohuganda/home
Uganda Youth Voluntary Efforts in Advancement & Environment Protection – http://www.uyveaep.org
Ugoku/Ugokasu – http://www.ugokuugokasu.jp
Ujjwal Trust/Nyas
UK Consortium on AIDS and International Development – http://www.aidsconsortium.org.uk
Ukraine Partnership Bureau – http://www.uapb.eu
Umid Support to social development public union – http://umid-hsdm.com/
Umm-e-Habiba Shakeel Welfare Organization – http://www.zshashmi.com.pk
UN Culture and Arts Association
UN Development and Promotion Committee – http://www.undpc.org
UN Inventors – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
UN Persons with Disabilities
Un Techo Para Mi País – http://www.techo.org
UN Women for Peace Inc.
UN World Peace Forum – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
Unesco and Youth Nepal
UNI Global Union – http://www.uniglobalunion.org
União Brasiliense de Educação e Cultura – http://www.unilestemg.br
União da Indústria de Cana-de-Açúcar – http://english.unica.com.br/
União dos Vereadores do Estado de São Paulo – http://www.uvesp.com.br
União Nacional das Cooperativas da Agricultura Familiar e Economia Solidária – http://www.unicafes.org.br
UNI-BH University
Unimarsocial a Arca do Saber
union center for development &human rights – http://www.un122.info
Union de l’action féminine
Union des Femmes Chefs D’entreprise du Sénégal – http://www.ufce-senegal.org
Union des Industries Ferroviaires – http://www.unife.org
Union Interamericana para la Vivienda – http://www.uniapravi.org
Union of Legal Entities “Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists” Association” – http://www.aef.kz
Union of the Unemployed for Employment
United Christian Society
United Gospel Mission – http://www.ugmission.org
United International Corporation – http://www.united-corporation.eu
United Ladies Women Group Economic Network
United Medical Foundation
United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society – http://www.umc-gbcs.org
United Nation Youth Federation of Sri Lanka – http://unyf.yolasite.com
United National University – http://www.TAWALLODEDOBAREMAN.BLOGFA.COM
United Nations Association of Russia – http://www.una.ru
United Nations Massage Therapists International Federation
United Nations Youth and Students Association of Srilanka – http://www.unysa-sl.i8.com/
United Nations Youth Association Nigeria – http://www.facebook.com/unitednationsyouthassociationnigeria
United Nations Youth Association, Nepal
United State Somali Organazition – http://www.ussom.org
United States Burn Support Organization
United States Sustainable Development Corp – http://ussustainabledevelopmentcorp.com/
United Wisdom for Africa Foundation – http://www.uwaf.org
United World Chinese Association
United Youth for Peace, Education, Transparency & Development in Liberia Inc.
United-Muurish: Amurican-Aboriginal Republic – http://www.mururishgansul.com
Universal Help for Humanity Foundation – http://www.uhhf.net
Universal Project Analysts for Investment and Legal Consultancy – http://www.upacassociation.org.com
Universal Team for Social Action and Help – http://www.utsahassam.org
Universal Union For Consumer Protection and Civil Abuse “UNUCOPCA” NGO
Universe Charcoal Limited – http://www.universegroup.com.cn/
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico – http://www.inter.edu
Universidad La Salle
Universidade Catolica de Brasília – http://www.ucb.br
University of Bradford Peace Studies/CICS – http://www.brad.ac.uk/peace
University of Massachusetts Boston: School for Global Inclusion and Social Development – http://www.umb.edu/sgisd
University of the West – http://www.uwest.edu
Uniwersytet Szczecinski – http://www.us.szc.pl
Upendo Women and Child Care Organisation
Urban Research Centre – http://www.urbanresearchcentre.org
Urban Spaces Innovation
US Climate Action Network
USA Refugees & Immigrants – http://www.USA-Refugees.com
US-Africa Synergy – http://www.usafricasynergy.org
Utthan Institute of Development & Studies – http://www.utthanynr.org
Uyusturucu Madde Bagimliliklari ve Alkolizmle Mucadele Federasyonu – http://www.ubam.org.tr
Vale Columbia Center on Sustainable International Investment – http://www.vcc.columbia.edu/
Vannycole Foundation – http://www.vannycolefoundation.org
Vasavya Mahila Mandali – http://www.vasavya.com
VENCHE FOUNDATION – http://www.venchefoundation.org
Verein zur Forderung der Volkerverstandigung – http://ec.europa.eu/transparencyregister/public/consultation/displaylobb…
Vicez Global Charities Inc – http://www.vglobalcharities.org
Vida Care for Women and Children Foundation
Vienna University of Economics and Business – http://sustainability.eu/?k=NAMA2013
Vietnam Family Planning Association (VINAFPA)
Vikas Samiti
Vikrama Simhapuri Social Workers Association
VIKSAT – http://www.viksat.org
Villa Firenze Foundation – http://www.villafirenzefoundation.org
Virus Stopper Foundation – http://www.virusstopper.org
VISA Voluntary Sanstha – http://www.visavoluntary.org
Vishnu Dayal Shiksha Samiti
Vision Welfare Group
Viva la Feminina – http://www.vivalafeminina.cm
Viva Rio – http://www.vivario.org.br
Vivegam Godfrey – http://www.vivegamgodfrey.org
Vivek Educational Foundation of Canada – http://www.vivekcanada.org
Voces Mesoamericanas, Acción con Pueblos Migrantes, A.C. – http://www.vocesmesoamericanas.org
VOICE FOR EARTH INC. – http://www.voiceforearth.org
Voice of Change International
Voice of Grace Foundation cameroon – http://www.voiceofgracefoundation.org
Vojenský a špitální Rád svatého Lazara Jeruzalémského – Bohemia – http://www.oslj.cz
Volta Educational Renaissance Foundation – http://www.verefghana.org
Voluntary Service Overseas – http://www.vsointernational.org
Volunteers for Sustainable Development – http://www.vsdafrica.blog.com/
VRS Media
Wainwright House
Wake International – http://www.wakeinternational.com
War Against Drug Addiction.
Water & Essential – http://www.waterandessential.org
Water Advocates – http://www.WASHadvocates.org
Water Collective – http://www.thewatercollective.org
Wave World Inc. – http://www.waveworld.ca
We Make Change
Welfare of orphan and rural lead development trust ( WORLD) – http://world169.free.fr
West Papua Indigenous Community – http://www.oppb.webs.com
West Sound Technology Association – http://www.westsoundtechnology.org
Westminster Business School (University of Westminster)
White Dove Society-Nepal – http://www.nepal.whitedovesociety.org
WHO Collaborating Centre for Public Health Education and Training, Imperial College London – http://www1.imperial.ac.uk/medicine/research/researchthemes/publicandint…
Wilhelm’s Memorial Society – http://biycs-cam.webs.com;andhttp://elvispveranso.myblogsite.com
Wimler Hong Kong
Women and Child Care Organization
Women and Children First UK – http://www.wcf-uk.org
Women Awareness Center Nepal – http://www.wacn.org.np
Women Chamber of Commerce & Industry – http://www.pwcci.org
Women Development Response Agency – http://www.woderakenya.org
Women Empowerment Literacy and Development Organization (WELDO) – http://www.weldo.org
Women for Independence, Self Sufficiency and Economic Advancement
Women for Women’s Action Group
Women in Action – http://www.woaction.com
Women Initiative In Business And Marketing Association
Women of Like Minds Empowerment Initiative
Women of the Contempory World Organisation
Women Watch Bangladesh – http://www.wmnwatchbd.org
Women Youth and Childrens Upliftment Foundation
Women’s Division of the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church – http://new.gbgm-umc.org/umw/
Women’s Global Empowerment Fund – http://wgefund.org
Women’s IT Fabric – http://www.womensitfabric.org
Women’s Microfinance Initiative Corporation – http://www.wmionline.org
Words of Life Global Ministries Inc. – http://www.davidakinlade.wix.com
World Academy of Logistics Sciences – http://www.w-als.org
World Assembly of Iran’s Elite – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
World Assembly of UN’s elite – http://www.tavallodedobareman.blogfa.com
World Assembly of Youth – http://www.way.org.my
World Association of Former United Nations Interns and Fellows – http://www.wafunif.org
World Coal Association – http://www.worldcoal.org
World Development Alliance – http://www.worlddevelopmentalliance.org
World Diabetes Foundation – http://www.worlddiabetesfoundation.org
World Education Fellowship, The – http://www.wef-international.org
World Evangelical Alliance (WEA) – http://www.worldea.org
World Federalist National Association of Nepal
World for World Organization – http://www.worldforworld.org
World Harmony Foundation
World Health Care Co-op Union
World Human Development Organization
World Jurist Association of the World Peace Through Law Center – http://www.worldjurist.org
World Malay Federation
World Peace and Economic Development Organization – http://www.wpedo.org
World Peace Mission – http://www.worldpeacemission.com.bd
World Population Survey Monitor Control Foundation – http://www.wpsmcf.org
World Trade Institute, University of Bern – http://www.wti.org
World Union of Small and Medium Enterprises – http://www.wusme.org
World Vision New Zealand – http://www.worldvision.org.nz
World Welfare Association – http://www.ngowwa.com.pk
World Welfare Organization – http://www.wwango.org
World Wide Hearing Care for Developing Countries – http://www.wwhearing.org
World Youth Bank – South & South East Asian Coordination – http://www.w-yb.net
World Youth Bank Network – http://www.w-yb.net
WWT (Wespak Welfare Trust) – http://www.wwtpk.org
Xahaur Foundation – http://www.xahaurfoundation.co.in
Xarunta Xalka Iyi Midnimada Soomaalyeed – http://www.cssoma.com
Xi- Anu Nation of Xi Amurru-ka de Dugdahmoundyah
Yaakah Enterprises – https://www.facebook.com/NepalDESEnterprise
Yakkum – http://www.yakkum.or.id
Yakutia – Our Opinion – http://yakutian.org
Yamasi People – http://www.Yamasi.org
Yanam Old Age Home
Yashsiddhi Education & Social Foundation
Yayasan Pemuda Mitra Masyarakat Desa – http://promangrove.blogspot.com
Year of Relief 2000
Yemeni Business Club – http://www.ybc-yemen.com
Yhwh NetWorks – http://www.christiancommunicationcentre.com
Yorubawa Links , A Memeber of Yorubawa Group – http://www.yorubawalinks.com
Young Action for Mass, (YAM) India – http://www.yamindia.in
Young Ambassadors Society – http://www.youngambassadorsociety.org/
Young Democratic Society Dhaka
Young Power in Social Action (YPSA) – http://www.ypsa.org
Youth Aid Education, Health and Development
Youth and Women Empowerment Centre
Youth Care and Community Prevention Programme
Youth Development Environmental Training and Protection Association
Youth Development of Congo YOUDEC – http://wwwyoudec.unblog.fr
Youth Diplomacy – http://www.youth-diplomacy.org
Youth Educator Society Pakistan
Youth Empowerment Alliance, Inc. – http://www.yealliance.org
YOUTH EMPOWERMENT SOCIETY OF ASIA – http://www.yesasiaonline.com
Youth Empowerment Synergy – http://www.yesghana.org
Youth For Africa – http://www.yoa.or.tz
Youth for Change (YOCA) – Zambia
Youth for Global Action (GHANA)
Youth Foundation of Bangladesh – http://www.yfob.org
Youth Knowledgeable Chamber – http://www.youthkchamber.co.za
Youth Movement for Peace and Non-Violence
Youth Network on HIV/AIDS in Nigeria – http://www.nynethaogun.com
Youth Partnership Partnership for Peace and Development – http://www.yppdatwork.org
Youth RISE (Resource, Information, Support Education) Limited. – http://www.youthrise.org
Youths and Students Voluntary Social Responsibility
Youths Animation Centre to Promote Development
Yuva Welfare Foundation – http://www.yuvawf.com
Zaccheus Gilpin Lobby – http://www.registerofinterestrepresentativeeuropa.eu
Zakiganj Civil Society- ZCS – NGO
Zambia Institutte of Environmental Management
Zanzibar Diaspora Link
Zenü Netwok
Zerah Foundation
Zindagi Welfare Orgnaization